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CB Mobile and Cell Phones Metro by T-Mobile unauthorized over charges, no customer service!
Metro by T-Mobile

Metro by T-Mobile review: unauthorized over charges, no customer service! 85

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I used to have 2 metro pcs phones.

I called 2 weeks before my cycle ended, so it would give the metro pcs people enough time to have the necessary 24 - 72 hours to update the info.

Over 1000 hours have passed and they charged me for 2 phones.

Customer service is a joke! You can never get a helpful person. You always get a different answer every time you call back.

I am told that metro pcs customer service is not permitted to call back customers, not permitted to give out contact information to corporate, not permitted to follow through with a customer complaint.

I am told that even though metro pcs is supposed to be a flat fee, same fee every single month, they can over charge when they want to, and I am told that I am not permitted to have a refund or credit for the overcharge because, "what's done is done."

They continue to charge me different amounts every month.

They have had well over 1000 hours to contact me and have refused to do so.

Anyone know any real contact information to metro pcs corporate, or to someone other than those dumb customer service reps that provide absolutely no customer service!

Please reply with info, if you know it.

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Daniel McAllister
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Jun 25, 2007 2:23 pm EDT

MetroPCS Customer Service is available online (so long as all you want to do is buy something), or on the phone (so long as you just want to use the automated attendant, which will remind you over and over again when your bill is due).

The key here is to tell the system that you want to "activate a phone" - wherein they will finally transfer you to a person.

Not that that is always helpful - their customer service personnel apparently go through only a very cursory training. I've twice had people that couldn't do anything without asking a supervisor for help. And I even recently had a supervisor that refused to allow me to speak to HER supervisor (that got them an FCC complaint from me!).

Overall, the cellular service is average, and the price cannot be beat. My suggestion is, if you want GREAT customer service, pick a provider that isn't trying to shave every penny to make a profit!

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Sep 11, 2007 10:11 am EDT

Customer service is a joke.

Arlington, US
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Mar 07, 2008 6:39 am EST

I noticed in my searches that MetroPCS holds its corporate offices in Dallas, TX. Specifically on Walnut Hill Ln...Suite 600. They ALSO have a customer service office @ 8144 Walnut Hill Ln, Suite 800 Dallas, TX [protected]. Pnone number [protected]. I am sure that a branch of the corporate offices HAS to be located in that SAME building. All you need to do is call that phone number, make up a name and company you are with, and when a rep comes online, apologize and say something to the effect of "I had asked to be connected to Suite 600. Can you transfer me back downstairs, please ?" Something to that effect SHOULD, in theory, get you transferred BACK downstairs. From there, maintain a calm air and ask for suite 600. When transferred to the receptionist there, explain CALMLY that you need to speak with someone in corporate relations within suite 600. I am sure that with the right savvy, you could worm your way into an office where someone with some clout will hear your plea and set things right. The first go- around may or may not get positive results. So I suggest practicing your patter, maybe in front of a mirror or just walking around your house, until you get it sounding somewhat professional.

If you want to play THEIR game, you need to play by THEIR rules .


Send a message
May 07, 2008 4:30 pm EDT

How terrible Metro PCS! How about that customer service? If you love talking to an endless loop of teleprompts that lead to NOWHEREand never give the option of speaking to a human, then this is the right company for you. Everyone else, stay far, far away from this dive.

Send a message
Jul 30, 2008 8:47 am EDT

I bought 4 phones from metro, on the 15th of the month under the impression that I would have the phones in 3-5 days. It is now the 30th of the month My credit card was charged 471.00, and No phones. Every time I call they tell me sorry our company does not handle this type of complaint. all the numbers they give me to call are invalid. And nobody can help me. Very frustrated.

J. Bentley
Send a message
Jul 30, 2008 3:30 pm EDT


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Jul 31, 2008 10:25 pm EDT

Well I did some research on Metro PCS and it's VP Of Corportae Operations is Mr. Braxton Carter @ Veri Sign . Their number is -[protected]. Maybe that can help someone because I will sure try tomorrow for a formal compaint also.

