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Mix Reviews 16

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Mix Review: A Cluttered and Ad-Filled Site That Frustrates Users

Mix ( is a website that seems like it was made by a corporate child with the "if I like it everyone else must like it too!" attitude. On its own merit, it's terrible. As a replacement for StumbleUpon, it's atrocious. How is it possible to keep a $#*!hole site like this up and running but not StumbleUpon? Oh, that's right! Mix is one giant advertisement.

Mix is a website that is supposed to help you discover new content on the internet. However, it seems like the only thing it's good for is bombarding you with ads. The site is cluttered with ads, and it's hard to find anything of value. The content that is on the site is often low-quality, and it seems like the only reason it's there is to make money for the site's owners.

One of the biggest problems with Mix is that it's not user-friendly. The site is confusing to navigate, and it's hard to find what you're looking for. The search function is terrible, and it's almost impossible to find anything specific. It's like the site was designed to frustrate users.

Overall, Mix is a terrible website that should be avoided at all costs. If you're looking for a way to discover new content on the internet, there are much better options out there. Don't waste your time with Mix.

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Mix Mix Review: Disappointing Attempt to Replace Stumble Upon

I mean, I tried to give it a chance, but it just doesn't compare to Stumble Upon. The design is confusing and hard to navigate, and I can't seem to find anything that catches my interest. It's like they tried to copy other social media platforms, but failed miserably.

The worst part is that Mix doesn't even have a proper search function. I can't search for specific topics or keywords, which makes it even harder to find anything worth looking at. And don't even get me started on the recommended content - it's all over the place and doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.

Overall, I'm really disappointed with Mix. It's a shame that Stumble Upon had to shut down, because it was a great platform. But Mix just doesn't live up to its predecessor. I'll keep searching for a new platform to replace Stumble Upon, but for now, I'll have to stick with the old-fashioned way of browsing the web.

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Mix A Disappointing Attempt to be the Next StumbleUpon

This site called Mix, or, is not very good. I read some other reviews and they were right on the money. It's confusing and there are too many ads. It's not like StumbleUpon, which was cool and easy to use. It seems like the people who made Mix don't know what they're doing. They're trying to be like Facebook or Twitter, but they're not as good. Sometimes it's better to be different. Mix is like when Coca-Cola changed their recipe and it was a disaster. They didn't listen to what people wanted.

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Mix Review: A Disappointing Replacement for Stumble Upon

Mix ( is a website that has replaced Stumble Upon, and I have to say, I'm not impressed. Stumble Upon was a blast because you could just hit the stumble button and be taken to a completely random website. It was always a surprise, and that was the fun of it. But with Mix, it's just a bunch of articles that you have to scroll through to find something that interests you. It's frustrating and time-consuming.

I was really disappointed to see Stumble Upon go away, and I was hoping that Mix would be just as fun. But it's not. It's difficult to use, and I find myself getting bored quickly. The whole point of Stumble Upon was to discover new things, and Mix just doesn't have that same magic.

I understand that websites change and evolve, but I really wish that Stumble Upon could have stayed the same. Mix just doesn't compare. It's a shame because I used to spend hours on Stumble Upon, but I can't see myself doing the same on Mix. It's just not as exciting.

Overall, I think Mix is a letdown. It's not as user-friendly as Stumble Upon was, and it's just not as fun. I miss the days of hitting the stumble button and being taken on a wild ride. Mix just doesn't have that same energy.

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Mix Mix Review: Is it the New StumbleUpon? My Disappointing Experience

So, I was thinking about this website I used to use called StumbleUpon. It was pretty cool because it would show you all kinds of new stuff that you might not have seen before. It was like a never-ending stream of interesting things to check out. But then it went away, and I was sad.

But then I heard about Mix, which is supposed to be like the new StumbleUpon. I was excited to try it out and see what kind of cool stuff I could find. Unfortunately, I have to say that I'm a little disappointed.

First of all, there just doesn't seem to be that much content on Mix. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now, and I feel like I've seen everything there is to see. And what's there isn't always that great. A lot of the posts seem to come from the same websites, and they're not always that interesting.

