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IHOP review: food poisoning 47

Author of the review
3:27 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Lesson for today: If you get food poisoning, make sure to get someone to take you back to the restaurant you get it from and get sick there. Because there is no way to test for food poisoning and there isn't a mass outbreak of sickness, you won't get anything! I am adding IHOP to the list of places I will never eat again. Just go to and read the review I put up for the Waldorf MD location. UGH!

My account to the insurance company:

My husband, 2 yr old daughter and I visited the Waldorf, MD IHOP location on 12/9/11. My husband ordered a pancake platter, my daughter had the kids' french toast, and I ordered the Big Steak Omelet.

I always order this omelet without fail - No hashbrowns inside, on the side; English Muffin instead of pancakes; sour cream on the side. We checked out at 11:51AM.

Around 6PM I began to have discomfort in my stomach accompanied by belching that smelled like rotten eggs. This went on for a few hours, I could not take any medicine for this feeling as I was 39 week pregnant. I didn't have any other food for dinner/snack because I knew it probably would be coming back up. This is the only meal I had all day. Around 1AM 12/10/11, I began to feel the need to vomit. I was running, as fast as I could considering my condition, to the rest room ever 30 - 45 minutes, vomiting, belching and having severe diarrhea (all at the same time) for the next few hours. Once I had pretty much evacuated my system of any foods and liquids, I was able to go to the ER at Southern Maryland Hospital Center. There I was given IV fluids and an anti-nausea shot. The physical stress did not affect my child who was born 5 days later. My husband and daughter did not have any signs of illness. I had no further incident once I was discharged from the ER. I drank clear fluids and ate toast & crackers for the remainder of the day.

When I spoke to a manager at IHOP, he brushed me off stating "We cook a lot of eggs and a lot of those omelets so I don't think you got food poisoning from us. I'll take your information anyway, but you didn't get it from us." All it takes is one bad egg or egg product or other food item, a contaminated utensil, or dirty hands to get sick. As I stated before, I eat this particular omelet all the time, my husband doesn't even bother asking what I want when we go to IHOP, he knows it is always the same thing. We have eaten at this location a handful of times over the past 2 years with no incident.

This is my statement to the best of my knowledge.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Alex Cortes
Mar 24, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My friend and i went to ihop on houston tx, located @ greens road and highway 45. We experienced the worst service from poor waiters, we had to wait for our meals more than 30 minutes and when we got our meals, the food was wrong, we complained to the "manager" a night manager named larry, he did not apologize for the inconvenience, or even offer a discount ( which was not required from us ) but at least something like ' im sorry for the inconvenience or just something like that.

It is sad that this huge company has individuals working there that have no clue on what guest service is, he was rude and sarcastic, of course, he does not have a clue on what his "job'' is, but we will just have to survive with this kind of people, i just dont think i will go back to this restaurant, while this person is 'trying to' manage, because he is not capable to do it, thank you.

Edward S. Barnhart
Oct 21, 2007 12:00 am EDT

On Sunday 21 October 2007, I took my family to IHOP in Waldorf, Maryland for breakfast. When I took a bite of the blueberry crepe I had ordered, I found myself chewing on an unpleasant piece of garbage lodged inside the crepe. I fished out a bread bag tie, complete with paper and wire. When we showed the hostes what I had found, she took the plate with the wire and brought another "fresh" crepe out to the table. Needless to say, eating the crepe was difficult after what I had just found. When asked, "how was your meal" by the cashier, I indicated that it was good until finding the wire twist in the crepe. He nervously laughed and said "sorry about that" and continued to give me my change from the bill. Next time you eat at IHOP, please be careful not to swallow something you didn't order...

