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CB Pet Stores PetSmart not satisfied with their services!

PetSmart review: not satisfied with their services! 103

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12:00 am EDT
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Never take your pet at Petsmart grooming. I took my cat there for a full grooming services and they didn't wash it. They brush it a little and cut his claws and charge me full price. I call the manager and and they said that there are sorry that i was not satisfied with their services... What services if they didn't wash him? Check your pet before you leave the grooming just to make sure they did the full service... I will definitely not take my care there anymore and i will never recommend it to anyone...

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Covingt, US
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Mar 18, 2010 10:01 am EDT

You know if you groomers are so stressed maybe your in the wrong industry. I agree getting peed on, pooped on and bitten is stressful but why would you want to come to work every day if it's so awful? There are a lot of other jobs you could do. Stop whining about how awful and stressful the job is. Instead try raising the bar on your standards industry wide, do something to help make groomers who are the bad ones either step up to a higher standard or get out. There are lots of excellent groomers everywhere (PetSmart too), and you are the ones who need to fix the problem, you must demand that the company you work for and the people who work with you have the same integrity.

The beauty industry faced the same stigma for years and it has taken a lot of hard work industry wide to change the way peoples perception of hairstylists. ie...she couldn't go to college for whatever reason so she went to Beauty School. Take a look at how that industry has changed, maybe take some cues from them.

You must be in a career like grooming because you want to be there and you must also weed out the ones who don't if you ever want to have any respect.

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Apr 22, 2010 12:00 am EDT

you're all stupid. grooming sucks. customers suck. so shut up already.

Eau Claire, US
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Apr 28, 2010 9:18 pm EDT

I've worked as a bather at petsmart for a year now (since it opened), and I can't say we've had any horror stories as of yet. if anyone in our salon nicks a dog, we contact the manager immediately, contact the owner immediately, and explain to them exactly what happened. generally, a small injury has only occurred if the dog is particularly matted. there has been a couple instances of dogs having very loose skin and getting a small cut under their... doggy armpits? we always ask the owner if they want us to take their pet to an animal hospital, however, most have opted out. I assume that's because the nicks are small (compare to a nick when you're shaving).
Luckily, pet parents have generally been very understanding about these things as well. no matter how much a groomer love dogs, and believe me all of the associates in our salon completely love pets (one of our girls was even crying when she told the pet parents about a nick she made on their dog, she felt so horrible for it), some dogs are just rowdy or misbehaved for grooming. we can sweet talk them and pet them and give them treats, but it just doesn't help. today, I had my very first bath dog that I could not finish. I put her in the bath-tub, started washing her, and she immediately began trying to bite both me and the hose. she became very aggressive. I had been nothing but kind to her. I eventually had to put her on the floor to rinse her off, towel dry her, and place her in a kennel to finish drying (she bit at the velocity dryer as well). I felt horrible having to call her mom and explain that I was unable to work on her dog. I can't speak for others, but I hate having to tell someone how their beloved pet was so ill-tempered. when they parent came to pick her up, we suggested possibly bringing her in another time. another thought was to get her more used to the grooming process at home.
And yes, we have a window to let people watch the grooming. we like to say that it's a zoo. no one in the salon likes it much. the people watching tend to distract the dogs, sometimes rile them up. pet parents can make us so mad sometimes when they sit and watch right outside the window. your dog can see you! they will get excited, and they will get fidgety, and this will cause your groomer stress. a dog that will have only taken another 10 minutes to finish make take another 30 instead simply because you let your dog see you. and then, owners have the nerve to be unhappy with us for "lying" about how much more time it would take.
Another problem is miscommunication. some people will make an appointment for their dog, then send a family member or friend to bring the dog to petsmart. they do not leave grooming instructions with whoever they send, and this will obviously cause a problem. some of these people will not tell us that they are simply the "messenger" and will tell us to do the same trim the dog had the last time they came in. then, when the pet parent comes in later, they become upset with us for having done the wrong trim.
We also had a man come in with his golden retriever for a trim. the groomer asked if he wanted light trimming around the feathers and belly or if he wanted all-over body work. he chose the latter. we explained that this would be using the clippers all over the dog's body and that the hair would be the same length everywhere. the man oked it. when he came back, he was horrified that his dog had been shaved down, saying that golden retrievers didn't look like that, and asking why our groomer would actually shave a golden (some people like to have their dogs shaved down during the summer, that's why). he complained a whole lot, despite us telling him beforehand that his dog was going to have short hair all over his body.
Anyway, the point here is, please understand that just because you had a bad experience at one store, it doesn't mean all petsmart stores are like that. we all take our job quite seriously at my store. we love our pets, and we do our utmost to make the pet parents and pets happy. yes, sometimes there are screw-ups, but guess what? that's a part of being human. how many people can honestly say they haven't made a mistake at their workplace? there has never been any serious injuries or incidents at our store, and i'm proud for it.
Last thoughts: sorry if my train of thought seems choppy. I jumped back and forth, adding sentences here and there when I remembered things. >.

