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Yahoo! Complaints 1516

5:00 am EDT

Yahoo! Bias articles and PC controlled message board

Yahoo has officially become snowflake central. They only allow comments on articles that promote the Liberal and or progressive agenda. The PC police is out in force on their message boards.

Desired outcome: Nada! because Yahoo is controlled by the PC gestapo

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7:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yahoo! opinion pieces regarding the Rittenhouse trial.

You will not allow comments but allow bias opinion articles? This is trying to influence the trial outcomes. I believe Yahoo is in cahoots with all liberal media to glorify criminals. George Floyd was declared every good thing except a saint. In reality, he was a thug.

Rioters and Looters in Seattle get a free pass on Yahoo for criminal acts but protestors on Jan. 6th need jail time.

Yahoo, YOU are THE PROBLEM in society

Desired outcome: Remove opinion pieces if comments aren't allowed. I have an opinion that I would like to express.

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1:30 pm EST

Yahoo! Article Comments

I would like to know when Yahoo is going to re-instate article commenting. It has been a few years since we could last comment; the statement about temporarily suspending is inaccurate.

Desired outcome: Enable comments to be left by readers of articles.

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12:56 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yahoo! So called Yahoo "News" article about the richest politicians & celebrities

This rubbish article has estimated the wealth of many U.S.A, British & Canadian richest people. Specifically, A) the estimates of their wealth are often ludicrously inaccurate. For example, Trump is said to have $2.4 Billion and is called a former *Vice* President. But Forbes magazine says he's now worth less than $1 Billion. And B) many of the political profiles state or imply that their subjects made their money from their political positions. For example, Nancy Pelosi could EASILY sue Yahoo for *clearly stating* that her wealth comes from her political activity !
Also, the article's standard of written English is appalling -- it seems highly likely that the writer's first language is NOT English !

Desired outcome: Immediately delete this article and NEVER publish such rubbish again.

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5:23 am EST

Yahoo! Front page

I'm sorry, but much of your front page news is irrelevant, media heavy and disgusting. Do we really have to know about every bikini and thong clad event that is covered by stupid, mindless reporting.
Please clean up your act, or give me some kind of intelligent, alternative page to display.
Judith Starr

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9:54 am EDT

Yahoo! Yahoo (Fake/Biased) News

re: Beth Ann Mayer's October 22, 2021 biased/Fake news piece. Yahoo DOES NOT provide a safe and engaging place, ...rather a fascist, Woke place that promotes the pluralist ideas of the Regressive Left. Breastmilk is not a static fluid, contains Stem Cells and more than 300 separate ingredients, including advanced immunity protection, progenitor cells, lactocytes, and myoepithelial cells. . Did you know that nursing moms produce much richer breast milk for their sons than for daughters?

Desired outcome: Remove Yahoo's biased, cancel culture suspended comments.

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2:07 pm EDT

Yahoo! search for best men's flannel shirts

This morning, I was taking the advice of many to start my holiday shopping.
Wanting to get my husband and possibly others a "good" flannel shirt, I did some searches for 'Best names or brands of flannel shirts", and came across this advertisement for "[censored]ing Awesome heavy flannel overskirt". This appears on the Yahoo page. Above it is a advertisement for their website.
I clicked on the website, and nowhere do I see "[censored]ing Awesome heavy flannel overskirt".
That led me to believe this is a Yahoo problem.

Desired outcome: Take off the word "[censored]ing", of [censored]ing Awesome heavy flannel overshirt. When I go to the website, the word "[censored]ing" isn't there.

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9:59 am EDT

Yahoo! Invasion of my contacts using my email

Someone violated my e-mails and sent all my contacts e-mails stating I needed help and to please contact me, it was a forge e-mail for them to respond it them requested gift cards so I could buy gifts for my children. I received several phone calls from friends that knew I would not do this. I am concerned about others. How do I stop this or what should I do.
1. should I change my e-mail
2. how do I send an e-mail to all my contacts notifying them of the scam.
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
Pat Kosanovich
pat. [protected]

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8:26 am EDT

Yahoo! News spy ad

In my research i have found out that the news spy ad is a csam." they say its a game changer", it is not "they say you can make money with bitcoin" this is also a csam.
There are non clickable links, you can not click on the links this is on the telegraph news pluse five other.
"They say you can make millions online on it" its a rip off, it sounds go but it is utter rubish.
The man called robert w but calls him self simon who actually prevents cross contamination in the kitchen, they are all fake and the seconperson as been on scams before.
And to put sean connerys name and photo on there ad is very disrespectful of a dead holywood actor, is ad must be removed now