Tim Ivers
Feb 23, 2008 2:17 am EST

Went to Panama City IHOP on February 14th for lunch. Even though the restaurant was about 80% occupied, we waited 20 minutes for our order to be taken, and then an additional one hour and five minutes for food to arrive. It was obvious this restaurant does not have enough cooks, waitresses or cashiers/hostesses. We have watched the service deteriorate in this place for over a year. We will not be returning. Too bad, because the food is pretty good and the prices fair.

dirk campbell
Mar 14, 2008 3:24 pm EDT

You abscence will be met with much glee. Folks like you need to spend a day in the shoes so to speak. I am guessing the food was not wrong, but in fact you got exactly what you ordered, but I am quite sure you are capable of ordering the wrong thing. So take your 8 years of things being right and move on down the road if one visit in 8 years has you heading on down the road. Good Riddance!


Apr 02, 2008 6:55 pm EDT

You got bad service at IHOP? Let me give you a clue.. you were at the IHOP.

Apr 01, 2009 8:11 pm EDT

The new Callaway foods on Hwy 22 right past Star ave has bad meats, there cheap and so far I have bought meats from there twice and both times it wasn't good. I have heard of other problems with that store.From now on I will buy my meats from Save A lot.At lest there meats are not rotton.

Camberwell, AU
Jul 17, 2009 3:49 pm EDT

My family is holidaying in California and went to eat at IHOP in Anaheim on Sunday 12 July 2009.
Following the burgers my two sons had they became violently ill and had to be taken by paramedics to the LAX medical center.
Subsequently their trip and enjoyment has been ruined, not to mention lost connections and additional expenses.
I wrote a politeletter to customer service and have just been ignored - not even to say how are my buys.
I just want any visitor to know not to go anywhere near an IHOP if they value their health.

Fred Australia

Jul 19, 2009 5:46 am EDT

If you have medical documentation that shows conclusively the food was a direct link to the sickness, then sue.

Nov 02, 2009 9:55 pm EST

I just went into an IHOP today to have an enjoyable and fulfilling meal, but instead what I got was a very disastrous and disappointing one. not only was the waitress EXTREMELY rude but the food was surprisingly inadequate and disgusting; I couldn't finish it. not only was the meal horrible but i had to wait extra long for it. The restaurant wasn't even that busy and the waitress seemed to be busy with everything and everyone but my table. when i pointed that i had been waiting at least 10-15 minutes, she gave me a million and one excuses and an attitude on top of the excuses. one of her excuses to me was that the meal was taking so long because the chicken that was part of the dish was frozen and they had to re-heat it. i should have left at this point but i was extremely hungry; little did i know that the food, along with the waitress, would be horribly distasteful. i will never go back to that IHOP again and i may never go back to any IHOP ever again. that was, hands down, the worst restaurant experience ever. i probably could have dealt with the horrible food, but the waitress just topped it off and sent me away from that IHOP forever.

Cincinnati, US
Dec 15, 2009 4:25 pm EST

10-15 minutes? Might as well just microwave your own food at home if you want to eat in 10 to 15 minutes. In a restaurant 10-15 minutes isn't all that bad. I eat at the Ihop in my area all the time and it takes about that long. Also as for being busy with everyone but you...I have news for you: you aren't the only one in a restaurant when you eat out. Some don't realize this.

Sandy, US
May 14, 2010 1:52 pm EDT

10-15 minutes is extremely poor customer service if your waiter/ess hasn't at least stopped to reassure you in any way. It's an IHOP for Christ's sake, not a 5 star 5 course restaurant.

My last experience with IHOP was indeed my last. We went in fine, ordered lattes, and they brought us those. That was the last we saw of our waitress. After 30 minutes we got up and left. The one thing they did do right was when we tried to pay for the coffees they apologized and insisted we didn't need to pay.

May 14, 2010 2:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just because it's not a 5 star restaurant doesn't mean they can take as long as they want. They have an obligation as a waiter or waitress to ensure they provide a timely delivery of their food and in the meantime make sure they are updated on the status of their order, for example "Your food should be right out in a few minutes." How long did it take you to read that? A few seconds? That's how long it takes to say, there is no reason why it shouldn't be said.

