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Malaysia Airlines Complaints 1007

10:40 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines baggage handling at klia

I am extremely unhappy with the handling of my bags during my recent flight from Bangalore to Kuala Lumpur on 29.10.19.

My father who is 84 years old and I were travelling on MH 193. Details as follows:

Booking reference: R25489
Premitha Damodaran
Dato Dr Anavangot Damodaran
We arrived around 7.30 am on 29.10.2019

Our flight was smooth and the flight crew excellent.

Upon passing through immigration we went to carousel J where our bags were supposed to come out. After waiting for 20 minutes, all bags had been dispersed and the carousel stopped moving. Our three bags had NOT arrived.

I asked the ground personnel who put me through to a very nice officer who came to help us. We showed him our baggage tags (enclosed) and he then tried to get the baggage handling section on the walkie talkie. There was no answer and no one was replying.

The carousel was not moving at all.

The officer in charge remained on the phone trying to get the baggage handlers. 15 minutes passed. No response. Suddenly the carousel started working and one bag pops up. The carousel stops again for another 5 minutes. Then it starts again and the other 2 bags pop up.

The officer in charge is puzzled as to why this delay and non response from the baggage handlers. And I as a MH customer is left wondering what went on with my bags. How ironical that all my 3 bags went missing at the same time.

I really want an explanation to the above and hope you would assist me receiving it.

Thank you.

Dr. Premitha Damodaran
Tel: [protected]

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1:16 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines online check in scam, irresponsible cabin crew and the whole booking staff, unethical behaviour of kl airport staff

My in-laws travelled in July and we had booked wheel chair assistance. My father in law is a diabetic patient and has to use the restroom quite often. He requested the wheel chair assistance person if he can use the restroom, he was declined and was advised to wait until he boards the flight which was 30 minutes later.

My parents travelled from Bangalore to Melbourne again yesterday(23 Oct 2019). On the flight from KL to Melbourne they were seated at seat 22A and 22C and they were given 1meal, when I had specifically contacted the call centre on 22 Oct and confirmed that they will be given 2 hindu veg meal. When my father questioned the cabin crew they had the audacity to say that we have only booked for 1 meal. How is the even possible only a dumb person would book 1 meal for 2 people when they pay more than $2000 AUD for the tickets. They do not have to book for meal it is by default they should be getting.

Also when I was trying to do the online check in for my parents, on the flight from KL to Melbourne they were given seats one beside the other, my mother was given 22c and my father 23C when I try to change the seat it said 22A is a seat which will incur extra cost. I wanted to check the price and changed it, however I did not confirm the seat. As soon as I changed my father's seat from 23C to 22A, 23C became a cost incurring seat. This is nothing but a dodgy way of making extra money.

My mother travelled from Mebourne to Bangalore in Sep 2016 and on the flight from Melbourne to KL, she was not given a meal and the reason they did not have any vegeterian meal. I did send an email to the complaints department and it took them more than 1 year to reply back with an apology.

Malaysia airlines is by far the worst airlines to travel. I would not advise any one to travel. They have the worst cabin crew and other customer service.

Malaysia airlines should declare themselves as a budget airline because they take money but won't give meals to customer.

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8:40 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines flight from KL to Perth

To whom it may concern,
I am writing to lodge a complaint regarding flights that we took from KL to Perth on the 8th October 2019, Flight MH-127 at 19.40. The three passengers were;
Wesley Richardson
Gabrielle Schumacher
Austin Richardson (Infant).
We had flown from LHR flight MH001 on the 7th October at 21.35. On this flight, as had been booked by our Flight Centre representative in the UK, we had a bassinet available for us as we were travelling with our 8 month old.
Unfortunately on the next flight we took from KL to Perth, there was an error and we were not issued a bassinet seat, we were seated behind the row which had 4 seats and 2 bassinets available. The people travelling in this row were a family of 4 with 2 children (about 8 and 10 years of age) which didn't need the bassinet.
We wanted to lodge a complaint as when we booked the flight we were advised that a bassinet was pre-booked for us.
As a result, the flight from KL to Perth was uncomfortable with an 8 month old on our laps for the full 5.5 hour flight, and no space to allow him to be on the floor at all. This in addition to the fact we had just travelled from London with an 8 month old immediately before this flight, put us in a less than desirable position.
We just wanted to lodge a complaint about this. We are unsure of an appropriate form of compensation, but will leave this to Malaysian Airlines discretion.
My email address is and phone number is [protected]