Compare that to StumbleUpon, where there was always something new and exciting to discover. I remember spending hours just clicking through different pages and learning about all kinds of things I never would have found otherwise.

So what happened? Why is Mix so lackluster compared to StumbleUpon? I'm not really sure. Maybe it's just that there aren't as many people using it yet, so there's not as much content. Or maybe the algorithm isn't as good at finding interesting stuff.

Either way, I hope that Mix improves over time. I really miss the experience of discovering new things online, and I'd love to have a service that could provide that again. But for now, I think I'll stick to other ways of finding cool stuff to read and watch.

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Mix Disappointed with Mix: A Review of the New Stumble Upon Replacement

I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed with Mix. I used to be a big fan of Stumble Upon, it was my go-to site for finding interesting stuff online. But now, with Mix, I feel like I'm just scrolling through a bunch of click-bait ads. The whole thing is just so confusing and convoluted.

When I log in, I'm greeted with this board that's supposed to show me stuff I'm interested in, but it's all just a bunch of random junk that I have no interest in. And don't even get me started on the layout. It's just a mess.

What I loved about Stumble Upon was the randomness of it all. I could just click a button and be taken to a completely new and exciting website. But with Mix, I feel like I'm stuck in this never-ending loop of boring content.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've talked to a few of my friends who used to love Stumble Upon, and they all feel the same way about Mix. It's just not the same.

Overall, I think Mix has a long way to go before it can even come close to matching the greatness of Stumble Upon. Until then, I'll be sticking to my tried and true method of just Googling stuff.

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Mix Mix: A Disappointing Replacement for StumbleUpon

I remember back in the day when I used to procrastinate for hours on end, scrolling through StumbleUpon and discovering all sorts of new and exciting things. So, when I heard that it had moved to Mix, I was pretty excited to check it out again after a couple of years. I eagerly signed up, hoping to relive some of those wonderful experiences I had before.

At first, things seemed to be going well. I clicked on a few things that caught my eye and hit continue. But, to my dismay, it was like looking at every Buzzfeed listicle ever published. I can't even begin to describe how disappointed I was. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to give it a chance, but all I found was endless filler and garbage.

Honestly, it's really sad to see how far Mix has fallen. It used to be a great platform for discovering new and interesting content, but now it's just a shell of its former self. I really hope they can turn things around and bring back the magic that made StumbleUpon so special. But for now, I think I'll stick to other ways of finding cool stuff online.

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Mix In Search of a Fair and Unbiased Alternative to StumbledUpon: A Frustrated User's Review

Ya know, I gotta say, as someone who's got a bit of smarts and doesn't really care about politics, it's just so dang hard to find anything good on the internet these days. All these big tech companies in Sillycon Valley are just shoving their propaganda and hate-filled algorithms down our throats like it's some kinda new world order or somethin'.

I only found out about StumbledUpon in the spring of 2018, right before it went belly up, and let me tell ya, it was a godsend. Finally, a website that wasn't filled with all the garbage you'd find on Yahoo! or some other lame search engine. It was like a breath of fresh air in a world full of stinky socks.

But now, of course, it's gone. And what do we have to replace it? Mix. Ugh. Don't even get me started on that hot mess. It's like they're trying to force their liberal agenda down our throats. And don't even get me started on how boring it is. Yawn.

I'm so mad that they took down StumbledUpon. Like, seriously, how much could it have cost to keep that thing up and running? Probably like a hundred bucks a month or somethin'. But no, they had to go and take it down because it was fair and unbiased and democratic. What a bunch of baloney.

Can someone please, for the love of all that is good and holy and unbiased, replace StumbledUpon? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

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Mix Mix Review: A Decent News Aggregator with Room for Improvement

Mix is a website that gathers news from various sources and presents them to you based on your interests. It's a pretty neat concept, and I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. But after giving it a try, I can say that it's not all bad.

