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WestJet Airlines Complaints 853

10:50 pm EDT
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WestJet Airlines extra charges for over sizes luggage

On June 15th we boarded a plain to Vancouver BC with firends for our Husbands to go and raise money for the Ride to Concor Cancer. This is a bike ride from Vancouver to Mt Verson first day and Mt Vernon to Seattle WA the next day. In order to ride in this fund raiser our Husbands brought their bikes. On the way out from Toronto to Vancouver my husbands bike box which is an oversize pc of luggage we where billed $79.10 which we expected. Now when we returned from Vancouver on June 22nd for the same oversized bike box with the same contence in it we where now charged $50.00 for oversize, $50.00 for overweight and $20.00 for second bag with a total of $134.40.
What I am compalining about is the inconsistency between these two charges. Whatever the rules are for oversize bags I think WEST JET needs to get it together on what they are going to charge. You shouldn't charge whatever you feel like at the time with customers. I makes the customer feel much like they are being had in their wallets.
Now the flight was anther story. This is a well over a four hour flight and that crew ran up and down giving out drinks two times like they just couldn't get the job done fast enough to sit down again. I have never had a bad experience on West Jet but this tells me that they are slipping with the CUSTOMER SERVICE which makes them no better then any other airline to fly !
Nexty time I will just book the cheapest flight.

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12:45 pm EDT
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I arrived at the airport to board fly 319 upon arrival I was told that flight had left already and I m not able to board any longer, which absolutly didn't made any sense since I was 30 min earlier bf the boarding time . I asked to speak with shift supervisor that individual was very rude and had a high pitch told me he can't understand what I m talking...

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9:39 pm EDT
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WestJet Airlines rude flight attendant

On April 12, 2011 a West Jet Flight attendant named SONYA was extremely rude to me, while I was a passenger on the West Jet flight 2661 returning from Jamaica.
Water was spilled from a cup all over my head and clothing when the 2 flight attendants were collecting garbage from passengers in the isle at the end of the flight. I informed one of the West Jet Flight attendants (Sonya), that someone just spilled water all over me, and that I would appreciate an apology or at least have someone acknowledging what just had happened. There was only 3 people that it could of been, Sonya, the male flight attendant or the passenger sitting behind me. Instead of apologizing, she became extremely defensive and that this incident did not matter because I couldn't prove who actually spilled the water between the three of hem. None of them owned up to it nor apologized for what happened.
It was not the fact that water was spilled on me that was the issue, but that SONYA was not responding in a professional manner. SONYAS' response was extremely rude and condescending, as she continuously told me to “stop making a scene” and that I couldn’t prove who spilled water on me.
Sonya then proceeded to tell me that if it were a big deal, she would give me a dry cleaning chit. I told her that that was no the point, nor the solution to the problem and that all I wanted was an apology or some recognition that water was in fact spilled on me, and that, there was no reason for her harsh attitude.
The result was her walking away from me and there was no apology from either flight attendants at all.
This is unacceptable behaviour and there was no reason for her to be so condescending, rude and disrespectful. As a flight attendant a large component of their job is to handle complaints or issues that arise on the flight and this matter was not handled professionally, which is why i wanted to bring this to your attention.
I wish for this matter to be discussed with SONYA. She needs to be aware that it is not acceptable to treat customers the way she did and that her rude, condescending attitude will not be tolerated. I was not pleased with West Jet's service and will be following up with this matter further.


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3:03 am EST
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WestJet Airlines poor service

On 12 January 2011, myself, my wife and approx. 160 other Canadians were scheduled to leave Montego Bay on Westjet flight 2703 at 1530, we called westjet at @ 1100 and were informed that the flight was on time, we arrived at MBJ and were told our flight was delayed an hour and we would board at 1545, 1545 came and went and no one boarded the plane, at @ 1600, we told that the incoming flight had a medical emergency that required the use of oxygen and the return flight would be delayed until the oxygen was replenished. At this point I approached the Westjet representative and identified myself as a critical care /SAR medic and informed them that just outside of MBJ on the main road was a private medical clinic that would refill the portable 02 system, a few minutes later another passenger identified herself as a nurse and passed along the same information. We were told by the Westjet staff member Michelle James that this was being taken care of and we would board shortly.

