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Travelgenio Reviews 1315

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Terrible Customer Service and Vanished Booking Information

I've been trying to get in touch with Travelgenio for months now, but it's been a real struggle. Their phone line hangs up after just a few minutes, and when I try to email them, they say they don't recognize my booking number. It's frustrating because they won't accept an email unless I put the booking number in the subject line, so it's impossible to get in touch with them.

They ask for my email address on their contact form, and then they send a link to my email address. I click on the link, and it takes me to my trips, where my booking is supposed to come up. For weeks, it said they were waiting for airline approval for my refund. But now, when I put in my email address to contact them, it doesn't recognize my email address. And when I try to check the original booking I made last July, it says the information doesn't exist on their server.

It seems like Travelgenio keeps all of your information on a server when they contact you, and then they just wipe the server whenever they want, leaving no proof of any emails they sent to you. My booking has vanished off their system, and I'm due a refund of 2800 for flights from Dublin to Vancouver that were cancelled in April. It's very distressing.

Their customer service email address doesn't work either. They keep telling everyone in the reviews to contact them at that email address, but when you try to send an email, you get a reply saying the email address doesn't exist. And now, when you try to send an email to their customer service email address, you get an error message saying "this email cannot be sent."

I'm starting to wonder if they've gone bust. All I want is a booking invoice to give to my travel insurance company, but I can't even get that. I'm so distressed. This is the worst company I've ever dealt with in my life. I'm going to file a complaint with the aviation authority.

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Travelgenio Terrible Experience with Travelgenio: Lack of Professionalism and Non-Existent Customer Service

I just want to share my experience with Travelgenio, and let me tell you, it was not a good one. I made a booking for a flight from Dubai to Cape Town, departing on May 30 and returning on June 30. I double-checked everything before proceeding with the booking, but when I received my confirmation email, I was shocked to see that the departure date was May 30 and the return date was the same day, just a few hours after we landed. How could this be possible? I made the booking two months in advance, so I spent a whole month trying to get in touch with Travelgenio to fix this mistake. But guess what? They don't have a customer care call line on their website. You have to send an email and wait for a response, which takes forever. I tried five times to get in touch with them, but I was blatantly ignored.

I decided to call the company that the tickets were booked under, but they couldn't make the changes because it was a third-party booking. So, I had to go back to square one. Finally, I managed to get the customer help line number from the flight company and called them. After waiting for an hour, I finally got an answer. They said they could make the change for me, but it would cost me extra. I agreed and made the payment, but four days went by, and I still hadn't received a confirmation email. I called them again, and after waiting for 30 minutes, I finally got an answer. They assured me that everything was in order, but three days later, I received an email saying that I needed to pay again for the flight change. What a nightmare!

The worst part is that I need to get a VISA approval for my fiance, and I can't do that without the correct flying dates. This whole experience has been a real pain in the @$$. I wouldn't recommend Travelgenio to anyone. Their lack of professionalism is unacceptable, and their customer service is non-existent. Save yourself the trouble and book with a different agency.

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Travelgenio Terrible Experience with Travelgenio: Incompetent and Unprofessional Booking Site

I gotta tell ya, I had a pretty bad experience with Travelgenio. I mean, it was the worst booking site I've ever used! I wouldn't recommend them to anyone, seriously.

So, here's what happened. I tried to book a flight through their site, but when I got to the payment part, the system said there was an error and my booking was cancelled. So, I went ahead and booked through another agent, which ended up being more expensive (ugh).

But then, 30 minutes later, I got a confirmation email from Travelgenio saying that my booking was actually okay! What the heck, right? I mean, I already booked elsewhere, so now I had two tickets for the same flight with the same names.

Naturally, I contacted them and asked them to cancel and refund the tickets since it was their mistake. But they just kept giving me the runaround, saying that they couldn't cancel because the airline wouldn't let them. Like, what kind of excuse is that? It's not the airline's fault, it's theirs!

Anyway, I eventually gave up trying to reason with them because they were just so incompetent. I had bought cancellation insurance for my trip, so I asked them to use it and at least give me some kind of refund. But nope, they only offered me 80 euros back, even though the insurance contract clearly said I should get 85% of the trip cost back. They said there was a cancellation penalty and they had to deduct all these taxes and fees and stuff, which they never mentioned before. So basically, I ended up losing money because of their mistake.

Honestly, I wouldn't trust these guys with anything. They're not professional at all and they don't care about their customers. There are way better booking sites out there, so do yourself a favor and stay away from Travelgenio.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Terrible Customer Service and No Refund After 6 Months

I gotta say, Travelgenio is not the best travel company out there. I mean, I've been waiting for over 6 months for a refund and still nothing. It's like they don't care about their customers or their reputation. I don't know if they're just really disorganized or if they're intentionally overcharging people. Either way, it's not a good look. And let me tell you, I've lived in some developing countries and dealt with some pretty sketchy travel companies, but this one takes the cake.

So here's what happened. I missed my flight because I totally messed up the time. My bad, I know. But the airline's policy said I was entitled to a partial refund. So I rebooked with the same airline and was told that if I paid a no-show fee, I could request a refund from Travelgenio. I even confirmed this with them over the phone and got an email in December saying my credit card would be refunded within 90 days. Well, it's now July 10 and still no refund. And they don't even reply to customer service emails. I've called them countless times and either get disconnected after being on hold for an hour or get a customer service rep who promises to follow up but never does.

