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iQor Holdings

iQor Holdings review: bad business practices 13

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8:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This is the worst company I have ever worked for in my life. For nine months I put up with abuse from horrible customers, and even worse management. The customers that Iqor caters to for the phone company Metropcs are the most uneducated and rudest people I have ever had the displeasure of serving. They are extremely rude and dishonest and continually heap insults and foul language at you to try to get their way, like little children throwing a fit in a supermarket. As it goes at Iqor if you are on the phones then you are just a name tag that can be replaced at any time. I have seen fifty people lose their jobs at Iqor over the last nine months and have myself just been terminated today due to insubordination. I had just taken a break phone the phones because I had just had my third cuss out session of the day by some unhappy customers and I needed a minute to gather my thoughts because I was considering quitting today because of how bad this job is. I headed outside to go make a phone call and as I was walking out the building some supervisor started screaming at me on the floor to get off my phone. I just ignored her because I was on my break and was leaving the building so I kept walking and went outside to call my fiance to let her know I was having a horrible day at work and was considering quitting. After I gathered my composure I went back in to try to just finish out the day but apparently the lady I so deeply offended by talking on my phone on my break as I was leaving the building went and told on me. My supervisor then asked me to get off the phones once again so I did. She ended up walking with me over to the area that lady was sitting at then said they were terminating me for insubordination. These are the same people who keep calling me to come in on my days off to work and who I had been flexible enough to do that for this company. I couldn't believe I was being fired but I was absolutely relieved. They did me a favor because with my incredible work ethic I probably would of continued to endure the abuse until I graduate from college and have a real career when I become an RN. After telling them they could go " F " themselves which I have never done before and I have to tell you felt great, I left the building and went to spend time with my son and fiance. Iqor has really been the worst job I have ever had and have often said I would rather be back in the U.S. Army fighting combat than dealing with a company whose customers treat you like garbage and whose management does not value their employees. This company actually tells you that the customers are allowed to yell at you and that they can curse you out up to three times before you can drop the call and if they don't use foul language you have to take the abuse! Whatever happened to human decency? Just because I work for a company doesn't mean I am any less human. People have feelings and emotions, and I have to say I feel sorry for these companies that treat their employees like garbage. You may be able to control the fixed expense and profit margins by firing your employees but you ###s are making the ones who are left strain out a gnat and it's hard working under those terrible conditions. Start treating your employees with consideration and kindness then you can imagine all the revenue that will come in because people actually like your business and word will get out that your a good company. Everyone knows that When someone likes a company or business they only tell three people about it, but when they hate it they tell at least ten people. I want everyone to know Iqor call centers are the worst places to work, don't get a job there, look elsewhere and save yourself the headache and frustration. Iqor is the worst company and they can go "F" themselves.

Update by Free at last
Jun 18, 2011 3:06 am EDT

Spot on! I would have to say I completely agree with this employees account of how Iqor runs its company. It is run like a caste system that views the lowest in the system (the phone reps) as replaceable. Any good company knows its employees are its best asset because they get the job done. Unfortunately, for myself and this other employee who worked at Iqor, if you stay with Iqor there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I would advise anyone working there to look for better opportunities elsewhere. I know it's a bad economy, however, working for Iqor is not worth it, and I would much rather work at Mc'Donalds then ever work for this company again!

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Falcon Heights, US
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Jun 16, 2011 2:31 am EDT

I also work for iQor in Minneapolis, MN it is by far the worst company I have ever worked for...they just take and take and take from their employees and give nothing in return but a very small paycheck that doesn't even pay you for the hours you actually put in. I have worked there a year and a half and have hated every second. Every quarter they roll out a new way to screw over their employees to increase their bottom line. First they changed the bonus structure so that fewer people get bonuses, and those that do are pretty much hand picked by the managers, because instead of being based on call volume, they are now based on quality scores which the supervisors have a huge influence on. Next, they took away about a week of vacation time then, they cut break times down from 2 15 min paid breaks & a 1/2 hour unpaid lunch per 8 hours worked to 2 5 min pd breaks & 1/2 hour lunch. Now they are saying from now on when people take vacation days they will only be paid for 6 hours. oh and also, about 2 months ago they stopped giving people the actual vacation time they accrue per pay period. The place is for lack of a better term, a sweatshop, I would advise NO ONE to work there, not even my worst enemy!

