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CB Glasses and Lenses LensCrafters disappointed with customer service

LensCrafters review: disappointed with customer service 15

Author of the review
12:05 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I am writing to complain about my recent experience at the LensCrafters store at the Hawthorne Shopping Center in Vernon Hills, Illinois. I am extremely dissatisfied, and will no longer be going to LensCrafters for my eye care needs. My husband, three children, and many other family members and friends will no longer go to LensCrafters either, since hearing of my experience.
I originally went to the store for my eye appointment on Friday, January 11th, 2008 at 5:40PM. My husband was already in his appointment, and because my car broke down on my way to my appointment, I was running late. Once I got there, I headed straight to the front desk to give them my name and state that I was here for my appointment. I had already called previously, and stated that I would be arriving late, and I was assured that I would be able to go straight into my appointment. I waited at the desk for someone to approach me, and it was a very long while before anyone came to over to me. They then assigned a young man to “help” me. This young man was extremely rude and unhelpful. Now, I have worked in Customer Service MANY years before I became a Stay At Home Mom, and I would assume that society hasn’t changed that drastically in the last three years that rudeness to the customer has become a standard. He led me to the back room and started to examine my eyes. He never smiled, never offered information that was helpful as to why he was doing these procedures and when we had to move to another room he simply stated, “We have to go in here now. Sit wherever.” Now the Optometrist that I saw was very helpful and kind. He assisted me in selecting some contacts, and afterwards promptly led me back to the waiting room so I could pick out glasses as well. I strolled around looking for a new pair of glasses. Now, during this time I had no one come up to me and offer me assistance on choosing glasses. I was overwhelmed with the selection, and when the young man that had previously “helped” me came by, said, “Are you ready now?” I hastily grabbed a pair of glasses that I thought looked alright, and said, “What do you think of these?” He shrugged. I turned and asked my husband, and he said they looked great, so I went with them, even though I felt extremely rushed, and didn’t feel confident in my choice, especially without employee assistance. The young man took the glasses over to a station and started filling out my information. In the middle of filling out the information on the lenses, he just got up and walked away. Approximately 7-10 minutes later he came back and told me that these glasses needed particular lenses…the FeatherWate lenses. I didn’t see a problem with that, and although I felt like I had been waiting a long time, I was relieved he came back, so we could finish. He then told me that I wouldn’t be getting these frames at $99, because I had insurance. Now, because I wasn’t helped properly in the first place, if I had known that, I certainly would have made a different selection. I shook my head, and said that was alright, and he told me to come back in an hour. I came back an hour later and picked up my glasses…
Now, the following couple of weeks I was having trouble with this particular pair of glasses. I have three young children, and I am constantly playing with them. In the course of the two weeks that I had that pair of glasses, they broke approximately 6 times or more. Suffice it to say, they were poorly constructed, and couldn’t stand up to my active lifestyle. If I was the Manager of this particular store, I would have made sure that my employees were able to ask simple questions, such as, “Do you have an active lifestyle? If so, those glasses will not stand up to the rigors of that lifestyle.” I would have then, again, decided to go with a different pair of glasses.
My husband, children and I trekked back the same LensCrafters store that is approximately a half hour away from our home on Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 sometime in the late morning. When I went into the store, I walked up to the desk I was asked what I needed, and I stated that I needed to exchange my glasses, that I was still within my 30 day window, and they wrote down my name, and said for me to look around. I honestly looked around the store for longer than a half hour without any additional help. Several other people had employees walking around with them, trying on glasses, and getting complete care from them. I waited a little bit longer, and the Manager of the store came up to me to see if I had chosen any glasses. I stated that I was still trying to decide, and she said to find her when I found a pair I liked. There was another woman in the store who asked the person who was helping her why they only had square framed glasses. I turned around and promptly said, “Yes, I am having a LOT of trouble finding frames that fit my face.” The employee simply stated, “Well that’s the style now.” I said, “Well some people don’t like that style, what am I supposed to do then?” She said, “Well, keep looking. You’ll find something.” Which, after about an hour without any help, I did. I looked around, and found the manager, and said that I was ready. She said she couldn’t help me, and to sit and wait