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Family Dollar Complaints 2293

12:52 pm EDT
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Family Dollar service

The staff followed me around the store. I only had a list and shopping cart. I've been going to store 06855 since it opened and the staff has always been nice and respectful. They knew I was a regular. This one staff is always rude and has other staff follow you around the store. I would never jeopardize my job to steal from there or anywhere else. It makes a uncomfortable environment to work.

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10:35 am EDT

Family Dollar manager, working; thursday, sept. 27, 2017 @ 9:45 am

While standing in the check-out line, I told the manager there isa long line of people waiting to be checked out, he replied; "let'm wait". I remined him that people had things to do, he replied; "tell'm go do it" I ask him why he couldn't open a register, his reply; "I'm not a cashier"". A lot of name-calling took place. He finnaly opened a register and told me he wouldn't be checking me out. True to his word when I was next in line, the manager left the register.
Is this Family Dollar's definition of a store manager?

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Update by Donald Smith
Sep 27, 2017 10:38 am EDT

It would surprise me if Family Dollar would so much as see the complaint.

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12:35 am EDT

Family Dollar being banned for coming in to the store with someone who stole something that could have already been the their purse

At approximately 9:00 this evening myself my daughter and a friend entered Family Dollar on 8th street and avenue C Yuma Az. I purchased my items and proceeded to the checkout .Now heres where things got sketchy as we proceeded to the door my friend walked out first and and I followed then the door beeped.The
clerk asked us to walk back in to check the my friends bag. I checked it first and didn't see anything abnormal I assumed that we're already in the bag. I showed the clerk a bottle of perfume that I thought was the cause of the door beeping.The second clerk ask to check the bag so we let him and he pulled out eyelashes and a second perfume.Then he told us that we were banned from all Family Dollars the and calmly said that's fine and proceeded out the door. While we we're walking my friend told me she had purchased the items that they removed earlier from another store. But she couldn't find her receipt. Now she is without her items and highly upset . Something has to be done ASAP. Thank You, Mrs Samantha Lewis Davis.

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4:18 pm EDT
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Family Dollar uncalled for behavior from a manager

Family Dollar #10211 in Magna UT
I was in there today and was treated pretty horrible by the store manager Cathy right in front of my young son. She screamed at me because I caught her in a lie about the policy on using my food card. I used to work for this company and just left a few months ago and she tried telling me the policy changed a year ago when I told her that was a lie I just left the company and to please call and find out the real policy she started screaming at me to get out of the store and to never come back ( that's putting it nicely) in front of my son. If I ever acted like she did I would have been fired THIS IS SO UNCALLED FOR and unfortunately the company will never do anything about it because they really don't care about their customers. They should realize without customers how they going to make money we are the ones who pay their paychecks! I will never shop at family dollar again

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1:25 pm EDT

Family Dollar unprofessional management behavior

I work at store # 6430 and called in sick for the first time since hired a month and half ago. I was always early to work and stayed longer if needed, worked extra shifts and had a positive attitude and personality at work. The day I called in sick, my acting manager, Brandy Wainscott, posted on social media sites quoting me and criticizing me how and for calling in. Making it and me a joke in the small town I live in. Not VERY mature nor managerial in my book ! Something should be done about her!

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6:16 pm EDT
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Family Dollar managers complaint

I worked at the Family Dollar Store #8754. I arrived at 4:30p today and walked out at around 5:00 pm. Lila the Store Mgr., stated to me that Kevin the District MGR., said that we would have to leave the scanners on the holder when scanning products for the customers, because it looks as if we are stealing and giving the products away to the customers for free. Lila said Kevin said we have a lot of voids. If I accidentally scan a product twice we remove the duplicate product as a void. But no stealing is involved. I can only void the last item scanned which is the duplicate item that was already scanned. Lila even gave me a dramatization of voiding the item and handing the item to the person she was ringing up which inturn that's why we have to keep the scanners on the holders. Lila even stated that she checked the cameras to make sure we were not stealing and she saw that we were not stealing it was a legitimate void and plus it's only the last item scanned, which Is a duplicate that I CAN only void. They were both insinuating wrong motives on me and that's unacceptable. Lila stated Kevin said when I asked her point blank is he saying we're stealing and Lila said YES! I'm offended and insulted that the District MGR., and the Store MGR., would accuse us of stealing. He's only referring to (us) the only 2 Black American women that are the only cashiers majority of them he time that are stealing. Our customers are 95% Hispanic and the rest are immigrants. So in other words I don't know them at all to help them steal from this company.

