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Petro Canada Complaints 223

1:28 pm EDT
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Petro Canada staff

i have been working for a year. They only pay mimimum wage, no commission or bonuses on top if any loss from shift they make us pay. There is no one to guide you, custumers yell at employee and at the end employee end up paying from pocket. It suchha pressured job and worst job ever because they rip off everyone. The employee rights are always violated I hope this sad dilema for employee like us will be solved by human rights or other government because it is not a job, its a loss.

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Sep 22, 2012 8:19 pm EDT

I'm also an employee at a Petro Canada branch. Paid minimum wage with a small bonus that gets credited for every shortage during shifts. No lunch breaks, minimal training. Manager regularly uses a method to avoid taxes on propane cylinder fills. Petro Canada does not care for its employees so long as they "make the sale." Customers are regularly abusive no matter how efficient or polite you are.

12:44 pm EDT

Petro Canada bad customer service

These people who work there can't speak English. They all belong to one ethnic group. They buy off these gas stations and set up their whole family to work there. Worst customer service ever, so rude, you can't understand anything they say. Trying to find a gas station in this godforsaken country that hasn't been infested by such rude people who don't know the first thing about courtesy.

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4:07 pm EST
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Approx. 6 months ago I stopped in at the Petro Can station to purchase $25.00 worth of gas. I pumped the gas in my vehicle and went inside to pay for my purchase only to find I didn't have my bank debit card. The clerk was intolerable and accusatory saying I was deliberately lying. I was totally shocked and upset to say the least. Anyway, he threatened to...

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11:15 pm EDT
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Petro Canada managers disrespectful

where to start off iv seen and heard too much i cant even stand it anymore, if nothing change with this complaint i will have to go higher. first everytime i go to petro canada on st.raymond in the evening the employer is always alone in rushing hours ..the manager is never there always around other site like the petro on Greber where her boyfriend who is the assistante manager pretent to work for hours and make other employer work more than 24hr they just sit around and smoke so they most likely get paid doing nothing and iv also heard and someone seen the manager put there gaz in stolen gaz assurance this happens frequently... they do what ever they want the are rude with the employees and treat them with no respect and uses them . this is what i can say for now im not the type of person to write complaintes but people like them do not deserve to be on site to have a nice comany this should not happen..
thank you for your time hope this help you to know what is going on
have a good evening

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Milton, CA
Jun 26, 2012 8:25 am EDT

Petro Canada
Meadowville, Misissauga.

The stupid ### of an manager is a complete dick which his name is EDWARD HOWELL who works at the Petro Canada, station # 00480, at winston churchill and battleford. He comes running out and started yelling at me and my kid (which is 7 years old not to mention) he comes out yelling me to move my car when there was a major line up at this station and I can't move. There was some charity car wash there blocking and taking up all the spaces. He told me that he was going to call the tow truck if i didin't move my car then started hitting my car with his palm of his hand. i got out telling him if he didin't stop i was going to call the cops but he didin't care. Then i told him to apologize to my kid for calling her names. He called me an Fuc? and my daughter a little ###.He said no and said he was going to shut the charity car wash down. I didn't care, I wasn't even part of it so he shouldv'e thought before opening his stupid mouth. I won't be going there anymore for gas. He has no respect for families or anyone for that matter. he should be FIRED with a capital F. I hope somebody at head office goes and talks to these guy because he clearly knows nothing for custmer realations

2:38 pm EDT
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Petro Canada expiry date for air time

I am very dissatisfied with Petro Canada Mobility's (PCM) definition of the word "expiry" with reference to air time. It appears that if air time expires on Aug 12 2011, to PCM, this means that in fact, the air time expires on Aug 11 because the internal program that PCM runs, could run in the morning of Aug 12 and delete the air time. Every other business that I have dealt with gives customers until midnight of the expiry date. Why is PCM different? When I complained that I wanted to speak to a higher authority, I was told by the Customer Service Agent to email the Contact Us address since it would above her office. I do as instructed only to get an automated email reply to contact the same Customer Service telephone number where I started...what a JOKE!

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Apr 13, 2012 2:13 pm EDT

Petro Canada Scam: Petro Canada Mobility Stops unlimited cell phone Bundle and only texts costomers to let them know 1 day before expiration. So when your payment of 51.70 goes through after the expiration date the funds are used as basic calls (fees at regular rate which takes about a day to burn through as you are on no plan. This is the worst scam i have ever seen in the business. Customer service was very sarcastic and cant do anything about it(It is out of their hands) So, I ask to speak to a manager that can assist me, but the managers are not in, they take my name and number and say the manager will call me. I will repost what happens when i receive this call.

