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Hydro One Networks Complaints 27

12:06 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Hydro One Networks Outrageous Bills and Security Deposit

In August my husband and I were attending a funeral and went home after being at the wake to let our dogs out before we were going back to the hall. HydroOne shows up and says I have a few minutes to get to a phone and pay a 700.00bill from now and a 800.00 from 1997 as well as a deposit or I was going to be disconnected right then and there. I flipped out! I told the guy I was going to pay it and that furthermore until I had a chance to call he was not to come into my yard. So I called and payed the 1st bill and the guy left. Sometime later I called to further investigate the outrageous bill and the rep tells me that I was disconnected in August and because I still have power I have tampered with their equipment and they were sending people to investigate the theft. WHAT THE HECK? I don't even know how to hook up a dvd player and now I'm tampering with Hydro Meters? I tried to plead my case and still they sent a team out who disconnected me by sawing through the lines. So now I'm trying to get my hydro back as the winter is quickly approaching and I live in Northern Ontario and I call up Hydro to ask them what my next steps were. I paid an outstanding balance and then the rep tells me because I "tampered with the power" that I would now have to have an inspector come and pass my electrical before I could even get hydro. I cried and even begged for them to beleive me that I did NOT tamper with anything and that maybe they should investigate further and that maybe someone made an error somewhere within the Hydro company. NOPE - not the case.. they said they already did their investigation and because my hydro was not disconnected in August I had somehow tampered with the meter and now there was nothing they could do until I had an inspector in. I am currently waiting for my EI to start - I have 14 weeks of benefits owed to me (sickness benefits) and after that I have to look for work. In the mean time my family has no hydro and winter is coming fast. I don't know what I am going to do. I dont have 800 for the 1997 bill that is owed for that property and I dont have an 800 deposit. I dont even have 1.00 to my name. I am running out of hope and slowing falling into a deeper depression. I am scared, cold, hungry, worried about what to do next and alone. Thank you HydroOne - you have officially placed me in situational and financial crisis.

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9:02 am EDT
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Hydro One Networks Legal Robbery

Hydro One put a smart metor on our lake property south of Parry Sound. Keep in mind this is a cottage and we are not there all the time. One month in January the metor read 45 the next month it read 141. Nothing was left on there was no reason it should have jumped so much. They did an inquiry and told us that the reading was down the month they took another reading so we would have to pay the legal robbers 3 times the previous bill. If this is not legal robbery what is it. The consumer is treated like dirt.

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Clarington, CA
Jun 18, 2013 5:04 pm EDT

Generator at at Princess Auto is about $500. I only need to run it 1 hour a day to pump water. Use wood stove for heating. Put milk and butter in the cistern, we can actually live without a fridge. For a good hot shower and hot tub, membership at the local Recreation Center is about $300 a year. Might as well hand wash clothes at the Rec Center while I'm at it. Let's boycott Hydro One and have all have our houses disconnected from Hydro One.

Huntsville, CA
Nov 21, 2012 10:47 am EST

Yes let them take you to court and if you lose you get to pay the court costs. Right!
The Ontario Hydro is over charging Everyone because they are actually selling less Hydro and have to show a bigger profit each quarter. Something like cooking the books. Anyone that get a estimated bill on the new smart meter system this is what is happening and the excuse that the meter isn't work properly is just that an EXCUSE to keep you paying high rates I keep all online snap shot of my account records back for years.

Spineless jellyfish
Delta, CA
Nov 07, 2011 2:26 pm EST

I would have just told them to Only idiots give people money for nothing. Let them take you to court - are they gonna spend $5000 to collect $500? Lol!

I am sick of reading about people crying about high bills but then they just pay them. Too funny. Maybe they should try growing a spine? Power to the Sheeple! Roflmao.

Richard Wakefield
Komoka, CA
May 11, 2010 10:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please contact me from my blog: Starting a class action against Hydro One.

6:50 pm EDT
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Hydro One Networks Disconnected forced to go Bankrupt

