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refund and cancellation of contract
i have cancelled my cell c contract in febuary and have received a R550.00 bill for an account which i never used. i to date cannot get a hold of the correct person at their useless call centre and find out on when i will receive my refund. it was promised to be paid 10 days ago and nothing received to date. i have not received a call nor a letter from them but received the bill and have already been debited for the figure of R550.00. now i see i am listed on itc for the account that i have cancelled in feb 2011. it seems that they give the worst customer service
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
robbing contract holders
Cell C are still charging contract holders monthly by debit order even if the contract has expired and timeous notification has been given.They, as in my case have not responded to my complaint about this since Dec 2010 and continue honouring the monthly debit order.They are making millions of rands by just robbing the people in this way.Government needs to investigate this "fraud" that they are practising and get them to refund all people they have "over charged" delibrately.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
this cellc people are robbers and also the personels are not even trained enough to address the queries made, , , they lack customer care and even pointing fingers to each other..esp alberton city branch is a nightmare everytime you go there you meet new people.never again in my life to do business with cellc...
I have had a contract with Cell C /Altech Autopage
I have emigrated to New Zealand and since end January 2008 have not been using the sim card or mobile phone, but due to the fact that I am on contract I am still paying for it throught my south african bank account, They have been debiting my account for astronomical amounts which are totally unjustified and unreasonable and when i requested detailed account statements, they have beaten around the bush and requested written letters of request to be faxed through to them, this which I am despondent to do as previously when trying to get SMS Roaming setup, after having faxed through all the necessary forms as requested, no service was forthcoming, and we are now 3 months down the line and still no SMS Roaming?
When debiting my account they did'nt have any problem, but now to assist me with trying to fathom out how they arrived at the amounts debited, they are asking for so many different requirements.
I am disgusted at their lack of professionalism and their bad customer service.
I have never had such bad service, even after numerous emails (about 20) I have still not resolved any issues.
Totally disgusted
SA to NZ
poor quality and servise
Very poor service & ndash; 10 days and no reply, even lodged a complaint on www.Telltrevor.Co. Za, and still no reply! My best option to report this to the ombudsman & ndash; hopefully someone will then attend to this problem.
Gert wepener; [protected]
Ek wil hiermee my teleurstelling uitspreek ten opsigte van die uiters swak diens van cell c se klientediens. Ek het eers 084145 geskakel omdat ons in aanmerking kom om op te gradeer. By hulle moes ek verneem dat daar & rsquo;n betaling terug verwys is.. En daarom kan die opgradering nie gedoen word nie. Daar is einde desember/begin januarie verskeie e-posse aan ons gestuur ten opsigte van uitstaande betaling, na verskeie pogings, ook op die klientedienslyn, kon ons uitwys dat die bankbesonderhede nie verander het nie, en dat dit & rsquo;n interne fout aan cell c se kant is. Januarie se betaling is eers die 7de januarie verhaal. Sien onderstaande as bewys dat daar geen terugverwysde betalings was nie. Dit word dan ook nou op my kredietrekord aangedui dat ek nie betaal het nie, gaan cell c dit regstel?
M#cell c service provi vsandton za
- 228.27
M*cellular c service p vsandton za
- 296.54
M*cellular c service p vsandton za
- 419.61
By 084140 bestaan klientediens glad nie! Daar is & rsquo;n opsie om in afrikaans gehelp te word.. U kan dit maar afhaal uit die opsielys. Ek is vandag 5 keer van een persoon na & rsquo;n ander deurgeskakel en die een persoon se engels is swakker as die volgende persoon.. Niemand om in afrikaans te help nie (Ook maar goed so, hulle kan nie eers behoorlik engels praat nie).
RE: Complaint on Account Number or Phone Number [protected]
In March 2012, I applied for a brand new blackberry 9360 contract at cell c IMEI Number: [protected]. Which work perfectly fine at first until I took it in on the 28 September 2012. Unfortunately, your product did not worked satisfactorily because it did not charge and when I charged the phone on the date mentioned on the above sentence it heated up. I immediately returned the phone at Cell c store in Vincent East London. After 3 weeks of patiently waiting I received a brand new phone which was a touch screen blackberry 9380. Unfortunately I could not take the phone as I don’t use and I don’t like touch screens so I returned it back to you the store (Cell C Vincent East London). I was not informed of the change by cell C which I think I should have been notified of the changes that took place “the change of phones.
I was told that the blackberry 9360 is not manufactured anymore and to resolve this problem, I would appreciate if I should receive a phone that is similar to blackberry 9360; it has to be 4.5 - 5 megapixels. I certainly do not want any phone that was manufactured before the 9360 blackberry. May I also be contact before you send the phone to me this time.