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4:06 pm EDT
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Malaysia Airlines staff behaviour

I m flying from Dhaka to Sydney. When attended counter for check in at Dhaka airport.

A staff member at counter next to business class asked me to place my baggage. I placed my baggage and he immediately told me that you have overweight about 37 kg and have to move few kilos.

Me and wife removed about 5 kilos and attended next counter and it showed 20.9 kg.

By this time that staff went offsite.

I collected his name as Nazmul Hussain GSA as mentioned by Ratul(another staff).

Could u please improve your customer service and avoid hassling travellers who chose Malaysian Airlines.

Ahmed Monzoor Choudhury
Passenger flight MH0167
Email:- [protected]

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5:27 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines my less than human experience flying malaysian airlines.

Horrendous, inhumane terrorism, unfeeling, uncaring, robot-sticking to the rules!

I have been totally terrorized and traumatized by my trip on malaysian airlines on october 8 (booking lte5uw) from new delhi to bali where I was moving to retire. I cannot sleep at night and awaken and it is as if I am reliving the horrible experience over and over again. I am feeling beaten, battered, shamed and worse... Everything people who have ptsd after being tortured or bullied by professional torturerers. Congratulations because malaysian airlines has succeeded in being even better at torture than those evil monsters at guantanamo because you accomplished the same without attaching electrodes to my testicles and electroshocking me or using attack dogs to harass me even more... Your check in staff are expert at passive aggressive torture... Maybe you should offer the american government training because you are such experts at mentally abusing your customers. Money has taken over malaysian airline's reason to be and there is not one touch of humanity left in it.

First let's go back to my previous flight rgkdns leaving delhi at 23:00 on 3 july 2019! I had booked my flight and paid the fare and was offered the usual possibility to upgrade to business class because the flights between delhi and bali were deemed eligible. I made a bid and was successful in getting the upgrade. The upgraded ticket informed me that I had a right to 40kg check in, so I packed accordingly. (at that time 30 kg was the amount granted for economy... Sometime between that booking and the one I had for october, corporate greed took over and without warning the amount of checkin for economy was suddenly reduced to 25 kg.)

When I arrived at check in, the less than educated malaysian check in crew informed me that I was overweight by several kg and that they could not waive my having to pay overweight for several kg in the amount of 8, 050 rupees! Even though I argued that I had a right to 40 kg for the complete flight. They told me that between kl and denpasar I was only economy and had to pay overweight based on that. I insisted that 40kg was on my ticket and was for the full itinerary but they charged me anyway, which made me angry and upset at the total lack of understanding or caring by these robots. Later I looked on malaysian's site and one of the faq answers to the question about upgraded luggage confirmed that I was indeed correct and that malaysian grants the 40kg for the entire trip even if only one leg of the trip has been upgraded to business. I have been intending to send a complaint about this and request a refund but after my trip back I was not only hospitalized twice for surgery but had only 30 days to complete packing for my move from india to bali... Which had me exhausted and feeling extremely sick when I went on 8 october to check in for my final trip to bali.

I demand a refund of the unfairly and incorrectly charged overweight for that trip and damages as well for mental harassment!

