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Hit Web Design

Hit Web Design review: Website & Hosting Errors 158

Author of the review
10:05 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Hit Web Design is the worst company I have ever dealt with. They start out seeming like they are goinjg to create a good site for you and the services are absolutely horrible. As soon as they began hosting my website, it has been a nightmere. My email hasn't worked since they transferred it from my previous host (which was 6 months ago) and no one seems to know how to fix it. The website is horrible and they have horrible customer service. If you are thinking about using this company, please don't. They will take your money and you will never be able to get any issue resolved because they are incompetant. I have sent numerous emails and been on the phone trying to get in touch with someone who can help and it is impossible. This is the absolute worst web hosting company around. Aweful!

Update by Scenic City Exteriors
Feb 15, 2011 1:23 am EST

Yes I would like to join you too. This company is such a rip-off.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Logan, US
Mar 26, 2011 7:10 am EDT

Newest phone call to ISO Webworks. They are screening Calls to avoid us complaining. Listen for yourself:
Then give em a call or leave a message, we will not stop until we are answered!

another victim
Missoula, US
Mar 27, 2011 5:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@HitWebDesign you seem to have a lot of information. Why don't you tell us just who you are and explain how you feel about how your company has hurt so many small businesses and hard working people?

Provo, US
Mar 29, 2011 7:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I hope you all enjoy Candie Aitken's new blog as much as I have.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Are you...
Well it has been a rough two weeks, but we are getting through it. we had our family name drugged through the Mud, But we are still a strong family and I will stand by My MAN. It sucks that all people want to do is tear down people and not give that person a chance to tell there side of the story. They do not ever mention the good things that we tried to do, I guess its like when you are getting divorced or ending a relationship they only remember the crap not the good stuff. I am very proud of my man and I know all those who know us will no that none of the stuff that is been said is true. Plus the only thing that matters is when I STAND BEFORE GOD I KNOW THAT I AM A GOOD PERSON, WHO IS PROUD OF HER FAMILY AND HUSBAND!

Candice Aitken, you are the worst kind of person, because you are trying to wrap all the horrible things you have done, and your husband has done in "love."

It is ok people went hungry, people lost their homes, people lost their cars, people's children are homeless because, "I'm a good person" ... it would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Mar 29, 2011 8:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

These people have been scammed and defrauded. Attempting to profit there from is inappropriate.
Anyone who wishes can prepare a site for free at It has been designed for non-programmers to get their sites up quickly and easily. Within minutes or the same day your site is up and running. The site you create will look professionally prepared for free.

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Check out their sample sites and portfolios at
A Joomla site through the Demo is hosted for the first 30 days for free on You can move your site to any hosting company you desire.

If you need to add a feature to your site like a shopping cart the add-ons are free or have minimal costs of $0-$30. If you wish to change something the software helps you do that for free. If there is a feature that you would like and there is not an add-on available, you can make a request for help. The costs are reasonable. There are no high pressured sales people to worry about.

Joomla is type of software that allows companies like isowebworks and PPCmanagementllc to produce a website for your review quickly. They are not building your site nor coding to build your site. They use free open source packages like Joomla to build the sites. This software is available to the public (you) for free. Why pay someone else to do this when you can do it yourself with ease and for free. Before you pay someone to build your site give Joomla a try.

Joomla is a free open source content management system (CMS). Some companies put there name on top of the CMS and call it their product when in fact it is the work of many who have devoted their time to the free open source development projects.

We are not against anyone choosing to pay someone to create the sites using Joomla. We are only against not giving credit to the free open source community who actually developed the programs such as Joomla and disclosing its usage to the public.

Because of the short amount of time it takes to build a site with Joomla, use care when paying someone to build your site. Make sure they have actually built sites from scratch and understand CSS, XML, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, and AJAX at a minimum. Make sure they have and are building some sites from scratch or have disclosed to you that they only use a CMS. Make sure it is disclosed in your contract if they will build the code themselves and have qualified programmers or use free open source software.

