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TV Land Complaints 379

11:40 am EST
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TV Land TV Land commercials

Enough of the commercials about drag queens and pregnant teenagers. It is getting redundant this agenda is being promoted.

Know your audience and program your commercials accordingly.

Maybe you need to hire more account executives that pursue product endorsements versus social agenda endorsements.

If MTV programming is having to use TVLAND to promote its content because of low ratings; maybe MTV should reconsider its content.

Desired outcome: Generate revenue with other commercial advertisements.

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4:16 pm EST

TV Land Disgusting commercials during family programming

I am absolutely disgusted by the constant barrage of inappropriate commercials airing during family friendly shows like Everybody Loves Raymond, Andy Griffith, Bonanza, etc.

If I'm not quick enough with the remote, I have to try and give my grandkids the answers to questions like; what's a drag queen,what's HIV, why are those guys kissing, why are teenage girls having babies, and so on.

Paramount should be ashamed of themselves for the absolute lack of thought when doing these ad placements. AND the absolute lack of morals! I don't give a hang if everyone thinks it's the cool thing to do now a days! There's still MORE of us that do NOT agree with these life styles and we try hard to keep that kind of filth out of our homes, hearts and minds!

I urge everyone who is tired of this type of filth being made into something normal to fight back and lodge your complaint!

Desired outcome: Remove objectionable commercials containg adult themes from airing during family friendly shows.

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Mar 21, 2023 8:09 am EDT
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Either educate the children or keep them in a bubble for the rest of their lives

10:26 am EST

TV Land Drag show commercials

I am disgusted, angry and appalled that you would air Ru Paul's Drag Show Race commercials on your channel. This is supposed to be a family channel. The blatant disregard for family is not only sickening and appalling, but EVIL! Such an ABOMINATION! Men dressed as women and doing sick things should not be aired on TV. PERIOD! It belongs in Hell! Children watch this channel and you should be concerned about that! THIS IS GROOMING! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!

Angry and Disgusted Mother

Danielle Helwig


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Jan 24, 2024 1:48 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Mtv ads should not be aired on family oriented channels. I no longer allow myself or my family to watch tvland because of the offensive commercials. CMT is another channel that I can no longer watch because of mtv ads. I even see these drag queen commercials on the hallmark channel. Soon I won't have any channels left to watch lol. Something should have to be done about this

6:54 pm EST

TV Land RuPaul drag queen

Please remove this most distasteful programming from your TV land line up. This is supposed to be a channel for families and this type of thing does not belong on TV. It’s distasteful and no one wants to see. The majority of people watching TV land. Find this to be very disgusting. There are children watching this channel and this is not the kind of thing they need to see. Advertise it on the MTV channel but not on TV land.

Desired outcome: Remove all commercials regarding RuPaul drag queen, and any reference to this most disgusting program

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7:07 pm EST

TV Land Commercials

TV Land is running a very distasteful and inappropriate commercial the "Ru Paul Drag Queen Race" that is not even shown on TV Land. It states it is programmed on MTV. This inapropiate commercial seems to be intentionally placed when the Andy Griffth show is being aired between 6 - 8 pm on weekdays. This is a wholesome family show that is being ruined by placing this commercial in between shows. You should remove it now or you be losing a lot more customers. So get rid of that despicable commercial now.

Desired outcome: Remove the RU Paul Drag Queen Run commercial immediately.

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Tak Stnd
Jan 07, 2023 12:15 pm EST

I agree totally. The Andy Griffith show as a clear "G Rating" when it first comes on then this network throws in RU Paul drag green commercials and medication ads for aids showing men kissing. They are pushing their agenda on children. I'll stop watching if this continues.

9:54 pm EST

TV Land TV Land

TV Land has completely lost touch with its viewers. I stopped watching it altogether, and am now streaming the same content through Peacock. No more pregnant teens and drag queens. The parent company is MTV, so, I don't see them changing anything soon. It's a shame, we loved TV Land for many years. Why don't they run advertisements on MTV for TV Land programing. The answer is simple, it doesn't belong there. Match the advertisements with the programing and you will not risk alienating your viewers. User's recommendation: Stream other networks

Desired outcome: Remove the MTV ads

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9:13 pm EST

TV Land Ru Paul's drag queen show

The advertisement for the Ru Paul's drag queen show is overbearing when at the beginning till the end of show after show it is the predominant commercial shown. It is inappropriate for children that is introduced to tv shows but you have to change channels because of the repetitive viewing. It is apparent it pays the bills, but lost viewers do also. Find a more neutral commercial content please, so that we don't have to find our favorite shows on a different network.

Desired outcome: Find more neutral advertisements please.