One time, I got a really rude customer service rep who basically called me a liar. She said I received an email from Travelgenio on June 18th asking how I wanted my refund, but I never got that email. I checked my inbox, spam folder, and deleted mail folder, but nothing. If they sent it, I never received it. And it's not like it's easy to contact them either. Their website is a mess and it's almost impossible to find a way to email them. And even when you call, they rarely answer the phone even though their website says they're open 24/7.

I finally got a professional and helpful customer service rep yesterday, but I'm not holding my breath for any further response. Honestly, I would stay far away from this company. They're just not worth the hassle.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Disorganized, Unhelpful, and Scammy

I gotta say, Travelgenio is a real mess. I mean, I don't even know where to start with these guys. First off, they got like a million different payment providers, but apparently only one of them actually works. And of course, I had to get stuck with one of the crappy ones. So I had to switch my credit card from my hubby's to mine, but when I tried to enter my info, there was no spot for the cardholder name. Like, what the heck? So I called and called and waited and waited, and finally I got some dude named Andres who basically told me to buzz off. Rude much? Luckily, I eventually talked to someone who sent me a link to the good payment provider, but that was just the beginning of my nightmare.

The next day, I get an email saying the airline changed their fares, so now I owe even more money. But get this - the total they gave me was actually less than what I'd already paid! So I emailed them back to ask what was up, and they said the total was just what they'd given me before. So I confirmed that I'd already paid that amount, and my credit card company even confirmed it too. But just to be safe, I called them up. And that's when I got Celina. She told me I had to pay even more, and that there were no supervisors available to help me. The best she could do was offer me a refund. Like, seriously? I travel a lot, and I've dealt with a ton of companies, but these guys are just the worst. They're totally disorganized, their reps don't care about helping you, and they can't even communicate properly. If you mess up, just own up to it and fix it. Don't be a bunch of scammers.

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Travelgenio Terrible Service: My Experience with TravelGenio

TravelGenio is the worst travel agency I have ever dealt with. I would not even give them one star for their terrible service.

I booked a flight from Nice to Bucharest for 113 euro. I received two confirmation emails stating that my reservation was confirmed and the money was taken out of my account. However, when I tried to check in for my flight, I found out that my confirmation number was for a trip to Madrid in March 2020. I was confused, but I thought it was just an error. When I arrived at the airport, the lady at the check-in desk could not find my reservation. After further investigation, I found out that TravelGenio confirmed my booking, but did not do what was necessary with the airline company. Therefore, I had no ticket.

The airline recommended that I book a last-minute ticket for 259 euro, which I did, hoping to resolve the issue with TravelGenio later. However, when I called TravelGenio, the customer care team rudely blamed me for the mistake. They claimed that I received an email about a 30-minute time change, which I never received. They cancelled my ticket without warning and kept my money. They refused to refund me the 259 euro that I paid for the last-minute ticket, claiming that it was my fault.

They bragged about issuing 1000 tickets per day, but that is irrelevant. I paid for a ticket and expected to be able to use it. They cannot call everyone when something changes. I received no email about the time change, and they did not send me the email they claimed to have sent.

I am disgusted by their treatment of customers. It is unacceptable.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Shady Practices and Terrible Customer Service - A Complete Disgrace!

I totally agree with all the other reviewers who have shared their experiences with Travelgenio. Let me tell you, this company is a complete DISGRACE and should not be in business. I made the mistake of booking through them and I regret it so much. I wish I had listened to the other reviewers here and booked through the airlines or a well-known company.

I booked through TripMonster, which is affiliated with Travelgenio. I needed to correct a spelling mistake on my ticket and I had to go through so much trouble to get in touch with their customer service. These third-party travel sites have shady practices and terrible customer service. I should have known better, as I've traveled quite a bit, but I guess I was trying to save some money.

When I went to the "contact" section on their website, all I found were FAQs. There was no phone number or email address. It was so frustrating. I had to dig around to find any contact information. Thank you to the other reviewers who posted their number on Yelp. When I finally found an email address, I wrote to them a few days ago, but I didn't get a response until today. And guess what? They told me they couldn't make the change because it was less than 48 hours before my flight. Convenient, right? I had submitted inquiries before this, but I never got a response. They told me I had submitted them to the wrong department, but how was I supposed to know that? Their website is so confusing.

I will never use Travelgenio again. From now on, I will only book through the actual airline or hotel. The prices may seem cheaper on these third-party sites, but they're often deceiving. After all the hidden fees, the prices end up being similar. And the customer service is terrible. It's not worth the hassle.

To the company rep who will probably respond to this review, let me tell you that I emailed you with my reference number in the subject line, and from the email I used to book. Your customer service email address was nowhere to be found on your website. I had to dig around to find it. It shouldn't be that hard to get in touch with customer service.