Below are reference numbers in the calls I have made to Cell C.
Also spoke to Janelle (not sure of the correct spelling) on [protected]
Out of the many times I called no one came up with a solution, I was even transferred to the repair centre many times and I could not go through. I found out at a later stage that they had problems with this regards in the repairs department.
ja nee ek stem 1000 maal saam. ek het al vir meer as n jaar en n half probleme wat ek nie nommers kan skakel nie as ek probeer gee dit my net connection error. my man was al opgeneem nadat hy in ongeluk was en ek kon nie eers die nood dienste bel nie, want cell c het netwerk probleme. so het ek al op verskeie ongelukke en rooftogte afgekom wat ek nie die sap kon onbied nie, want daars n netwerk probleem. ek het al verskeie verwysingsno . cellc se net die saak is opgelos en gee nuwe verwysingsnommer. ek het al met teamlaeders gepraat dit help nie eers nie. ek kry lee beloftes van n bheki en hy vra vir geduld ma vader alleen weet hys so ongeskik geen mens kan met hom gesels nie. hy se net wees geduldig. so ja nou wil ek my kontrak kanselleer, maar o wee ek gaan niks uitgerig kry met hul nie. trevor noah is ook n pot snot het al klagtes daar ook gele, geen sukses. so kan cellc nie maar toemaak nie? genade dis die k@kste netwerk ooit
Hi Julle ek sit in dieselfde situasie Cell C is so vrot en jy sukkel jou gjat af om net met iemand te kan praat en dan as jy hom het sy hy hou aan vir nog 30 na 40 minute dan word jy of uit moedeloosheid afgesny of ek sit neer net om die volgende dag dieselfde deur te gaan.
My selnr i s nou al maand af en niemand van Cell c of legal kom terug na my toe nie. Ek dink ons moet hulle e-posse volmaak by custserv@cellc.co.za. Ek het al 10 e-posse aan hulle gestuur maar geen terugvoer nie. het ook verwysingnr gekry en gese hulle bel my terug binne 2 -24 ure nou al 10 dae later.
Wie gaan hierdie maatskappye aan hulle strotte gryp en hoekom moet ons as kliente so sukkel dit is immers ons geld wat hulle blerry salarisse betaal. Ek haat swak diens!
hi ek is ook nou besig met cell c aangesien die selfde met my gebeur het ek het vanaf 14/2/2011 - 1/4/2011 reeds R4150 op my rekening betaal en nog steeds is dit nie reg nie ek is ook vir opgradering reg en nou skielik is al die probleme daar wat kan ek doen om my geld terug te kry ek wil moord pleeg
my nommer is/was [protected] ek kom nie deur na die rekening afdeling nie ek het 'n werkskontrak verloor a.g.v my kliente wat my nie kon kontak nie ek het honderde rande spandeer van my landlyn af ek moes 'n cell c pre paid sim koop net om te kan bel en nog steed niks kom ons staan op en maak amok dit kan nie so aangaan nie
My Cell C No. [protected]
I want to buy Data Buldle for R50.00
They do not want to give me
My complain Ref. No: [protected]
I am still waiting for the problem to be solve.
Thank You
Melchion Taylor
Hi daar, ek is deur presies dieselde met Cell C. Ek het die internet stick vir R149/maand vir 2gig gevat. Toe kry ek skok toe my rekening gestop word dat my totale rekening al R1500 beloop. Met navrae (na gesukkel om iemand te kry wat kan praat en nadat foon omtrent drie keer afgegaan het en lyn so swak is jy kan skaars iets hoor) se hulle dat dit uncapped internet is (wat nooit aan my gese is nie) en dat ek eers moet betaal voor internet weer aankom. Dit was die 21 Jan. My rekening vir daardie bedrag daag eers die 16 Feb op en betaalbaar op 28 Feb. 28 Feb betaal ek die hele bedrag, teen my sin. Intussen het ek klagtes gele by die inbelsentrum, nie een nie maar drie, want niemand kom terug na my nie, as ek bel ivm navrae weet hulle nie daarvan nie en word nog 'n klagte gelodge. Teen 5 Mrt was my internet nog nie aan en het ek klag gele by Clientele se regsafdeling van wie ek deel is, ook brief aan rapport gestuur, ook brief aan Hello Peter en aan Die Burger en Cell C se CEO. Die 9de het Cell C gebel en gese dit sal uitsorteer word. DIe 11de is my internet eers aangesit. EK het dus amper 2maande sonder internet gesit, sonder rede want my geld is op die die "due date" betaal. Hulle se nou net "sorry for the invonveniance". Ek weier om die maand 'n premie te betaal en soek iemand wat my kan help om hierdie situasie uit te sorteer.
dissapearing data bundles no feed back
Beware of Cell C!