9:13 am EDT
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Petro Canada wtf employees dont speak english

Employess dont know how to speak english they are cheap labourers straight from india or mexico maybe even illegal residents they must know some english but they are lost in translation because they speak some foreign language maybe hindo or spanish in canada I speak english or french and japanese when im home in tokyo not the other way round heres a tip for the owners and employees english lessons will get you better jobs and better employees so there go get it all you hindo speaking, think about it, you dont look right even though you might feel at home when you speak out in public, to me and most others ive asked compare it to an animal, dogs cats whales (theyre communicating but in their own way) hayabusa (:

Fyi : customers must go inside to pay!... So speak the right languages!

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Update by noidiotsgofree
Aug 16, 2011 9:18 am EDT

Speak english if you are at work or in public or just go back to mexico


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11:05 pm EDT
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Petro Canada windstorm caused a petro sign to damage my jeep

I was pumping gas at Petro Canada, on the corner of Dundas street and Highbury ave, in london Ontario. When a windstorm picked up and cause one of the signs to blow over hitting my Jeep, causing damage. I told the gas attendant. he told me to go and get 2 estimates of the damage. I spent an afternoon off work to do so. estimates of the damages were just over 750.00. I came back with the estimates and gave them to the gas attendant. he took my name and number and told me that I would be contacted by the area supervisor. I was contacted by a man and was told that because the damages were greater then 500.00 that it had to go threw insurance.
6 months later I still have no heard a thing back from them. Every time I call them to find out what is going on they tell me they will pass the message along and refuse to give me to supervisors name or number.

How would they like it if I caused 700.00 dollars worth of damages to their vehicle then tell them, no you can't contact me about getting it fixed I will contact you... I will never by gas from Petro Canada again. Don't gas companies profit enough.? they should be able to pay for damages caused by there signs on there property to customers who are purchasing their product.

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4:40 pm EDT
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I took my 3 month old Mercedes-Benz to the TOUCHLESS carwash at the Petro Canada located in Concord, Ontario. Unfortunately, due to a mechanical disruption, the arm that goes around the vehicle ended up TOUCHING, but it did not stop there, what's worse it severely scratched the whole right side of my vehicle. Anyhow, accidents happen! But what made matter...

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3:43 am EST
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Petro Canada gift card rip off

I purchased an Earls restaurant gift card at the gas station using my Petro-Canada Mastercard and the girl operating the till did not activate the card. When I took the card to Earls, they told me the card had not been activated yet. I went back to the Penticton, BC gas station where I purchased the card and they gave me the run around about activating it. I went home, got my receipt and then demanded they activate the card that I paid $50 for. The clerk called the owner who got on the phone and told me that the employees could not activate gift cards. What?! They can sell them but not activate them - so basically I just paid $50 for a piece of plastic. Now I'm out money. Imagine if I had given the gift card to someone else rather than try to use it myself. The employee and the manager/owner of the gas station were very rude. Needless to say I will not be buying anything else there. Do Not purchase gift cards at this station unless you want to pay for worthless plastic!

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Dec 30, 2010 3:51 am EST /
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We need your support and trust! Dear friends, please temporarily stop your footsteps To our website Walk around A look at Maybe you'll find happiness in your sight shopping heaven and earth You'll find our price is more suitable for you.
Welcome to our website ( / )
Thanks to the support!

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2:40 am EST
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The Petro Gas station managers at 5710 111 Street Northwest Edmonton, AB T6H 3G1 are encouraging their employees to steal from customers. They steal from customers and add the money into the till so that they are not short on cash because of their incompetence. I have talked to the managers directly about this problem and they just got angry and defensive...

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5:41 pm EDT
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It was a very busy day at the gas stations and I was waiting in line from one side of the pumps (the same side as all the other cars were) when another car decides to wait for the same line from the opposite side. When I drove my car into the pump, the opposite car drove in together and we ended up halfway stuck at the pump. The lady came out of the car and...

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11:26 am EDT
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Petro Canada ripoff via overcharging and deceptive business practices

I was a major customer of Petro's (burned 2000 gallons of heating oil per year) until a few months ago when I discovered that they had been ripping me off for nearly a year. They had been massively overcharging me on their "market rate" plan. I surveyed several area fuel companies and found that they were all 10-30% cheaper for their regular non-teaser rates. Consumer websites like this one are riddled with similar complaints against this company. Below is the letter I wrote to the General Manager about this issue. I have gathered evidence and documents that prove that they defrauded me. I am contemplating suing the company to get back the money they stole from me.