Bren Jobe
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Aug 14, 2008 10:19 am EDT

My speaker went out in my phone less than a month after I purchased it - I went to 4 different stores (including a so-called corporate store) located off Town East Blvd. beside the Mattress Giant. These are the rudest most aragant terrible people I have ever encountered! These people are scams! The authorized dealers can only take your money for your monthly bill and sell you a new phone - dont even think about getting anything else from them or believing any policy they may spew out - they either are too ignorant to know or they are just trying to get rid of you - either way - Metro PCS would grant ANYONE a dealership - THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU AS THEIR CUSTOMER - REMEMBER THIS!

Gersh Lemberger
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Aug 21, 2008 11:02 pm EDT

I bought a Metr PCS phone at their store located at 700N. Imperial Hwy, #103. I had a Phone number that I had for years ported in for this phone. I did this trans action om 7/19/08.

I was told that I would be able to make outgoing calls immediatly and that I would recrive incomming calls in a day or two. The phone didn't make out going calls and I called Customer Service at *611, it only took 50 minutes to get to speak with a human being and to be informed that the phone wouldn't work until the new number was ported in. Within a week my wife, who was using the phone, decided that she wanted another model. Upon presenting the phone at the store she was told that it couldn't be exchanged because it had more that an hour of use.

The first bill apparently was due on August, 19. We learned this because the phone stopped working. I again called to Customer Service, better called Customer Abuse, again it took more than an hour to speak with a person. I was aked for a pass word, I have none, I was asked for my name, apparently I got it wrong, I was asked for my address and was told that I had gotten my State and Zip Code Wrong, I was asked for my home phone number and I missed that one too.

Because Customer abuse was not able to verify my information I was told that they couldn't tell me the amount of my bill, but they would accept a credit card for an open payment. Yea sure,
just the folks that I want to trust.

I will go to the Metropcs store tomorrow and try to grt this straight.

I bet that if all of us whi have encountered this abuse were to file a class action suit we could prevail. Interesred? E-mail me

Send a message
Aug 25, 2008 3:08 pm EDT

To Whom it May Concern:

On August 8, 2008, I purchased "roaming minutes" and paid $53.00 for this feature. My phone number was [protected]. I was driving from Pompano beach to Indianapolis and knew that MetroPCS would not work after I got off the turnpike by Ocala. And I wanted a phone since i was traveling byself. To my dismay, the MetroPCS phone would not work. I had to get off the interstate and find a pay phone, and call MetroPCS. I was in tears, the the customer service rep told me that I should have activated my phone in Pompano Beach and there was nothing she could do. I then asked her to please refund my $53.00, which she said she would do and took all my information. I did not write down her id number as I was crying and on a phonepay. Needless to say, I was very upset. Since I could not drive all the way back to Pompano Beach, my only other option was to purchase another phone, which I did.
I have tried calling MetroPCS numerous times and all they can say is I'm sorry there is nothing we can do your phone is deactivated.
All I want is my $53.00 refund. Which I feel that I'm due. I paid MetroPCS for something that I never received. And here is the recipt to show that I did in fact pay for the services.

Send a message
Aug 25, 2008 9:36 pm EDT

No signal no customer service just westing my money

Send a message
Sep 22, 2008 5:24 pm EDT

Let them know how you feel

Greg Pressly
Vice President - Customer Care

MetroPCS Communications, Inc. 8144 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 800
Dallas, TX [protected]

Send a message
Oct 07, 2008 3:52 pm EDT

I ordered a phone online for someone else and i didnt get shipping confirmation or even a invoice for the purchase the charge is now pending on my credit card and i have no record of purchasing this phone besides my credit card. When i purchased the phone i was told to print an empty page and take it to a store. Im in another country and there is no metropcs stores here. One ### told me to go to the corporate store if i wanted to talk to corporate. No one would give me the number to the corporate office. Most claimed there wasnt one. This is really ridiculous. I just want my money or the phone. They kept transferring me to bill matrix and they only deal with the bills. And one of the supervisors hung up the phone. And now someone else just hung up the phone. Someone will help me eventually i will continue to call unitl they do. Never order phones on you will get screwed.

