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Maytag review: Washer 33

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4:00 pm EDT
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Maytag Model #MVW7230HW0

Please help me replace this washer. It's ruining all of my clothes! We purchased the washer in November 2021 and had it replaced with another in the month that we purchased it but it has the same issue so there is obviously nothing mechanically wrong with the washer so sending a repairman and replacing parts will not fix it. The way the washer was designed is not functional and is not washing my clothing as it was advertised to do. As many other reviews have stated, it starts agitating your clothes before there is barely any water with only half of the clothing wet, and then the agitator starts vigorously spinning back and forth with half wet clothes on the bottom and dry clothes on top... no visible standing water to actually wash it in... and this is after setting the "deep fill” option. By the time it actually has visible water for the clothes to wash in (which it only fills half way even on deep fill), it’s already half way through the wash cycle. This is very rough on fabric and is ruining almost all of my clothing. On top of this, I see items of clothing that aren’t properly agitated around during the wash cycle and remain on top of the load untouched. I have 4 children (family of 6) and our clothing is coming out dirty with gross smells and stains/food stuck to the clothing. We have only had this washer now for 5 months. When I spoke to your Warranty Department today, the rep told me that due to US environmental regulations, that the washer is only meant to fill half way and that if I want it to successfully wash, I will need to only put in half of a load which (1) why did I purchase a high capacity washer if it doesn’t wash a full load as advertised and (2) it’s still not washing my clothing properly when I do this.

Desired outcome: Please issue a refund so I can purchase a washer today that successfully washes my clothing.

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Mr. Helpful
Los Angeles, US
Mar 17, 2022 10:45 am EDT

Hi Ms. Georgia.

I'd like to help.

First, let me explain a little about the regulations within the laundry industry today.

Many years ago, the United States passed certain regulations that required washing machines to become high efficient. What did this mean? It means that all washers were required to use less water. The design pointed the United States laundry market to a front loading design.

Top loading washers, at the time, would fill the tub with water and wash garments by submerging them entirely. Not only did this process use more energy, it meant that the laundry would set in a vat of dirty water.

The front loading design uses approximately a fourth less water. It places less water within the tub meaning the detergent is less diluted. The water and detergent solution then tumbles with the contents, allowing the solution to move through the garments and clean the contents without the laundry settling in this disgusting amount of filth.

In order to simulate this same ability in a top loading design a new form of washer needed to be designed. Because tumbling the wash couldn't be accomplished in a top loading design, the washer would pump the water up and over the contents, thus simulating a front loading design.

So now lets talk about your specific issues.

You're concerned about how the agitator seems to be wearing on your clothing. Any time one uses a washer with agitation, it wears on the laundry more; it doesn't matter how much or little laundry is within the tub. That is one particular drawback to using such a unit. Some people still prefer using an agitation system, however, because they have become accustomed to it. That's not to say it will damage clothing within a single load however, over time, it wears on each load just as it would have in the design of washers years ago.

You specifically asked, "Why did I purchase a high capacity washer if it doesn’t wash a full load?" You're equating the cleaning with the amount of water within the tub. You CAN fully load the tub but, as we now understand, the laundry doesn't need to be fully submerged in order for cleaning to take place. The water will cycle and shower the load, cleaning the contents. That's what high efficiency is. Give yourself the time to understand how to use the new system. In addition, give the washer the time necessary to run each load. If used properly, it will do a tremendous job in cleaning.

The manufacturer is not in a position to replace a unit. If you'd like to replace it with something different, that becomes the function of the retailer you purchased the unit through. You can contact them with your concerns and see what they may be able to do for you. As we've discussed, however, you'll find most units operate in much the same fashion these days.

Mar 27, 2022 2:31 am EDT

Mr. Helpful describes top loaders as having the laundry "set in a vat of dirty water". If the water is dirty it is because the dirt is being washed out of the clothes into the water. Then the dirt is drained away with the water followed by a rinse cycle to remove residual dirt and water. This is how a washer is designed to work. And the clothes don't just sit in the water, but are agitated to help remove the dirt and get the water dirty. Well, maybe not in ineffective modern HE top loaders, but in the washers that actually worked.

You say a front loader can use around 1/4 of the water of a top loader. It follows then that if it was to remove the same amount of dirt from the clothes the water would be four times as dirty. If the water in a front loader comes out nice and clean, as you seem to imply, then it's simply not getting clothes clean.

It's funny how you seem to think everyone who believes that old fashioned and reliable washers actually got your clothes clean are delusional, and everyone who has a problem with the modern unreliable HE machines just don't have a clue what they're doing.

