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1.5 5 Reviews 402 Complaints
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Chaturbate Complaints 402

12:56 am EST

Chaturbate The games chaturbate plays with models are obvious

The games Chaturbate plays with models are obvious and highly disrespectful. Th newest trend in social media which involves live streaming of any sort is to put the blame on 'networks' when a company like this decides to hide models from customers, shut off their sound and screw them out of work. All random video chat sites and sex camming sites are in the business of engineering human beings. It is not a conspiracy theory that 'liberal' platforms have become as corrupt as their politics: manipulating outcomes to suit their selfish, unethical, sadistic and disrespectful agendas -- agendas driven by Greed. Chaturbate would lie us to believe that customers are boring and enjoy boring things (that the common denominator is always victorious and that strange and interesting people are undesirable pests which should forcibly be exterminated by AI). It is through AI that companies like Chaturbate achieve forcible coercion, apprehending us through behavior modification which rewards our basest behavior and punishes anything which deviates from their closeminded definitions and preferences. I've been sitting here for the last four hours staring at myself while a Chaturbate moderator tries to keep me company, reminding myself that this isn't reality. It is only the bigoted world that sites like Chaturbate would like to enforce in order to create humans in their pigheaded, bigoted, intolerant and completely stupid image. Humans are far better than this.

Desired outcome: why'll just keep doing what you're doing and blaming the AI for the way you treat perfectly good models.

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Mar 13, 2023 11:11 am EDT

Get a Life.

Author of the review
Mar 13, 2023 7:33 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ghost8068

Interpretation: This 'anonymous user' has feels she has no life other beyond plagiarized disdain of those living realities which approximate her own suppressed desires. Models have a right to model. Effort takes effort. All work is work. Internet trust is crucial to all entertainers who would like to be rewarded or rejected by people themselves, not bigoted corporations. Donald Trump, where are you? Remember what you said? Or were they false promises too?

Mar 13, 2023 11:10 am EDT

What did the cb model expect when she had signed up for a masturbation web site, besides, whoever does this online for money will never gain reverence, (especially if the individual is new to the site,) for this is one of those portals for incel sex addicts who have failed to please & pleasure the opposite sex in a normal & more dignified manner.

whoever had submitted to those sites is a loser who will never appreciate the beautiful & real pleasure of life, who will always imprison themselves in their own hell & tournament, always seeking negative attention in the worst way.

my advice to this model: get off of those sites & get a real life, because those incel portals are not for you.

Mar 14, 2023 4:16 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ghost8068

You said, 'this is one of those portals for incel sex addicts who have failed to please & pleasure the opposite sex in a normal & more dignified manner.' True, if you believe some actions are more 'normal' than others. Seeking validation on equally bigoted social networking sites, perhaps, is normal to you. As for screwing being dignified, I'll leave that up to you as well. That said, constantly using terms like 'get a real life' towards a model who posted this complaint is a little more than a personal attack. Working isn't life. It's work. Just because someone provides adult entertainment doesn't mean they don't 'have a life' -- they're, in fact, working to support the lives they have.

2:10 pm EST

Chaturbate Scammed by model with WhatsApp buying promise - chaturbate

Was scammed by cam girl Dream_venus, after she asked me to buy her WhatsApp with promise of finger in pussy pic, but just sends normal pic saying “ I’m respectful girl “, I tell her you scammed me and tell her I Will report this to cb. She then blocks on her cb page, I assume so I can’t get any evidence, not realising that I have token log record on my acct …I’m also going to phone my bank and dispute payment, so you guys learn scammers cause consequences not just for me but for you too. My names Craig, chaturbate username : perfdude75 …Australian …. she Filipino

Desired outcome: I would like her kicked off chaturbate but doubt you’ll actually do anything but laugh

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8:57 am EST
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Hello! I have been working for 3 years on Chaturbate! Exactly a month ago, a ban flew to me, after that I tried to write a lot in support of the site, I wrote to the forum to the representative, but I received only an email about receiving! Until now, I do not know the reasons for blocking because no one answers me! I was blocked once, because my friend got into the frame, it was 3-4 months ago, this was not repeated anymore! I ask you to appeal the account and if I really have violated the rules, give me a second chance, people are mistaken - this is a human factor, I like the site and I want to work on it, my nickname mark_streem

Desired outcome: Разблокировка аккаунта

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This complaint has been resolved automatically due to user's inactivity.