for her. As I stated before, I have three young children, and my poor husband was waiting with them the entire time. If I had been helped, I would have been done with the process much faster and would have been able to leave much more quickly. Approximately 15-20 minutes later the Manager came back up to me and took me over to one of the stations to fill out my information. I told her that I didn’t need the FeatherWate lenses, since I had chosen a pair of glasses that were sturdy and had thick plastic frames. She stated to me that it didn’t matter, that they only provided FeatherWate lenses, and that the cost would be $120 regardless. I was a little surprised at this, since it seemed that I had an option last time I went, and if I had chosen a different pair of frames, that I would have had an option on lenses. I was very confused at this point in time, and said, alright, since I didn’t have a choice, I needed the lenses with the frames! She finished up the information, and said, “Alright, your glasses will be ready in two weeks.” I said, “What?! My glasses were ready in an hour last time. Why will it take two weeks?” She stated that they had a machine broken, and she had no idea when it would be fixed. She gave me back the pair of glasses that were broken and told me that I had to hold onto them until I picked up my new glasses. I said that I would be unable to pick them up in two weeks, but she stated that she couldn’t help me any further and would have someone call me when they were ready. I asked if it was possible that the machine would be fixed that day, and she said it was possible, and wrote down my number. I once again left the store, came back an hour later, inquiring about my glasses, and was asked why I came back when I was told they would be ready in two weeks. I said, “Alright, I will have my husband return in two weeks to pick up my glasses, since I have three children, and it is difficult for me to go a half our out of my way to try and pick up these glasses.” Now, I had been gone for an hour, and also had a question about my bill. I had chosen a pair of glasses that were approximately $30 cheaper than the ones I had previously. I asked the woman at the front desk why I hadn't been refunded the $30. She stated that the $30 was included in the money that the insurance pays out, and that I was not due any money back. I stated that it didn’t seem like that was correct, and she stated, “Oh, that’s correct.” And stated she would see me in two weeks time. I still feel that if I was not due the $30, I sincerely hope that my insurance was refunded that money. No where on the documentation did it state that the $30 would be refunded, so I’m not sure who pocketed that money, but I feel as though I have a right to know.
My husband picked up my new pair of glasses on Wednesday February 14th, 2008 in the evening, on his way home from work. He brought home my glasses, which I was anxious to try on, and when I put them on my face, they promptly fell off. They were over an inch and a half bigger than my head. EVERY single other time I have gotten glasses, I have never had that problem. They have always fit perfectly on my head from the time I tried them on, to the time I got them back from getting the lenses fit. For some reason, the glasses were stretched out an inch and a half larger from when I originally tried them on. I was upset at this point in time, because I would AGAIN have to put my whole family in the car and travel out of my way to get my glasses fixed AGAIN. Unfortunately the earliest time I could go was Saturday February 23rd, 2008 in the late morning. I again went to the front desk, and stated that my husband had picked up my glasses, and they did not fit me properly. The Manager, who was at the front desk, said to me, “Well, then you should have come in and picked them up instead, shouldn’t you have?” I couldn’t believe how incredibly RUDE the Manager of the store was to me. It was uncalled for. I said to her, “I couldn’t have picked them up, we don’t live very close, and I have three young children.” She pointedly said that I should have come in anyway, and to take a seat. I was fuming by this point in time. The young woman who came over to me took me to her station and asked me what the problem was. I told her that the glasses had been stretched an inch and a half since I had originally tried them on, and she looked at them, said, “Oh, hold on.” Got up and left. About 10 minutes later she came back, and gave me back the glasses. I tried them on, and other than being slightly lopsided (which she fixed in less than two minutes) fit my head perfectly. She asked if she could do anything else, and I said, “No.” and promptly left. I was disgusted with my experience.
I am writing this today because I am extremely dissatisfied with my experience at LensCrafters and feel that everyone should know. I am in fact tempted to contact Patty Cook of Luxottica Retail and tell her about my experience. I will tell everyone I know about what a bad experience I had at LensCrafters. My family and friends will not be associating themselves with LensCrafters, and will find alternative avenues for our eye care needs. I think that the Manager needs to be seriously looked at. Her skills as a Manager are very poor and it translates over to her employees. This was a very unhappy experience, and I will be spreading this message loud and clear. I hope that this will open your eyes to the lack of Customer Service standards at LensCrafters.

