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CB Online Shopping Belk no apology for the rudeness!

Belk review: no apology for the rudeness! 51

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12:00 am EDT
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While on my lunch break today, I decided to do a little shopping at Belk department store in Columbus, MS. I walked in the store with MY pair of sunglasses on my head. While trying on clothes, I took my sunglasses off and left them in the dressing room. When I realized they were missing, I went back to retrieve them and someone was occupying that room. She stayed in there for quite awhile so I finally decided I would just buy a new pair. I picked out a pair and while walking to the check out, I decided I would check one last time to see if the lady was out of the dressing room and get MY sunglasses. The room was empty and they were still there so I decided I would not purchase the new pair. I was in such a hurry to get back to work, that I picked up MY sunglasses, left the other ones in the dressing room and proceeded to leave. I was chased out by security and accused of shoplifting. I told her the situation and we went to the dressing room where I showed her the sunglasses that were left behind. She still was not convinced. I explained to her that MY sunglasses were Maui Jim’s and that they did not even sell that brand. She made me take off my sunglasses, inspected them for five minutes and finally gave them back to me. She never apologized, said thank for your time or anything. I completely understand that I should have returned the sunglasses to the proper spot and that it may have looked suspicious and she had to check it out, that is her job, but after she found out that I was not shoplifting and that it was misunderstanding, I feel I should have gotten an apology for her rudeness. She was very rude and I will no longer be shopping at Belk and I have canceled my charge card!

Update by Terri Myers
Nov 07, 2008 9:05 am EST

After looking back on the incident, it was very irresponsible of me to not take the sunglasses back their proper place. Total mistake on my part. I posted this complaint immediately after the incident happened while I was still angry and emabarrased. The manager of the store called me and she was extremely nice and very apologetic. I also apologized to her for my actions. I have always stated that I know security was just doing their job, I just felt after it was found that I was not stealing anything, there was no need to still continue to be so rude. I have shopped at this store many times since then and I have had nothing but good experiences. I am sorry if I offended anyone that works in retail sales. I know it is a hard job and dealing with the public can be trying at times.

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Ms. Everly
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Jul 22, 2007 2:29 pm EDT

First of all, you made yourself look very suspicious. Fitting rooms are where departments get hit by shoplifters. You went in with sunglasses and clothes, then you came out. On your second trip, you went to retrieve your old sunglasses. You leave and go get a brand new pair of sunglasses and go inside the fitting room. Finally, you leave the store with sunglasses. No one knows you simply just left with your original pair of sunglasses. Your behavior was that of a person that shoplifts. I believe you had no intentions of stealing. This situation sounds very embarrassing to say the least. Personally, I would have never brought their sunglasses into the fitting room. That is why there are mirrors on the rack. You automatically sent out a red flag when you took them in the fitting room. I love to shop, but you have to play by their rules too. Communication still goes a long way. So, go reopen your account and don't worry about this little bump in the road. I will not be the last.

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Sep 24, 2007 7:35 am EDT

I think you did the right thing by canceling your card. You probably would have felt alot better if the person had apoloized. The two way mirror clearly showed that you were not stealing . I have often went in the dressing room with sunglassess in my hand because I didnot want to put them in my purse because the fear of them thinking I am stealing. I think you did the right thing.

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Nov 04, 2007 8:36 am EST

First of all, I work in large store where I am Security/Loss Prevention, the person that stopped you should have made sure which sunglasses were in the fitting room. That was a stupid mistake to make. I hope you filed a complaint, because if I were to make a "Bad Stop" like that in MY store, I would be fired.

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Nov 04, 2007 10:08 am EST

The Loss Prevention agent missed up, and will most likely loss her job. You can also take this to court...

John evans
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Nov 21, 2007 10:59 am EST

People are human beings, they are going to make mistakes, get over it!

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Dec 07, 2007 8:15 am EST

I agree with the comment "people are human beings" security is not an easy job. It will, in the end save you money! Cancel what you like and just move on.

Kimberly Badalimenti
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Dec 16, 2007 7:28 am EST

Yes, that was wrong of them not to appologize, but maybe the woman felt somewhat embarrassed. She should have appologized, but you did somewhat make it look suspisious and all. But it is over with and done with now, and look back at it someday and laugh about it.!