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3:07 pm EST

Chaturbate I accidentally threw away a check for $170.00

I received a check from you ($170.00) and accidentally placed amongst paid bills and threw it in the trash. I would appreciate you, in conjunction with MultimediaLLC could reissue the check and send it to me. MultimediaLLC refuse to answer their phones to help me and your automated feedback isn't getting back to me. How should we go about doing this?

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Update by Ghost8017
Feb 25, 2023 6:15 pm EST

If you see this, problem solved. Dismiss this complaint. Thank you.

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4:49 pm EST

Chaturbate Account banned for no reason I want to appeal the ban

good day I introduce myself my name is lorena, I was banned on February 9, 2023, I sent emails to support and they do not give me reason for the reason for the ban, I would like to appeal on the banning of my account as I do not have the reason for the ban my username is (madixx01) email is [protected]

I would like to know if you can help me, I have tokens that I would like to recover and I have many users waiting for me on the page.

Translated with (free version)

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9:50 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Chaturbate Seeking information on why my account was banned

Hello Chaturbate,

User: kaylus_rel8

Email: [protected]

Sometime between Februrary 20th and 21st 2023 my account was banned. I have absolutely no reason why. I treat all broadcasters with respect and am a generous tipper. I have spent a considerable amount of money since I started using Chaturbate and cannot recall any activity that I have done that would constitute this ban.

I am assuming that you have evidence as to why I was banned and this is not just hearsay. If this is based on something I have said in chat, then I want to see the chat logs and the specific infraction in those chat logs. The worse thing I have done in the past week was to stop following a few broadcasters which is something I do quite often.

At minimum I want my tokens back. At best I want my account fully restored.

Thank you

Desired outcome: I would like my account fully restored with the tokens that are currently in it.

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This has been resolved. It was a mistake on my part. I received a link from the broadcaster that contained a picture of the broadcaster when they were in their teens and I posted that picture back in chat and asked if that was them. The picture was not sexual in nature but the company does have a zero tolerance policy on posting pictures of minors. My account has been re-activated. Lesson learned.

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10:40 pm EST
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Chaturbate Account banned appeal

Hello Good Day Chaturbate,

I am writing today to formally appeal the banned placed on my account. My account was banned on 10/27/2022, I was told my account was banned for the following reason: Altered/Falsified Identification, I just wanted to know why my account got banned, as far as I remember that I submitted an Original and legit Id’s and didn’t commit any single violation on your platform I have this account since November of 2022, I keep sending you email but still I am receiving the same response “ As we trust you are aware, you ability to access your account has been disabled and your ability to access your account will not be restored, as your ban from the Chaturbate platform Is permanent.” In this case, I would like to appeal regarding on putting my account banned because I know myself that I didn’t altered/falsified my Id’s and I did not create any violation/s at all, and I firmly believe that you have just mistakenly banned my account for no reason and even I didn’t receive a final warning or notification. I am hoping that you will take action on my account as needed, and looking forward resorting my account because I have a lot of proof to show if you need It, Thank you and have a nice day. Username: Drag_me_to_hell. however, I truly did not take actions that violate the Terms Of Service Agreement Or Community Guidelines, and I believe my account was banned by mistake because I believe this Is a error by upgrading site.

Username: Drag_me_to_hell

Desired outcome: I would like an apology and Unbanned my account so I can go back to work

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8:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Chaturbate Model banned with no explanation

I worked as independent model on this site, and without notise, my account was blocked.

I then contacted CB, and was tokd permanently banned.

No futher explanation.

5 days before they should pay med 800$ which was my next month livelihood.

Heard from other models and seems to be a modus operandi.

First they charge 50% of the tips we make... And on top of this they ban, without explanation, and keep the revenue share.

Desired outcome: Get my already earned salary

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11:12 pm EST
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Chaturbate Banned account - mansaf686

My account was banned for "broadcasting outdoors".
As per the terms and conditions, I was completely within the rules. Broadcasting in my own courtyard with no windows overlooking the space or no way of anyone being accidentally caught on camera or seeing me. I have built up a following on Chaturbate that I have no access to. It has been over 18 months. I cannot get their support to have a conversation with me.

As a performer, I needed to be age and identity verified, which means I can't just create a new account. There are spiteful and jealous trolls who reported me on constantly. They are not verified and have nothing to lose when making false accusations. I also have tokens in my account that they have just kept. It is not a lot of money, but it is also just unfair.