I would like to warn everyone not to repeat my mistake. In November I signed up with Cell C, paying cash for one years supply of data bundles – 2 GB per month. As I had never used 2 GB in a month I calculated that the offer would work me out to R 125 per month – being less than I then paid monthly for using internet. After a few initial setup problems November and December worked out excellent and I started patting myself on the back thinking I had indeed made a good choice. Oh, what a mistake!
Towards the middle of January my data bundles started to mysteriously disappear. I had to buy additional airtime to the value of R 400 which I converted to 1 GB of data bundles! I could not understand why as I mainly use my bundles to send and receive e-mails. At no other time (during 2 years) I had even come close to using this amount. I put it down to an upgrade of my Windows – only farfetched explanation I could come up with…
1st February I received my monthly 2 GB. On the evening of the 6th February, before switching off my computer for the night, I still had just above 2 GB. On Monday the 7th when starting up my computer and connecting to check my e-mails – all my bundles were gone!
I phoned Cell C customer line – being disconnected several times and finally after 35 minutes waiting got a consultant telling me there was indeed a problem. Cell C was doing a system upgrade- as per the messages they had supposedly sent me - and it seemed many customers had lost all their bundles. Not to worry – they hoped that the problem would be sorted out sometime during the day. No, they could not notify their customer when the problem was rectified. But I could always phone again to find out…
When I later in the afternoon managed to go online again Cell C had recovered 1 GB of my data bundle. I phoned again. Again I had to wait close to half an hour in telephone line. Again there was nothing anyone could do – I was promised that they would look into it and get back to me.
On Tuesday nobody had gotten back to me. I sent two e-mails to customer service. Nobody responded.
On 12 February I again spent 30 minutes in a telephone line before reaching a consultant. I spent at least another half an hour explaining and re-explaining my problem, now it seemed I had 10 GB data bundle. I was given a reference number for the first time. I then requested:
• Cell C must follow up why I do not receive any of the notifications I had been told had been sent me – rectify the problem and let me know.
• Find out why my data bundles had been disappearing during January as they claimed this had nothing to do with all the other data bundles that disappeared.
• Get back to me with feedback.
• Let me know how they would re-pay/compensate me the R 400 spent on buying additional data bundles.
Wednesday 16th February nobody had gotten back to me. I sent another e-mail to customer service requesting they urgently phoned me.
Friday 18th February I spent 38 minutes holding for a consultant. When giving my telephone number the consultant could not find any notes on my many calls and queries. The reference number given me was wrong – it referred to an old query not made by me. I again had to tell the whole story another 30 minutes on the telephone.
The consultant promised me (why did I not believe her?) that she would investigate and get back to me later during the day. It is Tuesday 22nd February. Cell C has not contacted me.
I have spent more than 3 hours of my time on a telephone waiting for and speaking to a consultant – at what I on Friday discovered, when receiving my telephone bill, CELL PHONE RATES! (I was told to phone this number from a land line as it was charged at normal local rates.)
Conclusion: Instead of paying the supposedly R 125 per month for internet I have till now paid close to R 400 per month including the top up I had to do when my bundles disappeared and the cost for waiting in telephone line to speak to Cell C. This does not take into consideration the time and frustration! An expensive swop for lousy service! And the worry of not knowing when my remaining data bundles will disappear.
How I regret! becoming a client of Cell C. They have the absolute most pathetic “service” and customer care I have ever come a cross. And I used to think Eskom, Telkom and municipality were bad – after my encounter with Cell C these now all seem friendly, efficient and customer orientated.
My problem is still not solved. Yes, for some reason (nobody can or will tell me why) I now have 11 GB of data bundle – which I won’t be able to finish by the end of the month even if I work on it day and night. But tomorrow or next month or a week from now Cell C might decide to make them all disappear again, together with the remaining future ones. And when they do I for certain know that: nobody will respond to my e-mail, I will have to wait at least 30 minutes in a telephone line – at cell phone rates - before speaking to a consultant that will not be able or willing to help me and that will certainly not keep a promise of phoning back.
I realize and accept that even the best companies can have problems – it is how they deal with it and communicate with their clients that set them apart.
Do not repeat my mistake – DON’T join Cell C. I believe their policy to be: “Grab all money up front you can from the customers – then they can’t win, don’t answer the customer line, if you are unable to disconnect an unhappy client make sure you make a false promise of phoning back and always give a false reference number should the customers want to follow up. Even the dumbest Cell C client will eventually get that Cell C does not care and they certainly won’t help.”