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2:50 pm EDT

Family Dollar about a employee stereotyping and or profiling

I shop at store #01451 regularly, today at approximately 13:20 hours I entered the store after getting off the bus I proceeded too the food area and attempted too shop when I notice your employee come from behind the counter and demanded that I take my back pack off my back and leave it at the register I complied when I was ready too check out I ask her why she had me take my back pack off my back too shop she refused too answer I then explained too her I always shop at this store and have never been ask too leave my back pack and she made me feel very uncomfortable she said she's sorry I feel like that then I ask her why are there other people in here with backpacks and large purses she still refused too answer she had no name tag on Your store is in a prodomatley Hispanic area and I am a 60 year old afrikan American it was quite clear what just happened I was totally embarrassed and is thinking about not patronizing your stores I shop Walmart also and never been approached like this ever

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10:17 am EDT
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Family Dollar unethical behavior from store manager at #8866

New store manager refused to put me (current part-time employee) on the schedule based on his personal feelings towards me. He also intentionally informed me to be at work at 4 p.m. although the schedule made from the previous store manager clearly stated I should be there at 2 p.m. He has not given me any explanation as to why, although I've asked him. I've also tried to contact the new District Manager as well, but have yet to receive any sort of response from her. I have phone records, text messages, as well as a voice recording between myself and the new store manager Eric discussing the scheduling issue. The only way to resolve this issue is to have the new manager demoted from store manager or transferred back to the district he originally came from, because I now feel like I am being harassed and discriminated against due to my temporary availability because I am a full time student. I will also be filing a complaint with the EEOC.

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3:26 pm EDT

Family Dollar employee

I went into a local store and my son was asked to leave and accused of stealing. When I heard the employee yelling at my son I replied he doesn't fully understand what you are saying to him because he has serious mental health issues so explain to me what's going on. She then told me I can leave to with my crazy son. To make the long story short, a few days later I go back to pick up a few things as I have in the past and was asked to leave on the intercom at the store. Now not only have she disrespected my child but now she embarrassed me. So I will be contacting a lawyer about this matter. I was humiliated and something needs to be done about it.

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2:23 pm EDT
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Family Dollar employee

To Whom It May Concern,

This is to address an incident that occurred on 9/23/17 at 1:41 p.m. at the Family Dollar Store at 3710 Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.
While shopping with my six year old daughter, my hands had begun to get full as I was holding more items than I anticipated getting. I took a mop-size bucket and put my items inside to carry them and proceeded to the checkout. Upon greeting the cashier, Stephanie, I informed her politely that I will not be needing the bucket and that I just used it to carry the items. Her initial response was very rude and she yelled well that's what we have baskets for. I said I know but I was in the back of the store and things were falling out of my hands so it was easier for me to just use the bucket. She screamed at me, "Well now someone here has to put it back." Because my daughter was with me, I remained calm and said" it's not a large store, it's about twenty steps to put it back". She continued to berate me in front of the line of people and my daughter and I did not say anything further as she continued on and on yelling things as she rung up each item. A nasty employee is one thing, but this is where I am letting you know what was said next was beyond disturbing.
Unfortunately, I must point out that the cashier is African-American and I myself am White. As she continued her tirade, she screamed out, looking to those on line behind me (2 people who were also African -American), "They've been treating us like slaves for years so why should this be any different". At this point my mouth dropped open to the floor and my response was " I can not believe you actually just said that. I would like to speak to the manager".
The employee, Stephanie responded that she is right behind me.
As I turned, I saw a woman/manager (Cristin Rivera) sitting at the photo desk about 15 feet away. She had witnessed the whole event and at NO point did the manager step in. At NO point did she get up from the desk. She allowed this to go on and allowed me to be verbally berated in front of my 6 year old...and all of this was simply over the fact that I carried my items up in a bucket at she would have to put it back. I paid for my items and walked over to the manager at this point. I asked her how she could sit there and allow that to go one. There was no response from her. I then said, I find it extremely upsetting that you could overhear an employee making blatant racial remarks and she is able to keep her job. The only thing she said to me was "I didn't hear any racial remarks". I repeated what was said by Stephanie and she the manager said NOTHING! At this point, I walked out of the store with a sobbing 6 year old.
Now, the fact that I was spoken to rudely is one thing. However, I am absolutely horrified to have racial comments included in her dialogue, especially in front of my child! My child, by the way, had many questions regarding that in the car on the way home!
Upon reaching home and speaking to my husband, we are deciding on what our next steps will be regarding this incident. Obviously, informing you was the first step of recourse.
I anticipate a response from someone in your office very soon. I can be reached at [protected] or emailed at [protected]
Thank You,
Dana Ferro-Karnbach