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2:28 am EDT

Yahoo! Yahoo articles

I am writing to serve as a voice for those who are troubled these days by the lack of impartiality in articles you choose to run.  In particular, with regards to the vaccine topic.  You have run a plethora of articles which all have one thing in common. They are blindingly pro-vaccine, with absolutely no alternate views ever given the time of day.  It's not a matter of being pro-science, as there have been a not-inconsequential number of people who have suffered severe adverse events from the mrna vaccines, who have suffered blood clots or other debilitating events, and quite a few have even died as a result.  To bring this up is not misinformation, it is a fact.  The main issue is, the vaccines are new. They have not gone through the painstaking rigorous testing that other vaccines have gone through.  The Pfizer vaccine was given FDA approval with no advisory committee informing the public of all the facts on both sides of the debate, backed up with clinical data. Instead all we ever get from the government and the media is one-sided rainbows and sunshine fluff pieces masquerading as legitimate journalism where everyone parrots the same tired line about the vaccines' efficacy and safety. Wherein all data that contradicts this illogically rosy view is censored except for accepted truths which the establishment has deemed acceptable.  This is why many of us "vaccine-hesitant" are standing resolute in our convictions. We have science on our side as well.  & a hallmark of science is not to surround oneself in an echo chamber sequestered from facts one doesn't like, and then claim one's own view as gospel truth. We've never experienced open censorship of what should be a topic that is fully fleshed out, the good, bad, and the ugly.  Never have we witnessed such unabashed thought-policing on a topic which by its very nature, deserves and necessitates an open and honest debate.  The truth is out there in medical journals, and in testimonials by the very people who won't be given a platform to voice their experiences by default. For those of us who work in the medical field, we don't have the luxury of sticking our heads in the sand and looking the other way.   There is a reason why so many vaccine hesitant are in health care.  We are more educated than most on the topic, and witness behind the scenes all that the government and mainstream media would like to pretend is ultra-rare. A great many of us are not anti-vaxxers, and many of us agree with the mask mandates, but not the vaccine mandates.  Don't paint us all with the same wide brush. You have a duty to the truth, in all its nuances and shades. Nothing is so black and white.  I implore you to rise up to the standard in journalism set by your forebears, and not succumb to the heavily-censored group-think travesty that mainstream news has become.  Thank You for reading. I really hope to see a change in the bias of content in your articles in the future.

Desired outcome: For Yahoo's articles to become more balanced

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12:06 am EDT

Yahoo! my Email [protected]

on sept 27th, your company logged me out of my email. . i proved it was my account, i could gain access to it if i paid 12, 95 a month, but not with a canadian credit card in my name. . i know i gave [protected] as a contact, when set up. at the time i only had a landline ``[protected] you company called this number to give a verification code, i was told to get an american credit card to access my account, that is extortion, . . and a criminal offence . so please call my cell [protected] with a code to access my account. my vaccine for covid info is in it, i have cancer, and had a reaction .i don't want to have to take them again. i also have art tutorials in there. . Even amazon calls landline s with codes, i have provided you with a cell num . text and an email. ., thank you . i have also sent letter to canadian gov., ,

Desired outcome: access to my email.

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1:27 am EDT

Yahoo! obscene pictures

I am completely offended by days of Brittney pears nude pictures right on the front page of the news feed. Put it behind the front page. Even then I DO NOT WANT TO SEE BS PARADING AROUND NUDE! Yuck!

Desired outcome: rem oval of obscene material

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2:05 am EST

Yahoo! News Comments

Yahoo's new policy of censoring message content has done more to kill freedom of speech in this country than the liberal media. Any comment that is negative towards minorities are rejected, while any messages negative about white people are posted in with no censorship.

Desired outcome: Demise of Yahoo.

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Fuming in Tyler
Tyler, US
Dec 25, 2023 11:57 am EST

I have been banned as well. Also, they informed me I can’t post a GIF and allow others to do it. Discrimination at its best. If you are a Trump supporter, you are banned. Time to take Yahoo to court!

Warren B
Aug 16, 2023 2:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yahoo instantly rejects all of my comments, regardless of how benign. Just another branch of the liberal media.

Tom Toensing
Mar 17, 2023 8:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just noticed that yahoo had 1475 complaints and only 112 were resolved. Is anyone working in the department.