Regarding lte5uw my flight on the 8th of october, which became a nightmare experience I would not wish on my worst enemy... Here is what happened. First of all I booked the ticket well in advance believing that I would be offered the opportunity to upgrade to business class once more as happened every other time on the 6 previous flight to bali over the past 6 years, when I did not receive the expected email I went to the site and entered my lte5uw code and was informed that somehow my itinerary was not eligible for this upgraded... Without any explanation whatsoever. I had booked one way this time because I was moving to bali on my retirement visa which had taken two months to get during my stay from 4 july to 1 september. I had also decided to use a few frequent flyer miles because I was informed that at the end of august 900 of these miles would expire (why would or should they ever expire?). So now I had to presume that either the fact that I only booked one way or that I also used some ff miles to help reduce my fare by a small amount had somehow blocked me from the privilege of bidding to upgrade to business class which I had every intention of doing because moving entails more luggage. I was very disappointed and had to add 10 kg to my unaccompanied luggage shipment of 110kg which I sent through for the reasonable rate of 22, 000 rupees. I therefore packed 30kgs in my check in duffle. But just before the flight I discovered that I no longer had a right to 30kg but a reduced 25kg check in, so I proceeded to buy 5kg more luggage for $100 to ensure I would have no problem at check-in which turned out to be the opposite... It became an incredible problem for those at checkin who insisted on forcing me to check in a shopping bag which I had in addition to my carryon... Which had 6 kg of things I should've been able to carry on.

I was routed to the business check in line although I had checked in online and was waiting for processing there. Some of the same people from my experience in july seemed to be working... I recognized at least one of the women. No one was checking in to business and I was later surprised upon boarding that most of the business class seats were empty and that I could and should have been given the opportunity to upgrade after all.

They insisted that I could not take the shopping bag onto the flight and inspire of my already having paid $100 for extra baggage, they said that the 6kg in the shopping bag would cost me another whopping outrageous $125 for just 6 kg. I protested and said that I was always able before to take a small extra bag on the plane but they treated me like [censored] and said... No exceptions could be made or me a frequent flier who had wanted to upgrade but was prevented by whatever stupid rules malaysian has. They could easily have upgraded me to business considering my pleas to be treated like a human being but it seems malaysian is now a robot system which treats its passengers like meat or cargo and there is no room for doing even one kind act for an elderly person who protested that they were sick and exhausted and needed help.

Then I was further reduced to beggary by malaysian check in crew. I asked if they had a box to check in the open bag and they said no they had past, airlines had boxes to check in last minute items but malaysian provides absolutely nothing to relieve the situation. They put all my luggage on my cart and escorted me like a prisoner to the plastic wrapper opposite check in. I was being embarrassed and shamed in front of everyone. I had the bag wrapped which resulted in something the size of a bowling ball, when I suddenly realized that I did not have 400 rupees in indian currency and that my extra rupees were now encased in that same plastic ball. How was I going to pay? I told the nice indonesian passenger who'd allowed me to interrupt their wrapping to get mine done about the outrageous charge of over $125 for 6 kg and he was totally amazed and disbelieving... He will certainly never fly malaysian after hearing that!)... He saw my stress and while I asked if he could give me the needed rupees in exchange for the indonesian rupiah's I had, he just told me to forget it and and said he would pay for the wrapping himself. So thanks to malaysian airlines I became the equivalent of a beggar which I have never suffered the humiliation of being before in my life!

I was escorted with my bag back to the same evil unfeeling people who then processed as slowly as possible to process the transaction for the overweight luggage while still no business class passengers had arrived to check in. It took at least another 20 minutes of excruciating torture for the man to issue the receipts for the overpriced greedy charges. When I asked for my boarding passes the agent did not inform me or circle the gate number... Just handed me them like I was an untouchable trashy person. I told them I had never suffered such humiliation from any other airline and that thai airways was so much more humane... Which they are. I left check in to find myself having to open my carry on at security and empty the contents because there were some suspicious metal objects which the incompetent security staff felt were a danger to everyone at the bottom of the bag. The suspicious metal objects were several silver spoons that had belonged to my mother and grandmother. Since when are spoons dangerous? This just added more abuse to what had happened with your agents at check in. By that time I was swearing I would not ever return to india nor ever again fly on malaysian airlines again. The security agent was so nasty he said that I should never come back to india... How dare he!

