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JWPerfectmatch Reviews 21

5:39 pm EDT
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JWPerfectmatch Very Buggy website - coupled with atrocious Customer Service

The website is clunky, to be nice and polite. It has lots of bugs. When you email support for help and explain the issue, they respond with a template response that ignores the issue entirely, assuming that you don't know what you're doing and are making mistakes. I was a director in a tech company. I don't have that problem and I know bugs when I see them. Then when you reiterate your complaint, they just terminate your account. Due to these issues, I expect most of the profiles on the site, if legitimate, will be dormant and unused. That will obviously be marvelous for people looking to meet a live person Lol

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JWPerfectmatch Blown Away by JWPerfectMatch: An Upbuilding Review of the Trusted Online Dating Site

So, I was a bit like, "whoa" when I first heard about The reviews were a little sketchy, but I thought, "what the hey, let's give it a go." And lemme tell ya, I was blown away!

The security measures when creating my profile were top notch. Like, I felt safer making this profile than I do crossing the street sometimes. And since everyone had to go through the same thing, I knew I was talking to trustworthy peeps.

At first I was being a little picky, but I soon realized there were a ton of members on here to chat with. And boy, did I have some upbuilding conversations! Like, I wasn't expecting this website to actually live up to its name, but it did.

So, I haven't found 'the one' yet, but honestly, the potential is real. I'm feeling super positive about what could happen thanks to this site. And major shoutout to the Bro's who worked hard on making this thing a reality. I've got mad respect for you guys!

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JWPerfectmatch My Experience with Beware of Fake Profiles and Scams!

So, let me tell you about my experience with - I signed up not once, but twice, for a two-month stint each time. And you know what? I got not one, not two, but three profiles reaching out to me both times - sounds like a legit dating site, right? Wrong!

Turns out, these users were just pretendin' to be interested in me so they could coax me into buyin' a subscription. But once I fell for it and shelled out my hard-earned cash, they vanished into thin air. Poof! And I'm certain that the site has a few fake profiles on there just to lure in desperate people like me.

It really is a shame that folks are out there pretending to be witnesses just to take advantage of those who are lookin' for love. And trust me, I gave a fair shot - I mean, I coughed up the dough for not one but TWO 30-day subscriptions. But in the end, it was all for nuthin'. I coulda used that money on somethin' way more practical, ya feel me?

So, before you go and throw your money at these so-called witnesses who run the site, just think twice. Because I'm startin' to think their motives are a bit sketchy.

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JWPerfectmatch Review: JWPerfectmatch - Concerns About Personal Info & Use of JW Name for Dating Site

So, I checked out JWPerfectmatch ( and to be honest, I was a bit taken aback by all the personal information they wanted from me. I mean, I understand they need to make sure I'm a legit JW and protect themselves from potential lawsuits, but come on! They wanted my phone number, baptism date, circuit number, Hall info, AND a copy of my driver's license?! That's more info than even the Society asks for! And let's not even get started on the whole "using the name JW for a dating site" thing. The Society wants to distance themselves from that sort of thing, for good reason.

Honestly, I think I might write them a letter about this. Taking advantage of a pandemic to make money off the organization's back just seems wrong to me. Plus, I think there are better ways for single JWs to mingle and meet each other. Like, why not just put a (S) or (Single) next to your Zoom name during meetings? That way, other single JWs can find you easily and you can strike up a conversation during the virtual coffee break. Heck, you could even visit different Halls on Zoom for free and widen your dating pool!

At the end of the day, I think doing things Jehovah's way is always the best way. And I'll be sure to suggest that to the organization in my letter.

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JWPerfectmatch Review: My Experience with - Blocked Account and Frustrating Support

So, I gotta say something about my experience with I got a response from a guy named Mike and let me tell you, it wasn't good news. Apparently, my account details didn't match up and they blocked me from accessing my account. But here's the thing, everything was on the up and up. I just used my third name, which is totally legit and on my country's National ID. And the country of origin/residence was correct too, so I don't know what gives.

Now, I'm not trying to start anything, but I gotta say that being a Christian, I value honesty above all else. And I know my account details were true. I even offered to send an email to their support team to prove it, but they ain't havin' it.