At 1700 the pilot came out mumbled a few words into the desk PA system and stated he would update us in 20 minutes, the pilot never returned. At 1730, I once again approached the westjet staff and asked for an update, I was then told we would receive more information by 1900 hrs. At this point it had become apparent that no one within westjet had a clue how to handle an emergency and I once again told Michelle James who I was and seeing as we had already been at the airport for 7 hours made the following requests,

1. That west jet provide access to the bags that were sitting on the runway so that the parents with small children could get supplies (diapers, formula etc), that people who needed medication be allowed to do the same, I also requested that water be provided for the older passengers and the younger ones. I was then told they would be handing out meal vouchers shortly and there was a water fountain (no cups) down the hall.
2. There was 2 ill children, one asthmatic passenger and an older passenger with diabetes and hyper-tension I made this perfectly clear to the west jet staff and requested at least a first aid kit and ice packs and was told there was no ice packs in the airport and they would see if they could find a first aid kit, neither one of these items was ever produced by west jet staff.
A few minutes later they started to hand out $ 10.00 worth of food vouchers, however none were given to children under 2 years of age, and some food service providers only valued them at 8.00 USD, to put this in perspective a bowl of soup at Margaretville was 9.95 and a burger at another provider was $ 10.00. at this point myself, my wife and other passengers gave our food vouchers to people with families and small children.

At @ 1930 I was approached by another passenger who had looked on the westjet web site which showed our flight delayed until 0100 on the 13th, I approached the counter and was informed they could make no comment and they would provide an update “later”, I asked why it was on a web site yet the people who were being effected were not being told anything.

@ 1950 we were told that a plane would be leaving Toronto at 2000 with the oxygen and arrive MBJ at midnight, with a planned departure from MBJ at 0110, at this point some of the passengers became quite verbally upset and the west supervisor left the desk not to be seen again until the wee hours of the morning, unlike the original westjet pilot who never returned at all. During this I was approached by a mother to look at her child as he was running a high fever and one of the other passengers was becoming short of breath due to the hyper tension, I again asked for access to meds and again was ignored.

@ 2045, I asked my wife to attend the front desk to get water or cups for the kids and she was told that food vouchers would be handed out shortly, again none were given to children under two and by the time they had been handed out most food providers were closed or in the process of closing.

@ 2100 I was approached by a young lady who informed me her ride from the airport would not be able to pick her up and that she had no money, my wife took her and a few other passengers who we in the same circumstance to the west jet desk to see what could be done, frankly we were in the same position as my son would be at work when we were scheduled to land and our option would be a 150 cab ride home. My wife spoke to staff who assured us that westjet staff would meet our flight and make arrangements, when she (my wife) asked them to confirm this in writing in case of issues on the receiving end she was told no they would not do that, after telling her that they would not leave the counter until some confirmation was given they then were magically able to make notes in the computer as to which passengers would require transportation assistance.

At @ [protected], although I have no proof, the airport shut down and the a/c was either reduced or turned off completely.

@ 2200 a passenger received a phone call from her father saying westjet’s website now indicated a 0630 arrival in Toronto, the desk staff were asked about this and they confirmed that the plane that they told us had left at 2000 did not actually leave until 2100 and our departure time was now to be @ 0220, needless to say this caused some verbal comments to be made by quite a few passengers and the desk called for extra security and the airport manager, they arrived shortly thereafter and the manager only made matters worse by singling out one of the ill older passengers and tried to tell her she could not get on the plane as she was ill, both myself and the nurse interceded and I explained to him the situation so far and that the passengers were concerned as now they were children with no diapers, no meds, no water, no blankets, no pillows and his heavy handed approach would do nothing more than cause further upset. At @ 2245 two Jamaican police officers ( a sgt. And a corporal) arrived at the gate, I approached them along with the manager and explained the situation, both police officers agreed that it was unacceptable and one of them ordered the manager to find me at least the ice packs, he returned @ 15 minutes later with two latex gloves filled with ice, over 5 hours since I first requested it.