Because of the trauma and shock I was in after going through immigration, I went to the wrong gate and sat there in shock until just before boarding time when I discovered that I had gone to the gate 7a which was in reality my seat number instead of gate 18 which was several kilometers away. I was lucky to find a cart that took me to my gate otherwise I possibly would not have arrived onetime to board. At that point I felt half dead, in shock and almost paralyzed.

I took my seat which was the window bulkhead just behind business class which was basically empty... I should have been in one of those seats if not for whatever rules prevented me from making a bid to upgrade! Shameful and stupid rules like this should be removed and those who thought them up should be fired. Malaysian is only about money and their passengers are nothing to them. Why push people to get more and more frequent flyer miles when you punish then later for using them... This is a double standard which makes malaysian look even worse.

Then when I thought at least I was okay in my seat, I was treated as if I was invisible when time came to serve the dinner. The crew which had been diligent in making sure my items were all stowed, walked by me as if I did not exist and they proceeded to serve everyone else on the plane except for me. It was only when they brought the cart back to collect the garbage that I asked them if they had forgotten me... And they rushed out of embarrassment to serve me. An indian woman in the middle front seat watched the whole thing happen with a shocked look on her face. After that meal, my stomach was totally upset and I experienced a terrible case of indigestion because I was so traumatized by this experience from beginning to end. On the flight from kl to denpasar I just held my breath and hoped that I would arrive in one peace. I wanted to get off the plane as quickly as possible and never get on another malaysian flight again in my life.

I demand an apology by your ceo and a total refund of all the overweight charges I had forced upon me both for the july 3 and october 8 flights. I also demand damages in the amount of $100, 000 for the mental abuse and torture that I was submitted to with a promise that nothing like that will ever happen again. I still remember how malaysian airlines cut short the search for the missing passengers on the plane that disappeared back in 2013 and I know many others... Especially the abused family members of those who died will never ever forget or forgive your airline for that abuse. You abandoned the search because it became too expensive and demonstrated clearly that malaysian airline respects profits above and beyond their customers which they treat like animals or even worse. I noticed many other complaints recently for the same reasons posted on the internet. Just one of the can be found at

You harassed that woman every much as you harassed me. I hope she sues your company and gets a huge settlement which she deserves. I am going to campaign and spread the word that as the world knows already, malaysian airlines is at best a third rate airline more interested in money than servicing its loyal customers. I felt sorry for the airline when the 2013 loss of that flight occurred but now I realize just how evil malaysian airlines is. Time to find that plane and the remains of those who died... Don't you think? No I guess thinking is out of the realm of malaysian behavior. Shame on you all.

I am going to post this complaint on that site and as many social media sites as I can... You do not deserve to survive as an airline if this is the treatment you mete out to your customers.

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11:36 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines overcharging me and rude staff

I recently travelled from malaysian airlines and I also tried to call the customer support in India, but it does not connect.
I was allowed 7kgs of cabin baggage and 25kgs of check-in baggage. I carry the same cabin baggage and also travelled with the same bag with Malaysian Airlines previously. They never had an issue before, but this time they rejected the bag saying that it was too big to be a cabin bag. How is that even possible when I carry the same bag frequently? On top of that, when I went back to the check-in counter, the Malaysian Airlines staff was very rude and charged me with $403 for that bag. I was politely trying to explain my situation to her, but her sentence was ' I am giving you 4 mins to decide if you want to board the flight or you want to pay $403 and send it in as a check-in baggage'. This behavior is totally inappropriate and you cannot overcharge me for your fault. I really want to talk to a complaint handling staff of Malaysian Airlines. I have been trying to contact them for the past 3 days but the number provided online does not connect.

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12:06 pm EDT

Malaysia Airlines mishandling of the baggage


I raised a complaint earlier and its reference GTS00794-10/2019. Also I had replied to the email seeking for clarification and mishandling of my baggage, where the trolly was no accessible nor nor working after the delivery of the baggage. I have wrote couple of emails but no response.

I seek your response on mishandling of my baggage which leads to breakage of the trolly handle and it can't be used anymore.