I have lived the past 20 years with a husband who has bi-polar, and a severe anger problem. I have lived very afraid of most things when it comes to him. I have not paid my Hydro bill since I have been off on long-term disability for depression and Acute Stress/Anxiety Disorder. I have always been brought up to NEVER be on disability let alone claim bankruptcy. However, here I am feeling like a terrible failure. In December, my husband and I separated, shortly after, my father passed away very suddenly. In January, Hydro cut off my services, and my children and I have not had a place to live since. I have tried to make several arrangements with them to no avail. I have had United Way and the Winter Warmth Program try to negotiate something but again no. I had called several times to Hydro to see their proticol on bankruptcy and have been informed EVERYTIME that they disconnect your account and reconnect the same day. I have tried to come up with the funds that I need to pay this and I just can't, they are charging me approx 300.00/monthly in late fees alone this on top of the security deposit. I telephoned them lastweek (after making a total of 9 calls to make sure of their protocol as I would be losing my job in results of claiming bankruptcy), to inform them that I would be claiming bankruptcy that day as my children and I have no where to live. They instructed me to have the Trustee fax the docments to them and if they received them before 2 that afternoon they would be able to connect my hydro the same day. I would have loved this. My son's only wish for Easter was to be back in his own home. A manager phoned the Trustee and stated that she would give me until 2:45 to get the documents in. I went down immediately to sign the papers with many tears. While I was there the same manager called to tell the Trustee to make sure she faxed the docs A.S.A.P, which she did. I left and by the time I arrived back home which took about 5 minutes, the same manager from Hydro one called me and said she would not be hooking my power back up as she didn't notice but my husbands name appeared first on the bill and mine name appeared second. I had just claimed bankruptcy for this but also I had to give up my career. She stated that my ex-husband who doesn't live at the residence would have to claim bankruptcy. After fighting with him for a week over this he finally called back this manager today and she told him that he would have to claim bankruptcy and then she would look at it again but doesn't know whether she will ever turn the power on again or not. I am so frustrated and sad for my children, how am I supposed to make all of this work? I made huge life altering changes, and now I can't undo any of them, as a result of being lied to by Hydro One. Please any advice would be grately appreciated. Thanks.

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Richard Wakefield
Komoka, CA
May 11, 2010 10:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please contact me from my blog: Starting a class action against Hydro One.

7:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hydro One Networks Excessive rate

Almost everyone in Noelville has received astronomical Hydro billings for the month of January, 2010.
Hydro One is not willing to listen to this complaint. The whole community is in an uproar. Hydro says "Pay it or face disconnection". There's something wrong here. Normal monthly bill is $300.00 - $400.00 maximum. This one is $1400.00. Some in the community receive some as high as $1800.00.

Please tell us how to proceed. This is insane. They make mistakes like this all the time and threathen us with disconnection if we dont pay. In Nov. 2009, we received a credit of $737.37 in over payment that they billed us, prior!
Then for January 2010, they send us a bill for $1400.00 ! Please investigate !

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Joanne Havis
Arnprior, CA
Oct 06, 2010 9:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

WE ARE BEING ROBBED...Why are we selling so much to the states and yet we apparently have shortage along with the NEW HST and then the price goes up, we now have non peak hours of which I might add is a load of on non peak hours your dryer will run double the time due to less power..WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING BEFORE WE ALL GO BROKE! SPEAK UP CANDA!

Richard Wakefield
Komoka, CA
May 11, 2010 10:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please contact me from my blog: Starting a class action against Hydro One.

11:56 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Hydro One Networks new hydro meters

Hi, my name is Mrs. Shirley Noel i have a big issue with these new hydro meters that they are putting on our homes. The bills have doubled since then, even when we cut back on everything still the bills go up. I haved spoken to someone who works with meter readings in Mississauga that i know and he has told me that those meters have a defect in them. When faced to the sun they spin more causing us to pay for more electricity. They have been removed in some areas because people knew were to complained. What can we do. Any adviced would be appriciated. Thanks

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Toronto, CA
Nov 05, 2012 2:06 pm EST

I live in a 700 sq ft apt. my hydro bill every two months is around $500 with no air conditioning and no heat, in the winter I freeze half to death but if i were to turn on my heat I am afraid I would end up homeless! these prices should be criminal.

Danni Cook
Toronto, CA
May 12, 2011 5:15 pm EDT

My bill has doubled since the Smart reader. I live in a single home and work Monday to Friday 5 days a week. My bill is over 300.00. What does an average family have to pay? This is really bad.
What can be done about this?

Strathroy, CA
Apr 26, 2011 6:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

COMPLAINT!...ever since the operation of our illegally installed so called smart meter has started it renders my wireless driveway alarm useless...false triggers as smartmeter transmits its signal by Microwave . This alarm was an expensive unit and has worked very well up to the time the smartmeter was put into service. I cannot understand why HYDRO ONE can istall a microwave device on my property without my signed permission!...I have worked with two -way radio equipment for many years and am a licensed tecnician since 1969...

LW ...Strathroy, Ontario

Meaford Landlord
Meaford, CA
Mar 31, 2011 3:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Have rental property with 2 apts in same bldg, at beginning of Dec separated hydro & put new meter in for 2nd apt. Dec/Jan bill on new meter with NO renter, fridge unplugged, heat @ 10C, no phantom draw...3x's what the bill was for Oct/Nov both apts fully occupied with laundry facilities, kitchen appliances, hot water usage, lighting, heating & assorted entertainment units going normally! Hydro's response - check out their suggestions for reducing my usage...any more reduction I'd have to throw the main switch OFF!
Totally outragious our government should be supporting us against this monopoly!