So, I gotta ask the JW perfect Match team, what's the deal? I just want my account permanently deleted because I'm not comfortable having my photo and details on a public site. And if I gotta be real, this whole experience has left me feeling a little down. But hey, I still wish them the best with their support team and hope Jehovah blesses them.

Overall, my experience with was a bit rocky. But maybe it's just a fluke and others have had better luck. Who knows? All I can do is share my own experience and let you make your own judgements.

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JWPerfectmatch Review of JWPerfectmatch - Is It Worth Your Time and Money?

Hey guys and gals,

So I gotta be real with ya, I wasn't super impressed with JWPerfectmatch. Sure, they've got a decent amount of subscribers on the site, but it seems like the creators are just in it for the money at this point.

The site itself is okay, but there are some major issues that they seem to be turning a blind eye to. For example, they were trying to get me to subscribe so they could upload my profile picture. Seems fair, right? But then, when I went to check out other people's profiles, their pictures were all blurry. What's up with that?

Plus, I don't like being told when to subscribe. I wanna make that decision on my own terms, ya know? I get that you can't message anyone until you subscribe, but why can't I at least upload or change my profile picture without ponying up some cash? That just seems greedy to me.

Other dating sites, even the non-JW ones, have more reasonable policies when it comes to profile pictures. It just feels like JWPerfectmatch is trying to nickel-and-dime their users.

Honestly, I miss the good old days of JW Match and JWFriends. Those sites weren't perfect, but at least you could upload and change photos without any problem. It's a shame that some of us have jumped on the JWPerfectmatch bandwagon, because it seems like the creators are just out to make a quick buck.

There's a Bible verse that says, "Be not conformed to this world," and I feel like JWPerfectmatch has lost sight of that. Instead, they're more interested in lining their pockets than helping Jehovah's Witnesses find love.

Listen, I'm not trying to be a drama llama or anything. It's just disappointing to see a site that's supposed to be for our community acting this way. If they really care about being a witness to others, they should step up their game and start prioritizing people over profits. Jehovah sees all and I have a feeling he won't be too happy with how JWPerfectmatch is treating his people.

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JWPerfectmatch JWPerfectmatch Review: Invasive Screening and High Horse Attitude

So, I checked out JWPerfectmatch for myself and to be honest, I wasn't impressed. They seem to be on a high horse, like they own the dating world or something. And don't even get me started on the questions they ask you before even signing up! Talk about prying into your personal life.

They call it screening, but it really just feels invasive. I mean, are they really willing to suffocate you with a pillow just to keep the bad out? That's just being bad in a different way. Sorry, but I'll pass on that kind of screening.

If you want a dating website that'll make you feel safe and free from judgment, I recommend JWMatch. They don't try to lord it over Jehovah's people and they don't ask you for super personal information. Sure, outsiders might get in sometimes, but you don't have to talk to them if you don't want to.

JWPerfectmatch might be good if you're looking for human judges who aren't picked by Jehovah or Holy Spirit. But if you're like me and you want to keep your relationship with Jehovah between you and Him, then JWMatch is the way to go.

And hey, a note to JWPerfectmatch: you're doing it wrong. As someone who's close to Jehovah, I felt Him urging me to leave your website- and that's exactly what I did. Don't let your website get to your head, and thanks for trying.

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JWPerfectmatch Finding Love as a Jehovah's Witness: My Experience with JWPerfectmatch

Hey, so I tried out JWPerfectmatch ( and honestly, I was a little hesitant at first. I mean, I've never really done the whole online dating thing and with all the crazy stuff you hear about the internet, I wasn't sure if I wanted to give it a try. But, after a while, I decided to take the plunge and create my profile.

And you know what? It wasn't half bad. In fact, I actually liked it. The whole process of setting up my profile actually made me feel better about the site. It made me realize that everyone joining has to go through the same checks I did. Plus, the questions they asked were so specific, I knew only a fellow witness would know the answers.

Once my profile was up, I started looking at the other brother's profiles and reading their heartfelt bios. It was really eye-opening and gave me some inspiration to write my own. And let me tell you, I felt totally safe and in control on the site. Everything was so well-moderated and kept morally clean.

