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New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS)

New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS) review: libel 111

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6:29 pm EDT
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Slander, Libel, Defamation, Hate Speech, Racism, Lies etc.
12 Libel Suits including from The Fulbright Institute to President Al Carroll

Al Carroll
Barnaby McEwan
Michael Davids

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Mar 25, 2015 10:18 am EDT

Native American sites are all too common on the internet. When one is doing research on their heritage or on someone of an important historical figure, they may run across sites such as NAFPS who is mentioned here. These free forum groups that portray themselves as wanting to help the Native people by exposing frauds, cons, etc. are actually frauds themselves.

This is becoming a trend on the net and it is designed to debunk anyone who enters their circles of hate. If you even question anyone in their circles, they will post your social security, names, addresses, and even post your IP address for everyone to see.
They think they are doing a good cause by doing this, however, these sites are stretching the very limits of the laws and have had a history of having their illegal works and displays taken down because of their wrongful intents.

We are taking the initiative to prevent others from having to go through the same things that many others before them have had to endure.
Protect your privacy before THEY expose it to all of their fake private investigators and their fake contacts .The very contacts that have Fake Tribal ID cards mailed to their homes and NOT handing it over to the proper authorities. They are not trying to prevent these acts from happening, they are doing these acts themselves!

These people have a history of having a self proclaimed image. They are self important, always looking for someone to sharpshoot what they say.

They haven't proven anywhere that their deeds are doing any good.
They claim to have tens of thousands of members within their organizations, be affiliated with other accredited organizations such as AIM and NARF and other profound legitimate and respected orgs .

Yet, read their blogs yourself, they bash leaders and members of these organizations and call them fake and whatever "Twinkies" mean. That is their favorite word.
Spare yourself the embarrassment and fear, and protect your privacy!


Mar 29, 2015 3:14 pm EDT

I read a comment from Rain yesterday who identified herself as First Nations Ojibway and she called the NAFPS board a joke and a disgrace after reading their comments on medicine men and women that they did not know. I predicted they would make fun of her and then delete her comment. I was right. They can not handle truth.

Doug A.
Apr 04, 2015 8:00 pm EDT

They did not delete it. They moved it and they tried to throw Cate under the bus again. Typical:

Re: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks

« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2015, 12:26:44 pm »

The only other person I know of who has come to this site who was so good at deleting all their posts (plus the entire thread) was Cate Crow.  She was the person who was sending out information on a fake cancer cure, supposedly based on an "Ojibway medicine man's formula". [not fake and it was an Ojibway medicine man's formula]

Wonder if "rain" or "rain0033" is a new reincarnation of Cate?  She regretted that she used her real name as a login the first time around.

This time sky figured out it was not Cate. Leave the poor woman alone already  

This is what Rain said:

This site is a joke. I am
an "Ojibway" First Nations and darn proud of it. I
have read all your posts bashing people of medicine. You
people don't know these people personally or their
stories. All I see is head hunting... Everyone has a story
and you should get to know them personally before you make
your judgements. All I see here is a disgrace to our people.
It would be a good site if you showed resources on how to
help the sickly ill and where they can get spiritual help
for their afflictions.

"The more they squawk, the more they show
themselves to be panicked or paranoid."

Doug A.
Apr 04, 2015 8:07 pm EDT

NAFPS is a Kangaroo Court

angry about stupidity
Brooklyn, US
Apr 11, 2015 5:34 pm EDT

Slanderous website, quoting information they feel iscompletely accurate, not knowing for sure if some people of innocent, they have used racial terms such as ###coke instead of Nanicoke, they have targeted recognize groups as fruadulent.

Apr 11, 2015 10:44 pm EDT


Aug 03, 2015 3:58 pm EDT

'Summer Rain' is a sock-puppet identity used on the NAFPS site, it is not a real person.

The NAFPS hate site is known for their lies and defamation. Unfortunately hate speech is not

illegal per se. However, the hate speech contained on the site, frequently finds NAFPS in

violation of the Terms of Service of their hosting provider. The site has been removed by a

series of hosting providers and domain registrars:

Turk Telekomunikasyon Anonim Sirketi
Rook Media GmbH
Endurance International Group
Light and Power Communications

In April 2015 the site was removed from anonymous offshore hosting company Cyber Cast

International in Panama and moved to a Romanian server owned by FlokiNet - an anonymous Icelandic

provider, who boast "our law department will take care of your abuse mails, legal proceedings

and support you in uncomfortable situations"

Complaints regarding NAFPS hate speech can be directed to FlokiNet administration:

Alberta Plains
Aug 07, 2015 11:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Little Running Deer writes

The Ojibwa Indian “midewiwan” befriended an English couple who settled in Northern Ontario, Canada, at the turn of the century. The couple and other prospectors had come to the region hoping to get rich in the forested wilderness where the Ojibwa still lived according to traditional Native American ways.
The prospector’s wife developed a hard mass in her breast. When the Ojibwa healer heard of the woman’s condition, he offered a remedy that had been passed down by “the grandfathers.”
He told the woman and her husband that the remedy was “a holy drink that would purify her body and place it back in balance with the great spirit.”
Skeptical, the couple traveled to Toronto where the mass was diagnosed as breast cancer. The doctors urged immediate removal of the breast. The two were afraid and had no money for the operation, so they returned to the frontier, where the Ojibwa midewiwan prepared a brew. It is the Ojibwa expression for healer or medicine man.
The Englishwoman was to drink the brew two times a day until, as the story is told, the cancer victim’s body was “back in harmony with the great spirit.”
Twenty years later, a 33-year-old nurse in a small provincial Ontario hospital met this Englishwoman. The woman’s breast was scarred where the cancerous mass had been. When the country nurse inquired, the old Englishwoman told her how her breast cancer had been cured by the Ojibwa medicine man.
The nurse was Rene Caisse. She kept notes of the herbs that the Englishwoman told her were used in the brew. Her notes were put away and forgotten until Rene Caisse’s aunt developed cancer of the stomach and liver. The aunt’ s condition was terminal. Nurse Caisse consulted the attending physician, who said that trying the herbs could do no harm since the aunt was condemned to die from the cancer.
Her aunt recovered after two months of treatment with the herbal cure and lived 20 more years. This began rural nurse Rene Caisse’s lifelong devotion to treating and curing patients with terminal cancer at no charge—only the satisfaction of bringing condemned cancer victims back to life. The Ojibwa medicine man’s cure was never accepted by the medical establishment. Nurse Rene Caisse began what became a 60-year struggle to have the herbal mixture clinically tested and administered as a treatment for cancer.

