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12:00 am EDT Mixed Experience at the Local Cafe

My visit to this cafe was a mix of ups and downs. The ambiance was cozy, but the service was slow. The coffee was decent, but the pastries were stale. The staff seemed friendly, but they forgot my order. Overall, an average experience that could be improved.

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9:07 pm EST Red Roof inn

If anyone is up, we could use some prayer. Do you want the long or short version?

We made it to our hotel a little before 11 pm. We’re tired and a little stressed due to the rain and being in an area we don’t know. So we were looking forward to getting some rest so we could finish our trip tomorrow.

So I made the reservation while Ron was driving so I had to go in and sign the paperwork. I had to go in the other side of the office, I guess it was the night shift way. So I did. I rang the bell. A lady came and I said I had reserved a room. She then asked for my od and credit card so I put it where she could get them from the window. She took them out of my sight. I didn’t like that at all. If they’re going to do transactions from that room they need to be able to do it within the customer view. Too many scammers out there. She came back 3 or 4 minutes later and put a paper through the window and asked me to sign it. I did. Then she said meet me on the other side and pointed like toward the regular office door. (Now mind you, I still didn’t have my if or credit card back. But I went there. A couple minutes later, I saw her through the glass and she’s pointing further down. And the only thing further down we’re guest doors so I had to go back and say what (something like this 🤷🏻‍♀️) through the glass. She huffs and then finally opened the glass office door she was in. And practically threw my id, credit card and room keys at me. She said you forgot your cards and need a key to get in. I said I know, that’s what I was waiting for from you.

So we go find our room. And when we go inside, I have never seen a filthier hotel room! The bed was made but everything was filthy. Including the bed. I will get to that in a second.

I have asthma and the whole bathroom ceiling was riddled with black mold. I could feel that part when I walked in there. There was someone’s socks in the night stand drawer. All the walls were all messed up bad. I mean, I know things happen, but this was a lot. All this damage and they don’t fix it, just keep renting it out to the next person?

The sink had a huge crack in it. The ice bucket lid was so sticky and filthy. I’m not even sure when it was washed last. I pulled back the sheets on the bed (we do this everywhere we stay to look for bed bugs). No bed bugs (that I saw), but what are all those little spots under the sheet? There were stains of some sort on some of the walls.

We asked for a non smoking room but Ron says it smell d full of smoke and on the register for the cooling unit, it looks like a cigarettes burn mark.

Ron dropped his keys and they slid under the bed, and when he looked under the bed to get them, there was an old McDonald’s bag under the bed.

Ron tried to use their phone to call the front desk, and it didn’t even work!

So we used our cell phones and called the 800 number. They said they couldn’t help us. They gave us guest relations number for the morning and then transferred us to the front desk of this hotel.

A man answered, Ron tried to tell him what was going on, and try to get a different room or a refund, Ron barely finished one sentence before he was interrupted and the man said I can’t do anything tonight. You have to wait and talk to the manager between 10&2 tomorrow. Then he hung up on Ron.

So we called back the first 800 number. They said we unfortunately would have to wait for guest relations. They can’t do anything like that from their end. She said the best thing to do is to walk to the office and talk in person so he can’t hang up on you again. So that’s what we did.

We get there. He comes to the window and we tell him who we are and what we needed and he wouldn’t really let us explain anything. He said I already told you. I can’t do anything for you tonight. And then he walked away.

So we rang the bell again and Ron said we need a refund or a different room. He pointed at the sign that said no refunds. Then I said I never heard of a hotel who at the very least wouldn’t at least exchange a room in a circumstance like this. He said I already told you, I am not doing anything for you. Talk to the manager.

We went to the car and called the police to see if they could help us and they said they couldn’t. Because it’s a civil matter.

So it feels like we’re being held here against our will until we can talk to the manager at 10 am and/or guest relations at 8 am. If we got a refund, we could go down the road a little further and just get a new one. We cannot sleep in that room. So now we are going to try to get a few hours sleep in our car parked right in front of “our room”

This is from my wife’s post on Facebook have pictures to show as well. I hope this gets enough negative responses from people

That they will be forced to go above and beyond

Alanta/Smyrna Red Roof inn

2200 Corporate plaza Smyrna Ga

This staff was just as nasty

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp's Deceptive Sales Tactics: A Warning to Small Businesses

So, I got a call from this lady named Star who promised me a sweet deal on Yelp's ad services. She said I'd get a $1000 credit and wouldn't be charged for 6 months. Sounded too good to be true, right? Well, turns out it was. I got charged an extra $540 per month and had no idea until I saw it on my card. When I called Yelp, they told me I was sent an email confirmation about the charges, but I don't remember seeing it. I thought the $1000 credit covered everything. I'm just a small business trying to get started, I can't afford to pay that much for advertising.

