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Blizzard Entertainment Complaints 112

4:11 pm EST
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I got three charges on my credit / debit card from the above company. I looked it up on line and located other complaints form the same company. The company is for on-line gaming, thing is I dont play games on-line. If this company has so many complaints then how come they have not been dealt with.

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12:39 am EDT
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Blizzard Entertainment phishing emails continue to flood in after filling out their &secure& starcraft ii registration

After purchasing Starcraft II Collectors Edition, I ran the included PC-DVD and filled out its registration form. The game "patched" itself then when done refused to run because the computer I bought 10 months ago was incompatable! The computer runs all of my other high end games smoothly except this.

Worst thing was that BEFORE it told me my computer is deficient, it demanded I register the CD key... Now I have a worthless game that cannot be returned to the store because it was opened, and cannot be sold to another person because the key has been registered!

The game won't even attempt to run, simply says I do not have a vertex shader... I had a similar issue with an older computer where a different game said it couldn't run but gave a "continue anyways" option that when pressed ran the game flawlessly.


Now after that still unsettled fiasco and a "collectors edition" box that can only collect dust I started to receive several "World of Warcraft" phishing attempts daily.




and many others

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Feb 12, 2014 12:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

it looks like from the picture you fell for a trap. That is a scam email. they somehow [without blizzard knowing this] get your email from varrius places and send out a clone email to you that goes to a fake site that is actualy a fraud webpage not affiliated with blizzard. if you read the return path its not right there that is a red flag. also why you cant play is possibly cause your system requirements are below the recomended specs for the game.

12:37 pm EDT

Blizzard Entertainment poor customer service

I am absolutely outraged at the terrible customer service Blizzard offers. The only thing worse, it seems, has been my experience after purchasing their WoW game, and I have only played for a month.

IMHO, if you purchase this product you are wasting your money. Go play Phantasy Star Universe or something instead. Wow is nearly impossible to play with the rampant amount of bullying and online harassment, especially directed towards new players. In the chat boxes this sort of harassment is socially approved, and even condoned. Thus, it seems this sort of childish, immature behavior is tolerated by Blizzard.

Regarding customer service, it seems to take eternity for someone to read your ticket. Further, there is an character limit on each ticket. With my report of harassment, Blizzard wouldn't inform me as to the outcome of what they decided, i.e. is it safe to log on again. Further, the harassing player can simply switch accounts, and the harassment will continue. If I wanted to tolerate this kind of garbage, I'd simply visit an American high school.

I feel as if my money has been stolen. I'm absolutely embarrased and downright ashamed to be a customer of Blizzard if these are the kinds of customers they cater to.

The tl;dr Version: If you want to waste your money, be subjected to poor customer service, and be harassed all at the same time, go buy a Blizzard product.

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Sparta, US
Oct 28, 2012 9:49 pm EDT

I played WoW for 5+ years and finally quit for your same reasons. I was a very seasoned veteran on the most popular server in WoW history. After MoP launched it became unbearably, 3 hour que times, so they offered us free xfers. Was reluctant at first, but I wanted to play the game so, I took the xfer. I was shocked and dismayed at the people on the server they xfered us to. I'm an adult and I can handle most things, but your own faction treating you like crap because you xfered there was disheartening. At first I was able to report the abuse, but Blizzard eventually took away my privilege to report abuse. I had screen shots of my own faction making it impossible to quest, which is what Blizzard wanted us to do in Mop, and shouting about ("us" Illidan) players to go away. Blizzard does not care at all about it's customers. They actually took it out of their EULA about preventing other player from playing the game. They now condone hate. I asked their CS to remove me as a client, and was referred to another department who never answers your complaints or calls. I've read several complaints about Blizzard still charging you after you quit. So anyone quitting Blizzard contact your credit card company, because Blizzard will continue to rip you off for as long as possible.

Nov 14, 2011 12:59 am EST

i lol'd

4:27 pm EDT

Blizzard Entertainment blizzard has, far and away, the worst customer support of any major video game company

Particularly, Blizzard customer and technical support for World of Warcraft, the largest online game in the U.S., is absolutely atrocious. I have been having a problem connecting to the game for days now and haven't been able to get help because they released a software patch for it that introduced a dozen or more serious problems. In three days before the patch I couldn't get anyone at Blizzard to help, now you can't even get hold of their phone tech support - a regular number you'll incur charges for while talking to a company making over $1.5b in revenue a month, I might add. You can't even get in queue because there are too many people calling. Last time I called, the CIRCUIT was jammed. Nice.