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May 29, 2010 6:21 pm EDT

I work at petsmart as a groomer. I have been a groomer for 4 years now. I must say, it's really not the groomers fault, but petsmart's. from what I noticed, they are desperate for groomers and will send anyone to their academy. and once you are a groomer at petsmart you are pretty much untouchable no matter how bad of a groomer you are. i've seen some pretty horrible groomers come through, and our salon manager would want to get rid of them, and it's all decided by our district manager who kept telling her (my salon manager) to "give them another change. help him/her out more." when, these groomers, are actually losing us business and they just don't have a knack for it or they just don't care.

And there are so many other factors involved when you work for a corporation like this. for example, at the end of the week we are diciplined if we haven't sold enough "add-on packages" to customers. as though customers aren't allowed just to pay for the base price, they have to get a toothbrushing add-on or a nail grinding add-on. and your percentages come in at the end of each week, and whoever has the lowest is diciplined by the store manager. I remember my store manager once told me "you'll never be a salon manager with add-on percentages this low." this would make anyone moody. and our district manager would be more concerned about gum on the sidewalk outside of the store than any faulty machinery, broken dryers, broken cage doors, broken grooming tables and we had a really bad mold issue that didn't get resolved for a whole two years! because our district manager didn't deem it necessary because the customers didn't see it.

And if that isn't enough to have the groomers all upset, you are expected to answer all phone calls, check-in every customer and we are required to spend atleast 5 minutes accessing the animals, and then you'll have to get every dog you have for the day out in 4 hours which seems like a lot of time, which it is, but the reason they quote that time is not only for the animal, but to answer phone calls, take in walk-ins and check-in customers. most petsmart don't have the "budget" to have a receptionist do this sort of stuff when most private shops do. and most private shops have bathers that wash all the dogs. so, the work is beingbroken up. when we are expected to be the bather, the recpetionist and the hair stylist, it really can wear someone thin.

I really love working with dogs and I truly appreciate the artistic side of grooming, but I do not agree with a lot of things that petsmart does or allows. I will hopefully branch out on my own one day, that would be ideal. because I cannot see myself being at petsmart for the rest of my life. I will say, that not all petsmart groomers are horrible. I would like to think of myself as the exception to this complaint thread :)

Norristown, US
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May 29, 2010 6:37 pm EDT

I took my cat to petsmart and they sold her to the Chinese Restaurant next door. My cat was the special that night.

Petsmart is Dog & people haters
Tamarac, US
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Jul 11, 2010 6:41 pm EDT

I took my carin terrier into pestsmart today for grooming. first of all the groomer was very nasty to me before she even took my dog (probably should have walked out right then). after snapping at me and getting my information in the system she took my dog, who understandably didn't want to leave me, instead of picking him up or even trying to comfort him she dragged him kicking & screaming to the back (again probably should have walked away right there). I left to run some errands and returned 2 hours later... I could hear my dog barking & crying from inside the store, so I peeked my head in, to see if he was almost ready, they said he was drying & would be ready soon, so I walked around the store for another 35 min, still nothing, I decided to sit outside the grooming salon and wait. as I was waiting another woman with 2 dogs entered the salon & they immediately began doing her dogs' nails... I waited another 10 min still nothing & my dog started barking & crying again (he was in the back & I was outside the grooming salon, so he didn't even know I was around). I had finally had it after 2 hours and 45 mins so I walked in and told them I don't care what is done & what isn't I want my dog now. the groomer told me it can take up to 3 hours & he is still drying. I told them that was ridiculous it takes me 5 min to dry him at home, and I told them I can hear him crying from the store, obviously he isn't happy & I am not going to stand by & listen to him being tortured any longer... the salon manager just rolled his eyes at me & told me I should have requested the express package, I again told them just give me my dog back. they had to adjust the bill since they never got to his nails, and I asked were is annual glands done... the groomer wouldn't respond to me and a fellow groomer had to act as the mediator asking the question again to get answer meanwhile the manager is right there, acting as if nothing were wrong (and I still don't know if his glands were actually done or not).

Finally they gave me the bill, which I paid at the register, when I came back it still took them a while to bring my dog out, when they did he flew not just to me but out the door and did not calm down or even acknowledge me until he was safety inside the jeep, at which point he inhaled 16oz of water, which also upset me... why would they let him get so thirsty?! when he got home it took him another couple of hours before he started acting like himself. he has been groomed before, and while he has never enjoined it, he has never barked while waiting in the back, or been dehydrated afterward & he has been his normally happy self upon seeing me again.

