Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Hopewell, New Jersey, United States

Sunoco - Hopewell PA — customer service

I'm a faithful customer. I usually stop and shop at the Aliquippa store where I'm treated with with kindness and I am known by name. I recently moved closer to my job... — promotions

I've spent the last seven years working hard for this company working circles around others and keeping this place in good standing with the health inspections and alway...

Southside Regional — care

I was admitted to hospital to icu with double pnemonia... Very low oxygen level... Very poor heart rate... The treatment I received was horrible... I got no sleep the whole time...

Lasership — delivery

Horrible lazy lieing workers. They claim they attempted to deliver my package two days in a row i was suppose to go out of town canceled it because package was being redeliver...

7-Eleven — management

I have been working at one of the Virginia locations for a month now. I was sick last with the stomach flu and had a valid doctors note to be excused for the one day I missed...

Pep Boys — tire change

I went in on February due to a flat tire at the pep boys in Petersburg, Va. The gentlemen rotated my off set rims on my 89 Trans am GTA causing the control arm on the passenger...


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