They work for tips, that should be an extra incentive. If they choose not to provide good service, they are short changing themselves and giving the restaurant a bad image.

May 18, 2010 11:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Lol eggs take 3 1/2 minutes to cook.

Hanover Park, US
May 31, 2010 5:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband and I went to IHOP today which is Memorial Day. We arrived at IHOP at 9:30am. We asked the busboy for another pot of coffee. No waitress every came back to us. We noticed the couple that was behind us in line received there coffee, food and check before we even received our food. I called the manager over around 10:15am and asked him what was going on? He said I'm sorry and let me check. Well, within 1 minute our waitress bring our food over to us and it was ice cold. I told him that this is the worst service we have ever experience and we come her once per week. I told him we didn't want the food and I didn't want to wait another 45 minutes for our food. I told him we are going to go to another restaurant. Only thing the manager could say is I'm sorry. I was so upset that I made myself sick. To watch the couple that was behind you get their food and eat and receive their check and we haven't even got our food is ridiculous. I told my husband, that we are going to have to find someplace else to eat. As I stated before we would come every Sunday to IHOP to eat. This is going to change. We are going to find a new place to eat. I will tell all of my friends and family what happened and they will not go to that location ever again. I work for the Postal Service and I know several hundred employees. I will spread the word. I could have cooked breakfast at home faster.

Jul 08, 2010 7:49 am EDT

I very much like IHop, just not this location. While having the best pancakes in town they still have lots of room to improve in other areas. Their service is very inconsistant (one day everything is good and next day the service is poor). I have had to on a number of occasions have someone track down my server, so I could place an order. The servers often go on a smoke break without in any regard the tables they have. Also I wish their cooks could just learn to cook a good bath of hash browns. All other IHop locations I have been to have hash browns that are golden brown and crispy on the outside and well cooked on the inside. Their staff just needs to go another, better location for some training.

someplace, US
Jan 30, 2011 3:52 pm EST

I went to Ihop last night with my family. I love eating there, but last night we got there at 6:55. I order a hot coffee. When the waiter finally gave it to me it was cold. We had ordered a appetizer. They gave it to us at the end after we ate all the food and needed the check. We didn't get our food till near 9:00 and there was hardly anyone in there. The staff was all confused. They looked like that had a attitude. The lady gave the wrong table our to go box. Crazy. I asked them for a bigger plate too because the three pancakes I had was on a small plate. I couldn't put syrup on there. They never brought it to me..This restaurant was crazy.

Portland, US
Mar 26, 2011 2:53 pm EDT

My daughter and I were at the IHOP in South Portland were we had o.k. service definitely had better. We were their at 11:00 am on a Saturday morning we asked for a glass of water. The server returned with to go cups, we chuckled the server said they had no clean glasses. The restaurant was not busy so we didn't understand the comment. If you don't have clean glasses maybe the have staffing problem or a employee problem either way they need help. This is the first time that I have ever been told that they didn't have clean glasses any where. NOT IMPRESSED, possibly this would have to do with poor management.

May 04, 2011 12:53 pm EDT

This letter is to complain about service I recently received from the IHOP restaurant manager named Jose Chavez.

I visited the IHOP at 3760 N Halsted St in Chicago, IL on 4/17/2011 at approximately 2:00am, with a group of friends to dine in. After about 20 minutes of waiting for food, the waitress brought our food to the table. The intent to come and eat at the restaurant was in-part due to a friend of ours and former employee, not feeling well and needing some food. Our friend became ill at the table and regurgitated at the table, before being able to get up and go to the bathroom. This occurred, right after he took a few bites of the food that had just been placed on the table. The waitress came over to see if he was ok, and to ensure the food did not make him further sick; however the manager Jose Chavez, came over and said “he has to get out”. This is where my issue began.