I will never take my dog to another petsmart, for anything! I trusted them to groom him and take care of him... I even paid them to do so, instead they locked him in a back room for 3 hours in god only knows in what conditions. that corporation will never see another dime of my money again.

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Jul 17, 2010 8:47 pm EDT

Petsmart... took my spaniel (who has social fear issues) and they did an acceptable job last time but as I found out today, they marked on his file "a bit dificult to work with", so I took him again today (in matthews - independence, charlotte nc), and it was a big mistake.

The groomers were complaining about their dog assignments as we entered for our appointment taken since yesterday. "I can't believe I have to do a... some breed, then a large another breed...".
They were very upset about their task assignments. then our groomer came to pick the dog, she was hit by a freezing look from the other groomer and I was thinking "poor dog, I hope he's not gonna be a scape goat"

2 hours later, we got a call "we're sorry but we're gonna have to cut your dog all the way, his skin is tired and he needs a full shave" so I told her to do what she believes is best

Another 2 hours later, we got a call "please come and pick up your dog, I cannot finish his hair cut, he is almost done but he keeps on biting" (my dog does not bite but as per above posts, I cannot garantee he doesn't bite under certain conditions) "I am pregnant and I cannot continue your dog, tomorrow, another groomer who did his hair before will continue, there is no charge for today"

I went to the store and the groomer got my dog who has half shaved to the skin and half untouched. I don't mind that the groomer is pregnant and cannot continue, her safety is my first concern.

But what I do mind is that petsmart has pregnant people working regular risky (remember the post of the person who got her nose broken) jobs dealing with scissors and jumpy animals, actually overworking this poor pregnant woman (as per the "schedule complaints" we heard when we stepped in the grooming salon's area).

If they treat their employees like this, no wonder they don't have any consideration for the wellfare of the pets, its the poor groomers who have the consideration, as much as a human can have consideration within the heavy schedule.

I will attach a photo in a couple of minutes, the dog is not with me now... remember I don't blame the groomer, I blame the management for their lack of... management (the groomer 's pregnancy is should be a blessing to petsmart and they should not give her a dog that is marked as "a bit difficult")

A spaniel has a powerful kick, a powerful set of neck muscles and should not be near a pregnant groomer when he is "a bit difficult"

Because of petsmart, I feel horrible that I had a pregnant lady groom my dog (honestly, I thought she was fat, not pregnant!). my dog weighs 23 pounds but he has a higher percentage of muscle mass than his pals.

The problem is not petsmart alone, it is all this "you are pregnant! congratulations, your maternity begins after the baby is born, now get back to cutting trees, fighting bulls, being a bouncer, standing all day and taking stress and customer insults or whatever risky or stressful job you have, by the way, your schedule should always have overlaps, you have two hands, two eyes and two brain sides, you can groom two dogs at ones" policy.

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Aug 26, 2010 7:54 pm EDT

Really people, if you think you can do a better damn job than maybe, just maybe, you should do it yourself! There are certain things in the grooming process that just can't happen with certain dogs OR cats. It's not because the groomer was just being "lazy.." Regardless of what you think, your pets ARE NOT perfect angels on our grooming tables.. Get the hell over it! & quit complaining.

Metairie, US
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Nov 28, 2010 12:58 am EST

I must say it disappoints me to see all these negative comments about Petsmart grooming. I have worked with Petsmart for 5 years now and I am just now moving into our grooming salon. I thought that my training (1 & 1/2 hour video + workbook + safety manual + safety test + training test + the salon manager personally oversaw me doing my first 12 dogs) was very good. All that was just to be a BATHER! There are many policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the pets and the workers. I'm definitely not saying that there are not horrible groomers/people working at Petsmart stores but to classify everyone as a horrible, dog hating, dog mutilating person really insults me. I take great care with all of the pets I groom and treat them as if they were my own. You have to understand that even though your dog may be a perfect angel at home does not mean that they are going to act that way at a grooming salon. Buzzing clippers, nail grinders, loud velocity dryers, dogs barking, new smells, new people it's all very stressful and some dogs will act up. This means that scissors will slip, clippers will clip more than they were supposed to, and nails will get quicked. Its not something that should happen in an ideal world but it does. I quicked a dog today. I did not do it on purpose and I felt horrible because I knew it was painful for the dog I made sure that I used quick stop to stop the bleeding and deaden the nerves. Everyone in the salon I know would never hurt a dog on purpose. Matting is also an issue. A lot of people think that it should just be a simple brush out but it's not. Matting is painful to a dog (imagine someone grabbing a handful of your hair and twisting it tight) and trying to brush out a large mat or a severly matted dog for hours causes more unnecessary pain and stress than is called for so yes, your dog will end up shaved to the skin for the comfort of the pet and their safety you can only use the shortest blade for shaving mats. Keeping all that in mind there are absolutely unacceptable happenings at stores with your pets but the best way to get yourself heard and the situation taken care of is to be as calm as possible. I know it is hard because they are your babies but screaming frantic pet parents are more likely to just get their money back to get them out of the door to diffuse the situation but what really needs to happen is that the groomer in the wrong needs to be addressed and that should be the most important thing. Thanks for listening. Nichole

