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CB Citizenship and Immigration Services Immigration Department Of Malaysia Officer doesn't allow pregnant lady with my husband to use priority lane at Bangunan Sultan Iskandar)(CIQ)
Immigration Department Of Malaysia

Immigration Department Of Malaysia review: Officer doesn't allow pregnant lady with my husband to use priority lane at Bangunan Sultan Iskandar)(CIQ)

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9:18 am EDT
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Dear officer in charge,

I'm a Malaysian working in Singapore, and currently I'm pregnant and 3 months now.

I would like to lodge an incident happened on 12 October 2023 (Thursday) at around 8.15pm. When I reached at the CIQ together with my husband and heading towards the priority lane (Manual Counter 3 and 4). This lady Malay officer does not allow us to go through with my husband.I have explained that I'm currently pregnant need to go for body checkup for tomorrow,the officer say to my husband body checkup for tommorow why cannot queue.After that i finish scan my passport when i go out that counter 3 is malay man and counter 4 malay lady their talk about us at the counter then Laugh over there. You can turn around and say, if I'm the officer over there, what will you do if you are that pregnant woman?What kind of attitude is this as an officer in CIQ?

This priority lane introduced should be helping who really in needs as per the notice board for pregnant women, elderly and OKU to pass through. But as a Malaysian, we were treated unfairly. It's already a hard day of work in Singapore, and the officer still giving a difficult time to us.

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