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Combined Insurance Complaints 36

12:13 am EDT

Combined Insurance Beware

I have been a Combined Insurance customer for many years with a wide variety of policies, as have other members of my family.

I became disabled from a Worker's Comp injury several years ago. I was diagnosed with multiple injuries, but was told by Combined Insurance my policy only covered one injury at a time.

A year into my policy, Combined started bawking at paying, despite receipt of all the required paperwork. I filed a complaint with the NYS Insurance Dept, citing bad faith insurance policies, as there was no reason for Combined Insurance to deny payment.

They subsequently paid on the claim, much later, and without the benefit of interest, but in the meantime I contacted an attorney. Come to find out I was eligible for benefits under each of my separately stated injuries. I have been attempting to get my money out of Combined for six months now. They deliberately misled me, and now to sue costs a lot of money I don't have (not to mention energy due to illness).

Combined used to be a solid company, but clearly belongs now in the category of micro insurance currently being invested by the government for failure to pay on mini-policies due to lack of funds. Beware.

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5:55 pm EDT

Combined Insurance Incompetence

Run Forrest Run!

DO NOT use this company. They are a bunch of incompetient people.

They will double bill you and then when you catch them at it even though they can see it on their payment history they will make you prove to them they did it.

They will lose your personal information and then call your relatives and discuss the problems with them.

They obviously don't communicate with each other because we told them we don't want their insurance, even closed out one of the bank accounts they were pulling money from and they continue to harrass us by phone and mail and are now harrassing the bank that we closed the account with. Still trying to get their money from a bank we told them we closed. UNBELIEVABLE!

This company is a total JOKE. Spend your money elsewhere!

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2:48 pm EDT
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Combined Insurance wasted 5 good working years

So where do I start, well if ur considering a career in insurance DO NOT WORK FOR COMBINED. U will be overworked and underpaid. They are the lowest paying insurance company in Canada. The managers job is to sell u a dream and an opportunity. During the interview they act like they've interviewed on overwelming amount of applicants however thats far from true. Each provience has one executive. The executives are extremly dilussional and ONLY care for themselves. The dream is to one day become an executive but by the time u figure out that a Combined executives salary is ONLY $50000 a year, they recieve a company car but taxed HEAVILY on it, it's too late by then and u've wasted a bunch of time. The executives will ALWAYS push u to do greasy things, diffrent ways to decieve clients, lie to agents, anything for the executives to bonus. As a matter of fact the Executive in Saskatchewan is ACTIVELY commiting FRAUD and the higher ups know about it and they refuse to do anything. Actually the individuale who discovered the fraud was TERMINATED FOR REPORTING IT. And when it comes to nepatisam...this company is ahead of others. The Executive on the West coast is ONLY in that position because of the balls sac he was shot out of. His daddy is the reason y he is where he is, what a sad pathetic exsistance. The Executive in MB., at his own admitance is a closet homo (I'm sorry people had to find out this way).
Combined will try to sell u on the residuale income, now if u play ur cards right u can build a large residuale income, however they fail to tell u that the company owns the residuales and not the individuale. They also hold back the residuale payout in sad, I'm sure this selfish act has reuined many Christmas'. Now if u callculate ur residuales on the monthly report the company sends and what u actually recieve in ur account u will notice a HUGE disscrepincy and if left unreported that adds up to thousands of lost income. Also ur residuales dissapear after five years. Combined will make u go after another mans dream, thats what the company was founded on. I have left this filthy, unethical orginization. As a result I gave up my residuale income which was over $50, 000/yr and in my oppinion it is DEFFINATLY worth it. Approximatly 9 people have left the organization as a result of my resignation. The company has tryed desperatly to disscredit us with slandeouse letters sent to clients about those who have left and encourage their agents and managers to activly tell people thing about us that are not true. PLEASE DO NOT b dilissional and fall victim to their empty promises u will b sorry. NOBODY in Combined has become a millionare as some of them claim, u may even fell sorry for ur manager if u were to c how they actually live. DO NOT B LIED TO!

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Update by mrpma
Mar 19, 2011 11:19 pm EDT

wow you nailed the nail right on the head.