I started chatting with some of the brothers on the site and had some really good conversations. And then, I met this one brother who I really clicked with. We just had so much in common - a great sense of humor, love of family, and a mutual love for Jehovah. We hit it off and I knew I wanted to pursue things further.

Long story short, I canceled my subscription because I found the guy I was looking for. And I can't thank the people who created and run JWPerfectmatch enough for providing such a safe and organized platform for us witnesses to meet each other. Thanks to them, I met the love of my life and I couldn't be happier.

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JWPerfectmatch JWPerfectmatch: A Non-Subscriber's Tough Experience with Online Dating for JWs

Hey there folks, let me tell ya about my experience with JWPerfectmatch ( Now don't get me wrong, I'm fine with answering some questions to set up my profile, but as a nonsubscriber just trying to find a partner, this website is tough. I've had my profile removed four times already just to make room for those paying subscribers. Like, come on man! I'm not gonna subscribe until I find someone who really sparks my interest.

I remember when I first joined the site, it was only a week old and there were some really good looking start-up profiles on there. They would text me and try to get my attention, but as soon as I subscribed they would go silent, or in some cases, their profile pictures would be completely different or located on the other side of the world. Something's definitely fishy here.

I gotta say, though, reverse picture searches can be a lifesaver. But honestly, I'm just gonna stick to meeting potential partners at live conventions. At least there, I know the people are real and not some fake profile trying to scam me. Plus, Instagram has been way more successful for me in finding JW singles.

But hey, jwperfectmatch, no need to mansplain it to me. This is just my objective and constructive criticism based on experience. If you improve your attitude towards nonsubscribers, you might just score some more paying customers. Agape, folks!

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JWPerfectmatch Review: Taking Shortcuts to Find True Love - Not Worth It

Oh boy, let me tell you about It's this new site that's supposed to be like but with a "fresh coat of paint". They claim to screen their members so that you're not matched up with someone who's already hitched, and they also give you some tips on how to pick a mate. But here's the thing, who appointed these people to be the ones giving us advice on who to marry? And who even wrote this stuff? Do they actually live by the principles they're preaching?

We all know who the faithful slave is, right? They're the ones who provide us with the spiritual food we can trust and make life decisions with. So why do we need some other site to tell us who to marry? It's like trying to take a shortcut to a major life decision, and let me tell you, that's not a smart move. Who knows who you might end up getting matched with. Your soulmate or someone who'll only cause you heartache and headaches?

I made a profile on and what did I get? A guy who went home telling everyone what a horrible wife I am. And honestly, the guy was just a jw in name, not at heart or in action. That's the thing with these sites, they're a shortcut to trying to find a mate, but they can end up making your life worse than it was before. It's like drinking poison with one drop of water. Not a good idea.

My advice to anyone who's thinking of signing up for Be patient. We've got eternity to find our soulmates. Take the time to meet people in person, observe their faith in action, and then make your decision. Don't take a shortcut that could end up ruining your life. In fact, the faithful slave themselves have some pretty good advice on internet dating sites which you can read up on here:***&srcid=share

So if you're serious about finding the right person to marry, my advice to you is to follow the faithful slave's advice and meet someone in person. Don't put all your trust in some website that may not be looking out for your best interests. Stay patient and remember, we've got all eternity to find our soulmate.

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JWPerfectmatch My Disappointing Experience with JWPerfectmatch: A Review of their Policies and Customer Service

Hey, let me tell you about my experience with JWPerfectmatch. I was excited to join and see if I could find a special someone who shares my faith.

But then things started to go wrong. I tried to create an account, but my email addresses didn't work. So, I made a third email and finally got in.

But then, my profile was rejected not once, but twice. The first time, I admit I tried to rush through the process. But the second time, I put in everything perfectly. Still, my profile was rejected.

And get this - when your profile is rejected, they don't tell you why or how you can fix it. Nope, they just straight up delete your account and make it impossible for you to use the website.

I emailed them, asking for an explanation. But I got no response. Until, out of nowhere, they respond to an old email address telling me they erased my profile and data. What the heck?