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11:06 pm EDT

Malaysia Airlines delayed checked in baggage

I was travelling on MH from CGK -KL- MAA. MH 0726 and MH182 on 5th OCT. I didn't received my baggage and raised a complaint to the ground staff at MAA airport. Also filled the Property irregularity report.

The staff gave a duty number to contact on the status of the baggage, while I was trying to reach the number for more than 3 times and it was unanswered. Duty number - [protected]
Not sure what is the purpose of having a duty number. Nevertheless would like to know when I will get my delayed baggage.

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9:59 pm EDT

Malaysia Airlines food voucher claim

hi good morning,

according to the subject, i want to express my feelings of disappointed with the malaysia airline service.

i am travelling from MIRI to KUL on 3rd oct (6.00am). for your information my friends and i were booking for a business class tic and we suppost to get our meal on plane. But, were informed that the meal on the plan insufficient so that we got a notes for our voucher claim,

the problem came during the claim, were waiting for the officer to give us our voucher almost 1hour since we didnt get any meal on plane. i am so disappointed with malaysia airlines management. this issue was so simple but cannot be managed well.

i rate this time 2 out of 10 for malaysia airlines services. we pay for a business class but were been treated as homeless who asking for food. Im not satisfied with the service and the payment we need to paid.

thank you

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6:31 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines flight change

My flight on 14/10 has been changed from MH2585 to MH2593.
1. No reason is given. This is not very satisfactory.
2. The new flight is somehow (a bit) cheaper. No mention of this.
3. I lost my reserved seat and got another seat.
4. I now have to spent 3 more hours waiting. Very inconvenient

Maybe this is not a major complaint, but it is not the first time either.
I am not requesting to resolve this particular flight change. But I would like to see more respect for the customer.

From Enrich member [protected]

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6:47 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Malaysia Airlines has left an official reply on this complaint.

Malaysia Airlines flight service

To whom it may concern,
I flew on flight MH0131 from Kuala Lumpur to Auckland Friday 27th September. I paid 2451$ for this flight. Seat 50H was assigned to me: when I boarded the flight I noticed the huge difference in key room between what I had and what the middle aisle passengers had. I am 5 foot 5 and struggled to sit comfortably. The lady next to me on the middle aisle had no issues with meg room what so ever and when we had a conversation she had actually paid less for her flight. Please see photos attached.
Also this was a 9 hour 30 minute and my media was not working. I asked the staff 3 times to try get it to work and none of them did anything about it. After 2 hours into the flight I stood up and went to ask them again and they just responded with ‘it's not working and we need an engineer to fix it'. Offered no solution. As you could imagine I was very unhappy not to have a media service for such a long flight.
This is completely unacceptable for the amount of money I paid. I do wish you will take this matter seriously and come to some sort of a solution or compensation.
I am a frequent flyer between New Zealand and Europe and this has been the most unsatisfactory flight to date.
Maria Gleeson

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5:20 am EDT

Malaysia Airlines compensation

I am writing to complain about the fact of not being compensated for my onward travel that had to be re booked due to a 5 hour flight delay with Malaysian airlines.
I was booked onto MH002 on 11/03/13 from KL to London Heathrow.
The plane was delayed for 5 hours due to one of the engines blowing up and needing to be fixed.
Whilst spending 5 hours in the airport from 00:00- 05:00 with lack of food and most shops closed, I approached a member of staff at the Malaysian airlines information desk to let her know that I would now be having to buy another onward travel train ticket and taxi fare as I would now miss the original one id paid for due to the plane being delayed.
I was assured by the member of staff that I would be reimbursed for this on my return to the UK once I contacted Malaysian airlines.
However to this day I have not received a penny, just a letter saying thank you for sending evidence and that someone would get back to me shortly but that Malaysian airlines were experiencing a high volume of requests at the moment.
I find this completely unsatisfactory.
Please advise what to do next
I look forward to hearing from you
Many thanks
Stefanie Wiseman

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Aryan Russ
Aryan Russ
Sep 27, 2019 6:26 pm EDT

It is useless to submit the complaint more than 2 times to the same entity /official.
The solutions is the UK court only, where you need to have the evidences of vilations of your rights in regard with the exact flight.
You can hire a UK lawyer for 120GBP per 1 hour or you can find the legal professional, who can assst you fora smaller fees, for example to create he complaint and to submit the complaint, but you will apper before the judge, whom you can give the detais, by yourself.