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 1:02 am EDT

o you really make it sound so good but it does not fill and for that size come on no matter what or how much soap you use it wont clean clothes without water,,, i`m sorry old school ,it does not sit in a tub of dirty water it never stops moving it worked better than any new washer and on the rinse and spin, it would spray the water on the clothes good enough to rinse them . regulations are full of poop , and they need to be revised !

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 6:10 pm EDT

i have givin myself time to learn the washing procedure, i am not lame i have had my last maytag for 25 years and my dryer it was a set, washer finally broke down but my dryer is still going i had to replace the belt 1 time since and its still working and i did it myself ,! so i am not lame , i know when i have been sold a lemon now what ,mr. helpful you going to resolve my issue ?

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 6:11 pm EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

so are you going to fix my issues ?

Gayle Phelps
Mar 17, 2022 4:17 pm EDT

that is exactly what it does to my clothes and one time I put half a load of clothes in and when they came out a tee shirt was still folded so you know that didn`t wash . they should not advertise deep fill its not and yes by the time it grinds the dirt into your clothes with no water , it spins and puts a little very little water and calls that rinsed . well I have something for regulations and its not a birthday cake ! they are absolutely burning the public and taking there hard earned money that most of us have to save up in order to get a new machine .I would buy one from the homeless store at least you know it will work I have asked them to replace my washer , and now I think its going to cost a lot more than replace because of all the clothes it has ruined I am very particular about what I wear and how it looks I am embarrassed of my 900.00 dollar Maytag special washed clothes . I hope more people step up and not let them take advantage of us and our money. you can bet I will tell the story to every one I can . its not right , its not fair , and its not American what they are doing so un acceptable !. stand up for what`s right !

Gayle Phelps
Mar 17, 2022 4:23 pm EDT

O yeah it does not do any good to post or comment because Mr. helpful is a computer the answe he gave you word for word what he said on my post . so don`t think it will help go to b.b.b. if you are seriously mad !

Mr. Helpful
Los Angeles, US
Mar 17, 2022 7:56 pm EDT

It's good to hear from you again Gale. It's unfortunate that you've chosen to not accept any of the help offered.

I'm sure you are normally a very nice person. I realize you have an issue with your unit that you've determined (1) is not doing what you've expected in a way you've expected (2) having any other washer will do as you expect in a way you expect (3) the only thing that, in your words, "make you feel better is lashing out to the world."

You've made it clear in multiple posts that the washer is producing "NO water," then you've suggested that is not correct and you do get water but not what you feel is enough. So I've asked for you to be more precise with me so I can assist a little better. Also, it would be helpful to know what it is you were using before so I have a frame of reference to what your expectations may have been.

If your washer really isn't producing ANY water, it's something to do with your water intake and your water valves need inspecting.

Gayle Phelps
Mar 18, 2022 5:15 pm EDT

my valves are new bought when i bought washer . and you have not offered me a way to make this right . its just like every complaint no water does not agitate no agitater in maybe 1 inch , leaves clothes smelly thats why you sell the crystal's to make your clothes smell better and now 20 dollars for 6 packets of some chemicals to clean washer once a month , rip off to all of us . all i wanted was a machine that would be big enough to do big loads fill with water agitate and spin my clothes dry enough to put in dryer . yes i am a nice person until someone tries to bend me over thats messing with my money and i will fight every time you screwed me without lube

Mr. Helpful
Los Angeles, US
Mar 18, 2022 10:41 pm EDT

So you have relatively new valves/plumbing? If you're so convinced a new washer is the problem, why can't the new plumbing be just as equally the problem?

People don't generally replace their plumbing unless there's a reason. That leads one to believe the water lines should be checked.

Your water lines may be fine but i'd suggest there's an equal chance you're not getting the water pressure through those houses . To check them, turn off both valves and prepare yourself with a large bucket. Disconnect the hoses from the back of the washer. You'll get a little water, generally, from the hose that can filter into the bucket. Now turn the valve completely to the on position. You should get strong water pressure through the hose. Once you've verified one, test the other.

Look, if the both work well then that's fine. If one or the other or both aren't giving you strong water pressure then you've resolved, in part, where the problem lies.

Gayle Phelps
Mar 18, 2022 11:48 pm EDT

My valves and plumbing are great my water pressure is strong very strong

water flows in washer fine we had a maytag tech check it all out everything works fine 4.7 cu. Ft. You should be able to wash more than 3 towels maybe you should not have made it so big if it can`t do the load by the way isn`t that a waste of money !