Update by Shara
Jan 30, 2009 3:10 pm EST

I'm reading what I wrote almost a year ago... I still agree whole heartedly with what I wrote, and I am surprised, but not offended by Matt's comment. He doesn't know me, or what my life is like, so he can write all the nasty things he wants about my "big-old-head", and how easy it would be for me to find a babysitter. When I happen to express my complaints and issues to help others, it so happens that some people will agree and some will not. Such is life.
Stop Whining - Thank you for speaking your mind, as well. It's interesting how people will think they know exactly what you are like just because you write a complaint letter regarding something that happened. I happened to put this information on this site because I wanted to make sure that people were aware, and that perhaps if ONE, even ONE person realized that this was an issue, that it could be changed and all people would benefit - not just the customer, but perhaps the store itself.
Again, I'm not offened by either comments... Just a little surprised that someone would write something so inconsiderate without even knowing who I am. Apparently the internet is so full of untruths, that someone writing something that truly happened people will not believe. Again, such is life.
I have moved on from this experience, and will still be going elsewhere for my glasses.
And for the record, yes, my children are VERY active! They are three, two and one, and we have a lot of play time on the floor our running around outside (when there is no snow on the ground, that is)! Perhaps sports goggles would be a great idea! I should look into those! I haven't been able to wear contacts again until just recently. While I was pregnant, contact were very painful to my eyes, and my optomitrist suggested I not wear them. They still bother me a little, but it's not quite as bad as it was the past two years! Which is great! I'm happy that I will be able to wear them again!
Thanks all, for the comments! It's very interesting to read others points of view, even if they are unkind.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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May 28, 2008 12:44 pm EDT

First of all, it sounds like your glasses broke because you didn't take proper care of them--probably because of your "constantly playing with your children". No glasses are indestructible, that I'm aware of, so they probably broke "six times" because of your carelessness(maybe you should remove them before rough-housing with the kids, since you have such an "active lifestyle", or maybe try contacts or sports goggles).
Second: The Breakage Protection Program that comes with every pair of glasses purchased, at no extra charge, indicates that your glasses will be replaced, at half of the original cost, within a year of the date of purchase. If you had picked out a more expensive frame, you would've been upcharged the difference in the frame price, but not refunded money for a replacement frame of equal or lesser price. No one helping you "pocketed" the $30.00 that you're crying about. Or were your glasses replaced at no cost? You're really not clear on this point. If they were, then you received a really good deal, because the 30 day guarantee stipulates that the product is supposed to be brought back in it's original condition in order for anything to be replaced at no cost.
Third: Have you ever heard of a babysitter? Or maybe having hubby watch the kids while you go, alone, to pick up your glasses? To get a proper adjustment, your big-old-head is ALWAYS required to be present---the frames are manipulated when the lenses are put in them, plastic frames especially.
Fourth: Yes, you probably had to wait a while to be helped---most people do when they require hands-on assistance in the retail world (but I'll bet you're stretching it somewhat regarding the time that you had to wait---most people do when they think that they're being slighted). Places of business get busy and yes, I know that you're more important than anyone else, but sometimes you've just got to be patient(especially when you arrive late for an appointment).