Then, this lady named Allison from Yelp called me and kept insisting that I knew what I was getting into. But I didn't! I told her over and over that I wasn't informed about the charges and never agreed to pay $540 per month. She told me the $1000 credit was for a different service, which just confused me even more. Then she started talking about clicks and cost per clicks, which made my head spin.

I asked her why I never received any bills or invoices, and she said Yelp is a paperless company. Okay, fine. But I should have still gotten an email invoice, right? And when I asked her to send me the recorded conversation with Star, she said she couldn't because it's only for internal use. What kind of nonsense is that?

Long story short, Yelp tricked me and stole my money. They try to justify it with sales jargon that normal people don't understand. There's no empathy or humanity in this company. Do your research and don't fall for their too-good-to-be-true offers. I wish I had known better.

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  1. Pros
    1. Vast User Base: High traffic and visibility.
    2. User-Generated Reviews: Authentic feedback.
    3. Local Search Optimization: Enhanced local discovery.
    4. Mobile App Integration: Easy access on-the-go.
    5. Business Analytics: Insightful performance data.
  1. Cons
    1. Limited algorithm transparency
    2. High advertising costs for businesses
    3. Potential for fake or biased reviews
    4. Strong competition from Google, TripAdvisor
Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp Advertising Scam: Do Not Use Their Services!

Last month, I got a call from a lady who said she was from Yelp Advertising. She said she could help me get my business going and hopefully get some clicks. I talked with her and set up my ad campaign. She gave me a code which she said would give me my first month free as a trial period to see if Yelp ads are something I wanted to try. I was all in for this and followed her instructions, added my credit card and selected the options she said would "best help my business gain attention". I was under the impression that I would call back in a few weeks and either say it's working and that I would like to start paying the following month or would cancel it.

After three weeks, I received only one website click, so I called and canceled. I made sure I would not be billed if I continued to use the service since it was completely useless and did nothing for me. However, the next day I got a statement saying I was charged $254.44 from Yelp Advertising. I immediately called Yelp customer support, but after an hour on hold being passed onto another agent who hung up on me, I tried calling the lady that had originally reached out to me, but she did not answer her phone. I called once again, this time the billing department number, and after another hour on hold, the man told me that I had signed up for it and that there was never such thing as a free month trial. He said the code I had been given only meant that if I spent $300 or more, I would be given additional credit or something like that.

I was outraged and called around until I finally got a hold of the original Yelp advertising lady who just blew me off and pretty much said she was sorry but I must have misinterpreted what she said. The thing about this whole situation that angers me the most is that I spent $250 and did not even receive as little as an email or anything in return for the advertising. When I looked at the cost breakdown, I was apparently signed up for stuff such as "Enhanced Profile" and "Business Highlights" which was something I had never even heard of before and was unaware of signing up for. I was also charged for stuff like a "call to action" button that I never even set up but was charged $79 for.

DO NOT ever use Yelp advertising and get scammed by one of their representatives into signing up for any trial because they are just trying to steal your money. The whole thing is a scam and a giant money fest, and they could care less about your business and help you. I was NEVER able to get a refund on my $254.44. Yelp is a scam, take my word and never use it.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp for Business Owners: Beware of Deceptive Sales Tactics and Hidden Fees

So, I recently had an experience with Yelp for Business Owners ( that I wanted to share. I received a call from someone who claimed to be my account manager and said he wanted to help me with my account. As someone who isn't very computer-savvy, I went along with it. Little did I know, I was actually being signed up for a $15 a day advertising program. When I received a bill for $394, I was shocked and couldn't afford it.

Before I even received the call, I had received an offer to list my business on Yelp when I got my website. This came with free credits and a budget of $30 a month. I tried it out, but unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I was only receiving spam calls and calls from other companies trying to sell me services. So, I stopped using it before I used all the free credits.

About a month later, I received the call from the guy who said he was my account manager. I told him that the service didn't work for me due to all the spam calls I was receiving. He told me that my account was bare and that he was going to help me set it up so that it looked professional. He told me that I needed to set a budget, and I told him that I was a new company and could only afford around $30 a month, which is what I had it set to when I first tried the service.

However, I later found out that I was actually signed up for enhanced services that totaled $15 a day, resulting in a bill of almost $400. When I called the billing department to voice my concerns, they had me fill out a form to request a refund, which I did. In the meantime, I received a call from my bank that Yelp was trying to debit my account for $400.