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Saskatoon, CA
Oct 05, 2011 5:04 am EDT

Thanks for the information. I spoke to one of their guys today and was going to talk turkey with the manager here. Thewy promised me a big book of clients which was enticing.

Common Coach
Hoboken, US
May 17, 2011 8:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I simply left because everything about the 'outfit' was a joke. Had interest in supplemental insurance to upsell so called established client base. Once I joined I was then told that existing customers I would get paid 35 percenct instead of 45. Okay. So I did so. When I sold to new customers and went back to them with more product. I was told that I was getting paid 35 percent. What happened to the other 10 percent? I was told that once sold that it's automatically 35. Not fair! So 35 percent on a product that is paying say 26 dollars a month. Not to mention your taxed. So your left with enough money for a cornbeef sandwich and the servicing of the client forever. Did I mention that one of their products only pays 20 percent? That customer better be walking distance from my apartment. No thanks. I found a company that also offers leads and pays me 80 percent my first year and great renewals. Year two 70. Year three 60. Year 4 55 percent. Not to mention a support staff. Not an empty office with pictures of WC Stone. Excuse me for shopping around. But their are plenty of pruducts that can compete with Combined and that you get compensated for doing the right thing.

here, Manitoba, CA
Mar 24, 2011 10:24 pm EDT

not sure about the closet homo however...

This post is written to simply convey my opinion and to share some of my experience with Combined Insurance (CI).

I worked with CI from 1999 until 2010. Started as a trainee, then agent, then Sales Manager, then Trainer, and ended as a District Manager.

I've read the posts and am familiar with the CI systems. The policies are decent and do exactly what they say they do...NOTHING be sure you understand what you are buying.

To keep this short and to sum up my experiences I have to tell you that I've met a few terrific people who work with CI...I've also met some terribly slimy people.

Over the course of my tenure it slowly became obvious that CI is not an insurance company as much as it is a Direct Marketing Company.

As agents/field managers we would try hard to do what was right for the consumer but that was never the focus of the executives. Their focus was sales and increase.

I tried to make/leave a positive impression for the company and the industry as a whole. I trained my people to do the same. Many of us were very ethical.

Unfortunately I've seen it proven again and again that the unethical/slimy people see to do the best. They rise to management positions based on the volume they sell...not the quality of their business or character. Lately in Manitoba these decisions to reward criminals has come back to bite a certain manager with the initials BK. He has ignored the signs to perpetuate his increase and bonus and suggested several times that the honest low-to-average producing agents/managers must be more like the criminals who are wildly successful. Many of the wildly successful agents have been terminated and have charges pending. Some have started working with competing companies and are starting their cycle over again.

In closing, understand that there is good and bad in everything. The people that I most despise in CI would be horrible people to work for/with in any industry...their just not morally strong people.
The criminals seem to do well as they use more of a marauder mentality where you take what you can as fast as you can then you get out.

CI did help me support myself and my family but it was hard work. I sacrificed my time and my family to try to make a business work that wasn't really my own. In the end it wore me down and ended the 15 year relationship I had with my wife. There are many things I should have done differently but unfortunately I was naive and easily led. I assumed everyone shared my ethics...I was wrong. Had I put the effort into something else a bit more ethical I would be much further ahead.

Contact me through this forum if you wish more info.

In closing I would say that I enjoyed the clients, most of my co-workers, and some of the experiences that CI brought to my life, however, if I could go back to November 1999 I would go with my gut this time and say 'No thanks, it's just not worth it'.

3:22 pm EST

Combined Insurance I have had this insurance for many years and i have NEVER had any problems with claims

This is a good company these complaints are probably because they did not give the correct or relevant information they required. my wife had a knee rupture from slipping and twisting her knee and it bled. we were out of town and had to go to the hospital to have it drained. had to return home and on the way had to stop at the emergency room to have them check it again to see if it was still bleeding (as it was friday night) and our doctor would ot be available. After many visits and orthopedic doctor evaluations she sent in the paperwork and hospital/doctor info. it took less than 2 weeks and she recieved 2100.00. now what is so wrong with this company?

