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Google Complaints 1499

7:41 pm EST
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Google scam/phishing

The Google Profit Library signed me up for about 5 other companies. A by-product of there financially toxic business. They sent me to a Merchant Account supposedly to complete my Google Profit Order only to be expected to pay an immediate fee of more than $30; when refused, I had to X-out of the page-they kept the info (later denying any knowledge of it; then admitting it). I spent more than 3 hours trying to cancel these unwarranted accounts with vague resolution. One company, Dream Pro Web Hosting, refused to cancel my account; telling me that I have to wait for their e-mail. It never came. But in less than two weeks I will be charged their fee. Google profit Library subsequently informed me that they are not registered with the better business bureau. How does Google not take issue with this company that uses their name and logo? Google Profit Library is a con! BEWARE!

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Dec 17, 2009 10:46 am EST

next time read terms and conditions before you sign in to your order through the internet... be vigilant!

5:26 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google Unfair/double set of rules

Hello there, first, full disclosure:

I was asked for legal advice/help about the dealings done by the web sites cited in my subject. Two friends of mine had received the highest/harshest penalty provided by the above sites. They don´t disput the charges and do not want to be reinstated or the same.The penalty, albeit correct, is issued with no fairness and missusing the personal info of my friends. Also, my friends provided partial evidence of wrong doing of another people in the above sites. Ultraquick response in the dealings of my friends was done. But not the same set of rules enforced by that list nannies/owners etc is done about the other people involved. So, my warning goes here:

Avoid at all cost dealings in these websites. People there can do the the following to you:

a-Promise positive feedback if their personal disputes go well. Lure you into disclosure of personal info, using deceiving e-mails and later posting the worst possible and inexact history/feedback of the deals.This can be viewed as internal sting operation.
b-Harass/bother you with a flood of sites making claims your items are over-priced.
c-Harass/force you into going a war of words and going in disrepute, no being the nanny list/owner. Collecting so called evidence by use of personal e-mail and private conversations with the people confederated and later going in a personal vendetta.
d)-Being addresed and warned, using the site to make auctions not permitted.
e)-Overcharge you with "shipping costs no considered" over one amount/deal already done.
f)-Requesting you info/help about items no wanting more the correct info to get their buyings right and not buying of you, with any excuse. I know, in USA anybody can sell/buy as the person wants. Only is not ethical, to me, use the time of another person searching a profit, to provide you the info you cannot have because lazyness/lack of homework and later claimed that info is right and useful, and yet, not buying.
g)-Use of personal info to purposes against the Google policies and for personal and private use.

So, be aware of the sites aforementioned. If you want more info, feel free to ask me via e-mail.

Este post y otros se publicaron en AppleInsider y MacRumors, dos sitios online. En 24 horas ambos fueron borrados de ambos. Tambien se le hizo llegar a Mr. Dan Knight, dueño/mantenedor de los sitios antes mencionados, una peticion para que su staff actuara. Es el momento y aun no lo hace.Yo, Mikhail Saroyan-Nimzo, en representacion de los dos amigos antes mencionados en el post en ingles, estoy presentando esta queja.

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San A, US
Jan 25, 2015 2:21 pm EST

Bought and sold for years on the list, NEVER had any of the above listed problems. Most complaints seem to come from people attempting to scam others on the list.

2:15 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google return of funds

I was on the intenet and saw this ad on how to make money from home by Google. I too was a little bit leary about it, but considering it was Google a legit company-- I apply. I figured what the hec it was only 1.97 (i think). I waited for the information and it never did arrive by e-mail or mail. Then next thing i notice a charge of 79.52 was deducted from my cc alone with other charges of another company call JCInternet. I have since received my money(34.95 JCInternet +1.95 from web hosting) but is having trouble getting my 79.52 back from Google. The problem is that they use a company call Edynamicapay to charge your cc. They claim that they put in a request to get your money back and they do not have the information to give you who they request to get your money from. As of today i am having to charge this company with fraud in order to get my money back. Also with this Google transaction comes another charge of 79.97 from another company call XM Brands, whoever that is. I have not gotten my money back from Google (its been 2 mts) and since that transaction they have smaller companies whom they associate with that also uses your cc. So you see I am not a happy camper. People out there be very careful by what you buy on the internet.