I don't appreciate being treated like this. And the fact that they didn't respond to my email or give me any kind of explanation makes me wonder if they actually care about their customers.

Their vetting process to make sure you're a Jehovah's Witness is good, but everything else is just messed up. Their policies could use some work, and their customer service isn't great.

Bottom line - if you're looking for love as a Jehovah's Witness, try JWMatch instead. Don't waste your time with JWPerfectmatch.

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JWPerfectmatch Complaints 10

3:04 pm EDT
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JWPerfectmatch JWPerfectmatch Review: Annoying Paywall and Questionable Legitimacy

Okay, I gotta tell ya about my experience with this website called JWPerfectmatch. Honestly, it was kinda a mess from the beginning. First of all, they make you subscribe before you can even see your dang messages! And if that ain't enough, they don't even let you send anything unless you're willing to pay up. Like, come on now, I ain't made of money.

Now, here's where it really gets sketchy. I'm pretty sure this whole site ain't even run by real JW folks. I mean, who knows what kinda legal issues that could cause. And let me tell ya, I've seen enough of those shady catfish scams to know what's up.

But hey, it's not all bad. I did end up chatting with a couple cool people on there. So I guess if you're willing to put up with the annoyance of the paywall and the questionable legitimacy, it might be worth a shot. Just be careful, ya know what I'm sayin'?

Overall, I wouldn't recommend throwing all your eggs in this basket, but if you're feeling daring, give it a try. Just don't say I didn't warn ya.

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1:30 pm EDT
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JWPerfectmatch Don't Waste Your Time: My Honest Review of JWPerfectmatch Website

So, lemme tell ya something about this JWPerfectmatch website. It's been gettin' a lotta good reviews lately, but I gotta call BS on that. I mean, who knows if those reviews are even legit in the first place? Probably just some folks who own the website tryna make it look more popular than it really is.

And don't even get me started on the questions they ask you when you're tryna sign up. Like, come on, do they really need to know all that stuff? Seems fishy to me.

Honestly, I wouldn't even bother wastin' any of yer precious time or money on this site. There's better ways to meet new people out there, trust me.

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11:33 am EDT
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JWPerfectmatch Unprofessional and Unloving: My Experience with

So, I bought myself a subscription to, thinking that maybe I'd finally find my perfect match among Jehovah's Witnesses. I was all hyped up, written a few messages and stuff when I encountered an issue. I went to the admins with a question and next thing I knew, I was totally unceremoniously kicked out of their site. No explanation. No nothing. To top it all off, along with my abrupt removal, they promptly refunded my money. I was outraged. What a way to treat someone who was honestly trying to find a soulmate among fellow believers. It was then that I knew that there's no way on God's green earth that the guys running this site were genuine Witnesses. No way Hosea. It was straight up unprofessional and quite unloving.

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Is JWPerfectmatch Legit?

JWPerfectmatch earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds JWPerfectmatch to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, JWPerfectmatch is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with JWPerfectmatch, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

JWPerfectmatch has received 2 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

JWPerfectmatch has registered the domain name for for more than one year, which may indicate stability and longevity. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. you are considering visiting, which is associated with JWPerfectmatch, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While JWPerfectmatch has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 10 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • Website's registrar is popular among scammers, it means that a significant number of scammers have used that registrar to register domain names for their fraudulent websites. This can indicate that the registrar has lax verification processes, making it easier for scammers to register domains without providing accurate information.
  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
  • JWPerfectmatch protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
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JWPerfectmatch Disappointing Experience with Shady Scammers and Incompatible Matches

Well, let me tell ya, I've given a shot more than once and all I seem to get is a bunch of Nigerian brothers hittin' me up or dudes that are totally not a match and don't even acknowledge it when they message me. The guys that are actually compatible with me seem to be avoiding my profile like the plague. Plus, there are those shady scammers on here that just vanish into thin air when you start asking too many questions. Let me tell ya, it's been a real bummer trying to find a decent match on here. I'm starting to think I'm better off just kickin' it solo, ya feel me?