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Comanche, US
Jan 12, 2023 2:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Agree with all complaints about these inappropriate advertisements of Drag Queens shows which promote an unhealthy and un-natural lifestyle. It’s a shame to see people who try to live a wholesome and natural life raising children with good moral values having to protect themselves from the consequences of this programming.

8:48 pm EST

TV Land Drag queen commercials

We love to watch Everybody Loves Raymond - and we find we CAN'T anymore because of the TOTALLY OFFENSIVE CONTENT shown in these MTV ads.

MTV customers AREN'T Raymond watchers - just stop showing these ads !

We've been seeing these ads on TV Land since the beginning of december, and they're really not neccessary to be shown - they're extermely offensive ! Please help us.

Desired outcome: Remove MTV ads from TVLAND ASAP

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Mathyn Williams
Jan 05, 2023 4:58 pm EST

I hate Rupaul Drag Rsce commercials! Make it stop!

9:56 pm EST

TV Land TV Land commercials

I have been a tv land customer for many years. In fact, the network impact my reason for keeping cable. I find it very offensive the drag queen commercial would use the term [censored]es let alone the commercial itself. My grand daughter and I love to watch it together. The content in that commercial should be on its own network and not the family network. Please. Thank you in advance.

Desired outcome: Remove the drag queen commercial

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9:09 pm EST

TV Land Tv Land

I am a father of 2 young teenage girls. The commercials that have been allowed to run on TV Land are just not very family friendly. I see ads that glamorize teenage pregnancies, followed up by advertisements for shows that glamorize drag queens. I have taken to many family and friends. This is really making people angry. Keep those things on the channels they belong on like MTV. The rest of us are not amused or interested...

Desired outcome: These types of commercials are removed from this channel and let to run where the people that are likely to watch these things on their own channels. Such as MTV is the biggest offender.

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Nancy D Meyers
Dec 30, 2022 8:35 pm EST

We agree 1000%! Commercials like this have no business on TV Land where we tune in for nostalgic programming! Put commercials of this nature on channels that match this type of content!

8:54 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

TV Land MTV drag queen ads

I am writing to complain about the mtv drag queen ads being shown continuously. I find it offensive and we also have our young grandkids here a lot and we do not want them seeing this trash! We have watched TVLAND for years because it’s a wholesome family channel and we are going to stop watching it if this continues. It’s not even going to be on TVLAND so why are you showing these ads for that show on here? We are so disappointed with this.

Desired outcome: Stop showing these ads

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8:31 pm EST

TV Land The Drag Race commercial

During a 6:00 PM episode of Andy Griffith, (which we usually watch with our grandkids), The Rue Paul Drag Race commercial came on….(and repeated at least 3 times). Ok, the Drag queens are one thing, but they are dressed so provocative, it’s disturbing. Also, there was swearing at least twice. I was so glad my little 4 year old granddaughter wasn’t here to see it, as well as the rest of my grandchildren. And my husband raised a great question when he asked “I wonder how many drag queens are watching Andy?” I don’t expect a response, but I do wish you would rethink your commercial placements!

Desired outcome: Rethink what commercials you play during family programming.

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Dec 28, 2022 8:32 pm EST

During our evening TV land sit relax time you continue to play that Rue Paul Drag Race commercial.

I would like to continue watching TV land but your commercials for other trash shows are sickening.

this shows the far left side of TV land and its employers, Remember! I pay to watch this, if this is not corrected I will cancel , we do have kids to think about.

8:05 pm EST

TV Land tv commercials

I can no longer be part of your audience. The gross content of the commercials you choose to play is not content fit for children who watch this channel as well as me, but the gross content isn’t fit for ANY NORMAL being. You should be ashamed of feeding this sick junk to your tv audience. But I’m sure the people in charge of the content are all LGBTQ freaks.

Desired outcome: Remove 100% of anything having to do with LGBTQ

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7:56 pm EST

TV Land Commercials

My mother and I watch TV land to watch good wholesome TV like the Andy Griffith show. The continued pushing of the drag shows on MTV is insulting. The audience for this show has no interest in the drag show. In addition the crap on MTV doesn't interest consumers of Andy Griffith show. My mother who is 73 years old has no interest in these commercials and I can't find anyone who watches the Andy Griffith show that does. I know that the channel is choosing which commercials to run during each show. This gay agenda should not be promoted on these type of shows. In addition I'm a black man that just wants to watch family oriented shows and not propaganda. If this continues I will boycott this channel and buy the entire DVD and stop watching your channel.

Desired outcome: No more advertising for MTV shows during the Andy Griffith show.

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Nashville, US
Dec 27, 2022 8:33 pm EST

I totally agree!

10:34 pm EST

TV Land Commercial

My family watches Everyone Loves Raymond on TV Land Monday through Friday. As a Mother and Grandmother I find it absolutely ridiculous that you have to put on the commercial over and over about the drag queens that is shown on MTV ! If your company feels the need to feed into this ridiculous narrative and try cramming this down everyone’s throats is disgusting !