This company is not right. They use fast-talking con men to act like they want to help you with your account, only to sign you up for services that you can't afford. If I wanted to pay $15 a day to advertise, I would have done that when I first listed my business on their site. If they had taken the time to look at my account, they would have known that before this con man called me, I had signed up for the cheapest service they had and canceled all of the services when I found out they didn't benefit my business.

When canceling my account the first time, they asked me why I was canceling my service, and I told them I couldn't afford it and because of the spam calls. I never called Yelp for any help with my account. Whoever the account manager was, he solicited me. I'm thinking that he was there to help me with my profile, not trick me into advertising for $15 a day. And they did this during the Covid pandemic. Taking advantage of people during the pandemic is very unethical.

They need to hire better salespeople, and from the other complaints I see, I'm not the only one who has had a bad experience with Yelp for Business Owners.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp for Business Owners: A Deceptive Sales Pitch and Poor ROI

I started my Yelp for Business Owners page around the same time I became an LLC in my state. Initially, I didn't pay for anything and just left it up for free. However, one day a salesperson called me with some slick talk about a $300 promo that would generate leads and only cost me $15 a day. I decided to give it a try, but the amount of clicks I received versus actual physical clients was poor. I decided to use pay-per-click as a side investment at my own discretion throughout the year. After about 6-7 months, I noticed it wasn't worth the hype, and the last time I paid them was in April 2021.

In January 2022, another sales guy called me and wasted 2 hours of my day talking about his new $900 promo that could test the waters and see if the ROI would be worth it. I stayed on the phone because of my circumstances and thought it would be a way for me to go back full time to running my business by using their service. I was already struggling to get clients, so I thought I'd take a risk and see if they could help, even though I had made my conclusions last year. That's how good their sales team is. They keep insisting, pressuring, and using technical jargon to sound smart. All of that is to sugarcoat the truth - they don't care about you. The bottom line is commission and money. They eat off the back of small businesses with their little $15 a day sales tactic, which they bump to $20 for features.

So I told him we'd try it for one week. In just 4 days, I got charged $36 and received ZERO calls. Despite this, he felt he needed to check "hot zones" (outside my service radius), so he wanted me to modify my livelihood at the expense of driving further out. I already knew Yelp was not worth the spend, but this man deceptively insisted on "reviewing some things." Now my bull$#*! meter was 10/10. For every dollar you spend, they only apply a tiny portion of their so-called discounts. It is inherently designed to keep the owner spending more, not save. LOL. Beware of the $300 promos, and sometimes if you leave them for months, they come back with a $900 3-month promo.

I told the guy I canceled because I was not getting enough ACTUAL conversions and mostly clicks. He did not listen. Instead, he sold me on a fake dream, which, to my own responsibility, I bought into, thinking things would magically change. Remember penny stocks in the 90s for you older folks? Their salesmen are slick talkers.

Back when I had just signed up, one month I let the website do its thing and got charged $700, 41 clicks, and had 3 customers I serviced. Imagine there are millions of small businesses in America. Now imagine Yelp scraping $15 a day from each. Yeah, that's how they stay in business. They sell a fake dream with shady tactics to impressionable small businesses. If you want to advertise, save your hard-earned money for other ad ventures OFF Yelp.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more The Pros and Cons of Yelp for Business Owners: A Frustrating but Beneficial Software System

Yelp for Business Owners ( is a software system that has been both helpful and frustrating for our business. While it has brought in more customers, it has also filtered out many of our good reviews and kept the bad ones. For example, we had a bad review about our lettuce back in March, and a customer even posted a picture of it. We admit that the salad was not great, as we had to get lettuce from out of state since we didn't have any Romaine lettuce in Michigan. Unfortunately, the lettuce died quickly after we served it to our carry-out customer, and we had to throw out 93 cases that were stored in our nine restaurants. We value our customers' safety and satisfaction over profits, so we didn't hesitate to dispose of the lettuce, which was worth $4,185.

Six months later, a customer called my manager and expressed interest in our Mediterranean salad, but was concerned about the quality of our lettuce. My manager explained the situation to him, and he decided to give us a try. This customer became a loyal one and ordered eleven salads in just three weeks, and he didn't find any bad lettuce in them. He even posted a positive review on Yelp, but unfortunately, Yelp's software didn't recommend it. When I contacted Yelp's top manager, he told me that their software is accurate and can detect if a business owner pays someone to write a good review. However, I didn't pay anyone to write a good review, and the positive review was genuine.

Despite the frustrations with Yelp's software, we still advertise with them because they bring in more customers. However, it's not fair that only the bad reviews are highlighted, and our honest employees' efforts are not recognized. Our salad team, for example, received a $400 reward from our supervisor for disposing of more than twenty-four cases of unhealthy lettuce in less than four months. They kept our customers safe and satisfied, but their efforts are not reflected on our business page.