Send a message
Oct 16, 2008 1:16 pm EDT

I spoke to FIDEL (id # 10801) in the california call center over the phone. Rudest person ever, he even laughed at me at one point when I was asking for a refund stating that I didnt think they should charge a "convenience" fee when they mistakingly credited the money to next months payment (when I just paid it in FULL). All i asked was for my convenience fee back for the INCONVENIENCE they caused me. All i got were a bunch of rude employees who could only keep apologizing rather than fixing their mistake. The supervisor kept saying he couldnt provide me with his supervisors info because he had no supervisor. couldnt even provide me with a number to corporate. only an address.

PO BOX 601119 DALLAS TX 75360

Send a message
Oct 25, 2008 2:13 am EDT

It is a shame companies get away with this. I agree with all the comments made. I wonder if the BBB has information on Metro P------of-S---t. I wonder if their is a regulatory agency to contact to complain about them. I attempted to make a payment on line. I could not give my money to them if I wanted to. They make it so difficult and complicated. After clicking the submit payment on their website the screen said unable to display page? A supervisor said she has never had a complaint in all the years she has worked their and never heard of any customer unable to use their website to make a payment? She advised me to try it again which I did. The same thing happened two more times. Each time she assured me the payment did not go through unless it showed me a confirmation code for payment made and processed. Then the website gave me a warning and read unable to proceed because too many payments were made during this billing cycle? What?! This woman told me in 5 seconds she would not have access to my account due to maintenance issues with their computer system? She said I would need to speak with Billmatrix because they process all of their payments? She said some one is available now to speak with me. She wanted to get me off the phone as soon as possible. It was obvious. So I called Billmatrix as instructed. Could you believe a recording said no one is available to take your call and to call during normal business hours Monday through Friday?! She told me she was the customer service supervisor in the Philippines. DUH, What in the world does the corporate VPs and CEO do in this company?! Sounds to me and many people they are not interested in anything besides making as much money off us as they can, bottom line. Buyer beware. I rather pay more for good customer service. This company attracted me for the fact that they have not contract to sign and unlimited call time. Sounds good on the surface, but don't expect any customer service from this company. No Way. Minimum wage workers? It is sad to think about it.

rodney dyer
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Oct 30, 2008 6:55 am EDT

I never get service in my own home its worthless just weasting ur money. The last place I expect not to get service is my home.

Send a message
Nov 04, 2008 12:14 pm EST

I've been with metro for a while now i thought the service would get a little better. However that's not the case metro has taken payment then turned off my service!Then i bought a brand new phone with insurance but they didn't hold up to their agreement, if asked to speak to a supervisor i get all kind of reasons why i can not speak to one. It's not helpful to myself and others to pay our money for a half disrespctful service. I would like it someone can contact me about this situation as soon as posible please. My next step is the local news then it will be nation wide news i'll complain to about this problem to so please contact me at 407 - 351 - 4138home or [protected] cell thank you

Maurice Correa
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Nov 29, 2008 10:08 pm EST

Calls continue to drop more and more. Connection quality is has gotten worst with time. Is this company is going to ever offer g3 or even now g4 service.

John D.
Plano, US
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Jan 28, 2009 4:14 pm EST

I too am at wits end with metro. I switched phones and had them flash a new one. My text messages are only working to other metro pcs users. Well considering thats only 3 out of about 100 contacts that creates a problem. Well after 3 soft resets and a major rest that took 24-72 hours still, you guessed it not working. The one way can you can talk to a customer service agent is tell the automated phone you would like to activate a phone. Go figure if it is making money, like a new customer, presto they answer. However, they are not helpful they just keep telling me the same thing. So after about 5 hours i got a different answer from will id# 26657. He said the metro does not guarantee any text messages to non metro users. Awesome, i wonder why they don't advertise that on their t.V. Commercials. What a joke. To save money is to get crappy service.