The herbal brew that has been passed down contains ingredients well known for their curative properties. Sheep Sorrel has been used in healing poultices from earliest times. It was recorded in use in 1475 in Iceland for boils and tumors.
The extracts of sheep sorrel are rich in vitamins A, B, C, O, E, K., P, carotenoids, chlorophyll, and minerals. Japanese researchers at Nagoya University found burdock root to reduce cell mutation, and Hungarian scientists found it to adversely affect tumor growth. Chinese medicine has used burdock root for thousands of years as a blood purifier rich in vitamins B, E, P and many minerals.
Slippery elm bark contains mucilage and has been used to prevent and cure inflammation of membranes and to contribute to healing when used externally on wounds by having antimicrobial and antibiotic effects.
Rhubarb root was reported in Chinese medicine in 220 B.C. as a healing medication to remove toxins from the blood and small intestines. Rhein, contained in rhubarb root, has been shown by Japanese scientists at the Oriental Medicine Research center in Tokyo to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines.
To understand how a cancer cure works, it is important to understand how cancer begins and acts in the human body.
“The basic premise of all this is the change which occurs in the body caused by things that do not belong to the body, ” Dr. Brij Sood, M.D., a veteran cancer surgeon and former clinical director of Radiation Oncology at the Einstein hospitals said.
Cancer cures witnessed by the late nurse Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles A. Brusch as well as others who have used the Ojibwa Indian’s brew, prove its healing properties have conquered cancer. The Ojibwa Indian herbal tea is a natural cure that does no harm.
“The first insult to the cell is by an initiator. Then there are promoters that change the cell into cancer. That’s how science sees it, ” Dr. Sood explained.
“When change is initiated by environmental or dietary factors, then the next step is promotion. Tobacco, alcohol, ultra violet rays can alter the cell, and the cell responds by doing just what it wants to do as the body’s immune system is altered and the body’s response is altered, ” Dr. Sood added.
Describing the genetic factor in cancer, Dr. Sood explained: “There are expressive genes and suppressive genes. Suppressive genes may be absent in some people. Consider them the police. When the police are absent, genes which otherwise would have kept quiet grow. How it happens is a mystery.
“In a person’s lifetime, certain things are done to the body so that the normal healthy way of living is not there any more; the suppressor gene is gone and cancer cells grow. In Indian language, as Don Cardinal expressed it, they want to put the whole body in harmony, put the body where it belongs, acting in perfect physiological balance, ” Dr. Sood said.
Don Cardinal, a Cree medicine man from Canada, believes the herbal blend of sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark, and rhubarb root are keys to the treatment of cancer. Don Cardinal is known as Kiweeten, or Healer of the North. “There are two more herbs that have been secretly guarded and held back when the original ingredients were passed down, ” Don Cardinal said. {those herbs are thought to be bloodroot and cleavers.} When asked by Dr. Brij Sood, M.D., then clinical director of the Department of Radiation Oncology of the Montifiore Medical Center-Albert Einstein College of Medicine, whether he knew the precise ingredients of the original Ojibwa brew, the Cree medicine man replied that he did. The additional ingredients help the main herbs interact and provide healing for the body, ” Cardinal said.“It is important that the herbs are mixed in the correct proportions, ” he said, describing the spiritual importance he placed on using 
nature’s  bounty in the right way. “When I pick  the herbs myself, I always say a prayer and make my offering of
tobacco to say thank you to the Creator for giving us these herbs, ” he said.“Even when I do not gather the herbs myself, when I buy them, in case those who gathered them did not offer thanks, I always say a prayer and make an offering before I use them, ” the Cree healer said. He shows respect in a spiritual way that is the essence of Native American healing and medicine.
“Chemotherapy kills good and bad cells. Herbs may strengthen the strong elements of the body so that the body’s defenses can take over the cancer, ” Dr. Sood said.
“How herbs affect it is beyond the scientific community to explain. They may strengthen the body’s immune system.”
This doctor with 30-years experience in treating cancer patients spoke openly and inquisitively. He listened carefully to the Cree medicine man describe, in almost the same language originally used by the Ojibwa healer, the Indian herbal drink that acted as a detoxifier: “a holy drink that purified the body.”

chemotherapy can cause cancer cells to grow

These herbs may cause an increase in cells at first in the tumor area but then the cancer cells break down and are reduced. The tumor will harden at first and then soften and then dissolve. I know of someone who watched chunks of the cancer tumor come out in his urine using this. Don Cardinal would not have suggested getting bottles of it if he thought it would only increase cancer cells. Naturopath Doctors would not be using it if they thought it would only increase cancer cells. There are a large number of testimonials.

The "mysterious professor" is Dr. Mike Thrasher head of native studies at Trent University in Ontario. He taught the PhD Native Studies program at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario and worked in his Native community for more than 25 years on health issues.

Peg Ghost Dancer Wene writes

As to your questions about the rhubarb there is basically no difference between the two of them as far as potency goes.

Dr. M. Martin ND writes

Essiac and Type 2 Diabetes

The four-herb tea was really good.  As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there.  People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but not all the time it would.  Let’s say, for instance, the person had been on insulin for fifteen years.  The chances of the pancreas kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just come down with diabetes.  Any time we give it to a diabetic patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if their sugar drops down they don’t need to be taking their massive doses of their drugs.  The tea did in fact make very radical improvements in some people that were type two diabetics.  We’ve had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar.  The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and
the doctor tells them that they’re diabetic and they give them insulin shots and they go home and eat their Twinkies.  They continue to eat sugar, that’s where the problem is.  They’ve got to stop eating sugar.  And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like vanadium (they found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics), they can reverse it.  But they can’t reverse it if they won’t change their diet.  Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, also found a correlation between Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.

If they do have to take the tea with an arthritic condition, we recommend that they just add in a calcium supplement, that’s all.  Because an arthritic condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little bit acidic.  Essiac can aggravate it a little bit, but it’s not harmful. People report that they’re a little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don’t have a problem with the stiffness. The calcium counterbalances that.  That’s what an arthritic condition is, the body is not getting enough calcium and is pulling calcium from the bones.  So you have to supplement calcium and then you don’t have a problem, unless it’s an arthritic condition caused by infection.  There’s a couple different causes, but most common is lack of calcium.”

Essiac and Cancer

"The research showed Sheep Sorrel, the most acidic ingredient at pH 4.5, to be the one herb that had a directly destructive effect on cancerous cells. 

It was discovered that one of the most dramatic effects of taking this remedy was its affinity for drawing all the cancer cells which had spread back to the original site at which point the tumor would first harden, then later it would soften, until it vanished altogether or more realistically, the tumor would decrease in size to where it could then be surgically removed with minimal complications.

In certain cases and at certain stages of the disease, the cancer would act as if it were 'coming to a head', similar to an abscess. It would then break down and slough away.  When the mass breaks, it isn't like pus but like a cottage cheese substance that comes away.  Still other types will enlarge until the mass is localized, then loosen and reduce in size until there is nothing left, having been absorbed into and carried off by the blood stream and body waste.

No matter where the malignancy may be in the human body, surgery would be much more successful after six to eight treatments of Essiac, followed by further treatments once a week after the operation for a period of three months; then there would be no recurrence of the tumor.  In the case of breast cancers, the primary growth will usually invade the mammary gland of the opposite breast or the auxilla (armpit), or both. Essiac reduced the secondary growth into the primary mass, enlarging it for a time.  When it became localized, it was encapsulated and could then be removed without danger of recurrence.  In one instance, a patient with breast cancer was instructed by her doctor to have six Essiac treatments before undergoing surgery.  After the fifth treatment, however, the cancer disappeared, with no recurrence.