9:52 pm EDT

Malaysia Airlines I am complaining about the cost of extra baggage

I am writing to complain about the cost of the extra baggage that we had paid. Nobody helped us before to the check-off. We wanted to call you but you don't have any phone in Europe, so we couldn't. And when we were at the airport we didn't have any option, so we should to paid.

You paid 684€ just for an extra baggage 18kg!

Date of the incident: 11/09/2019
ID Booking: [protected]
Booking Reference: QT9Z4G / TGUTNR

Flight number: BA0477 From: Barcelona El Prat To: LONDON HEATHROW

Taking everything into consideration, we must insist on an immediate refund.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

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Oct 26, 2019 6:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

to Aryan Russ: The Airlines have records for every person they process and they should be able to find the information regarding the amount over paid... they are just lazy and will try to force the person to produce the receipts etc.which I assume they can. According to this site, they send the complaints to the company involved. In any case, they should also complain when they submit the request for review that Malaysian sends...

You must either enjoying playing devil's advocate or maybe you work for them yourself?

I agree with this person, the overweight amounts per pound/kg are totally out of control and are meant to just generate more and more profits for these companies which are less and less customer oriented. It all started in the USA which probably is even more egregious in this regard. They even charge for carryon and you don't even get a meal.

Time for airlines to start treating their loyal customers like human beings.

Aryan Russ
Aryan Russ
Sep 27, 2019 6:31 pm EDT

This is not the site of the Malaysia Airlines.
There are no PNR/eticket/EMD attached, which prove your expences and paid amount.

In general, you can claim the overpaid amount, if you have sufficient knowledge, based on the ICAO conditions of the ticket, against the entitity whom you had paid to or in which favour such paymend had been done.

7:07 am EDT
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Malaysia Airlines flights and customer service/care

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to complain about Malaysian airlines and the customer service which we received, which was appalling and totally non supportive.

We were due to fly with Malaysian airlines on 01/08/2019 from Bali/ Denpasar to Medan at 0:01:10 on flight MH860. Unfortunately we woke up on the morning of 01/08/2019 to discover that we had missed our flight, a text message had however been sent late to my mobile phone at 01:10 saying the flight was ready for boarding, when in fact it had already left. We however went to the Denpasar airport and went to the Malaysian airlines office to seek help and advice and they were most unhelpful and just said to contact Malaysian airlines directly over the phone. We ended up having to buy 4 new tickets to fly from Bali to Medan on the 4th August at 01:10 on the MH860 flight at a total cost of £450.93.

On our return journey we arrived at Medan airport on 25th August at 1:45pm. Prior to this I had been sent 4 emails so that we could check in online, which I tried to do but the online check in failed to work and the message I received was to check in upon arrival at the airport. However when we tried to check in at the airport, the customer adviser said that there was no reference to our booking and that we would have to contact Malaysian airlines over the phone, as they could not do this. I spoke with two different customer advisers for about an hour on the phone to try and resolve the problem, they finally said that because we had missed our original outward bound flight on 01/08/2019, it made the return journey null and void and cancelled. Low and be hold when I returned to the check in desk the adviser was speaking to the Malaysian airlines on the phone, when he had told me that he couldn't do this, when in fact he could. We were not allowed onto the flight, and ended up again having to buy 4 new tickets again this time with Lion air at a cost of 2, 312600 Indonesian rupiers per person, together with an excess baggage allowance charge of 3, 705000 Indonesian rupiers.