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Travelgenio TravelGenio's Terrible Customer Service: My Experience Trying to Get a Refund for a Cancelled Trip to Bali

TravelGenio is a travel booking website that I recently used to book a trip to Bali. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I was unable to go on the trip. I tried to contact TravelGenio through their phone number and online ticket submission system, but I never received a response. After waiting for a month, I called them again and was told that my ticket was listed as 'suspended' by the airline. I contacted the airline and they unlocked the ticket, but TravelGenio only offered me a voucher for half of my ticket instead of a refund. I called the airline again and they told me that I was eligible for a full refund and that TravelGenio should contact them directly to resolve the issue. However, TravelGenio refused to do so and told me that my ticket was not eligible for a refund according to the airline's regulations, which I know is not true. I called the airline again and they wrote a note indicating that I qualified for a full refund, but when I called TravelGenio back, they said that there was no note and that my ticket was still suspended. I asked to speak to a manager, but was told that there was no one for me to speak to.

I had to make five phone calls to TravelGenio, four phone calls to the airline, two attempted phone calls, and three emails, and wasted countless hours trying to resolve this issue. This was the worst customer service experience I have ever had. There was no accountability and I will be pursuing legal avenues to resolve this issue. I will also be contacting Skyscanner and media companies to warn as many people as possible about TravelGenio's terrible customer service. I hope that TravelGenio realizes that the money they stole from me is not worth the future customers they will lose.

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Travelgenio TravelGenio's Refund Process is a Nightmare: My Experience

I bought a flight from TravelGenio on February 28th for March 4th, but when I arrived at the airport, they told me that I couldn't fly because the country I was going to only allowed citizens to enter, and I had a visitor's visa. I tried calling their number multiple times, but the phone would ring for 6-7 minutes and then hang up on its own. I called at least 10 times, and even had my brother try, but we never got an answer. I also requested a phone call on their website, but never received one.

The next morning, I called again and finally got through by selecting options that didn't have anything to do with refunds. The agent confirmed that they would start the refund process and I asked for confirmation in writing, which she provided. She said that it could take up to 90 days for the refund to come in, but it could come in earlier.

More than a month later, I tried contacting them again and received the same email as before. Around the 70 day mark, I called again and the agent was very rude to me, telling me that I had to wait the full 90 days for the refund to come in.

After 90 days had passed, I tried calling several times and never got anyone to answer. I finally received an email saying that Turkish Airlines would authorize refunds for tickets affected by Covid-19 starting on July 6th, and that the refund would be processed within 7 days of authorization. However, it has been well beyond 7 days and I still haven't received anything. I have tried calling multiple times today, but have not been able to get through to anyone.

It's frustrating that I have had to go through all of this just to get a refund. I hope that they will process it soon.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Worst Experience Ever - Dishonest and Unhelpful Customer Service

I've been around the world more times than I can count, and I've used my fair share of online travel agencies. However, I must say that Travelgenio has provided me with the worst and most dishonest experience I've ever had. Even though their flights might seem cheaper, I would strongly advise against using them. I'm sharing my experience here so that you know what you're getting yourself into if you book with Travelgenio. I only wish I had read the many negative reviews before I did.

The issue: I received an email stating that the route for our flight was no longer serviced by the airline, and the proposed new itinerary was 30 hours long with 3 layovers. The flight I booked was less than 23 hours long with 2 layovers. So, I felt that any new flight should be on par with our booking in terms of time traveled and number of stops. Below is my experience dealing with the Travelgenio customer service people when I called to make what I feel is a simple and reasonable request.

Day 1: The first time I got through to a customer representative, he greeted me in English, and when I proceeded to provide my booking code and explain why I was calling, he asked whether I could repeat it all in Spanish or Portuguese. Hmm... I restarted in my basic Spanish. He understood the situation but said that I should check with the airline directly. I replied that we booked and paid Travelgenio, so therefore we'd rather they look into the new itinerary. After that, he said he needed to check in with the airline and get back to me. He also promised a call back from an English-speaking customer representative to give me an update on my new itinerary within a few hours. Never happened.

Day 2: After 24 hours, I tried a few times to call the help line again as our flight was imminent. The number just cuts off after 10 minutes or more waiting on the line. The 3rd time it worked! And I got through to an English-speaking lady. I had to explain the situation again, and I got the same response. In short, her script was we need to check with the airline, and I need to speak with my supervisor... We will get back to you today. Again, no call back.

Day 3: After another 24 hours of not hearing back from anyone from Travelgenio and our departure date around the corner, I called again. Got through to an English-speaking customer representative and proceeded to have the most irritating phone call ever. This time the script changed.

1- I was told that I had confirmed the new 30 hours long itinerary and therefore no changes could be made. The flight was final. I provided no such confirmation, and after 10 minutes of back and forth with the customer representative, I was unable to get him to provide me with evidence that I had.

2- I asked to speak to his supervisor. He said that this decision was made with the supervisor. After I insisted, he said the supervisor was in a meeting. I said I'd hold, and he said that I won't be speaking to the supervisor.

3- By this point, I was in total disbelief and having spent 20 very unpleasant minutes with someone who was making stuff up, I asked how long a refund would take. After being put on hold for 6 minutes, he came back online and told me that it would be up to 3 months! I don't have $3,500 lying around, so this effectively meant that I couldn't cancel my flight with them and book with another agency.

So, after this 3-day ordeal, I'm trapped into flying with Travelgenio, and I'm expecting an absolutely horrid start to my holidays with the flight from hell. #travelgeniosucks

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Travelgenio Complaints 1305

8:40 am EST
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Travelgenio Reimbursement

I had to cancel my flight to montreal on 06/07/2021 for me and my disabled son.

