Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Horse Cave, Kentucky, United States

Holiday Inn Bridgeport WV — pricing/amenities

On $1$ $2$ we had been on the road for 10 hours. Due to health conditions we needed to stop and rest. After searching 5 motels for vacancy we stopped at the above...

Whirlpool Corporation — whirlpool dryer

I bought a Whirlpool dryer $1$ $2$. The warranty is out and in the last 2 months it has been worked on 2 times. The first time the thermal fuse lasted a whole week. The...

Hoobly / member user name "(kathysfurryfriends)" — pregnant yorkie female 500.00 cash - please stop false advert. & animal cruelty

On $1$/$2$ I met with the above member/seller to purchase the yorkie. False Advertisement. 4 yr. old yorkie is badly malnutrition. She has had previous litters an seem to be used...


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