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Morrisons review: bullying bosses 121

Author of the review
6:31 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I don`t know how they get away with it but Morrisons treat their staff like 2nd class citizens especially the bosses. There are so many department managers supervisors etc who have stepped down because of the pressures and stress put on to them. The turnover of staff is rediculous and nothing is ever done to find out why this is. When one female boss left one store to come to another the original store held a party to celebrate. Nasty is not the word for this person and she must hold a record for the amount of staff who have left, stepped down or just for being in tears because of her and on a daily basis. Theres been many a complaint about her but she`s still there and must be the most despised person on the planet. Does anyone else have employers like this?

Update by fedup54
Apr 07, 2010 4:38 pm EDT

Morrisons the worst company for bullying and intimidating staff, highest turnover of staff and sickness levels due to stress. Why does head office not do anything about this? Because its all about making money no matter who gets upset or hurt. We had a customer die in our cafe last week and they wouldn`t even close the cafe whilst paramedics were trying to revive the poor man but he was already dead and customers were still buying meals. Both staff and customers were appalled by this. Horrible company horrible management all over the stores n0t just in one store, this bullying is rife


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Rugby, GB
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Nov 17, 2009 7:06 pm EST

Yes, I have been in nice company MITIE working as a supervisor had wonderful boss but when everybody has been transfered to ECOCLEEN and a new boss( polish ex policeman) started to bulying employees I felt nightmear! Just asked for PM shift i used to do because have got a little one and said NO because the other supervisor doesn't have transport on AM shift.Silly! I was a good worker but always say what do i feel and he didn't like it. Had to resign. He's playing in dissmissing people from work! Be aware of nonhuman like this one.

Leeds, GB
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Dec 16, 2009 1:54 am EST

I think that the management are trained up to treat their staff like idiots and the worse thing is they make themselves look like animals. I was in the store the other day just doing some shopping when one of the managers had a go at a young person in front of everyone. you could see the young person was obviously embarrassed 'as was all the shoppers! Who on earth gives them the right to upset people in that way. We raise our children the best we can to adults and then people like them give our children low self-esteem and knock their confidence. They need sacking! By the way, I did report this.

dagenham, GB
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Jan 12, 2010 7:47 am EST

my partner works for morrisons in the bakery department and recently had time off because our daughter was in hospital and he is been given a dissplinery hearing for it wen other member of the same department can just do as they pleas4e wiv no come backs as there are buddies with the bakery manager he cannot complain a she will make his life difficult working there this is so unfair ! would love to go and kick her ###ing face im not happy ... morrisons are ### employers and should be looked in to ! im discusted by all of this and its not just the absences but the way they treat him and the fact that he is only on trainee baker pay when he does all the work ! and gets paid the least out of all of them ! what a joke !

Worthing, GB
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Feb 28, 2010 8:52 pm EST

YES! Finally someone who acknowledges this! My Partner is (was...I'll come to that bit) a team leader on a fresh counter. She stepped down, only to find that the 3 staff members in 3 months that replaced her all walked due to the pressure- so she stepped back up. She has a team of - and I don't know how to say it in PC terms so I apologise - total ###s who look like they have trouble to remember to breathe - and the senior management treat her like total dirt. It came to a head a few weeks back when she just totally lost it after working some 70 hours the previous week - no day off in 4 weeks - and walked out. I went and had a "chat" with the SM who basically told me that she was a liability. However, she returned to work and nothing was said. Until this week. APPARENTLY, since then she has been demoted (with no being told, no meeting, disciplinary, nada) since the day of her "episode" and as such she's no longer being paid at a TL rate. Which was news to her considering she had been working like a slave and doing all the extra hours that were required of a TL (with no overtime!)

Sorry to rant and sorry if its a bit long going but I have to say, I work for a rival company and I think the tools that run the particular store are totally incompetant, rude and arrogant. They have no concept of the term "staff support" and they believe that anyone who comes to them for help is showing signs of weakness. I hope the company goes belly up, because all of the staff could do so much better than work for these gangsters!