Lauren McCalister
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Feb 12, 2008 10:13 am EST

I too, have found the employees at Belks in Vicksburg to be rude, that is when you can locate one! On several occasions I have gone in to make a purchase and have to track a clerk down and have to practically beg them to take my money. One time I did locate 2 clerks, but they were having a conversation about boyfriends and were ignoring me. I put my selection down on the counter and they still continued to talk so I told them loudly that when they were through with their important conversation, they could put the merchandise up. I left and have not returned. The store has really gone down since the McRae family left.

Grover Shoenfield
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Feb 26, 2008 11:23 am EST

You idiot! You should have let them arrest you, then sue them for mental stress and false arrest. They would have settled out of court for about $50K. But then again, you live in Mississippi, oh well.

Brevard, US
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Mar 08, 2008 9:41 am EST

I live in NC, but the Belks here in Brevard is terrible...I don't know how many times I have given them another chance just to be disappointed once again. Their items are good...But trying to get some on to take your money is almost imposible...I don't know how many times I have had an arm load of clothes stood in a line, and just left the clothes because even with a line there still wasn't a cashier...
I thought it would of gotten better when they went from everyone checking out at the front door, back to department check out...NO but when their only competition is Walmart ...oh well that is why I do walmart and make a lot of my own clothes...

kathi razor
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Apr 08, 2008 7:54 am EDT

I agree that the loss prevention person could have handled the situation better, but so could you. In case you've never worked in retail sales, you wouldn't understand that it is extremely rude to leave items in the dressing room. Do you have any idea how many miles the workers walk every day putting away things you "don't have time" to return to their proper place. Some spoiled brats not only leave things in the dressing rooms, they don't even put them back on hangers. So, I guess your little inconvenience was trivial compared to those inflicted on the many hard-working sales people in Belk's and other retail stores. FYI, I don't work at Belk's, and I do think some of their employees are rude. You could have saved yourself and the Belk's employee a lot of time if you'd merely taken the store's sunglasses back to the proper location.

S. Rebert
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Apr 10, 2008 5:01 pm EDT

I just got back from Pinehurst, N. C. and quite successfully shopped the Belk's women's clothing sale while there. I was very happy with the items I bought and, upon my return to California, decided I would like to buy an additional item in a mix-and-match clothing line I'd purchased.

I called the women's department and asked if it was possible to do a "charge/send" and the woman on the phone couldn't have been nastier. She said, "A WHAT?!" Then very exasperatedly asked, "Well, what CHARGE card?" I told her Visa, and she replied in quite a hostile tone, "NO, it would NOT be possible!" A simple, "I'm sorry Ma'am we don't offer that service here but thank you for thinking of Belk's" would have much better represented their store instead of the gratuitous rudeness I experienced.

Regarding the dressing rooms in this location, no one was monitoring them and they were all full of clothes people had left. I can't imagine they would even have noticed the sunglasses incident in this particular store.

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Apr 11, 2008 8:31 pm EDT

What are you doing dumping crap in the dressing room in the first place. I think you should be aware that that the act of leaving clothes and other items in the dressing rooms for hardworking people to clean up after your self centered a$$ is absolutely rude in itself. People who work in retail stores work incredibly hard to keep the store presentable for people like you to to make it impossible for them to do their job which is helping customers. They do not get positive recognition or any extra pay or bonuses for being custodial employees that the store is too cheap to pay for. They get those things by helping customers. That is what their pay is based on and it also determines whether they get a raise and in Belks case it also determines if the sales associate gets a decrease in pay. YES, they drop hourly wages on employees who are doing a ridiculous amount of tasks away from the register and away from customers. How many of you have ever had a job in retail where dressing rooms are involved? For those of you who have no clue, it can be frusterating and sometimes even outright dehumanizing. The public does not have a morsel of respect for store dressing rooms. I have seen it all from used condoms in the mens dressing room to countless turds and pi$$ puddles in the floor of the ladies dressing rooms. I have even seen used bloody femine products adhered to the walls with a multitude of wrongside out bathing suits in the floor under it. This is what HUMAN BEINGS who work in retail endure so I hope this gives you a little insight to practice a little more decency. As for being under suspicion for stealing sunglasses, you brought it on yourself. You made yourself look suspicious. Maybe you did'nt realize it at the time but what many people don't know is that sales people are under pressure to also be the Loss Prevention associates that, again, THE STORE IS TOO CHEAP TO PAY FOR. Although I have to agree that bad customer service is not excuseable however the issue brought up by someone else of NO customer service can be explained. The existing sales staff have NO back up of fellow employees to assist the volume of reasonably and justifyably angry customers who are stuck in a perpetual line. This is not the sales staff's fault but the fault of management and the "efficiecy expert" personnel at the corporate center who, AGAIN, IS TOO CHEAP TO PAY FOR. My Point is Big Business is GREEDY and when it is this GREEDY everyone down the food chain pays dearly. Don't take it up with sales associates, they don't have any control over this. Take it up with the proper channels at the corporate center. I assure you they won't listen but they might at least give you a gift card or something just to keep you as a customer . Worth a try.

