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CB Bars and Cafes Costa Coffee verbal abuse from two members of staff
Costa Coffee

Costa Coffee review: verbal abuse from two members of staff 22

Author of the review
12:36 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My friend and I had been sat in Costa for around half an hour and we chose to leave to meet some other friends. As my friend walked out the door a member of Staff, Holly Jennings, suggested squirting the cleaning liquid at my friend's face. I saw this and said "I don't think so, you're supposed to be a member of staff" to which she laughed. We walked out and were followed out by another female member of staff who shouted "don't bother coming coming back 'cause you won't be served". I said "you're both supposed to be members of staff, that's disgusting" to which she said "yeah well". I am absolutely disgusted that a member of staff would treat a customer like that because of an issue completely unrelated to her job. If she cannot be professional then she she shouldn't be offered any job. I will take this further because there is no way my friend should have been treated like that when all we went for was a coffee and a chat. To have been banned for a personal matter is horrendous customer service and completely unacceptable. I am 20, my friend is 19 and Holly Jennings is 17. Such childish behaviour is something I would never expect and will never accept from anybody, regardless of any situation.

I'd appreciate a reply from Costa and some action to be taken.

Thank you,
Jade Dodd.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 7:28 am EDT

Please explain to me which part of walking out was childish? I went for a coffee with a friend and were randomly abused by two members of staff.
It was completely unprofessional and undeserved.
Don't comment on my complaint with your meaningless reply when you don't know the whole situation.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 10:35 am EDT

I don't know the girl personally at all. I used to work in a nightclub and many people would come in who I weren't fond but I always treated them with respect.
I didn't say she actually squirted it, and not for one second did I tell her how to do her job. I said she suggested squirting the cleaning liquid at my friend's face as we were leaving the premises. My friend had already walked past and didn't see, but I did.
I'm twenty years old, why would I have an issue with a 17 year old?

How are you taking this as our fault? I went to a Coffee shop to have a latte with a friend, we walked out to meet some other friends and the girl suggested to squirt it. How is not wanting to be treated like that by STAFF wrong on our part?
Don't call me "youth". What a ridiculous statement to say "the youth are greatly overrated". That doesn't even make any sense.
Never would I treat or expect to be treated like that by a member of staff in any situation. I don't know the girl, I'm three years older than her and find it quite amusing for you all to be excusing her behaviour when I'm sure if you were abused by staff you'd have something to say about it also.

I wasn't looking for a petty argument to come of this over the Internet so please don't comment back if that's what you're here for.
And as for using my full name, I have nothing to hide behind.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 10:47 am EDT

Of course I've been there before, it's a coffee shop.

And as for that brilliant story, that's quite heartless of you to make that up as my family have mental issues and I don't appreciate you making that up about me at all :/ so I'm out of this conversation now because you've just turned it personal.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 10:53 am EDT

Oh so you actually believe that lie?
I'm not even going to defend myself against that because that's just disgusting for someone to make a profile of Holly then write that.

I know it's a fake profil because of what the person has written.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 10:58 am EDT

Why would there be more to it? Why the hell would I be so cruel to someone when my whole family have had some form of mental issue? I would never be so vile to another person. That's actually upsetting that you're judging me over an Internet site when you don't even know me.
I haven't even said the girl at Costa was horrible, I don't know her, but what she did was unacceptable as a member of staff.
But whoever has made that profile has completely gone too far.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 11:04 am EDT

And as proof that it's a fake profile, and not the real girl from Costa, I went on her page and she's based in Dorset, not Tamworth. So great effort, well presented, it's a shame you're nowhere near where I live.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 11:15 am EDT

I have held my hands up to everything I've ever done wrong. But never will I admit to doing something I have never done, and don't ever make the mistake of thinking you can tell me to either.
This has gone too far, I'm not even mad anymore. That insult has one way too far. I can't believe someone would do that.
So if you could all stop commenting, I'd appreciate it.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 11:17 am EDT

Whoever you are, I suggest you stop now.
I know you're not Holly, so just stop it.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 11:32 am EDT


a) it's spelt through* not threw
b) it says you joined today, when I made my complaint yesterday
c) you have too much time on your hands

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 03, 2012 11:40 am EDT

What are you actually on about?
Why would I make a fake account with the same name as my own?
I don't know Holly, would you like me to say it one more time or are you having trouble registering that?

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 04, 2012 6:20 am EDT

I know I'm probably supposed to care about whatever ### comes out of your mouth but I don't so I'm gonna go ahead and get on with my life with my boyfriend, family and friends and you can either keep trying to have a conversation with yourself or picking on Thera or whatever it is you fulfil your days with.