Inverness, GB
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Apr 07, 2010 2:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

yes this happens in my store as well,
it likde glasgow metro ones leaving and starting all the time
stafff getting stressed out and crying etc. it one big joke

Tina hastings
hull, GB
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Jun 06, 2010 4:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was having tea with my daughter and two grandchildren age 3 and 7 when i started eating the bread i had bought for tea and found a piece of glass in my mouth, luckily it was in my mouth and not that of my granddaughters. i am taking it to the store this morning.

Fill, Imin
Telford, GB
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Sep 18, 2010 4:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Its a Company policy, our local store they have one manager who has sacked 5 people, 4 have been reinstated by the company with no fault found, the other one got 25000 from them as compensation for unfair dismissal. Still the Jumbo keeps his job, he's lost weight though kept his big ears, so maybe Dumbo is better?
If you go to Wellington store and the staff are smiling, he's not on shift
I would love him to start on me, but like all bullies he picks on those who cant fight back, should be asked why so much stock vanishes of a night though

sue streets
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Dec 30, 2010 4:06 pm EST

i start to work for morrison almost 5 years in gibraltar start on the tills it was not for me so ask the floor manager if l could do some thing eles then put me on the porterpacking l was very happy doing that ive been doing this job for 4 years l went home came back next day to find out l am on the trollerys outside this mans work not ladys work because we do not have the power to seprate the trollerys and pulling the 8 at time pulling for 5 hour cant be done and wen you ask for help they say no one here who could help you so do think right custmers have to find there own trollery because we cant keep up with it being xmas they should have 2 people out there and porter packer inside 2 people too wen you try your best managers and supervisors never happy if you dont look after the staff make them happy than custmers wont be happy and morrison tills will always be down so let get it right for a change

sue streets
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Dec 30, 2010 6:22 pm EST

l work in gibraltar l had one week of work and taking sick notes in to my work on monday this wass two week ago went back to work had to see dave pinniger the manger what right does he have to question doctor notes dave pinniger is not a doctor bang out of line and l am waiting for a breast test l think david kelso should know whats going on here the staff not happy because wages never right that just a little bit not right my self would like to see the mangers and superviors attitude change towards the staff so we all be happy and custmers be happy too they dont wont hear your superviors telling you of front of them there time place for this and staff here in gibraltar not happy with wages need some one out here sort it out all the staff not idiots we do have a heart and do have feeling too like mangers and superviors please all l ask lets get right for the new year coming

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Mar 11, 2011 1:48 pm EST

Why complain on here, if you want things to improve make a complaint at store level

adolf hitler
Derby, GB
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May 01, 2011 8:12 pm EDT

morrisons only care about hitting targets and profits.they dont give a ### about staff.theres to many senior managers who dont know whats happening on shop floor and adm s rea not worth wiping your ### with

Consett, GB
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Jan 08, 2012 10:13 pm EST

Fedup54, I see you know about Anna Trethowan then!

South Shields, GB
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Jan 31, 2012 3:47 pm EST

i work in morrisons under paid over worked expected to run in at drop of a hat when they decide to change a i forgot to add something on my waste sheet as was rushed to clock out on time as i couldnt go over my time, manager stopped me in warehouse in front of many members of staff and asked me wot happens when u dont do this i said i dont know.he then asked other warehouse workers the comsequences of my actions would be .he continued to embaress me till i left in tears.only this week my rota has been changed 3 times already i cant sort out nothing for the lack of knowing when i will work i got lung disiese and back problems and i have no support from morrosons

South Shields, GB
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Jan 31, 2012 3:49 pm EST

morrisons are not the great people to work for as they say they are they dont care

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Feb 19, 2012 12:35 pm EST

We have just gained a new area manager in the Bristol and surrounding areas. For the past six months the company has been attempting to change the climate of the company - no mean feat. Sadly this new area manager has visited for the first time and walked the deputy manager around the store telling him to 'sort it out or find a new job'. During further talks with the deputy we discovered more lurid truths. The deputy was told to make life as uncomfortable for people as possible as Morrisons' are trying to save money and want staff to leave. He claimed the are manager doesn't care about how people are treated. This is crazy. I can honestly say that everybody in that store works damn hard. If Morrison's are cutting back on staff hours then perhaps all deptartment managers should start cutting back on the amount of overtime they do. If this company ever makes the daily mail top 100 employers it will just go to proove how bent the British tabloids actually are.