Gayle Phelps
Mar 26, 2022 5:59 am EDT

you never offered any " Resolving issue's" to me, i would like for you to resolve my issue !. my valves are good,... my water pressure is good,... everything runs fine .., except the washer, ! you really should do the right thing ,and give back what we invested with no hassels ...For resolving " all peoples " issues, i don`t think theres enough time in a day ,... we pay high dollar for your products and if it weren`t for us " the people" who buy your machines , you would not be where you are today .Maytag!... "people " are not happy with "Maytag " washers,dryers,and more ...,so man up ! women need to be happy with their appliances ... what we want out of a wash machine is ..,. knowing it works ! with small ,,, med.,,, and large load .fill how much water we need get the job done.. in the past men didn`t do laundry ,,at all,, it was mostly women ...and we are depending on them to give us a practical ... logical... washing... machine that has a agitator and uses water if "the REGULATION Board knew how much more water were using trying to get our laundry clean ,, then rinsing over & over, they would go back to what worked , old school ..,worked and lasted 5 times longer than these modern day lemons . maytag you really should be ashamed of yourselves.

Mr. Helpful
Los Angeles, US
Mar 26, 2022 1:37 pm EDT

Hi Ms. Phelps.

Good to hear from you. I believe you've got a few different threads running, so forgive me if I'm not up to date on your request or complaint.

It's important you supply accurate information for me to assist. I know it's not always an easy thing to use correct punctuation on many websites, but it would help just for clarity. If you would, how about answering these few questions:

You've said you just had new valves installed. What was the reason to having this done?

You were asked to check these valves and hoses for proper water pressure. I don't know if you have a PSI reading and I'm not sure that is all that important at this point. When you disconnected the hoses, checking for the water pressure, what kind of thread insulation did you use when you reattached?

Finally, if you were able to swap these units out with any other units, specifically, which would they be?

Mar 26, 2022 3:52 pm EDT

"Thread insulation"? What does that even mean? Are you still confused about how the hose connections seal and advising people to liberally slobber plumber's dope all over to plug up the screen and mess up the inlet valve? Or do you believe the hose connection is a major source for losing or adding heat to the hot and cold water sources, so you should go buy some fiberglass insulation to add to the threads? How would "insulating" the threads solve Gayle Phelps' problem?

I also have a problem with how you describe top loaders as having the laundry "set in a vat of dirty water". If the water is dirty it is because the dirt is being washed out of the clothes into the water. Then the dirt is drained away with the water followed by a rinse cycle to remove residual dirt and water. This is how a washer is designed to work. And the clothes don't just sit in the water, but are agitated to help remove the dirt and get the water dirty. Well, maybe not in ineffective modern HE top loaders, but in the washers that actually worked.

You say a front loader can use around 1/4 of the water of a top loader. It follows then that if it was to remove the same amount of dirt from the clothes the water would be four times as dirty. If the water in a front loader comes out nice and clean, as you seem to imply, then it's simply not getting clothes clean.

It's funny how you seem to think everyone who believes that old fashioned and reliable washers actually got your clothes clean are delusional, and everyone who has a problem with the modern unreliable HE machines just don't have a clue what they're doing.

Unfortunately, none of this helps Gayle Phelps. I'm afraid her washer may well be working as designed. It's a shame. My experience was similar before my Maytag broke at only 8 months use with light use. The Maytag breaking under warranty was actually a blessing as I was able to get a refund (after going to the BBB and MI Attorney General) and replace it with a Speed Queen Classic.

I agree with what Gayle Phelps has said.

Mar 27, 2022 2:26 am EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

So can anyone at complaintsboard explain why this post is hidden while "Mr. Helpful" continues to spout his misinformation all over the place?

Mr. Helpful has no credibility, and it appears that this board is also lacking in credibility. I wonder what kind of compensation Mr. Helpful is getting in shilling for corporations, and what your kickback is.

BTW: It is clear that this board does nothing to rectify complaints. My complaint was rectified by other agencies, so if you want to ban me, go ahead, it' no loss to me. It would just be nice if you were open and honest about what you are doing.

Mar 27, 2022 2:28 am EDT

"Thread insulation"? What does that even mean? Are you still confused about how the hose connections seal and advising people to liberally slobber plumber's dope all over to plug up the screen and mess up the inlet valve? Or do you believe the hose connection is a major source for losing or adding heat to the hot and cold water sources, so you should go buy some fiberglass insulation to add to the threads? How would "insulating" the threads solve Gayle Phelps' problem?