In conclusion, Yelp for Business Owners has its pros and cons. While it brings in more customers, it filters out many of our good reviews and highlights only the bad ones. It's not fair for our honest employees, and it's frustrating that their efforts are not recognized. However, we still advertise with Yelp because it's beneficial for our business. We hope that Yelp will improve its software and recognize the efforts of our employees in the future.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp's Fraudulent Business Practices: A Disappointing Experience

I have been a loyal customer of Yelp for many years, using their platform to promote my business and connect with customers. However, during the pandemic, I began to experience some issues with Yelp's business practices. They repeatedly called me, asking me to spend more money on their services, even though I explained that I couldn't afford it. Despite my protests, Yelp continued to pressure me to spend more money.

Then, I noticed a fake review on my Yelp page. This review was clearly fake for many reasons. The reviewer mentioned something that wasn't possible and didn't happen, and they had never posted on any page except mine. Even worse, the review was backdated to 2016, even though it had never existed before 2020. When I contacted Yelp to report the fake review, they refused to do anything about it.

Eventually, Yelp called me again in 2023, promising to remove the fake review and offering me a $900 credit for signing up again. However, when I signed up, they didn't remove the review, and my dedicated agent stopped responding to my emails and calls. When I tried to report the review online, I received a message saying that I had already reported it. The $900 credit also never materialized, despite Yelp's claims that they had given it to me.

Overall, I am extremely disappointed in Yelp's business practices. They not only planted a fake review on my page, but they also moved most of my legitimate 5-star reviews to the "not recommended" page. Yelp and its employees should be ashamed of themselves for engaging in such fraudulent behavior. I believe that we need a more honest and transparent review platform for businesses, one that doesn't allow abusive or retaliatory reviews to be posted. Reviews should be honest, non-abusive, and based on real experiences.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp for Business Owners: A Total Scam - Beware of Hidden Charges and Fees

I gotta tell you, I had a pretty bad experience with Yelp for Business Owners. They reached out to me with an offer for $600 in advertising credit over 6 months, but I had to sign up for an $8 average per day budget. I was hesitant to spend that much on marketing, but with the $100 per month credit, I decided to give it a shot. I was promised that I could cancel at any time without losing my promo or dealing with any hidden charges or fees.

After 10 days, I didn't receive any potential clients contacting me via phone or email. The only contacts I received were through Yelp's direct messaging, and they were all inquiries about services that I don't provide at my business. When I contacted them back to inform them that I didn't offer the services they were inquiring about, I never got a response. I started to wonder if these contacts were even real people.

I decided to cancel the next day since I didn't even have one real lead in 10 days. I expected to pay $48, but I was charged $85.93. I thought it was a mistake and contacted Tessa, the ad specialist I'd been working with, but she never got back to me. I called and left a voicemail, but she still didn't respond. She sent me an email saying everything was correct and that my ad credit had been applied, but I explained that the cost was significantly more than what I agreed to. She gave me a phone number to contact billing at Yelp.

I contacted billing, and the rep said if I had a dispute on the bill, I had to contact a different department. He transferred me, but Yelp dropped the call. I called back and finally talked to a customer service rep. I explained my charge situation to her, but she became argumentative and defensive. I realized they had no plans on doing the right thing and reimbursing the $40 credit I was swindled out of. They are total con artists.

I should have known better than to advertise with them when I learned years ago from a business owner friend that they were contacted asking them if they were interested in paying to have Yelp not show negative reviews on their business. And when they refused because the review was bogus, and didn't meet criteria for a valid review, Yelp refused to remove it unless they paid. Scammers!

So beware! They are not concerned with long term, honest business relationships. They are money grabbers. Lesson learned for me. Thank God I ditched them after 11 days... I can't imagine the gauging they would have done beyond that.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Misleading Sales Pitch: My Experience with Yelp for Business Owners

I recently had an experience with Yelp for Business Owners ( that I feel compelled to share. While I have given positive reviews in the past, this one unfortunately falls into the negative category. I was offered $900 in free ads and was told that I would not be charged to try out the service since I would be getting $900 towards the ad service. I was very clear from the beginning that I did not want to pay to advertise since I had already invested money in other options. The sales person assured me that nothing would be charged and that this was a promotion to try out the service and see if I liked it.