Air canada accepted to cancel and reimburse our flights that i booked throuh travelgenio;

but travelgenio never reimbursed me.

I would like to get reimbursed.

My reservation number was WME7ZC, my ticket number was [protected] (name letellier epouse mancel catherine). The ticket number of my son was [protected] (name mancel hugues).

The flights are the following: bruxelles montreal ac833 14h50 - 16h15. The return flight is montreal bruxelles 19h55 -8h40.

Many thanks in advance for your response.


Desired outcome: REIMBURSEMENT

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified Travelgenio representatives only. If you are affiliated with Travelgenio, please claim your business to access these details.

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3:05 am EDT

Travelgenio Check In Baggage Allowance

I've a flight booking made from you, under E ticket # 618 [protected]. Here are 2 booking # to assist in your checking ZDZGXQ & J8KM2C too

My concern is the Free check in baggage allowance.

I have called Scoot Airline, route KUL to Sin, was informed there is no Free baggage allowance, however it was clearly stated on the Ticket there should be 1. I haven't call the other 2 airlines.

Kindly verify and confirm Free check in baggage allowance for the whole itinerary under 3 different airlines, kindly state the baggage allowance weight and how many piece are allowed for all flights.

Desired outcome: Please verify and confirm in writing Check In Baggage allowance for the whole itinerary under 3 different airlines, kindly state the baggage allowance weight and how many piece are allowed for all flights.

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12:02 am EDT
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Travelgenio Ticket refund due covid.

Dear Sir/Madam.

Ticket no. [protected].

I would like to get my legal refund for the ticket purchase for my wife's booking

Ref. VYTVSQ dated 27/01/2020 The Australian government has now been assured by Qantas to refund all canceled flights during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ticket was issued in my wife's name VISITACION CABUSAO

Qantas booking reference is WW45HF

The cancelled flight was QF513 28/03/2020

and QF 19 Sydney to Manila Philippines

Purchase price Aud.897.80

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.

Qantas advised me to contact you.


Ole jonsson e-mail [protected]

Desired outcome: Please refundAll travel documents are the whole Itinerary if required.

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Update by Ole Jonsson
Sep 02, 2023 12:25 am EDT

I contacted Qantas who in return advised me to contact your office for a refund.

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Is Travelgenio Legit?

Travelgenio earns a trustworthiness rating of 46%

Double-checking is the best solution in this case.

Our conclusion: After detailed research, ComplaintsBoard concludes that Travelgenio's website isn't completely safe. So, it's better to be careful, especially when browsing their products or sharing personal information.

Multiple low-rated websites are found on the same server. It's possible that the low-rated websites on the same server could be part of a scam. For example, if the websites are hosting phishing pages or spreading malware, they could be part of a larger fraudulent operation.

There was some difficulty in evaluating or examining the information or data present on the, an be seen as a negative sign of its legitimacy. This could indicate that the site is hiding information. Consider the potential risks involved in engaging with a website if you're unable to analyze its content.

Exercise caution when using as it may have lower quality content or a poor user experience, leading to fewer visitors and lower traffic.

Travelgenio protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.

Complaints Board has received reports that the website may be a possible fraud. To protect yourself, consider using a different website. If you find that the website is indeed fraudulent, report them to us, to help protect other consumers.

We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Travelgenio. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • We found clear and detailed contact information for Travelgenio. The company provides a physical address, 27 phone numbers, and 2 emails, as well as 5 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers.
  • has a valid SSL certificate, while Scammers can obtain a valid SSL certificate by using fake information or by using a stolen or hijacked domain. In some cases, they may even use a certificate issued to another legitimate website.
  • you are considering visiting, which is associated with Travelgenio, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.
11:29 pm EDT
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Travelgenio Refund for Cancelled Flight

Subject: Urgent Request for Refund for Cancelled Flight

Dear Travelgenio,

My name is Saeed Sharifi Zad. On March 8, 2022, I was charged an amount of $1751.91 from my credit account for the purchase of a Turkish Airlines ticket for my brother, Omid Sharifizad. The ticket number is [protected].

Regrettably, after the purchase, the flight was cancelled. Although I have informed you via email, I have not received any positive response from you yet. Moreover, I have called Turkish Airlines several times, but to no avail.

Given the challenging times we are facing, I urgently require a prompt refund of the amount. I kindly ask you to take this matter seriously and keep me informed about the current status.

I am currently residing in Melbourne, Australia

I await your prompt response.

Best Regards,

Saeed Sharifi Zad

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2:26 am EDT
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Travelgenio Egyptair flights BKK to ATH 18 3 2020 compensation

Travelgenio Booking reference [protected] cancelled flights.

We are owed 658.93 pounds and we are still waiting for payment.

Travelgenio have failed to communicate meaningfully about the claim for compensation or given any time estimate for payment.

We have sent at least 5 claim emails/ letters in the last 3 1/2 years.

We are Richard A Dawson and Thanaphorn Intanujit Dawson

Our payment details are RBS account name Richard A Dawson

Account number [protected] Sort Code 16-23-17 Leeds Park Row A UK

Desired outcome: Payment of 658.93 pounds plus interest.