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9:29 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google unauthorized charges

Me too! Was told yesterday at work that layoffs will start shortly and will have a big impact. Was looking for away to supplement and if necessary, a back up plan, just in case I get the pink slip. But, guess I was too hasty. I went thru the process earlier today. Came home and decided to check on this company. Yes, I'm stupid too. I was able to call my bank right away and cancel my card. Only got hit with the 1.99 and 1.00 charge. Sorry that we live in a world where no one is to be trusted. Sorry that this happened to you all, but because you voiced your opinion/stories on line, you saved others from getting hit. So thank you. I guess we should all remember the advise from our elders... if it sounds too good to be true, then it's not true. Nothing is free, ever, ever, never. Hopefully we all have learned from this and will check companies out before we give out our credit card info.

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11:04 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google unauthorized billing

The number that I was able to get through on to cancel this account was different to the one in the terms and conditions. It was [protected].

As I was calling from Australia, the international code was 0011-1. Managed to cancel my account thank goodness. I had to try a few times: the first time I got disconnected immediately; second time I got disconnected after about a minute and the third time I got through after being on hold for about 4 minutes.

You do have to call within two days to not be charged the $80 monthly fee.

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6:01 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google unauthorized credit card charge

I've joined the Scam Victims Club and don't believe I fell for this!? After reading the testomonials, falling for the Fraud of as seen on CNN, MSNBC, etc. The Google name and copies of Google checks paid to individuals, I foolishly thought what can I loose for $!.97 and possibly have a profitable home business. Call me stupid! I sent for the CD. About a week later I got a call stating my CD was on it's way and I had 30 days to look it over and cancell if I wanted to. OK So far so good. Three weeks go by and no CD. On Friday Nov 6 I get another call telling me I owe $19.82 for my "subscription." What subscription? "The dinner club, " was the reply. No, No, No. I want to cancell this nonsence IMMEDIATLEY. The caller tells me it's very simple I just have to call an 800 number and AFTER I pay the $19.82 he'll give it to me. WHAT!? I raise hell with him and he pawns me off to someone who claims to be a supervisor. He basically tells me the same thing, pay this first and I'll give you the number. I raise hell with him, tell him I now have a copy of my credit card statement and the charge, that I did not authorize, is already on there along with another charge, that I did not authorize, of $47.50! What is that!? He says he doesn't know what the $47.50 charge is. He quickly gives me the 800 number, [protected], says have a nice day and hangs up. I call the number, speak to a woman named Marsha, she says she's crediting the $19.82 back to my credit card, then tells me there was an additional $19.82 charge done at the same time but my credit card company rejected it. This also was an unauthorized charge.

I next call MasterCard and explain what I have done. The customer service gentleman helping me asks the name of the company. I mention "Google Profits." His immediate response, "BIG TIME SCAM, BIG TIME!" He goes on to tell me that the company responsible for this scam has a mailing address in Boca Raton, Florida. The name of the company? Elite Save 102 NE 2nd Street #406 Boca Raton Florida 33432, BUT everything coming out of there, ALL THESE UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES, is originating somewhere in AUSTRALIA. He then asked me if I'd given them any "personal information, " date of birth, social security number? No, I was dumb to do this but I'm not THAT dumb! Then he told me to NEVER go to any of their web sites. DO NOT web search for the company and go to one of their sites. They lurk on line and when you come to their site they somehow get into your machine and you are screwed! He went on to assure me, from past experiences, this could be taken care of without any problem. The real problem he said is the poor individuals who use a debit card. They loose MUCH more and rarely get anything back.