Sharon MacVicar
General Manager – North Jersey
94 Dell Ave - Unit #1
Kenvil, NJ 07847


Dear Ms. MacVicar:

I’m writing to serve you notice that I am terminating my business relationship with your firm effective immediately. Your pricing for home heating oil is fraudulent and misleading. It has come to my attention that Petro has been billing me at ever increasing levels of inflated prices over the regional average. Attached is “Exhibit A” which includes a spreadsheet and a recent fax from Petro outlining your fraud against me. I have included recent pricing from one of my many local heating oil company’s that shows the extent in which your firm is gouging its innocent victims. The company’s name is Hilltop Fuel of Fairfield NJ.

I am aware that many heating oil firms offer “teaser rates” to lure customers. Your own salespeople have told me that Petro is one of the companies that engages in this ugly practice. The pricing that I referenced above was the regular rate for all customers at Hilltop Fuel – no teaser rates. I’m sure you have a standard boilerplate response letter that allows you to hide behind the teaser rate concept.

You claim that I have a current balance of $728.09. I claim that you owe me a refund of $1, 109.27. I demand that you immediately waive the $728.09 charges and issue me a refund for the $381.18 difference. I intend to seek counsel on this matter. I am also contemplating reporting your firms’ fraudulent and unethical activities to the following authorities and media: Better Business Bureau, NJ Office of Consumer Protection, NJ Division of Consumer Affairs, NJ and NY State Attorney’s General, /link removed/,, Shame Shame Shame on Fox 5 with Arnold Diaz, Troubleshooter with Roseanne Colletti on WNBC4, regional and local newspapers, and a variety of internet heating oil forums.

Reporting you to these agencies and services would only add to your dubious record of thousands of consumer complaints littered around the region. I trust that you’ll make the right decision and refund me my money. This would go a long way towards placating my anger about this matter.

I await your immediate reply,

Yours truly,

Justin R. Evans
46 Cherry Tree Lane
Kinnelon, NJ 07405

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monica ojeda
penn grove, US
Apr 14, 2014 5:05 pm EDT

Wow; iam a new petro customer i star en january 2014 i call them they say they have to fill the tank, in february 8 /14 640.00 i paid 540.00 they say they give me 100 credit .on feb22/14 i recive a contract that i supouse to sing and sender by 17 and i got the contrac 5 day latei call and ansenior lady in pennsauken office said is ok sender, , BUTI an so proud of me i did not day another contract to clean a lot stuff, but because ia not a mecanic, I feb 27/2014 they put oil 66 gallon 264.00 and I question the driver he say he coming back on march 17, , I call this woman a gain and she tought o no you sign a contract jajaj I never sing a contract, today i have a bill34 day lateasking for the 100.00credict .i askmy self my tanq fill300 gallon and in 2 spend 66 gallon?, well IAMA 70 YEAR OLD FOR PETRO SORY YOU DONT GOT ME, BUT AMGOING TO CHECK WHY YOU DONT SELLWHAT THE COSTUMER ASK IS LIKE YOU ONLY DO WHOLE SALE, i thank al lthis people for come foward

Ed Stone
Scituate, US
Dec 23, 2010 11:04 pm EST

I'm in Rhode Island. Once, I had a written contract price agreement with Petro but it expired 8/31/09. Ever since then we remained on auto-delivery for dumb convenience. However, on 12/20 10 Petro delivered 140 gallons of oil priced at 3.699/gal. That seemed excessive to me so I checked around. Ahhh, other companies in the area averaged 3.00/gal. Petro charging .70/gal higher than everyone else means I just pissed away $98.00! This was a no-contract "market rate" price too!
Don't get me started on how Petro also took advantage of our bank auto-withdraw and grabbed another $267.00 for a service contract without first requesting it. I would caution everyone who is seeking an oil provider not to use Petro, especially in a contract situation. As of yesterday, I've stopped the auto withdraw payment plan and have decided to use a different company who respects a customer.

rockaway, US
Dec 07, 2010 12:25 pm EST

hilltop fuel service people are a bunch of crooks. No customer service. Arrogant. I called at 7.07 am to complain about loss of heat, but the receptionist says call back at 8am. Are they playing games. Oil rates are besides service charges are overpriced too.

rockaway, US
Dec 07, 2010 12:21 pm EST

I have problem with hilltop fuel services in fairfield, NJ.
Very poor service. They overcharge for repair service too. I called at 7 am to report loss of heat and they want me to call back at 8 am. Very poor sercvice and a bunch of crooks.

