Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Waverly, New York, United States

CVS Caremark Distribution — complaint about managment

I had made a complaint about the way management handles things at my job today along with a few other made complaints and we met with the head of HR about it later that day we...

Aisling Rags Ragdolls — SICK KITTENS

WARNING! Jessica from Aisling sold me a kitten TRITRICHONOMAS FOETUS and GIARDIA in $1$ $2$. Only 2 days after having him- he was way below the average weight for his age and...

Aisling Rags — Aisling Rags Complaint

I have a complaint against Aisling Rags, a ragdoll cat breeder in Waverly, NY. Here is my story. I saw her website and emailed her to see if she had any available ragdolls. She...


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