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New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS)

New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS) review: libel 111

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6:29 pm EDT
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Slander, Libel, Defamation, Hate Speech, Racism, Lies etc.
12 Libel Suits including from The Fulbright Institute to President Al Carroll

Al Carroll
Barnaby McEwan
Michael Davids

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nafps critics
Feb 09, 2016 10:43 am EST

Angelica johanson - tis mal crow was a registered member of the cherokee tribe of oklahoma. he was well known and well respected in native communities and throughout the world. he was resilient and driven. spent many years on the pow-wow circuit, and his list of friends is long (many are also famous/public figures from native american community, whom are also well known and respected). his list of accomplishments is also too long. his traditional beliefs did not allow him to "sell" tradition, and his family and friends are all saddened and hurt to find his name mixed up in anything like this. I google his name, and this comes up. he was trained in traditional medicinal and healing practices by respected elders. he kept and respected these keeping with these traditions, he had restrictions on whom he could doctor, and never took payment for doctoring someone. he made money from contemporary means like classes, lectures, consulting with small and major manufacturers and companies about responsible and renewable sourcing and formulation of herbal supplements. he was also a gifted artist and created and sold many works of art, including his beadwork. he was the first enrolled member of a native american nation to have published a book on the practical and responsible use of herbal remedies. so, yes an author as well. anyone who knew him knows this. I am saddened and troubled by the accusatory manner of the acquisition into his genuine identity. I agree with peter in his post when he references a "witch hunt".

Heather awen - there are people-nafps - misappropriating my story for a smear campaign against raven. obviously anything they say at new age fraud can’t be trusted because look how they used me! I now know they pick and choose information, like they do against their many enemies. i’m probably one now in spite of my work calling out core shaman practitioners doing faux indian rituals for money. wonder what they’ll cut and use out of context for their agenda to make me their enemy? when your own story is twisted by a group, that group is highly suspect and must do a lot to win back trust and show honesty. sadly new age frauds is now clearly exposed as an unreliable news source. maybe they will apologize for using my story out of context without seeking to learn the truth, but the agenda seems to be hatred. sigh. it’s so sad how everyone is played against each other.

To nafps - you have no clue of the truth. it's so degrading that you pick that without understanding it, and try to capitalize on my suffering. any of you ever talk to the people he's helped? no. it's just pick and choose to attack people. get facts. I can't believe years ago I supported this site. are there not enough people playing wanna be and charging money for it anymore that your enemies now aren't even people who pretend to be indigenous and don't charge money? what happened to this site? I have care packages for political prisoners to make. seems more productive than online bashing people. remember that haters got to hate but the rest of us can work for a better world.

Do not trust everything you read at nafps

Wise Words
Feb 17, 2016 2:30 pm EST

so true

Mar 14, 2016 10:22 am EDT

lol i am indian and grew up in local ndn community and back home (when my parents were still alive)...i am known and NOT full of hate...yet i see how dangerous all you twinkies are and do know you make things up as you go along which is an insult to our beliefs

the idiot that said we are in it for the money?HAHAHAHAHA what money? legit medicine men arent making money and fraudbusters definately arent

as far as the amound of white people in our ranks...many of them were naive and been taken by they wised up and became allies so it doesnt happen far as europeans go they have a valid many twinkies going to europe and defrauding europeans that dont know any better...we put a good dent into making sure non-indians and even sellout indians arent profiting from BS over there

you guys make me laugh


Jan 27, 2017 2:52 pm EST

real name is Andrew
works for nova

Cate C
Mar 15, 2016 2:45 pm EDT

Hi milehighsalute. I am not a twinkie and I'm not dangerous. I wrote about essiac and chaga tea in the local newspaper because it worked for two friends of mine with cancer. I was very grateful and thankful for that and wanted to give the First Nations the credit for these teas and share the information with friends. I don't understand why that is wrong. I certainly never did it to insult your beliefs. My editor wanted the article written and I wrote it. If you saw something work for loved ones suffering from cancer, wouldn't you want to share it? I've lost several loved ones to cancer and it is not something I wish on anyone. I'm glad I make you laugh but I personally wasn't laughing and I was actually quite upset and saddened by what happened on your site. I have no intention of carrying this on and I even give you some credit for showing up here but I would have preferred to have had a good educational talk on the subject and avoided all of this altogether. Take Care. Cate

Aug 21, 2017 2:07 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Cate C

I wouldn't worry about it some people like shaming and trolling cultural issues. They have given themselves authority on things that they probably don't have. It is always good to be specific about gift who they were given by and what was the occasion and the meaning and be open and personal about it. People can't disregard that. I hope that is helpful.

Cate C
Oct 17, 2017 6:52 am EDT

Thanks. I tried to do that. I do have to worry about it when they are warning people and groups about me for no reason. Are they afraid I am going to write an article on cannabis as a cancer treatment now which is also legal here? My computer was hacked into. My facebook account was hacked, personal photos deleted, my personal e-mail was used to send out junk mail. I had my suspicions but it wasn't until I read it was happening to other people too that I became concerned. They laugh and say only twinkies talk about taking legal action but how else do you deal with something like this? No legitimate site hacks into computers and facebook accounts. What is really going on here? How come I feel like I have stepped into a bad CSI episode of organized crime? And all because I wrote an article on legal cancer teas that I thought would help people? This is all very crazy.

Cate C
Oct 17, 2017 11:21 am EDT

I should have done an article on twinkies instead and saved myself a lot of grief

Cate C
Oct 25, 2017 8:59 am EDT

On another site there are people talking about their computers being hacked into saying they have proof it was from them. A woman, who is the widow of a Navy Seal, also said they posted weird things about her deceased husband using someone else's obituary with the same name as her deceased husband and they posted documents of other families with similar names as hers but they weren't related to her. She was called all kinds of racist names. She said she had a police report for cyber stalking and hacking.