@ 0130, the second west jet crew arrived, I immediately approached the pilot, identified myself and told them I needed water for the passengers, I received 8 bottles of water and some plastic bottles and my wife and the nurse then spent the next 30 minutes giving out water to the younger and older passengers, not one west jet crew member offered any help or assistance.

We finally left MBJ @ 0245 on a plane that had no food except for snacks, we were told this was because it was a “rescue” flight, if this is westjet’s idea of a rescue then I would really hate to see them face a real emergency.

Things were not much better upon arriving in Toronto, disorganization, incorrect information and all 2 of the westjet staff assigned to meet our plane were simply unable to deal with the volume of complaints, we were however told by a westjet employee (Ray) that they (west jet) knew the flight would be delayed by mechanical problems since @ 1700 on the 12th. Finally at 1020, we arrived home, 22 hours since we checked in at MBJ

When my wife called west jet today to follow up she was told it was a weather delay, yet air Canada, canjet, sunwing all had multiple flights leave MBJ, so do they think we are blind or stupid

RECAP: 160 or so passengers, including ill children and seniors left for over 15 hours in an hot humid airport with little food, no water, no meds, no blankets, no pillows, no information, then a 4 hour flight with no food, intimidation by staff, quite frankly prisoners receive better treatment and last i checked inmates did not pay over 1800.00 to receive such treatment.

Questions: Why did the original pilot not return to give the briefing he promised, and why did he leave without ensuring the safety, security and comfort of the passengers he is responsible for, quite frankly his utter lack of professionalism and disregard for basic human compassion should cost him his job,

Why, knowing how long the delay would be did west jet not put people in hotels or at least ensure adequate food and supplies were provided,

Why did west jet after being given/ offered assistance by two medical professionals, one of whom designs crisis management programs for international companies (myself) totally disregard this advice and continue down a path which caused undue hardship and concern for all the passengers

Why in absence of the pilot did the next senior west representative (Michelle James) leave the desk area without ensuring supplies were on hand, information was provided and people were cared for.

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6:24 am EDT
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WestJet Airlines service

I had a terrible experience with Westjet as well. I was flying home to Moncton from Toronto on May 5th, 2010. They had us all board the plane on time which was nice, however there was a lady that was sick to her stomach all day and refused to get off the plane. It took them an hour to decide to tell her that she needs to get off, then it took another 30 minutes to find her luggage. Finally we were ready to leave, as we started backing out, the door this attached to the airport, banged into the plane and left damage so guess what? We all had to unload and wait for a new plane. We didn't even receive an apology! Because "it wasn't their fault". I ended up getting home at 3am instead of 11pm and had to work the next morning at 8am. I told them about my experience on their website the following day and I still haven't gotten an apology. The flight attended was even walking around the front of the plane with her shoes off. Not a good experience.

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John Sandra
Vancouver, CA
Apr 30, 2010 9:13 am EDT
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Westjest - Vancouver to Mexico (return) Ran out of food going there and coming home! Not even dry noodles (which is a total farce; whoopee they have such a spectular food selection). Then a lame excuse about being booked up from last flight. (then the flight crew laughed). One more reason not to fly with them.

Whitehorse, CA
Jul 07, 2010 5:24 pm EDT

You're a ###ing idiot. It wasn't Westjet's fault that the stupid ### wouldn't get off of the plane. Someone should have punched her in the ### and said "step off, ###!".

11:53 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

WestJet Airlines inflight service

On flight WS651, ...27 Feb 2010, ...7 and 1/2 hours in the aircraft from Halifax to Calgary sandwiches advertized on the card in the seat pocket were not available. I was in Row 11 and the last sandwich was sold to a person in Row 8.