Cleveland Heights, US
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Jul 27, 2011 6:22 pm EDT

I agree we called people who didn't even know the person that owed the money, instead of taking out their phone number management said to call them back everyday until they told us where the person who owed the money was at. These people got pissed, threatened to sue us, said don't call back, but we did everyday. This job totally sucked, and one of my friends who worked there for 4 years said they actually LOWERED his pay and took money away from him because they said he was not performing well enough, not poorly enough to fire, just poor enough for them to take 50 cents away from his hourly pay until he did better. What a F-ing joke. Oh the managers were doing cocaine and meth right off their desks, too maybe that explains some of the antics at their call centers.

It's me 123
Phoenix, US
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Mar 10, 2012 3:06 pm EST

i agree! Iqor is the worst company i have ever worked for... i honestly didn't even finish training i know right off the bat what i was getting into was not good... they didn't give there employees vacation days, sick day, or pregnancy leave until after working a year there and if you did take time of due to being ill you had to make up your time... there for no one wanted to take time off when they were sick so everyone in the entire office was sick and coughing it was so gross! the second day i worked there my lunch had been stolen and then the next week a girl had threatened to steel my ATM card so i had to cancel it... also no matter what i had on the avp's had a problem with it... and i i always followed dress code to a t! i can not believe they trust these employees with customer info... after training there i will never be a Verizon wireless customer because i would not feel my personnel info was safe... plus the pay is terrible and they don't want you to have a life outside of iqor... i encourage anyone who works there to run not walk away from that place! its a terrible unprofessional place of work!

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May 24, 2012 6:02 am EDT

Well, I just quit iqor. I hate that job. The pay sucks and they make u work on weekends during your training. One week I worked 80 and when i got my first check they only gave me 545. yeah right! I worked my ### off, and came in every day. Another thing, sometime they will pay u after payday. they did that to me. Its really not worth working at Iqor, unless you really need the money. Im glad i quit that place its full of noisy young people and unprofessonal supervisors.

Phoenix, US
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Jun 04, 2012 5:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I totally agree with each and every one of you. I work for iQor in Tempe, AZ and let me tell you; it is the most unprofessional, childish, joke of a job I've ever had. The business is run so poorly and the hiring process is horrible. No matter what your background is whether it be criminal, pedophile, etc. as long as you pass the online assessment you have a job. There is no physical interview or any type of pre-screening to ensure that the employees they are hiring are legitimate and decent. It's filled with immature teenagers and young adults who don't take anything seriously. They hire and hire and hire until there isn't even suitable seating arrangements for all of their employees. You get paid by the hours you're on the phones and a lot of the times the computer doesn't even correctly log your hours. Your paycheck is cut short because of a computer. Can we get more conventional ways of tracking the long hard time you spend at iQor doing their dirty work? The systems never work and are always down and they expect you to find a way to work through it and to top it off they expect you make up hours that you've missed. How can you take a sick day and still live your life outside of iQor if you're forced to make up 8 extra hours on top of the hours you already spend working? I advise anyone to run. Don't even waste your time taking the assessment or getting through training. This company definitely gets several thumbs down.

none yas
Houston, US
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Apr 22, 2014 1:36 am EDT

i work for this company and god is it the worst environment i have ever worked in by far the most essay job i have ever had but there is not a day that goes by were i don't think of quitting no employee here is valued in any regard i have seen supervisors and upper management get over looked for positions when they have been here for over 5 and some cases 10 years for people right off the street that will do the job for less and not complain this makes for a unstable work station and then on top of that they will dangle a pay raise in front of you like a carrot on a stick and when you have worked so hard and given so much they will take it away and clam you did not meat some expectation that is unbelievably incomprehensible i wont go in to detail any more but in the short version i only work here because i need the money and even then it does not seem worth it

Phoenix, US
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Oct 23, 2014 11:48 pm EDT

Worked at Iqor then quit and iqor sent me a termination letter are they crazy that's a joke also they screwed me over on overtime Work/life balance was not there