Guess the best way is to go to the Cell C shop and cause a scene? Will have to try and find a time to do this... My modem is now starting to disconnect itself. I lost more databundles and they are of course still not getting back to me... Which country are you in? Also South Africa? I lodged a complaint with the Consumer Affairs Offices - hoping for them to come back to me soon...
Good luck to us both...
At least you have the number to their consultants. As I am sitting hear I am waiting for them to call me back as their autoresponder always promises. I have emailed Cell C twice just trying to find out why in their customer care help line (140) they don't have an option of speaking to a consultant like the other service providers, as if they're sure that the options they provide are more than sufficient.
And, yes, I am also experiencing the same problem of losing data bundles this month after I had 5 times data bundles last month. Infact, I blame myself for dealing with Cell C again after the last time I had to fight tooth and nail with them just get them to stop debiting my bank account for a cellphone contract that had ended.
billing problem never ending
I am a subscriber to Cell C for many years and I am rather desperate to cancel my contract with Cell C as it appears that the staff (supervisors included) are either not willing to assist customers or they are just incompetent in what they are doing. Unfortunatedly they do not speak Afrikaans nor do they understand plain simple South African English.
Since December 2009 I have added 1GB SmartData Bundle and 120 SMS Bundle to my Casual Chat 100 subscription. Inspite of having SmartData Bundle and a SMS Bundle my account appears to be abnormally high. I have already requested a reconcilliation of my account in order to determine the actual usage of data as it appears that I do not benefit from the data bundle or the sms bundle. I do not think that this is too much to grasp or to sort out.
Subsequent to that request I have made numerous enquiries either in person or telephonically in connection with my account. A minimum of 5 visits to the local Cell C shop were also not of any help to solve the problem. Each enquiry always ended in more promises made and excuses for the bad service and incompetance.
no stock plus late delivery
I am extremely disappointed with Cell C's service, particularly the George Garden Route Mall branch.
I went to the Cell C website and identified a phone and contract I wanted. I then went to the store on Monday 17 January and signed a contract with them. After everything was signed I was told that they're sorry but that they don't have stock of the phone I wanted. They said the stock would arrive by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. I heard nothing from them the whole week and on Thursday afternoon went to the store again to inquire. I was then told that the stock would arrive tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. I got a text message from the store on Friday afternoon saying that my phone didn't arrive with the stock they received.
How long does one have to wait for a product from this company? And why do they lie about when the phone is scheduled to arrive, just to get clients off their backs or what? It is pathetic and unethical.
I would advise anyone looking for a phone contract to consider MTN or Vodacom, they have more stores and surely better service than Cell C! Cell C doesn't deserve the business it gets.
deactivating my line without reason
Yesterday morning, while I am in a meeting, Cell C phoned me 3 times, left a voice message on my phone, phoned my husband and also my work land line. When I returned the call wondering what is going on, no one at customer service could tell me what the fuss is all about.
This morning when I needed to make a call I got the message that the number is barred. I phoned customer service to try to find out. Well needless to say after 3 phone calls and a different answer every time why my line has been deactivated (I am asking for a number transfer, my sim card has been loststolen) it is now their system who decided that certain numbers need to be deactivated. They have put it on the system to reactivate my line but do not know when this will happen because their system is slow. This is not the answer I want to hear.
The funniest of it all is that I have 2 contracts with Cell C and according to them both the numbers were deactivated. Unbelievable that the system has decided to deactivate both my numbers.
I am travelling more than a 100 kilometres from home to work and back and my cellphone is my instrument in case of an emergency and thanks to Cell C I cannot use my phone.
cell c error has given me a bad credit score
Last year I had a really bad experience where Cell C messed up my account with them completely:
- I did not receive my statements at all during this time
- They didn't capture my correct details on their system and causing numerous errors on my acocunt
- They were deducting money off the wrong account.
In the end I took this complaint to head office to demand some assistance with this account. It was during this process that I was told to shut up and listen to the gentleman, who in the end spoke a load of rubbish and admitted that they did not know what was going on with my account.
Infuriated I went straight to the top. They apologised for the problems, errors and poor service. They promised that this would all be corrected and the money I paid for the services would be refunded - fat chance as I am still waiting for this!
In addition my contract would be cancelled on the 5 January 2010. Funny how I ended up getting a bill for February!
this month I applied for finance on a car I wanted to get only to be told that I have a negative credit score and that no one will finance me - Cell C blacklisted me for their error! Useless...
I need a clear detailed statement not the one that Vvm Attorney showed me, on how did you came up to the amount you say I owed off which I did pay.