Dallas, US
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Dec 08, 2010 7:31 pm EST

Wow, doesn't surprise me to see both sides of the argument here. I've been with Petsmart for 11years now, I am a groomer. Retail customers are among some of the worst customers you will ever have to deal with. Not all of them are, but I've worked in many industries and fields, and I have to say, some people that come through our salon...well they are just freakin pathetic. Majority of the customers that complain always generally want something for free, it always money, the root of all evil. Customers even get pissed off at us when we tell them to bring in their rabies paper work, and then send them home because they couldnt follow a simple rule. For your information its usually the county that mandates that law, so f**kin take care of your responsibilities as a pet owner. I don't understand people that think its ok to yell at the groomer for something they supposedly didnt ask for. This only encourages the groomer to become more stressed out, most of you wouldnt sit there and yell at your barber. Dogs act entirely different in different surroundings. Your precious little angel, can sometimes become the salons little demon. Its a fact that dogs became overly stressed when removed from there natural domesticated enviroment. Yes petsmart does provide a viewing glass, but what makes you think its ok to excite your dog when it is on a table a few feet off the groung, being groomed. Did you ever stop to think if you were sitting in a barber chair and some of your friends were exciting you all up, that the stylist might have a hard time doing a straight cut. You'd possibly even loose a ear. Come on people gain some common sense. And another thing there a bigger problems in the world than majority of stupid customer complaints on "how they went to short" on my dogs cut. My favorite is when the customer states that there dog was not eating and walking around whining. I didn't know humans could actually speak and understand dogs so efficently, must of missed that revelation. Honestly like you know what your dog is saying or thinking. The point is that you customers don't know squat, except how to master the art of complaining, and recieving things for free doing so. I hope God will have mercy on your souls, I know I wouldn't.

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Dec 14, 2010 12:36 am EST

We've been customers for five years, but lately the management has become mis-management. I called to make a reservation and they couldn't find our file. said they lost all our paperwork. then they called back to say they hadn't really lost it, but needed me to fill it out all over again. I asked if there was some way to sign a simple renewal agreement as they had all of this information in their system already. sample question included whether my dog had any missing limbs and how they got along with other dogs and people (this asked despite all the paw-gress reports they gave us) if they can't handle simple paperwork and basic customer service, (they acted like they didn't even care about the missing files or extra hassle and paperwork) then no way am I trusting them to handle my dogs. I had heard other horror stories from people but guess we had to experience it first hand before we believed it. the manager didn't care either and her answer was that if I am unhappy I should go elsewhere. which is exactly what we did. you'll be wise to go elsewhere too. avoid these losers at all cost if you value your pet (and your sanity/patience).

Rockford, US
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Dec 21, 2010 1:05 am EST

well i think petsmart in rockford illinois should get better managment or more mature managment. they want to follow p and p but only use it against those who they want to quit or get fired. your animal is just a paycheck to them and they could careless about their safty. there is mold growing in the back and evem a large kennel on a brick because it is missing a wheel. im sure if osha went in there there woud be problems. there has been accidents done with the pets and the owners were not notified until the last minute or until after they have paid im sure its so the groomers dont lose their commission. it is very sad that some pets go into that place when they are suposed to care about the pets and dont at all. and the grooming that comes out of that place my 4 year old cousin could do a better job blind folded and hyped up on sugar! but it wont change ever you dont have to be a good groomer just a good butt kisser thats all...but you should ask to see the back room or ask if they have mold or cages on bricks. can you imagine if that cage fell over? what damage it would do to a small dog?

a joke...
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Dec 22, 2010 2:44 am EST

