Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Fulton, Illinois, United States — Hurting sellers

Who rates them well? The way they treat customers is terrible. How is it actually possible? I'm a seller at amazon, my products are in a good condition. I sent an order to my...

Dollar General — rude cashier

She was very rude when scanning my items without even saying hello or even a word, gave me the total I handed her the cash she handed me the change still not saying a word...


Unhappy consumers gather online at and have already logged thousands of complaints.
If you see dozens of complaints about a certain company on ComplaintsBoard, walk away.
One of the largest consumer sites online. Posting here your concerns means good exposure for your issues.
A consumer site aimed at exposing unethical companies and business practices.
ComplaintsBoard is a good source for product and company gripes from especially dissatisfied people.
You'll definitely get some directions on how customer service can best solve your problem.
Do a little research on the seller. Visit consumer complaint websites like ComplaintsBoard.