Amy A2
Sewell, US
Mar 29, 2022 11:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of JeffD888

JeffD888 I completely agree with everything you have said and feel your frustration as I have been having the same EXACT issues which are still unresolved. I was considering purchasing a speed queen washer as my replacement for this washer once this is issue is settled. Are you happy with the speed queen classic? Would you recommend it? Any input would be helpful. Thanks!

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 12:34 am EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

thank you at least some one was listening to me

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 12:53 am EDT

the reason for new valves and hoses was because my first brand new maytag and i wanted all new , to hook up to my new washer . my water pressure is harder than all my neighbors and i know this because its all new ! its not my water or valves or hoses its your washer that has the biggest tub of all at home depot and it does not fill even half way . but when it says wash the washer with a packet of crystle scum cleaner (which by the way is over priced ) and you have to do this 4 times a month thats crazy ... i wanted to be able to wash a load of clothes not just 3 pairs or 3 towels 4.7 is a big tub its a big farce and a waste of my time and energy because it does not do what is advertised i hope no body ever buys this machine its going to the dump i would not give it away . by the way the hoses are made of metal not rubber not plastic ...and if i were to swap this machine i would have to research the lot and the seller would have to demonstrate the machines abillity to wash clothes and i don`t believe that anyone has that kind of showroom abillity people think by looking that it would be a great investment ...WRONG don`t buy this malarkey...

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 1:13 am EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

they will talk their way out of all this because mr happy is a computer just like the solicitors that call on your phones trying to get money or something from you ,only this softwear is for answering questions making poeple believe he`s a person ...NOT...

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 1:15 am EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

how is the speed queen ? is it a good investment , does it work ? i would like to know..

Mar 30, 2022 4:25 am EDT

Hi Gayle, in my opinion the Speed Queen Classic (TC5) seems to be about the only real old type washer you can get today that is designed to last. Though in a sense it's still not truly old type in that it has electronic rather than mechanical controls, the cycles and time controls are limited, and, at least for the cycles I use, there's only a couple of fill levels; about 2/3s of a tub, and full tub. Only cold rinses, but at least the hot wash uses water directly from the water heater while other machines won't let you wash with fully hot water. Yet it suits my needs. Comes with a full 5-year warranty, and I'm hoping it's the last washer I ever have to buy. Just don't use the "Normal Eco" cycle, actually I've never tried it, but I understand that it is there just to meet regulations.

If you need more features and configurable cycles you might look at the TR7 from the redesigned TR series, it also has a 7-year warranty, but you should do your research, it came out in 2018 and pretty much went over like New Coke, which is why they brought back their classic wash system, yet it gets some positive reviews from people who own them. The way it washes just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

In any case, please do your own research, there are many articles and reviews on the internet, and see if it looks like it would work for you. For me, I couldn't find a better machine in today's market, but I always hate to too highly recommend something that expensive to someone who may find it doesn't suit their needs for some reason.

Mar 30, 2022 4:37 am EDT
Replying to comment of Amy A2

Hi Amy, personally I am very pleased with my Speed Queen. Please see my reply to Gayle above for more specifics (I could copy and paste it but I don't want to look like I'm spamming). I don't think I would buy anything else in today's market, I'm just always reluctant to recommend something that expensive to someone who's needs and taste may be different from mine.

Good luck!

Mr. Helpful
Los Angeles, US
Mar 30, 2022 11:47 am EDT

Hi Ms Phelps.

We've somewhat touched on this before. Your suggestion that because something is new means it cannot be the problem would also rule out the washer itself; as it's as new as everything else. With absolute respect, the water and pressure thereof MAY be part of the issue. It just can't be ruled out as of yet.

Let me clarify; this is not my washer. It's not that I wouldn't mind owning this unit, but I do not.

I really do want to see this get resolved in such a way that you'll be happy with whatever you have. There's a lot of negativity being thrown around; realistically that isn't going to resolve anything. I want to be very respectful to everyone but determine what the actual problem is. To that end, I was able to find this independent review on YouTube. It shows the entire wash and rinse system being used. If you would, watch the entire video and tell me if you're having similar results.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 5:39 pm EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

thank you so much , i will do the research i have been checking on many but if theres no one who has used one that can give me a straight answer then i`m still at same spot so thank you again for your opinion really helped !