Now that I have paid (you) Cell c via Vvm attorneys Account reference: [protected] call centre reference: [protected] and I`m sure that you have received all my complaints, I have took two phone but on the contract billing statement there were three phones off which when I went back to north gate Cell c the shop assistant Mr. Fortunate Mkhize said its just error it will be fixed on the next billing statement but nothing was done until I landed to your Attorneys and on my complaints stated that the amount you have sent to them was too much for two phones that’s is why I still need clarity on that R11, 623.35 to total paid R16, 796.45 that you forwarded there! And I think you`ve seen them specially that I have made also clear to Vvm attorneys that I have took two contract phones with you in 2007 and the amount that I paid to your account too does it reflect. And please pull everything that may be helpful on my complained at Vvm profile surely by now they have handed the document to (you) Cell c.
And I’m aware that Mr. fortunate was fired for irregularity into the business and some people came forward complaining with the same problem and was told to do the same however the case went to Vvm without any attempt to contact me, note: Vvm never solve anything to my complaints
Looking forward to hear from you. email:www.mvulanes@webmail.co.za
From unsatisfied costumer
Sipho Obed Mvulane
help delay
Hi Sir/Madem i do request a bank details, settlement amount, letter of settlement, removal of my name on transunion. i do want to pay fully the account which i was not aware that is still active, after my contract expired. i 'm prepare to solve this problem as soon as i got all details requested above. my name is George Mongolisi Lot, and contact number is [protected] please help me to resolve the matter quickley either sms the information on that MTN number above.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I have 3 cellphone contracts with Cell C, and last year October i changed my bank details for the debit order, a simple change, so I thought. Since then they have messed up my debit orders. They debiting the incorrect bank, then they debit the incorrect amounts. And even though it is a fault on their side, they suspend my services, no body can sort this out, the managers refuse to speak to me. And every month i get told that all is in order and up till the January debit order they still took the incorrect amount off my account, not covering the full amount due on the account. Firstly my concern is that I will now have a negative credit record due to them being incompetent ans secondly, that I had my international call services suspended due to the default on the account which was through no fault of mine. This has been going on for 4 months now and no one returns my calls or replies to my emails sent and just keep defaulting on the debit order amounts going through on my account. Is there anything that I can do to get this resolved?
im on contract with cell-c.i have a sony ericsson k550i.i have a pre-paid vodacom sim as well.my phone works wonderfully with the vodacom sim.when i use the cell-c sim,my signals low,my GPRS comes and goes,mostly just goes.my sms's wont go through with cell-c at all,EVER.but they do with my vodacom sim. then cell-c has the audacity to tell me i need to bring my phone in for repairs? fugging idiots! improve your network biitches! if i ever meet one of those call centre biitches from cell-c, ima fugging egg them
paing for a contract that is not working
i have a blok on my phone, so ife asked cell c to take it of 4 months ago and since then my phone does not want to send an smsor call out. bu the best of all is that they are still billing me for sh... thats not working! so ime going to stop my contract, wont pay a cent and ime going to the papers!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Firstly the good news. On Sunday 28th September I went to cellc waterfront, cape town to get my upgrade and also change my contract. I was so impressed with the service. The assistant Tsra Benito was helpful, polite, friendly, accomodating and most of all knowledgeable and went out of her way to try and assist and resolve some of the issues we had.
On the 26th September I went to cellc Pinelands, Cape Town for the same reason as above and requested an Iphone 5, 32mb which they assured me they would order and have in the store by yesterday, 2 October. I am leaving for overseas tomorrow(4th) so it was urgent that I receive it before leaving. I had my doubts and didnt feel confident that it would happen...just by their harry casual attitude. Instead I phoned waterfront, even on the phone they were helpful...went in and got the phone.
Luckily I did, as today (3rd) I went back to Pinelands as wanted to download "my tools" on my old phone, and was told there was a problem, he did phone someone but they said they couldnt help. I gathered by this stage that my phone hadnt been arrived but was casually told that they weren, t able to get one. When inquiring why they never phoned me yesterday to inform me, they said they only knew late!
If I hadn, t gone to Waterfront, I would be travelling without my new upgrade.
I, m sorry but this service is unacceptable and I do hope that those who deserve the praise receive it and those that dont...well I, ll leave it up to you!