It is very important to use the dosage as recommended. The herbs are very potent, and in particular Sheep Sorrel can have the effect of enlarging the tumor too quickly, so that it may burst, or a vital organ may be blocked because of its increase in size.  Sometimes the tumors will soften, dissolve into small pieces and be eliminated through the bowel or the urinary tract.  Cancer growths in the breast have been known to become encapsulated within six weeks to three months, and can then be removed surgically with little danger of metastasising in the future.  Cancers of the esophagus have also become encapsulated and removed cleanly and safely by surgery.

The following reactions may occur when treating cancer with Essiac:

a)  swelling--occurs when metastasised cells gather into the primary tumour  {increase of cells in the tumor area}

b) cottage cheese effect--resembling curds and clear liquid, occurs as the cancer breaks up and discharges from either the body orifices or from localised cysts or swellings.  A jelly-like substance can also be discharged or coughed up from the lungs.

c) more frequent passing of urine/defecation and other inexplicable discharges--occuring as the body detoxifies.  If the symptoms are severe, with related nausea and pain, stop taking the formula for a few days until all the symptoms have subsided.  When you start drinking it again, take half an ounce every other day, gradually resuming the original dosage.  Remember that all diseases have a life cycle and a rhythm of their own, so follow your own judgement according to what your body is telling you about the dosage it needs.

d) aching 'on site' and headaches, linked to the detoxification process, have been noted as sometimes occurring when taking Essiac after surgery.  Treat as for (c) and drink more water to flush out toxins from the body.

e) fever or chills--sometimes occurring when the Essiac starts working directly on the cancerous cells."

A Naturopath or healer will work with you through the process and also help with diet changes and other health concerns you may have. I would prefer to go this non-toxic route along with IV Vitamin C therapy, Mistletoe therapy and/or cannabis which is legal for cancer treatment and a sound cancer diet. There is a reason why Don Cardinal was not a fan of toxic chemotherapy and neither am I. Cancer treatment should always be a personal choice and it is clear that NAFPS has no idea what they are talking about when it comes to this subject.

Alberta Plains
Aug 07, 2015 11:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Cate Crow did say she was not going to give any names in there after she saw her own information and the personal information of others put on display without their consent.

Withholding a source in a discussion for a reason is not plagarism. The source is in her article and her friend's book. There is also an apology for not giving the source in there.

I do not see where she said it was told directly to her. "Straight from the lips of" is an old saying. It means a direct quote from someone and can be from a book. It is pretty clear that quote came from no white person.

She obviously believes it is not fake as it helped her friends with cancer. There are a lot of people who would agree.

How is it criminal for sharing information on Essiac or writing a news story on it?  Who was pushing it onto people? There are many articles and information and testimonials on Essiac saying the same thing.

They said a white woman came up with the formula so how is it suddenly commodification of traditional medicine if a white woman made it up?

but since it is from the Ojibwe and they passed it on to the white man as a gift, what is the problem? Nurse Rene Caisse did not make any money treating people with it and neither did the author of the article writing about it.

The only thing I would advise is to see a Naturopath doctor or healer first if you are going to take it.


another comment

NAFPS is not entitled to speak on behalf of the Q'ero Inca nation who gifted their rites to all. Would they call their own rites fraud? They are not traditional?

"The Seers rite is practiced among the North Coast peoples of Peru, (the descendants of the Chimu and Moche cultures), and by the seers and trackers of the Amazon.
The Harmony Rite comes from the lowland Q’ero, the Huachipayre people from the edge of the Amazon as do the Bands of Power.
The Healers Rite is known as the Hampe blessing and comes from the highland Q’ero people.
The Daykeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Pampamesayok, referring to the lowlands and valleys of the ‘pampa’, and to the mesa or altar.
The Wisdomkeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Altomesayok rite, referring to the high mountains of the Andes.
The Earthkeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Kurak Akuyek rite, referring to the elder who ‘masticates’ the wisdom to nurture the young ones who follow.
The Starkeepers Rite is known as the Mosoq Karpay, which means the ‘new rite’ in the Qechua language. This rite announces and prepares one for the ‘time to come.’
The Creator Rites are known as the Taitanchis rite. The word Taitanchis literally translates as ‘God.’"

Alberta Plains
Aug 07, 2015 11:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They changed their registration information after this complaint went public. They also changed their names to hide behind. Notice their registration does not apply to them because they routinely post false inaccurate information, defame others and are abusive to them, invade their privacy by posting their names, addresses, pictures and info of their loved ones on the internet. The copyright info was specifically done to cover themselves
due to a legal issue after this situation happened. They are already in violation of international laws:

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material.

The staff and the owner of this forum reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, please realize that they may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. (so they can do what they want to your posts, edit them, delete them, add words, subtract words as they see fit)

and just to further protect their @$$es

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum (so they are free to reveal who you are and post all your personal information on the net, defame, slander, lie about you...but you can't touch them. This is not legal.)

Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded. (helps them find out where you live)

Do not agree to these terms ever.

Alberta Plains
Aug 07, 2015 12:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Petition calling on Northern Virginia Community College to investigate the conduct of assistant history professor Alton Carl Carroll

Cate C
Nov 07, 2015 9:25 pm EST

They sure like to twist and lie and make up things, like I was banned for writing on this complaint board when I wrote on here two months after the ban or I was free to disagree with them when I was blocked from replying or that this is about commodification of traditional medicine when Essiac was a gift over a century ago and it is used all across Canada by healers and naturopaths, (it is hardly new age), or that I'm involved in institution"s" (plural) that practice cultural appropriation (name them) or that it is criminal to share information on Essiac. omgsrsly?

they can twist things and lie and slander all they want, it doesn't make them right. I can see the game they play. I'm sure others can too.

Another natural Native tea which has been used to cure cancer is Chaga

"In Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe,
it is considered a cancer cure. Among the Ojibwe of
northern Canada, it is regarded as a cure for tumors."

also used among the Metis

mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) Medicinal
The chaga
mushroom grows on
white birch trees,
extracting the birch
constituents and is
used to treat cancer." (Essiac is listed with Chaga on page 15)

"The Chaga Mushroom is toted as "King of Medicinal Mushrooms" rated number one on Traditional Medicines list of most powerful healing plants on Earth.   The Chaga Mushroom is used to make a healing tea and has been used to cure cancer. Chaga is the most powerful antioxidant on Earth. It has been used by Native Indians in North America for hundreds of years. Once harvested the chaga mushroom is air dried and then broken into chunks or ground into a powder. Chaga mushroom chunks are typically brewed or steeped in hot water to make a medicinal tea."  Annanda

From "First Nations Traditional Medicine Diet" By Georgina Hnatiuk:

Main staples of Traditional Diet:
"Grasses/Rhizomes/Greens : RHUBARB, Wheat Grasses, Horsetail, Plantain, Buckwheat grass, Plantain, Lily Flower and leaves, Cat Tails bamboo, Ferns, Grasses, BURDOCK, Mustards, SORELLS, Dandlions, Rose bushes, Clover, DECIDUOUS TREES {Slippery Elm}
All of these ingredients are detoxifying, tonifying and strengthening. Many are Anti-Cancer and preventative." She goes on to write:
"Sheep Sorrel Cancer Cure. Grows readily all over North America as a weed." She tells Essiac Story and shares why store brand is less effective. She goes on to write, "Chaga Fungus: Birch Fungus: Purifies blood, stops Cancer Tumors from growing".