So here I sit, with a subscription service I can't access, posting again and again on their forums over a problem that, by all accounts, appears to be on their end of the connection either with their servers or their ISP.

Blizzard has, far and away, the WORST customer support of any major video game company, bar none.

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May 20, 2011 3:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I posted a request on the tech support forum four months ago. Bumped it every couple of days. Dozens of other people having the same problems.

The ONLY official attention it ever got? "Locking down this thread as it doesn't seem to want to die on its own. "

Well, yeah. I kind of wanted a fix for my problem. Wanderess, you were all kinds of lucky. Generally they tell you to do things you've already done, and mentioned in the original ticket / post, and that haven't ever actually fixed a problem.

Grapevine, US
May 09, 2011 2:56 am EDT

Wanderess you have just been lucky. There are a lot of good GMs and helpful people at Blizzard. The issue is that there are a lot of terrible ones as well, that really ought to not be in customer service. Also, trying to get in touch with them outside the forums / game is near impossible.

Lancaster, US
Apr 06, 2011 10:31 am EDT

Any time I've had a problem I've posted on the WoW Tech forums and got an answer within twenty four hours. If you post a nice and complete description of the problem it's easy. I have NEVER had a blizzard employee be rude to me. I've had to deal with them on numerous occasions including two hackings. Be it GMs, Tech support, customer support or forums I've always been treated great. Perhaps it's the way you approached them. After all if you're a [censored] to someone expect the same from them.

Jun 14, 2010 3:42 pm EDT

Add to the poor service the fact that many of their employees are very rude and condescending (I interacted with over a dozen). And they don't answer your specific questions but instead give you standard cut & paste responses. And GMs refer you to Tech Support which refers you to GMs who refer you to forums where Blizzard employees insult you for being stupid and trivialize the problems you're having, even though Blizzard is responsible.

All that happened to me. I kept my cool until losing my temper at the end and canceled my account and told them why (even by snail mail), but of course they didn't care or respond. If enough people walk away in protest, Blizzard might get the message and actually improve their service. One can hope.

12:17 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment down time

This ###ing game...i love these ###s make like billions apon billions of dollars..literally! they do! millions of people play it and within like 2 years the company had made over a billion on this game! anyways...they tell you they are doing ###ing maintenace right..okay i can deal with it! but they tell you 3 to 11..aproximately! its ###ing 3PM these ###ing rich ###s don't do ###! you know they make so ###ing much money and i pay good money for it to play..not sit and wait for the ###ing fat piece of ### high school drop out to fix the ###ing server! god damn he prolly makes a ton of ###ing money anyways...he needs to take the ###ing jelly donut out of his obease mouth and fix my ###ing game on time! not an approximated time but when they say the ###ing game will be done! this is what makes me wanna quit playing WOW..### you BLIZZARD!

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Louisville, US
Jun 22, 2010 8:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree, but speaking of high-school dropouts, learn to spell. "Prolly?" "Apon?" Dictionary sites are free.

Jacksonville, US
Jun 15, 2010 7:20 am EDT

You will never quit, admit it...LOL
I have been playing since 2004 and have said that hundreds of times.

1:22 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment blizzard ent*elec upgr [protected] ca

I got charged without my authorization on my Bank of America account for $21.64 for 3 days in the week of July 20th 2009 for games software upgrade. I dont play computer games. I called the number listed but was not able to get service. I was put on hold for more than half hour each time.

The Bank helped me get my money back.

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2:30 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment unethical behavior

I have several complaints. The first is that a Blizzard employee hijacked the account of one of our guild members. We know this because most of the members of our guild are computer professionals, several have Master's Degrees in Computers Sciences. Blizzard was slow to correct this, never did return our items, and then suspended my account for 24hrs because I complained on behalf of this person. I accused Blizzard employees of the account hijack because it could have been no one else, and they didn't like that so they suspended me.

It has also come to my attention that the game nerds with god complexes are also playing in warcrafts PVP battlegrounds, and using their Game-master abilities to throw the games in their favor. I had a GM admit as much in-game. This behavior is unethical and of questionable legality. I am a paying customer. It takes incredible amounts of time to build and gear a character, and Blizzard has no right to throw the PVP games in anyone's favor. It's tantamount to fraud, and I'd like to see them investigated.