On flight WS 384, ...31 Mar 2010, ...from Calgary to Halifax, ...another 7 and 1/2 hour flight, sandwiches were available at all. Flight Staff advised that the first leg Calgary to Toronto is too early to serve sandwiches and the 2nd half of the flight from Toronto to Halifax is too short a flight to serve sandwiches. What about the poor SOD that checks in at 6AM and gets off the Aircraft at 5:40PM?

On both of these flights, having asked for a window seat (internet) more than 2 months in advance of the flights, ...I was seated in 11F. I was unable to find the window and when I asked the Flight Staff to install a window I was advised that they were not able to fit one at this late time.

Sincerely enjoyed the Flight Staff, their service and their humour, ...but not the flights.

Recommend you change your food policy and do not assign seat 11F to passangers flying multiple hops (Hfx to TO and then TO to Cal)

Harley Kieran

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5:03 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

WestJet Airlines poor service

In the past I have had great service from Westjet, but in the past few years it has been going downhill, and worse in the last 5 months.

Everytime I flew for business or flew with my family, we always tried to book Westjet as it was when Air Canada was going through their financial and union issues and the Westjet employees just seemed to care more.

I was rarely delayed, and only due to weather, and if there was a problem, they would give a free drink. One time I ordered a beer and they didn't charge me cause it was a little warm.

But that happiness obviously can only last so long. At my peak I was booking 3-4 flights a month and to add insult to injury, a few years back my mother-in-law who only flew a handful of times received a free flight coupon to use towards her next flight. For me, nothing. I even paid for some of her flights she had taken. This began the bouncing ball for me.

Since they opened up their new website, they have been inundated with customer complaints and the phone lines have been tied up. The old website was nice and easy to book with, but the new one required me to set up a new user profile, even though I used the same email and old user profile ID. Then they changed it so that you cant use your user ID but a 9 digit ID that they generate for you. Good luck to all the old folks remembering that. And try to file a complaint with Westjet. They make it very fun. You cant call, you have to go to the website and "tell them our your experience". I did this and after I fill in all the fields, and click send, it pops up telling me my cookie settings are not correct and I have to change them. Which means I have to retype everything. How about giving me that cookie warning at the start.

Even a trip I booked in November on the new system and took in January didnt show up in my earned Westjet Dollars so the girl explained I must have done something wrong. I signed up for an account, booked the flight on the account, took the flight. I dont see what else I could have done right.

During the last flight though took the prize. My family and I were waiting in Orlando in February 14th 2010 for a return flight to Winnipeg that was supposed to leave at 7:40pm and arrive at 11:40pm WPG time. The plane was 35 minutes late to the gate which was no biggie, but they got us on the plane as fast as we could. At this time we figured why they were late. The Air Conditioning was broken and the plane was a hot box. After sitting everyone we started to have to undo some buttons, get comfortable in the leather seats and hope to leave right away.

But no, they inform us they are waiting to a technician to come and fix the A/C. Why in the world would they cram us in there in the first place in that heat? We then asked if we could step off the plane into the jet way, as my 7 year old now had his shirt off and was very uncomfortable. The flight attendant said no. Everyone needs to stay on board. 45 minutes later the technician arrives, and does his thing for another 30 minutes. Problem fixed? Nope. The pilot says we are still leaving with the broken A/C but to keep things comfortable he has to flyer lower and therefore slower.

So that means we are leaving now right? No. We need more fuel for the change in plans so we have to wait another 15 minutes in that heat.

Finally we get in the air, and on our way. It did become more comfortable but not to the end we are normally used to. When the drink cart came around, I needed a nice stiff one so I asked for a whiskey, to which she replied $6. I said in the past flights, when there was a delay or problem they had given me a free drink. She replied "only when its our fault, this wasn't our fault". Who's fault was it? Mine? It is your plane, your pilots, your mechanics, therefore your fault.

After everyone was served and in there seats, we tried to get some rest. This is when the same flight attendant started talking to her counterpart at the start of the plane. She was super loud and 4 rows back we could understand what she was talking about. Even her counterpart tried to get her to be quiet which lasted about 30 seconds.

