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Citizens Bank review: citizens bank fees 5

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11:12 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Citizens bank is the worst when it comes to fees over draft 11cents and i get a charge of 109.11 for 10 days over, hope this bank goes under !


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Boston, US
Sep 29, 2009 4:24 pm EDT

Same problem-outrageous fees and if you are 5 days late paying these fees they charge another $35.
Rob the citizens is a better name!

madeline Cincotta
East Boston, US
Oct 16, 2009 8:37 am EDT

I can beat that...I was charged electronically for $108.00 EBAY fee's on the wrong account...While the funds were on hold, I tried to call Citizen's to stop the charge going through the evening.
EBAY complied. The bank did not. I was given false information. I was given a direct line which was an answering service. I called 2 times and received no return call. In the meantime
a $39.00 fee charge was applied. I was told that EBAY is responsible for reimbursing me. I filed a dispute. The dispute with citizen's was placed and I was led to believe that I could use my card without
penalties . I was told that I would be given a temporary credit. It's been over a month and that never happened.
As soon as I received the paperwork for this problem, I immediately went to the bank to ask for help and nip this in the bud. I waited 2 hours and purchased food which would later incur more fee's.
Ironically after waiting 2 hours while the plot to rob the bank was happening before my eyes, I approached the manager only to be told that the bank was closing. The lights went out.
The bank had been robbed in front of my eyes. I did not get the paperwork in. I stayed put to help the police while other witnesses ran away. I figured I could call when I got home. I called 3 times
to no avail. All this time my fee's are adding up. I was out of budget and needed to eat. I was forced to use another card for take out incurring more fee's due to an unplanned extra 15% charge for a tip.
After suffering and waiting so long, I was told that the forms were never received. I faxed additional forms and a letter...In the meantime I was being charged additional $25.00 on each $39.00 fee for
coffee and other small charges incurred by my debit card on hold a day prior to the $108.00 taken out accidentally. After all this time and 3 debit cards involved related to buying food for a disabled son, my fee's had risen to almost $700.00. Yesterday I was told in a matter of fact way that because I actually owed the fee's to EBAY that it was a federal law and the $108.00 charge could not be removed. I was to pay twice for this
fee. I never disputed owing the fee's. I tried to be honest and sincere. I did my citizen's duty to citizen's bank and helped police catch the robber only to be robbed myself today of close to $1000.00
I regret staying and thinking that my family bank would be grateful to me for standing forward in helping the FBI, local police and the bank catch these robbers.
As far as I'm concerned the bank itself is a robber and what goes around comes around. I paid all these fee's. Yesterday my car insurance came out as scheduled for $120.00 causing another overdraft that I had intended to avoid with my fee adjustment. Today I'm working feverishly to sell my own jewelry to get by until my retirement social security check arrives on November 3rd. I'm stressed out. Last week I received a
$200.00 fine for not stopping for a pedestrian crosswalk when there was no pedestrian in sight. 2 cars were stopped. I stopped only to let the police car go around me thinking it was a citizen's duty to help police again. Now I'm faced with going to court to fight this when a policeman gets a nice overtime check and a break to go to court.
How is this connected to the citizen's bank issue? That's easy to explain. Both instance are related to robbery of innocent hard working citizen's who try to obide the law and get a slap in the face.
The culprit here is GREED...When will this stop. To pay all these fee's is horrendous when in reality I owe nothing. I paid $600.00 already. To fight EBAY would be to lose my account with them. I cannot risk that.
I have to eat this up and remember that no one who takes my hard earned money is my friend in need.
I speak out and have written my congressman. I was denied my right to speak with management at citizen's. My money has already disappeared and I will never get it back. I would say it was at least 3 or 4 months of gasoline and groceries. I need oil but I can't afford it so we are both cold for awhile. I'm a single parent with a single income. My son wants to move to another country.
I try to explain that it's not the country but a fee greedy rich people in America who want to be richer.
I am a citizen. I was robbed of my hard earned money by citizen's bank. Citizen's bank is suppose to be my bank. I helped catch a robber that robbed citizen's and was only robbed myself. My face is forever in the video which will be used at some point in prosecution. I ask who is the real robber in this case.

Waltham, US
Dec 12, 2009 5:12 pm EST

Citizens Bank is aweful! Today I was charged an overdraft fee on an overdraft fee which should never have happened in the first place. This bank is out of control alright. They are stealing money from innocent people and getting away with it.

I had an outstanding authorization in my account. The amount of that was $16.00 which is sent to the WWF on a monthly basis. The authorization showed up in my account on the 10th and even though I had a positive balance of $8.80 they charged me $39.00 because they said you can not have money on hold that is more then your balance. Ok, I didn't agree. This had never happened before. But I let it go. I would be more careful from now on. Then on Thursday the 10th I got my direct deposit from my job. The WWF had not come out at that point. So today I get home from work and I had another notice from the bank. I had been charged another $39.00 fee. So I opened my account online. They had put the $16.00 in my account on the 9th, charged me another overdraft fee and then put my direct deposit through. NOW just in case I confused everyone. They never put the WWF money through when they charged me an overdraft fee because the pending amount would have made my account overdrawn. Then after I had my direct deposit. They now entered the WWF the day before my deposit so now you add the $16.00 to an already overdrawn $30.00 because of the $39.00 overdraft charge. And they add another overdraft fee. SO this $16.00 pending funds cost me an extra $80.00. This is very apparent when you look at my account as I know the customer service rep understood. But I was told she could not fix it and a supervisor couldn't fix it either. When I asked her for contact information of somebody who could help. I was told they are not allowed to give an information out to the public. There was nothing anoyone could do to make this wrong right!

12/10/2009 Insufficient Funds Fee eNotice $39.00 $1, 137.07
12/10/2009 Direct Deposit $1, 222.27 $1, 176.07
12/09/2009 DBT Purchase $16.00 ($46.20)
12/08/2009 Insufficient Funds Fee eNotice $39.00 ($30.20)
12/07/2009 DBT Purchase $7.23 $8.80

Eugene Z
New Castle, US
Jul 07, 2011 2:47 am EDT

I have both checking and savings account with Citizens Bank. One day I was browsing and noticed that my checking account was in negative od $9 and I immediately made a transfer of $20 dollars just to cover the negative. The next day I checked, they had charged an overdraft fee of $35 which overdrawn my account again and on top of that they added another overdraft fee! that makes it $70 dollars within 3 days! I called and explained the situation, the rude lady said that there is nothing she can do about it! Guess what? I just open an account with PNC Bank and I am leaving their behind! they are the really crooks!

Rayan D'Aza
Sep 07, 2018 1:16 pm EDT

We’re all in the same boat, citizen bank doesn’t care for its customers their just trying to squeeze as much pennies as they can out of us . Ridiculous...

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