Angie Taylor
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Apr 21, 2008 1:57 pm EDT

I think you should have thought about how it would look if they were watching you take sunglasses into the dressing room. And, since when do you not care about your Maui Jim's and just go off and leave them to buy a cheap pair? I have some and they didn't come cheap! HOWEVER, I was in the Columbus Mississippi store with my mother and granddaughter on Saturday. I lost my cell phone there and realized it when I got to the car.

So, the three of us returned to the store immediately and went to the counter where my purchase was made and asked if they had found my phone. Nobody had seen it so we looked in the dressing room with no luck there either. I left my mother' s phone number and asked them to please call if the phone was found. I had just bought it a month ago and actually spent a little more for a better phone to sync with my car. Well, by the time we drove to my mother and dad's house customer service had already called and had found the phone.

I called them right back but within 10 minutes of calling to say they found it, the phone had been given to someone else! I called customer service today (Monday) and talked to the manager. She checked with the people involved and they said that was ANOTHER phone. All this within an hour! A coincidence? I think not. The moral to the story... stay out of Mississippi.

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Apr 21, 2008 8:53 pm EDT

Moral of the story... Keep up with your stuff.

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Apr 30, 2008 7:22 pm EDT

I shop at Belk in Chatta TN and i agree with the folks to keep up with your stuff. Are you 5 yrs old? I normally have a good experience shopping there. I chalk up any bad customer service with poor education and training and i wouldn't cancel my card or shopping there as they have really quality products when they have their sales so you are missing out and cutting your own nose off as they don't miss your little bit of change i guarantee.. bet you go back and shop there girlfriend, especially if you only have a Walmart in MS..

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May 08, 2008 6:21 pm EDT

You should have put them in your purse, i had a x friend who did shop lift, she was caught that lady was doing her jod.

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May 18, 2008 8:51 pm EDT

I work at a belk store and I suggest any stupid a$$ that cant keep up with their stuff to please go shop at JC Penny's or SEARs so I don't have to deal with your stupidity. You have no idea how many times people wander up to me and act like it is MY responsibility to find jewelry, phones, wallets, credit cards, drivers license, passport, baby pacifiers, babies, and sometimes even their own a$$.I don't like my job to be interupted by the NOTHING that customers come out of NOWHERE with. Go find your own A$$!

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Jun 05, 2008 8:46 am EDT

After reading all of the posts I would like to say to the sunglass woman: why would you expect an apology for your stupidity? YOU should have apologized for putting those people through UNNECESSARY STRESS. Yes, you should have cancelled your card so that not another poor unsuspecting salesperson has to deal with you EVER AGAIN. Sorry, but that's the way I see it.

Also, after reading some of the post by others educating us on what salespeople go through on a daily basis I just want say that I will absolutely make every effort to be a better customer and NOT leave my clothes in the dressing room if it makes your life as a salesperson easier. I also promise to put things back where I got them from. I didn't realize... but now that I do, I promise to do better.

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Jun 11, 2008 6:55 pm EDT

I work for Belk.. I don't normally complain! Mainly because, I love making customers feel good. When a customers smiles at me, it makes me feel good! I don't care if your white, black, yellow, or green. ... I love just about everyone! You give me respect, I give you respect!