Desired outcome: Take the commercials off before 10:00pm

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Jan 02, 2023 8:41 pm EST

I 100% agree. Match the ad content to the programming content. Ru Paul's queens are not family programming. MTV is TV Lands parent company for those who didn't know. I have now stopped watching TV Land and started streaming the programming from other sources. Perhaps I will try TV Land again in a few months if they stop alienating their viewers.

Nashville, US
Dec 27, 2022 8:34 pm EST


Hacienda Heights, US
Dec 26, 2022 7:59 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree, is it really necessary to run this commercial 50 times a day? Are you people that strapped for money?

3:54 pm EST
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TV Land Golden Girls episodes

Ever since TV Land has taken over the Golden Girls Show the ending of each episode is cut off & you have to start watching a new episode in order to see the end of the current episode! You have way too many commercials, which is why I can never see a full episode! The next episode is S6 E14 that I still will watch. I have even set my recorder to end 10 minutes late to be able to see each episode in it's entirety, but it does not seem to help.

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11:10 am EST
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TV Land Everybody Loves Raymond

Why are you only showing Everybody Loves Raymond in Spanish only? We are an English speaking people here in NC. We are not in Mexico and it has always been broadcast in English. What is going on? This is the only program that is in Spanish on TV Land. All other programs are in English on TV Land. Fix this ASAP please. I enjoy this program and have for since it started and as new show. I would appreciate you putting it back to the English version

Desired outcome: Change it to Englsh

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Update by sithy
Dec 05, 2022 11:02 am EST

For the last two months Everybody Loves Raymond has been running in Spanish and it is very unacceptable. What seems to be the problem and why can it not be fixed? All other programs on TV Land work fine and are in English. Why is this great all time favorite running in Spanish all of the time?

Update by sithy
Dec 05, 2022 11:11 am EST

Please change it back

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7:36 pm EST

TV Land Commercial advertising ads showing illicit sexual behavior.

Inappropriate ads for HIV medicine.

TV LAND is showing inappropriate commercials of men kissing and fondling each other. These commercials are being shown during the dinner hour. Our children should not be exposed to this type of behavior! These commercials should be shown late at night, not during Prime Time, when children who are most impressionable, are not viewing this station.

Desired outcome: Removal of these commercials to a more appropriate time.

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Nashville, US
Dec 27, 2022 8:36 pm EST

Wow, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who finds this unsettling!

Portland, US
Dec 11, 2022 7:57 am EST

I also find these ads to be inappropriate. There is no place on tv for these types of ads. This product could be advertised without using sexual content. I think people would get it. This is just another example of caving to the LBGQ… community. They want it in our face always. This ad is nothing short of disgusting.

Regina Pegram
Dec 12, 2022 5:05 pm EST
Replying to comment of GracieD

I just looked up tv land and how to complain. I’m so sick of my grandchildren being sick exposed to this.

3:54 pm EST

TV Land Filthy commercials on tv land

My grandson watches the Andy Griffith show and I come in and see two [censored]s kissing in one of your commercials. What is wrong with you people. Thats the reason we watch this channel because it is innocent and rated G and you perverts but this filth on the screen. Again what is wrong with you people? The reason we watch the old shows is because they are clean and we can allow our children to watch Rated G shows where it is clean and pure. I know that the world is trying to brainwash us and our kids and pervert everything but if you are going to show these commercials do it on another program instead of attacking the pure and innocent. Leave our kids alone!

Desired outcome: Remove any commercial with 2 men kissing. It is offensive and perverted. STOP IT.. If you are going to show perverted commercials do it on another program instead of on rated G shows.

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Regina Pegram
Dec 12, 2022 4:58 pm EST

I just looked up tv land yo write a complaint about the same thing.

12:57 am EDT
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It is a sad day when parents have to worry if their kids can watch certain channels due to the commercials that are being shown. Your commercials are entirely inappropriate! I am sick and tired of the gay community being shoved down our throats! You would think that a channel that plays things like Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith would NOT stand for this kind of...

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About TV Land

TV Land is a television network known for airing classic sitcoms alongside original comedy series. It offers a nostalgic programming mix, catering to fans of older television shows while also producing new content aimed at a similar audience. The network is accessible via cable and some streaming platforms.
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2. Navigating to the complaint form: Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title: Summarize the main issue with TV Land in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience: Provide detailed information about your experience with TV Land. Mention key areas, transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the nature of the problem.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

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Overview of TV Land complaint handling

TV Land reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 12, 2016. The latest review Disappointed with Recent Content Decisions was posted on May 15, 2024. TV Land has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 380 reviews. TV Land has resolved 0 complaints.
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    Jul 04, 2024

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