The whole service was explained to me over the phone, with all the limits set by the salesperson and explained that all of it was going to be under the $900 cap amount. I was asked for my credit card information to set up the account, and while I was hesitant, I was assured that the limit amounts were high and that I should take advantage of the free service and get as much exposure as I could. I was told that at the end of the month, I would get a call to go over everything and if I liked it, they could help me set it up on a reasonable budget I could afford.

I started the service mid-month in March 2018 and was expecting a call about a month from the start date. However, on April 2nd, I was charged $567. I did not get any leads from the ads until March 29th, 3 days before the end of the month. I did not get any sales from those few leads, but that is not Yelp's fault. However, the initial sales pitch and how they get you to sign up with them is an issue.

When I called to get clarification, I was told that I needed to contact the sales person that I spoke with. I was told that they must be away from their desk because they couldn't reach her to have me transferred. I found the sales person's number in my past emails and was able to get in touch with her right away. Once I caught her up on the issue, she changed her pitch and explained herself differently than what she had sold me at first. She told me that I needed to contact account management so they could assist me further.

Once I contacted account management, they told me that they do not give services for free and that I must have misunderstood. They put all the blame on me and took no accountability for the misinformation given to me. They didn't even offer anything to put me at ease and told me they couldn't give me a refund. I told them that I was going to dispute the charges with my bank and they said to go ahead.

Overall, I was disappointed with my experience with Yelp for Business Owners. While I understand that mistakes can happen, the lack of accountability and willingness to help rectify the situation was frustrating. I hope that others can learn from my experience and be cautious when signing up for services with Yelp.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Navigating the Pros and Cons of Yelp for Business Owners

Yelp is a website that many people use to look up businesses and read reviews from other users. While it is popular among consumers, many business owners have mixed feelings about it. On Yelp, users can rate businesses using a 5-star system and write reviews about their experiences. Google also indexes Yelp reviews and displays the star rating and number of reviews next to a business's link in search results.

One positive aspect of Yelp is that it is free to list your business and you can customize your listing with photos and a description. Yelp has hundreds of thousands of users across the USA, so businesses can potentially gain a fair amount of customers from the site. Additionally, Yelpers are known to be hardcore and trust what others are writing about a business.

However, there are also negative aspects to Yelp. One major issue is that businesses are listed on the site without their approval. Additionally, some Yelpers refuse to give anyone a 5-star rating, even if they had a great experience. While this may not be a problem if the lower rating is only on Yelp, it can become an issue when other sites or search engines grab that information and display it alongside a business's link. This can cause a business to appear less favorable than its competitors and potentially lose customers.

Another issue with Yelp is that anyone can leave a review, even if they never used the business. This can lead to bogus negative reviews and 1-star ratings, which can harm a business's reputation. Yelp does allow business owners to write a rebuttal to negative reviews, but this may not be enough to counteract the damage done by a low rating. Additionally, Yelp's aggressive sales tactics have led some businesses to believe that negative reviews were left by anonymous users after they declined to pay for advertising on the site. Some businesses have even reported that their positive reviews disappeared from Yelp after they declined to pay for advertising.

Overall, Yelp can be a valuable tool for businesses, but it also has its drawbacks. Business owners should be aware of the potential for negative reviews and low ratings, as well as Yelp's aggressive sales tactics. While Yelp does offer a way for business owners to respond to negative reviews, this may not be enough to prevent harm to their reputation.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp for Business Owners: A Scam or Legitimate Platform? A Critical Review

I recently came across Yelp for Business Owners ( and wanted to share my findings with others. From what I have gathered on the internet, Yelp has been receiving a lot of criticism from businesses regarding their review system. Many businesses have complained that Yelp makes it difficult to find positive reviews for their business, while negative reviews are easily visible. This can be misleading and make a business look bad, even if they have many positive reviews.

One common complaint is that Yelp predominantly posts negative reviews for a business. It can take a lot of digging to find a 5-star review, which can be frustrating for businesses. Legitimate reviews are often hidden from view, making it difficult for potential customers to see the true picture of a business. This can be especially damaging if a competitor posts a fake negative review about a business.

Yelp's response to these complaints is that their algorithm is just fine regarding reviews. However, thousands of complaints on the BBB website alone suggest otherwise. Additionally, Yelp does not allow anyone to write a review about Yelp on their own website, which raises some questions about their confidence in their own algorithm.

There have also been allegations that Yelp displays negative reviews to get businesses to call them, so they can pitch their advertising services. Many businesses have complained that Yelp sales representatives have tried to extort advertising dollars to remove bad reviews. There are even videos and recordings exposing real Yelp salesperson phone calls.

When researching Yelp, I came across several articles and videos that suggest Yelp is a scam and a rip-off. Some former Yelp employees have spoken out about the company's high-pressure sales culture, which can be disturbing. Additionally, a documentary explores the allegedly shady business practices of the review site.