So, there's my complaint. PLEASE DO NOT fall for the flashy advertising, false claims and outright lies of this SCAM like I did and good luck to those of you who already have and are trying to get out of it. Oh, and that CD and "package" I was supposed to get so I can read it over and cancel without any problem? NEVER got it, and I'm sure it was never mailed or does not exhist!

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Jan 07, 2010 3:22 am EST

I'd like to comment on the post above with regard to Elite Save. I have been a customer of their's for about 6 months with the Swifty Rewards program and I have found that I get more in savings than I pay in the monthly fee. I did sign up for the 1/2 price membership after I spoke to someone there when I called to cancel. At first I thought the same thing, that some one had jacked my cc # and I was pissed. I called yelling at the poor little person that happened to be the unlucky on who got my call. And boy did I feel like a heel when she read me the IP address where the order was signed up and I insisted on her telling me how to locate the IP address on my computer. Once we went through that process I realized that there was no secret society out there signing me up for trial periods and gas vouchers, I HAD ACTUALLY DONE IT. So I decided to give it a try and I ended up saving $45.00 on my children's school shoes from footlocker the next week. I still use the service and I am still able to save more each month with it than the $5.99 that I pay for it. So all of you who think that you are getting scammed, might I suggest that you pay attention to what you are doing and if you feel that you are so important, that you would be singled out of millions of people who shop the internet everyday, just for a company to take $2.48 for a trial membership that you are getting an initial $50.00 gas voucher for, then perhaps you should not shop for anything on the internet. Wouldn't want those gremlins to get you.

5:33 pm EDT
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I had $129.95 taken out of my account and i did not sign up for or purchase anything.I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!

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2:05 pm EDT
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Google misleading and dishonest

I signed up for the $2.87 trial Google Revolution advertised on their website. I even called the toll free number to talk with a representative and let them know I did NOT want to continue the monthly membership but just wanted to look around for the trial time. They assured me I would not have any further charges on my debit card. Not only have they been charging me $73.83 per month for the last 4 months but they also sign you up with three additional "web based marketing" companies for FREE short-term memberships. I cancelled all three the same day and received cancellation numbers. I guess that was my wake up call that I should have contacted Google Revolution again and demand a cancellation number but I went by my gut instinct of trusting a well recognized business. My mistake. I know will have to write a letter requesting a return of my funds, which probably will be denied, and will spread the word to NOT USE GOOGLE REVOLUTION. I used to think of Google as a very reputable, great company and one of the best search engines out there. Unfortunately now I only have ill will for Google.
Unhappy Google Revolution Customer

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John E. Cornwell
Ahoskie, US
Aug 06, 2009 10:29 am EDT

Signed up for this plan to work from home. stopped when I caught the small print at bottom of Ad stating my debit card would be charged $73.83 every month. no e-mail response after several attempts. phone calls answered by outsourced Indian operators. am in the process of filling out grievance with my debit card company. am living on small social security check and can ill afford to lose $73.83.
John E. Cornwell

Bakersfield, US
Aug 05, 2009 5:55 pm EDT

google people are a bunch of ### sucking ###! watch out they charge $75 for a stupid service in the world!u wont even know it!

westfield, US
Jul 04, 2009 11:08 pm EDT

i bought a google revolution kit but it has not come yet so i am really starting to think that this a damn scam.

Google Revolution Scam
Marksville, US
Jul 01, 2009 5:36 pm EDT

This Google Revolution is such a scam it stinks. You get charged for something you haven't even received as of yet. They claim anyone can do it, but you need all these places to help you get there and charge you for everyone of them. Say no and don't even go there online. You'll do nothing but having to make a million calls just to cancel everything you didn't order.

Seattle, US
Jul 01, 2009 2:38 am EDT

BEWARE! My mother used this website, paid by credit card the $1.60 fee (or, whatever it was) for information, and within an hour, her credit card and identity was stolen, and being used to apply for credit, and the card she had used was having unauthorized charges charged to it. She luckily found out right away. She uses a service called 'lifelock' Not everyone will be as lucky! Someone must shut this site down!