I have read over a lot of these comments and being a past petsmart employee, I can pick the current or past employees out of these comments with ease... we all seem to have the same constant complaints, petsmart is all about the ol mighty dollar... push those add on's or else, (because the economy is just that good) take more dogs, don't turn away anything deal with it! we do have to answer the phones, check in check out dogs, all while grooming with half working equipment that never seems that important to management, but boy let a groomer forget to meet quotas or not fill out a report and the world ends, all done im guessing while your on a lunch that you haven't really taken in a year because your boss encourages you to work off the clock... yeah petsmart is a real treat right down to the wonderful academy they send you too where you learn absolutely nothing for a month... bottom line is we as groomers I believe have a better chance with the customer than what we do dealing with the other co-workers and management.. I always treated everyone's dog as I would want mine treated and yes there were and are still groomers in that very salon who reminded us daily how they hate dogs and are less than gentle wit most, but... I did what it took to always do the best possible groom I could and make the customer as happy as possible, well behaved dog or not, I treated them well and enjoyed my job... I personally believe the corporate crap, the crappy never pleasant bosses we deal with all while trying to ensure their bonuses and pats on the back while the groomer gets [censor]ed at for every hair outta place without even a thought of a tip... it isn't easy and some days are really bad but im gonna miss it all the same and I had a lot of really great customers I built a professional and sometimes personal relationship with... but again its all about the ol mighty dollar and making those quotas its not about the customer or the dog, no matter what they tell you they could give a [censor] less... its all about how much you'll pay and there's groomers who see you coming... they will take you for all they can because your dogs need this that and the other thing... well you know what your dog needs.. don't be a sucker people, half the time they aren't doing all your paying for anyway... corporations... they suck and they sure don't make the world a better place for the little guy...

miliani, US
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Jan 24, 2011 2:41 am EST

I believe none of you but a groomer would understand how hard it is to groom a dog. it takes 3-4 hours because we wash the dogs and dry them which can take up to an hour sometimes more depending on the breed and if they are scared of the dryer, we do in fact leave clean, cold, fresh water inside cages. then once the drying is done we start to groom which can take 2 hours sometimes again depending on breeds and the hair cut, if your dog is aggressive toward any part of the groom and if we get sto0pped by phone calls, in coming clients, walk in services (which include nail trimming, teeth brushing, 15 minutes of brushing, shaving pads and potty, and a touch up package which includes nail trim, ear cleaning and 15 minutes of brushing and face, feet and potty). so understand this most of us don't get breaks or lunch breaks most of us work through all of it.

and for you that complain your pet didn't look right, or wasn't washed or didnt get a nail trim etc. don't complain on here step up and let us know. if we dont know we wont be able to fix the problem next time. we get busy just like any other person in the world and sometimes we forget which your right shouldn't happen but we are human we will make mistakes. we wont be able to make every single one of you happy because some of you aren't happy yourselves.

For those of you that complain about getting your dog shaved, because he is matted we can sometimes spot shave your dog but I don't know how many times i've seen, maltese, poodles, schnauzers, etc that come in so matted you can't brush it out, and why should your dog suffer the brushing because your too lazy to do the required work for a groomed dog. so yes we do have to shave him. you also should be signing a paper that states we will have to shave your pet if not safely able to brush it.

About the nails, no matter how long i've been cutting dogs nails, you do sometimes cut the quick it is possible and happens do you do it on purpose no, but it happens, if your not able to cut your own dogs nails don't you think we will have trouble too? maybe you people should have got your dog use to the normal grooming process before blaming us. you should in fact be cutting your pets nails every 4-6 weeks to keep them healthy and short. you also should be bathing your dogs every 4-8 weeks as well depending on the coat and breed. and cleaning ears every 4-6 weeks depending on breed and type of ears. imagine going a year without getting a bath, brushing your hair, teeth and clipping your nails and cleaning your ears. a lot of dogs come in like this and we as a grooming have to fix your mess.

I see way to many dogs that come in that have nails growing into their pads and when I do my best and clip them it sometimes bleeds from the pad from the pressure. not my fault yet, I get blamed. I see way to may dogs with tangle all over their bodies, which is painful. dogs that come in with ear infections and leave and we get blamed that we caused it. which in all doesn't make since we can't cause an ear infection in 2-4 hours.

I use to work at a doggie day care and a dog stayed with us for 2 weeks he ended up having gum disease, which takes months to years to cause. she blamed us for it and said it was our cleaning products.

The only thing I wish is for pet owners to step up realize its not all our faults sometimes and most of the time it is yours and your trying to blame someone else, I take great pride in my work and I love grooming your animals and I will die grooming but maybe for once give your dogs groomers a break. do you complain like this to your hair dresser when she ends up taking an extra hour to make your hair look just a little better, or when you get your nails done [censor] and complain about how they should have stepped up their game and got you in and out sooner. no you don't so why do it to the person thats grooming you pets. you love your babies just as much as you do, in fact I wake up every morning for work happy. I just dread people like you that [censor] about little things in life.

Hair does grow back which is a fact.
Nails grow back which is a fact
90% of the time your dog will be stressed which is a fact

We do take your pets and his/her stress in consideration. so if it took longer than last time or longer than we said, remember we are working on live animals, that do not speak, they will get stressed and we will place them in a kennel to calm them down. again with fresh, cold, clean water.

I would like to thank all you hard working groomers
Also all you customers that do understand our job.