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Sep 15, 2008 3:41 pm EDT

I can not believe Matt's comment. It's obvious that LensCrafters has lost the concept of offering good service at a fair price. There is absolutely no excuse for any salesperson or optician to be rude to a customer. That customer will never refer LensCrafters nor will they ever have a good thing to say about LensCrafters. Eventually this bad public relations will begin to hurt a company.

I think what people need to do is to ask their state Attorney General to investigate LensCrafters. I have read horror stories even worse than this one all over the net. Something is definitely wrong at LensCrafters.

Stop Whining
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Jan 27, 2009 12:26 am EST

I totally disagree with customer service issue. For every mother of 3 who has an issue with Lenscrafters I can tell you that there are 100 peoples who are more than satisfied with there Lenscrafters experience you can't please everybody. It seems mother of 3 blames everybody but her self. If you have a bad experience anywhere in your life and you don't speak up at the time of service and you right this pathetic tirade about your experience instead. That shows me that your like that with everything in your life. I am sure when you did customer service you were perfect every minute of every day and you never had any customers that treated you like crap, because the customer is always right. Next time you go into a retail establishment realize that the sales associate is only human and can make mistakes just like you do. I will tell you that you could go to any eye wear company in the US on any given day and get great customer service. but you can always find that perfect storm where everything goes wrong.

PS: 2nd comment have the attorney general investigate Lenscrafters. Give me a break!. (You Heard) What on sites like this were people who hold grudges come to complain and whine because somebody didn't kiss there ### like the kings and queens they think they are.

Covington, US
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Feb 17, 2009 6:42 pm EST

)2/17/09 From My experience today with the Sales Manager at the store in Tulwilla Wa.I think The above Lady is spot with her complaint. Not to mention the prices.I won`t pay money for rudeness. GW

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Feb 19, 2009 9:28 pm EST

I just had a very bad experience at Lenscrafters at the Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington. I went there solely for a contact lens examination due to the fact that I had my annual eye examination with my Ophthalmologist two weeks prior. I told the lady at the desk this and it was also written on the forms that I had to fill out. Not once did she say they require an eye examination along with the contact lens examination; nor did she mention anything about the additional cost. I have vision insurance but I did not offer my card knowing I just had an eye exam a few weeks ago. Anyway, after waiting almost two hours for my appointment, I was finally taken to the back for the exam. A series of exams were taken before I was finished. After the Dr. fitted me with contacts, I was ushered back to the desk for payment. Was I surprise when I got my bill! Here's what I was billed for $30 insurance co-payment, $30 Ref, $40 Retinal photography, $125 for the Lens examination and $150 for a 90 day supply of daily wear contacts; totalling $375. I was shocked! Anyway, I paid the bill and left. On my way home, I stopped by Costco and noticed they advertised contact lens examination for $79. I immediately went to the desk and inquired about their contacts and was told the same supply that I got from Lenscrafters would be $79.90. Now I'm fuming! I went back to Lenscrafters to cancel my order for the lenses. The lady at the desk said they would meet Costco price and refund me the difference. I accepted the offer at first and then declined it the next day. I was too upset about their deceiving service. I also asked the same lady why was I charged a co-payment when my insurance couldn't be billed twice for an eye exam. She said if they didn't bill my insurance then I would've had to pay an additional $129 for the eye exam. I spoke to their Office Manger and told her that I had not been informed properly of their prices. To make a long story short, I called my insurance company to find out if they had submitted a claim for payment; indeed they had and my insurance paid them $300+. Now I was really irate! Lenscrafter was paid over $600 from me and my insurance for what was initially a contact lens exam and a 90 day supply of contacts. I immediately called the office manager and told her what I just learned and complained about the payments. The fact that I had insurance, I was charged $375 and my insurance billed for $300+; a total of $675+ they received for what was initially a contact lens examination.. The Office Manager said if, indeed, the insurance company paid the amount, they would refund my money. This is nothing but a typical case of fraud. How many more people have Lenscafters scammed! I'm going file a complaint with the BBB.