We finally arrived at 2:30am, almost 3 hours late and a lot lighter thanks to the sweatbox.

Therewas no friendly Westjetter to greet us as they were probably sleeping soundly at home where I should have been.

So me being the nice calm Canadian I am, I wait some time to call with my grievance so as to calm down and put things in perspective. It turns out I cant call to complain, I have to use the new crappy website. So I proceed to fill out all the necessary fields telling them all of my issues with all facets of Westjet (more than what I have listed here) and "shared my experience". So I thought with someone who has flown with them as much as I have would get a quick response, but no. A week has gone by and nothing. I call in to their call centre and she informs me since the new website has been launched, guest services is very busy. Really, you dont say? She said to be patient and someone should get back to me within 6 weeks. 6 weeks I exclaimed! Yes. I told her I have upcoming flights to book and I am going to start taking my business elsewhere if I cant get justification or reasoning for supporting Westjet further and she simply replied "do what you have to do".

Well I am. Thank you for that advice.

D. Wanless

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Vince Korvalis
Dec 06, 2010 7:45 pm EST

Westjet has become complacent in their success, which is a sad reflection on its ceo's. It is a killer of businesses, when it's employees decide to coast on yesterdays success! We live in Kelowna and miss westjets fair pricing. We now fly out of Bellingham when going south, and save a bunch of money doing so. What a shame.

Salisbury, CA
May 22, 2010 6:17 am EDT
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I had a terrible experience with Westjet as well. I was flying home to Moncton from Toronto on May 5th, 2010. They had us all board the plane on time which was nice, however there was a lady that was sick to her stomach all day and refused to get off the plane. It took them an hour to decide to tell her that she needs to get off, then it took another 30 minutes to find her luggage. Finally we were ready to leave, as we started backing out, the door this attached to the airport, banged into the plane and left damage so guess what? We all had to unload and wait for a new plane. We didn't even receive an apology! Because "it wasn't their fault". I ended up getting home at 3am instead of 11pm and had to work the next morning at 8am. I told them about my experience on their website the following day and I still haven't gotten an apology. The flight attended was even walking around the front of the plane with her shoes off. Not a good experience.

11:21 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

WestJet Airlines customer service

It's brutal trying to call into West Jet. I called in yesterday and a recording warned to be prepared for a 2 to 3 hour wait. Gave up after 30 mins. Called today. Waited 45 minutes. CSR told me it was due to their new system...same thing my wife was told late Oct when she waited on hold for 2 hours to cancel a flight. This is horrible customer service. Doesn't bode very well for your slogan: "Because Owners Care".
Can we get new owners, please...or, I'm flying with your competitors.

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Calgart, CA
Dec 21, 2009 10:58 pm EST

Hi Guys:

Direct private phone lines to:

Top Customer Service Manager; Paul [protected]
VP, Sales and Marketing: Bob Cumming [protected], Cell [protected]
Corporate Security Manager: Jeff Pilmmer [protected], Cell [protected]

Call them; I did and was able to get my problem fixed in 48 hours and they gave me a 250$ credit. Call the Security person first and both others, leave them a message explaining your issue and your strong dissapointment with WestJet custumer service and expect a call back.

Good luck !

4:34 pm EST
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WestJet Airlines bait and switch scam

