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CB Office Space and Supplies Office Depot Worst service ever: no assurance at officemax's max assurance
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Office Depot review: Worst service ever: no assurance at officemax's max assurance 10

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8:27 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I have just experienced the worst customer service experience ever with Max Assurance (National Electronic), Office Max’s partner which is supposed to process their service contracts. We purchased our $470 Brother printer from an Office Max store in Boulder, Colorado in December of 2007. The printer is having problems and we really need it working properly. We are now outside of the year-long manufacturer warrantee, but purchased an extended service contract. Initially, the Office Max person we called in Boulder said we needed to bring it in for a return replacement. Later, a different person there said that we needed to contact Max Assurance to schedule an on-site service visit. My wife contacted Max Assurance on 2/20/2009 and received a service number. Max Assurance indicated that we would be contacted by their local service vendor Prism Point Service within 24-48 hours. Almost a week passed, and we never heard from Prism Point; so, today I called Prism Point [protected]) myself and they had nothing about or request by name or request number. Then I called Max Assurance at [protected]) and was transferred to “Beth” (#156261)) who said she could see in the system Max Assurance had never sent our service request to Prism Point. She said she sent it electronically today 2/26 and it would be another 24-48 hours to be contacted by Prism Point.

Of course having been told this before by Max Assurance and having waited almost a week, I asked for Beth to expedite our request so we would not have to wait and be further inconvenienced. She said she couldn’t do that and we’d have to wait again for their process to cycle through even though she acknowledged it was their fault. I then asked to speak with her supervisor, and she put me on and off hold for about 10 minutes, finally saying that a supervisor would have to get in touch with me within four hours. I then called Customer Service at Office Max and spoke with Andrea in Ohio who filed a customer expedite and who conferenced me back over to another Max Assurance call center person named “LoAnn” (#302098). LoAnn wanted to look some things up and call me back. When she called back she also indicated there was nothing she could do, sounding indifferent about us having waited a week and not being delivered the promised service. She said we should just wait. When I asked to speak to her supervisor, she said she couldn’t because she had called me back. She said I would have to call in again because they have another process that wouldn’t allow her to do so. I called Max Assurance again and was routed to “Shawn” (#304357) who gave me pretty much the same story. Again, when I asked to speak with his supervisor he indicated none were available and I would have to be contacted within four hours. He also said there were about 10 supervisors for 600 people who received calls, and it sounded like the supervisors were pretty busy with others who also aren’t happy with service from Max Assurance.

I then called Office Max Customer Service again and spoke with Katie who was very nice and was able to get through to a supervisor at Max Assurance. “Ron” (#155684) the Max Assurance supervisor was the worst yet. Ron was very scripted in his responses to the point of rudeness, and only seemed concerned with the legal ramifications saying over and over “I’m advising you that you can wait” as if I hadn’t been told that repeatedly since last week (and I’d still be “waiting” if I hadn’t started calling them). Ron also said “Yes, there was a failure” but refused to acknowledge that the failure occurred under what is controlled by Max Assurance. I kept saying that I understood they couldn’t put us back in time to where we would have been without their error, but that they CAN do something now by not putting us through another wait period. It’s bad enough Max Assurance messed up, but it’s intolerable that their supervisor won't acknowledge and they won’t make it right somehow: how about calling over to their vendor Prism Point to whom they send substantial business and asking them to schedule a service appointment while everyone’s waiting on the all-important electronic ticket to arrive? No, that doesn’t fit Max Assurance’s rigid procedures. All of which assumes that the service ticket even arrives this time, and that we won’t have to do this all over again on Monday. Truly terrible customer service at Max Assurance.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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May 23, 2009 4:00 am EDT

i think the reason that is, is because its still fixable so u dont really need to replace it, not saying u have to spend money technically, if u express to them that u dont want to pay money to get it fix because of the warranty they should still replace it for a gift card, they have to, if its something like there was an ink spill if u clean and then its fix than situations like that they are trying to get at, but if its like a part falling off and not being able to work again they wouldnt need to send someone to come in and look at it, but you should of gotten what u wanted if what u said was true, you probably just got a hold of some bad associaties i work at officemax and i even run across a few bad associates at that place now and then