1. Never sign a contract that does not provide a full refund if you are not satisfied with the product or service.
2. Make sure that you do not pay for hosting until your site is live and functioning the way you requested.
3. Make sure that you ”own” your site code with no strings attached except payment for the building of the site as agreed to in writing.
4. Never sign an agreement that does not require a deadline for building the site or provides for phased rollout with deadlines of features. You can even request that there is a penalty for each day the site is past the due date to motivate the completion of the site.
5. Never agree to jurisdiction outside of your own state or country.
6. Never agree that the full price as been earned or is due unless the site is built to your satisfaction.
7. Make sure you have documentation of what is in scope of your request and what is out of scope for your request. Get it in writing.
8. Never let anyone pressure into purchasing anything. Tell them that you need to review it with your partners and that until you have your partner”s sign off you can not make the purchase. Then take the time to research and review the information before you buy. Get a family member or trusted friend to be your partner in helping you make the decision. Get three opinions before you buy. If you are uncomfortable in any way don’t buy. It is better to wait than be sorry.
9. Always read the terms of the agreement before you sign. If you don’t like the terms you can change them. Any company that is unwilling to work with you on the terms is giving you a sign of what is ahead. Run don’t walk away from a company that is unwilling to work with your terms.

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Mar 29, 2011 8:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

FYI: The Heraldextra did not check out any facts and therefore its new release is flawed and primarily the words of a criminal defense attorney as well as other releases using this information.
One must ask who Sonny Olsen actually represents? Kevin Morrill i.e. isowebworks etc or Heritage Management Services, LLC aka Heritage Web Solutions aka Hit Web Design aka David Aiken, Mark Strong, Leah Young, Eddie Dockery, Bradford Stone? Remember that Kevin Morrill was a key management member of HIT and is family related to David Aiken. He claims to have quit March 4, 2011, the day that employees at Hit were made aware of the lies that were being told. Kevin claims to start up a new company within 4 days with 20 new employees from HIT. That takes a lot of capital, equipment, software and leads etc.
Why has Sonny Olsen participated in a campaign to clear Kevin Morrill and isowebworks. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?
Kevin Morrill told employees he was in the same boat as them. Kevin did not sleep in his car in the freezing cold because he was locked out of his apartment because he was not paid his wages. Kevin Morrill did not beg for patience to keep a roof over his head because he was not paid his waged for weeks and weeks. Kevin Morrill was paid.
One must ask how much money was taken from people under false or misrepresentation of products or services when the tax bill is 17.1 million. If 17.1 is representative of a 20 percent tax that would make the take $204 million dollars from around the world. Not to mention the Hatti donations that HIT took from its employees and the public. No one has released any confirmation that the funds taken in for Hatti actually went to Hatti. HIT web pages requesting donations for Hatti were up days before its closing and were taken down quickly upon notice of a criminal investigation. Is this a coincidence?
HIT’s web pages for sales leads remained up and running for days before posting a notice of its closing.
Any former customer of HIT who has been contacted by Isowebworks, PPC Management or any related company should contact the Utah County Attorney’s office directly.
Ask yourself if the same people are running a new company with the same equipment, the same people, the same software that they have placed their new logo on, why would you expect different results?

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Mar 29, 2011 8:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hit Web aka isowebworks aka ppcmanagement aka aka remoteitresources aka HIT development...the list goes on..Same old same old...

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Mar 29, 2011 8:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Service of complaints either district or small claims can be served upon Sonny Olsen Registered Agent at Heideman, McKay, Heugly & Olsen 2696 North University Avenue, Suite 180, Provo, UT [protected]. It just needs to be served upon the law firm to someone 18 years old or above. Get the name of the person at the front desk upon whom you hand the documents and their position with the firm. Make sure it is served with a Summons. Small claims documents are usually all in one documents. Read them to make sure. Documents need to be served pursuant to Utah Rules of Civil Procedures Rule 4 you can read this at the following:

You can send your demand for payment to Mr. Olsen at

Logan, US
Mar 29, 2011 8:58 pm EDT

I hope she realizesjust because she "thinks" she and her husband are good people that thats how they will be judged. Wow, news flash, Hitler thought he was a good person with a good cause, Schindler thought he was doing good, even Caesar thought he was the man God put on earth to bring utopia but you know what, they are all burning in hell, just as the HIT squad will be unless they vindicate themselves and make peace with their WRONGS. All these men and more put themselves into power by bulling and abusing, just like Dave and his crew, they all died with unclean conscience and so will the HIT Tards if they dont face the music!