fed up and bullied
Weymouth, GB
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Feb 29, 2012 3:47 pm EST


Kirkby-in-Ashfield, GB
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Mar 05, 2012 2:46 pm EST

Manager, Putting the staff down all the time saying we are slow and useless (tho we dont have enough staff) threatening us loosing our jobs and saying we would get the sack before HE gets a disciplinary, constantly nasty to staff throughout the shift - moaning at us cause we work over our hours, then says its our fault they are supposed to put 3 WEEKS rota up for us to know when we work, they wait till the last day of the working week to put up a new Rota, even tho the HR keep asking him for the next weeks - how they got the job in the 1st place is beyond us

Not good when ALL the staff cant stand them

Enfield, GB
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Mar 10, 2012 2:43 pm EST

i agree with you ive worked for morrisons for 9 years and feel so ill due to over work constant pressure and rude nasty managers

Enfield, GB
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Mar 10, 2012 2:56 pm EST

im a checkout supervisor at morrisons and i generally care for both customers and staff unlike my cow of a dept manageress shes got a nasty mouth and talks about all the staff like they are nothing, always going on at me to be harder on them and basically be a cow, its not in my nature to treat people like dirt and ive tryed to step down to be told by the GM and HR that they wont accept it just yet and have put it on hold, all they could offer me was evening checkout assisant which is how i started 9 years ago!
we are constantly under pressure with hardly any staff always calling reliefs plus the times i never have a teabreak is unreal i start at 7am finish at 1.30 and most of my shift im alone so running 22 tills, 4 selfscan, and tobacco kiosk and customer services at most times about 7 staff all together with tons of empty tills customers giving me filthy looks cause they have to wait! what a horrible job i have im constantly looking for another im 48 and feel battered when i get home!

Angie Hawley
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Jun 03, 2018 8:32 am EDT
Replying to comment of 2012fedup

Thanks for your honesty we have a few manager / duty who are ok. The others especially checkout supervisors managers need treating at the vets not gps. Never worked anywhere wher so embarrassed by their behaviour to employees and sick of customers complaining to me. I can't respond but it's embarrassing..they have no people skills and an embarrassment to the uniform they wear..lately I have been so close to clocking out after certain team leaders behaviour. But as I have all the customers queuing to be served by me had to stay. Had a word with duty who's superb thought might be better..but got worse..I worked for 5 and a half hours on a busy Saturday and had to ask for a break as I'm disabled and needed my medication..she started at 5pm when I'd finished at 7pm she had been out for 3 cig breaks but they let them get away with it..please smile and look like you want to be there or leave..I'm ready for handing my notice in as I'm not putting up with bullying or humiliation from someone who's supposed to be in charge

Fort William, GB
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Apr 09, 2012 11:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am pregnant 24 weeks at the moment, really stressed and frustrated . I have never worked in my entire life for such a bad company. I wasn't allowed to use my toilet break some days ago by the checkout manager and I have a feeling that whatever I do she will be backed up by the Management all levels. I always had hard time working for Morrisons, but I live in a remote and small place and you know you have to pay your bills. I have a Master degree and I feel that I will never get any progress, it is such a waste of time. I have 3 months to go to leave the company, my maternity leave is not yet sorted and I thing that I will go into a very solid argument in that matter.Sorry to say but f...k

Wesham, GB
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May 10, 2012 7:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been bullied by the night assistant manager for over a year now. It started when the man he used to bully was sacked for being drunk at work for the umpteenth time! I have been to the night manager but he just wouldn't listen and I am constantly being spied upon and the cases counted so they can see how much work I am doing yet all the other staff are left alone to get the job done. He also keeps saying 'How much money would it cost me to punch you and not get the police involved?' and 'I'd love to punch your face' and when I ask why or what have I done he replies that I 'just have one of those faces'. I have worked for many top shops inc. Asda and Tesco and I have never been treated like this before. People are treat worse than crap and are all overworked (at times there are only 4 of us to complete the entire store). I feel all alone at work as all the threats stress me out and affect my work. I have already had counselling for depression (PTSD). All the threats are always made when no one else is around so I cant get proof as I have been told I would not be able to record him as proof! Wish morrisons would change or go bust.
My advice to anyone wanting to work for morrisons is simply don't, you don't know what you are getting into! it is ###!