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Jan 20, 2015 8:20 pm EST


Phoenix, US
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Oct 07, 2015 1:37 am EDT

iQor Holdings US Inc.Shoots v. iQor Holdings US Inc. Court File
Staff: Lisa Burtch,  Stephen Nicksic
Attorneys: Carl F. Engstrom,  Tim C. Selander, Rachhana T. Srey

Phoenix, US
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Oct 07, 2015 1:39 am EDT

Class action lawsuit against Iqor please look up for the details of the case money may be owed

Sergie Ismoloft
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Oct 19, 2015 11:35 pm EDT

iQor Holdings US Inc.,
Plaintiffs Paris Shoots (“Plaintiff Shoots”), Jonathan Bell (“Plaintiff Bell”),
Maxwell Turner (“Plaintiff Turner”), Tammy Hope (“Plaintiff Hope”), and Phillipp
Ostrovsky (“Plaintiff Ostrovsky”) (collectively, “Plaintiffs”), on behalf of themselves, the
proposed Rule 23 Classes, and others similarly situated, by and through their attorneys,
Nichols Kaster, PLLP, Teske, Micko, Katz, Kitzer & Rochel, PLLP, and Berger &
Montague, P.C., bring this action for damages and other relief for Defendant’s violations
of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Arizona state law.
Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves, the proposed Rule 23 Classes, and others similarly
situated, upon personal knowledge as to themselves and upon information and belief as to
other matters, state the following as their claims against Defendant:
Court File No. 0:15-cv-00563-SRN-SER

CASE 0:15-cv-00563-SRN-SER Document 19 Filed 04/03/15 Page 1 of 45

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Dec 15, 2015 4:25 pm EST

IQOR Needs to to take care of their best access which is their employees. A lot of then are single parents. most are in bad to need of the money they ear so they are afraid to speak up. many come in to work sick and past it on to other worker. Due to the fact that Iqor give then few days off. they call then PTO days you take then for your holidays, any snow days, sick days or any other work cancellation day by iqor. leaving next to noting for vacation time. It's a very stressful job being belittle by people on the phone and you can not say any thing back. IQOR will fire you as it seen to do to mosh worker. The worker and most lower level bosses threat each other well as they know how IQOR is. Shame on you IQOR

illegal company
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Aug 03, 2016 5:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I worked for Iqor for three months... in those 3 months there was numerous illegal business practices from not paying employees for all hours worked nor not given lunch breaks even though you worked an 11 hour shift but Iqor believes you should only be paid 7 hours of your shift. When you go to management they say if you don't like our company policies there the door. If I remember this is America and all the hours rendered should be paid. Iqor believes if you are waiting for a call to drop in you are not working and should not get paid. If you are going to the bathroom you should not get paid or even if your in a meeting with management for a meeting you should not get paid.. my paychecks looked like 89 hours of regular pay and they only paid 5 minutes of overtime... but I have 9 hours of overtime but Iqor disagreed after receiving 5 paychecks that had these discrepancies I walked out because management said they had the power to do this... I disagreed and joined a class action lawsuit to get all my hours paid for even overtime... there are more than 3000 people in the same boat... I google: Iqor V. And saw that Iqor get lawsuits left and right for illegal business practices... Shoots v. Iqor... so do your research before working with Iqor make sure they pay you correctly for all your hours worked for them. Iqor is a crooked company and will screw you over if you don't watch for all the illegal business practices.. Iqor has lots of contracts and Iqor makes millions a year but cannot pay employees all hours worked... I remember  Iqor didn't want to pay 20 of us for training but when we got mad they said your checks are being printed... that was the first red flag... but more came after that... and remember I walked out and two weeks later Iqor sent me a letter saying I was terminated but that was incorrect I walked out because of all the illegal business practices that they pulled... pay your employees all hours  worked that includes overtime, cleaning your work station or going to the bathroom etc... minutes and hours to be paid... don't work for free...  I was hired on for 12.50 an hour full time when I asked to get reimbursed for all hours they said there's the door if you don't like our policy... this company will nickel-and-dime you... soured image of the contracts they have with Verizon, AT&T, MetroPCS, T-mobile, Sprint, Conns etc...

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