Tom Toensing
Mar 17, 2023 8:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The same thing is happening to me, when I post a comment it is automatically rejected. I was never notified by yahoo that I was banned, my comments are just rejected, it doesn't matter how harmless the comment is.

cathedral city, US
Mar 03, 2023 3:48 pm EST

I am a white person and I was actually banned from comments. I never used fowl language or any racist language. My comments were my opinions only and sometimes counter to the article content. Just having different opinions got me banned.

1:23 pm EST

Yahoo! Unable to comment on news stories

Yahoo claims that they are NOT allowing comments on stories WHY ?
It is unfatomable to me that Yahoo would not response from their readers.

Desired outcome: RESPONSE

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1:19 pm EDT
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Yahoo! Articles

Seriously your choice of articles is such untrue garbage. You don't fact check anything.Sadly I remember when Yahoo used to be a leader in news and technology and now you have become a dump of garbage propaganda and censorship. As a long time user of yahoo products it pains me to say that after over thirty years I feel it necessary to stop using your products and services anymore.

Desired outcome: Become a real news and technology and service again.

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Jim C. Blakely
Oct 25, 2021 10:01 am EDT

Sadly... I agree with the perspective that Yahoo has lost it integrity in the news media. They have become so biased in their liberal politics that I am seriously reducing my use of their products . Why not try to present both sides of the issue ? News and political commentary is one thing that has its place in our society ... propaganda is not valued nor honorable.
Respectfully, Jim C Blakely

12:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yahoo! articles and media bias

Yahoo is one of the most biased and targets articles towards politicians other than Liberal Democrats.
I live in Florida and your thinking the Governor of this State is going to run for President they, instill false and misinformation. Every time they get a chance you target this man and pass outlandish simple minded small attacks.

I don't know where your operatives come from but I'm pretty sure they graduated from some Slack Jawed Liberal University.

I'm out and will not tolerate your BS anymore.

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12:33 pm EST
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Yahoo! yahoo mail

Why on earth do I keep getting ads at the top of my email box?
They are irritating and annoying. Dol you think that anyone is going to take any notice of them. Of course not, so get rid of them

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10:33 am EDT
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You have an on going ad for a 12, 000 watt generator for $99, less than 10% of its value. The site has no address, phone number and the domain was created one year ago. Scam Detector gives it a score of 4.4/100. Please either validate this site or take it down as it is a scam.

Desired outcome: Take the site down

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11:42 am EDT

Yahoo! Travel Road Bed Outdoor Hard Shell Roof Tent

This item was advertised in mid July. I ordered it since it was advertised on Yahoo thinking this was a legit seller...WRONG! Does Yahoo screen prospective sellers & items? I had to contact the seller for tracking # and was informed the item originating from China. When it was "delivered" all that was left at my mailbox was the "free" camping lantern. Interesting that the return address was a New York address & different company name! Emailed seller and began a long back & forth email correspondence. They 1st offered a $5 refund! Then slowly upped their amount until finally the full amount of my purchase was agreed upon for refund. Then, they tell me it is in a review process which I asked why when we were emailing for the refund refund after 2 weeks from that email!

Desired outcome: Prosecution of the Seller and my refund of $47.96

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7:04 am EDT

Yahoo! Yahoo Mail app for android phone

I have been using the yahoomail for a while now. I've recently switched from iPhone to an android phone, and I decided to install the Yahoo Mail app on my android phone.
The mail app has lots of issues that I've noticed. Messages are coming in OK, but don't make a mistake of forwarding a message, because if you do and you later decided to reply the original sender, the reply will be sent to the person you forward the message to, not the original sender. Using the "Reply All" option did not help either. I have made this mistake a number of times before realising that my replies were being sent to the wrong recipient.

I think Yahoo should take more time to test their mail app, especially the "Reply" and "Reply All" options, and how it affects forwarding messages. It is very frustrating to use.

Desired outcome: When I click the "reply all" option, I expect the message to be sent to the original sender, not the person I forward the message to.

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Yahoo is a web services provider known for its search engine, email service (Yahoo Mail), and news portal. It offers a variety of content including finance, sports, and entertainment. Additionally, Yahoo provides advertising solutions and a platform for online forums.

Overview of Yahoo! complaint handling

Yahoo! reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Nov 21, 2006. The latest review Yahoo! (article comments) was posted on May 3, 2024. The latest complaint yahoo website is unsafe and dangerous! was resolved on May 28, 2018. Yahoo! has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 1517 reviews. Yahoo! has resolved 112 complaints.
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