It is also nice to tip. thanks

jmb maples
Huntsville, US
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Mar 28, 2011 5:55 am EDT

Please dont take your pets to petsmart! I currently work there unfortunately; but i'm here to beg you not to take your dog if you care for them! your pet will get cussed out, leash jerked on if not cooperating (scared), pinched, handled roughly while being bathed and dried, shampoo in eyes (they are "suppose" to use eye wash before and after), unsanitary kennels from previous dogs, no clean fresh water, nails trimmed super fast and short or too long, small dogs tossed in the kennels wet and shivering (because the groomer feels other things need to be done). the groomers don't care if the dog is nervous or unruly or that they will take their time on the service for good quality; because they are making 50% to 60% commission on every dog (the quicker the can get your pet in and out, the more money they bank! its all about the money... there is no heart in what they do! it breaks my heart and that's why I have to find another job quick! I cant be a part of that!

Old Bridge, US
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May 29, 2011 3:13 pm EDT

My daughter took her 4 pound Yorkie to the East Brunswick, NJ Petsmart for grooming as she did last year (without incident) for a summer cut. My daughter advised the groomer that he was very active so that they would be aware that he did not sit still and be cognizant of the difficulty when grooming him. But I guess they did not take heed and the result of it was that he was rushed to the veterinarian care unit they have within the store to care for the cut made in his nose during grooming. I can only say, thank God they have one there. The Vet couldn’t give him stitches because it was vascular so he had to put surgical glue on the cut area to try to stop the bleeding. They must have been very concerned because they kept him for several hours to monitor him before releasing him and made an appointment to see him again to make sure all was well. A professional groomer takes all precautions to assure the safety of the animal being groomed and yes, accidents happen to the best of us, but a professional should take all precautions necessary to see that none occur. Needless to say, my daughter will not return to Petsmart for grooming. However, I do want to compliment the Veterinarian that took care of him. P.S. My daughter was not charged for any of the services provided (as should not have been)

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Jul 14, 2011 2:41 am EDT

I am a groomer at Petsmart. The only person I can speak for is myself and my salon. It's not just Petsmart there are a lot of shady salons out there. The problem is, it is not like being a human hair stylist or barber. There is no licencing or certification that is a requirement. You could go to walmart and buy a $30 pair of clippers and call yourself a groomer. The grooming world can be a SCARY world. You want to make sure where ever you are taking your pet to ask some questions before you take your pet in for a grooming. I encourage owners to come in and meet their groomer first. This also gives the owner an opportunity to discuss things like price and what their concerns are. I would never leave my children in somebody else's care without meeting them first. Go with your gut. If you feel comfortable with this person if your dog seems to be getting along with this person then start asking some questions. Ex: How long have you been grooming? What is your favorite type of dog to groom? Find out if certian groomers specialize in certian things. What do you do if a dog is misbehaving or tries to bite?
Sometimes as groomers we do have to have difficult conversations with people. I never recommend shaving someone's pet down because I think it's going to look good. I don't think dogs look good shaved at all. It's just somtimes with a matted pet it's the only safe option. You need to agree on a price and a service with your groomer before you leave. Make sure they know you expect there to be no suprises when you pick up. I would suggest initaling next to the price and service notes on the paper you sign. If your groomer then makes a pricing mistake they have to suck it up. They messed up!
Owners should be able to observe the trimming process on their dogs. I encourage my customers to come watch at any time. For dogs that are more excited than others its best as the owner to watch where the dog can't see you. You don't want them getting too excited before the groomer has a chance to finish.
Cutting dogs...accidents happen. Sometimes with groomers I'm sure it's carelessness. However if you could please keep in mind that we are working on moving targets we would appreciate it. I am very cautious and careful on each pet I groom. I don't take my eyes off of it and really try to concentrate on what I'm doing. Especially when I'm working on a pet that isn't standing the way that I need it to.
Finally, don't be afraid to ask your potential groomer questions. They should be willing to be open and honest with you and if not find yourself another groomer. If your groomer isn't smiling when you drop off and pick up find a new one.

Toronto, CA
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Nov 14, 2011 3:53 pm EST
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we have an 8 month old mini schnauzer. I took her to Pet smart groomers on 3105 Argentia Rd. Mississauga they did a good job, but she we very lethargic, she slept on her bed and would not move.. she did not want to go outside for her evening walk and had to cut the walk short. I was very concerned about her and she did not each that night. the next day, she we sick on our kitchen floor … twice… but… she did not eat the evening she come home or the next morning… do any of your pets feel this you notice any similar symptoms, is my puppy being sedated in order to have a wash and trim..? All help and comments would be appreciated.

Oklahoma City, US
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Jul 03, 2012 10:02 am EDT
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The south oklahoma city petsmart is terrible! I bought a chameleon in their store june 1st and since then I have had so many complications with their products! first the cage we bought for $70 was used & missing a piece, also the cage stand was used & also missing a piece. the flourecent blub went out within 10 days and now, last night, the basking bulb went out. on top of the fact that they never have crickets! (& everything is over priced!) im serious, I have went in four or more times now & I always have to go somewhere else.. they dont even have them in the box to go thing. and let me mention the next location to find the crickets is like 30 minutes away can I sue them?