If you search "why is Yelp bad" or "Yelp scam," you will find millions of results. Many business owners have accused Yelp of extortion and claim that Yelp moves positive reviews to the top after a business pays to advertise. The Wall Street Journal has even reported that businesses often see a dip in profits after a slew of negative reviews.

In conclusion, Yelp for Business Owners may not be the best platform for businesses to showcase their positive reviews. Yelp's algorithm has been criticized for predominantly posting negative reviews and hiding legitimate positive reviews. Additionally, there have been allegations of extortion and shady business practices. While Yelp may be a useful tool for some businesses, it's important to be aware of these criticisms before investing time and money into the platform.

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7:51 pm EST
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I am at a loss for words on where to begin. The experience with Sam was nothing short of a nightmare. Here is a summary of the events that transpired: I initially requested for my washing machine to be fixed on Friday. Sam said he could come on Saturday, which did not work for me. So, I asked if he could come on Monday instead, to which he agreed and we...

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6:16 pm EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more My review of Climatech Inc, a heating and cooling company here in Los Angeles CA

I just posted a review of my disastrous experience with Climatech Inc., a heating and cooling company here in Los Angeles CA. After about twenty minutes of posting the review, I logged back to to see if it has been posted. I discovered it was posted with my name but my location was changed to Montebello, CA instead of Tarzana or Los Angeles CA. It also shows the date of my review as August 21 2023 when in actuality it was today February 22, 2024.

I am contacting you- Yelp and requesting for an explanation as to why this misleading information is being attached to my review of this company which makes my review ineffective. I need customers to know and be aware what they are getting into if they choose to hire this company for their heating and cooling systems issues.

My name is Regina Chinweze

My email address is [protected]

I need an explanation as soon as possible so that I can determine what my next course of action should be.

Claimed loss: Loss of valuable time as they were at my home five times; each time I had to rearrange my schedule to stay home from 9AM to 3PM. As well as $350 which was unnecessary since I had paid another vendor five months

Desired outcome: I need the location of my review to be corrected and listed as Tarzana, CA. And the date of my review should be today 2/22/2024

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified representatives only. If you are affiliated with, please claim your business to access these details.

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3:28 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

On January 12, 2024, I corresponded with Mr. Mickey Rogers, who verified my account and provided reassurances that the $300 in free ads would not be billed to me until I reached the specified threshold. I made it explicitly clear during our conversation that I did not wish to pay for any ads at that time and, consequently, refrained from providing my credit...

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Is Legit? earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 10% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

We found clear and detailed contact information for The company provides a physical address, 3 phone numbers, and 2 emails, as well as 6 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers. has received positive review on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company. has registered the domain name for for more than one year, which may indicate stability and longevity. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. you are considering visiting, which is associated with, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

Several positive reviews for have been found on various review sites. While this may be a good sign, it is important to approach these reviews with caution and consider the possibility of fake or biased reviews.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 10% of 186 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • That one is embedded within another website. Beware of embedded websites. Scammers may use them to trick you into visiting fake sites. Verify authenticity before entering personal information and research the site for safety
  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
  • protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
1:17 pm EST
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In August, I accepted your $300 credit for services and said that I would not pay anything for services just wanted the free offer. My account was set up with that understanding. I set it so it wouldn't go over the $300 for the month. I did not okay any upgrades just was using the free $300 credit. I cancelled the services when my balance said $0 and I...

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5:24 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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On 11/9/23 I opened a YELP business account. I was contacted by Account Executive Chase W. several times by email and phone. We spoke on 11/17/23 at great length (2 hours) about my business. He helped with organizing my page and providing pictures. I was very impressed at the level of care and service I was being provided with. He told me about the...

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2:28 pm EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more Refund

Just got burned. They automatically added extra services I did not chose, and no confirmation or message send to my email for extra. This happened for 2nd time in 2 months. Previous month I called and disputed extra charges and they agree to refund. I receive nothing despite they said i was refunded. Now I was charged again extra 150$ and after I disputed the charge, they said this extra pick is made by me and they can't do anything. This is scam. Also, their system removed all my positive review 4 months ago by stating they computer decided to remove them and they cant do anything. I asked them to investigate the review because they were from real customers and real jobs, but they refused.

Claimed loss: 180

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified representatives only. If you are affiliated with, please claim your business to access these details.

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8:49 pm EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Facebook. Learn more Visionworks

Please take down the review written by me about Dr Shannon Chandler. The complaint was really about the Visionworks part of where she works as a totally independent contractor. My complaint was resolved and I want it taken down at once. This was a yelp review in Las Vegas for the Blue Diamond store. Can anyone help me do this ? My email is [protected] Please help!