I had to explain the issue to him several times because he did not seem to be listening and didn’t display any concern that a customer was sick, potentially due to the food he’s just ate. While talking to Jose, he turned and walked away in the middle of while I was speaking. The waitress returned to apologize for her boss’s behavior, which is very unprofessional that Jose himself did not express the same courtesy. She even told her boss what I’d attempted to advise him, that our friend has a medical condition, which is why he required food and was a former employee, to which his response was “well, he should know better”. Furthermore, after our friend returned from the bathroom and went outside for some fresh air, he attempted to return to eat, and was told by the host, he could not return inside. He asked if he could get his coat and was told, “someone will get it to you”. Another member of the staff told me he was outside, and upon me going out to check on him, he advised he was not allowed back in. Needless to say, I was quite frustrated at this point.

I walked back in to grab our coats and advised we were leaving after the horrible treatment we received. I also advised that I will contact corporate, and received no apology at all. In addition, we did not even get a chance to eat and enjoy the food we’d ordered. After walking out, Jose and the security guard stopped the last member in our group, telling him he had to pay $54.00 dollars for the food. Our friend advised that he felt he should not have to pay after such horrible, embarrassing service and with not even eating the food. Jose threatened him and advised he’d call the police, and the security guard stood in his way, forcing him to pay. TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

I expected a much higher level of service from your company, and I am quite disappointed. I am not only upset at how we were treated, but I find it reprehensible at the blatant racism that was displayed. We were the only Black customers in the restaurant at the time, and this is not the first time we’ve been treated poorly at your establishment. I also witnessed Caucasian individuals who appeared to be intoxicated, act loud and belligerent and neither Jose nor any of the management team spoke to them or removed them from the restaurant. Because

I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, and will not continue to be treated with such disrespect by a company, I am not patronizing IHOP any further, and I expect a FULL refund of the money paid for non-service. We also demand an apology for the rude service, displayed to us. I will be informing my friends and family about this experience as well as my Alderman, The Better Business Bureau, The Rainbow Push Coalition, FOX News Chicago, Time Out Chicago Magazine and Out Magazine, to advise about the racism and intolerance allowed at your establishment. I will continue to blog about my experience on several complaint sites, including YouTube, to bring attention to this disturbing experience. I have also contacted the Chicago Department of Public Health, as my friend did not regurgitate until initially eating your food.

GoldOpals Opals
Karcultaby, AU
May 04, 2011 2:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I feel sympathy towards you. Is it possible that your friend was kicked out because he vomited, and not because of his colour. If any of the other customers had done the same thing, they may have suffered the same consequence.

Would you have continued eating at the same table that your friend vomited on?

Englishtown, US
May 04, 2011 3:35 pm EDT

he was drunk and threw up. no sugar coating it.

Minneapolis, US
May 04, 2011 9:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I actually understand why the manager would want someone vomiting (especially someone who cannot control where it happens and could therefore make a mess) in their restaurant. Did your friend have proof of the condition or a medical bracelet? If not, it was appropriate for the manager to assume it was something temporary or even that you were lying. Your friend was literally spreading his germs everywhere, threatening food and utensils and other customers. Additionally, I really doubt it was because of the food as usually food-borne illness are not instantaneous, and you were pretty quick to cite his condition rather than bad food. Also, if you really were concerned about the food, why would your friend want to continue eating?

If your friend needs food so badly then he should carry some with him at all times. Maybe a granola bar or something.

If you felt like them asking you to pay was unreasonable, you should have let them call the police. By the way, where is the racism?

Cincinnati, US
Jul 06, 2011 2:28 am EDT

yeah going to a 'raunt when your sick is the first mistake you made, secondly going drunk is another mistake. Can't be vomiting at the table. You weren't discriminated against I can assure you.