Call me a liar, call me what you like. I can promise you you wouldn't even look me in the eye if you knew me. Carry on being a keyboard warrior, but quite frankly, you're boring me.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 04, 2012 12:33 pm EDT

Yeah, that sounds logical, I made another account in my own name then spoke to myself on it.
I wish I had your intelligence.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 04, 2012 12:49 pm EDT

Do you think by telling me they're all mine I'll believe you?
You're a very weird person.
You don't have many friends do you? Else you'd be wasting your time boring them instead of me.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 05, 2012 12:22 pm EDT

It's my complaint you daft mare that's why I'm on it.
Are you alright?
D'you want a hug or something?

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 06, 2012 6:27 am EDT

Good god you're trying so hard to piss me off. You deserve a gold sticker for effort!
However, I feel obligated to tell you that your effort is futile as I just don't give a ### about your angry words :)

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 06, 2012 9:38 am EDT

You really are weird. Why are you even commenting on my complaint still?
I'm really not fussed what you think, I know what happened, I know what profiles I've made and I know I don't give a ### if you think I made another one with my name.
I'd love to know what you look like and how old you are cuz from what I'm reading you sound like a really lonely, middle-aged bitter woman. Or a man, perhaps.

Either way, you are someone I don't enjoy talking to, I'm sorry but you keep repeating yourself and it's boring. I'm sure you'll find someone else to pick at but my skin's too thick so you're wasting your time here.
I'd like to say goodbye but no doubt you'll reply again.
Can't wait. Yay.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 06, 2012 10:40 am EDT

You're fifteen?
Oh god I've been wasting my time arguing with a fifteen year old.
Oh I feel so much better now. Ha, see ya.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 06, 2012 10:44 am EDT

Just to point out, whoever wrote that "Jade Dodd, you know what you should just ignore the other posters..." comment, they wrote it on a made up Jade Dodd account. I don't know how or why they did that but I can assure you, it wasn't me.

Now little girl, go away.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 06, 2012 5:17 pm EDT

I like how you didn't deny you were a man. That's kinda awkward.

Gonna go and cry to my gorgeous made up boyfriend now.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 06, 2012 5:19 pm EDT

And just to correct you, because I can, Jane isn't misspelt, he just got my name wrong.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 07, 2012 7:44 am EDT

So you're a man then?
D'you know what, that'd be cool if you were a nice person, but you're not.
Its people like you who won't be accepted no matter who you try to be because you're just not a very nice person.
Say what you like about me, my family, my boyfriend, I know who I am and I'm lucky to have what I've got. Good luck getting by with an attitude like yours.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 07, 2012 3:52 pm EDT

I'm with him now actually, he's reading through this and finds it as funny as I do.

Bye bye Tasha/ Richard

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 08, 2012 6:31 am EDT

My boyfriend's name is definitely not Richard.

Bye woman/man fifteen/fifty it's been amusing talking to you.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 09, 2012 3:56 am EDT

It seems you're the abusive troll with multiple personalities.
Don't you look like a fool.

Now it's goodbye.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 09, 2012 4:51 pm EDT

Sleepy time now sssshhhh.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 10, 2012 6:05 am EDT

You're right, I can do better. However, I didn't actually have an argument with Holly, it was another member of staff who's now being dealt with.

Tasha, shush.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 10, 2012 10:15 am EDT

Aw we're on first name basis now, it's like we're pals.

Update by Jade Dodd
Jul 10, 2012 12:33 pm EDT

Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, you throw it all back in my face, well now I'm gutted.

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Stalybridge, GB
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Apr 26, 2012 11:27 pm EDT

Why have a loyalty card that only includes a small number of shops and locations? I had a choice of coffee shiops in Shanghai and used Costa coffee. They did not recognise the loyalty card, which was surprising, but it meant that I didn't go back there again - so you lost my loyalty!
I am sure that technology could accommodate the swiping of a card anywhere in the world - you can use money cards anywhere.
Any comments?

sarah mcbride
Rigby, US
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Jul 03, 2012 9:35 am EDT

"As my friend walked out the door a member of Staff, Holly Jennings, suggested squirting the cleaning liquid at my friend's face. I saw this and said "I don't think so, you're supposed to be a member of staff" to which she laughed."

What is that supposed to mean. Did she actually say that she was going to squirt the cleaning liquid in your face. I have a feeling you are leaving something out.