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Mar 27, 2009 12:35 pm EDT

Tammy, I looked into the Lenscrafters at Walt Whitman Mall and clicked the "schedule and appointment" button. on the top of the screen it said "Independant Doctors of Optometry" so it's completely unrelated to Lenscrafters. Some store hire the optometrist, but that particular store just leases the space to another completely separate business.

I work at a Lenscrafters, and I agree that Shara had a terrible experience. The only thing I can say to that is not everybody is the same, so while you may have had a bad experience at that Lenscrafters, you may have a better experience at another. Once you find a good apprentice optician or optician (whether it be at LC or elsewhere) remember the name and ask for them whenever you stop by. Taking measurements and recommending materials is a skill, some people will be better at it then others.

Additional note: Please be patient when the store is busy. Remember to sign in and keep in mind that those ahead of you have also been waiting a long time. (Not saying that is what happened with you Shara, we just started the sign-in again within the past few months)

(I like to read the complaints to make sure I don't do the same to a customer in the future...I have also passed along certain threads to other employees.)

Hell Bent
dillmyer, US
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Apr 06, 2009 3:31 pm EDT

It is amazing how bold we all get once we are at home behind our computer monitor. You, who had such horrible and expensive experiences at LensCrafters, should have said something at the time. You work hard for your money and yet like sheep you follow along and pay the bill wht ever is priced to you. Are you that foolish with your hardearned money? I have some ocean front property in Iowa if you are!
My point is, and hopefully the lesson you actually learned, ask questions, be your own advocate, stand up for yourself. Several times in each of these previous comments several of you have stated yoou just could not believe the prices or the terrible service. Now after you have put it out there for the world to read on the internet, what a poor victim you are, you tell us all you will never associate your selves or your families with LensCrafters again. Why not just leave in the first place and go to your local eyecare business. Support your local economy! Why not ask why your billed $375. that is more nhan half my morgage and you just tossed across the counter without care or question. ( until later when you had time to stew in your disgust at how weak you were for settling and not standing up for yourself. And young lady, mother of three, you went back a second and third time. You are a fool.
But come on people yoou or your spouse work hard for your money, if you are truely treated as you were then walk out of the store and never return. You would have wasted the 30 minutes inthe store the first time after your appointment or just walk out when the first clerk was rude at the Dr's office. But you would have saved all the time and gas and money shopping at another eywear store.

Sacramento, US
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Jul 02, 2009 5:59 pm EDT

Hmm...maybe you should understand what you are talking about before you start complaining and attempting to bash a name that is nationwide and thriving.

As for insurance: I am an employee at Lenscrafters and fully understand how the insurance companies work. Let me explain to you what happened with that $30 so you are "sure who pocketed that money". When you bill your insurance for glasses, YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THEM. So why on earth would you think that just because you go with a cheaper frame that you should get that money? That would be fraudulent, seeing as it was the insurance that paid for it, not you.

Second of all, Eye Exam of California is not Lenscrafters. What happens on the Doctor's Side is not affiliated with us. Also, what do you expect when you show up to your appointment late? You expect to be rushed back and given the utmost priority because you couldn't get there on time? Regardless of the reason or excuse, Eye Exam has appointments booked every 20 minutes, all day long. If they just take you right away when you are late, you are causing everyone else who was there on time to be taken back late. That doesn't seem like a fair punishment for someone who has better time management than you, now does it?

Another point: school yourself in optics before you start bashing the industry. When you got the glasses back and they were stretched farther, did you even think about how they make them? When lenses are put in frames, especially if you have a moderate to severe prescription, it deforms the frame and stretches it out. That is why we let patients know it is advised for them to pick up their glasses. Also, if you are breaking your glasses 6 times in 2 weeks, you have some children that need some serious anger management classes or you need to actually be paying attention to them. Trust me when I say, there is NO way that any frame you could purchase from ANY eyeglass store would break that many times. Maybe you should control your children and teach them manners.