Mays Landing, US
Jun 29, 2009 12:11 pm EDT

Signed up for 1 week free trail for $1.87 . Got billed $1.87 + $73.83 ! Even though I never saw any Terms and conditions on the site either ! AND NO DISCLAIMER ! I GOT SCREWED OUT OF $73.83!

Newport News, US
Jun 24, 2009 12:31 pm EDT

I canceled my subscription during the trial period. When I saw that the funds had been put on hold in my account I contacted their customer service. I requested to speak to a supervisor numerous times, was told to call back. The funds were debited from my account this morning. I can not find any information on the company to file a complaint. I contacted customer service again and they did not provide the correct information either.

Dominic Taylor
Tampa, US
Jun 18, 2009 10:14 pm EDT


I would like to resolve a payment that your company has fraudulently charged my bank account. Please remove all of my information from your database, and refund my bank account. If you need any more information than what I have provided above, then try calling my phone number or sending a message to my Email Address.

Thank you, and please respond.

Lavette Carter
Houston, US
Jun 08, 2009 3:37 pm EDT

I paid for the Google software kit; I never received it. They deducted 77.89 dollars from my account. I spoke to Customer service they unable to locate my account, rep's ext 7551. She gave me a second number to call. The Customer service rep. stated that they were having technical promblems, unable to find my account. I just want my money back.



Snellville, US
Jul 10, 2009 12:37 pm EDT

E-Tax (Saint George UT) is an affiliate of Google Revolution. This and Google's other affiliates made a number of unauthorized charges to my credit card. Even though the account that originiated with Google Revolution was cancelled immediately, I still incurred authorized charges and had to call each affiliate individually to cancel and have the amounts credited to credit card. Check your credit/bank account statements carefully! Charges ranged from .06 cents to $73.83

Here is the list of Google Revolution affiliates and their customer support numbers:

Google Revolution: [protected]
E-Tax: [protected]
Simple Dollar:
Product Resource Network: [protected]
Click Sell Go: [protected]
Submit Solution: [protected] (

I found most support representatives at the above numbers to be robotic in their responses and rude. While I was able to get most charges reversed, there were some amounts that I was unsuccessful in regaining. I suggest asking for a cancellation transaction ID number as a tracking reference to validate the credit to your account.

8:24 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google fake gmail account

Sir, a gmail account has been created using my name & from that account itself mails containing information about me & my mobile number are being sent to people whom i haven't even known. I got calls... after deactivating this number till another friend of mine is receiving the mail from that account. + whoever the people who has called me before told me that they got the mail through a link from a website

Please help me by suggesting some ways to get rid of this problem..

Thank you.

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Jan 06, 2013 1:16 am EST

[protected] is created by someone else .It's My wife's Mobile Number.I Want To know Who Created The Fake Id In my Wife's Mobile Number.And I also Know What Purpose It is Used. please Help Me.It's My contact Number" [protected]", And It's My mail ID ""

Jan 21, 2010 4:40 am EST has sent me virus in gtalk chat
see following chat detail

RAJESH TIWARI SensoMatrix Technologies
to me

show details Jan 4

4:03 PM rajpit031: What do you think of this picture from the New YearÆs Eve party?
4:05 PM me: wait I am downloading
4:06 PM what is this its exe

4:52 pm EDT
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Google they can't be contacted to cancel order.

Google Profit House asks for $1.97 for shipping for Internet Profit Library Membership. They give you 30 days to try out the service and tell you that if you want to cancel you musy call [protected]. Unfortunately they put you on hold forever(over forty-five minutes and still no answer. If you don't cancel it's $39.95 a month. How can you cancel if no one answers?

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Sacramento, US
Jun 12, 2010 11:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also ordered this product, canceled my order 24 hours later was given no confirmation number but was told by customer service Department that my order was canceled. Received a letter from collections Department stating that I owed $139.95 . Ordered product November 28, 2009 received letter from collections May 3, 2010 after I was told that my order was canceled.