Jonathan Kim
Nov 24, 2010 8:51 pm EST

I had the similar overchange by Petro on 11/23/2010 and Petro charged me 3.59 dollars per gallon. I called the customer service and complained. Petro gave me discount (about 30 cents per gallon) over the phone.

11:38 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Petro Canada gas prices

I was in the petro canada yesterday sept 9/2010 i used my petro points card to have a car wash
not knowing the amount of points that the teller had'nt told me!, and my concern here is that i got
pushed in by getting a lousie 12$ car wash but had been taked for over 300$ worth of savings,
this is my complaint to the petro company that i was not aware of the points that were tooken off which
was like 8000 points, so now i can't get my 5cents off card that i have been saving for, for so long.

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Fulford, CA
Jan 10, 2011 8:08 am EST

I think this has to do with the Esso g-site cash register system.
On the older systems all promotions have to be entered manually, Esso also doesn't have the best track record of informing it's employees of new promotions, so if you notice the price being off notify the clerk.
As for the attitude, some people are just jerks.

3:12 pm EDT

Petro Canada not reliable

I have had 2 scheduled 4-hour windows with Petro Oil (for annual maintenance/clealing of our water heater) and both times, they have not showed up! The window we were initially given was 8am-12pm...he never came. They said 'so sorry...we can get someone else out there...earliest appointment is 6 weeks from today...' so I made the appointment. The second 'window'...6 weeks later from 8am-12pm again...and again...they never showed up! This was the second business day that I had taken PTO off work for these appointments and the second time they stood me up! This is terrible customer service and I do not recommend this company at all if you want an oil company you can depend on!

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Bevery Hills, US
Oct 16, 2010 5:21 pm EDT

Don't lesten to a word anyone from PEATRO (that's how they pronounce it) has to say.

They are the absolute worse oil service Co. They came in and took over smaller local companies who did a good job. The money PEATRO waived at these smaller compaines was too great to pass up I suppose and they sold out to PEATRO.

Stay far, far away from PEATRO! Trust me. Go with a local oil company. Talk a few before you decide. The home heating oil decision is a tough one. Don't take it lightly. There are many local companies who are scam artists as well. But since most own/operate there own business, they are less likely to screw you. They are not some huge oil company from CANADA of all places. Stay away from PEATRO.

Jan, Petro Customer Service
Aug 26, 2010 3:12 pm EDT
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Dear Jack T,
Hello, my name is Jan and I am a senior Customer Service representative with Petro. We take great pride in the service we provide to our customers, I apologize if we let you down.Can we take this offline so that we might rectify this immediately for you? You can email me at to let me know where to contact you directly. Again, our sincerest apologies.

1:19 pm EDT

Petro Canada racist employee

Me and my friend wanted to buy some milk one night, so we drove to this Petro Canada gas station on McCowan and Steeles at around 12:30 am on Saturday, July 24, 2010. My friend (who used to work at that gas station), told me that there was this "nice and calm" guy by the name of AMGAD who worked the weekday night shifts over there. As soon as I drove to that gas station and pulled up near the front customer parking area where AMGAD could see all the pumps and the entry to the store, he then looked at me and gave me an ANGRY LOOK. At first I thought that maybe he was tired of his work but that was not the case because as soon as my friend got out of the car, he then signalled at AMGAD just to say "Hi!" to him but then AMGAD went over the intercom and ANGRILY looked at my friend and said to the both of us: "GET THE ### OFF THE PREMISES!" I was then shocked to hear what he said to us but my friend didn't seemed shocked otherwise cause then he thought that AMGAD was "maybe joking with him." But then AMGAD again went over to the intercom and then gave a SERIOUS LOOK at my friend and said to him angirly "GET YOU AND YOUR FRIEND OFF THE ###ING PREMISES NOW!" So we drove off and got milk at another store. After we bought the milk from the other store, my friend told me that he couldn't believe of what AMGAD just said to him and that he knew AMGAD for about 4 months (AMGAD was actually working at that gas station for about 4 MONTHS which makes him a "new guy" for that location.) and that he never fought or argued with AMGAD and that he was pretty "cool" with him. However, I also found out that this AMGAD wasn't so "nice and calm"after all when my friend told me that whenever he went over there to visit AMGAD and a BLACK CUSTOMER would come in and leave, he would constantly harass my friend if he "knew" that Black guy or not and why they always come late at that time. I then noticed that AMGAD was racist and prejudiced against his African Canadian customers. So this why I am writing this complaint, to battle against racism and prejudice at Petro Canada. I urge anyone who visits this location or anyone who is reading this complaint to call head office or the owner of this Petro Canada franchise and complain about AMGAD's evil and ignorant actions towards the African Canadian community in Markham, Ontario. The owner or general manager of that Petro Canada location should teach Amgad of how to properly deal with the customers and if he (AMGAD) fails to learn or comply to the instructions given to him by his superiors, then he should be dismissed or resign. I will not tolerate any racism or prejudice when I want to buy something from some store. Petro Canada should know that as well; that racism and prejudice is NOT tolerated in the business world. I WILL NEVER go to that location to fill up on gas or buy something from the store OR ANY OTHER PETRO CANADA location for that matter. Petro Canada has just lost a customer (me) because of AMGAD'S racist remarks and attitude towards his customers and Petro Canada will continue to lose more customers IF they don't do something about it.