Tamworth, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 10:36 am EDT

Excuse me, the said member of staff GESTURED sprayin me behind my back which my friend witnessed. I continued to leave after, as did my friend only I be sworn at by a member of staff and be told I wasn't welcome anymore. I did not stop anyone from doing their job and I'm sure Costa's CCTV would prove that. There was no harassment involved on my behalf. I do not expect someone's dislike for me personally to effect their job or my day.

Holly Jennings
Dorchester, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 10:45 am EDT

Actually Jade and her friend have come to our place of work before. I don't know her and her friend personally but they are a wild bunch. You said they left things out and you are correct. They were making fun of people who are mentally disabled and I let them know that was inappropriate. This was when they started to swear at me and tell me that their conversation was none of my business. They told me that we would settle this after work and they would get their friends to beat me up. This is when they were told that they would no longer be served.

Looking for better England
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Jul 14, 2017 2:25 pm EDT

I do not believe a word of what you say Holly !
Typical fabricated story.

Holly Jennings
Dorchester, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 11:14 am EDT

Tasha is right I did not post my personal information, not because I am not willing to use it but because I am too lazy to click down and just chose a random location

However I was wrong in my suggesting that I spray cleaning spray in the friend's face and I apologize for that, but you were wrong to make fun of those who are disabled.

Board mod
Darien, US
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Jul 03, 2012 11:17 am EDT

You know what, yeah Holly you were wrong, you never threaten to spray chemicals in anyone's face. However at least you have the guts to apologize and admit your fault. Holly may be 17 and the OP and her friend may be older but Holly is the one acting more mature.

Tam, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 11:24 am EDT

I am a customer who was in Costa at Ventura yesterday. I was going to make a formal complaint myself after what I witnessed in the car park but it would appear a complaint has already been made. I had called into Costa for a drink before shopping briefly at a near by store. Upon returning to my vehicle it was clear for all that the young ladies leaving Costa were been verbally abused by a member of staff outside.
Having visited Costa moments before I recoginsed the customers as the one young lady had distinctive hair. I can confirm the these ladies were not been rude or offensive to Costa staff members nor any member of the general public who were there at this time.
I am shocked and totally disgusted that a member of staff would use such terrible language outside the work place. It really doesn't give the company a good image if this is the kind of people they employ. Regardless of whether the customers are known the staff members or not they should always behave professionally and should not be replying to valid complaints on here in a childish manner. I for one will not be returning to Costa at Ventura in Tamworth in a hurry for fear I may receive the same treatment. I will be calling Costa's HR and making a verbal complaint regarding this matter also.

Jade Dodd
Tamworth, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 11:25 am EDT

You know what you are all a munch of ###s. I am threw with you losers. Have a good day.

Jade Dodd
Tamworth, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 11:27 am EDT

Also my friend and I were not making fun of disabled people. We simply stated that disabled people should not be allowed to work as they had a disabled worker working there who happened to be Holly's friend

Jade Dodd
Tamworth, GB
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Jul 03, 2012 11:31 am EDT

Jade Dodd, you know what you should just ignore the other posters. Like I said I vouch for you. I was in the parking lot with heading to my car and I can saw that the employees were abusing you and that you were not being rude at all. I noticed several people were rude to you. I don't know Jade and her friend. I just happened to be in the parking lot at the time, and I just happened to come across this site and I see that the person pretending to be Holly is posting lies. After seeing how Jade and her friend were treated I will not ever be returning to the Costa at Ventura in Tamworth, I just might receive the same treatment as Jade did for voicing my opinion. I don't know Jade personally, but Holly is paid to work there and if this is the case I am the customer and she should treat me better, instead she threatened to spray her cleaning solution in my friend's face and I won't accept the apology.

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Jul 08, 2012 10:48 am EDT

Hi1 j., the writter of the complaint.
i always search corporate office of the Company.
send them a letter, using your beat legal writting, state the facts, how it made you feel, and in closing, ask for a reply.
this usually gets a reply.
determine a time line for their reply, and post another comment, sicess or still waiting.

now here on CB, you have encountered THE CB TROLLS.
the tasha one is cruel and offensive.
i went to anpther copy my encounter of IT over on fitness19 CALIFORNIA, and when i saw that they had deleted their comments, and left mine, and the following one, well...
i have something to level the playing field, for you, j.

they can delete comments AND close your user name, if they don't like what YOU ARE SAYING.
I like to think of it as:
who is playing the part of The Wizard, in the movie, The Wizard of OZ.

i told you to stfu.and i ment it!