Gill Liprini
money taken from acc after contract cancelled
I cancelled my contract on 4th aug, my airtime was uploaded on the 15th as usual and money taken from my acc at the end of month.The end of sept another payment was taken from my acc but I wasn't given any airtime.I have spent hours on the phone and in their shops, I've sent numerous emails to no avail, yes they have admitted they should have either given me my airtime in sept or not taken a payment, but, still refuse to do anything about it.This as far as I'm concerned is theft pure and simple, I wouldn't think I'm the only one of their customers this has happened to, imagine how much money they are making from this scam it must amount to millions!I wont give up though if only for the poor customers who don't have the time to spend on the phone etc., fortunately, being retired, I do.I suppose they just think eventually you'll go away.Shame on you cellc for stealing from people, we have to work hard for our money.
phone cover
I complained to Cell C red carpet, regarding a stolen phone claim that was rejected for unfounded reasons. This could not be resolved and as such I did not want the false benifet of cover any longer
It is now 22 days from my first complaint and 12 days from my second follow up complaint.
I have still not received any confirmation, feedback, or resolve on the matter.
What is worse is that I specifically gave instruction, on both occasions, not to debit my account for any C-cover, phone cover or warranty.
I do not want the service of C-cover on my line at all, as it is a worthless scam that is costing R37.19 with no benefit whatsoever.
I do not want the phone cover(R25) or phone warranty(R25) on my second line, as this is the phone that was stolen, black listed and for which the claim was rejected.
They do not grasp that they cannot charge me for a phone that I do not have any more and which they will not replace.
This instruction was made with ample lead time before my account was issued, and should have been rectified as such.
Calling the Red carpet service only entails holding for hours and then being disconnected.
Cell C claims they are changing - if that is for the worst, there is a lot of evidence to proof this fact.
Luckily I only have another 5 months to suffer.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
cell never returns calls on complaints and refunds
I refer to my previous compliants on hello peter website and confirm that I still have had no positiive response.
Supplier cell c industry telecommunications
Branch/area head office country south africa
Time / date 08:44 thu 18 nov person responsible mmakena
Customer erinethan view all reports by user 01
Problem feedback / response
Headline 1 month later & no resp on 2x deductions
The incident
Thu 28 oct
Hi my name is reshma haripersadh and I called in and repoted that both their collections dept polosa and cell c deducted monies from my account, cell c admitted that they were wrong and that they will refund me the amount that they mistakely deducted. They asked for me to e-mail my bank statement as proof so I did to [hidden web address] date no refund or response, I am totally disgusted. What kind of customer service is this?
My contact details are: [hidden email] and my telephone number is [protected].
Add a new cell c report find this report inappropriate?
Supplier response
Time: 13:00:56
Thu 18 nov 10
Hello erinethan,
On behalf of cell c, we extend our sincere apologies for the sub-standard service that you may have initially received.
Kindly note that I have escalated the matter to our legal team for further assistance. Please be advised that I will revert back to you with feedback once received.
[protected]@cellc.Co. Za
Customer's feedback
Time: 08:24
Tue 23 nov 10 indifferent: crystal called me on the same day and said that she will let me have an answer before the close of business on the 18th november 2010. I am still awaiting for the call or a response via e-mail. Thanks
Cell c fraud
they sell a service that doesnt work the way they say it would!
take your money
dont get back with any feed back on thier broken service
Dnt re emburse your money
lets your banking details lay around in the CELL C Sales shop so that others can steal.
Let you wastd R250.00 on cell phone calls to them & sales department allong with Head Office
Then when you get through you meet People that represent Cell c such as Zinsie a Sales Consultant & Vusi a Supervisor from MidRand who was no help after hearing my story claim that he dnt know me but an Hour earliar after spendin nearly an Hour on the phone with them.
My Cell c Supersonic Internet surfing Dongle 24gb Databundle R1499 Huawei E1752 was purschased on the 10/11/2010 6 days later i returned it cos it had bad recieption in my Area i stayed in i then returned it to the store where i was told my refund would be in my banking account the very next day from the Sales Manager ERIC from the Picbell Cell c branch in Cape Town.He also plasterd alot of lies apon lies just to clear him self where clerly Cell C does not EXCESICE THE PRIVACY ACT. i was told to forward my banking details via an sms to him on the stores cell phone i then did this 5mins later after call, i then did that only to find out that Mr Eric the manager left the store & no sms came through .I then phone again 5mins later the phone rings the store cell rejects my number (a voice on the call stating that the number does not exist)
i then repeated this a cuplor times Obveriously rejected all 7times i then dailed again from my cell i then hid my caller id it went through they pic up they heard its me they put the phone down in my face again.PHONED AGAIN asking them if they got my text they said no this after me sending 2 repeats getting no where.Cell c Sales Agents let my Banking Details lay in the Stores cell phone for a full Hour then after that they sms me stating that they recieved it.
THEIR service sucks...Cell C policy clearly states that no Sales Consultant nor Agent are allowed to have my banking details.But it was told to me by the Store Manager from the Picbell Store in Cape Town that my details will be safe...