Now, I have to be honest, I was pretty upset when my favorite website shut down. But I can't blame Mix for that. They're just trying to fill the void left by my beloved site. And while the articles I received were not exactly mind-blowing, they were current and somewhat interesting.

One thing that did annoy me, though, was the constant reminders to turn off my adblocker. I get it, they need to make money somehow, but it was a bit excessive. And after "Mixing" for about 10-20 articles, I lost interest and moved on.

The user interface is nice and simple, though. I'll give them that. But in my opinion, Mix could learn a thing or two from the late StumbleUpon. That site had a wider browsing criteria and was just more fun to use. It's a shame that it's gone now.

Overall, Mix is an okay site. It's not great, but it's not terrible either. If you're looking for a quick way to get some news, it's worth a try. But if you're looking for something more engaging, you might want to look elsewhere.

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Mix A Disappointing Replacement for Stumbleupon

So, there's this new site called, and they claim to have bought out Stumbleupon. I don't know about you, but when I hear that, I assume they're going to use the old database from the site they're taking over. I mean, that's what buying out a company usually means, right? Well, I've been using Stumbleupon for seven years now, and I had over 400 favorited pages and hundreds of followers. But when took over, all of that disappeared. I was left with zero sites and zero followers. And when I reached out to the new owners, they told me that all of the Stumbleupon data had been deleted. Seriously? You buy out a successful company and then delete everything they've compiled over many, MANY years? That just doesn't make sense to me.

The worst part is that I'll never be able to find those sites again. That's why I favorited them on Stumbleupon in the first place. And now, because of, they're gone forever. I've spent hours trying to find my old favorited sites/pages, and I've only been able to find a handful. And even those were just YouTube videos that I had liked on the actual site. It's frustrating beyond belief.

I don't know what is trying to accomplish, but they've lost a user in me. I'll never use their site again. Why would I? They bought out a successful company and then deleted everything that made it successful in the first place. It just doesn't make sense. If they wanted to create a new site, they should have just done that instead of ruining something that was already great.

So, my advice to you is this: do not use It's not worth it. I made the mistake of not locally bookmarking amazing pages, and now I'll never see them again. Don't make the same mistake I did. Stay away from

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Mix Complaints 6

1:10 pm EDT
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Mix Terrible Experience with Mix: Wrong Product and No Customer Support

I had a really bad experience with Mix. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. They sent me the wrong product and when I tried to contact them, I couldn't find any real people to talk to or email. It was really frustrating. I tried to sort it out, but they refused to help me in any reasonable way. I'm pretty sure they're a complete scam. So, if you're thinking about dealing with them, I would advise against it.

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11:51 am EDT
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Mix Disappointing Moderation on Not Worth Your Time for Content Curation

Mix ( is a website that I recently came across and I must say, I was pretty disappointed with the moderation. It's not as good as it used to be when SU was around. I was really bummed out when I first started using I wouldn't recommend wasting your time with content curation on this website. It's just not worth it.

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11:31 am EDT
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Mix Mix Review: Is It Worth Giving Up Your Privacy for Low-Quality Content?

Mix is a website that requires you to have a Facebook, Twitter, or Google account to use it. I don't know why they do this, but it seems like a bad idea to me. I don't want to give my login credentials to another website, especially one that I don't know much about.

I've read some reviews from other people who have joined Mix, and they don't seem very happy with it. Some people say that the website is slow and buggy, and that it's hard to find anything that you're interested in. Others say that the content on the website is low-quality and not worth their time.

I'm not sure if I want to join Mix or not. On the one hand, it seems like it could be a good way to discover new content and connect with other people who share my interests. On the other hand, I don't want to risk my privacy or security by giving my login credentials to another website.

Overall, I think that Mix could be a good website if they made some changes. For example, they could allow people to create an account without using their Facebook, Twitter, or Google account. They could also improve the quality of the content on the website and make it easier to find what you're looking for. Until then, I think I'll stick to other websites that don't require me to give up my privacy or security.

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Is Mix Legit?