What would it take for them to just review my account. I am sure I have annoyed them now by continuing to contact them. But what else can I do? This banning was unjustified and can prove it with the photos and videos of my courtyard on the day I was banned. Please help!


Desired outcome: My account reinstated.

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7:15 pm EST
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Chaturbate Missing direct deposit $780

I worked really hard for this money, so I'm really discouraged why it's not coming through and I haven't streamed since my check hasn't come in. I really need to get this money into my bank account. I was missing my W9 form, so I turned it in and they said it would take 1–2 days but it's been 4 days with no word, and really weird. What's going on? I've been emailing them and nothing.

Desired outcome: Who do I have to go to, to send my direct deposit?

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8:06 pm EST

Chaturbate Human rights policy

Wow! I'm just going to add to the list of complaints already here that remain unresolved. 2 stars isn't a good sign. They may want to rethink their 2023 initiatives. At the end of the day there needs to be a human size of this company. We owe it to ourselves and our children to be better human-beings. Remember we are shaping their minds for the future! I don't have a problem with adult content. My issue is in the tactics used to manipulate individuals in order to make money. ~Jeffro~

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Mar 27, 2023 5:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As pornographic model with an IQ of 300, what tf are you complaining about?

Apr 25, 2023 11:04 pm EDT
Replying to comment of homosapien

So you're AI (or a human brainwashed to take on the characteristics of AI) who goes around mocking, stereotyping and trivializing the concerns of people who are being shadowbanned by corrupt companies who are anything but transparent. Watch yourself rot, die and wither having contributed nothing to the human race, you condescending Orangutan systemically basking in misery and self-loathing, as you attempt to anoint others with your vapid toxicity.

Feb 09, 2023 11:36 pm EST

I'm 'modeling' on thee right now. There is no 'human size' to this company. It's garbage. They put you out there for people only if and when they want to. I'm an attractive model and I'm just sitting here looking at myself. Zero visitors. I'm sure this platform, like all the other scammy leftist platforms would like me to believe this is reality (because hey decided not to 'sell me'. However, after seeing what Elon Musk uncovered at Twitter I [know] my suspicions are true. These hypocrite losers do what they do so [obviously] because they so [obviously] are fascists / dishonest / soulless hypocrites for whom principals which don't serve their bigoted cause mean nothing. An every time we discover the truths surrounding their rigged platform, algorithmic bias and cheated elections they gaslight us into thinking we're crazy. Think this platform is on the up and up? Think again. Models may be busy for having Instagram accounts, but not for the reasons you'd expect. Big Tech companies decide [together] who gets platformed and who gets shadowbanned. Think Monopoly. Think Greed. Elon Musk needs to buy (then gut) every site within this monopoly and make The Internet fun again because, sadly, 'liberals' have become the establishment -- their Internet sets clearly reflect what they have become and who makes them IMO. "You're a Big Zero", says Shirley Lara and her automated henchmen. I, however, beg to differ. I have a pretty good idea what's going on here. I mean, they don't even try to cover this up anymore, beyond showing us to ourselves (like that proves anything). A-holes to the core.

9:05 am EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more

Chaturbate My account banned for no reason

Good day sir/maam I would like to ask why my account was banned because all I know I didnt commit any violations.. I know the rules of chaturbate.. Can you please tell what is my violations? You earned also from me for how many years that I worked from chaturbate and this is happening to my account... Can you please try to review my account and tell me what is my violations... December 27 is my last broadcast and after that day I didnt online after december 27 and received an offline tip and then after that my account was banned and not able to open.. My account was fully verified and I worked for how many years on chaturbate and this is happening to my account.. Last time you banned my account also but you give it back to me because you already mistaken for banning my account that time and now this is happening again.. Can you please back myaccount and please try to review on it... I hope you will be so considerate before banning on account.. We are hoping for you response asap.. Thank you and more power to chaturbate..

My username:bigloadexploder
My email:[protected]

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8:23 am EST
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Chaturbate Banned my room for no reason

This is hotsherlene02 helping to get restore my account from permanently banned even i didnt violated your terms of service cose i know my self that i did not maybe you got error to banned me .. why dont you clearly review my account whats i violated , i know the term of service that you have, there is an error to banned my account review it carefully , theres no reason for myself that i violated you did it before to banned but you back it cose of an error of members in my room ...