I could go on and on refuting almost everything that you say. I agree that they should have been more courteous to you, but obviously you are exaggerating with the poor customer service because if it was that bad, you would have opened your mouth. Please do some research and understand exactly what you are complaining about before you make yourself look ignorant again.

Columbia Station, US
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Jul 21, 2009 1:41 am EDT

2- Quit making excuses.
3- Wear sports goggles because any normal person couldn't possibly ruin 6 pairs of glasses.
4- Understand the policy on insurance because you sound dumb claiming to be ripped off.
5- Speak up in the store instead of running home to vent online.

Pooler, US
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Jul 21, 2009 8:45 am EDT

I work in the lab at a LensCrafters here in Georgia. One, you can put almost any type of lens into nearly any frame. If it was a rimless, I could understand not going with plastic as they have a tendency to chip when trying to insert the lens, same with particular Versace and Ray Ban metal frames. So if they stated that you HAD to have a polycarbonate lens, then that wasn't true. Admittedly, some people shouldn't be working retail because they aren't very skilled at it. Now if there were certain coatings you wanted, then you could definitely not get plastic. Secondly, it also depends on what that store's lab has in stock. Now I don't know that store or lab personally, so I couldn't rightfully say. But they might only be supplied with polycarbonate lenses. Doubtful, but it could happen.

As for the frames and them breaking. Glasses are not indestructible objects. There are tiny joints and hinges in them and they're not meant to be stressed extensively. There are more durable frames out there, and it sounds like that's what you needed. Now I will admit, that they didn't ask you the proper questions. We're supposed to ask about your lifestyles and what not. Shoot, we should spend at least five minutes or more just getting to know you a bit while we go through the sale. That right there would help us help you better. Again though, not all people working retail and sales should be there. I've seen Opticians who can't tell the difference between a 1 or a 2 when it's clearly a 1. What happens? Wrong prescription gets inputted into the computer. However, just playing with your children is not going to break your glasses six times. In fact, if they broke the first time, then you would have needed to come back in because you would have been unable to wear them at all. Six times would mean that there was nothing left to fix. I've played full contact football with no equipment before while wearing my sunglasses. I full on butted heads with a guy and my glasses just needed a minor adjustment. I however split my eyebrow open. But the glasses were fine.

You do have to realize that it can get busy. So please be patient. Someone should have done more to help you, but if they were extremely busy and short handed, then I can understand that. It does happen. But just remember to be patient.

And lastly. If the distance and children caused you such a problem in getting back to get them, especially since the second time a machine went down, then you should have asked them to mail them to you. We do do that. The manager or whoever had made the sale should have offered it to you when they said two weeks. But for future reference and anyone else reading this, we will mail them to you if you want. Now the two weeks thing is a bit far fetched. Whether or not you're exaggerating or they were saying it because they simply did not know, it does not normally take that long to fix equipment. Most things are back up in a few hours. And if they had to they would have sent it to the central lab in Cincinnati to have them complete the job, in which case it would have taken 7-10 business days, which could possibly be a couple of weeks at most.

All in all. There are things on both sides that could have been executed better.

New York, US
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Sep 21, 2009 4:43 pm EDT

This was my second time at Lenscrafters - been there 3 years ago for a check up and glasses.
I went in for a checkup on July 18th...Was told I need to change my glasses.
That very day i picked out a frame. They insisted on a 100% payment immedaitely. I paid it in full ( My insurance does not cover anything to do with eyes)
I was given a receipt with a delivery of Aug 28th...but was told it may take 2 weeks.