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2:10 pm EDT
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Travelgenio Refund never happened

I bought tickets from bucaramanga to miami, and they changed the itinerary in such a way that it was impossible for me to use them, they were taking off at the same time the same day from different cities, as you can see in the attached supports, I request the money back for involuntary change on my part and they said that they were going to give me the money back but they had to wait for the airline to give the money back to them, after several months of waiting I contacted directly with the airline and they told me that they never received the payment from travelgenio as you can see in the attached, I have appealed the BBB, to several entities, and no one helps me or gives me an answer, I want my money back for tickets that I never used.

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8:06 pm EDT
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Travelgenio Travelgenio: A Nightmare Experience - Ruined My Vacation and Cost Me Thousands

This travel agency, Travelgenio, is a complete disaster. I had a terrible experience with them when I was trying to catch my flight to Tunisia with Royal Air Maroc. The problem was that the name on my plane ticket was not the same as the one on my passport. They had switched my last name with my first name, which caused a lot of confusion and trouble for me. When I went to the airport, the airline staff told me that I had to call my travel agency to fix the problem.

So, I called Travelgenio right away and explained the situation to them. However, they were not helpful at all. They told me that it would take days to make a change on the plane ticket and it would cost me money. I was willing to pay, but they still couldn't do anything to help me. I was going to lose my flight, which cost me $1250, and the hotel reservation that I had made for $2000. It was a lot of money that I had saved for months to make this trip happen.

I spent two hours on the phone with them, trying to solve the problem, but they were not able to help me. I was deeply sad and frustrated because my vacations were ruined. I had to return home without even getting on the plane. The day after, I called them again to see if they could help me, but the guy on the phone was very arrogant and told me that it was my fault because I did not check my ticket. I did check, but I couldn't know that there was a mistake because it was my real name that was showing.

For example, my name is Fanie G..., but on the ticket, it was written as G... Fanie. There was no indication of surname or given name, so I couldn't know that it was reversed. It was impossible for me to catch this mistake. When I asked to speak to a supervisor, they wouldn't let me, and they showed no empathy at all.

Luckily, I know a lawyer who is willing to help me with this situation. According to him, Travelgenio should give me a refund or at least compensate me for all the problems that I had to face. I will do everything I can to get my money back because this agency ruined my vacations. I would never recommend Travelgenio to anyone, and I hope that others will avoid them at all costs.

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7:55 pm EDT
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Travelgenio Disappointing Experience with Travelgenio: Issues with Desynchronisation and Communication

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share my experience with Travelgenio ( I recently booked a trip with them and unfortunately, it did not go as smoothly as I had hoped.

Firstly, I had some issues with desynchronisation. Three passenger names were missing in my onwards journey from DEL to HYD on 11th Dec 2022. I reached out to their customer care team, but I did not receive any response. It was frustrating to say the least. I am still waiting for them to resolve this issue and I hope they do it soon.

Secondly, I faced another desynchronisation issue with my return journey. According to IndiGo Airlines, my HYD-DEL (TK 4705/6E2106, date: 30.12.2022) flight was cancelled. However, Travelgenio/Turkish Airlines claimed that the flight was just delayed by 5-10 minutes. This caused a lot of confusion and fear as I had no confirmation that I would be able to fly back from HYD (India) to OSL (Norway).

Lastly, Travelgenio confirmed all passenger itineraries, but Turkish Airlines informed us that none of the itineraries were confirmed. They said that Travelgenio had failed to confirm them, which meant that all passengers were not allowed to take the return flight. This was a huge disappointment and a waste of time and money.

Overall, I am extremely disappointed with my experience with Travelgenio. It is their responsibility to talk to each airline and resolve any desynchronisation issues. As a customer, I should not have to deal with these issues on my own. I hope they take this feedback seriously and work on improving their customer care and communication.

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7:38 pm EDT
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Travelgenio Terrible Experience with Travelgenio: Flight Changed Without Notice and Unfair Fees Charged

I recently booked a flight to Egypt through Travelgenio for November 5th, 2021. I received a confirmation email with all the details of my flight. However, when I called on October 16th to make some changes to my booking, I was informed that my flight had been changed to November 6th without any prior notification. I was shocked and asked the agent how this could have happened. Unfortunately, the representative had no answer and could not explain why this change had been made. He suggested that I either fly on the next day or choose another day altogether. I was extremely disappointed and told him that I no longer trusted the company's service and requested a full refund. The representative immediately cancelled my trip and sent me an email confirmation.

When I asked about the refund, the representative informed me that it would take 2-3 months and that I would be charged a booking fee of around $60. I was outraged and told him that it was not my fault that the flight had been changed and that I should not be charged any fees. However, he hung up on me before I could finish my sentence.

I decided to call back and was put on hold for 25 minutes before finally speaking to a lady named Fatma. I asked to speak to a supervisor, but she told me that she could not do that. I explained the situation to her, but she insisted that the $60 fee was a management fee. I told her that it was unfair to charge me for their company's mismanagement. She said she would check with her supervisor and then hung up on me.

I am extremely disappointed with Travelgenio's service and the way they have handled this situation. I will now have to dispute the charges with my credit card company and hope that I receive a refund soon. It is frustrating that it may take 2-3 months to receive a refund, and I may not be able to dispute it if it takes longer than 90 days.