Well Clearly it wasnt...!
Sad :-(
Im letting the world know about this becuase clearly dont care about their customers privacy.
-SABC 123
plus 3DEGREE
Every1 needs to know what Cell C got to offer & how bad their customer service are...
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Everything said here is true. I've got two cell c contracts and believe me their customer service is non existent. Their cell phone service is really "scratchy". They the biggest bunch of "piggy back" crooks around. Their 4G service is a scam. To be robbed by real crooks I can live with, but to be robbed blind by Corporate Business without shame, that is despicable. Their staff is untrained with no product Knowledge. They lie their way through the day just to collect their salaries. Cell C does not care two hoots for their customers once they've signed them up or sold them a product: all they want is your money not your troubles. THEIR CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE IS JUST A TAX WRITE OFF LIKE ADVERTISING.
I am very disappointed in the way Cell C has handled me. My phone was stolen last year November. I contacted Cell C to advice them that I need to cancel my contract. I spoke to Nomathlube at Cell C. She said that I can not cancel the contract as I still need to pay the subscription fees until the 24 months is up.
It is now seven months since my contract expired and Cell C is still deducting subscription money off my account. I called Cell C today and queried why, I have spoken to Luchien and Robert and no one can help me they say it’s simply my problem and Cell C won’t refund my money. I have been transferred from pillar to post and eventually the phone got cut off – again!
Plus, I have advised Cell C that my phone has been stolen and for two months after, they still deducted money off my account for usage? My phone is stolen and my Sim is not working, how the hell am I using airtime? I have notified Cell C then and my money has been returned bur now Cell C is taking more of my money from my bank and refuse to refund me.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Currently noticed that am sharing my number with somebody else.This is unethical and unacceptable, hope this matter will be resolve soon
cell c staff is not qualified to handle the complaints
In August 2009, I made a double payment to Cell C in error. On 28.09.2009 I contacted 14302 to check my balance, was informed that the current unbilled call charges were R1140.87. Contacted Cell C customer care and spoke to Kevesh, who informed me that Cell C owed me money R25.40, when I queried the amount of R1140.87 he told me that he could not see anything on his system as the account had been 'closed' because of the double payment. On 16.10.2009, dialled 14302 again because, once again I had not received any account from Cell C, only to find out my balance is now R 1 486.58. Contacted customer care again, this time spoke to Pranalen(Kevesh was busy) who told me he could not assist with my query as it was an account query and it would have to be dealt with my credit control, however in order for them to assist, I would need to supply them with 3 month's bank staements... . Why do they have a customer care centre if the staff are not qualified to handle the complaints?
I hate dealing with cell c now, because none of their staff are properly trained
My phone was stolen, I reported it to cell c, gave them a case number and sent this to them on Monday I called in for feedback the next day and they informed me they could not read the form, . I re-sent the same form to them they can now read it but I still do not have any feedback from them, no call, no reply to my mail-nothing!.
I called in today yet again as I have done all week, I spoke to a katlego Kagiso who asked me for my banking details-I asked why he needed my banking details to verify me he hung up on me. I then spoke to Nwabisa Skepu I told her my whole story above and she said that because I sent my form yesterday I have to wait another 24-48 hours, when I told her I had sent the same form on Monday and that cell c was late she rudely replied 'If you say so'.
I hate dealing with cell c now, because none of their staff are properly trained, they are unprofessional and incompetent I have now been without a phone for 2weeks one of those weeks spent chasing my network provider for service-I pay my premium every month and yet cell c staff always treat me with nothing but disrespect-I want my claim resolved now with some sense of urgency and then I'm cancelling.
I agree.
The service I received was terrible when I claimed against a damaged (unrepairable) handset. Porting away to other network is the easiest remedy.
Untrained and incompetent staff. Too few people employed in claims center (read Head Office- Jhb) to handle workload.
VERY POOR attitude to communicating returning calls/communications when received.
The only quick response I got was a call from the `Tell Trevor` email I sent. This resulted in a call from the helpline staff, but no action or resolution to the problem.
I live in hope!
Greg M
sim card still not working
I had a SIM card registration failed error on my phone last week Wednesday (23rd September). On Thursday I went to the Cell C Shop and did a SIM swap (they said that the SIM card was 'broken' and it cost me R150), the Friday morning Lucky called me and said that the SIM card would be activated during that morning. Friday afternoon I called customer care again saying that the problem still persists, they then cancelled my contract and re-activated it again to see if it does not work. It is now Monday morning and the problem still persists. I went to the Cell C shop again and they called Customer Care. Apparently it is now a network error and I must wait between 24 and 48 hours. I got a reference number: 3636323 and the person's name is Luzanne. Please help me, I need my phone to be working.