Cincinnati, US
Jul 06, 2011 3:28 am EDT

No, waiting for food for up twenty minutes is nothing at all. The server doesn't cook the food and even if they did "update you" on the condition you would say that its just an excuse. Either way, you don't win. So why bother "updating" the customer on where the food is? In the restaurant business ten to fifteen is nothing at all. If you want instant, McDonald's or something even more lowbrow would suit your taste. And if the restaurant is busy, then someone has to wait. It's funny how I never have these problems when I eat out, but people like TXAgent has problem everywhere he eats. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and say "maybe I am the problem."

Gerhardt Thamm
Fernandina Beach, US
Jul 10, 2011 6:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

While on the road, I most often select IHOP Restaurants, because I have never been disappointed in the quality of food served - until yesterday.
My wife and I ate lunch at the IHOP 36-196, 350 S. Walnut Street, Stark, Fl, 32091, POS 1962, on Jul 09, 2011, between 13, 45-14, 10 hrs. We had Onion Rings App, that were fresh, but had way too much heavy breading that hid the taste of the onions. My wife had a fried chicken salad of mediocre quality; visually unappealing, glue-like honey-mustard salad dressing. I had CFS dinner, also with a small salad that also was visually unappealing, with a glue-like honey-mustard salad dressing. The chicken fried steak was heavily breaded, and the steak had the consistency of shoe leather - dry and overcooked. The steak was covered with an unsightly gray mass that masqueraded as gravy. The broccoli was overcooked, and the mashed potatoes were in a ball, not as advertised in the menu photo as "fluffy." I thought you wanted to know. I do not want any compensation. Respectfully, Gerhardt Thamm

Port Elgin, CA
Sep 02, 2011 12:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They gave you a to-go glass what else do you want

Jan 04, 2012 5:28 pm EST

My fiancee and I went to this restaurant was accused of attempting to pass a counterfeit bill. We were made to feel like criminals. The Freeport, NY Police and U. S. Secret Service determined that the bill was genuine. Our several attempts to obtain a satisfactory explanation and training plan from management was not handled. Additionally, the overall experience - poor service, food quality, rudeness, unfounded accusations (possible defamation) amounted to a deplorable adventure. That was our last visit to ANY IHOP restaurant. Further, Management refused after several attempts on my part to address the embarrassment they caused us.

Weed, US
Feb 21, 2012 3:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Food poisoning is often diagnosed based on a detailed history, including how long you've been sick, characteristics of your symptoms and specific foods you've eaten. Your doctor will also perform a physical exam, looking for signs of dehydration.

Depending on your symptoms and health history, your doctor may conduct diagnostic tests, such as a blood test, stool culture or examination for parasites, to identify the cause and confirm the diagnosis. For a stool culture, your doctor will ask for a stool sample and send it to a laboratory, where a technician will try to grow and identify the infectious organism. In some cases, the cause of the food poisoning cannot be identified.

Feb 21, 2012 3:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

if you have eaten there many times and have been happy with them so far, and your family has been happy eating there and has never had any incidents until this one time, what exactly are you wishing to come out of your complaint? IHOP obviously cooks 1000's upon 1000's of eggs on a regular basis with no incidents, and you happened to be the unlucky person to eat that one single bad egg (allegedly).

Posting bad reviews online and on Yellow Pages because of that was a bit over-reactive, especially considering you don't even know 100% that it even was food poisoning.

C J Bob
New Orleans, US
Apr 18, 2012 2:01 pm EDT

A place that calls itself: International House of Pancakes, should certainly know how to
cook pancakes! But, I have NEVER received a pancake cooked all the way through! They
are beautiful on the outside, but mushy interiorly! -- They (cooks) don't know what CRISP
bacon means. Bacon is apparently pre-cooked (expediently), and is served in its own
grease. Of course, they will bring out another serving, usually after you're finished
eating the eggs! -- The grill for the pancakes is too hot, and they "cook to color". Don't
your managers ever go into the kitchen? -- Your cooks should each do a week in the

Washington DC, US
Apr 19, 2012 6:22 am EDT

I like Waffle House.