"Roots of North American Medicine:
Essiac Tea - Four native herbs used by the Ojibwe medicine men and shared with Nurse Caisse. Western medicine still hasn't come to grips with natural medicine because pharmaceuticals are more lucrative. Money and power are deemed more important than real effectiveness and a healthy community."

"Ancestral Voices employee Hayley Doxtater said aboriginal remedies are becoming increasingly popular. She pointed to a cancer treatment — one of the traditional cancer treatments available at Ancestral Voices Healing Centre on Six Nations reserve -- a collection of herbs including slippery elm, turkey rhubarb root, burdock root, sheep sorrel {Essiac with the addition of Cat's Claw}­ — We have people come in here who are so happy that something works, ” she said. “They’ll say ‘That stuff is amazing!’"

"Mshkikiwaaboo: Weeds are Medicine
In the 1920’s: An Ontario nurse named Rene Caisse was introduced to a traditional Ojibwe medicine. This medicine would come to be known as Essiac, her named spelled backwards. Caisse would run a clinic in Bracebridge until the 1970’s, providing this herbal remedy to cancer patients with notable success.
In our backyards, the parks, forests and country near our homes is a vast collection of powerful herbal medicines that have been used with great success by the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwe and nations of the Three Fires Confederacy), Haudenoshaunee (the 6 nations confederacy of the Long House), the Wendat (Hurons) and other nations for thousands of years." J Andrew Baker, Indigenous Herbalist, Simcoe County, Ontario. (This is where I live).

When I spoke to NDN's about NAFPS, the response I usually got was an eyeball roll and a "oh them" comment. I'll end on that note.

Cate C
Nov 09, 2015 12:05 pm EST

PS if this information helps even one cancer patient then it was worth putting up with their nonsense to get it out there to people who need it. I hope something good comes out of all of this bad. My best to all of those dealing with cancer.

Cate C
Nov 23, 2015 1:12 pm EST

Now I am a Neo Nazi or know Neo Nazi's when I pasted one quote and an article found on the internet by two native americans who seem like very sincere individuals? Let me make this clear to NAFPS. I know 2 people on this board, Doug from Ontario and Linda (Alberta Plains) from Alberta and that is all. I do not know any neo-nazis nor do I hang out with neo-nazis. I am a member of the Green Party so spare me on that account. I do not and will not apologize for giving the credit to the First Nations for the origins of Essiac or Chaga tea nor do I consider them fake when they are used by naturopath doctors and credible native healers across Canada in the treatment of cancer. I will apologize for pasting an entire article with the comments attached if some of the comments come from people with far right beliefs but I do not know them. Yes, this whole thing is a ridiculous mess which could have been resolved and avoided a long time ago if I had not been blocked from replying on your board. That is why I deleted your thread and that is when you banned me. Be honest about that. If you won't let me back on your board so I can personally reply to your accusations or talk to me on this board like adults and not at me then please stop with the nonsense. This is exactly why there are so many complaints all over the internet about your group.

Cate C
Nov 23, 2015 2:45 pm EST


I am going to invite you to do something NAFPS doesn't seem to like to do, meet me in person over a cup of tea. Since you are coming to my neighbourhood and want to warn a lot of people about me and my Nazi connections?, I think it is only fair you meet me first, in person. Since you read about me, you will know I am a retired teacher on a disability pension. I spent years teaching native history to middle school children and spent a good part of my life fighting for First Nation rights in this country. My Cree relatives are all enrolled member of a Northern Manitoba band. Since you and I both know Nora, I will ask her to join us. Facebook message me and I will arrange a time and date where we can meet.

Doug A.
Nov 23, 2015 8:49 pm EST

Don't engage the beast Cate. This is just another pathetic and juvenile attempt at discrediting you by giving more false info. Red, give your head a serious shake buddy. Next time there is a shooter we will think of you retired old disabled teacher Cate Crow of the Green Party handing out native cancer tea recipes. They are seriously hitting an all time low here. They even turn on their own when they try and speak some truth about you. It just reflects poorly on them. Go for tea with Nora but forget about them.

Jan 16, 2017 5:04 am EST
Replying to comment of Doug A.

There are many sock-puppet identities used on the NAFPS site that are not real people.

Cate C
Nov 23, 2015 10:19 pm EST

It is just so frustrating Doug because there are just so many lies being spread and I can't address them. It is my name that is being smeared, my reputation and they just think that is okay and I should just shut up and take it. It is not right what they are doing. It is not fair. It is wrong. This has nothing to do with FN or NA anything. This is just about them and what they are doing. Honest to God, I never thought going in there and defending Nora and Pete would lead to this insanity. But you are right, the more you try to defend yourself, the more they try to find ways to discredit you even if they are so far off in left field it is crazy. I don't get it and I don't want to get it. I'm tired of it.

Doug A.
Nov 24, 2015 9:43 am EST

it is a tactic they use. mamàndà-gashkitòwin shows up suddenly and heads straight to your post when it was buried somewhere on the second page. Just as Sally suddenly showed up from Glastonbury, says hello and then heads straight to your post when it was somewhere on the second page. It looks suspicious like they were called in to purposely target you. Probably friends of one of the regulars. She said she knows Pete and Nora and will post in their threads but doesn't. You are presenting credible evidence on a complaint board and they can't have that so they target you and make you out to be some kind of abnormal, neo nazi type who hangs out on neo nazi sites and cyber stalks and criminally pushes drugs on people when it is ludicrous and anyone with half a brain cell can see that. It is done on purpose. I know it is hard but you are not alone and know that anyone who knows you knows you are a loving soul and would not harm a fly. Don't let them get to you. They are not worth it. If they want to take out their anger on someone they can target me since I sent you those links. They can call me all the names they want I don't care.

toxic tactics
Mar 01, 2017 10:13 am EST
Replying to comment of Doug A.

toxic tactics NAFPS uses to silence and degrade you

1. Gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that can be described in different variations of three words: “That didn’t happen, ” “You imagined it, ” and “Are you crazy?” A manipulative person will convince you that their view is an inevitable truth while your view is a sign of dysfunction on your end.

2. Projection.

Chronically unwilling to see his or her own shortcomings and uses everything in their power to avoid being held accountable for them. Projection is used to displace responsibility of one’s negative behavior and traits by attributing them to someone else.
Rather than acknowledge their own flaws, imperfections and wrongdoings, they opt to dump their own traits on their unsuspecting suspects.
They love to play the “blameshifting game.” Objectives of the game: they win, you lose, and you are blamed for everything that’s wrong with them.
It’s important to cut ties and end interactions as soon as possible.