Jun 09, 2009 11:36 pm EDT

Just so you know maxassurance does have a set of procedures they do have to follow i understand that it was bad that nothing happened for you the first but you must understand that every company has procedures to follow they can take care of so many customers dont you understand that your not the only customer they take care of do you not understand that prism has more than just you to take care of i am sorry for your problem but you have to understand your not the only one in the universe k thanks. get over it

Ray L
Abilene, US
Aug 22, 2009 10:42 pm EDT

I had a laptop go in for service under my max assurance warranty and after calling a few times for an update, I was told "the laptop was beyond repair", so to expect a check in the mail. well needing a computer I bought one and about the time I was supposed to "get the check", the old laptop showed up. The wireless card doesn't work and they are sorry ALAN told me expect a check. They are now giving me the run around, by this product at your own risk, they will lie to you. Ray L.

Marvin C
Statesboro, US
Aug 26, 2009 3:10 pm EDT

Unlike you guys cases, I do have positive experience about the warranty from MaxAssurance. I've sent my laptop to service for twice. The most recent time I had the service is two days ago. They send me an empty box after several questions. After the service, the technician put a note for the testing and repairing procedures in the box. I got my laptop back around 7 to 10 days after mail it in.

Cali Marie
Phoenix, US
Sep 28, 2009 4:50 pm EDT

Wow reading that was like having a flashback of my experience with Max Assurance.
I purchased a laptop from Office Max and the extended warranty and was told by the attendant if I had a problem walking out of the store that day and dropping the thing they would take it in no questions asked.
Eight months later I tried to turn the computer on and I only got a blank black screen. No bios symbol no start-up nothing at all. Only the power symbol was lit and it was showing the computer had power to it. I took it in to the store and the attendant was very helpful and sent the computer out for me to Max Assurance, or whatever company they use to do the repairs, but for short I'll just use MA. So MA calls two weeks later and tells me they are not allowed to fix the computer because it is still under the manufacturers warranty and they are not authorized to repair it. They did however tell me it was a faulty motherboard so they had enough authority to identify the problem but not to fix it. I'm not going to say the manufacturer because I don't believe they are at fault. MA said they couldn't even send it to the manufacturer for repair and that I had to do it myself. I did and they repaired it without a fuss.
Not the end of the story. Another six months pass and the exact same problem happens! This time I KNOW the laptop is past the one year warranty by the manufacturer. So I call MA to start the process again and they claim I'm still under the manufacturer warranty. Luckily I'm looking at the receipt and am CLEARLY past the one year mark, but the person I talked to said she couldn't do anything for me so I hung up. I called the actual Office Max store, and they again were very helpful, the store attendant set up a conference call between the manufacturer, MA, the attendant, and myself. We finally got everything straightened out and MA finally sent me out a label to get it sent out again. Two weeks later I got a call saying it was another faulty motherboard... they replaced it a second time and sent it back.
When I got it back I noticed several of the keys didn't work. This time I knew better than to try to call MA, I called the store again and I really can't explain how great they were but again the attendant got MA to send a label out for another repair. Two weeks later a call, and I bet you can guess the problem...and the answer is faulty motherboard surprise surprise, so they replaced it a third time. This time however they also replaced my hard drive so I lost all of my information, including documents, programs, pictures, music, etc.
I just got the laptop back two weeks ago and it works fine as far as I can tell. I'm actually just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Of course this story in the condensed version. All of the phone services are automated so as soon as I called any of these companies and entered in my serial number for the laptop their machine told me I was out of warranty and disconnected my call immediately. So there was a ton of calls I didn't mention but there it is. My horrible experience with Max Assurance.

Jim Schneider
Chicago, US
Oct 27, 2009 6:57 pm EDT

Max Assurance is the WORST. I purchased an HP 3600 printer from them with the full 3-year warrenty and I am now on my THIRD printer that is ALSO a lemon.

Adter speaking with their technical deparmtment I was informed by a supervisor by the name of Stuart that it is up to them to determine if they will give money back or service the 3rd defective printer. I was told that I would be contacted within 5 to 7 days of their decision and he refused to provide a name or number of these "people".