I am extremely annoyed and angry by the lack of customer care and service we have received from Malaysian airlines and the very poor communication, which was totally lacking. Malaysian airlines should of notified us firstly by text or email a few hours before to alert us to the fact that we needed to check in on the flight. Also you should of emailed me to explain that are return ticket had in fact been cancelled, rather than sending me online checking in emails and having gone to the airport and having to deal with most unhelpful and non supportive customer adviser staff whose names are Siska and Rahul ROy.

I demand that we receive compensation and Malaysian airlines should refund us in full for both of the new tickets that we had to buy because of the very poor communication and total lack of customer care that we received.

I look forward to hearing from you very shortly regarding all of the above.

Yours faithfully,
Kirsteen Siallagan

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6:45 pm EDT
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Malaysia Airlines flight mh0126 perth to kuala lumpur 14 august 2019

On 14 August my parterner and myself flew from Perth to Kuala Lumpur.
Fight No MH0126 on our way to London.
I have flew with Malaysia airlines many a time and have always been very happy with the service.
But this flight I feel it is very important you get feed back to avoid this experence happening again.
We booked our seats online and were checking in .When the staff member at the check in counter told us our seats need extra payment .But she could put us in other seats which also had good leg room and didnt have to charge us.
We excepted but did not realize it was next to the toilets.This is a area on planes i try to avoid normally. As you can get unwanted odours coming out from time to time.
The flight took of and every thing was okay.Then passengers started using the toilet and i noticed the toilet door was not closing .Which was a little disgusting .Then as expected the odours started get very unpleasant. I spoke to the flight attendant about the door not closing and was told they new it was broken but did not have time to fix it.At one point the door came of its runners and A flight attendant had to put the door back on its runners.
At this point the toilet should have been closed and not used again till it was fixed.
So for the next 6 hours my partener and myself plus the people behind our seats .Constantly got up and tried to keep the door closed One because of the light in our face.But the main reason was the smell was disgusting.
We are flying back to Perth on the 12th September and was hoping not to be near the tiolet again.
I feel this situation needs to be compensated with something. To help us forget this nightmare experience.
If you dont feel this situation was a big deal.
Please take a chair and sit outside a toilet cubicle for 6 hours and then let me know what you think.
I look forward to hearing back from Malaysia airlines in regards to this situation
Kind regards
Philip Snow

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Update by Ella Davies
Sep 18, 2019 8:10 am EDT

Dear customer service officer.
We submited a complaint on the 9 September 2019 in regards to our flight No: MH0126 on 14 August 2019, and we did not hear back from you. When can you respond to this complaint ?

Kind regars
Ella Davies and Philip Snow

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8:26 pm EDT

Malaysia Airlines additional baggage

Malaysian Airlines
Dear Sir/Madam
Graeme Symonds
Booking agent:
Booking number [protected]
Airline Booking reference R5M7A7
On the 29th August I flew Malaysian airlines from Adelaide to Manilla via Kuala Lumpur) . The flight from K L to Manilla was a shared flight with Philippine airlines. The check in Baggage allowance was $25 Klg. I tried several times, including the day prior to departure to purchase additional baggage but to no avail. I was able to access seat allocation on the section Adelaide to KL. But could not get access to baggage on either the Adelaide to KL leg or the KL to Manila leg. The site told me that I needed to purchase additional luggage at the check in counter.
At the Adelaide Airport check in counter I was told that I should have purchased my additional baggage allowance online, as it was very expensive to purchase the additional baggage at the airport. I told them that I had tried to purchase the additional baggage online and it was not possible, that online told me I had to purchase the additional baggage at check in.
My excess baggage was 10klg. 10klg that cost me $415.00.
This is unfair and outrages especially considering I was unable to purchase additional baggage prior to coming to the airport. I had also read somewhere that my additional baggage would be charged at $8.00 per klg. A rate that I was prepared to pay.I was charged $41.50 per klg.
I hereby request your kind consideration to charging me a reasonable amount for excess baggage and to provide me with a refund.
Thank you
Graeme Symonds

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Update by Graeme Symonds
Sep 06, 2019 8:29 pm EDT


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3:50 am EDT

Malaysia Airlines item lost - ipad (black casing)

I unintentionally left my iPad on the pax waiting seat area near Gate 16 boarding counter prior to boarding. I sat on a seat leaning against the wall facing the gate boarding counter. I was wearing green shorts and carrying a sling bag around my shoulder. Please check the respective cctvs from 0810 am until 0910 am this morning. I have reported to the Cabin Manager for the flight MH0072 on the departure and she in turn advised the captain.
Kindly assist me in recovering my iPad and deliver to me using FedEx to the address below. I will reimburst the cost accordingly.


