Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Madison, Ohio, United States

Toyota — safety

My name is jessica I owned a 2011 toyota camry. I was in a accident $1$ $2$. My toyota safety performance was absolutely terrible. I broke my tibula and fibula, my...

Bluestone Perennials — unhealthy plants

Please, stop sending trash to me. I am a gardening novice, so I decided to start with something easy to plant. I know some things about plants, so when I received the bulbs they...

Wendy's — an employee was getting harassed and no one did anything

A lovely girl named Jorden was getting harassed all night by a girl named Renee. Renee pushed Jorden twice and even was calling her names and just be down right rude to the girl...

Windstream — terrible service

This ones hard to believe, I came home from work to find a large box left OUTSIDE my Condominium. It has my name on it and no other label than a UPS sticker. I open it to find a...


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