I called on July 28th - They were still at the lab and not ready. I called again on Aug 3rd - They said the lab had sent it out and I would get in it the next day
I called Aug 5th - same answer ( out for delivery)
I called on Aug 6th they said they received it and they were doing an inspection on it and once approved I can pick it up.
I went there on Aug 7th to pick it up. Tried them on and they sat lopsided on my face, so much for the inspection they did. The holes on the lenses were drilled at different levels on each lens sat at a different angle.

They apologised and sent it back to the 'lab' for repair.
Aug 21st, got them back...this time they sat straight on my face. Wore them till Aug 23rd and one afternoon they simple fell off my face, the 2 arms of the frame fell down and the 2 lenses, still attached to the bridge piece fell on my bed. Fortunately i was sitting on the bed working on my laptop. The left lens hit the laptop and had a teeny weeny scratch on it.
I went there on Monday, showed it to them asking why did a pair of new glasses simple fall apart. they look at it and say 'oh the holes are drilled wrong..they are of different sizes!
So back it went to their 'lab' to get fixed.

On Sept 5th I walked in as I passed their store and yes my glasses were ready and they didnt have the courtesy to even call me and let me know.
I tried them on and they had done such a bad job, same lens with the scratch and 2 big screws on the frame to hold it up!
Then the lady tells me this is a stand by pair. A brand new one is being made...and when i asked what the hell was happening here is her story...
'We didnt know that all Oakley frames cannot be handled by our labs. They have to be sent to the Oakley lab...we were not aware of it thats why our lab wasnt able to get it right!.
So now its Sept 21st evening, over 2 months from the date I paid in full..I am still waiting for my glasses...and not even sure if they will get it right this time...
I am so mad right now I am not sure what else to say...I paid $550 upfront for this crap...and past 2 months and i have no glasses to show for it.
Either Oakley or lenscrafter needs to give me a 75% discount for not just being incompetent and unprofessional but for making me waste my time and money and effort calling and never getting an honest answer.

Greene, US
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Oct 20, 2009 3:44 pm EDT

Same story as "mother of 3", stop ### and complaining and ask for your money back and shop elsewhere. Both of you are whining like children behind the Internet and nwither of you confronted the associates at Lenscrafters. I will help you:
1) Go into store and POLITELY ask for the manager on duty, this may be one of three or four different people. GM, Retail Mgr, Lab Mgr, or Sales supervisor.
2) CALMLY explain your experience and ask for a full refund. After 30 days they may even give you the glasses as well? ASK them. If not get your full refund and leave it there don't drag it around with you, that kind of attitude will give you cancer.
3) Go shop elsewhere and do not under any circumstances chose drill mount frames (they are high maintainance, weak, fragile frames)
4) Remember you tolerated this and made the decisions you made. You allowed yourself this experience. Think real hard...oh yes there was that one time you made a mistake or a project took longer than you anticipated!
5) Stop blathering on the internet and find a trusted eyecare business to give your money.
Remember, I am a former Lenscrafter emplyee but I still believe most consumers are far too demanding and inpatient and lack the knowledge about the industry to really carry any wieght in their complaint. -HELL BENT

Concor, US
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Dec 15, 2009 9:50 am EST

Hell Bent,

I wholeheartedly agree with your comments in regards to these complaints. I have zero qualms with being up-front with whomever I'm dealing with in any retail situation in trying to resolve the issue at the moment it happens. Dragging it out for months, without either asking for a refund after the first mistake or laying stipulations that I neither have the time nor patience to come back to any store 5 times to get anything right, then coming onto an internet forum to complain is absolutely absurd to me. If you had taken these actions early in the process and they weren't compliant with your desires, then you have all the reason in the world to complain in any format available.


I do vaguely empathize with your situation as I have never worked for LC, but instead worked for many years as an Optician for a private Optometrist and we were also not able to edge lenses for Oakley frames due to their design. This is something they should've known at the point of you selecting them and purchasing them and advised you. Beyond that fact and what was already stated about frame fitment, most frames WILL NOT fit properly and will likely fit "lopsided" until they properly bend and adjust them to your face. Also, beyond popular public belief, glasses themselves will not mysteriously "fall apart" on their own. Either you are taking them off with one hand, which puts undue stress on one side of the screws which hold the lenses in (in drill mounts) or you are doing some other form of stress on them that you're probably not even aware that you are doing.