Chicago, US
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Jul 10, 2012 10:06 am EDT

If you are a groomer that is complaining... I don't care. you choose your job! I work in a bar and in the corporate world. the money I make to deal with drunks get touched by drunks, harassed by drunks, stalked by drunks, and vomited on by drunks is my choice. also, my # boss comes with the territory. but I am not on here #. my customers come in to get what they want done, not to get attitude from their server or from their account rep. if you are not willing to get the job done... then do not do it! I am sorry but you # petsmart groomers and bathers need to grow up! poor you... but not really. we all have bad days, and when I am done with mine and don't have the energy to cut my pets nails.. I bring them to you. so do not tell me its all about you and not about pets and their owners... it should be all about us. do nurses get to tell patients to politely f* off when a screaming 2 year old sticks with with the needle by flailing their arms around? no. so stop complaining. complaining is for weak people.

Kingsport, US
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May 29, 2013 2:33 am EDT

I want to know how much it will cost me to take my long haired (and matted) cat in for a full grooming. She goes a little nuts with the change of seasons - wouldn't go outside all winter and now, half the time, we can't get her in!

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Jan 23, 2016 10:10 am EST

Hi my name is William Rogers Iive in portland texas and work in the par ks and rec department .we have added A dog park to the city small and large Idid not rellieys how maney dog are in the city. Ihere pepole ask why we do not have A pet store .the city is growing. every month .petsmart would be great for are city.Thank you For your time.William Rogers Portland Texas 78374. phone 361-445=8933. email

Susie B and Larry B
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Apr 25, 2016 3:14 pm EDT

We have had nothing but praise for our groomer at Petsmart in Lewisville, Texas. I don't want to give you her name because it is so hard to get into to see her now! We request her every time. She is booked way in advance, but we are patient because our little schnauzers are worth it. I have taken them to other Petsmarts and have not been as satisfied, so it really depends on which location you take them to and who the groomer is. Now, Banfield is another story! They nearly killed 2 of my dogs and I will never, never take my pets to Banfield inside Petsmart.

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Jun 08, 2016 5:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been taking my dogs to Petsmart in Leesburg, FL for quite some time for baths and nail cutting and grinding. A few weeks ago I picked my two dogs up after their bath and they smelled awful. My male started digging and scratching his ears so I started giving him ear washes and antibiotics. It didn't help so he went to the vet. Bad ear infection. It started immediately after his bath. They both smelled like they were washed in mop water. Last bath for them at Petsmart.

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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

Never ever work for this company...They promote kids to be managers..And when kids get power they like to fire people if they don't like you...If this is what our country has to offer as far as jobs go I don't want one...

Chesterland, US
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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

I was purchasing $114 worth of pet supplies but apparently only had $90.60 in my account. The transaction was DECLINEDbut three days later it is still pending on my card in spite of the fact that I have NO merchandise and inspite of repeated unanswered calls to their recordings in Phoenix, AZ. The people at the store keep blaming it on my bank and the bank keeps telling me "you're kidding, right? "

cary aronson
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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

i brought my german shepard in for a bath and lite grooming of hair. when i came to pick my dog up i told them my dogs ears smelled and only the back of the dog smelled clean. i was told that they were sorry and i can bering back anther time for a free bath which i did. i was made because of the mistake to travel back to the store and spend extra money when the job should have been done correct the first time. i will never go back to let them touch any one of my pets

Henderson, US
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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

I took my dog to be groomed at the new petsmart in henderson. it took 3 hours! I went to get him and he ran to the door like he needed to get out of there. when I got him home I seen "blood" he hade 3 cuts on him"why" his face wasn't cut at all. also I payed for his nails to be grinded down 3 of his nails were done! I will never shop there. thanks valerie, you lost us.

Katy, US
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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

3 hours is not unreasonable for a haircut for a dog. a person, yes. people don't get their full bodies washed and their anal glands expressed when they go for a haircut. drying every square inch of a dog takes time. I personally dislike petsmart because I used to work there and they are all gossips. the other groomers I worked with did cut dogs wayy too much yes because they were in a hurry (perhaps they had been getting "is my dog ready yet" "how bout now?" "it's been five minutes why isn't my dog ready?!" phone calls from the owner every ten minutes). I would have not cut your dog because I take my time and am careful. sorry about your dog's experience. I am not defending the cuts, just the amount of time it takes to fully groom and bathe a hairy dog, as a groomer. I am taking time to educate pet owners about the expectations of a grooming experience. hope I helped. god bless you.

ep hart
fai8rborn, US
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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

Only comment I found.
I get survey forms and when I try to get the verification code, never will open to right page.
What's the deal with that?

berlin, US
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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

I was scamed lol and the dumb # admited it to me in a email click above for more
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posted: jan 19 2010, 02:58

You know what, you are really pissing me off and this is the first and the last warning. I want you to stop emailing me and I want you to forget about me and my business. mind your own business. if you ever post any scam alert on my ads or on me again, I will see to it that you be known as a scammer too. I have a lot of info about you, but you have nothing about me except for the fake names. well, I can post all your info I have (house address, phone numbers, names and email addresses) on the scam alert and there is nothing you can or will do about that. if you want to dear me, keep punking your big mouth into my business.