Your sincerely yours



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1:07 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Chaturbate Account banned

Psalm 31:24

Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the lord!

Goodmorning maam/sir

Have a blessed morning maam/sir iam the owner of (trans_sensualx) (jonathan solis camasin) I got banned last february 14 2022 with out any reason am pretty sure idid not violate any kind of rules until now dec 2022 am still waitting morethen 11mouths 😭and hoping you give me a second chance maam sir 😭 I lern alot after I got banned my acount I lost my friend and I lost my family and my boyfriend after I lost my job 😭 this chrismas one think that iwant to reaceve a gift is my acount back this will be the best chrismas gift to me so that will stand agian after I lost everything only chaturbate can save my life I lern alot 😭 after I lost my job as of today to iwant to stand agian 🥹 hope can u please give may acount back ❤️😭🫶🏻 am all most 1years waitting and ihope u give me a chance

Sincerly:urs trans_sensualx

Desired outcome: please give back my acount banned

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This complaint has been resolved automatically due to user's inactivity.

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7:52 am EST
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Chaturbate I got permanently banned with out any reason

Matthew 19:26
But jesus looked at them and said, 'with man this is impossible, but with god all things are possible
Have a blessed day!

Woodworking ma’am/sir, I am jefferson solis camasin. I am living at davao city, philippines. I was born on march 24, 1994 and I am 28 years old. One of the reasons why I decided to work chaturbate for me to support my study and at the same time to help my family. I actually consider working her as my bread and butter. I created an account in chaturbate last (a july 8, 2023 and the name of my account is (stella_marie69) which was banned even though I didn't do anything bad on the chaturbate platform. I got banned last (dec 20, 2022.) I don't know what are my violations are, if there is any. I know that I myself have not done or violated the rules of the chaturbate platform. Until now which is two mouths already, I have been waiting (january 30, 2023). I only want one thing to happen, I want another review! My account was banned without reason and I believe it is inhumane because I am working here abiding with all the rules. I know for myself that I did not violate the rules because I believe what happened to my account is a system error on your sites. I please for a review on my account that is (stella_marie69) I need to know what is my fault in cb. I have been working here for so long. This incident is inhumane. This work my also my family's bread and butter. It's not easy to find followers and working 12 hours every day and I get banned without any reason this is very unfair I want to know everything please do general review want to file apeel for this am almost 2 mouths waiting this so unfair 😭 I need justice! It's not easy for me to celebrate a christmas and new year without food on are table 😔 I lost everything my family my friends and also my boyfriend 😭 no one stay with me after I got lost my job and I hope you give consideration

Jefferson solis camasin

Desired outcome: please help me maaam sir please help me to remove my permanently banned

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Update by Royroy Palaboy
Feb 01, 2023 12:48 pm EST

good day !

this is stella_marie69 you cannot provide evidences because there is no evidence in the first place.

I am responsible a model, I work fairly, I even understand and follow your rules and terms and privacy for i have agreed it as i created my account. Whats devastating to me is that you are not fair! Well, if this is the case with the unfair outcome on my part (which is 100%truth) then i will have to seek and talk to my Private Lawyer about this matter and File an Appeal regarding this issue that you accused me without evidence. Let's be fair and transparent and I will definitely fight for my account no matter what! For my account has been unfairly suspended/blocked. I strongly believe that i didnt violate any of your rules and regulations also in terms and conditions. i tried to reach out and appeal for my side but you have been neglecting my plea for quite sometime already!

Update by Royroy Palaboy
Feb 01, 2023 1:16 pm EST

are u sure ! acully i make my acount august why i got banned in march 29 !

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Sep 29, 2023 9:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Users lie to CB, result is ban to broadcaster.

Banned Noreason
Feb 09, 2023 2:10 pm EST

Hi have a goodday ,

This brattydominatrixx

First of all, I am deeply sorry about this concern. I do accept that I had processed a lost passport twice before but in regards to assisting others, that is not true. Chaturbate helped me when I'm at my lowest so I thought I needed to do that to go back to work. I am really sorry about what I did, I wasn't thinking about the consequences when I did that, and I promise you that this will be the last time. Please give me another chance to prove myself to all of you. I really need to go back to work, and if you like, I can provide you national certificate, postal ID, TIN etc. for me to correct my mistake. I can't afford losing Chaturbate. This is the only place where I can express myself and has helped me in overcoming all of my struggles emotionally and financially. Please! I'm looking forward to your response. Anyone can help me thanks .