Atlanta, US
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Feb 20, 2009 10:24 am EST

Here's your solution in the future when you're having any problems with metro pcs and their business practices, contact the regional headquarters for metro pcs at the number i have below.

This is not like the bogus 1-800 number where lies are being told, you will talk with a live person as soon as you call the number, and i've also listed the contact person to who you can speak with about your concerns.

Contact Sheree at: [protected]

Atlanta, US
Send a message
Mar 06, 2009 2:07 pm EST

CORRECTION TO MY COMMENT ON THIS DISCUSSION: The contact person is still Sheree but her direct phone number's [protected]

Miramar, US
Send a message
Mar 10, 2009 9:59 pm EDT

I called Metro PCS's "customer service" department because my grandmother's phone was roaming all of a sudden. The agent who answered informed me that earlier in the day the account holder called to request a phone number change. I am the only one that manages her account. She is nearly 80 years old and lives alone. I assured the rep that neither she nor myself called to request that change. Furthermore, the number that she had was originally her house phone number that she specifically requested to keep that number when switching to Metro.

Over and over the rep said the account security code info was given in order to make the change. I explained this absolutely had to be an agent error. Maybe, while trying to request a change for another customer, they transposed /changed a number and accidentally changed my grandmother's phone number. All he kept saying was that the security code had been given.

I requested to be transferred to a supervisor and got Victor (ID #8883). He was very unapologetic and matter of fact. Not only did they change her number but she had also been charged $5 for the change. Right now she is w/o a phone (that is her only one). They claim they were unable to activate the new number because "the caller" was using that cell to actually make the call and they couldn't reprogram the phone with the new number while actually using it.

Of course at this point I want to speak with the corporate office because these clowns weren't helping at all. He (Victor) gives me an address to the corporate office to which I must write a complaint. This is absolutely ridiculous! I also asked if they record their phone calls. They said that they do but not every call is recorded (What's the point?). And of course, they didn't have records of the phone calls. That was all taken care off by corporate. You know, the department that I have to WRITE!

Claremont, US
Send a message
Mar 12, 2009 5:33 am EDT

Anyone who is looking for the Corperate address for
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. can find the information on
their State's "Secretary of State" web site. The information shown below is from California. It is current as of 03/01/2009

MetroPCS Wireless, Inc.
Number: C1999935 Date Filed: 1/27/1997 Status: active
Jurisdiction: Delaware
2250 Lakeside Blvd.
Richardson, Tx. [protected]

Wes Vaughn

Cape Coral, US
Send a message
Apr 09, 2009 11:35 am EDT

I have a metro phone for my two 14 year olds. A 38 year old man continues to harass them, call them and threaten to kill then, slit my husbands throat, rape me and then take my 6&7 year old, where they will keep them. I do not know this man. He left voicemails to this effect but the detective couldn't get to the case prior to the 7 days before the VM is automatically deleted. I called in to get our incoming call log. I was told ohwell, they aren't available. I asked, so what if they are subpeaoned, they said we don't have them. I asked for corporate. They said that their only corporate were their stores. I think that them having a banner posted on their site that says 24 hour live agents is misleading and false advertising. This is insane!

Cumming, US
Send a message
Apr 13, 2009 9:46 pm EDT

Replace the last two digits with a different number, you'll be amazed at what pops up.
Using 66 in place of 02 gets Greg Pressley.
And so on.

Iv'e been two days trying to deal with this nonsense. They give you NO service at all.