Overall, this has been a terrible experience, and I am lucky that I called earlier before my flight day. Otherwise, I would have been at the airport on November 5th, only to find out that my flight had been cancelled and I would have missed my nephew's wedding.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Stranded in Orlando due to their negligence. Avoid this company at all costs

This company, Travelgenio, has been receiving consistently terrible reviews and it's not hard to see why. I recently booked a flight from Atlanta to Manchester for October 21st through their website on September 16th. I was away in the US from September 18th.

On the day of my flight, I caught the flight from Atlanta to Orlando where I was supposed to get a connecting flight to Manchester. However, I couldn't find the airline I was supposed to check in with. I had looked up the flight online beforehand, but the site I used did not seem to register any change. It turns out that Travelgenio had booked my flight with Thomas Cook and during my absence in the US, Thomas Cook had gone out of business.

Travelgenio had not informed me of this fact. If they had, I could have arranged alternative travel plans well in advance. However, I was now stranded in Orlando, needing to get back to the UK, but without a flight to take me. The other airlines that had been flying Thomas Cook passengers back had ceased doing so a couple of weeks earlier. I tried to call Travelgenio, but after waiting on the line for about ten minutes two times and being cut off without response, it became clear that they were not going to help. I have not received any real help from their complaints either.

In the end, I had a truly miserable travel experience and had to spend ?786 to buy another ticket home, money I could not afford, but which I had to pay because Travelgenio failed to inform me of my cancelled flight. To compound matters, they have been exceedingly unhelpful in response to my complaints. I have used Travelgenio on four other previous occasions as I am a very frequent flyer, but I will now avoid them and strongly advise others to do the same.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Poor Customer Service and Incomplete Refunds

I gotta say, Travelgenio is not the best company out there. I mean, I bought some tickets for a flight back in May 2020, but then COVID-19 happened and the flight got canceled. So, I asked for a refund, but it took them over a year to even request it from the airline. And when I finally got the money back, it was only HALF of what I paid! Can you believe that?

So, I called their customer service (which was a miracle in itself, let me tell you) and asked them what was going on. After waiting for like 20 minutes, the lady on the other end told me that the airline only refunded half of the money (minus some 30 euro tax that Travelgenio applied for their "services"). But I knew that was a lie because I had spoken to the airline myself and they said they were refunding everything to Travelgenio.

When I tried to explain this to the lady, she just kept insisting that it wasn't true and that I should talk to the airline directly to get my money back. But that's not how it works, right? I mean, Travelgenio is the intermediary, so they should be the ones dealing with the airline and getting the rest of my money back. But nope, she just said there was nothing she could do and hung up on me.

And get this: one of their replies during the year of waiting said that they would contact me with more information if the airline didn't authorize a full refund. But guess what? They never contacted me.

So, yeah, I would definitely avoid Travelgenio if I were you. They're just not worth the hassle.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: A Complete Disaster - Avoid at All Costs!

This company is a complete disaster! I booked a flight to Cuba through Skyscanner and ended up with Travelgenio. My flight was scheduled for May 2020, but due to the pandemic, I was unable to fly. That's when I realized that Travelgenio doesn't care about their customers. They didn't even bother to send me a confirmation email telling me that my flight was canceled. I had to contact the airline myself to find out.

I spent months trying to get in touch with Travelgenio. I called them multiple times, sent hundreds of emails, but got no response. Finally, after two replies, I was told that my refund would be processed by August. However, I later found out that Travelgenio didn't even apply for the refund until the end of July. It wasn't until October that I finally got confirmation from the airline that my refund had been processed.

To make matters worse, Travelgenio hasn't contacted me since. They don't care about their customers, they only care about their business partnerships with platforms like Skyscanner. They reply to Skyscanner's emails, but not to mine. It's clear that they're only interested in making money and don't care about the people who use their services.

I strongly advise everyone to avoid Travelgenio. They're nowhere to be found. They don't answer their phones, and they don't reply to emails. They took thousands of euros from me and disappeared into thin air. It's outrageous!

My next step is to push Skyscanner to remove Travelgenio from their platform. They need to take responsibility for marketing this company. A quick search online shows that there are thousands of people in the same boat as me. Skyscanner needs to do something about it before more people get scammed by Travelgenio.

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Travelgenio Terrible Customer Service Experience with Travelgenio: Unable to Change Flight Despite Insurance and Ongoing Conflict

Hi, my name is John and I recently had a terrible experience with Travelgenio. I booked a flight with insurance from Vancouver, BC, Canada to Copenhagen, Denmark on July 18th, 2022, with the intention of catching an 11-day cruise with Princess Cruise Line headed to St. Petersburg, Russia. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Princess Cruise Line had to cancel the cruise to St. Petersburg.

I immediately contacted Travelgenio to change my flight from Copenhagen to Heathrow, London, which IcelandAir flies to. However, the agents at Travelgenio were not helpful at all. They refused to submit a Waiver to change the destination to Heathrow, even though Icelandic Air said that a waiver was all that was necessary to re-route my trip.

I spent six hours going back and forth between Travelgenio agents and IcelandAir, but the Travelgenio agents had a difficult time telling me my IcelandAir Reservation number, which I needed to be able to discuss with IcelandAir my situation. Eventually, after several different telephone calls, reasons, explanations, and excuses, IcelandAir agreed to change the flight, but the Waiver needed to be initiated by my travel agency, Travelgenio. The agents at Travelgenio said that I would have to get a Waiver from Icelandic Air, they would not write a Waiver, even in light of the War that had broken out.