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5:17 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment customer service

Blizzard may put out great games, but they have a lot to learn about customer service. Having purchased the World of Warcraft game to upgrade my trial account, I also set up a Paypal account to allow me to continue my subscription. Blizzard advertises that you can use Paypal if you live in North America. This works for me as I don't and won't use credit cards (Why pay a mint to rent other people's money?).
What Blizzard doesn't say is that even if you use Paypal, you still have to use a credit card. They require Paypal (according to the information provided to me by Paypal) to ask me for a credit card before they will allow me to set up Paypal as a payment method.
But that's not even the true customer service failure. The real failure was achieved when I contacted them to find out why they require this. I've run into one of the classic service failures. The complete failure to pay attention to what the customer is saying. At best Blizzard's responses imply that they haven't even read my email. At worst they are being deliberately obfuscatory. And we'll see if they even keep my business.

I've pasted the Email chain below. I have deleted a fair bit of the header information for readibility. I have not edited either my emails or Blizzard's.
* * *
I was trying to use my PayPal account to continue my subscription to World of Warcraft, however when I got to the PayPal portion of the process, it demanded I put a credit card on my PayPal account to complete the purchase. When my friend JP convinced me to give World of Warcraft a try, one of the only reasons I was willing to do so was that you had started to accept PayPal. I don't use credit cards, and being mobility challenged I don't want to have to get to a store to purchase your game card options.
My first assumption was that this was a PayPal requirement, but their customer service department assures me it is your requirement. I would hope you would reconsider that requirement. As a former Customer Service Analyst (admittedly not in the computer game field), I can see supposed business reasons for making such a decision, but none of them are truly customer friendly reasons.

David B.
* * *
Greetings David,

If you would like to change your account's payment method to use PayPal, please visit the Account Management page ( To use PayPal to pay for your subscription, simply select the PayPal option on the subscription setup screen. You will be required to log in to your PayPal account and agree to the Terms of Service.

**PLEASE NOTE: After successfully setting up a PayPal subscription via Account Management, payment validation may take up to 60 minutes before you will be able to login to the game. Once this process is complete, you will be able to start playing again. Thank you for your patience and understanding.**

For more information on PayPal, or to set up an account, please visit Please keep in mind that you can *only* process a PayPal payment through our website; due to privacy concerns we are not able to manually add PayPal payments over the phone. Any specific questions about your PayPal account should be directed to PayPal support.

For more information on using PayPal with your World of Warcraft account, please review our FAQ at:

If you have further questions or concerns, Billing representatives are on hand to take your call Monday through Friday between 8am and 8pm PST, at 1-800-59-BLIZZARD [protected]). Customers in Australia should call [protected]. Our Billing team will be happy to assist you with any billing related questions. You may also contact them via email at [protected]


Blake R.
Billing and Account Services
Blizzard Entertainment
* * *

Well that was an amusing use of script. You might want to consider reading the email and responding to the actual issue.

Care to give it another try?

David B.
* * *
Greetings David,

Allow me to point out where your question can be answered. Since Paypal information as well as the use of credit card information is all considered highly volatile, we do not handle these over e-mail.

"For more information on PayPal, or to set up an account, please visit Please keep in mind that you can *only* process a PayPal payment through our website; due to privacy concerns we are not able to manually add PayPal payments over the phone. Any specific questions about your PayPal account should be directed to PayPal support."

Which, if you note, specifically gives you our answer to the question, which is, "I can't discuss that."

There are plenty of other methods you can use if you'd like to not have a credit card trail on our servers. The game cards that you mentioned are another viable option. You can also attempt to use the phone subscription method if your phone would allow for it.

Unfortunately, there are no other methods in place for payment outside of this. If you'd like assistance setting up any of the latter ones, I'd be more than willing to help or at least point you in the right direction.


Blake R.
Billing and Account Services
Blizzard Entertainment
* * *

So let me see if I understand your answer.

My question was "Why do you require Paypal to ask me for my credit card information before you will let me use that as a payment method." Your answer is that Paypal and Credit card information are too volatile to discuss in email. That seems to be a bit disingenuous to me. I think a more frank answer would simply be that you do not know why that is required. I'd probably have accepted that and simply asked for you to pass the feedback on.

Ah well, fodder for the mill I guess.

Thank you for responding as best you can.

David B.