Believe it or not, you got scammed and there is nothing you or any other person can do about it. there will be no court case or police looking for me because it did not force any money out of your pucket.. you were just too stupid to realize the fake stories and pictures and number and website and email addresses. no do and no money for you. haha,

This is your last warning. I will not warn you again.

Hey, did I forget to tell you that you suck!

How much money did I take from you for you to keep disturbing me.

If you have the gods, then try me. you will all your information posted on different sites as a scam. you can do anything about that and it will remain that way. I also have a picture of you if you don't know. I will include that on the scam alert.

Ask for my own information, you can do anything because all the info you have of my or any company is fake. an I can change that anytime I like. the email addresses are free and can be created at any time.

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Aug 01, 2016 3:20 am EDT

I was a past customer of Pet Smart and when I went there they offered an insurance type policy for pets so when they get treated it should help with the cost of treatment. But there is one flaw, if the pet is not an ill one that needs medical treatment all the time then the insurance is not for you. Now, I did get this insurance and did not read the fine print. Now I do not have the dogs but when I calld them to stop the insurance I was told I could not. I had to pay the whole thing even though the dogs are not being treated any more. I recently started to get numerous calls in the house I reside in and the homeowner is a person ho can not tolerate harassing phone calls. I want them to stop or I will seek legal actions against I C Systems for the calls. I am listed in a do not all list.

K Brodin
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Apr 16, 2018 11:18 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would not recommend using Petsmart Grooming for any of your dogs. I have been going there for several years. I had been have my senior dogs groomed utilizing the express grooming as they grew older. One of my two dogs is gone now...and I was still grooming the other. Her health had changed over a year ago...but nothing new recently. This past March after getting Kimmi groomed I was told they would not groom her anymore due to health issues. I watched during the last half hour of the hour grooming and was happy with how well I thought Kimmi was doing with the groomer. When she was done that is when I was informed that they were going to start following policies due to a new manager and I could not bring Kimmi there anymore. I asked about using a waiver due to her age and I was told no they could not do that. Funny since they don't hesitate to have you sign for other waivers. The grooming manager was very arrogant when I spoke with her. She told me Kimmi did not qualify for grooming because of a weakness in her legs. Once again I say that is funny...she looked fine when I was watching her. What a bummer to leave me in a position now to find someone new. Kimmi was used to Raul grooming her...and now at her age she will need to get used to someone new. I tried contacting the home office. I spoke with someone and was told I would get a call back with 24 to 48 hrs. I have never rec'd a call back. Very bad customer service to say the least!

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Jul 09, 2018 11:30 am EDT
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Called operation to get pricing and was told $47.00 for grooming my Miniature Poodle. another $5.00 to have nails ground instead of clipped. Made an appointment for the following Sunday, as they had an opening. They did not explain to me that there was an additional charge for Sunday. When I arrived they put the order together and it was $72.00. Will never go there again, as they are not up front with their pricing. I wonder about the Charge for grinding nails as they looked to have been clipped. Grooming was adequate, but nothing sensational for the excessive charges.

Anonymous Help
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Aug 14, 2018 4:57 am EDT

Dont bully us.

Angel James
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Aug 14, 2018 7:47 am EDT

Horrific place to work if you hate being bullied. If you enjoy being bullied then work there.

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Aug 14, 2018 10:13 am EDT

We now have a face of one of the perps that caused all of those Moorestown, NJ petsmart workers to be unemployed. We now have a photo of Angel James the district store manager that transferred L'erin Gaines from one store to the other that caused mayhem in Moorestown.

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Jose Nunez
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Aug 14, 2018 8:23 pm EDT

For those effected (unemployed) by a bully store manager in Moorestown NJ there's a new movie coming out regarding your story. Please see photo enclosed for details.

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Kenneth J
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Aug 15, 2018 4:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I will be filing a law suit with my attorney. You need to call me asap
Kenneth J [protected]

Steve Austin 100
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Aug 15, 2018 6:14 am EDT

Employees bullied out of jobs and nothing is being done as of yet. Why? Angel James we await answers. Corporate we await answers.

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