Gulfport, US
Apr 28, 2012 9:58 pm EDT

They are some of the worse people i have ever met. I order from them all the time and its never a pleasant experience. They treat you like you owe them something and they are very rude. They never smile and i just sat on hold for over 20 minutes just to call in an order. I work across the street from them at a hotel and guests frequently ask me how is the ihop across the street. Never will i send another person over there because they are rude and class less. I am very very upset with their poor service ! If you do not want to service people happily then you should not be working in an environment where we, your guests, feel as if we are not welcomed.

Apr 29, 2012 11:54 am EDT

If it is always son unpleasant, why do you keep going back?

Washington DC, US
Apr 29, 2012 10:36 pm EDT

How are the panckes? I love pancakes

St. Louis, US
Mar 31, 2013 2:38 am EDT

I went to an IHOP located in Clayton, Missouri. I go there occasionally and every time I go I receive horrible service. The waitresses are rude and have no idea how to interact with their customers. Tonight, after being seated it took our waitress almost 15 minutes to ask us what we wanted to drink. Keep in mind it was 10 at night and there was no rush. I ordered the Strawberry and Banana Danish Fruit Crepe. Yet when I received my food there were no bananas on my crepe. After our waitress brought our food she didn't come back for almost 20 minutes and when she did my boyfriend tried to tell her but she just walked away. Eventually my boyfriend walked up to our waitress with my dish and told her there were no bananas. Instead of taking the food back and remaking it after it had been sitting there for almost 40 minutes she just cut up a banana and put it in a cup to give to me! I am livid with the service at this particular restaurant because this is not the first time something horrible has happened to me. This place needs some serious help.

St. Louis, US
Apr 01, 2013 12:26 am EDT

You honestly have no right to insult me as far as my intelligence goes. I never said anything about there being a law demanding the waitress to come back after serving the food but any person with the slightest common sense in the food industry would understand that their customer is not satisfied if she sits there without touching their food. Quite frankly, you don't need to go around boasting your rude opinions about my experience. Lastly, you really have no right to speak of someone's attitude or how I handled myself after you handled yourself poorly through your obnoxious comment.

St. Louis, US
Apr 07, 2013 9:32 pm EDT

"You can't be real intelligent if you keep going back..."

If I'm not mistaken, that's an insult. For your information, this location is the closest to where I live. I go there because I like the food (with the exception of my most recent visit) and I do not go there once a week and get treated that way. I go there occasionally at best and to expect decent service is nowhere near stupid.

amanda doctorello
Aug 20, 2013 1:12 am EDT

Yesterday my family and I went to ihop in lynnwood on 196th and we waited almost half an hour to order our food. the waitress were to busy in the front talking not bringing all of the order in a timely manor. there was fruit flies above the area where we where seated and my sister and I got food posioning from ihop

Washington DC, US
Aug 20, 2013 3:14 pm EDT

Had you been there before?

Brooke River
Virginia Beach, US
May 25, 2014 12:44 pm EDT

I've gotten explosive diarrhea twice now from this restaurant.
Awful details: waking up in the middle of the night with sever nausea, desperately trying to not think about it & fall back asleep for the next 30min to hr. Failing: having to miraculously make it vomit free to the bathroom where diarrhea ensues (& the worst I've ever had!).

I've also had upset stomach from eating there before, but nothing too serious (I went back because my friends liked it). But as far as I can remember, I've only gotten sick at the 817 First Colonial Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23451 location. I may be wrong about only getting upset stomachs at that specific location, but the two cases of diarrhea where definitely from that one (during the night-shift). Sad to say I will never be going back (to any IHOP, actually).

Just thought I would let you know, so maybe other customers won't get food poisoning.

Adam sp.
Houston, US
Sep 19, 2014 8:53 pm EDT

just got food poisoning there last night.### throw up aches pains fever dehydration stoop eating out at places where the chef is grungy, dirty nails smoking cigs every chance he gets.cook your own food.lesson learned.I won't sure cuz it's too hard to prove.

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