Candie, dont be ignorant for it bares no excuse, just because you choose to look at these things with a blind eyes, doesnt make you any different.By standing by your Man and being Proud of him, your clearly endorsing not only his "good qualities" but also his BAD! Your an enabler, it makes you just as guilty. FIND TRUTH, FIND PEACE then FIND FORGIVENESS before its too late. Save "your man" so the 2 of you can be together eternal!

saint peters, US
Mar 31, 2011 7:28 pm EDT

Hit will be on our local news channel next Wednesday. They are looking for more people to interview about this, contact Bonita Cornute with Fox 2 News in St. Louis Missouri.

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Apr 04, 2011 5:24 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@regtr and @erwaew
Your posts are inappropriate.

Orem, US
Apr 09, 2011 5:49 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

inappropriate? to who? to you? This is people just being honest. Saying what they feel. If you feel they are inappropriate them maybe you should not be looking at them.

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Apr 09, 2011 2:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


You should read the connection before you post. The inappropriate message is to the spammers...their posts appear to have been taken off now.

Georgetown, US
Apr 18, 2011 8:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm in! This company has owed me money for 6 monthes! Email me

Tampa, US
May 17, 2011 6:36 pm EDT

Update: the company NETHOSTING that took over HIT's website hosting for HIT are worse!

Tampa, US
May 17, 2011 6:38 pm EDT

The company that took over for HIT's webhosting accounts (but do not honor the money that was paid to HIT) so called Nethosting is even worse and bigger crooks!

May 18, 2011 5:26 am EDT

Um that money was never paid to Fibernet by HIT that you paid. Again you got screwed by HIT in the whole situation they owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to Fibernet who they did the hosting reselling through. Legally months ago the sites could have been shut down since they weren't getting paid but Fibernet kept them up. Might want to know what the hell you are talking about. Again you paid HIT who was supposed to pay Fibernet, they didn't and you got screwed by them just like Fibernet did.

God I hate ignorant people who just come on here to complain without basis.

Provo, US
May 18, 2011 1:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

well in all fairness to the consumer, Hit did make it seem like Fibernet "bought" the company.

So from a consumers point of view, they might be thinking they are getting ripped off by Fibernet, (which we all know isn't true), and in reality it is just ripples in the pond from the shadyness that is Hit Web Design, Heritage Web Solutions and ISO Webworks.

Logan, US
May 18, 2011 5:04 pm EDT

which by the way seems to have vacated their offices, or atleast a reliable source tells me! Check out the new vid on ISO:

Provo, US
May 18, 2011 5:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

well i hope that this is true.

Caswell Malcolm
San Jacinto, US
May 23, 2011 4:13 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would like to join you in the LawSuit. My contact information:, My name is Malcolm

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
May 23, 2011 4:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Utah County Attorney's Office is performing a criminal investigation. You may wish to contact them and report your losses so that the criminal charges mount. In addition, if money is recovered you can be put on the victims list for distribution. Because collection of the judgment is questionable at the moment many are contacting the Utah County Attorney and then waiting on the out come before spending money on a civil suit. The choice is up to you.
Please be advised that these individuals appear to be relocating again. You can read more on the isowebworks complaint threads.
Heritage Management Services, Inc. dba Heritage Web Solutions dba HIT Web Design closed up shop and moved to American Fork under a new name isowebwork and remoteitresources. In addition, they established amount other names.
They are also known as
For the names of the parties and their address read the complaint thread for iso webworks.

Elkhorn, US
May 31, 2011 6:52 pm EDT

Hi i would like to join this lawsuit. Hit scammed us out of over $8000.00 for a website that never even got finished. Please email me at for more contact information. This company makes me sick.