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 6:01 pm EDT

like i said psi is working just fine why don`t you take the time to resolve my issues with maytag and no i will not buy a he maytag washer it`s not worth the headache so no swap i just want a refund . we will see if you even try to resolve my issue...thanks

Gayle Phelps
Mar 30, 2022 6:02 pm EDT

no , no plumbing issues ... just maytag issues

Sandy Brodine
Sep 02, 2022 6:28 pm EDT
Replying to comment of JeffD888

Jeff, I too have a Maytag top load piece of junk ( dryer is to, so noisy). Had it a year and half and the “plastic “ hinge on lid broke. So now I have to work to get it to lick and unlock. It does not clean clothes. Sheets come out completely dry in places. My water and electri bill have both increased due to washing clothes over and over. Both washer and dryer are a pile of junk. I agree with you and Gayle Phelps both! Maytag really messed up this time! Going Monday to look at new washer and dryer after I visit a repair man to see what he says about the new machines now days. Probably really likes them because he will never be out of work again!

Amy A2
Sewell, US
Mar 29, 2022 10:49 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I’m having the exact same problem with my Maytag washer that was also purchased in Nov, 2021 and I didn’t start using the washer until January 2022. Prior to purchasing this Maytag washer I have never had any problems with my previous washers. My clothes are getting stained from the washer which the service repair man said it was from using too much detergent which I really feel I was not doing. Which I am not able to get those stains out of the clothing after washing a couple times. On top of that the washer does not efficiently wash the clothes. I constantly have clothes coming out dirty with tooth paste or food particles still on the shirts, etc. There is nowhere enough water to wash the clothes properly. It does not even submerge all of the clothes in the water while spinning even when it’s on the deep fill cycle. This washer is unacceptable. Washing clothes is not supposed to be this difficult. When purchasing a washer you would think it would actually wash the clothes efficiently and not destroy all of your clothes and expensive sheets in the process. I will never purchase Maytag again and I would never recommend Maytag to anyone. I am extremely disappointed with this Maytag product.

Mr. Helpful
Los Angeles, US
Mar 29, 2022 1:29 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Amy A2

Hi Amy.

I think I may be able to assist.

Whether or not you're using too much detergent, I couldn't say. I can say it's not an uncommon problem with people coming over from the older style washers. There is less detergent needed because there's less water. With less water, the detergent becomes less diluted.

You know, I thought the easiest way to create less confusion is showing what this unit does when running a larger load. An independent review was posted on YouTube showing the full wash cycle. It shows how well the unit performs when used correctly. Please view the video and let us know if you're not getting the same results.

Gayle Phelps
Mar 31, 2022 2:52 pm EDT

if its sitting in a vat of dirty water in a maytag washer , you must know already that it does not rinse your clothes why would we want to buy your maytag ?

E in Tennessee
Jul 28, 2022 2:53 pm EDT

I bought a Maytag MVW6200KW2 top load washer last month. It has never worked on certain cycles. It stops at wash and spin and never goes to rinse on delicate and certain other cycles. Even on Deep Fill, which a repairman said is set to not actually work for most cycles, there is not enough water to clean the clothes. My previous Maytag I had for 25 years cleaned well. It was made by Maytag before the sell to Whirlpool. The new machines are junk. We have skin disorders, and the detergent MUST be completely rinsed out. This new Maytag does not clean or fully rinse the laundry. We know to use very little HE detergent. I have to wash small loads only in this huge machine. The laundry comes out smelling dirty because it is still dirty. The detergent is not rinsed out either. Affects our health. Whirlpool Maytag will not refund or replace. I have a Whirlpool dryer that is a noisy piece of junk, too.

A circuit board has been ordered for the washer but may take months to get here and won't fix the water and noise problems, if it fixes anything at all, which I doubt. Avoid anything made by Whirlpool.

Oct 09, 2022 8:30 pm EDT

I agree 100%! I’ve had my Maytag power wash washing machine for 2 years now! So I’d say I’ve given it a fair chance and not only does it not get clothes clean but it also puts little holes in so much of our laundry! I’m not new to washing clothes so it’s nothing I’m doing. I’m spending more on top brand laundry soap, Clorox 2, stain removers and yet 85% of stains remain! I used to get any stain out with my old washing machine without even trying! Today I decided to watch it wash to see if the clothes move around ( I know that sounds crazy but I’m desperate to figure this out), Well….. I took a picture of the dry clothes on top that were still dry when it finished it’s wash cycle and started draining! I couldn’t believe it but now I know why my son was thinking I wasn’t washing his laundry and why he complains that so many of his shirts stunk (I can’t smell since I had Covid in February 2020) Then to top it off, something new happened recently, 2 times now , I’ve had a shirt the first time and a sheet the other day get stuck in the bottom where there’s that space is in the bottom! Naturally my sheet ripped, somehow the shirt didn’t! Still, it’s just another thing I now need to replace! I would trade this junk anytime for my old style washing machine!

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