Mobile +[protected] (WhatsApps)
Email: [protected]

Address in Malaysia
No 52 Jalan Arca U8/78
Bukit Jelutong Timur
40150 Shah Alam

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Thank you

Radzi Bakar
ID No [protected]
Ticket Confirmation Number: KPRQHG

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7:22 am EDT

Malaysia Airlines counter check in toooooo slow

Train the staff and ask them to be more efficiency.

I arrived in the airport three and a half hour before the flight departed. I arrived even earlier than I usually did becoz I was planning to spend some time in the tax free shop. It took me more than two hours waiting for bag drop. There were only two counters for people who have done the checked in online beforehand. And the staff progressed way slower than anyone expected. It doesn't make sense and even unfair for those who finish check in beforehand. This is totally wasting customers time!

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3:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Malaysia Airlines has left an official reply on this complaint.

Malaysia Airlines flight refund request


My name is Michael Olabode
I called the airline up to request a special meal because I only eat lacto vegetarian foodstuffs. the airline failed to provide me with any food on the way to London AND on the way back from London, even though it was confirmed by them both over phone and at the service desk during stopover.

I would like to be refunded my flight as this was absolutely unnecessary and unacceptable especially with the fact that I had such a long haul flight. And on top of that I was expected to eat bacon?

Thank you

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Update by MikeyMike111
Sep 09, 2019 11:15 pm EDT

Your email comes up as [protected] - that's an invalid email

and I went through your website, it sent me to here

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8:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Malaysia Airlines defective product doclab hydro renewal ampoule

Booking Ref SRLN3H

I would like to seek refund for my recent inflight purchase of DocLab hydro renewal ampoules on board flight MH140, from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur, on 29th of August.
Upon reaching destination, after opening the box I found there were 2 ampules missing.

I was very disappointed that I cannot use the product without the full set.

I am taking the return flight back to Sydney on 6th of September on flight MH123 and would appreciate to have this matter resolved. Look forward to your response. Regards Juanita Margaret Uzaraga

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Update by Juanita Margaret Uzaraga
Sep 08, 2019 7:24 am EDT

To date I still have not received any response to resolve the complaint which is really appalling!

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About Malaysia Airlines

Screenshot Malaysia Airlines
Malaysia Airlines is a major airline operating flights from its home base in Kuala Lumpur to destinations across Asia, Europe, and Oceania. It offers passenger and cargo services, with a fleet that includes wide and narrow-body aircraft. The airline provides a range of classes, in-flight entertainment, and a frequent flyer program.
How to file a complaint about Malaysia Airlines?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint with Malaysia Airlines on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one on the website.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Malaysia Airlines in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Malaysia Airlines. Include key areas of concern, relevant transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the company's response.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any additional supporting documents that can help validate your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint to

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure to follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint with Malaysia Airlines on

Overview of Malaysia Airlines complaint handling

Malaysia Airlines reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Mar 26, 2008. The latest review My booking 6wqsd5 and 6ww7v7 was posted on Jul 8, 2024. The latest complaint complaints misunderstanding & services of open ticket was resolved on Dec 19, 2019. Malaysia Airlines has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 1007 reviews. Malaysia Airlines has resolved 118 complaints.
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  4. Malaysia Airlines address
    Ground Floor, Admin Building 1A, MAS Complex A. Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Subang, 47200, Malaysia
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  6. Olivia
    Checked and verified by Olivia This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jul 08, 2024
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Malaysia Airlines is ranked 31 among 221 companies in the Airlines and Air Travel category

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