Atlanta, US
Send a message
May 10, 2009 1:01 pm EDT

THEY SUCK! I have never had such high blood pressure that this STUPID ###ED LAZY CHEAP COMPANY like METRO! They are ignorant and that is IF YOU CAN EVEN TALK TO PNE PF THOSE REJECTS! They steal your money, over charge you, never answer their phone UNLESS YOU ARE FREAKIN SPANISH OR SOME SHYT! Are you SERIOUS! I recommend that NO ONE buys this crap. There are OTHER companies out there doing the same thing as metro and with EXCELLENT customer service. I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Metro and everyone else around me that has it now HAD it cus they got rid of the shyt! Oh and let me add in that every so often you CAN NOT TEXT FOR AN ENTIRE DAY because they are working on some shyt! Yeah right - TEACH THESE MUTHA F&%&S SKILLS and we would be GOOD TO GO!

Las Vegas, US
Send a message
May 24, 2009 2:01 pm EDT

I purchased 2 phones on a friday - one phone was inadequate and wanted to upgrade on monday. Now how ridiculousy STUPID is this company? They tell me too bad - can't upgrade my service or phones. I have to buy another phone. Their kidding right? I also tell them I want to add a 3rd phone. Too bad can't do that either. WTH? I'm been in business myself for many years and just can't remember ever turning away MORE business. The agent (putting it politely) tells me I have to wait until the 30 days I've already paid for to expire. Then come in buy the 3rd phone - pay $15 each to re-activate theother 2 and start a new contract. I have apparently stumbled into a Metro store where the intelligence level of the counter service person is barely above kindergarden. A customer walks in and wants to pay their phone bill while I'm still pondering her suggested path to 3 phones. She tells him his bill is $123 he says no it's $120. She tells him they charge you $3 to come in and give them money. Huh? Again I'm pretty sure I never charged any of my business customers to come and give me MONEY! Well that should have been my first clue as to the repubility of this company. No I have to admit I am genally always late to the party. So I take my hiney home and try to deal with the 2 existing phones I have for the next 26 days at which timeI will go back and play her game. So I'm having a problem with my blue tooth and can't get it to work. I call customer support which was a whole new adventure in itself. After endless prompting I do get a rep and they walk me thru my problem but all in all the qualty of this headpiece is shabby to poor and reception stinks and it basically just lays there next to the bed when I should be using it for driving hands free. I would suggest that if your going to use this compny just buy the phone. So moving on. When the 2 phones go dead I trot my behind over to the corporate las vegas store this time. I get a nice guy named David who sell me the 3rd phone and a new contract. Ya know - I think they have schooled these folks (customer s/r's) pretty well in the art of deception. They leave out alot of information - like the charging you $3 every time you come in to pay the bill. So my next 30 days is up. I want to pay my bill online. I try to
register and can't - after several discouraging attempts I decide to call c/s which is actually what the website suggests. I get the freeken tree trunk - boy if you could only reach thru the phone lines and strangle that wench it would be well worth whatever prosecution you would face just to have the pleasure of choking her. She keeps telling me she can "Help" me. My balance is $3 - now I know danged good and well my bill is $132 not $3. Over and over she tells me that. Remember that part about me always being late to the party? The light bulb is starting to go on - it's dim but on now. I finally get a c/s rep who eventually finds my account number - I'm explaining to her that I can't get online to pay and the website tells me to call them and I also add now how irritated I am with this whole process. She hangs up on me! I'm left staring at the website page and the phone and can't believe the wench hung up on me and there it is staring me in the face after a few clicks on the website searching for information. They charge you $3 to pay your bill - each month! They charge you $3 everytime you call c/s! That's where the stinking $3 charge came from that the tree trunk lady kept telling me I owe. So now I guess I owe them $6 once for the 1st call and now another $3 for the c/s rep who hung up on me?

So here's the deal folks - instead of writing to all these rip off website you need to call your State Attorney General's office and file a complaint against this company. I'm pretty sure what thy are doing is at best deceptive business practices. Call the Better Business Bureau. There's also a state by state agency that governs the licenses of telecommunications company's.
Call that corporate number every time you think of it. After all it's really there dime because you have unlimited phone time right? Write to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FoxNews, your senator and congressman - hell write to Oprah. Don't bother trying to actually communicate with the people who are robbing you - they don't care. Their really busy stealing your money and misrepresenting their program. Their like prostitutes - they just want your money. It's simple. So to continue to try to communicate with them is a total waste of time. I'm calling my AG tuesday morning. I also own my own website and have a blog section. Post your horror story about Metro PC on your u-tube - my space - your own websites - I'm posting this one right now and my website gets 600, 000 hits per year. Revenge is sweet. And remember "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. " Will Rogers

Vacaville, US
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Jun 01, 2009 3:30 pm EDT

If you want to know your rights as far as bills are concerned go to

My name is Robin and I am updating the site regularly.