Search results 243 matching "tasha"

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Costa Coffee Tamworth England|Staffordshire
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Posted: 2012-07-06 by

Paul Vance

Verbal Abuse from two members of staff
"tasha" is not 15 jane, nor is he a female. He's an old ###...

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Posted: 2012-07-06 by

Paul Vance

Won't hire my son
Tasha the queer [censored] can't spell either. It's then not than [censored]...

Costa Coffee Tamworth England|Staffordshire
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-07-03 by

Holly Jennings

Verbal Abuse from two members of staff
Tasha is right I did not post my personal information, not because I am not willing to use it but because I am too lazy to click down and just chose a random location However I was wrong in my suggesting that I spray cleaning spray in the friend's face and I apologize for that, but you were wrong to make fun of those who are disabled...

Dollar General Tomahawk Wisconsin
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Posted: 2012-07-02 by

Peter J. Brockman

rude employees
I do tend to think that Tasha is correct here. Petty, trifling jealousy...

Church in the Son Orlando Florida
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Posted: 2012-06-30 by

Rude Staples Manager

Snobby people
@Tasha8 You make a good point With this person's tone in the review I can see why Tasha would come to this conclusion...

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Posted: 2012-06-30 by

Hilory conner

Made my blood boil, and made me want to hit my son.
Tasha, and Kevin, never heard of them on my 3cents. It could also be Michelle Connery...

Fitness 19 California
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-29 by


Tasha I have also heard about how Megan's mother abused her verbally and emotionally and think that is part of the reason she took her own life, that along with being bullied, but this is not the case with Marshall. I do think there are more factors as to why he took his own life than the way forever 19 treated him, but I don't believe his mother was part of the reason...

Fitness 19 California
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-29 by



Home Depot Knoxville Tennessee
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Posted: 2012-06-26 by

Bill JWilliamson

Illegal background checks
Father of triplets and Tasha the child molestation statement was made by someone with way to much time on there hands . If you click on my original post you will see my address information. when you click on the poster about child molestation you see different information. I have 5 kids and was glad to see that a Texas man was not charged for beating a child molester to death after he walked in and caught him raping his 4 year old daughter...

(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-24 by

father of triplets

Made my blood boil, and made me want to hit my son.
the Petco review is Tasha and or Kevin...

Petco verona store New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-24 by

father of triplets

did not honor price match
accounts, most likely Tasha and/or Kevin...

(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-23 by

The Lidman Foundation

Made my blood boil, and made me want to hit my son.
shut it tasha troll...

Delta Airlines Detroit Michigan
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-19 by

First Born Triplet

Mistreating deaf traveler
Tasha is just trolling to make you mad...

O'Charleys Decatur Illinois
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-19 by

Little Yaya

Worst customer service
Tasha does have a point, a friend of mine. Her father just died recently. This was the first Father's Day without her father. Then another person in my state the eleven year old went and bought his father gifts from Father's Day from all the allowance he saved up. An older youth saw this and killed the child for the remaining money and returned the gift and card to get a refund, all totaling about $30...

Walmart Atascocita Texas
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-14 by


Lazy Employee
And if I am tasha so what. I just have many personalities...

Target Clifton New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by

Iron Muffin

Customer service
account you made either tasha [censored]...

Target Clifton New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by

Iron Muffin

Customer service
There was never a doubt about tasha being an old ### Brenda. Bringing kids into a snit fit - beyond pathetic, troll fail...

Target Clifton New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by

English Ian

Customer service
I wouldn't want Tasha to replace my left leg with my right!...

Walmart Atascocita Texas
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by


Lazy Employee
Tasha and Regions, You both can suck my balls...

Target Clifton New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by


Customer service
I hate Tasha. She should [censored]. The waste of space. All ###s are a waste of space. Wetbacks too. I hate all you trash...

Walmart Atascocita Texas
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by


Lazy Employee
Tasha I hate you. Why don't you take the ### and [censored]. As a matter of fact, Bever and Regions go with them...

(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by


tasha is a leech...

Walmart Kendallville Indiana
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by


inhumane treatment of loyal customer
Well tasha, STU cuntless queer...

Target Clifton New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by

Iron Muffin

Customer service
queer ### like you tasha. You are the very definition of ### - ignorant...