Feb 04, 2023 4:23 am EST

My account Pussyvalley_1m got banned for no reason, super unjust. Just need to make money and support my family.

10:39 am EST
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Chaturbate pvt tip scammer

today in sunday 01/29/2023 we both of us agreed to the serves she said she going to do it for 888 tip so tipped after 5min from my tipped she log off without doing anything and took all the tokens the models name Izabellastark's Cam

my user Id 3frit5. so i hope at least you ban her or get my token. if not that's show that chaturbate encourage people to scam us.

best regards

Desired outcome: please refund me i'd appreciate

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Ban Anya or spaceoddkitty
Rio, BR
Feb 05, 2023 3:01 pm EST

Spaceoddkitty or Anya is equally as bad. I right little rip off artist. Selecting her private ignoring fan club members in private chat. The dropping everything to do a password show for one user or users

6:59 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Chaturbate Integrity of chaturbate

Everytime I enter a room, the model try’s to kick well I took matters into my own hands after I filed a complaint and chaturbate acted as if they didn’t care or else has something to do with it, the problem is a convicted sex offender in state of nebreska hy the name of dan boetch, make a long story short hacked into the verizon server and took my phone num and found my devise info and or other information and posted it on the platform to kick me whichever room I go in and posted ridiculous untrue things about me, any broadcaster can see it, abs chaturbate wouldn’t attempt to even pursue this matter.

Desired outcome: I want my reputation and all my privacy back

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10:44 pm EST

Chaturbate Altered or falsified identification even it's real and legit

Hello Good Day Chaturbate,

I was banned due to the altered identification even my DOCUMENTS ARE REAL AND LEGITIMATE i got the screenshot attached with my old ticket I was explaining to you and didn't even get a response. Ticket number : #[protected] .

And I guess I need an explaination regarding with my account and I do believe that I also need and acceptable reason.

I was banned last October 27, 2022 and If you Banned me with the reason for giving skype or whatsapp because there's a client with the "Lookingforboobs0" Username/ Client keep trying to ask for my What'sApp or Skype because he told me he will send me money but I already told him "That's not allowed here sorry" I got some screenshot of It to prove that I didn't violate any of your rules but when you told me that I got banned because of the ALTERED IDENTIFICATION, like how? ALL MY DOCUMENTS ARE NEW AND LEGITIMATE ORIGINAL, I got them with ALL MY EFFORTS AND RECEIPT I can attached the RECEIPT TOGETHER WITH MY DOCUMENTS, I'm a new model here In Chaturbate, I got my PASSPORT AND POSTAL REAL AND LEGITIMATE ORIGINAL, DO NOT MISLEAD THE DOCUMENTS i was just trying to be your MODEL I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TEARMS AND CONDITION OF THE SITE AND I HAVE NEVER VIOLATED ANYTHING. I CAN PROVIDE WHATEVER YOU ASKED ME TO DO TO PROVE THAT ALL MY DOCUMENTS ARE REAL, ORIGINAL AND LEGITIMATE, I'm hoping your kind consideration, Thank you and God bless.

Username: Drag_Me_To_Hell

Desired outcome: I really want my account back so I can go back to work

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6:40 pm EST

Chaturbate Banned with no reason.

On January 13th, 2023, I submitted age verification for my account that was within the guidelines set by chaturbate. The website refused to take it and I was met with a permanent ban on ALL of my accounts. I have 2 forms of valid ID that the chaturbate website says they accept. My account had thiusands of followers and thousands of tokens from streaming. Also, all of my emails have been ignored and there is no help from chaturbate themselves to resolve this issue.

-smoothbody19, chaturbate

Desired outcome: Account unbanned

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2:39 am EST
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Chaturbate Account banned issues

Dear sir or madam,

Hope you are well. I opened my Chaturbate account, but I saw my account is banned.

I'm concerned and confused by this action. I purchase tokens with my debit card or bitcoin. It is always full pay and successful for purchasing the tokens. In addition, my CB account has not been online for a month. Moreover, I have been using this Account for a time. But now my account is banned, I'm so upset about that. I have not made any chargebacks on your platform.

If you are in doubt, please check my tokens purchase records. It can show you that I have always successfully purchased tokens and I never request any chargebacks. I can show you a bank statement that I have paid to Chaturbate. Please follow the attachments.

So I request please resolved my account. I am honest with your company.