Desired outcome: Take down entire review

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9:36 am EST Delivery

I placed an order online on 11/23, I selected the delivery date from the options shown by Yelloh. I selected 11/27, I received a confirmation email stating my delivery will be delivered 11/27 between 9 and 6pm. Perfect.

Today is 11/28 and no delivery. No email, no call, no text.

I have tried to contact Yelloh by phone - No luck there. Its an automated response and regardless of what option you select you are told to go to the App or Website.

Disgusting customer service

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9:11 pm EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more Unauthorized credit card charge

I opened my biz page 2 months ago. 1 month ago they offered me 300 dollars for yelp ads to use during a month.

I used, wasn't much help, but after that they charge me 151,00 in my card without being clear about it.

I want a refund, but when I called they said they couldn't refund, instead they could give me more free credit to keep using their ads.

I can't really afford this extra charge right now and feels completely unfair to not be able to solve it!

Claimed loss: $151

Desired outcome: Please, refund me!

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3:59 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Facebook. Learn more
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I recently moved from Virginia to Scottsdale, AZ with North American. I have not received several boxes that I personally packed and taped with instructions on the outside. Also, one of the packers decided that he needed my jewelry more than I needed it. I packed and taped the boxes closed and told the packers that they would go in the vehicle I was driving...

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10:54 am EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more Yelp Advertising

The results from Yelp advertising are fake. They basically told us we received over 60 customers in one month from their platform ads when we received zero. Then they had to tell us our Yelp Deals resulted in many new customers via an email, yet we never had any Yelp customer buy any deal whatsoever.

How can you trust reviews from a provider that cannot be honest?

Stay away from Yelp. They will promise you the world and deliver nothing.

Desired outcome: Attorney Generals should require Yelp to be honest and ethical. They are bad for busines.

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6:13 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more
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Hello, my name is Gregory Dahl, VP Cielito's Cleaning Service, Inc. located in Plantation. FL. Our company has used Yelp! for paid and non-paid subscriptions for at least 10 years. Fortunately, we survived the pandemic so there were periods of time when the company flourished, and we could afford expensive advertising. A month ago, I decided to pay Yelp!...

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12:58 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more
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So I was awake in this morning at 8a.m. Bye I Yelp representative.instead of 9am and as our conversation started, I told her if she was going to request money at the end don’t even bother with this conversation and she just kept on and on and on and on finally after she goes and has me go to a different website she comes back and has me feeling louder form...

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6:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more (scam) possible flood damage automobiles in vermont (scam)

Coggins honda in bennington, vermont sold me a $17,000.00 used honda vehicle and the engine blew up in 1,500 miles and the warranty they sold me did not cover (3,000 mi warranty). I am out over $23,000.00 (trapped) because coggins honda in bennington vermont sold me a lemon and there are no lemon laws in vermont. Do not buy used vehivcle in vermont

Desired outcome: Pay for the new engine $4,950.00 plus tax. The warranty is worthless at Coggins Honda.

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6:28 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more Yelp reviews

I recently looked at the reviews for my company on Yelp. There are only two and both are one star. I clicked on the "not recommended" reviews and there are four more, all are 5 star reviews. None of these are included in the average star rating. Yelp claims that its algorithm only includes reviews from people who have a social media presence. I recognize the names of the four 5 star reviews and they were in fact customers of mine. I don't know and couldn't care less what their social media presence is. They are valid reviews.

Yelp claims it cannot override their own algorithm. I find that hard to believe. So, I called and ask them just to remove my company page altogether as it is doing more harm than good. They said they couldn't do that either. Not sure what kind of company can't control their own processes.

I have a business account page with Google and I don't have any of these problems. My company has 158 reviews on Google, all but 2 are 5 star.

Desired outcome: Remove my business page from Yelp altogether. It is not doing me any good and is causing harm to my company.

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9:29 am EDT Homeaglow

Received a home cleaning from this company in June 2023. Did not like the job performed, so cancelled the cleaning plan. I am still getting charged every month for this service, even though I cancelled the plan. what I did not realize was I also had to cancel the membership. I didn't even know i had signed up to be a member, I just wanted my house clean. I supposedly signed up for a 6 month plan, which ends in December 2023. the company said for me to quit now, I would have to pay $200+ to cancel the membership. Has anyone else gotten stuck with this crap!

They are going to still charge me for the next 3 months for the membership, even though no one will be cleaning our house.

Desired outcome: I want the membership cancelled. so far I have paid $199.93 + they will charge me another $158.01 for the next 3 months. I should not have to pay for any of this.