3. Nonsensical conversations from hell.

If you think you’re going to have a thoughtful discussion be prepared for epic mind###ery rather than conversational mindfulness.
they use word salad, circular conversations, ad hominem arguments, projection and gaslighting to disorient you and get you off track should you ever disagree with them or challenge them in any way. They do this in order to discredit and frustrate you.
Spend even ten minutes arguing and you’ll find yourself wondering how the argument even began at all. You simply disagreed with them about their absurd claim that the sky is red and now your entire childhood, family, friends, career and lifestyle choices have come under attack. That is because your disagreement picked at their false belief that they are omnipotent and omniscient, resulting in a narcissistic injury.
They thrive off the drama and they live for it. Each and every time you attempt to provide a point that counters their ridiculous assertions, you feed them supply. Don’t feed them supply – rather, supply yourself with the confirmation that their abusive behavior is the problem, not you.

4. Blanket statements and generalizations.

Rather than taking the time to carefully consider a different perspective, they generalize anything and everything you say, making blanket statements that don’t acknowledge the nuances in your argument. Better yet, why not put a fraud label on you that dismisses your perspective altogether?

5. Deliberately misrepresenting your thoughts and feelings to the point of absurdity.

Your differing opinions, legitimate emotions and lived experiences get translated into character flaws and evidence of your irrationality.
They weave tall tales to reframe what you’re actually saying as a way to make your opinions look absurd or heinous, invalidate your right to have thoughts and emotions about their inappropriate behavior .
They chronically jump to conclusions based on their own triggers rather than stepping back to evaluate the situation mindfully. They make no apologies for the harm they cause as a result. Notorious for putting words in your mouth, they depict you as having an intention or outlandish viewpoint you didn’t possess. So long as they can blameshift and digress from their own behavior, they have succeeded in convincing you that you should be “shamed” for giving them any sort of realistic feedback.

6. Nitpicking and moving the goal posts.

The difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism is the presence of a personal attack and impossible standards. They just want to nitpick, pull you down and scapegoat you in any way they can. They employ a tactic known as “moving the goalposts” in order to ensure that they have every reason to be perpetually dissatisfied with you. This is when, even after you’ve provided all the evidence in the world to validate your argument or taken an action to meet their request, they set up another expectation of you or demand more proof.

7. Changing the subject to evade accountability.

This type of tactic is a literal digression from the actual topic that works to redirect attention to a different issue altogether. They don’t want you to be on the topic of holding them accountable for anything, so they will reroute discussions to benefit them

8. Covert and overt threats.

Rather than tackle disagreements or compromises maturely, they set out to divert you from your right to have your own perspective by attempting to instill fear in you about the consequences of disagreeing or complying with their demands.

9. Name-calling.

In their world, only they can ever be right and anyone who dares to say otherwise creates an injury that results in narcissistic rage. Narcissistic rage does not result from low self-esteem but rather a high sense of entitlement and false sense of superiority.
Name-calling is a quick and easy way to put you down, degrade you and insult your intelligence, appearance or behavior.
Name-calling can also be used to criticize your beliefs, opinions and insights. A well-researched perspective or informed opinion suddenly becomes “silly” or “IDIOTic” by those who feel threatened by it and cannot make a respectful, convincing rebuttal. Rather than target your argument, they target you as a person and seek to undermine your credibility and intelligence in any way they possibly can. It’s important to end any interaction that consists of name-calling. Don’t internalize it: realize that they are resorting to name-calling because they are deficient in higher level methods.

10. Smear campaigns and stalking.

When they can’t control the way you see yourself, they start to control how others see you; they play the martyr while you’re labeled the toxic one. A smear campaign is a preemptive strike to sabotage your reputation and slander your name . They may even stalk and harass you or the people you know as a way to supposedly “expose” the truth about you; this exposure acts as a way to hide their own abusive behavior while projecting it onto you.
They will gossip behind your back, slander you, create stories that depict you as the aggressor while they play the victim, and claim that you engaged in the same behaviors that they are afraid you will accuse them of engaging in. They will also methodically, covertly and deliberately abuse you so they can use your reactions as a way to prove that they are the so-called “victims” of your abuse.
The best way to handle a smear campaign is to stay mindful of your reactions and stick to the facts.

11. Bait and feign innocence.

Toxic individuals lure you into a false sense of security simply to have a platform to showcase their cruelty. Baiting you into a mindless, chaotic argument can escalate into a showdown rather quickly with someone who doesn’t know the meaning of respect. A simple disagreement may bait you into responding politely initially, until it becomes clear that the person has a malicious motive of tearing you down.
By “baiting” you with a seemingly innocuous comment disguised as a rational one, they can then begin to play with you.
It helps to realize when you’re being baited so you can avoid engaging altogether. Provocative statements, name-calling, hurtful accusations or unsupported generalizations, for example, are common baiting tactics. Your gut instinct can also tell you when you’re being baited

12. Aggressive jabs disguised as jokes.

They enjoy making malicious remarks at your expense. These are usually dressed up as “just jokes” so that they can get away with saying appalling things while still maintaining an innocent, cool demeanor.
like a predator that plays with its food, they take pleasure from hurting you and being able to get away with it. After all, it’s just a joke, right? Wrong. It’s a way to gaslight you into thinking their abuse is a joke – a way to divert from their cruelty.
Calling out manipulative people on their covert put-downs may result in further gaslighting from the abuser but maintain your stance that their behavior is not okay and end the interaction immediately if you have to.

13. Condescending sarcasm and patronizing tone.

Belittling and degrading a person is their forte and their tone of voice is only one tool in their toolbox. They use sarcasm chronically as a way to manipulate you and degrade you. If you in any way react to it, you must be “too sensitive.”
Forget that the toxic person constantly has temper tantrums every time their big bad ego is faced with realistic feedback – the victim is the hypersensitive one, apparently.
You don’t deserve to be spoken down to like a child – nor should you ever silence yourself to meet the expectation of someone else’s superiority complex.

14. Shaming.

“You should be ashamed of yourself” is a favorite saying. Shaming is an effective method that targets any behavior or belief that might challenge them. It can also be used to destroy and whittle away at a victim’s self-esteem.
They enjoy using your own wounds against you – so they will even shame you about any abuse or injustice you’ve suffered in your lifetime as a way to retraumatize you.

15. Control.

Most importantly, they love to maintain control in whatever way they can.
That’s why they manufacture situations of conflict out of thin air to keep you feeling off center and off balanced. That’s why they chronically engage in disagreements about irrelevant things and rage over perceived slights.
Don't fall for their toxic tactics.

Feb 19, 2018 8:32 am EST
Replying to comment of Doug A.

If Sally does live in Glastonbury she would know there is a big book store right on the main or high street called "The Labyrinth". It got that name for a reason.