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Jul 07, 2012 12:53 pm EDT

working at morrisons for 18 months has been an experience . i cannot believe how the senior management are 'put in the know; when either the area manager comes to visit or a higher manager and as soon as they get wind of them coming they get all the staff possible in to make out everything is ok but the days leading up to the visit is a nightmare as there is very few staff in surely these people should see the store how it is .

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Nov 02, 2012 1:46 pm EDT

l work for morrisons in gibralter always the mangers qustion the dr sick note they are not a loud because not doctors not a loud they treat workers like dirty and people in officers no bettter and xmas we staff have to pay for our xmas party why do we have to do that we the whole of morrisons work very hard for the company still cant do the right thing l think david kelps should look in to this it is eye opener the staff not happy not on about new ones long time ones put whole life in to it surly we get treat lot better than we do l think david should have a talk with the staff a lonly away from superavicers abd boss cant wait for this happens hope hear from you soon david do the right thing for your staff thankyou l am not putting my name here but you will find out in the end do the right thing with the staff from super woman p.s. see in gib when talk to the staff see y their

Carlisle, GB
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Dec 21, 2012 10:05 pm EST

wish i knew this was her ebefore joined company ... that is all ... emp[ler of the year ... yeah ok and so was Hitler

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May 22, 2013 8:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I work at Morrison's in Northe Yorkshire and because I work part time I get treated different, thee personnel manager and otheer managers treat us like we are muck on theere shoes. I was at thee on call docs on thee day of my shift and ended up on strong antibiotics and strong pain relief, theen thee following week I fell ill again I'd been up all night withe a sick bug, I Dragged myself into work because i knew i was off thee week before i got to work and explained i wasn't well and you could tell i was poorly too, so i did an hour and theen said i cant do anymore i was going dizzy wanted to be sick and at thee same time anotheer girl therew up all over her till and theis one manager made us work half our shifts despite us spreading thee sickness virus. on thee 7the May theis year i was 7 week pregnant and started bleeding i daren't have time off because theats how thee managers make you feel so any ways i went in, told theem i was pregnant and i theink I'm having a miscarriage thee personnel manager turned round and said well if you need to go to thee toilet just go. now come on anyone withe any morals would of told me to go to thee hospital but theem no! I was stood up all day doing my shift feeling really poorly and what not. Monday I bleed red blood Tuesday I lost thee baby now I'm not saying i lost it because of theis personnel manager but maybe if i went to thee hospital could it of been saved. theats Morrison's for you, I've had 31/2 days off sick all year and theey said if I'm of again i will be disciplined is theat fare?

hull, GB
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Sep 11, 2013 6:39 am EDT

totally true, too much bullying in the stores, I actually have Dalton Phillips email and I have spoken to him for over a year now he seems concerned but I don't think he really understands exactly what is going on, id really like to speak to anyone who has interesting info anything to do with neil o Doherty from morrisons head office hes the retail HR director, please email about any issies you have! thanks very much and keep working hard to improve this company we will do it, I will do it!

John thatcher
Bradford, GB
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Nov 02, 2013 5:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As one of Morrisons many contractors I can tell you that in 30 years of been in my trade
I have NEVER been as poorly treated as I now get from Morrisons.
2 years ago if Morrisons had a problem I like all there contractors would bend over backwards to help them.However if they have a problem today they can go **** themselves. I spent years at college so as not to be treat like a mug.I am very aware that nearly every contractors thinks the same and many have asked not to work on the contract me included, but sadly I cannot fully get away from them.
How a 1st class company can change to the 3rd rate bunch of ******* they have become is beyond me but if they are not bothered about there reputation they are going the right way to loose it.