I was extremely frustrated with Travelgenio's lack of assistance, especially since I had purchased insurance. Despite my repeated requests, the agents at Travelgenio were unable to write a Waiver or to get me to a Supervisor or Manager who would write a Waiver. Although one of the Travelgenio agents said he would escalate, no one ever returned a call to me from Travelgenio.

Overall, I was extremely disappointed with Travelgenio's customer service. Despite the fact that I had purchased insurance and the situation was beyond my control, Travelgenio was unable to provide me with the necessary assistance to change my flight. I would not recommend Travelgenio to anyone and will be looking for a different travel agency for my future trips.

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Travelgenio Nightmare Experience with Travelgenio: Unreliable Customer Service and Refund Delays

This travel agency, Travelgenio, has been a complete nightmare for us. We have been trying to get in touch with their customer service for days, but it's been so hard to reach them. We have two booking confirmations with them, one for two adults and one for a child. Unfortunately, part of our return flight got cancelled, and we were notified about it. They offered to rebook us, but we had to leave a day earlier than planned, on July 27th. We agreed, and they assured us that we would receive a new ticket, including the rebooked flight, within the same week. However, it's been 16 days, and we still haven't received anything.

Every time we call Travelgenio, we get the same response: "Don't worry, we're working on it." But each person we talk to gives us a different timeframe for when we'll receive our reissued ticket. And now, when we call, they're extremely rude and refuse to work on our ticket. At first, they told us not to worry because the rebooking process takes time, and we're guaranteed the rebooking of the flight. But now, they're saying that we don't have any other option but to get a refund, which will take 1-3 MONTHS to receive. How is it possible that they took our money in one day, but it will take them 1-3 months to refund it?!

We've spent thousands of dollars on this travel, and they're holding our money, making it impossible for us to look for other flights. This is completely unacceptable and disappointing. We wouldn't recommend anyone to book with them. If we could give them no stars, we would. We're shocked at the blatant disrespect and lack of care for travelers. We don't understand how they're able to operate like this. We're not asking for anything for free; we paid our money, and they can't even help us.

We urge anyone thinking of booking with Travelgenio to reconsider. You'll only end up with a headache and a high risk of not being able to make your travel. We're devastated that we probably won't be able to make our trip after taking time off from work and making other arrangements in the country we were visiting.

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Travelgenio Travelgenio Review: Terrible Service, No Feedback, and Lost Money

This company is the worst service provider I have ever encountered. First of all, they didn't send me my tickets or booking via email until three days before my flight. Can you believe it? My money was taken immediately, but I didn't receive any confirmation until the last minute. I couldn't find any contacts to call or write to, and it seems to be their company policy, as I saw from other people's feedback. So, I decided not to waste any more time and bought the same tickets directly from Turkish Airlines' website. It was important for me to have the same date of the flight.

After a day of searching, I finally found an email address for Travelgenio and wrote to them along with Turkish Airlines. However, I waited for two days without any feedback. Nobody answered my email, but Turkish Airlines called me and told me that it was Travelgenio's issue, so they would take care of it. And what happened next? Of course, nobody called me from Travelgenio. So, I finally found a phone number and called them. But, I had to wait for 30-40 minutes each time I called them to be connected to an operator. In total, I spent nearly four hours waiting on the phone. It seems like I'm not the only one who has issues with this company!

After a few hours on the phone, they finally managed to send me my booking details. So, to avoid losing my money, I changed the dates on the other tickets that I bought directly from Turkish Airlines' website. But then, I received an error message on the site, saying that my booking on Travelgenio was cancelled! Turkish Airlines asked Travelgenio to cancel my booking because I would be using the tickets that I bought directly from their site. Travelgenio was supposed to contact me to inform me about this, but of course, they didn't. So, the day before my flight, I lost my two tickets and 500 euros! I had to buy a third ticket, which cost me 300 euros more.

And you know what? Today, Travelgenio reimbursed me the money, but it was 60 euros less than what it should have been. They didn't even offer any compensation for the few days and the health problems that I had to endure. Nobody even said sorry! This was an ugly service, with no feedback, no compensation, and only a negative experience. I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone. Keep away from them! In the 21st century, you can have excellent service for the same amount of money.

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Travelgenio Beware of Travelgenio: A Scam Company That Offers No Customer Service or Refunds

Travelgenio is a company that claims to be an agent for booking flights, but in reality, they are nothing more than a scam. Their website looks like it was made in the early 90s and is full of fake information. The buttons to print your tickets don't work, and the buttons to make changes just open a webform that all link to the same place. There's no way of contacting customer services, and I don't actually believe they have any customer service.

The autoreply to the webform advises the user to contact the airline directly, something they are literally being paid to do. It's what an agent is paid to do, but Travelgenio cannot be bothered to provide any customer service. To make matters worse, airlines will not make changes if a flight was booked via an agent, so you're stuck in limbo.

They will not refund cancellations, despite it being a legal requirement. Ignore their 'no refund' disclaimer, this is actually illegal. You cannot take money from someone and then not provide the service. It falls under a few regulations in the UK and EU, one of which is distance selling regs.