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11:12 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more
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Yelp contacted me to try to pay for their advertising. Close to that time, they got my info over the phone and apparently signed me up for some time. I believe they knew an opposing party or opposing attorney was going to harass me via their site, and they wanted me to pay to remove it. The opposing attorney or party put up a fake review anonymously saying...

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9:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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I signed up for a free account on Yelp. I have a small home-based business. After signing up I was inundated with calls and emails about running an ad. One salesperson who called me assured me that this was a win win deal. I would only have to pay $5.00 if a person clicked on my business name for more information, Of course, I have no proof of how many...

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3:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Yelp sale person misleaded and misguided for upgrade package

Yelp sales person

Joe Dean (he/him)

Elite Account Director, Yelp Inc. | P: +[protected]

Has misleaded, misguided and over a phone he lured and tactically enrolled my business to many paid services without explaining its cost implication and by keeping me in dark. He offered some free package for one things and present case that for 6 month or 1 year everything is free over a call and literally cheated by enrolling my businesses for many paid services. When i realised, i have been smartly cheated by this fraud person, i emailed him couple of time, he never responded to single mail. I have raised my official compliant on yelp support and awaiting final action on my case.

I stopped all enrolled services on 6th july 2023, raised alarmed but still some more funds got deducted from my credit card toward fees.

I dont understand why business need to cheat customers in such a way ?

Desired outcome: Refund of charges collected by keeping me in dark.

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7:33 pm EDT We would like to speak with someone at yelp

Date/Time: 7/31/23 7pm

Called Yelp customer service number advertised at the top of their website. A young women came on the phone and we attempted to ask her some general questions regarding Yelp as a business and what they offer. She was extremely condescending and cut as off of every sentence that we tried to speak. Even when she asked a question, we were not allowed to finish our answer. Her overall attitude was don't bother me and you are beneath me. Even when we tried to explain that we are a conglomerate of small businesses, she still acted like we were not worth her time. She said that she will email us some information and quickly hung up. Not the service that we expected and would like to receive from a company that is supposed to help other companies with advertising. This is not the first time that a Yelp Rep was rude to us. We had experiences in the past whereas we were hung up on. Thought we would give them another chance.

We asked for an appt to discuss having a yelp pg. We were told that was not possible. She literally said "it's now".

Desired outcome: that will be friendly, cooperative, informative, professional, helpful, kind, thoughtful, creative, and knowledgeable.

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Yelp for Business Owners is a powerful platform that allows business owners to take control of their online presence and reputation. With over 178 million unique visitors per month, Yelp is one of the most popular review sites on the internet. As a business owner, having a presence on Yelp can be crucial to your success, as it can help you attract new customers, build your brand, and improve your online reputation.

One of the key features of Yelp for Business Owners is the ability to claim and manage your business listing. This allows you to update your business information, add photos, respond to reviews, and interact with customers. By claiming your listing, you can ensure that your business information is accurate and up-to-date, which can help you attract more customers and improve your search engine rankings.

Another important feature of Yelp for Business Owners is the ability to respond to reviews. Whether a review is positive or negative, responding to it shows that you care about your customers and are committed to providing excellent service. By responding to reviews, you can also address any concerns or issues that customers may have, which can help you improve your business and build customer loyalty.

Yelp for Business Owners also offers a range of advertising options, including sponsored search results and display ads. These ads can help you reach more customers and increase your visibility on the site. Additionally, Yelp offers a range of analytics tools that allow you to track your performance and measure the impact of your advertising campaigns.

Overall, Yelp for Business Owners is an essential tool for any business looking to improve its online presence and reputation. By claiming your listing, responding to reviews, and using Yelp's advertising and analytics tools, you can attract more customers, build your brand, and grow your business.
How to file a complaint about

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against on

1. Log in or create an account: Start by logging into your account or create a new one if you don't have an account yet.
2. Navigating to the complaint form: Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website, found at the top right corner.
3. Writing the title: Summarize the main issue with in the 'Complaint Title'.
4. Detailing the experience: Provide detailed information about the key areas of concern, any transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and more.
5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.
6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field for financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you seek.
7. Review before submission: Ensure your complaint is clear, accurate, and complete before submitting.
8. Submission process: Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.
9. Post-Submission Actions: Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

This guide will help you effectively file a complaint against on

Overview of complaint handling reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 27, 2009. The latest review Mixed Experience at the Local Cafe was posted on Mar 25, 2024. The latest complaint A non-reliable company was resolved on Oct 14, 2014. has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 1092 reviews. has resolved 20 complaints.
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