Apr 16, 2010 6:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The police needs our help, we need to report everything that has happened to us, and i did, and i got another letter today, I called them back today, and some ghetto young girl hung up on me, when i asked for the supervisor.

Baltimore, US
Apr 13, 2010 5:17 pm EDT

I had the same isue for EZ-Profit. Got an email today. What a scam. Don't they know people are smarter these days. What is taking so long to shut them down though! Yeak exactly ruin my credit for $100. lol

Marietta, US
Apr 12, 2010 5:30 pm EDT

I contacted Natural Wellness Resources for the same issues about collecting for a debt I never incurred. Some help! They hung up on me after I waited to talk with someone about the issue and seek their assistance to resolve over 15 minutes.

I am filing a complaint with the FCC and BBB.

Wilmington, US
Apr 08, 2010 10:22 am EDT


Customer satisfaction is very important to NWR and we do our best to satisfy all customers in any way possible.

We strive to resolve all complaints and customer issues in a timely matter, and we would like to help you resolve yours. Please contact us at [protected], toll-free, and one of our experienced agents can assist you.

If you feel that you were contacted in error by NWR, and any debt is invalid, please notify us immediately, and we will help you resolve the issue.

Thank you,

(Natural Wellness Resources)
9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday EST.

Thousand Oaks, US
Apr 07, 2010 9:00 pm EDT

I too have been scammed by the Natural Wellness Resources and Online Healthy Lifestyle Newletter (located in Egypt). Was told its too bad I wasn't lucid enough to read the terms of my order (what order?). I was lucid enough to file a complaint with the BBB in Delaware and dispute the validity of the charges with the company. I will also contact the FCC.

Seymour, US
Apr 06, 2010 5:56 pm EDT

i was also a victim of this scam.same situation, i recieved abill after a cancelled my credit card for 139-95, after contacting natural wellness rasources they claimed that if i didnt pay the bill it would be sent to a third party collection agencyabnd subsequenntly ruin my credit.i asked for the phone numer to contact internet profit library but they cuold not provide me with that information so im online now and found the number for these people, ive beeen on hold for 13 min so far and no answer yet.

Monmouth Junction, US
Apr 06, 2010 2:53 pm EDT

I am going to try the FCC complaint.. I now have a $139.95 charge from some collections agency (Natural Wellness Resources). I thought I was mistakenly charged for some health products only to find out it was this Internet Profit Library Membership. They won't cancel the charge, but I was able to block it from my credit card and I changed my card number. The collections agency said if I don't pay $100 they are going to send it to a 3rd party collections agency and it will ruin my credit.. Yea, lets see $139.95 ruin my credit! Scam artists! The Natural Wellness Resources is probably part of the Scam! I cancelled my subscription within a week when random people started calling my house and other charges for things I didn't order started showing up against my credit card!

Laramie, US
Mar 02, 2010 1:55 pm EST

I was charged the $1.97 and then $68.53 and now they have a recurring $19.99 charge on my card even after they said they would quit biling me!. I am having them blocked from charging my credit but it has been a nightmare! Google did make this look legit. It's sad how low people go these days to make a dime.

Williamsville, US
Feb 04, 2010 11:52 am EST

I got charged $78.45. Cancelling card today - I called number on bank transaction and was told to go to a website I'd never seen to cancel by filling in my information again. Had already been charged $40 by some site I didn't complete the page with. Got that money back. This one would only refund $20...

I saw something about cancel in 5 days or the monthly charge of $7 and change would be charged to my account.

I also thought it was OK cause it was on CNN and contained "Google" name. NEVER AGAIN!