Attention to whom it may concern, i Bhongo Dlabantu have a problem i have accidentaly blocked my redbull simcard, and unfortunately ive even lost my puk number but i can still remember my pin number, i was wondering is the noway that i could regain my number ([protected])without me buying a new sim card?
free offer with contract not delivered
I contracted with a Cell C direct store for 2 contracts(casual chat)subject to a free offer of a 32 inch Telefunken LCD TV. The phones are 2 entry level Nokia phones at a monthly subscription of R145 each. The long & the short of it is, the next day after connecting the TV, I noticed the screen was defective. I immediately informed the store of this defect & returned it the next day. Both the store manager & owner informed me that the TV was to be returned to their supplier who was to replace the TV with a new unit. They couldnt say how long this will take & after a week had gone by I was told that the supplier does not have stock. They undertook to inform me as soon as they had word. Almost a month has passed & Im still possession of the TV for which I'm expected to pay for. No attempts were made by the store of sourcing another set from another store & when I suggested this as an option the owner said it would place his store second to others. I dont see how thats my problem?I lodged with customer services, to date haven't had any response. I contracted for these contracts purely with the intention of having the use of the TV offered. I want this contract cancelled at no cost!
I am having a same problem, they promised to send me 2fones bt i only got empty boxes.i reported several times and now they are starting sending me satements of which is irritating.i hate cellc
itemized billing on non-existent contract
I had two contracts with Cell C, but ported one of them to Vodacom around 6 weeks ago. My most recent invoice from Cell C still shows the ported number, with zero call charges, but an R18.86 itemised billing charge. The call centre can't even find the contract on their system, because it no longer exists.
I was transferred to the billing accounts department but was on hold for ages. I certainly am not going to pay for the call while I am on hold so that you can fix your mistake. Please get somebody to phone me to sort this out, I require a new invoice please.
Cell C Reviews 0
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2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.
3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Cell C. Make it specific and clear, for example, "Incorrect Billing on Cell C Mobile Plan".
4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with Cell C. Mention key areas such as customer service interactions, billing issues, network coverage problems, or any contractual disputes. Include relevant information about transactions, such as dates, amounts, and what the transactions were for. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, including any steps you took to resolve it and how Cell C responded. Explain how this issue has personally affected you, whether it's through service disruption, financial loss, or stress.
5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as correspondence with the company, bills, or contracts. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy or security.
6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue with Cell C. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, service restoration, or an apology.
7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is correct and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.
8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to send your complaint to ComplaintsBoard.com for posting.
9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep an eye on your ComplaintsBoard.com account for any responses or updates regarding your complaint. Engage with any replies from Cell C or other users to further your case.
Overview of Cell C complaint handling
Cell C Contacts
Cell C phone numbers135135Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling 135 phone number 6 6 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling 135 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling 135 phone number 11 11 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling 135 phone numberCustomer Service147147Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling 147 phone number 9 9 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling 147 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling 147 phone number 20 20 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling 147 phone numberQuick Info Line+27 841 555 555+27 841 555 555Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 555 555 phone number 17 17 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 555 555 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 555 555 phone number 30 30 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 555 555 phone numberTechnical Support+27 84 135+27 84 135Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 135 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 135 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 135 phone number 14 14 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 135 phone numberCustomer Service+27 84 145+27 84 145Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 145 phone number 17 17 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 145 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 145 phone number 15 15 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 84 145 phone number6%Confidence scoreContracts & Upgrades+27 841 234+27 841 234Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 234 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 234 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 234 phone number 17 17 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 234 phone numberGlocell+27 841 944 000+27 841 944 000Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 944 000 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 944 000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 944 000 phone number 17 17 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 944 000 phone numberCell C Business+27 841 4329+27 841 4329Click up if you have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 4329 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 4329 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 4329 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Cell C by calling +27 841 4329 phone number50%Confidence scoreText Only
Cell C emailssm@cellc.co.za100%Confidence score: 100%Supportpamerla.henry@glocell.co.za100%Confidence score: 100%Supportescalations@glocell.co.za100%Confidence score: 100%Supportcustomerservice@cellc.co.za97%Confidence score: 97%supportcustserv@cellc.co.za93%Confidence score: 93%supportcorporateaccount@cellc.co.za90%Confidence score: 90%management
Cell C addressThe Waterfall Campus, Cnr Maxwell Drive, Pretoria Main Road, Buccleuch, South Africa
Cell C social media
Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn moreJul 23, 2024
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