This is the oldest game in the book. They our source to a company called "Cybertest" which is also horrendous to deal with and who has sent 2 defective printers, wasted hours of my time and given me attitude to boot.

I will NEVER buy another product from Office Max and am turning this over to my credit card company to dispute. This is the WORST company I have ever done business with and I sincerely hope they declare bankruptcy as they are not fit to be in business with these fraudulent practices.

Oct 01, 2010 1:39 pm EDT

I feel I must defend OfficeMax and this MAXASSURANCE warranty product. I am VERY happy with my outcome, I purchase an office chair almost 3 years ago (this was my last year on the plan), and wouldnt you know it, the chair started to leak some kind of oil from the center of the bottom base, then the wheel covers started to pop off and woudlnt stay on anymore after awhile, I was concerned of course since I really didnt pay a whole lot for the chair to begin with, but I did have it rightfully regestered when I bought the chair (I've found that that always helps...). Then I thought since I did purchase the insurance, why not use it? I then called the number for this feature and lo' and behold, no problems, the very nice operater (very nice, wish I remembered her name...) helped me 1000%, instructied me to get rid of the chair any way I want (even suggested I donate it..!) and it will be replaced, then about a week and a half later I received a card (gift card?) in the mail for the amount I originally spent on the chair (less the insurance extra of course). Needless to say, I was quite impressed and will be using the card to buy me a new chair, I am very happy and just thought it be fair to add in a compliment as opposed to a complaint, Needless to say I WILL be purchasing the insurance feature once again for the next chair from OfficeMax. Thank you OfficeMax, you have a customer for life!

wade county, US
Feb 16, 2011 11:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Apr 19, 2011 12:41 am EDT

I’m very unsatisfied with MaxAssurance and I can guarantee that I will never purchase anything from OfficeMax again. I purchased a laptop from OfficeMax and purchased a two year warranty on my notebook. When I ran in to issues, and the notebook needed repair to repair a broken mouse button and other issues I had no problem getting my notebook sent to MaxAssurance. After calling to check the status of my laptop they were explaining issues that were NOT wrong with my notebook. I talked to several customer support representatives to finally found out they had my SERIAL number wrong in their system and was repairing mine under a new serial number. Finally I received the notebook back in the mail with a wrong serial number on the paper. It wasn’t long before I had to send the laptop back again for the same issue to replace the same broken mouse button. I get the notebook back and the mouse wasn’t fully repaired. The paper stated they had “reseated” the mouse. Needless to say I didn’t send it back immediately. Now my warranty has expired, and I had my computer serviced by someone else to repair the problem. The technician explained to me that the mouse was broken and there was a cushion pad placed under it to hold it up, but the button itself had completely broken off the mouse. I called MaxAssurance back to ask why they had “rigged” my mouse without fixing or replacing the issue as I had paid good money for the warranty. The lady explained to me that since the mouse had worked then that was a great fix. I explained to her that wasn’t the case I had called back right after I received the notebook back and complained the mouse wasn’t fixed however due to medical issues I was out of state and they refused to mail the box to the address I was currently at so I was unable to send it back. At this point she said she couldn’t do anything for me because it had expired.

I am so aggravated that you spend so much to purchase warranties for your electronics and their work is something you could do in your own basement. Terrible service! I’m glad to finally get the mouse replaced on my notebook for the THIRD time. This time I know it was done right I sent it to someone else!

Cindy Koeppen
Co. Bluffs, US
Oct 28, 2013 10:31 am EDT

I purchased a Toshiba laptop Satellite L755 at Office Max on June 19 2011 and bought the 3 year service Max Assurance plan and was told it also covers Batteries and it was 149.00 today I called the [protected] and talked to an Anthony and was told my battery was not covered and told him my daughter bought one the day before and was told the same thing that the battery is cover under this warranty I had to go to another store to get one and was told the battery was covered Anthony said it wasn't I talked to his supervisor and was told it was covered I told them that it was miss leading and I am sure there has to be more people out there that bought these warranties on false pretenses. This should be brought up to a consumer hot line 150.00 is a lot of money to me. If any one else has this problem you can e-mail me at

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