Cate C
Nov 24, 2015 7:30 pm EST

Well, I do care what names they call me. I would delete the comments or whatever is false or not true but someone spammed that post and I can't access it. I don't think what Robin said was false though and there is no way she is a neo-nazi and there are parts of Galiquogi Yanssi's post, I have to say I agree with especially about good people getting hurt and the school yard bully scenerio. Unless someone is spewing their radical beliefs, I wouldn't have a clue what they are about. Having said that, I'm going to write to the complaint board and ask them to take down that post and will just leave it at my experience on their board. When someone is trying to suggest I'm somehow involved with nazis and neo-nazis who want natives dead or that I'm a racist or that I'm visiting sites like that and attacking people on them, not only is that not true it is crossing a very serious line and I find it very disturbing on so many levels that someone would even think that of me or write that about me. It is crossing into a legal issue too. You want to call Essiac fake, fine. You want to call me a plagarist because I didn't include a source on your board, whatever. You want to imply I'm a neo nazi or I hang out with neo-nazis who want natives dead or I attack brown people on Nazi boards and you want to spread that about me especially in my own community, No Way! I would have to involve the law in that. I would have no choice. That is not just juvenile or pathetic, that is a serious attack on my character and it is not okay on any level.

Cate C
Nov 24, 2015 10:32 pm EST

There NAFPS, it is being removed. I've sent the request. When you see it come off, I would appreciate you extending the same courtesy of removing all neo-nazi comments about me.

Remove my complaint/comment
please remove comment
Created: [protected]:09:32 Latest message: [protected]:09:32 sent

Doug A.
Nov 26, 2015 8:29 am EST

Cate is not monitoring the board. She can't see the board because she was banned. She is too busy trying to stay alive and well. Friends send her things that are being written behind her back and then she responds to it in here.

Cate I am going to say this for your sake because you don't need the stress. Let it go. It is not worth your health to deal with their lies about you. You went in with good intentions to defend your friend Nora and this is what happens to people who disagree with them. It reflects poorly on them, not you. For your sake, concentrate on your health and let this go.

Cate C
Nov 26, 2015 10:13 am EST

I just find it so sad. the world is already filled with so much hate and intolerance. this really makes me sad. if god/the creator/great spirit has put nora on this path then god will make the path clear for her to do the work she has to do. the I am is not new age. it was one of the seven sacred jewish names for god. it is found in the old testament when god was speaking to moses, "before abraham was, I am" and "I am that I am" and when yeshua (jesus) said I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, I feel he was talking about god/creator/great spirit. the higher self was taught in the ancient mystery schools of egypt and greece and by the early gnostic christians who believed in the power of nature and spoke of god as father/mother. they also believed in the reincarnation of the soul. when people speak of the pagan christ, this is what they mean. their books were destroyed and they were driven underground or burned as heretics by the roman church in the 4th century. I have never trusted the pharmaceutical companies who are now passing their fourth attempt at taking over natural medicine. I signed the last 3 to stop them. I don't want to fight with anyone who is fn or na. I respect them and have fought with them. I think they have always had the answers we need to live right with mother earth and they will be the environmental leaders in the future as god knows the large corporations on this planet are destroying everything with their greed and need for profit. thank you doug. this is taking a toll on my health and I have to let it go as you say. I wish everyone peace.

Cate C
Nov 27, 2015 9:06 am EST

I will say one more thing and then I will shut up for good. I do not consider it cultural appropriation when something is a gift as both Essiac and the Munay Ki were. If I give you a gift and then turn around and accuse you of stealing it, that makes no sense. Chaga has been used for centuries by many cultures. It was the book "The Cancer Ward" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, that gave the world a glimpse of what the Chaga mushroom can do to cancer patients.
"Because of this book, many medical researchers went to Siberia to check out the validity of its cancer claims. A medical team found out that although there was a lot of talk about cancer in this place, not even a single cancer patient was admitted in any of its hospitals. They also found out that the Russians, in order to save money on coffee, were brewing Chaga mushrooms instead. Unwittingly, they were able to treat themselves for cancer by drinking this Chaga tea regularly." I do not consider it cultural appropriation when an Algonquin native woman has a calling from God/Creator/Great Spirit who I happen to believe transcends all religious beliefs on this planet so I do not understand what you are talking about. Maybe you could fill me in on the issue here in an educational and rational way instead of just attacking people who may not understand. That does not help your cause. If Earth wants to talk to me about Lakota ways, I will respectfully listen. If Sky wants to tell me about the ways of her people, I will respectfully listen, but if a white European is going to talk at me on issues I happen to know more about because I have done way more thorough research then they have, be prepared for a well debated discussion on the subject matter.

Doug A.
Nov 28, 2015 10:45 am EST

Cate they will not delete anything about you even if the complaint board takes off the comments. Ian went in one last time to say it is over and to leave you alone and he said good bye for good and they deleted it because they want to carry this on and they want to target you some more. I told Ian not to go back in again because he only makes things worse even if he means well. I am telling you not to write any more on here no matter what they say and do not even respond to this. If they are going to carry on let them and walk away from it. I know you want a peaceful resolution but they don't or at least someone in there does not so walk away. If they want to show their true colors let them but do not respond. Let it go.

Cate C
Dec 02, 2015 8:43 am EST

The complaint board wrote back to say they do not delete comments but they would allow me to make a statement under the post.

Doug A.
Dec 03, 2015 9:55 am EST

F off Al. Cates son is 12 years old. "ian bear" the poster is 75 and I know him. DO NOT bring Cates child into this. Funny how you just show up on the board and change your name to DoesDrugswithHippies when everyone else changed their names and now you are using Clockworkwhite again Al

Cate C
Dec 03, 2015 12:09 pm EST

Do you really think I would allow my son to get on the nafps site to defend me? That is not my son. That is an old friend of mine. Leave my family alone.

I have said everything I plan to say about your site and there is nothing else to say. Enough already. Please stop.

Bob P. Miller
Dec 04, 2015 10:05 am EST

I thought this board was for the North American Farm & Power Show

Bob P. Miller
Dec 04, 2015 10:18 am EST

last time I get a tractor from them

Doug A.
Dec 25, 2015 7:53 am EST

Good comments from FNM on their board

What I care about is how a lack of education and information can be used to discriminate against others and subject them to a place of cultural inferiority. There are over 1200 distinct First Nations in North America (over 600 in Canada, and over 500 in the US). You would be very wrong to assume that what you think you know is verifiable truth, or that your cultural teachings generalize across other Nations.

Often I read comments here that are based on a firmly held but ill-informed opinion rather than fact (ie verifiable truth); these opinions come across as “I’m a better Indian than you so stfu.”

There are vast differences that separate the experience of Native Americans in the US and FNMI people in Canada. If people are unfamiliar with Canadian First Nations experience and history, educate yourselves rather than deny, subjugate, or dismiss.

The problem is when you make assumptions about other People and Lands.

My point is that there are many Nations, many voices, many experiences, many opinions, and many facts. I prefer to share facts when I am referring to anything other than my own personal realizations and experiences. To generalize one’s own cultural teachings to other people and nations is disrespectful.

Where I live, things are different than where you live. Your generalizations sometimes make me feel both sad and angry.
There is an old cliché: “Opinions are like a**holes. Everyone has one.” When opinion is disguised as fact, we all lose. People get false information which leads to false assumptions, NAFPS is downgraded into another hotspot for gossip and defamation, good people avoid contributing their own knowledge and wisdom to this forum and leave.