Spalding, GB
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Dec 27, 2013 12:38 pm EST

i have worked at this store for about a year and a half now and when i took on the job as a student i expected that i may have to do the crappy jobs though morrisons tempted me due to paying way above other places were. for the first few months life wasn't too bad, as we had a nice store manager although short cuts were apparent and happened regularly breaking lots of health and safety regulations i.e. the ladders to collect products in the warehouse were dodgy to the point it was scary climbing them sometimes. often i had to transfer to other departments such as the cafe, now i have no problem with tough work which cafe definitely is but the customers and managers really treat you like crap. on one transfer to produce department when i had been working there about 5 months i had two of the worst managers and people i've known, i was patronised constantly by one who described some jobs 'as one of your little jobs' and regularly lectured me on doing it wrong although this was the first ever shift on this department. the other manager and now the deputy assistant store manager called me his biatch (closest to ### he can get without a bullying charge) although at first it was a joke he humiliated me to other members of senior staff getting me in a circle of them and asking 'what i was' implying his ###. my dog died a few weeks later and my line manager when i rang up could be clearly heard ### about if i wanted time off work for any reason before she even spoke to me. she coerced me into working the shift as i feared repercussions and didn't want a black mark against any future career. most of the harassment stopped towards me after that although managers are constantly up my back at everything and i always get given the crappy jobs over someone else. however and this is the worst part, we have 4 employees who are in their 50s and have generally got a form of special needs (equal opportunities cop out), they work extremely hard relative to their ability yet lately with the store ethic towards fast paced selling and less on customer service and availability they have been called up in the middle of the warehouse by a newly appointed supervisor ( he himself used to be a warehouse manager and only been supervisor on the department for a couple of months). by the end of the 'chat' an older gentleman staff member walked out and another female member of staff member was in tears and threatening to resign after 25 years in the place. if this wasnt bad enough members of staff from all levels were laughing at them and humiliating them both behind their backs and when they were there but not noticing from assistants to general managers. i was appalled and considered having ago at the store deputy manager had the job not been paying for me to do volunteering work abroad in the summer and savings for university.
in conclusion the practice in the store is terrible from almost every level, although there are good workers there and the pillars of bad are in the minority the effect they have on others is massive.

Walsall, GB
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Feb 16, 2014 4:29 am EST

Morrisons are a rude, selfish company. I phoned in to tell the management team I would not be in on a shift due to my civil partner, being taken to the hospital, the manager I spoke to said I could not be away from work as the store was short staffed due to sickness. But I know it would be the usual suspects who have phoned in with stupid reasons to be off. The moral of the store is at a all time low. The checkout supervisor and checkout manager are vile to staff and customers. The area manager don't care about the people keeping his store open. Looking for a new job soon.

Downtrodden somerset
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Mar 14, 2014 2:14 pm EDT

Horrendous place to work no staff, senior managers covering everything up. Our store is cutting so many corners I am surprised we have not been shut down. All the staff are miserable overworked and genuinely want to make it better but there complaints fall on deaf ears with a useless un approachable personnel manager !

alan humphries
Chelmsford, GB
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Apr 07, 2014 2:08 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My wife was approached by her cafÈ specialist to take over new concept cafÈ to be open she as more the 15 years experience as a cafÈ manager was told they need her experience to train new staff and make the project successful after some coming and goings by the specialist ed who brokered the deal salary was agreed, net p to get a new cafe up and running took all her time up her second wage slip she got I said to her this the monthly net pay does not stack up to your ann gross she had it checked by the store hr who said it was correct
I was still not happy and still believed it was wrong several months later she asked again for it to be checked again i was told its was correct reason given you get paid twice in a month still not happy she asked again by this time there had been procession of hr explained again you guessed it it`s right giving up on this we spoke to h/o payroll low and behold the gross figure there had was £1000 p/a difference in the original agreed amount hr director refused to pay saying he don't know this lady is words not mine been their 16 years been colleague of the year for saving customers life great work ethic treat her staff fairly at all time good leader and motivator no disciplines if every reads this he would know her now, on we go she as since stepped down from the post `I`am still in the process of getting what`s owed her their was offer on the table £600 it`s since been withdrawn

fairford, GB
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May 06, 2014 11:37 am EDT


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Jun 06, 2014 10:59 am EDT

Hey people, you know there's a spell check button, right?