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Feb 13, 2014 10:36 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

wow i cant belive i missed this one. paypal is a site that you can use for convinence instead of getting your wallet out and looking at your credit card. it needs the cc to have funds to use on what you need to buy. [while you can get money from others to pay it but durring account creation you need the cc to start it.]
@rpcaster- that is a scam email sent to steal an account. they send it to anyone they think might have a account. i get them for guild wars 2 and i dont have a gw2 account only gw. check the sender address does it say is the one in () a if you answered yes for 1 but no for the () then geuss what its a scam.

Winchester, US
Feb 05, 2010 7:24 pm EST

Here's a copy of emails I keep receiving. Have never requested their product or services. Have sent return emails to take my email out of their system, but does (no) good. Not sure what is happening?


This is an automated notification regarding your World of Warcraft account. Your account options was recently modified through the Account Management website.

If you made this change to your subscription type, please disregard this automatic notification.

*** If you did NOT make any changes to your account or subscription, we recommend you login to Account Management at the following link to review your account settings:

If you cannot sign into Account Management using the link above, or if unauthorized changes continue to happen, please contact Blizzard Billing & Account Services for advanced assistance.

Billing & Account Services can be reached at 1-800-59-BLIZZARD [protected] Mon-Fri, 8Am-8PM Pacific Time) or at

Account security is solely the responsibility of the accountholder. Please be advised that in the event of a compromised account, Blizzard representatives will typically lock the account. In these cases the Account Administration team will require faxed receipt of ID materials before releasing the account for play.


The World of Warcraft Support Team
Blizzard Entertainment

Cambridge, US
Feb 28, 2009 8:10 pm EST
Make blizzard know they are horrible

9:17 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment admins

I played World of warcraft for a couple years. I am in the military and was sent to an overseas location. I logged on to my account from an overseas location and Blizzard disabled my account because they said it was suspicious for account sharing. I tried to explain to them the situation and they said they would do an investigation on my account. A few months later I received an e-mail from Blizzard stating that they permanently deleted my account. I have never shared my account with anyone not even once. They have refused to give a refund for the month I payed for and only was able to play for a few days. I also reported to the BBB and Blizzard stated they they have restored my account and I was able to play again. But they did not. They lied to the BBB so they would not get a bad review. Thanks Blizzard, I will never buy these products again. Very shady admins that treat customers like dirt.

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5:05 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment credit card fraud

Two fraudulent chargers labeled as

Blizzard ent*elec upgr [protected] ca

Ic development llc [protected] ut

On my capital one card.

Found out it was for world of warcraft for the first one at least and the nerd is going to get hell for this.

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M Kamruddin Khan
Jul 29, 2017 2:06 am EDT

Today I have Debt Rs.127 BLIZZARD ENT*ONL STORE Purchase but I didn't purchase I don't know what is this BLIZZARD ENT even I hear this name

Gregory Monk
Dec 15, 2016 7:55 am EST

*Written form.

Gregory Monk
Dec 15, 2016 7:52 am EST

It isn't Blizzards fault your private banking information was entered into their system. Obviously someone has the info and you weren't aware. Parents, before you start raging. Talk to your children. You might find the culprit in them. If not, your information has been compromised and you need to adjust accordingly. Blizzard is not an unscrupulous company but they have a massive subscriber base and at times are dealing with minors without their knowledge. Some of you should be cautious in what you put down in words.

Aug 31, 2016 5:26 am EDT

I just needed some way to contact Activision and let them know what I thought of their recent firing of Infinity Ward Execs, Jason West and Vince Zampella. These two guys are responsible for, among other things, the hugely successful Modern Warfare series of video games. These games have sold millions of copies and made Activision Millions upon millions of dollars. What does Activision do then? Activision fabricates trumped up charges to avoid paying these royalties to the guys who deserve them, and then fires them!

This is the most dispicable thing that they could have done and I wanted to let Activision know that by using and then firing what is one of their biggest devs, they have also alienated their consumers. You know, the ones who buy their games and put Bentley's in their driveways? I will never buy an Activision published game again. Its not much but its the only thing they I, as a consumer, can do to let them know they are in the wrong. Oh and I will be telling all my friends, neighbors, local tv and radio stations, and anyone else who will listen just how greedy and self serving Activision is.

Debbie Gregg
Jul 27, 2016 8:54 pm EDT

I received a block on my credit card for charges over $400.00 from Blizzard Ente. I have no clue what or who this is. My bank revered all the charges and cancelled my card. People that do this to others make me sick. GO GET A JOB...