10:31 pm EDT
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Google unauthorized charge

i was charged 79.90 by online bizkits
and 0.07 tice and 2.48 twice by and

when i visited google profits site a few days later i noticed there charges on my account and when i called the numbers i spoke to a forienger and they were shady they had no supervisor and didnt want to refund me back my money.
please do not buy google profits 4.97 and 1.97 kits its a scam and impossible to get your money back

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Cynthia T Brown
Pensacola, US
Jun 05, 2009 10:23 pm EDT

I authorized Google Profits to deduct $1.97 for shipping of their cd as advertised during a special offer. I did not authorized an additional charge of $99.00 on June 1, 2009. I am a senior citizen and I do not have money to waste. Google is always advertising their work at home plan and how you can make extra money, too bad the one time I participate because of the free cd offer it turns out to be fraud. The telephone number that my bank has to contact Google did not work and the number on the cd case does not work. How does a senior citizen get their money back. Google Profits profits from ripping off little old ladies!

6:01 pm EDT
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Google cancel order now it's a scam

after looking at this ad i thought that i would be interested as so many other people around the world but after i look into this ad and had already signed up for 1.99 one time fee there was no way to contact anyone only a recording, that the answer service was full could not leave a message no way to cancel no site or no forms there was no ability to cancel. NOW HOW DO I CANCEL NOW? please get this info to the APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL FOR DISPOSITION, RESOLUTION, CANCELLATION ASAP! THANK YOU OR I WILL LEAVE ANOTHER COMPLAINT...

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Update by SCAMZ
Oct 12, 2009 6:13 pm EDT


Update by SCAMZ
Oct 12, 2009 6:12 pm EDT


Update by SCAMZ
Oct 12, 2009 6:08 pm EDT


Update by SCAMZ
Oct 12, 2009 6:06 pm EDT



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9:49 am EDT
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Google no ability to contact for cancellation

After looking at the ad on the internet, I thought it would be interesting to check this "bus op" out and see if there was any validity. I signed up for "free" trial period, then attempted to call the phone # listed to cancel. Only a recording. So, I attempted to go onsite to cancel, no site, no form, no ability to cancel, no how! Please see that this gets to the appropriate personnel for disposition, resolution, cancellation. Thank you!

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todd travis
31406, US
Feb 11, 2010 10:30 am EST

This is a scam. I don't see how they can call it legal.

Oct 08, 2009 11:45 am EDT

There is not a number a person an address, these POS have scammed you and I. The only thing you can do is cancel your card. HURRY from what I have been reading they will continue to charge you each month various fees!

5:22 pm EDT
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Google stole from my account $139.38

I was very stupid and didn't read the terms and conditions so they took from my account $84.84 for a membership they claimed will cost only $1.97. I took responsability for that but when I called them back to cancel, they said the would give me a $20.00 refund if I kept their membership for 25 days risk free of charge, 19 days later they were charging another $54.54 to my account and I never received the $20.00 refund they promised. When I called back to complain about the $54.54 charge, they claimed it was because i received a $20.00 refund so I told them I never got that refund and of course they didn't have an anwser for that...then I told them what about the 25 day free of charge trial, they also could not give me a valid anwser. They are thieves, took the last of my money and I even had to fees to my bank : (

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2:05 pm EDT
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Google unauthorise/moneytakenout

I did not authorise anyone ( take anymoney out of my account except for the $1.97 for shipping and handling, the program was free. I did not join any club. I have no job and I hoped this would be the answer for me. I can barely make it and for anybody to take money out of my account is evil. I cancel as of now 9/30/09. You give us hope and than slap us down. I hope this ends here, or I will have to seek a lawyer. I read alot of complaints against your company, and for my piece of mind I must cancel. I want this sent to this place. Thanks

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West Nyack, US
Oct 08, 2009 11:50 am EDT

What is this all about? Can't find a good phone # or any way to contact them to cancel. Please Help!

Placentia, US
Feb 26, 2010 3:13 pm EST

Same thing happened to me! I hope some how there could be a class action lawsuit here!

Del Rio, US
Oct 22, 2009 1:40 pm EDT

It took me a while to get a rep to cancel my membership but I finally did, the number to cancel is [protected]

Hereford, US
Oct 15, 2009 2:06 pm EDT

I want to cancel but i dont know how.
How I can cancel?