Mix earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Mix to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Mix is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Mix, it's wise to check how they handle complaints. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. you are considering visiting, which is associated with Mix, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

Mix's website appears to be focused on art and entertainment. While this can be a great source for finding creative inspiration, it's important to verify the legitimacy of the site and its content before investing time or money. However, it's important to take the time to research the site and verify its legitimacy before making any purchases or investments.

Mix website is deemed to be popular and indicating that it receives a high volume of traffic. It is important to be cautious when using a highly trafficked website, as it may be a target for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities or steal personal information.

Adult content may be available on It is important to be aware of potential risks and to use caution when accessing or engaging with such content.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While Mix has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 6 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • Mix protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Mix. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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Mix Mix Review: Confusing Layout, Lack of Quality Content, and Disappointing Community Engagement

Mix is a website that I tried out recently and I gotta say, it's not my cup of tea. I had a lot of trouble navigating the site and finding what I was looking for. The layout is confusing and there are too many options to choose from. It's overwhelming and I found myself getting frustrated pretty quickly.

One thing that really bothered me was the lack of quality content. There were a lot of spammy posts and clickbait articles that I had no interest in reading. It's clear that the site is more focused on quantity over quality, which is a shame.

Another issue I had was with the community. I didn't feel like there was much interaction or engagement between users. It felt like everyone was just posting their own content and not really engaging with others. It's not a very social platform, which is disappointing.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend Mix to anyone. There are better options out there for finding quality content and engaging with a community. Save yourself the headache and look elsewhere.

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Mix Disappointing Replacement: Falls Short of StumbleUpon's Diverse Content

Mix ( is a website that has replaced StumbleUpon, but it's not quite the same. It's more like a Pinterest-type site, but it's not as good. The content on Mix is mostly corporate ads and news sites, which is not what I was looking for. I miss the topics that I could search for on StumbleUpon. They were so interesting and diverse. I hope the person who created Mix, Camp, gets a good talking to from his mother for creating this monstrosity.

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Mix Review: Is it a Worthy Successor to Stumble Upon? has been around for a couple of years now, and it's safe to say that it hasn't won over everyone. Some people are still mourning the loss of Stumble Upon, which was shut down and replaced by Mix. Many users feel that Mix is an abomination compared to Stumble Upon, and that it's nothing more than a platform for pushing advertisements and magazine sites.

Despite the negative feedback, Mix hasn't shown any signs of improving. In fact, many users still feel that it sucks. It's a shame that Stumble Upon had to be replaced by something that doesn't live up to its predecessor. Stumble Upon was truly a one of a kind jewel, and it's hard to find anything that can compare to it.

If you're looking for a platform that's similar to Stumble Upon, Mix might not be the best choice. It's not the worst platform out there, but it's definitely not the best either. If you're looking for a platform that's more focused on pushing advertisements and magazine sites, then Mix might be worth checking out. However, if you're looking for a platform that's more focused on discovering new and interesting content, you might want to look elsewhere.

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About Mix

Mix ( is a social media platform that allows users to discover and share content from around the web. It is a unique platform that combines the best features of social media and content curation, making it an ideal destination for those who want to stay informed and entertained.

One of the key features of Mix is its ability to curate content based on users' interests. When users sign up for the platform, they are asked to select their interests from a list of categories. Mix then uses this information to recommend content that is relevant to their interests. This means that users can discover new content that they might not have found otherwise.

Another great feature of Mix is its user-friendly interface. The platform is easy to navigate, and users can quickly find the content they are looking for. The homepage features a feed of recommended content, and users can also browse content by category or search for specific topics.

Mix also allows users to create collections of content that they can share with others. Users can create collections based on their interests, and they can add content from around the web to these collections. This makes it easy for users to organize and share content with others who have similar interests.

Overall, Mix is a great platform for those who want to discover and share content from around the web. Its unique combination of social media and content curation makes it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to stay informed and entertained.

Overview of Mix complaint handling

Mix reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 11, 2023. The latest review Review: A Cluttered and Ad-Filled Site That Frustrates Users was posted on Jun 21, 2023. Mix has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 16 reviews. Mix has resolved 0 complaints.
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