My account name: sweet_jokers

I look forward to hearing from you. Hope you can reply to me as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot.

Your faithfully,


Desired outcome: I request please resolved Chaturbate my account.

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Update by sweet_jokers
Jan 24, 2023 8:42 am EST

Dear sir or Madam,

Hope you are well. I sent the message to you yesterday. This morning I opened my Chaturbate account, but I saw my account still is banned.

I'm concerned and confused by this action. I purchase tokens with my debit card or bitcoin. It is always full pay and successful for purchasing the tokens. In addition, my CB account has not been online for a month. Moreover, I have been using this Account for a while. I have not made any chargebacks on Chaturbate platform. But now my account is banned, I'm so upset about that.

On the other hand, I have not created any account before and I have not created any accounts with chargesback on the Chaturbate platform.

In addition, I checked my email. Chaturbate Support responded to my email on "August 31, 2022 11:07 AM ET". Then gave me an unreasonable reply, saying that Chargebacks result in an account suspension. But I really have not created any account before and I have not created any accounts with chargesback on the Chaturbate platform. Also, I have been using this Account for a while.

If you are in doubt, I can show you evidences. It can show you that I have always successfully purchased tokens and I never request any chargebacks. I can show you a bank statement that I have paid to Chaturbate. Please follow the attachments.

I am honest with your company. So I request please resolved and unban my account.

My account name: sweet_jokers

I look forward to hearing from you. Hope you can reply to me as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot.

Your faithfully,


Update by sweet_jokers
Jan 24, 2023 7:22 am EST

Dear sir,

Hope you are well. I will look forward to your reply. I hope you can reply me as soon as possible, and I hope you can give me a positive reply.

Also, I hope you can help me to resolve and unban my account. I am honest with your company.

Thanks a lot

Best regards,


Update by sweet_jokers
Jan 23, 2023 2:42 am EST

I show you a screenshot of my bank Account app that I have paid to Chaturbate. Please follow the attachments.

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About Chaturbate

Chaturbate is an adult website providing live webcam performances by individual webcam models and couples, typically featuring nudity and sexual activity ranging from striptease to explicit acts. The platform allows users to watch performances for free or purchase tokens for tipping and private shows. It offers a variety of categories to cater to different preferences.
How to file a complaint about Chaturbate?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button, which you can find at the top right corner of the website, and click on it to begin the process.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Chaturbate. Make it specific and clear, such as "Unauthorized Charges from Chaturbate" or "Poor Customer Service on Chaturbate."

4. Detailing the experience: Describe your experience in detail. Include key areas such as:

  • The nature of the problem with Chaturbate, whether it's about billing, account access, service quality, or any other relevant issue.
  • Specific details about any transactions you had with Chaturbate, including dates, amounts, and the expected service.
  • Steps you have taken to resolve the issue with Chaturbate, including any communication with their customer service.
  • The company's response to your attempts to resolve the issue, if applicable.
  • The personal impact of the issue, such as financial loss, stress, or time wasted.
This information will help others understand your situation and the severity of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as screenshots, emails, or receipts. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue with Chaturbate. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, clearly state what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, service improvement, or an apology.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that your description is coherent and that all the facts are correct to avoid any misunderstandings.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint against Chaturbate on

9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep an eye on your complaint for any responses or updates. Regularly check your account on to see if there has been any follow-up or resolution offered by Chaturbate or other community members.

Overview of Chaturbate complaint handling

Chaturbate reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 30, 2016. The latest review Account was blocked by mistake was posted on Jul 24, 2024. The latest complaint Account ban was resolved on Apr 02, 2024. Chaturbate has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 407 reviews. Chaturbate has resolved 52 complaints.
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  1. Chaturbate Contacts

  2. Chaturbate phone numbers
    +1 (949) 274-7960
    +1 (949) 274-7960
    Click up if you have successfully reached Chaturbate by calling +1 (949) 274-7960 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Chaturbate by calling +1 (949) 274-7960 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Chaturbate by calling +1 (949) 274-7960 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Chaturbate by calling +1 (949) 274-7960 phone number
  3. Chaturbate emails
  4. Chaturbate address
    23615 El Toro Rd № X344, Lake Forest, California, 92630, United States
  5. Chaturbate social media
  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jul 25, 2024
Chaturbate Category
Chaturbate is ranked 8 among 32 companies in the Websites category

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