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9:46 am EDT
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Family Dollar very un-grand opening practices

Went to "grand opening " on Saturday 9/23/2017 at the Edmond Oklahoma location on 2nd and Kelly got an ad paper started to walk around store when I heard a customer complain that you shouldn't have to buy anything to get the $5 gift card and the grand opening ad didn't state that you had to make a purchase-It stated 3 days of GIVEAWAYS-to the first 50 customers. I made my way around the store and headed to the register and Clarence the cashier rang me up and proceeded to tell me that The manager told him a purchase had to be made before you got the gift card then went on about we aren't giving anything away for free-we might as well be standing on the corner handing the cards out-It left me and the others confused and unhappy 😔 The banner should have said Un-Grand Opening! I thought the purpose was to Gain customers-not Lose them.

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10:25 pm EDT

Family Dollar cashier cursed me out

I have my receipt for the electronic radio that I purchased today! I spent over 100$ in family dollar on Florida blvd. I asked the cashier Destiny for a refund, she asked Perez the assistant manager are they taking electronics back Perez replied no that's Family Dollar policy and pointed at the register with small writing on the back, I said ma'am when I came in here I wasn't wearing my glasses nor was I trying to read you guys small sign, we don't take back electronic items! So I stated well when Destiny sold me the item earlier she didn't inform me that I can't return this item with or without my receipt! That's when Destiny interrupt I and Perez talking, and stated "so you calling us [censor]" I replied yes if that's how you are taking it! Destiny said you mad about not getting your money back that's on your body! I said look lil girl you are doing to much when I am clearly the customer and you are the CSR why are you arguing with me? I then turned to Perez and asked her is she going to do something about her employee arguing with me, Perez replied ma'am will you leave the store once I asked is this Family dollar policy or you guys policy and what is your name and what is her name the csr yelled out my name is Destiny Washington write it down or take a picture I don't care! Destiny interpreted again and called me a biggedy [censor] I asked her why you so mad about something you have nothing to do with? Again Perez was laughing and told Destiny to go to the back, I said that I was reporting Destiny and Destiny said [censor] this job and you! Catch her @ 10 when she clocks out, she will show me! I believe this was very very unprofessional of Destiny and Perez, why am I not entitled to a refund with my receipt? I thought the FAMILY DOLLAR policy was to have a receipt and to be within the 15day stands to return an item! If I can spend my money at Family dollar why can't I return something that I don't want!

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6:22 pm EDT

Family Dollar junky store

The Dewitt arkansas Family Dollar is terrible. You cannot get down the isles from carts stacked with stuff. paper on the floor ever where your cart get hung on stuff. Then when you go to check out the workers are behind the counter ignoring you laughing and talking to each other. Then when they check you out you give them a check they screwed it up and you have to give them another one. This store is not welled managed no one in town like this store, you ask to get help with something they just ignore you. I will not be back in there rant over,

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4:20 pm EDT

Family Dollar employee's behavior towards patrons

I would like a call back in regards to the store located at 645 Troy St. Dayton, Ohio 45404 - phone [protected]
My niece and 2 grandchildren had went to the store for me to purchase some items on 9/20/19, However the girl that works at that location is very rude to them and stated to them they were not aloud back in the store due to they had spilled the juice from a Vienna sausage container outside of the store. This same girl has been known to argue with her coworkers in front of other patrons and humiliates/embarrasses them. I have witnessed this first hand. i am not comfortable going into this place of business with this type of person as your employee. I believe something has to be done regarding her behavior whether it be re-training on customer services, public relations. not sure. I refuse to go back and spend my hard earned money on anything from that location until the matter is resolved. I will continue to drive across town for any items I may need. i would like to request a meeting with the person that is over that store and my niece, grandchildren. I dont believe throwing children out of a place because they had spilled juice outside of the business. The children did not spill the item in the store, I know there is some "bad" kids that go into that place but I dont think my grandkids need to be put into a category as if they were the bad ones. I would like to also request a copy of the video to see what actually inspires this type of behavior. I am requesting from the person over the establishment at [protected] to resolve this matter. thank you

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Update by Tabatha Long
Sep 21, 2017 4:23 pm EDT

The date is 9/20/17 not 9/20/19 error on comlaint, was typing to fast and pushed 19 for the year instead of 17, My apologies

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4:13 pm EDT

Family Dollar the staff

Hello I am a loyal customer to family dollar. I am writing because the manager in the store at westlane shopping center in Indianapolis, IN accused me of stealing. I have never stolen anything. It was an insult to me. The date of the incident was September 19, 2017. She told me that the district manager came in and told her that I was not allowed in the store anymore. I would like an apology from the manager and the district manager for accusing me of a crime I did not commit.