Oct 06, 2009 1:52 pm EDT

I just cancelled from the same reason. Hopping it will finish here. I can't believe that a company like google can do this.

4:34 am EDT
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Google misuse of addresse

I receive emails in my Hotmail account from friends and when I ask the friends (differents friends) if they sent this to me, they say they haven't. Does it mean somebody is using their address and mine to send their advertisments?
It happened at least 4 times in a few months. One time I was even ask to send money to rescue this friend from so said danger.
Is there a way to stop it?

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Brampton, CA
May 18, 2010 11:17 pm EDT

somebody is used my name and send e-amils to everybody at work. i am tried of this. please help me. they are send the e-mail from the place i work. i finish work at 1024pm. the person send the e-amil at after 1100pm. do u think should inform the cops. all the people in company thinks i am send them the e-mail. i am going to talk to my union about this. please send me an e-mail on the rake e-mail address is i want to know how to catch that person at work. please help.

7:38 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google they have taken out money from my account that I never authorized. I never was told I would owe anything other than the $1.97 google profits cd

I have had $47.50 taken out of my account twice and $99. once without my ever giving them permission to do so. I did not buy anything other than a CD that was sent for $1.97 and that was all I agreed to. I tried calling the number on my bank statement last month but it was a bad phone number. This month when I again got charges I did not authorize the number was for Google profits.

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Nov 05, 2009 9:58 am EST

Google Terms and Conditions
call the [protected] number to cancel

If you subscribe to a Negative Option service on this site that requires payment of any fee, you, herein referred to as Subscriber, agree to pay all fees associated with such service, including the free trial shipping and handling fee, the one-time fee and the recurring fee. Subscriber agrees to pay today the free trial shipping and handling fee of $1.97 to begin subscriber’s trial membership. Subscriber has thirty days from the date of enrollment to cancel Trial membership by calling our customer care department at [protected] to cancel their trial subscription and to be issued an authorization number for return of the Google Profits disc. Subscriber must clearly write the authorization number on the outside of the package and return the CD to the address given by the customer care department within thirty days from the date of enrollment or does not promptly return the disc with authorization number according to the terms above, Subscriber agrees to pay a one time fee of $99.00, which will be billed on Day thirty one from the date of enrollment. Once the free trial shipping and handling fee has been paid and once Subscriber does not cancel within the thirty day Trial period, the one time fee will be NON REFUNDABLE. In addition, the subscriber will be provided access to an online Resource Center which will bill at $47.50 on the fifteenth Day from the date of enrollment and we will re-bill every thirty one days at $47.50 per month until cancelled by calling [protected]. If for any reason, Subscribers credit card company refuses to pay the amount billed for the service, Subscriber agrees that we may, at our option, suspend or terminate the subscription to the service and require the Subscriber to pay the overdue amount by other means acceptable to us. We may charge a fee for reinstatement of suspended or terminated accounts. You have also been enrolled into a seven (7) day trial to the eBay Money Resource Center. Should you choose not to cancel your eBay Money Resource Center, you will be billed seven dollars and seventy one cents ($7.71) each month for the eBay Money Resource Center. If you wish to cancel your eBay Money Resource Center subscription, please call [protected] to cancel.

whistler, US
Nov 04, 2009 11:36 am EST

I ordered the cd for 1.95 also then I read the complaints and I call the [protected] number about 3 minutes later and canceled they were going to charge me 1.97 plus 47.50
without telling me. so I canceled my debit card also so they won't charge anything futher. they have not shipped the cd yet and they won't refund my 1.95. lesson learned if it sounds too good to be true it is.