What I do know is that Metro PCS partnered with Verisign to help get the company concept off the ground. I would suggest, since Metro will do nothing and they NEED Verisign...start taking your complaints to VERISIGN and see how fast they move. When you start effecting THEIR bottom line, things start happening.

Furthermore, Filing a Formal Complaint is wise. Go online and file with the BBB, File with the FTC, file, file, file. The squeaky wheel get's the grease.

These companies bet on the fact that you will get frustrated, too tired and just go away. Don't do this, it's what they are trying to get you to do.

Finally, if you signed a contract and THEY broke the agreement by not providing the service promised, then you must respond in WRITING and begin keeping detailed records of EVERY coorespondance and what was said, who said it, date, time etc. They ignore you because they can, you put nothing in writing and they can say they have "no record" of any issue. If you're not sure where to send your complaint, send it to everyone: The store you bought the phone from, the corporate office in Texas and then copies to BBB, FTC...ect. Eventually they will pay you just to leave them alone.

Go to for free information.


Send a message
Jul 21, 2009 11:36 pm EDT

metro pcs suckss...i've called more than 10 times in an hour and i can not get a live agent...My phone is still off and my bill is paid! They over charge me countless times... I'm NOT please!

the fred ster
Miami, US
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Aug 02, 2009 6:11 pm EDT

i have the same problem with metro...they charge more what they advertise and thats against the LAW..My mom took out of the services to pay less...and they told her that she still needs to pay the same amount...oh what about t mobile their network sucks...the phone are ALWAY'S DROPING...even with metro Peace of S***...why does america works like this...because thats how america all about money and no ching ching...

Davenport, US
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Aug 05, 2009 11:32 pm EDT

I bought a PCS phone on Saturday night (after dropping my first in a insurance) by Monday morning realized I couldn't deal with this Kyocera phone dropping calls, poor reception, etc. I bought it back first thing Monday morning. Thought, no problem, I have 30 days. Uh uh... I had gone a smidgen over one hour in talk time and was told, I CAN'T RETURN PHONE. THIS ISN'T MENTIONED WHEN YOU BUY THE PHONE. For the past six - 8 weeks I have been dealing with this phone, dropped calls, etc. Can't reach my husband from work. who recently had a stroke.. because calls continually drop.. This phone and Metro PCS is an absolute nightmare. By the way, tried to email corporate office and get a vacation response and be told to contact so and so.. but of course no email address. TIME FOR CLASS ACTION! RIGHT?

Tampa, US
Send a message
Aug 20, 2009 9:56 am EDT


I've been with metropcs for a while, they have been a very bad experience, I had a phone and i couldn't pay it in july, anyway i got money in august, my billing cycle was for august 14th, i asked the woman, how much do i owe and she told me well you just owe your monthly charge and it was a month to month service so you just pay for the month. anyway about 20 min after i connected my phone, a text was sent to me saying i owed 124$ and my phone was disconnected! i called from a differen phone and they said they disconnected my phone because I HAD TO PAY FOR THE MONTH OF JULY TOO BECAUSE THEY COULD OF GIVEN MY NUMBER TO SOMEBODY ELSE! anyway after hours on the phone and being hung up on and not being transferred to a manager, i explained that i did nor know about this and in the past i have gone months without paying, i pay for the month, and i never got charged for this and one of their representatives told me that i didn't owe anything, and i just pay month to month . MY PHONE IS DISCONNECTED SO THEY TOOK MY MONEY, LIED TO ME AND NOW I AM WITHOUT A PHONE, KEEP IN MIND I AM A STUDENT AND WORK FULL TIME, THEY ARE A CON AND I REALLY HOPE THE BBB CATCHES UP WITH THIS AND SEES WHAT THEY ARE DOING, THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS CHANGE EVERY MONTH. this is bogus.