You might want to ask yourself why your northern relatives who come here to participate do not stay.

Sorry to hear about your tractor Bob. Better luck next time

Doug A.
Dec 25, 2015 8:03 am EST

Done here

T Robideau
Dec 26, 2015 9:45 pm EST

Partial criminal and civil court records for Dr Alton Carl ‘Al’ Carroll Jr

04/25/84 Case#1984CI06508 Bexar Co TX
05/13/85 Case#069021 Bexar Co TX
05/21/85 Case#069022 Bexar Co TX
05/22/85 Case#069023 Bexar Co TX
03/11/90 Case#457266 Bexar Co TX
05/24/90 Case#189990 Bexar Co TX
07/19/90 Case#468344 Bexar Co TX
04/24/00 Case#2000CI06001 Bexar Co TX
12/02/02 Case#M-[protected] Maricopa Co AZ
10/24/03 Case#2003CI16946 Bexar Co TX
11/04/09 Case#CJ-[protected] Oklahoma Co OK
06/10/10 Case#GT10021347-00 Loudon Co VA
09/23/10 Case#GT10037851-00 Loudon Co VA
09/23/10 Case#GT10037853-00 Loudon Co VA
10/19/10 Case#GT10044070-00 Loudon Co VA
10/19/10 Case#GT10044071-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/10 Case#GT10046192-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/10 Case#GT10046193-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/10 Case#GT10046194-00 Loudon Co VA
06/13/11 Case#GT11019379-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/11 Case#GT11044008-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/11 Case#GT11044010-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/11 Case#GT11044011-00 Loudon Co VA
11/22/11 Case#GT11044014-00 Loudon Co VA
01/10/13 Case#2013CI00516 Bexar Co TX

Al Carroll, currently employed by Northern Viriginia Community College, uses many sock-puppet identities. Carroll uses them to give his 'books' their only good reviews and to spew race-based outrage at others. Many of his assumed identities are female. Some of these many sock puppet identities include, Elizabeth Ann Grossman, LakotaGulfWarParatrooper, IraqWarVet, Trjgirl, Arlene Istehili, UnitedNative, moma_porcupine, daveyp, EducatedIndian, EducatedIndio, Kevin Peter, JohnJB, B Isaac, SamBear, John Martin, and David Yeagley.

Meoquanee B
Dec 28, 2015 5:12 pm EST

I read the thread and they say they object to those who take good people who are sick and fool them in to thinking they can be cured, only hurting them more.
so if Don Cardinal tells someone with cancer to get Essiac from a health store or they do not need chemo but just take Essiac in large doses or if Little Running Deer or Georgina Hnatuik calls Essiac or Chaga First Nation cancer cures or if Hayley Doxtator from Six Nations Reserve in Ontario recommends this traditional cancer treatment to people with cancer and says that stuff really works! or if Ojibwe say it is not fake and used to treat cancer or if Dr. Bruce Hendrick chief of Neurosurgery at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto recommends Essiac and so does Dr. Martin and the Canadian Journal of Herbalism says it is not a hoax or fake and that it really helped people who took it, that is OK
but if Cate write an article on it for a small local newspaper because her editor asks her to and she emails friends about it and it helps them she is trying to hurt people and she is a fraud? Gigikenimaa ina? This is how stupid this is. The only reason Cate is on that list is because she went in to support Algonquin friends and they had to dig up some dirt about her or create it.  This group think Algonquin is only a language and not a people or you are only native if you know your family? How many adopted kids know their family? Anyone who think chemo and radiation is safe and good for you is crazy. You ever watch someone waste away after they start chemo? It makes people so sick and they are lucky if they survive it. The side effects are very dangerous. There are safer ways. No cancer industry? Who are they fooling? What rock they living under? I tell people to go to the Gerson or Hoxsey clinics in Mexico because Canada and the USA are to stupid and greedy to look at any thing other then chemo and radiation that fail for most cancers. How do you hide in a labyrinth they are not high walls like a maze? The nazi stuff is just crazy talk. What will they make up next? she's a drug runner who supplied Rob Ford? They are lucky people are not lawsuit happy north of the border or that case list might be longer

Jody Metcalfe
Dec 28, 2015 10:14 pm EST

Sky Davis AKA Christine Sonya Davis AKA Christine Weed of Massachusetts mentioned in an earlier comment is also a fake. Fake Cherokee to be specific. She was outed for lying about being a member of the Eastern Cherokee Nation in several news article. In these articles supposed Cherokee women were protesting Elizabeth Warren's claims of Cherokee ancestry. Even one NAFPS collaborator Robert Schmidt outed her as a fraud. These NAFPS people can't seem to help themselves with all the lies and hatred.

Cate C
Dec 29, 2015 8:49 am EST

Meoquanee, I appreciate your support but I don't want to be involved in this. I want to protect my family and friends. I agree with you on chemo and radiation and there being safer ways. Rick Simpson from Canada cured over 5, 000 people with terminal cancer with cannabis oil alone and many people are starting to turn to it as an alternative to chemo.

Cate C
Jan 03, 2016 9:59 am EST

The Rick Simpson Story on youtube

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures documentary on youtube with the Essiac story

Happy and Healthy New Year

Cate C
Jan 04, 2016 1:15 pm EST

oh... one more for you featured on 60 Minutes

and ABC News

IV Vitamin C cancer treatments. Thankfully, Canada does not listen to the FDA and there are IV Vitamin C clinics and cannabis clinics across Canada. I can attest to this working because my friend's girlfriend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As everyone knows it is one of the worst cancers you can be diagnosed with. She was told she had 3 to 6 months to live. She refused to have chemo as she wasn't going to waste what time she had left feeling sicker than a dog on chemo treatments. She did her own research and found IV Vitamin C and did this instead. She is still alive 5 years later. It is your own life and your own choice what you want to do. After watching too many loved ones go through conventional chemo and radiation treatments and die, I would be going to a cannabis and/or IV Vitamin C clinic. I would be seeing a naturopath doctor to help me with diet and supplements and I would be making Essiac tea and Chaga tea and drinking it daily. What others want to do is their own business and it is not for anyone to tell them otherwise but I know what I would do. If you are going to have chemo, it makes more sense to have IPTLD therapy - low dose chemotherapy which is 90% less toxic to the body than a regular chemo treatment and is more effective

I do not find it criminal or fraudulent to share information on other cancer treatments that work for people especially when there have been books and documentaries made on them and there are clinics that use them with notable success. What I do find criminal is the suppression of these treatments and the tobacco science of the drug companies because these treatments would conflict with their own chemical cancer drugs and profit margin. The pharmaceutical companies are not interested in cures, just customers. If it makes me a fraud to state this and write about safer alternatives, so be it. I'm done here too.

cancer survivor
Feb 06, 2017 11:14 am EST
Replying to comment of Cate C

nafps critics
Jan 07, 2016 9:02 am EST

-People at NAFPS accuse you of racism when you just question them. They banned me for being a racist. Me, a guy who lived for half a year amongst native Peruvians and almost married a mestiza from Arequipa. Some racist I am...