Dennis Chepeka
Pain Court, CA
Feb 07, 2011 4:43 pm EST

Since our "SMART Meter was installed our usage has risen to a point where I am getting frustrated with Hydro One
Our furnace, stove, water heater and clothes dryer are all gas fired and my wife and son and grandson live in the house.
They are claimimg that in November 2010 we consumed 100 Kw hrs and in Dececember 2010 2100 Kw hrs.
would contacting Measurement Canada help because I am positive that there is something wrong with the meter.
I have had no luck discussing this with Hydro one and am wondering if another government agency would help

Richard Wakefield
Komoka, CA
May 12, 2010 1:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

WTW yes you do. Contact me through the blog at For a post on this very excuse see:

Toronto, CA
May 12, 2010 11:39 am EDT

From Jun.4, 2003 to May 20, 2009, according to Hydro One's ACTUAL meter readings we used a total of 939 kWh in our Muskoka cottage. On May 20 they installed a smart meter and from then until Mar.2, 2010 the actual reading was 4335 kwh. How can it take 6 years to use 939 and only 10 months to use 4335?

They're trying to get away with it by telling me the old meter was faulty and that the new one has been tested and is working fine. Oh how lucky I am to have had such cheap energy for so long, they say. They're being really generous by not coming after me to collect on all that cheap electricity, they say. Of course, the old meter is long gone now and can't be independently tested. They sound like arrogant criminals to me.

What's worse is I feel I have absolutely no recourse!

Richard Wakefield
Komoka, CA
May 11, 2010 10:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please contact me from my blog: Starting a class action against Hydro One.

W and The Cottage Gang
Toronto, CA
Mar 14, 2010 2:01 pm EDT

We are walking in to Hydro One's corporate office tomorrow to complain - Shirley Noel's comments have shown us there IS a defect in the new Smart Meters - our cottage Hydro One bill has tripled during the winter months when NO ONE IS THERE and the heat is sitting at 10 degrees C...and since the new meters were installed.

And the same for our cottage neighbors - their bill has gone up 7-fold over this winter and they are not there either. And it is because the leaves are gone on the trees, the smart meters are exposed to the sun, it's been a sunny warm winter, and we are being billed for a sunny winter.

OUTRAGEOUS - the press needs to know this. Who else has evidence - this is NOT right and our government needs to fix this asap.

Wendy and The Cottage Gang...

Trenton, CA
Feb 17, 2010 2:35 pm EST

I agree 100%, Ever since my new meter was put in my hydro has almost doubled...even though we have been watching our hydro consumption! I believe we are being cheated, I have called and they have assured that everything is fine but it is not adding up!

6:32 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Hydro One Networks Outrageous billing

Hydro One billing is excessive and unreasonable. How is one to live and attempt to dig themselves out of debt when they cannot get ahead due to hydro ones pricing. The government needs to step up and reduce the amount of money it is STEALING from innocent people trying to make a living. Hydro is a necessity in todays world and therefore should be more reasonably priced. $900 for a single month? their excuse is a reading error? They demand this money or your cut off. Oh and god forbid you have a late payment or else they will add a $800 security deposit. If one is struggling to make the usage payment, how are they suppose to come up with the funds for a security deposit. Going to have to sell the house I guess. What kind of economic stimulus are these outrageous hydro billings?

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Tina Leonard
Aug 23, 2022 9:10 pm EDT

As a new customer of Hydro One, on my first monthly bill I was charged 43.00 for delivery on an 18.38 electricity usage. ARE YOU SERIOUS? During our first month with Hydro One we had 3 power failures with one lasting over 10.5 hours. I am truly upset and concerned over this. I called the customer service and payment department and the gentleman who took my call was wordless following my complaint and questions regarding this ridiculous and dishonest delivery charge. It’s fraudulent and bad business.

Beverley Tashoots
Apr 02, 2018 5:50 pm EDT

yes I know hydro is a scam cause I use to pay 40 to 80 a month same heat going in winter time and every thing. but now all of a sudden I get a bill in the mail for 600 dollars sure we missed a payment because of a loss in the family. and still they threatin yu for disconnect. so I went to the advocates to help me deal with this matter and the advocates helped me pay half of the bill and I had to get a loan to pay the other half. so now its payed up but not even a week later they sent me a bill saying I owe them another 318.oo dollars and the month is not even up yet. and I can't pay them any more cause i'm on a early monthly pension. and they wouldn't stop. but I pray they be delt with sooner or later with all this scam that's going on. and make them pay us back because of their faulty meters. and when I phoned them they said I have two meters and I told them no I don't I live in a apartment building so I know they are scamming people. I really want to make a lawsuit against them but need help very soon.