Ramy M. Farid
Jul 01, 2016 5:14 pm EDT

Just got charged for €59.99 from BLIZZARD ENTE.
I have never used this website and i dont play games online, i dont even play games at all. Called the bank they stopped my credit card but i dont know if i will get my money back or not ! :(

Christopher Rowley
May 29, 2016 4:47 am EDT

just found BLISSARD ENT $89 deduction from this company and $695 from camera mob USA fraud done through bogus pay pal account I am in Australia NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD GET CONNED BY PROFESSIOAL CROOKS

May 23, 2016 3:33 pm EDT

Please stop stealing money from my SIXTY ONE YEAR OLD MOTHER PLEASE.

May 23, 2016 3:26 pm EDT

I am tired of getting charged for something that I do not play games on line these charges are going on my Scotiabank visa i called the bank and change my old card fore a new one i wonder how are they getting to my card when i do not play games i would like if this will stop or i will that this to the next level the charges are 98.13 on may 10 and 11

Chanel Moye
Apr 21, 2016 5:30 pm EDT

Adding my own experience to this thread. Noticed two transactions of $19.99 early this morning and contacted my bank to have the charges disputed and my card blocked. I thought to google this just in case and Im certainly glad I did.
There was also an unknown $5 charge from Apple Itunes and by going through this thread i'm seeing that several other people noted this as well. This is fraud and identity theft, everyone should proceed as such and secure your accounts.

7:48 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment unfair ban

My complaint is against Blizzard, the huge company that rules the online gaming world, namely World of Warcraft and Diablo 2.

I have held my Diablo 2 account for almost 4 years, have never cheated, hacked edited or changed anything in the slightest. But a few days ago i tried to login for my daily D2 fix, only to find that my account has been closed, apparently for hacking?!

Over the next 24 hours I sent 3 emails asking for an explanation, i eventualy recieved a reply saying that my account was detected using a third party hack and is now permanently banned, and they will not be commenting on it any further.

I have never EVER tried to hack or cheat and am furious at being accused of doing something i know i have not done, but they still insist i was using a hack. I am FURIOUS!

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Grapevine, US
May 09, 2011 2:52 am EDT

Yup, they treat their customers like trash, plain and simple. Trying to contact them is hard enough. You'd think they would be reasonable but they aren't. E-mail does not work at all, they will send you automated response or just not reply at all. The GMs in the game are the only good thing about their customer service. Outside of that, it's nonexistent.

Virginia Beach, US
Nov 24, 2009 6:49 am EST

I to have been recently banned (13 NOV 2009). While playing World of Warcraft, I was gathering ore, then switched over to another character to quest with a friend. About three minutes after logging back on, I was disconnected. Tried logging back in, only to get the "banned" message. To date, I have sent four emails to customer service. All have gone unanswered with the exception of the automated "we got your email" return message. I made three phone calls to customer service. All were just me sitting on hold for 45 minutes before giving up. I have filed three ingame complaints (via my second account(yes I'm a geek)) to GMs. Each took over 48 hours to get a response and all responses were sent while I was logged off and merely provided a link to email customer service. I have filed a complaint with the FCC and BBB. Now it is just a waiting game. I have been a loyal Blizzard fan since 1996 (StarCraft). I tried Warcraft back in 94', but I just didn't get into it. Is this how they treat loyalty?

Lombard, US
Feb 01, 2009 2:10 pm EST

Any chance your account may have been hacked? I am not familiar with Diablo 2, though I do play World of Warcraft, so I have no idea if hackers go after Diablo 2 accounts as much as they do World of Warcraft. I had my WoW account hacked in 2007 while I was taking some time off from the game, and woke up one morning to find a "your account has been banned for cheating" message in my email. I expected to get the run-around from Blizzard, but surprisingly when I called them, they were very helpful and helped me get my account back and unbanned. Blizzard does an IP log of all IPs who use your account, so see if they will do that for you. The IP log helped prove that my account had been hacked, seeing as how I live in Illinois and the last known IP addresses to access my account had been in China.

Pope AFB, US
Jan 15, 2009 8:55 am EST

Yea, they are good at treating their customers like dirt. My account was banned for nothing too.