angry ctomer
Philadelphia, US
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Aug 25, 2009 12:15 pm EDT

who do you complain to and where is the e-mail to metro pc's corporate office? every time you call customer service you get that dizzy ignorant computer that can't even follow directions. then after a 2 hr wait you finally get an idiot and theor supervisor who does not know what they are doing at all. they have changed without my consent my pen number and my accounr number. i was born 6/2/59 and my account as everyone should know is your date of birth. metro pc is going to tell me no mame that is not your date of birth and that your date of birth on your account is 01/07/1968 i told them you village idiot i am 50yrs of age i should know when i was born... then the supervisor is going to tell me that my pin number is the last four digits of my phone number or 1968 i am so tired of this ### it is not even funny they are so glad that you pay your phone on time but the village idiots at metro can't even funtion. after i got my account right they somehow re programed my phone and deleted everything off of it including ringtones and wall paper that you have to pay extra for. then they tell me to go to their corporate office here in philadelphia and they are just as stupid as customer service. i wish all of our complaints can be heard by a god lawfirm and we should sue metro pc for their scamming company in which they are. have it televised that there is a lawfirm that will here our complaints and a judge that will have a fair mind to help us sue them

aj brockman
Palm Beach Gardens, US
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Sep 14, 2009 11:14 am EDT

Are you kidding, I went to the local Metro store(Palm Beach Gardens, Fl) and purchased a new phone... my old one was beat, but still worked... after leaving I made and recieved several calls and everyone mentioned that It sounded like a tunnel. I went back to the Metro store the next day, and the super rude ugly ### said " I cannot take the phone back because thats our policy" "no refunds on new purchases" I said I want to upgrade to a nicer phone, , she said I am sorry no phone for you! OK I get it.. Thats why you do not take American Exspress as far as purchasing new phones or accesories go, .because American Express would back up the card holder in this particular case.. I get it now. Oh but you will take american exspress on line to pay your bill.. Very clever
I know that this group is cheap to use, however is really? Metro stores are a joke, there ### attitude and ugly service reps and I do mean ugly...are little corporation robots that do not understand customer care and relations.. therefor keep chasing good paying buisness away. Who is the jerk charge of customer relations and why is he? Oh and I finally found out what the PCS stands on the end of Metro " PIECE OF ###".

Ted Ehring
Pismo Beach, US
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Oct 19, 2009 4:37 pm EDT

How do I get financial information on Metro PCS California LLC

Ted Ehring
Pismo Beach, US
Send a message
Oct 19, 2009 4:38 pm EDT

Where can I get information (financial) on MetroPCS California LLC

waco, US
Send a message
Nov 10, 2009 2:43 pm EST

i was wanting a copy of call logs so i can get in touch with my ex so i can get my ### from him. The rep told me to go to the store I did the nxt day. Well wouldnt u know they told me in the store i have to go to the coroporte store and the nearest one to me is oh 2-3 hrs away. And on top of that i had to pay to get a copy of it. WTF is that bull ###. U expect me to drive 2-3 waste gas and my time to go out of my way when they can just print it off at the store or call corporate and have them fax it here. How hard is that? I hate Metro they do not work with u at all. All they want is the money.

Send a message
Dec 15, 2009 8:05 pm EST

This is why I switched to TeleVerus. unlimited voice, text and internet for only 59.99 a month PLUS good customer service.

San Jose, US
Send a message
Dec 30, 2009 2:32 pm EST

Corporate Offices
2250 Lakeside Blvd.
Richardson, TX 75082

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye...
If you've done business with MetroPCS, then you've probably encountered several issues: poor phone selection, shoddy coverage, roaming issues, fluctuating/increasing service fees (stark contrast to their flat-rate appeal), and some of the worst customer service out there (even today).