Chey Williams
Sep 11, 2015 2:15 pm EDT

I live in a town house. I have owed Hydro One $800 for 2 years. compared to some of these prices mine looks minimal, but for 2 years I have been paying over $350 a month and i still owe $800. Im from Six Nations Ontario and our chief is setting up meetings with Hydro One to discuss our bills. i don't care about a giant chunk of money but i would like to knw why the hell that $800 hasn't been affected with $350 payments every month

Rural ontario, CA
Feb 23, 2015 10:33 am EST

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Facebook group - Hydro One - Enough is Enough
Protest planned for May 2015 at Queen's Park.

Jan 24, 2015 11:07 am EST

Hydro One is definitley screwing us hard. We purchased a house and the previous owners had installed a 40, 000 geothermal sytem to save on hydro costs. They were paying on average 3600 a year in hydro which is reasonable for the size of the house. I have changed windows, doors, spray foamed installed led lighting you name it to even further reduce the cost. Well that work well my hydro went up in a year to $5100. What a joke! When you do call it is " well do you know geo thermal is very expensive to run" maybe they should educate some of these idiots because it is the cheapest. Our goverment needs to take action on these criminals. Delivery charge, debt retirement, hst, all add up to more that our total cost for hydro!

Frankford, CA
Dec 16, 2014 10:48 am EST

My bills used to be 250$/mo because I used quite some energy indeed. Then they went to 330... 350... then 450$! I have changed absolutely nothing in energy consumption at that point. That's all in the summer! I have no AC either! I am an electronician so I know very well how electricity works and how to calculate how much 5minutes on my toaster will cost me to the penny precise. My point is I know what I am doing. I called them and they gave me the same BS as everyone here... I asked if their meter might be off or something and they "reassured" me that it is IMPOSSIBLE for their electronic device to be off (lol?).
I put a timer on the pool (which should saves me no more than 30$/mo) and started using electricity mostly on off peaks instead. Bill went down to 350, then 250, then 173$ on the last one.
There is absolutely NOTHING that can explain such eratic bills than em screwing me over with their bs meter.
I am not even on equal billing. My house is 3 years old (electricity was done by the previous owner, who's an electrician himself!) and no one can be stealing me as I have only one neighbor which is my friend.

So is calling the ombudsman our only way to maybe solve this? This is outrageous...

London, CA
Nov 29, 2014 12:11 pm EST

People need to wake up & realize that Hydro 1 does not read your meter. They GUESS it to what ever amount they want & there's dick all you/we can do about it. They are stealing from us & they should be charged with theft, as that's exactly what it is. I finally got proof they haven't been here to read my meter in months, but I suspect it's been yrs. It wasn't hard & I know I'm getting charged more than double what I use. I was even away for over a month, turned everything off at my fuse box & still got a $180 bill for that month, go figure. If it's happening to me, it's happening to YOU. They need to be stopped as this crap has gone on long enough. We need to get enough people together then hire a good Lawyer.

Nov 27, 2014 10:02 am EST

I just moved in a small northern town of Pickle Lake, Ontario..over a year ago..its was shocking how high Hydro One was billing residents in that small town..including myself..from $3000.00 a month to $1700.00 a month..believe it or a mobile home..

Nov 24, 2014 1:26 pm EST

I am so upset my son has moved three times and they have had their hydro bill stopped because of hydro one saying they were investigating the bills they would get back to them, well they received a 6000.00 bill OH then they said they would work over this again and they got a 4000.00 bill that would have been from one house that they lived at from Aug to Aug the next year please can some one help me to find someone to help them

London, CA
Sep 02, 2014 10:32 am EDT

Hello I can't believe hydro I use to pay $80 a month and now that they put in the rip off metre I know have to pay $500 a month I call them and they always say oh u have an old fridge or u have an old washer and dryer but I have a new stuff I love how they know what u have in your home or what u have plunged in I'm so sick of hydro it cost me more for hydro then it does to pay a mortgage and we have to pay for the retired hydro people like really they going to pay ours as well I think hydro is a scams and taking advantage of everyone the damn government needs to step up and do there job its so depressing I can sleep and when I'm at work all I can think of is I need more hours to pay my hydro bill like I already work two jobs just because of hydro I work 72 hours a week and have to take care or three kids its just not right what hydro is doing to people

4:39 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Last year Hydro One came to our house (still living with my parents) and they came to change the house to one of those smart meters. I was using my apple ibook (Yeah I had it for a bit over 3 years) when the power goes out. It comes back on, same thing happens, and it does this one last time. I turn my laptop on and black screen, I try it again and I get a...

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Overview of Hydro One Networks complaint handling

Hydro One Networks reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 29, 2009. The latest review To have the residence hydro put in my name was posted on Aug 16, 2023. The latest complaint Abuse of taxpayer monies was resolved on Feb 06, 2014. Hydro One Networks has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 27 reviews. Hydro One Networks has resolved 14 complaints.
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    Jun 13, 2024

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