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12:28 am EST

Combined Insurance Refuses to Pay

The company collects premiums from supplemental insurance programs such as a "Hero Plan" but makes the claims process so inconvenient it’s not worth completing the process. Every attempt to resolve a claim is meeting with some request of obscure documentation that is of course time consuming to obtain. The claims representatives are about as pleasant and helpful as a DMV employee at 5 pm on a Friday. Then when you finally cancel the policy Combined Insurance continues to bill you then make you go through the process of obtaining a refund. Unless you enjoy filing paperwork in quadruplicate I suggest avoiding the worthless organization all together.

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Kent and Marta Johnston
Stockton, US
May 21, 2014 3:13 pm EDT

Right you are!

2:40 pm EDT

Combined Insurance Rip off

Me, my father and my grandmother have been customers for over 30+ years... he passed away and i tried to file a claim for his hospitalization insurance and they wanted to give the money (what little they were going to pay) to his ex wife, not to me or the hospital to help pay the bill... who ridiculous is that... i am now dropping my policies...what a shame we have wasted money for so lomg. i feel bad for the others who are being ripped off... after reading all these reviews I am blown away...seems like such a scam

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Fleetwood, US
Aug 24, 2010 9:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Insurance policies are legal contracts, and the Company is bound to pay only the beneficiary named in the policy. It appears that he failed to change his named beneficiary after his divorce.

I think the company did what they were required as dictacted by Insurance Law.

3:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Combined Insurance SO RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL

Upon Lois trying to get in contact with my boss to sell him insurance she called several times and each time I tried to help her only to be greeted with RUDENESS and complete UNPROFESSIONALISM. Then after several days of her not being able to get in contact with my boss she comes into the office. She asks for my boss and when I told her he wasn't here you would have thought I killed the president. She was completely unprofessional and demanding throwing a fit right in front of my customers - this is not a good sales tactic! I have advised my boss to not buy from her because of her continuous rude interactions. God forbid we did buy from her and then actually need something, I'm sure we'd be met with the same unprofessionalism.

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Lansing, US
Feb 27, 2012 7:06 pm EST

I always debate when people use the word Rude and Unprofessional, especially when there is no detail explanation of what happened at that time. First of all, some people use it as a catch all phrase, as if everyone has the same definition of what rude is. Secondly, if you can't go into any detail of exactly what happened or was said, you probably had nothing to be begin with in the first place and are too embarassed to put it into your own words to someone else. The one that was rude and unprofessional was the one that couldn't deal with the person on a one on one basis without going to a higher authority or complaint avenue.

Lansing, US
Aug 29, 2010 9:10 pm EDT

I have bought insurance from Lois Hallifax and found her to be very knowledgeable about the subject and has helped me file a claim. She also has found money that I was unaware of and was able to obtain on another claim. I do not hesitate to call her with a question about my policy. I have followed up with buying 2 other policies from her. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to buy insurance.

A. Hall

2:20 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Combined Insurance Working for Combined

I was contacted by Combined and much to my mistake decided to work for them. There is this 2 week of training that focus on what W. Clement Stone wrote. I read two of his books and much to my surprise; I find much of his work is based on psychological studies that he distorts to justify his point of view. Even in the training there is a ###zation of a quote from Socrates. My office my first week I was on my own, my supervisor said nothing to me and I was given a listing of policy holders, active and lapsed, as well list of leads, and was told nothing. My second week I attend a meeting by the Manager in which he continued to call everyone "Stupid". I also had a private meeting with the Manager in which I got more listings...many with DNC (D0 Not Call) meaning under the law we can not contact them. The Manager told me to call them regardless and watched over me. After over 6 hours he then reviewed my performance with me and use words "slow" "whimp" "stupid" for me and the clients, those with claims as "taking the Combined" . Then I spent a day driving around town with my supervisor who did not say much. At the end of the day after the only person we actually meet he called me "Cold Blooded" "slow" and "heartless" just to name a few. I was thinking of pulling to the curb and telling him to get out of my car. Instead I drove him to his car and decided working for Combined was not for me. I never went back nor called them. I was told I was to receive a weekly advance and gas mileage, but only got it for the lst of 4 weeks I worked at Combined. After this experience, and two previous negative experiences working for insurance companies I turned in the license.