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7:51 pm EDT
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Me and my friend wanted to buy some milk one night, so we drove to this Petro Canada gas station on McCowan and Steeles at around 12:30 am on Saturday, July 24, 2010. My friend (who used to work at that gas station), told me that there was this "nice and calm" guy by the name of AMGAD who worked the weekday night shifts over there. As soon as I drove to...

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8:38 am EDT
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Petro Canada price of gas

I have been charged more money than I knew about per gallon of gas, the Gas station has been bought out by another owner and now they are charging more money when using a credit or debit card, with out a notice posted any where when i ask the person he said it just started last week and had i knew about about i would have gone some where else this is not right they should a least post it some where near the gas pumps.


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6:32 pm EDT
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Petro Canada suicidal owner

Mo, the owner of Petro Canada in Prince George B.C. on 20th ave. are making poor decisions regarding staff and the operation of Petro Canada. I was informed that he has been feeling suicidal in the last few weeks.

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10:04 am EST
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Petro Canada not environment friendly

Petro Canada is now charging $1.00 for air to fill tires. That is not only a rip-off, it is environmentally unfriendly as consumers might not fill their tires and could use more gas as a result.

I refuse to fill my car with gas at any gas station that has the audacity and environmentally unfriendly policy of charging customers for air!

I actually don't have any more to say than this, but need to add a few words to satisfy the 100 word requirement. Ooops, only 87 words, so here are a few more to satisfy the requirement.

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8:52 am EST
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Petro Canada my car was derailed partway into car was

my vechile was drailed part way into the automated car wash. We were stuck inside no one came to help, I honk for a few minutes still no assistance. I was able to back up over the rail enough to get my 5 year old out to safety. my vechicle is still party stuck in the car wash with it still running. My daughter was very distraught. we went in side the manger said it was my fault. he would not shut down the car wash becusae the door would come down on the vechile.this is not a safe operation. the only asisstance he could offer me was if you want your vechile out than call your self a tow truck once again he said it was my fault.

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About Petro Canada

Screenshot Petro Canada
Petro Canada is a retail and wholesale fuel provider with a network of gas stations across the country. They offer various grades of gasoline, diesel, and lubricants. Additionally, they provide car wash services and have convenience stores at many locations. Petro Canada also supports a loyalty program for customers.
How to file a complaint about Petro Canada?

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to file a complaint against Petro Canada on

1. Log in or create an account:
- If you already have a account, log in. If not, create a new account to proceed.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Petro Canada in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about key areas of concern with the company.
- Mention any relevant transactions with the company.
- Describe the nature of the issue.
- Include steps taken to resolve the issue and the company's response.
- Explain the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any additional supporting documents that can strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses.
- Utilize the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

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Overview of Petro Canada complaint handling

Petro Canada reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 20, 2006. The latest review A Convenient and Rewarding Experience at Petro-Canada was posted on May 17, 2024. The latest complaint attendant service was resolved on Jun 12, 2017. Petro Canada has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 225 reviews. Petro Canada has resolved 22 complaints.
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    +1 (800) 668-0220
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    Toll-free phone
  3. Petro Canada emails
  4. Petro Canada address
    150 6 Avenue SW, Calgary, Quebec, T2P3Y7, Canada
  5. Petro Canada social media
  6. Nick
    Checked and verified by Nick This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024
Petro Canada Category
Petro Canada is ranked 16 among 46 companies in the Automotive Fueling and Charging category

Most discussed Petro Canada complaints

expensive gas
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