Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Wellsville, New York, United States

Dollar General — cashiers

I want to know why in the hell everytime I go into DG store in Wellsville, Kansas...there is only one damn cashier and the line is 45 minute wait cause other cash register i...

Save-A-Lot — manager

I have a manger at save a lot in Wellsville Ny that finds any excuse to write people up and I was wrote up for a no call no show when I called in and said I was going to be a...

Dollar General — assistant manager ashley curry

On Wed Aug 8 2018, your assistant manager with customers in the store started loudly trash talking a person who wasn't in store to another customer. The customer politely told her...

McDonald's — slow service

The mcdonalds in wellsville ny 14895 has been recently remodeled and as a member of the local community I as well as many many others had hoped this also meant an improvement with...

Sunoco — rude cashier

One thing that I have found that I do not recommended buying a money order at these stores. No one will cash them unless you have a bank account to deposit the money order in...

Kmart Shoe Department — signs not large enough to read

Went to buy a pair of shoes and it was BOGO and there were signs all over the shoe department that said buy one get one half off. When we got up to the register it did not give u...


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