But yeah, I can wholeheartedly confirm about 90% of the complaints made here. I left Morrisons a year ago and all of these problems applied. Fancy, new 'stores of the future' with no bloody staff to man them.

Last employee please turn off the light on the way out. Thanks.

Jamie a
Preston, GB
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Jun 21, 2014 6:06 am EDT

I have worked for morrisons in Preston for 4 years on the night shift and I must say its like being In prison. You never get appraised for your hard work and you get bullied by your night manager. The store manager Is the worst off all grumpy shows no respect to ststaff, and treats them with attitude. Overall worst company to work for. I cant wait to leave.

Coventry, GB
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Aug 03, 2014 4:19 am EDT

I currency work at Morrisons and believe the management staff are vile. They treat lower members of staff like peasants and they are royalty. Most management staff hadn't even spoken to me until after working there about a year and a half even though I work in close proximity with them every single shift.
Management and even supervisors are like teenage school girls whispering about other members of staff and forming little cliques. I have also had members of staff telling me not to talk to curtain staff members because no one likes them.
I suffer from seizures and it's something I am not fiully comfortable with talking about so when I called in sick for a late shift after already done a morning shift of 8 hours I was told by management that I wasn't even trying to go to work and there wasn't anything wrong with me at all.
If ever I have time off its only for a small shift of 3 hours and I get treated like ### of the earth and when you return to work the cliques are out to get you. You can't trust anyone with your business so I just keep it to myself.
There are a few staff members like me that make the job bareble and sometimes you can have a laugh with them but a lot of the time like just recently these members of staff are drove away by the ridiculous management and supervisors who have little man syndrome and think they rule the world.

slavery is back
london, GB
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Aug 11, 2014 2:41 pm EDT

I work for morrisons. We never have enough staff. customers compain to us all the time which makes life harder. We are supervisors and get told to clean toilets and carparks. We dont get breaks. The canteen is only open for breakfast if you are lucky. Its so degrading. Our uniforms have holes and the say they have no new ones for us. they treat staff like crap!

Sheerness, GB
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Apr 11, 2015 10:17 am EDT

U should try working in the sheppey store, they treat u like dogs and they make it known if they hate u, Chris savage ADM is the rudest littlest man I have ever met and is so rude to staff, unless ur a teen, who he can manipulate, how he got ADM is beyond me, he has no people skills and is dam right rude

Loughton, GB
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Apr 23, 2015 10:28 am EDT

the Loughton store is one of the worst. the management bully all the staff, they have made so many staff ill with mental health problems yet they punish you as "your face doesn't fit" horrible company

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May 17, 2016 5:16 pm EDT

A man was dying in my local morrisons and one manager decided it would be best to sum it up with a joke. " it's not only the prices that are falling". The man died seconds later. Also milk is expensive

Ellen Jones
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Dec 21, 2016 11:22 am EST

Do not let any member of your family work for Morrisons Wrexham, The pathetic management bullied and used beyond duties my son who has wasted five years of his life working there and I have seen others treated the same, my 32 year old son was forced to work all day "not allowed a break" outside in the loading bay in sleet and freezing rain with just his shirt on and no hi-viz safety wear and coat, and yes the manager Mr Leighton Griffiths was along side my son wrapped up, who could have been sacked if my son would have made a complaint, two women staff told me my son was blue with cold and they allowed him to sleep and warm up in part of the store, being called fat by management was another part he had to put up with, I could go on but my blood is boiling thinking of what he went through, now he has finished working there I can maybe along with others contribute to the Sunday Press that I am contacting in order to bring the bad side of Morrisons to attention for the good of others. Morrisons Wrexham beware.

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    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Feb 08, 2025
  7. View all Morrisons contacts