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JWPerfectmatch JWPerfectmatch Review: Password Issues and Lack of Variety – Not Worth Your Time or Money

So, I've given JWPerfectmatch a try twice now. And let me tell ya, both times my password was rejected for seemingly no reason. I've tried resetting it a bunch of times, but I always get the same infuriating message: "User name or password not found." It's a real drag to spend almost an hour setting everything up just to be denied access. I mean, come on!

I've reached out to the helpdesk before and all I asked was for them to delete my account. It feels like there's a glitch in the system or something. And let's not even get started on the lack of variety. I keep seeing the same ol' profiles pop up every time I log on.

All in all, I'd say JWPerfectmatch isn't worth your time or money. The site just doesn't deliver the goods, ya know? So save yourself the headache – steer clear!

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JWPerfectmatch JWPerfectmatch Review: Subscription Nightmare and Impossible to Unsubscribe from - Beware!

Dude, can you believe this? I've been trying to bail out of JWPerfectmatch for like a whole frickin' month and it's like impossible! Like, what the heck is going on over there? And to make matters worse, they're not even an American company. So in order to contact them, I gotta call a number with a weird-[censored] 27 country code. Like seriously, what kind of messed up place is that?

Anyways, I'm gonna have to go through V.I.S.A. and tell them to stop letting these scammers take any more of my hard-earned cash. I mean, come on dudes, why are they making this so frickin' difficult? Isn't offering an unsubscribe button like, legal or something? If not, it should be 'cause this is getting ridiculous.

Like, I'm all for finding my perfect match and all that jazz, but this is just not the way to do it. If a company can't even do something as basic as making it easy to unsubscribe, then what else are they hiding, you know? So let this be a warning to all y'all out there, stay away from JWPerfectmatch unless you wanna get trapped in a subscription nightmare. Peace out.

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JWPerfectmatch Review: JWPerfectmatch's Outstanding Customer Service & My Soul Mate

at the same time, I mean, who wouldn't be? But I took a deep breath and contacted the customer service hoping that they would help me out. And guess what? They did!

The customer service at JWPerfectmatch is amazing. They quickly responded to me and explained the reason why my profile was deleted. Apparently, they have strict rules when it comes to profile authenticity and they thought that my profile was not real. But after a few verification steps, they restored my profile and I was able to continue chatting with the sister I met.

And let me tell you, the sister I met on this site is wonderful. We had a lot in common and we were able to talk about everything and anything. We even discovered that we live only a few miles away from each other! Who would have thought that I could meet my soulmate in such a convenient way?

Thanks to JWPerfectmatch, I found the love of my life. And I highly recommend this site to all my brothers and sisters out there who are looking for their special someone. Trust me, it's worth it. The only thing I would suggest is to be patient, because finding the right person takes time. But when you do find that special someone, it's all worth it.

So don't hesitate, create your profile today and start your journey towards finding your perfect match. Happy searching!

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JWPerfectmatch Disappointing Experience with Frustrating Login Issues & Lack of Support

This is totally frustrating, man! I mean, seriously, I'm trying to find love in all the right places and what do I get? A bunch of bull crap from! I don't know what the heck is going on over there, but it seems like every time I try to login, they tell me my username is unknown and that I should contact "support" for help. So, I do what they say and what do I get? Jack squat! No reply, no nothing. It's like they don't even care about me as a person. It's infuriating, you know?

And if that wasn't bad enough, when I try to make a new account, they tell me my email is no good. What? Are you kidding me? It's like they don't want me to be a part of their little "perfect match" club. So much for being a loving and kind brotherhood.

Honestly, I don't understand what's so damn special about this site anyway. I mean, sure, it's supposed to help us find love with other JW's, but if they're gonna make it this freaking hard just to even see the search results, what's the point? I'm tired of jumping through all their hoops only to be left in the dark.

All I want is to find a decent brother to share my life with, is that too much to ask? Apparently so. I don't recommend to anyone. Save your time and energy for something better.

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JWPerfectmatch JWPerfectMatch Review: Scam or Savior for Jehovah's Witnesses?