The owner of the company is a con man who lives in Spain and has made millions ripping people off. He has no intention of ever providing the services he is claiming to offer, and when this company is shut down, he'll just set up another one. He and everyone that works for him is absolutely awful at what they do.

They're not on social media because they know that they would be slaughtered, because they are well aware that what they are doing is illegal and fraudulent.

I have reported them to the police in the UK for fraud and to their regulator, however I imagine I'm not the first or last, these scammers just close down and set up again a few weeks later under a new name. It's a shame that companies like this exist, preying on innocent people who just want to book a flight. Stay away from Travelgenio, and don't let them scam you out of your hard-earned money.

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2:41 pm EDT

Travelgenio Order id [protected]


Min klage går på ovennevnte reise hvor vi ved ankomst Heathrow 13 mai ble informert om at WF var sluttet å fly fra denne flyplassen i Mars måned. Dette er ikke eg blitt informert om. Neste fly fra London var neste dag, å dette fra Gatwick. Vi måtte derfor bestille nye flybiletter, bestile drosje til Gatwick, bestille hotell ved Gatwick, i tillegg til ekstra mat til fire personer. Totalt har eg lagt ut 17 000 NOK ekstra pga travelgenio sin mangel på informasjon.

Desired outcome: Eg ønsker selvsagt tilbakebetalt de ekstra utlegget eg måtte ut med, en tur eg hadde spart lenge for å ha råd til. Kvitteringer for utlegg kan eg ettersende.

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12:34 pm EDT
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Travelgenio Flight ticket cancellation

I canceled my flight ticket back in 23.07.2022 12:06, ticket value 10.000kr. I manage to send them an email back in December, and had access to their website now it is down. I even got a confirmed email, the file below explain it more.

This is the only website I can file a complaint, seem a lot of people have the same issue here is it an act of crime?

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10:05 am EDT
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Travelgenio Invoice

I booked my flight ticket using travelgenio website. I booked on 27th of September 2022. Today is already May 2023. I have tried several times to reach out to travelgenio, per email and call. I have to claim this money with my company and without the invoice i can't. I read that many people already had problems which this website. I really need help here. Reservation no: [protected]

Desired outcome: Please issue an invoice as soon as possible

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2:09 am EDT

Travelgenio Cancelled Flights

Hi, i had bought flights through this 3rd party online travel agent, however the flights were cancelled due to covid, travelgenio were uncontactable at this time and ignored all emails, at the time I contacted the airline directly and they informed me they could only refund to the agent, they told me to keep the tickets and call back when I was ready to reschedule the holiday and they could rain check the tickets instead.

I've recently contacted emirates directly to reschedule my the tickets and was informed that the tickets had been fully refunded back to travelgenio in 2021, the company has again ignored all emails I’ve sent about passing on the refund and don’t list any number to call.

Booking number is [protected]

Name: Steven wood and Marija wood

Desired outcome: Pass on my refund

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About Travelgenio

Screenshot Travelgenio
Travelgenio is a leading online travel agency that offers a wide range of travel services to customers worldwide. With its user-friendly website and easy-to-use booking system, Travelgenio has become a popular choice for travelers looking for affordable flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages.

One of the key features of Travelgenio is its extensive network of airlines and travel partners. The company works with over 500 airlines and more than 300,000 hotels worldwide, giving customers access to a vast selection of travel options. This means that travelers can find the best deals on flights and hotels, and can easily compare prices and options to find the perfect travel itinerary.

Another advantage of using Travelgenio is its commitment to customer service. The company has a team of experienced travel professionals who are available 24/7 to assist customers with any questions or concerns they may have. Whether it's help with booking a flight or hotel, or assistance with changing a reservation, Travelgenio's customer service team is always ready to help.

In addition to its extensive travel services, Travelgenio also offers a range of tools and resources to help travelers plan their trips. The company's website features a variety of travel guides and destination information, as well as a blog with travel tips and advice. Customers can also sign up for Travelgenio's newsletter to receive exclusive travel deals and promotions.

Overall, Travelgenio is a reliable and trustworthy online travel agency that offers a wide range of travel services to customers worldwide. With its extensive network of airlines and travel partners, commitment to customer service, and helpful resources, Travelgenio is a great choice for anyone looking to book a trip.

Overview of Travelgenio complaint handling

Travelgenio reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jul 28, 2015. The latest review Reimbursement was posted on Jan 7, 2024. The latest complaint Check the reservation was resolved on Dec 07, 2022. Travelgenio has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 1315 reviews. Travelgenio has resolved 967 complaints.
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    +52 155 4162 2959
    +52 155 4162 2959
    Click up if you have successfully reached Travelgenio by calling +52 155 4162 2959 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have successfully reached Travelgenio by calling +52 155 4162 2959 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Travelgenio by calling +52 155 4162 2959 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Travelgenio by calling +52 155 4162 2959 phone number
    More phone numbers
  3. Travelgenio emails
  4. Travelgenio address
    c/Albasanz, 15, 2º Izq, Madrid, 28037, Spain
  5. Travelgenio social media
  6. Stan
    Checked and verified by Stan This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024

Most discussed Travelgenio complaints

incorrect price
(opinions to this review)

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