I work in the Mens department! BEST department EVER! I never have to put up a lot of clothes. NEVER! Men, know what they want... (well..IMO when it comes to buying at If Belk don't have it? They are usually like, okay thanks BYE! lol

Not some women! I don't understand it! I had to cover in the shoe department one day.. & Omg! When I go in a store... I know what I want, you have... I will buy it! I'm like the guys, you don't have it? Aiiiight PEACE!

Not the women who come in Belk... Like I was saying, I had to cover the shoe department one day... For the first time, in years... I wanted to walk out! I was at the register, and this CUSTOMER walked up to me and ask me Could I get her, 3 different sandles in a size nine. I was like yes m'am, I'll be right back. I brought them out, and she had 4 more in her hand... I said, okay I'll be right back! When I came back this HEFFA, had picked up 2 more sandles. In my mind, I'm thinking this lady is on crack! lol I told her okay... but before I went back, I asked her was she finish with the first 7 ? She was like, "Oh no, I like to try all my shoes on at the same time!" ..I just ...I just didn't know what to say! I went back in the stockroom to check and see if we had her sizes... We only had a 61/2 .. I came out and told her. DO YOU KNOW WHAT this LADY said?

She said, bring me that 61/2! How in the world, do you go from a 9 to a 61/2? After all that, she was just like.. OH WELL it wasn't my day, Nothing worked... and she walked off. No thank you... No nothing... She left all the paper and the shoes scattered across the shoe department. I swear if I had a BRICK...Y'ALLLLLLLL! ***SIGH****

I realize that I chose this profession so I don't expect ANYone to come to a store and start striaighten things. BUT what I do expect, is GROWN men and women to PICK UP after themselves.


Sorry... EVERYONE! I had to get that out!

As for the person, who was accused of shoplifting? Sorry that happen to you. Regardless, of what happen... IF you did not steal anything... That lady should have said, sorry! Next time, put your sunglasses in your purse girl! They be watching... Plus they have to catch 1 theif for every 40 hours they work!

Belk Loss prevention be on the GRIND! LOL!

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Aug 06, 2008 9:20 pm EDT

All of you who defended Belk's should visit the Columbus, Ms store. I have shopped in many Belk's stores and in some the service was good and some the service was indifferent but This One wins the prize for being the absolutely most poorly managed store I've ever shopped. The staff appears to have had absolutely no training at all and if you are fortunate enough to find a salesperson who is somewhat competent, they won't be there the next time you are there. This store is the nearest thing to upscale in Columbus and spends big bucks on ads but it is so bad that most people will drive to Meridien, Tuscaloosa or Tupelo to avoid being insulted for being their customer.

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Aug 12, 2008 5:50 am EDT

No you are not an idiot! If you have any Christ in you, then you would not have called her that. She was not out to try to make a dollar or to get over. All she wanted was an apology. You reap what you sow. If she had tried to do that, then something a lot worse may have happened. Anyway, you did look suspicious, but I think all you are saying is that you just wanted an apology. People are making this bigger than what it has to be. It is not what you say, it's how you say it. Yes, people are human beings and that's why the guard should have apologized. She is not always in that uniform and at some point and time is a consumer too and would like to be treated with the same courtesy and respect as others.

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Sep 03, 2008 8:36 pm EDT

I work for Belk, and I too have been treated rude shopping at Other Belk locations. But I know how hard those girls work so I don't think much of it. Let it go. No one cares if you cancil your card. It just gives us the opportunity to get you to open up a new card! Which we like since they HARRASS us about it. I know that it's sort of Loss preventions job to be intimidating especially to suspicious customers. Just admit you messed up. Did you apologize for your mistakes to the LP guy?

Since other employees are venting; my turn! I have to say ladies dresses is the worse. Hear are a list of things I've cleaned up in dressing rooms: Clothes (duh), Pee pee puddles, poo "splatter", tobacco spread on the walls, tampons (used), napkins (used), porn flyers, food, soda spills, broken glass, toys, baby puke, spit on the mirrors, and other Unknown matterials.

