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CB Car Dealers Carvana My 2020 Range Rover Evoque

Carvana review: My 2020 Range Rover Evoque

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5:54 pm EDT
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Subject: Urgent Resolution Required for Deceptive Sale and Unresolved Issues

Dear Carvana Support Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep disappointment and frustration with the recent experience I had with Carvana, involving the purchase of a vehicle that has resulted in significant inconvenience and distress. I believe it is essential that my concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

Upon receiving the vehicle, I purchased from Carvana, it became painfully evident that the representation made in the advertisement was nothing short of misleading and deceptive. Two tires were clearly bald, the driver-side brakes emitted an incessant squeak, and most alarmingly, the Apple CarPlay system, which was a crucial aspect for me, was non-functional. This misrepresentation has caused me substantial inconvenience and compromised my safety.

I wish to emphasize that both Carvana and SilverRock were promptly notified of these issues within seven days of the post-delivery inspection. Additionally, it was communicated that my attempts to rectify these issues were hampered by the unreasonably long wait times at the Land Rover dealership, where I was unable to get the necessary repairs done in a timely manner.

This predicament has had dire consequences for me. The resulting collision has sent my insurance premiums skyrocketing, placing an undue financial burden on me. Furthermore, the accident has rendered the vehicle unusable, leaving me without reliable transportation. My livelihood has been directly impacted, as I am now unable to commute to work. The domino effect of these circumstances has turned my life upside down, and I find it wholly unacceptable that Carvana's misrepresentation and negligence are the cause of this turmoil.

I implore you to take immediate and effective action to rectify this situation. It is not only my right but also my earnest expectation that Carvana will rectify the issues with the vehicle, including repairing the Apple CarPlay system, and provide me with the means to restore my life to some semblance of normalcy. Compensating for the increased insurance premiums and any further financial losses resulting from this ordeal is also warranted.

I sincerely hope that Carvana takes this matter seriously and demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and ethical business practices. I look forward to a swift resolution to this matter and a return to a state of stability in my life.

Please respond to this email at your earliest convenience to discuss the steps that will be taken to address these issues promptly. In the absence of a satisfactory resolution, I will be left with no choice but to explore all available avenues to protect my rights as a consumer, which may include seeking legal counsel and pursuing legal action against both Carvana and SilverRock. It is my hope that such extreme measures can be avoided through your swift and earnest attention to this matter.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this urgent matter.

Desired outcome: Full Repairs: Compensation for Financial Losses:Extended Warranty: Compensation for Time and Inconvenience:

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