I received an advertising flyer from West Jet in my newspaper the Regina Leader Post on Mon Nov 2nd and I noticed a couple of vacations I was interested in. The one that I really wanted was a one week all inclusive vacation from Regina to the Hacienda Hotel in Puerto Vallarta for a cost of $679.00 plus $87.00 tax.It also said that if I booked before Nov 6th I would receive a $400.00 travel voucher for future use with West Jet for each 7 day vacation I booked. I phoned my travel agent Tuesday the 03rd at about 10:00 hrs and asked her to book for myself and my wife and my two friends who wanted to go. She took all our information and told me she would call as soon as she could book it. I did not receive a call until Thursday at that time she told me that she had not been able to connect to the West Jet site for two days and when she finally did the price she was quoted was over twice the advertized price. I thanked her and told her I would try myself. I contacted West jet Vacations on there 1 800 phone number and I talked to a lady named Rita. She asked me what I would like and I told her I wanted the vacation in the advertisement and she looked it up on her computer and told me that there was only 4 more seats on the plane for that date and only two rooms still available. I told her to book them and then she told me the price would be over $2900.00 per couple.I asked how that could be when they were advertized for much less than that. She told me they did not have any of that vacation left at that price. I can understand if they were sold out of the flight and hotel and that would be normal even though I had been trying for the last two days. I asked again if the flight and hotel were sold out. She said no that there were 4 seats left on the flight and two rooms left in the hotel. I again asked for the advertized price. She again quoted a price of over $2900.00 per couple. I again asked her to confirm that flights and rooms were available and she said yes they were. I asked her again to confirm that rooms at the advertised hotel and flights on the dates advertised were available and not sold out and she again said yes but not at the advertised price. I asked her if that sounded fair or right to her and her reply was that that was the price of the holiday if I wanted it. I can understand if they were sold out on the flight and the hotel and if there was no packages left for the date and place advertised that I wanted and would have no complaint even though I had been trying for the last 2 days but this is not the case. They advertised this holiday and still had room on the flight and in the hotel but they would not honor the price advertized. I feel this is a Bait and Switch scam and I feel that this is not right and do not think it is even legal. I want it investigated and I want the holiday at the price that was advertized for my wife and I and my two friends. I also want this company investigated to see if this is something they do regularly and if it is found to be so I would like them charged and some form of fine or license restriction be implemented against them.

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Dec 09, 2009 12:14 pm EST

Never seen such a silly complaint in my life. According to your theory every time a company has a sale they have to keep that price till their stock is gone? They kept the sale price on for the advertised length of the sale and then it reverted to full price, just like sales at your local grocery store, electronics store, furniture store, etc.

1:34 pm EST
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Purchased a $ 4000 vacation package on September 30, 2009 from WestJet vacations. This package was booked during a period when they were offering a $ 400 travel coucher when booking a vacation package for a couple. One week after booking via telephone my credit card had been charged but I had received no confirmation of my booking. It has now been nearly 6...

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9:11 am EDT
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WestJet Airlines travel

me and my wife purchase from west jet vacation southwestern Ontario self drive vacation for 6 days, it stop in Toronto for 2 days Nargara fall for 2 days Kitchener for 1 day and back to Toronto for 1 day. all included hotel air and rental car.
we have a problem for all the booked hotel. first stop in sutton hotel Toronto. it suppose a nice hotel with 4 and half star.
but it turn out a run down hotel we can hear other room flush a toilet and $25 per day in parking. other than that not that bad. the third day we stay in Hilton Niagara Fallsview hotel it was a new hotel. but we being put into a mid tower that was oldest and we can smell it was a smoking room before. there was a construction going on, we being woke by noise from machine early morning. we requested to change room but being refused for a reason as it been arranged to that kind of room . Kitchener is not a vacation spot it did not understand why they arrange spend 3 hours driving time to stay there for a night. have nothing to see or interesting.
we also have lots of kids run around in hotel room area . the worst is the last day in Strathcona Hotel Toronto. no parking area. the room is so small. no window covering. fresh paint smell. air conditioning unit right beside your bed. it is a very old and noise machine. as you turn it on it very noise, turn it off the room like a oven. can not sleep for the whole night.
the rental car, westjet suppose to paid for 6 days. we pick up the car in the airport and return in the same spot before boarding. we been charged 1 days and 3 hours late.
the tag is $ 170 included tax. i tried to contact west jet. they said it's not there problem for return the car late. but we did everything according to the schedule. we are not late or being delay. i also call budget the rental car company they checked and told me they only paid for 5 days only.