People who get paid the most get the least amount of work. The hard workers are cleaning up, doing the markdowns/MUCs, putting out stock, straightening, setting the sales (why are there sale sets at 2 pm?-the busy time?). And then there are the higher paid employees that just stand behind the register taking sales. oh yeah, real fair.

Also, I understand that people have bad days, but don't take it out on me. Im sorry coupons don't work on Red dot clearance- EVER. Im sorry you didn't get back all your money for your return with out a reciept. And most of all, I'm sorry we can't always do price adjust ments on prior purchases. (Every time you do that, your really taking money out of the lowly associates pockets in the long run.) Unfortunantly this is just store policy and it is my job to enforce it. It's nothing personal.

To shoppers: Never complain to a manager, by phone or in person. It does no good. First of all, they are they ones who tell us what to say to you. They might tell you what you want to hear to your face, but the second you leave you become the subject of conversation... and not a good one. They know their associates, of course they beleive us first. And if your a constaint complainer to the point were we recognize you when you come in and cringe becuase we don't want to deal with you, you get on a sort of "black list" We'll have you followed by LP (fact:people who make big deals out of little things usually are doing something wrong and trying to divert attention).

So just be nice, we put up with alot of stress from alot of people and are still expected to have a giant smile plastered to our face.

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Feb 24, 2009 3:24 pm EST

You were both wrong...

When you went to the dressing room, why did you wait? You could have just said, "Excuse me, I left my sunglasses in there. Will you hand them to me please?" Then you could have gone on your way...

Acworth, US
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Feb 28, 2009 9:34 am EST

What kind of [censored] leaves Maui Jim sun glasses in the fitting room. You deserved to get stop and kicked in the head. As for the associate who stopped you, she/he should have been written up or even terminated. She/ha should have checked the fitting room before chasing you down. Regardless, I think you're the ### here, not Belk.

Knoxville, US
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May 04, 2009 12:13 pm EDT

Just be honest, I hate Belk Store. More likely selling junks.You have to walk all over the store just to find an associate to check out. I think Target or JC Penny has better merchandise and have more associates. Want to find better stuffs...? Go to Dillards or Macys.

Hamilton, US
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Jun 18, 2009 12:07 pm EDT

I really hate that the first thing people think when something like this happens is SUE...Greedy people are whats wrong with the world...I have worked in loss prevention for 9 years. We are taught not to apologize for making the stop, but for your time. apologizing is admitting we done something wrong. I know there are a few LP out there that give us all bad names. We are humans, in this business its now IF you make a bad stop, but WHEN you make one. I have made one in 9 years. It was an honest mistake...I was sorry for it. SUE is not the answer to anything...The things that happened in your case was good cause, yeah, they made a mistake...but it wasnt like you were arrested and strip searched. I can understand being embarassed... I dont agree with most of the other comments in this case...The ones about sueing...there is a reason GREED is one of the seven deadly sins! Did you ever think about what if the woman who made the stop is like me and has 4 kids to take care of? Like I said..LP will make a bad stop eventually and yes we can get fired...In some cases I think that should happen...but not in all cases...there are two sides to every story...It just really really erks the hell out of me that people are so freakin SUE HAPPY!

Buford, US
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Jun 28, 2009 9:03 am EDT

Thiss comment is to Shelly, I could not agree more with you!

While i dislike alot of things about my job, i really do. But im greatful that i do have a job.
But our shoppers have to realize a few things:
1. We dont make up the prices of our merchandise. If you found it cheaper somewhere else, go buy it there!
2. We all now our coupons are horrible. With every coupon...anywhere there are exclusions. We dont make the coupons dont yell at us!
3. Regular/sale priced merchandise on a clearance/red dot rack. It happens all the time. You pick up a sale priced item and then on the clearance rack see something you like more. You put the sale item on that rack (to save you some steps from putting it back where you got it). The next person behind you picks that item and goes to buy it. Dont get mad at us when we tell you it isnt a clearance item. From day to day things get moved ALL the time. It is nearly impossible for us to keep on top of things that are in the wrong place.
I could go on forever but i just wanted to tell some people that might be complaining about silly little things like that, you have to know how its like on the associate side. We put up with so much and do so much. unless you just get someone thats just a flat out bad associate...give the rest of us a break!
And to those customers that say thank you for all your help, or the ones that are just so super nice...Thank you. Thank you so much, cause you really make our days better.