6:32 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Blizzard Entertainment blizzard appears to me to be extremely reckless handling and selectively enforcing its rules

Blizzard appears to me to be extremely reckless handling and selectively enforcing its rules, EULA, and ToU.

They even violate their OWN rules. I am developing a list of allegations which I believe Blizzard needs to address. In addition, I'm not sure this forced agreement ( in full with applicable laws (unsure).

If anyone (i.e.players) feels harmed or treated unfairly (such as myself), then please advise. If you have questions or would like to participate in this matter, I can be reached at:

investigate_blizzard AT

If anyone knows of any existing lawsuits (class action or not) against Blizzard and would like to contact me, again, I can be reached at:

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Los Angeles, US
Sep 03, 2023 6:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

there was no reason of any message on why my account was banned im not a cheater im a f2p account was banned for no reason

Richard Workman
Bournemouth, GB
Feb 04, 2023 10:09 pm EST

I purchased a yearly subscription from Blizzard for the World of Warcraft game. Wince Wednesday the 25th I have been unable to access the game.

I have tried contacting Blizzard Support to try and find out how to resolve this issue but had no response.

Jan 08, 2023 1:45 am EST

Right as I que into a comp game it kicks me out and does not let me in then I get a ban that's not fair I could not get in the game because it crashed but I still got a ban and a loss...

Springfield, US
Nov 19, 2022 6:53 pm EST

I had my account suspended and no reason was given. I wasnt contacted and the company has NO way to contact anyone. Loyal and repeat customers shouldnt be treated like dirt. The added frustration of not being able to contact any living individual is certainly purposeful.

Leeds, GB
Nov 05, 2022 1:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Paying £20 for a skin on overwatch 2 is a joke please bring loot boxes back I don’t won’t to empty my wallet on a skin when a month ago I could grind for loot boxes or credits to buy the skin so please bring back loot boxes

Ladylost2, U.S. Shadowlands
Palmdale, US
Oct 11, 2022 11:47 am EDT

Paid 3-month subscription on [protected], Blizzard still has NOT reactivated my Character's, date is [protected]. Really, are the whole entire staff on VACATION?

Still waiting for a response or reactivation! Terrible service, Very Bad Communication! No Response Either!

Sep 05, 2022 11:15 am EDT

The fact i Pay you 15 $ a month to use a service that now is gonna have me waiting in que to play on something that a que never existed, you guys have had since the release of TBC to know essentialy one of the releases was gonna require bigger servers. WHY i need to pay 15 $ a month to wait in line for an hour

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nicky lizardo
Oct 23, 2018 1:49 am EDT

I never sign up for no game or ext . Just look into my account and it had a 2.00 charge from blizzard i have never even heard of this site. $2.00 at BLIZZARD ENT*ONL STORE has been authorized on your NexsCard.

Scott Steinbach
Aug 15, 2018 8:53 am EDT

Constantly charging my card somehow. I have never given permission.

Dennis Twisselmann
Aug 15, 2018 8:45 am EDT

on june 22 2018 59.99 plus 1.00 pull off my debit card for no reason. I have no dealings with this company at all. my credit card company said I had to get in touch with them they will not accept emails or calls, they have to stoop to stealing from poor people to make a living come on now

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Overview of Blizzard Entertainment complaint handling

Blizzard Entertainment reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jul 24, 2008. The latest review Overwatch 2 was posted on Sep 27, 2024. The latest complaint unauthorized credit card charges was resolved on Jun 20, 2023. Blizzard Entertainment has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 112 reviews. Blizzard Entertainment has resolved 17 complaints.
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2069 reviews
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  1. Blizzard Entertainment Contacts

  2. Blizzard Entertainment phone numbers
    +1 (949) 955-1382
    +1 (949) 955-1382
    Click up if you have successfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (949) 955-1382 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (949) 955-1382 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (949) 955-1382 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (949) 955-1382 phone number
    +1 (800) 592-5499
    +1 (800) 592-5499
    Click up if you have successfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (800) 592-5499 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (800) 592-5499 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (800) 592-5499 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Blizzard Entertainment by calling +1 (800) 592-5499 phone number
  3. Blizzard Entertainment emails
  4. Blizzard Entertainment address
    16215 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, California, 92618, United States
  5. Blizzard Entertainment social media
  6. Rachel
    Checked and verified by Rachel This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Oct 23, 2024
Blizzard Entertainment Category
Blizzard Entertainment is ranked 4 among 87 companies in the Computer and Video Games category

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