Target Clifton New Jersey
(Complaint Comment)

Posted: 2012-06-13 by


Customer service
You are right Tasha, I did choose this site thinking that the posters on this site were adults rather than a bunch of teenagers. I guess this is what happens when I choose to share my story during summer holidays. However don't you guys have other sites to hang out on such asMyspace or Facebook rather than trolling and harassing those who actually need help? Or better yet go to a porn site...

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Jul 08, 2012 11:01 am EDT

sorry forgot to spell check
i have to learn to spell check...

Markham, CA
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Jul 09, 2012 8:55 pm EDT

Not to put you down or anything but Tasha is a troll, and arguing with a 15 year old and 17 year old. Come on you can do better.

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Jul 12, 2012 4:56 am EDT

jaDe, (not jaNe),
love your name, your parents are cool!

It's all fun and games, until Tasha shows up!
maybe she is just venting, due to an unhappy childhood.
sometimes even when we are nice to other writers, they react in the same defensive manner.
Her comments (now removed) from the f19 page were SO OFFENSIVE, directed to the Mother of a Son who took his own life, who was brave enough to comment here and apologized if her son hurt anyone, even though SHE was in PAIN, herself.
She (tasha) called the mother of the victim a Coward, because after 3! nasty comments, the Mother had not responded.
Her Son had worked for this Company, being complained about.
Unless this was a "joke" complaint, and I don't think it was, this type of Bullying should not be allowed, ANYWHERE!

Wanted to let you know that tasha9 has earned her own complaint.
search: tasha9
and tell us what you think.

Enjoy your day!

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Jul 12, 2012 10:35 am EDT

I ask that you reread the Marshall's Mother comment again on the f19 pg., and then explain WHERE did YOU read she is blaming the Company for what happened to her son.
I have reread HER heartbreaking comment and do not see what you are seeing...

What I did find was, someone with Turrets blurted out he had killed himself, and probably someone told his Mother, and she commented in the most dignified way, apologizing to the readers of the Complaint, and his former Employees.
This, hopefully added to her closure of this TRADEGY.


a note:
Please remove the last 2 comments on the f19 California page, and let the Mother have the final word.
It's the least we can do.


lady stardust
tamworth, GB
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Aug 17, 2012 1:13 pm EDT

Or maybe the complaint is not exactly the whole truth, but just one persons version of it. And maybe the member of staff is not "being dealt with" but has full support from her management? And maybe the member of staff did not swear at the "customer" at all but told her that she would not be welcome at the store again as it was not right to intimidate another member of staff in her place of work over a personal issue, and actually they were in there for over an hour!

Prince Harry
4, GB
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Aug 17, 2012 6:57 pm EDT

Actually people this incident did happen. I was another witness. And Holly Jennings was rude. I was going there to buy Tea for my grandmother and Holly was cussing up a storm. Anyways if you want as the Prince of Wales I can always have her beheaded.

PS, don't tell my brother Will that I slept with Kate last night. Well someone needs to get her pregnant and frankly I am much sexier than he is.

lady stardust
tamworth, GB
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Aug 18, 2012 3:19 pm EDT

I've read it all...yawn! It makes me laugh how in the complaint she's all proper. Pretending to be outraged, blah blah blah, and then her true colours come out and she starts abusive behaviour. Much like i suspect the poor girls in Costa were subjected to after asking her and her friend to leave.She's not fooling anyone!

High Wycombe, GB
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Jan 21, 2014 11:01 am EST

After spending a fair amount of money on costa beverges, me and my friend sat down to enjoy our drinks whilst completing out homework. As we had been working all day and had to go on a theatre trip in a couple of hours we brought out lunch with us. We had very little time to eat so began whilst revising. Not once in any local costa or any other coffee shop have I been told to place every item that was not purchased at costa to be "removed from the table". In state of shock I admit to being rude but that was my reaction to the tone of voice she first approached me in, she seemed to be the manager of the shop an with such a high status did not expect the level of rudeness she portrayed to me and my friend. She later returned to demand I remove an cartoon of juice which was unopened and unable to fit in my bag. If I was to not have brought any of her products then I would understood her request but seeing as I am a loyal customer and had spent my money on a couple of drinks I wanted to enjoy them without being greeted in such a mannor. I will not be returning to costa but I am aware that this problem does not occur at Starbucks so I will happily spend my money there.

Philadelphia, US
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Jan 21, 2014 9:40 pm EST

They should of kicked your pomppASS, self entitled, butt out of there. What really happened?

Kristiyan Krastev
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Jan 27, 2016 5:02 pm EST

Nobody should be able to kick you out or try and do what she did because you clearly bought drinks from there, you can eat or drink whatever you want to there..

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