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2:42 pm EDT

Family Dollar employee discrimination

I was a current family dollar employee, they discriminated me 24/7 they didnt want to help me, they didnt want me speaking with any employee or working with other employees. They didnt want anyone to work with me or speak to me, they all would help one and others out but wouldnt help me even when it was asked for. They also never mentioned my breaks to me, even if I tried to go on my breaks they would become very negative and start complaining. I was disrespected on various amount of occasions, and the manager at district 5719 edward smith tried to make me miss a day of work just so he can fire me.

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1:49 pm EDT
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Family Dollar items out of stock

I have visited this store several times in the last month and a battery that I need has been out of stock. The battery number is CR 2067. I have ask employees there at the store could they get this battery restocked and they always assure me that they have done this. One month should be ample enough time to get this item restocked. I am very disappointed in the service of this store in my little town. Could someone please respond to me and me know what can be done?

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1:00 pm EDT
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Family Dollar the family dollar store #08437 in bloomfield ct has often not been open per the hours noted by the store.

The store has recently in the past several months been routinely opening around 9:15. The hours as stated on the door is 9:00 to 8:00. I have watched numerous individuals leave the store doors upset. I am a routine customer who spends approximately $300.00 dollars per mi th on my household supplies. I am so frustrated with the running of this store that I have decided to go back to Walmart based upon these business practices.

The new manager spends most of her day talking in the phone, playing loud Spanish music and not performing her duties and or responsibilities.

I don't want family dollar to fail in our area. Several elderly individuals shop there, but are looking to go to Walmart if things do not change.

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9:40 am EDT

Family Dollar a customer's purse

I went into family dollar on E.Ledbetter store#3732 and because i wouldn't give the worker my pusre which i havent stole nothing i just walked in the store the guy working there pushed me on the ground out side the store because he called me a [censor] and I defended myself so i got off the ground and hit him with a stick this happened on 9-21-17 @ 8:30 cause the store opened late

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12:21 pm EDT
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Family Dollar outside trash

Your location in Sanford, Florida, located on the corner of Celery Ave and Mellonville, needs to do a much better job picking up the trash outside. Not only is the main entrance to the store a trash heap, there has been a pile of collapsed boxes at the Mellonville entrance for months. We will go to the city if this is not corrected and maintained daily. Thank you.

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About Family Dollar

Family Dollar is a retail chain offering a variety of everyday items at low prices. Their product range includes groceries, cleaning supplies, household goods, and apparel. Services such as prepaid cell phone top-ups are also available. With numerous locations, they cater to budget-conscious consumers seeking convenience.
How to file a complaint about Family Dollar?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account to proceed. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, provide a concise summary of your main issue with Family Dollar. This title should be clear and to the point, giving a snapshot of the problem.

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint details section, describe your experience thoroughly. Mention key areas such as product issues, customer service interactions, store cleanliness, pricing discrepancies, or any other relevant concerns. Include specifics such as dates, locations, and names if possible. If you've had a transaction with the company, detail the transaction, including any receipts or transaction numbers. Clearly explain the nature of the issue, the steps you took to resolve it, and how the company responded. It's important to articulate the personal impact the issue has had on you, whether it be frustration, financial loss, or time wasted.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents or images that support your complaint. This could include receipts, emails, photos, or other evidence. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial loss you may have incurred as a result of the issue with Family Dollar. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what you would consider a satisfactory resolution to your complaint.

7. Review before submission: Before submitting your complaint, review it carefully to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure all relevant details have been included.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint with

9. Post-Submission Actions: After submitting your complaint, keep an eye on your account for any responses or updates. Regularly check your account to stay informed about the progress of your complaint.

Overview of Family Dollar complaint handling

Family Dollar reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 5, 2007. The latest review Worthless employees was posted on Apr 23, 2024. The latest complaint Assistant manager was resolved on Dec 19, 2023. Family Dollar has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 2304 reviews. Family Dollar has resolved 83 complaints.
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    +1 (866) 377-6420
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  3. Family Dollar emails
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    PO Box 1017, Charlotte, Texas, 28201-1017, United States
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    Jul 14, 2024
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Family Dollar is ranked 23 among 121 companies in the Retail Stores category

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