Listen, listen, listen up, my fellow brothers and sisters! Let me tell you 'bout my experience with JWPerfectMatch ( Now, I ain't saying it's a scam, but it sure felt like one when I signed up to meet some fine sisters. And let me tell you, there were some fine sisters on there with eye-catching profiles. So, I tried reaching out with some one-liners, and I actually got some replies! Excited, I went ahead and shelled out some cash to subscribe.

But what happened after I paid up? Nada. Zilch. Nothing at all. The sisters who had been giving me the time of day vanished like a fart in the wind, and new potentials were MIA. What a load of baloney, am I right?

So, what's the moral of the story? Be careful, friends. This site may claim to be for Jehovah's Witnesses, but it's really all about making money. And let me tell ya, some folks love them dolla-dolla bills too darn much. So, be careful with your cash, and don't go in expecting a perfect match. Stay woke, brothers and sisters. Stay woke.

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JWPerfectmatch Review: JWPerfectmatch - A Dating Website for Jehovah's Witnesses, Run by True Brothers

fellow brothers and sisters!

I just have to share my experience with you all about this fantastic website called JWPerfectmatch. Let me tell you, I was on the hunt for a dating website that would cater to us Jehovah's Witnesses and I stumbled upon this gem.

One of the absolute best things about this website is that they give you a whole week for free to chat and message other members. Can you believe that? It gave me the chance to try it out and get a feel for the experience.

Not only that, but the administrators of this site are truly amazing. These guys are brothers who are just trying to help us all find our perfect match. And let me tell you, that kind of kindness and brotherhood is hard to come by these days.

And the cherry on top - they don't delete your profile if you don't subscribe or if you don't have a profile picture. You can upload photos to your heart's content.

Now, let me tell you about another website that claims to be of quality but in reality, it's just out for their own benefit - JWMATCH. Straight up, don't trust those guys. They'll do whatever it takes to make a quick buck and that's not what Jehovah wants from us.

Overall, I definitely recommend JWPerfectmatch. They're an amazing platform made by true brothers. Give them a try and see for yourself. Stay blessed, everyone!

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About JWPerfectmatch

Screenshot JWPerfectmatch
JWPerfectmatch is an innovative online dating platform designed specifically for Jehovah's Witnesses. The platform was created to provide a safe and secure environment where members can connect and build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals who share their faith, values, and beliefs.

From its sleek and easy-to-use website to its advanced features, JWPerfectmatch offers a unique online dating experience that is tailored to meet the needs of the Jehovah's Witnesses community. The site is filled with an abundance of helpful resources, including articles, videos, and a blog that covers a wide range of topics relevant to relationships and marriage.

One of the standout features of JWPerfectmatch is its compatibility matching system. Members are required to complete a comprehensive personality test that enables the platform to match them with compatible partners. The system considers important factors like personality traits, relationship goals, and religious beliefs to create matches that are truly compatible and have a higher chance of success.

The site's user base consists of Jehovah's Witnesses from all around the world, making it possible for members to find partners from different parts of the globe. What's more, the platform is mobile-friendly, so members can easily access it on their smartphones and tablets, making it convenient to stay connected on the go.

Overall, JWPerfectmatch stands out as one of the top online dating platforms for Jehovah's Witnesses, offering a secure, comprehensive, and enjoyable online dating experience. Whether you are looking for friendship, companionship, or a long-term relationship, the platform provides the ideal setting to meet like-minded individuals who share your values and beliefs.

Overview of JWPerfectmatch complaint handling

JWPerfectmatch reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 5, 2023. The latest review Very Buggy website - coupled with atrocious Customer Service was posted on Apr 6, 2024. JWPerfectmatch has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 21 reviews. JWPerfectmatch has resolved 0 complaints.
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We support and promote the right for reviewers to express their opinions and ideas freely without censorship or restrictions, as long as it's respectful and within our Terms and Conditions, of course ;)

We ensure transparent and fair ratings

Our rating system is open and honest, ensuring unbiased evaluations for all businesses on the platform. Learn more.

We care about your privacy

Personal details of reviewers are strictly confidential and hidden from everyone.

We are easy, free and open to everyone

Our website is designed to be user-friendly, accessible, and absolutely free for everyone to use.