Lorton, US
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Jul 29, 2009 1:48 pm EDT

I personally think it's rude to accuse someone of shoplifting when you're not absolutely sure.

Appleton, US
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Apr 01, 2010 4:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a Mississippian and proud of it. I am highly appalled at the dreadful comments about the state I was born in. Mississippi is truely a beautiful state with a lot of wonderful and polite people. So dont let this one mishap persuade you otherwise. This has nothing to do with the location, but with that person and their training. I have worked in retail and her behavior was totally unprofessional and she should have been reprimanded; no, not sued or the store. It is evident that she was rude and needed coaching, not to loose her job. I realize that the original lady with the sunglasses was on her lunch break and maybe did not have time to speak with a store manager about the situation at that time. But she should notified them at a later date and let them handle it. A good store manager would have made their customer happy, welcomed and delighted to come back. I sure some type of compensation would have been offered. Don't take it out on Belk. I still like their stores and the products they sell. Be at peace and keep the faith. I just try not to let things stress me out anymore.

Gainesville, US
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May 06, 2010 10:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As a Regional LP Manager with 20 years experience, I do have an opinion. She handled it wrong! However, understand that we are there to control shrink and keep cost down. Even with the best surveillance equipment, the employee can't watch every customer's action during the entire shopping experience. We look for things that catch our eye that are not "normal shopping tendancies". If something catches your eye, you follow it. Also, things like sunglasses are common theft items and methods of theft are common.

Always remember, very seldom does an honest person get accused of a crime he/she did not do. If so, it can be easily corrected. The problem is comments like I read earlier, "lets get them for some money"! Buddy, work hard and earn an honest living! You cost people jobs and careers by being a greedy cry baby.

Helena _cell
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Mar 05, 2017 8:21 pm EST

Look at above complaint.

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Aug 29, 2018 8:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I sent a pair of boots back because they didn't fit the person I bought them for and still haven't received my refund for them.i order them online back in the first part of December.i would appreciate a return response at think o have given it plenty of time for my return to be processed.

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Sep 01, 2018 8:58 am EDT

Bah-humbug Ebenezer Scrooge! I am very glad that Belk corporate office has changed their minds about having the Salvation Army Bell Ringers in front of their stores during the Christmas season! The Salvation Army helps many in need during this time of year, it would be shameful not to allow them to continue to do so!

George Robinson
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Sep 01, 2018 8:05 pm EDT

I will no longer shop at your store because you have stopped supporting the Salvation Army in it's fund raising. I hope you go out of business the sooner the better.

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Sep 10, 2018 9:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sakroots Artist Circle Flap Crossbody
UPC: [protected]

You have raised the clearance price on this bag over $5 since it was in my bag yesterday

Helena _cell
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Nov 12, 2018 1:55 am EST

Floyd cashed me out. I used a credit card and he looked at the name on the receipt and said " Miss Smith if that's your name. Have a great day". That was very rude and as a black woman I found it very offensive. Like he didn't believe that it was my credit card!

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Nov 12, 2018 5:33 am EST

Discontinuing her apparel? I will no longer shop at your store nor will my family. I also will encourage everyone that I know or come into contact with to no longer shop there either. This is a disgrace!

Neil Rucker
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Nov 12, 2018 8:44 am EST

Almost all of the clothing in our house comes from Belk. However if if you remove this line I will never darken the door of your store again. You obviously have no idea what your market is. This is the most absurd thing I've ever seen in my life

Leaving Belk
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Nov 12, 2018 2:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have shopped for over 40 years at Belk - my favorite store. What they did with Ivanka Trump's line was wrong. Politics have no place where I shop. I will miss you, but I will not be shopping any longer at Belk. I am greatly disappointed in Belk

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    +1 (256) 551-4200
    +1 (256) 551-4200
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  3. Belk emails
  4. Belk address
    2801 W. Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28217, United States
  5. Belk social media
  6. Nick
    Checked and verified by Nick This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Feb 06, 2025
  7. View all Belk contacts
Belk Category
Belk is ranked 76 among 1606 companies in the Online Shopping category