Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Rochelle, Illinois, United States

Burger King — meals not satisfying

I visited the Dekalb, Il Burger King located on 38 and had a horrible experience. It was Thursday $1$ $2$ around 5 pm. I ordered the 2 cheeseburgers and double quarter...

Bob Brady Auto Mall — Sales

I was told on 2 different times that I was already approved that I didn't need a down payment or co signer but when I got there I had to wait 4 hours to be told that I needed 1000...

One Stop Plus — Cancelled Order

I purchased 2 snuggies and a pair of pants. One snuggie was actually sent to my mother. I waited for my order to arrive and nothing. I contacted by email and got this stupid email...

Subway In Rochelle IL — manager

The Subway in Rochelle IL is one of the worst. Management that steals money, tells employees not to contact them because they are going to be doing so much drugs they wont be able...

Apple Vacations — late flight

I have taken 5 Apple Vacations and have had problems with at least 3 of them. My husband & I were going to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico the first week of $1$ $2$. Our...


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