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Smoky Meadow Farm
Jun 16, 2011 3:45 pm EDT

You had jobs with three separate insurance companies and they were ALL bad experiences? Hmmm... what is the common denominator here?

5:09 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Combined Insurance Not paying claim for surgery

Filed a claim with Combined Insurance for my hip replacement surgery. I was diagnosed at the age of 4 with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I had my first joint replaced in 2006. They paid for my surgery time as well as the time i was disabled for. I then had both my knees replaced in 2007 and they again paid the claim like they were suppose to. I am now 23 and have had my other hip replaced. They are now refusing to pay my claim. They have lied to me on every occasion, have told me that they have sent letters to my doctors for more information then i find out they never sent anything, etc... All i want is my claim to be handled fairly and correctly. They are not telling me that since I will never recover from Arthritis that they cant pay my claim. If i remember correctly, my claim was for my hip replacement surgery not for having arthritis!? I can and will recover from my hip being replaced and should be paid for the time i am disabled. I have paid into this policy since i was 4 years old and this is the treament i get? I really want to and need to file a lawsuit against them as well as a complaint with the DOI.

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7:12 am EST
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Combined Insurance Refuse to pay claim

I have 3 policies & total refuse to pay bi cause they say hi need more info about the claim, i also provide the Dr cell phone, bills from hospitals, & info of the clinic but the company never pay.a penny hospital, accident, & Anny loss this company is just stiling money from working people never buy any from this company is just Bunche of rats.

the worst is i been paying more than 8 year i never use.

ulises hdez policies P8124998, P6727559 and P5317991

is just a waste of money I waste 8 years payin allmost $90 each month

please never buy any ting from this crap company .

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11:07 am EDT
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Combined Insurance asking for info the dr already sighned

i had suplimental insurance..the service and lies are so bad i cancelled them last week ..first they said i needed to fill out a medical release form for them to retrive my medical history ..i did that and sent it they say they mailed my dr a form to fill out of wich they have not...she filled aout a claim form and signed it when i went for the check up gave ot to me and i mailed it to combined . i have been trying to contact the agent that sold me this insurance. i called chicago and they said they could not give me that information? now they tell me that they need to know from the dr that this was not a pre existing condition . she clearly marked no on the claim form she filled out and gave me. there are to many excuses of why they cant pay me yet...Thank you Debbie Logan 618.550.1687
e mail [protected]

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6:33 am EDT
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I am a Ex-Mgr for Combined. I had the unfortunate experience of working for the Dietz a few years ago. I recently ran into another Ex-Agent as for if you have been on this site then you know that people only work for Combined long enough to ruin your household income and run you and your car or truck to the ground. The former employee told me of the big...

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3:33 am EST
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I don't usually post messages like this but having seen all of the complaints and comments from the USA about this company I thought perhaps it might help others in the UK to know that our American friends are not alone. I had £800 charged to my debit card by Combined Insurance with no reference to a policy number or anything else. I have never heard of...

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2:26 pm EST
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My mother had a life insurance policy on my with Combined. She passed away last April, and I want to cash it out. Combined has been stalling me for over a month.

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9:57 am EDT
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I am embarrassed by what has happened to please bear with me. I too was a victim of these heartless crooks at combined insurance. I really wished I had gone to this web site first. My story goes like a lot of yours. I posted my resume on I got around 100 responses. Someone from Combined Insurance called and offered me salary plus commission. I...

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6:13 am EDT
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Combined Insurance is not the way to go if you want to work in the professional insurance business. They tell you they pay for everything as an employee for the company, this is not the case. You pay back the license fee with your first paycheck and monthly you pay for your bond. They will train you to sell policies as long as you can memorize and...

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Combined Insurance reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 13, 2008. The latest review Benefits paid were unacceptable was posted on May 21, 2023. The latest complaint no pay out was resolved on Oct 10, 2014. Combined Insurance has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 36 reviews. Combined Insurance has resolved 16 complaints.
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    Jun 13, 2024

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