Yogesh Mathur
Oct 05, 2009 2:59 am EDT

Exactly same has happened with me too

Yogesh mathur

5:42 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google email address

My name is Ruben Y. Maceda. I have a Hotmail account with the following I.D. [protected] Last Monday 14 September 2009 between 9 to 10 a.m. here in Malta my account was succesfully hacked. I found this out when a collegue informed me that I have sent him a message asking for $1000 while supposedly I was in London. I immediately tried to open my account but was unsuccessful. Apparently someone changed my password and sending letters to all email addresses found in my account. I would greatly appreciate if you can blocked said account. Presently i can be contacted at this email address [protected] or [protected]

Thank you so much for whatever assistance extended

Kind regards,

Ruben Maceda

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Aug 11, 2011 4:37 am EDT

MY problam is 25-01-2011 a mail link is not worked.the creat problam The requested object does not exist on this server.
The URL you entered is outdated.

Please solved my problam.

anne turley
Winston, US
Jun 07, 2011 9:44 am EDT

i cant get my email on hotmail because of Help us fight junk email

6:16 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google unauthorized charges

Homebiz and its numerous entities are scamming people on the internet by obtaining credit card numbers and subsequently making several unauthorized charges to accounts. Attempts to contact all parties are nonproductive due to fake telephone numbers, phoney website customer service numbers, etc. Police investigation is ongoing, however the only customer relief appears to be cancellation of credit cards and requesting reimbusement from credit card company.

It appears that the fight will need to be fought between the credit card company and the computer hackers as I will seek reimbusement from my credit card.

Sadly, these scammers may go unprosecuted.

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2:48 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Google gmail & orkut hacked


I am gitarani, wanted to inform you kindly that someone has
Recently hacked my orkut account, I want please
Close my account immediately, as because the person who has hacked my profile is writing all rubbish in my profile and I m afraid that the person does not misuses my account so please I hope u will understand my emergency and will immediately

Close my account please help me and please close my account soon.

Here is my account details: gitarani. [protected]


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Lisa F. Clark
Ocala, US
May 14, 2014 5:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi, I'm Lisa Clark
On April 1st I was taking
pictures and in 8 of my pictures you throw shoots of David Hassellhoff in my pictures and I don't appreciate that at all I called my phone company and they had no idea what was wrong so they told me to go to a main office and they searched and found out that you guys played a prank and I don't appreciate that at all it took my time and gas to find out what happen cause I thought some one hacked in my phone and I highly upset about that, Do you know how many others probably thought the same thing I did, and I really don't think it was funny...

sincerely, Lisa Clark

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About Google

Screenshot Google
Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products. Its most recognized offering is the Google search engine, which serves as a tool for internet users to find information online. Beyond search, Google provides a suite of productivity tools known as Google Workspace, which includes Gmail for email, Google Drive for cloud storage, and productivity applications like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

The company also operates the Android operating system, which is used by a variety of mobile devices worldwide. Google's hardware products include the Google Pixel line of smartphones and the Google Nest family of smart home products.

For businesses, Google offers Google Ads, an online advertising platform, and Google Analytics, a service for tracking and reporting website traffic. Google Cloud Platform is another significant service, providing cloud computing solutions for enterprises.

Google Maps and Google Earth are services that facilitate location tracking and navigation, while YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, is a widely-used platform for video sharing and viewing.

The company is known for its continuous innovation and expansion into new areas, including artificial intelligence, self-driving car technology through Waymo, and health technology via Verily.

Google's services are deeply integrated into the fabric of the digital experience, catering to both individual users and businesses with a broad range of products designed to enhance connectivity and productivity.
How to file a complaint about Google?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against Google on

1. Log in or Create an Account:
- If you already have an account on, log in. If not, create a new account to proceed.

2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue you have with Google in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Google.
- Mention key areas of concern, any transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the nature of the problem, and the personal impact.

5. Attaching Supporting Documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review Before Submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission Process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure you follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint against Google.

Overview of Google complaint handling

Google reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 22, 2007. The latest review Posting jail mugshots was posted on Sep 4, 2024. The latest complaint google - I save you. you owe me was resolved on Dec 16, 2019. Google has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 8760 reviews. Google has resolved 257 complaints.
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    Oct 21, 2024
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