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3:02 pm EST
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WestJet Airlines military no fly zone

Where is the justice?

we are flying for 3 hours over the pacific going to hawaii.Flight turns around due to a military NO FLY zone.Get back to vancouver and our 16 month old is spent.We decide to not take the next flight out.(being promised that we can fly out next time at the same price).Now all we get is 2 x $ 300 credit for the next 12 months.(my wife and i).Am i being too petty for asking a flight back to hawaii for the same price?


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Don Newton
Nov 12, 2018 5:20 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On mar 1 our flight from Saskatoon to Calgary was cancelled for my wife & I because a to smalll of plane was sent . We had checked in prior to coming to airport. Bigger problem is we missed our connection to Houston for a conference & arrived later in day . Our transportation from airport to hotel we arranged had to be changed also

Nancy VA Thompson
Oct 22, 2018 7:09 am EDT

This is not a complaint- it's a compliment! I was on the flight WS 25 from London to St. John's on July 4th. Perry was our attendant and he was fabulous- so friendly and helpful! Just wanted to let you know he was the best flight attendant ever! He should train people!

Valentine McGowan
Oct 16, 2018 1:58 am EDT

We purchased tickets, confirmed that we could get visas at the Vietnamese airport and they triple checked while getting our tickets. As we get to the gates they won't let us through because of the visa issues and the people were exceptionally rude. No one would help us or give them their names or let us speak with managers. This company is a joke.

Rupa Bangera
Sep 18, 2018 11:14 pm EDT

a black iphone 7 with a colorful marble case was lost on september 4th 2018. we have made multiple complaints as we are certain that it was left on the plane but no one has reached out yet.

Rupa Bangera
Sep 12, 2018 9:30 am EDT

We notified them within 10 mins of leaving the plane but no action was taken.

Sep 11, 2018 5:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would like to complain that with plus seat u donot have any vegeterian items like sandwiches. Always turkey and pork. People travel some are vegeterian
Please look into it as it is dissapointing

Trevor Neeson
Aug 20, 2018 3:23 pm EDT

I was 7 min late for my check in.. 7 min. The plan everyone is still here on the ground. And you guys made me wait to take the next flight out. So pissed off with your stupid rules. 7 min late and you delayed me over 4 hours..

Aug 16, 2018 12:19 am EDT

Flight attendant seems to be racist.
I am Alaska gold and United Silver member
Never seen this kind of air hostess
Pessanger sitting in the last seat dose not allow them to misbehave.
I could not catch the name of that skinny airhostess
But she needs to learn.
Problem is that I have to travel on this airline and I don't know what to do.

1:48 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

WestJet Airlines bad service

West jet doesn't let me on

Due to unforseen circumstances, I get to my gate 5 minutes late. 25 minutes to go before the plane leaves. I've pre-checked myself the night before. 2 bags need to go through. I'm ready. But, west jet says I won't be let through. They say it's the gate's fault. West jet won't make a case for me. Instead of west jet putting the bags through and sending me on my way, i'm left pleading with them. They tell me that as a courtesy I will have to pay for 2/3 of another ticket for a plane leaving 3 hours later, and that will be standby, no guarantee of getting on. I've never been treated this way in all my 30 years of flying. Never. I've waited seated on a plane for 25 minutes for late customers. 5 minutes late at the gate and not let in? Appalling. This is the clincher for me. Let's let as many international carriers into the domestic market as possible. Between west jet and air canada (Losing bags on a regular basis) it's a gong show in this country. Where do I sign a petition to crush this monopoly?

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Steinbach, CA
Feb 17, 2024 6:09 pm EST

On recent flight from Palm Springs to Winnipeg West jet flight WS1341, our luggage handles were broken, thus loosing tracking information. We were fortunate to find our luggage considering no names on the piece of luggage.

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Guntas Kaur Khurana
Burnaby, CA
Nov 12, 2023 11:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My name is Guntas Kaur Khurana, and i had a flight on 2nov, 2023 WS456 & WS408 from Vancouver to Moncton with one layover at Calgary and i got a new luggage, which was totally broken, the zip was damaged, which is not acceptable at all.