Overall, I think the final sentence in your complaint sums up what you are ultimately out for; a %75 discount on your eyewear. Two things come to mind; either take the complaint to LC EARLY on in the process of your displeasure and get a %100 discount via refund or find a cheaper eyewear provider.

One thing I can guarantee you in the world of optics, as most other retail establishments in the world is that things can and do go wrong in the process of selection, ordering, processing and fitment. I don't understand why people think that optics are a miracle trade and think things will never go wrong in the processes that it takes to make them. I understand you paid a premium price for premium eyewear, but that $500 is not that difficult to get back if you are unsatisfied from the first time you put those glasses on your face.

I suggest to anyone that posts complaints like these about any establishment is to be up-front with them at your displeasure in the service or goods and you will be amazed at how quickly you get your hard-earned money back or how quickly you get the goods you were promised. If that doesn't happen and they don't satisfy your needs, then post here at how they did make a mistake and refused to fix it or give you a refund instead of being a mute to them on your displeasure and coming onto an internet forum to blast them.


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Jun 05, 2010 6:46 pm EDT

I have only gone to LensCrafters twice. Once to pick a frame and then to pick it up period. The wait at Lenscrafters are long to say the least. It seems they schedule just enough coverage but still shortt to accommodate all the appointments, the walk-ins, the picker-uppers who were called to come get their glasses. I agree I am one of those people that pay first and ask later. I am trying to change that. Customer Service should not be rude. The employees should realize that the people who come into their store is actually paying for their wages too. I myself do not like "surprises" and I usually get two complete different answers for the (1) question asked by same company but different person who takes the call or who is in front of you. Not everyone seems to be on the "same page", nowadays. Back to my first experience. My glasses cost just under 300 dollars. I can't remember if any were taken off from my insurance. I loved the glasses and it worked for me and I was happy. However, I was very surprised at the amount charged for it. I have not gone back since then which has been 5 years. I found a place called InSpect at the Ward Warehouse in Honolulu that gives you great looking glasses that works and is less than 80 or even 60 dollars. Their cost so low and is the reason they don't accept insurance. But let me tell you it works. So people best of luck to you all and I hope you found what you are looking for. Aloha...gmh

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May 10, 2011 5:22 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

on 5-6-2011 day b4 mother's day, i went to lenscrafter in warwick mall RI to buy my wife a pair of sunglasses. i bought a pair of sunglasses that were $380 but with a sale discount of 25% off. while i was in the store i heard sales associates asking and telling customers that if they had a AAA card, that they would get 30% off instead of 25% off. plus i had already knew this from a previous visit not too long ago. so i decided to buy the sunglasses. when at the counter i gave the lady my ID, Credit Card and AAA Card (thinking im gonna get the 30% off). she swiped my card and THEN told me the total price. well the price was not the 30% off i had expected instead was the store regular discount of 25% off. so i kindly asked the lady why i wasnt given the 30% off with my AAA card. she replied that i can only get one discount, which she gave me 25%. i said i understand the one discount but why would u not give me the 30% off especially when i handed u the AAA card. she then said it was "NO, TOO LATE, i already swipped ur card." i then said void or cancel the transaction and if not i would not buy it. i could tell now that she became upset at me. at what i dont know because i only wanted the COMMON SENSE DISCOUNT 30% over 25%, would anyone not. i felt that the lady looked at my over appearance as i was a dumb one. i just wanted to say that her CUSTOMER SERVICE WAS THE WORSE I HAVE SEEN AND BEEN TREATED. i ended up buying the sunglasses because time was against me. i told my wife the story on mothers day, she said return it, and we will go to another store.

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