I mean who does this? Hacking and posting info from someone else's obituary who happens to have the same name and posting documents on other people who aren't even related to the person? What kind of horrible research is that? Something else is going on here but I'm not going to be the one to try and figure it out. I've got better things to do with my time then deal with this foolishness.

nafps critics
Mar 17, 2016 1:35 pm EDT

you spend a lot of time insulting your own beliefs with the amount of stuff you make up about others as you go along

you guys make us do facepalms

Native Voice
Jul 10, 2016 10:04 pm EDT

The NAFPS website was down between March and May. An increasing number of First Nations and Native American individuals have been speaking out about the lies and hate that have taken hold at NAFPS.

Spam Mail
Jul 15, 2016 6:48 am EDT

the email address I used on NAFPS has been filled with spam mail from sex sites and fake sites since I went on the NAFPS site and I had to create a new email address

Jul 15, 2016 6:48 am EDT

Libel, defamation, slander, etc.
I gather im not the first and probably wont be the last.
I suspect an admin of the site to be 'hacking' my computers.

I was hacked
Oct 14, 2017 6:46 pm EDT
Replying to comment of .44

My computer was hacked. I have a police report

Spam Mail
Jul 15, 2016 10:01 am EDT

The email address I used on NAFPS was filled with spam mail from sex sites and fake sites after I went on the NAFPS site. I had to create a new email address.

nafps critics
Aug 04, 2016 8:25 am EDT

Carroll was the creep who hacked into my wife's MySpace account, stole some photos of my 5 and 7 year old daughters and then posted them on his stupid website.Simply because I disagreed with him about some trivial issue.

Dude, you are a better man than me. I don't know how you kept yourself from doing a little hunting NDN style. I don't believe I could have mustered up that kind of strength. His time will come one way or another! Lots of non's on there thinking they either speak for Indians or know better than them what is best for them ((I just love when non's try to tell us how to live, what to think, how to vote, what religion we should or shouldn't be) Mahkwa

NAFPS warning
Jan 24, 2017 4:30 pm EST

I went to register on the site to make a comment using my e-mail. I did not hear back from them but I got this message when I went to log in to my e-mail after that

Your account has been temporarily suspended
Someone may have used your account to send out a lot of junk messages or done something else that violates the Microsoft Services Agreement.

I think New Age Frauds & Plastic Shamans did something to my e-mail. Do not register with this website.

Jan 26, 2017 4:06 pm EST

3 ways to tell if a site is a fake, fraud or scam site

Look at the website's connection type. A website that has an "https" tag is usually secure--and therefore trustworthy-- This is because "https" sites' security certification is a process most illegitimate sites don't bother with. New Age Fraud does not have an "https" tag

Security info. A circle with an i before - Security information - "Your connection to this site is not secure - you should not enter any sensitive information on this site (eg. passwords) because it could be stolen by attackers". This is what is happening to those who register on the New Age Fraud site

The website's "Contact" page. Legitimate sites provide a Contact page so that users can send questions, comments, and concerns to the owner of the site. If the site in question doesn't have a proper Contact page, it should be an immediate red flag.
No Contact Information – If the website does not have a contact page, or it if does and it only offers a form to fill out or less, this is a strong indicator of fraud. Any legitimate site should have a location listed as well as a phone number and email to contact them. If none of this information is available it is a fraud site. New Age Fraud does not provide this. They provide an e-mail only "" and it comes with the same security warning as above.

New Age Frauds & Plastic Shamans is a fraud website

Jerry Eaglefeather
Sep 11, 2017 1:10 pm EDT

That fraudulent web site /blog NAFPS whatever they call themselves. Filled with lies and untruth about anyone who don't agree with them. Including Katz who got upset with me because I got before he did. He did not recognize when I met him at a book showing in NYC and we actually danced and drummed for his event in support for his book. The Jewish None Native man self made authority on Black-Native Americans has insulted me and others a few times. Telling us who we are and what we are not. Along with the numb brains who put that fake organization together. I'm shocked at how many people actually believe in those guy's post. I have been investigated 3 times and needless to say we are still going strong and bigger than ever because of our integrity we stand strong. They never found me to be doing anything wrong with money or misleading anyone and I never will. I am clear in how we present our tribal group. And 98% of our tribal members have Native Heritage. And most have taken DNA test and prove even as low as 1% Native blood. Those guys that post that garbage usually are not even natives themselves. I will tell you that "Frank Farmer" use to be a member of our tribal group and was kicked out because he was practicing racism. And when I confronted him about it, he vowed a vendetta against me and the tribe. So we see that post. And while it is damaging, we know why it was posted. We will not promote hate and we will not promote racism. We did not then and we will not now and we never force anyone to walk the red path that we walk. But we will continue to shine and be proud of who we are without shame.

Sep 15, 2017 5:12 pm EDT

The word is spreading about this guy and his site. Their numbers have dropped way down. Very few sign up any more. They are pulling up old threads from years ago that got a lot of views because any thread they create now is getting very few views.

Much Miller
Jun 14, 2018 3:33 pm EDT

There are many many people offering their knowledge and experience for herbal cures and NAFPS likes to slander and criticize this and even try to make it some kind of copywrite of Indigenous peoples... I feel, as long as people respect then is good to use herbal remedies and to receive this kind of wisdom. However NAFPS is not what it seems, it falls into a pattern that has been observed in many areas.. i.e. it is a classic disinformation site designed to confuse. It is part of a bigger agenda. See the following article for more.

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    Jul 20, 2024
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New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS) is ranked 42 among 48 companies in the Religion and Spirituality category