-No discussion is possible at nafps: they have a fixed point of view, and no one is going to question it.

-you cant criticize them
They already have pretty much everyone who offered a criticism tagged as a racist.
They are shrill and irrational in both the management of their website and in their opinions of others.

-Of course they hardly ever lose a debate: as soon as a debate develops and it isn't going the way they like, an editing frenzy starts, and no one will know what was posted originally. Oh, and if they don't like what you say, you are a racist in their eyes.

- these NAFPSters have the gall to complain when young people try to take their own lives, and spiritual quests, seriously? Instead of extending a helping hand (provided they know better), they try to kick others down. :P

- As far as I am concerned, NAFPS is doing as much damage as good. What got my goat was how they treated a couple of sincere young people who went to Peru and tried to incorporate what they've learnt into a new way of life. A bit idealistic, but beautiful. These NAFPSters just couldn't see that these people were MORE of the earth than they themselves. Those young people were salt of the earth, sincere seekers, and respectful. NAFPS are too fanatical to see the real thing. imo, they are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Condemning genuine frauds and criminals, while also demonizing people who have a genuine intent to help.

-"Educatedindian' promised not to divulge someone's identity and he BROKE that promise. That is unethical and inexcusable in whatever way we choose to look at it. He may be an educated Indian, but he is also an unethical Indian. The guy has no clue about ethical behavior or running a board. On the NAFPS site, however, this kind of behavior appears to be a common pattern of abuse of posters that are not to the liking of the Admins.

-Basically, the guy is about self-promotion: "I co-founded New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans (NAFPS). We research and put out warnings to the general public about the frauds, imposters, exploiters, and abusers out there ..." and then goes to promote a book ... More info on this book and how to order it you'll find on AB website". Also note that he is maybe 1/4 Mescalero Apache and yet he completely identifies with the NA culture and disidentifies with his other cultures. This is a bit strange in itself... denying part of oneself, because the other part is sexier? Allows for easier self-promotion? Allows for money-making, book-selling, tour-making? He is trying to SELL his stuff on the web under the guise of being "one of the founders of NAFPS".. trying to use NAFPS as a TOOL FOR HIS BUSINESS.

-in NAFPS you have Brits, Germans, Italians and Swedes judging NA medicine men. These guys have zero credibility.

-What a bunch of angry paranoiacs and self-congratulatory holier-than-thous.

-Young NAs live in the cities, learn Feldenkreis, Yoga, what have you, and combine it with what they learnt as kids. Should they be condemned for this? Does this invalidate their authenticity? When they call this approach "disrespectful, selfserving and racist" they just want to preserve their own hold, their own control over the discourse.

-Imagine the world ruled by NAFPS: no creativity, no innovation, no lightness of touch - it would be an inquisitorial nightmare.

-NAFPS was asked to stop its libelous and incendiary accusation of upstanding NA members on tribal rolls

-The problem is that nafps place fast and loose with the accusations. My feeling is that before accusing someone of a fraud, or racism, or potsmoking… a goodly degree of rigour and diligence should be applied to the investigation. NAFPS have none of that. Their schtick has been full of sweeping generalisations, false accusations of racism and other stuff, and outmoded stereotyping. The modus operandi for editing folks posts, there are many childish and ill-considered accusations remaining within those threads directed at anyone and everyone not supporting their status quo. This is dishonest, because it appears not only borne out of plain ignorance but out of a willful intention to silence any critic.

-it is impossible to dialogue with NAFPS. BTW it is not cowardice to decline to post under such oppressive conditions.

-these NAFPS people are a great example of dispiriting attitude. They only have the guts to argue on their home turf, with their own cheering crowd. NAFPS is commiting that unspeakable crime: editing other people's posts if they find criticisms they don't like; trying to win a battle by depriving the opponents of their weapons. How very shameful. How cowardly.

-I read the NAFPS website sometimes and know them well. It's like this, no way am I going to have my post chopped and be told that I am a fraud or under investigation, edited, made a laughing stock of, mocked ...then when I try to seek justice, my post is edited and banned. Sorry, me not a fool.

-NAFPS does a piss-poor job of identifying frauds and exploiters. They are too irrational.
In fact I would go so far as to say they are dishonest, childish, cowardly, bitter and imbalanced role players. They have a racist element that is clearly evident. I cannot see why any reasonable or honest person would support them

-NAFPS has no credibility. It is not based on scholarship. It is an exercise in fraudulence. NAFPS does not represent Native peoples and cultures. The point is that NA cultures are much broader, adaptive and fluid, that they do not conform to a rigid set of rules.

-NAFPS, indiscriminately judging other people are creating an 'energetic retributive field' which brings them back the energy they are putting out into the world.

-NAFPS are showing themselves to be singularly unqualified for passing judgement on others (professionally, ethically, spiritually and otherwise). Note that pretty much every single person here, no matter what their beliefs, finds NAFPS distasteful and lacking respect. People have a right to have their opinions heard without being censored, edited, banned or harrassed.

- NAFPSters claim to act with some authority on behalf of NDN's like they got the backing of some elders or "wise men" to act in childish ways. I think I said before about the disgraceful way they drop addresses, phone numbers and names of anyone who takes issue with their seedy practices. Anyway, today while reading up on this sorry saga, it occurred to me what a dark and shameful cloud it brings over the whole NDN culture. All the name calling, and other childish rhetoric coming from the NAFPS site; The hypocrisy; crying foul play, denial of free speech when they get shut down, then in the very next breath demanding sites which oppose their views be shut down. The sum of it all reflects so poorly on the NDN communities they purport to be protecting. When people act in the disrespectful way and spirit of meanness, as the NAFPSters do, then I can't see anything good coming from it.

Daniel G Grant
Jan 12, 2016 10:58 pm EST

Northern Virginia Community College has a policy against harassment: Harassment is any unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct that either denigrates or shows hostility or aversion towards a person on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, marital status, or pregnancy that (1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment; (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee's work performance; or (3) affects an employee's employment opportunities or compensation.

Unwelcome conduct that denigrates and shows aversion towards people based on race, color and religion... Alton Carroll in a nutshell

nafps critics
Jan 16, 2016 10:18 am EST

> Hello nafps,
> Yes, we have read his website.
> No, we do not find him to be "vile" or have anti-feminist views.  If
> we did and regardless of his other views, the article we feature by
> him is an excellent rendition of the story of the people of the wind
> and deserves to be published.
> We take a dim view of people who hold themselves out to be 'thought
> police' and attempt to negate, impune or otherwise discriminate
> against the right of others to speak.   It is our right, his right and
> your right to speak whatever you wish, so long as it is not intended
> to harm others.  Your attack is intended to harm an individual -- not
> to offer  alternative views for the benefit of others.
> We support and uphold the dissemination of information that upholds
> American Indian culture and values. 
  Attempts to lump us into a particular class of poliltical philosophy
> by reason of your negative personal views is not only unfair, it is a
> crass attempt to threaten us into your way of thinking.
> Get a life.
> Sincerely,

> Manataka American Indian Council

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