Jun 08, 2011 6:07 am EDT

I would like to join in as well. I have a website thats not completed but it is paid for. I have called and emailed the company and no replys. Help!

carmel, US
Jun 09, 2011 11:36 pm EDT

I am so in!

I tried the BBB and Utah County Attorney's Office, no luck.
I hear now that this ### is now starting up another WEB business,
I want my money back and I want him in jail!

carmel, US
Jun 09, 2011 11:48 pm EDT

Can some one tell me where Mr. ### CEO Dave Aitken's lives in Utah?

Provo, US
Jun 10, 2011 6:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This was his address. Though word on the street is, that they have moved.

928 Russell Rd
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005


Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Jun 11, 2011 1:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

HIT i.e. Heritage Management Services, Inc. i.e. Heritage Web Solution i.e.,, aka etc. These scammers are also part of AMI Mortgage, Inc. a Utah corporation
you can see the business information at[protected]. You can obtain names and addresses by Viewing the Management Team. There is a small fee charged by the state of Utah for this service. I believe it is $1.00. They owe millions of dollars in taxes. They did not pay Strategic Staffing, Aneta Health Insurance, Fibernet, or employees, the list goes on and on. They have been found in violation of Utah Labor laws.

Criminal cases of this size can take quite a bit of time to get everything sorted through. You may wish to file a complaint with

The remoteitresource servers are now located in Canada. The HIT ... sites were hosted on in house servers at HIT and are now located on Fibernet's servers. is still operating even though thy moved. You may also wish to file a complaint at and or

When contacting the County Attorney ask for Chelsea who works for Jeff Robinson. You will get a better response. Ask for them to send you an email with the questionnaire to provide your information on the case.

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Jun 11, 2011 1:13 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please for give the location of the address to file additional complaints to get these scammers shut down.
You may also wish to file a complaint at and or

Ballwin, US
Jun 11, 2011 7:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would also like to join the lawsuit.

Houston, US
Jun 24, 2011 7:04 am EDT

Great News! HIT Web Design appears to still be in business! They are just operating under a different name. Heritage Web Design LLC and also have spun off their software to ISO Web Works! You can contact them and if HIT Web Design owes you money feel free to contact either business or Leah Young @ [protected]!

Provo, US
Jun 24, 2011 2:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

what name are they operating under?

Fort Worth, US
Jun 27, 2011 4:31 am EDT

I tried calling that number [protected] and it was a residence. I originally purchased my website when they were known as Heritage Web design in 2008 then shortly after that it was changed to Hit Web design. They owe me over $1500 for a website NEVER created!

Houston, US
Jun 27, 2011 9:51 pm EDT

Contact the Utah County Attorney's office, as there is an open investigation. I am sorry that they took advantage of you. This non sense has got to stop! The more voices heard, the better! They won't get away with continuing to hurt individuals anymore.
Utah County Attorney
Chelsea Crawford - Legal Assistant

cinti, US
Jul 07, 2011 2:39 am EDT

i am on board with everyone

Auburn, US
Jul 16, 2011 9:31 pm EDT

I guess I was in the dark until today when I had no web server and my site was down. Found in my junk mail an email from Dan Baker from Fibernet- called no one can tell me what is going on other than they have had an issue getting paid by Hits customers so they are shutting the sites down. We have never paid in the past 4 years monthly. And we are not up for renewal until next June 2012. How do I get my site back and create my own server. All our trucks and signs have our website. Were in construction not computers.

Evergreen Solar Electric, Inc.
Rumson, US
Jul 27, 2011 3:52 pm EDT

We'd be on board for a (class action) suit. Evergreen Solar Electric, Inc. Contact us at Thank you.

Alexandra 1012
Winters, US
Nov 15, 2011 4:27 pm EST

I am on board for a class action law suit against Hit web design. My contact information is

Atlanta, US
Feb 05, 2012 6:39 pm EST

How are fraudulent web design firms like allowed to continue?
This firms lies about the service they will provide, do not deliver what they promise, and take your money in the process. How are they allowed to do this without getting shut down or thrown in jail?

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