Rick Borrelli
Nov 04, 2023 7:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is a written communication to confirm that I have had multiple verbal communication with Westjet and made a complaint with your company to enable me to escalate this to Canada Transport. This is in regards to Confirmation code KGDPJU and HZESDU. Thank you.

Malibu, US
Sep 03, 2023 10:13 pm EDT

I was transferred to this worker without request she was rude abrupt and had already decided she was going to full fledge verbally attack and had her little sentence planned out to say then hang up. Do better West Jet what an unkind horrible employee you have who did not resolve anything.

Escalations department Ana work id 28044

Diane Cross
Mar 11, 2023 7:21 am EST

Flight number WS2048 Victoria to Cancun

Flight number WS2049 Cancun to Victoria

Also waited 45 minutes for our luggage at both ends

Other airlines seemed to have no problem

Burnaby, CA
Jan 21, 2023 5:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am allergic to Wi-Fi, and there are no flights available without Wi-Fi. Can you help me, please?

andrea barro
Toronto, CA
Jan 01, 2023 7:13 pm EST

Westjet cancelled our vacation package to Antigua on Christmas day with zero notification until we got to the airport and were informed there was no flight crew available!. You can imagine how upset my kids were. Your contact centre is impossible to get a hold of and there has been zero correspondence! This is atrocious service!

Sep 25, 2022 8:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been waiting over 4 months for my lost baggage.

The claims department person just ignores emails and makes false promises .

The baggage was lost June 19 2022

I need to talk with someone higher up in the organization at Westjet.

Aug 17, 2019 1:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I take flight ticket from west jet for Toronto to Indianapolis but there were Flight delay so I hanging in New York Air port due to missing my Connecting Flight.
No body from your representatives gives me advice to what to I do next.
I stay all night out side of New York Airport due to your Fault

Jun 18, 2019 9:32 pm EDT

Maria on the flight 1699 from LAX to YVR should probably retire if she's not willing to do her job anymore! I will definitely NOT fly Westjet anymore and spread it to all my family and friends. Imagine telling a passenger to do something for her because she's lazy?! What a bossy @#$%^!

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About WestJet Airlines

Screenshot WestJet Airlines
WestJet Airlines is a Canadian carrier offering flights across Canada, the U.S., Europe, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. They provide a range of travel options from economy to premium services, alongside flight extras such as in-flight entertainment and baggage handling. WestJet also has a rewards program for frequent flyers.
How to file a complaint about WestJet Airlines?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary information in the sign-up form.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the core issue you experienced with WestJet Airlines. Make it specific and clear, such as "Delayed Flight Refund Not Processed by WestJet Airlines."

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience. Mention key areas such as booking issues, flight delays or cancellations, customer service interactions, baggage problems, or any discrepancies in charges or refunds. Include relevant dates, flight numbers, and any correspondence with WestJet Airlines. If you attempted to resolve the issue, describe the steps you took and the responses you received. Clearly articulate how the issue has personally affected you, whether it was stress, financial loss, or any other impact.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as receipts, boarding passes, correspondence, or screenshots. However, be cautious not to include any sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy or security.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to quantify any financial loss you have incurred as a result of the issue with WestJet Airlines. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify the resolution you are seeking, whether it is a refund, compensation, or an official apology.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is correct and that your description clearly conveys the issue and its impact on you.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to officially file your complaint against WestJet Airlines on

9. Post-Submission Actions: After submitting your complaint, monitor your account for any responses or updates. may notify you of any replies from WestJet Airlines or other users who may offer advice or share similar experiences.

Overview of WestJet Airlines complaint handling

WestJet Airlines reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 9, 2008. The latest review Wrong information entered going to USA, ruddiness with the strike coming back case health issue. was posted on Jul 7, 2024. The latest complaint Being treated very disrespectful and verbally abused, also disrespectful based on gender. was resolved on Sep 19, 2023. WestJet Airlines has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 854 reviews. WestJet Airlines has resolved 20 complaints.
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    Jul 08, 2024
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