Recently, I paid for a full month of service before switching to another provider with better service, better phones, and better customer support. Despite only using the phone for five days, Metro PCS refuses to prorate or refund for services which they are no longer providing. Apparently, it is their policy to charge you the full month regardless of whether or not you deactivate the phone. Even those who use contracts are obligated to prorate and refund services not rendered. If a consumer is not satisfied with service and elects to use a new provider, the laws ought to protect consumer interest and demand reimbursement for fees charges for services no longer provided. Metro PCS should be obligated to prorate final usage and reimburse customers for days which they do not receive any service.

Metro PCS is all over the web for its infamous and greed-driven policies which consistently rip off customers.
File an official complaint and stop letting corporations take advantage of hard-working taxpayers.
We deserve better!


"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
-Beale in "Network"

Stock, US
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Jan 14, 2010 6:17 pm EST


I order two items through METRO PCS online store. One of the items was a cell phone and the other one was the accessories for the cell phone. The order was sent via FEDEX three day shipping, of course I had to be home when the phone arrived since I had to sign for the package. When I received the package there was NO CELL PHONE only the accessories. I went out the door to see if I could catch the the FEDEX service provider but he was gone. The first thing I did was to call METRO PCS and let them know about my missing phone. They asked me all kinds of questions and I told them all I needed is to find out what happened with the missing cell phone. The person I talked didn't know what I was talking about and said she had no access to such online order. I asked to talk to a supervisor and the supervisor just told me to go online again and fill out a form and that they would call me back and also to call FEDEX because it was possible the box had been opened. I did as he told me. I NEVER got a phone call back from METRO PCS as I was told. A couple of days later I got an e-mail that my son 10 yrs old could of have written better,
this is all it said in such e-mail:


A replacement phone will be shipping out tomorrow.

Thank you.

There was no other information regarding the order nor did it say when the phone would arrive. Now it has taken about three days since the original order was received or wasn't because there was no cell phone. So I decided to CALL METRO PCS again for the second time and try once more to find out what was going on with my order. They again asked me all kinds of QUESTIONS WHICH WERE NOT EVEN RELATED TO THE ISSUE I WAS CALLING ABOUT. The person that answered again said that SHE COULDN'T HELP ME AND GAVE ME A PHONE NUMBER TO CALL. I called MULTIPLE TIMES AND THE NUMBER GAVE ME A BUSY SIGNAL!
I CALLED METRO PCS AGAIN FOR THE THIRD TIME and I asked to talk to a supervisor. AGAIN I WAS ASKED ALL KINDS OF QUESTIONS NOT EVEN RELATED TO MY ISSUE. I said I just needed to talk to a supervisor and was told there was NO SUPERVISOR AVAILABLE. The lady said that on the e-mail that I originally received when I placed the order should have the information that I needed so I went back to that e-mail and guess what? The e-mail just had this number 888-8metro8 which is the number that I had called all this times.
I was fed up with all this and I called METRO PCS one more time and asked if there was a COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT and the person that answered just thought for a minute trying to process the question and responded as if not knowing what I was talking about that there was no such department. Again he started asking all kinds of questions and I said that all I needed was to talk to a supervisor, he responded that he needed all that information in order for me to talk to the supervisor (like if the supervisor was the president of the United States or something) I said that I needed to talk to the supervisor. He finally said that he will GO GET A SUPERVISOR... Get a supervisor? So I waited and he came back and said that there was no supervisor available and if I wanted to wait on the phone I could. I asked if there was anyone else I could talk to or a number I could call and he said no. I have looked online for a way to contact METRO PCS but there seems to be no other way! They have no other number where I could call. How convenient isn't it?

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    MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. PO Box 601119, Dallas, Arizona, 75360, United States
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    Feb 06, 2025
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Metro by T-Mobile is ranked 47 among 139 companies in the Mobile and Cell Phones category