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McFarland Mental Health Center

McFarland Mental Health Center review: Inappropriate Behavior by an employee 13

Author of the review
1:45 pm EDT
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I am a professional former employee of the State of Illinois McFarland Mental Health Center. The Unit Director seemed to be a professional with good morals and values, however, things sure changed when I started noticing inappropriate behavior by this Unit Director. One of his staff, a social worker would constantly tell staff in management meetings that she had Borderline Personality Traits. This aroused the Unit Director so she continued with her behavior. Rather quickly she was moving her breasts on his back while he was sitting in front of the computer, flirting all day long, etc. Yes, his door was always opened for patients and staff to see and hear. It was embarrassing to say the least. When he was off of work, this social worker decided she was everyone's boss. From passive when he was around to aggressive when he was out of the office. I complained to Greg Donathan about her not having the right to boss anyone and about the sexual liason which was occurring. It was so frustrating talking with Mr Donathan due to his lack of concern that I actually said "She (the social worker) was like a dog in heat!" in order to get his attention and the gravity of the situation. Mr. Greg Donathan stated they could not do anything about their behavior. I said it was a conflict of interest between him (the Unit Director) and one of his staff. All I wanted was for the unit director and the social worker to take it out of the building. I told the Unit Director at least 10 times he had little or no boundaries. It gets worse. A young patient with Borderline Personality Disorder started acting out severely (hurting herself) after having "private" sessions with this unit director. When I looked him up under Illinois Professional Regulations, guess what? He had a previous disciplinary charge with inappropriate behavior with another patient in the past. No kidding. Now I worked as a Sex Offender Treatment Provider for 6 years prior to working for the state. I took well over 45 credit hours in just sex offender treatment alone. I started up two sex offender treatment units in outpatient mental health centers. I think I know a little bit about sex offenders. You think? McFarland Mental Health Administration and the Office of Inspector General (who by the way is in the same building) don't think this unit director has done anything wrong and won't even consider investigating the young patient that I sent to Chicago so he could not get to her anymore. Now, I know there is many more victims out there by this unit director. I can tell you he worked outpatient at one of the Midwest Illinois outpatient centers but am not sure where. Do the world a favor and come forward if anyone professional social worker was sexually inappropriate or made you feel uncomfortable. Get a hold of the Springfield Illinois Office of Inspector General and demand these past instances he be investigated. I can only say "I suspect abuse" by this man to other female patients. There has never been an offender such as this who only had one victim. Please, please let there not be another victim of this social worker.

Update by Patricia Widger
May 29, 2012 3:16 am EDT

It has now been almost three years since my experience with McFarland Mental Heatlh. I went into counseling for PTSD and depression. It lasted over a year. Thank God for all the counselors and staff who believed in me and the organizations who stood up for me. Greg Coughlin is still in his position as Unit Director even though he was convicted of a crime with unappropriate behavior with a patient. When administration received my letter in mid January, they did tell Greg Coughlin and Cindy Rattaz to knock it off at work. That lasted a month and a half. I have no idea about the patient who tried to [censored] after Greg Coughlin's "Private DBT Therapy". I was able to get a hold of her family somewhere in the Chicago area and tell them she was getting worse at McFarland and needed her family members support. Greg Donathan quit his job in administratiion and now he is in a better place. As for me, in the first week in February, I came in for my late shift as ordered. It started at 11:00am. A patient who has been there for over 20 years and a good friend to Greg Coughlin. The patient attack me and a group of staff said I slapped him. For over 28 years in the mental health business I have never touched a person in an inappropriate way.. They got the Illinois Inspect6or General involved. Many people wrote letters on my behalf some great and some poor. They lied. I used the CPI technique that we have to participate every year. I have had that training for years and know it like the back of my hand. The union and a wonderful attorney helped me through the legal ramifications, etc. The judge was supportive in Chicago. I was interviewed several times. This is what the ones who investigated the matter found out. The patient who attacked me had attacked a tech two days before pulled her shirt and bra off in front of other patients and staff. He had attacked so many people in nursing homes and McFarland they could never keep up with severyones injuried. They found out that a medical doctor immediately came to the aid of the patient. He had no red mark, no bruise, no nothing. I guess the administration did not like that answer. They continued to promote my firing. I resigned anyway because I would get panic attacks and vomiting when I went to work in a closet office without patiens until OIG finished. OIG believed the group, Dr Kash, Greg Coughlin, et al. When it was time for court, all of the group told a different story, excluding me from any so called slapping. I found through sources that Greg Coughlin went to the patient that attacked me before I arrived at work and was talking to him. Most believe he told the patient to attack me because of the December incident. Life isn't always fair but you have to come to terms with it. The patient had been transferred to another unit and the next morning after his admission, assaulted three staff who had to go to the hospital. I don't know where he is now but will likely never leave the state hospital due to his violent nature. He is 6'6, stronger then a bear and explodes for no reason what-so-ever . I believe he had a closed head injury during some part of his life. I am going to work for the federal government, because I believe I am an amazing therapist (friends and co-workers will tell you). I am humbled and honored to be working for the troops. Thanks for everyone who reads this and hopes it helps someone.

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Cuba, US
Aug 09, 2010 5:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am being interviewed for a social work position with McFarland. Could you please tell me if the social worker in question has now left, or if the interview is to replace her? I certainly don't want to accept this job if there are serious staff issues still going on.

Chicago, US
Aug 20, 2010 2:14 pm EDT

Please do apply there. They need new staff. I cannot really imagine how they are going to continue to stay open with what is going on there though. They do not help the patients. It is a waste of state money and everyone's time. Many of the patients get abused. I have been researching the staff and interviewing patients and their families for a discovery project concerning state hospitals. My findings surrounding McFarland have far been the worst. What good does it do to complain to someone like Mr. Donathan when he himself is dirty. I interviewed a previous patient who was raped by him multiple times in a restroom. It doesn't matter whether or not a patient gives consent for such contact when they are not well and easily taken advantage of. It is a crime. Of course, all the staff has to say is that any allegations are not true and back it up with the patients diagnosis. They get away with horrible things. The patients should be safe and given proper care but in many cases they are not. It is just a prison where people eat, sleep and get disrespected. The complete document will be published by the end of the year. I will try to remember to come back and post a link at that time.

Alex Lee

Jan 05, 2015 9:26 pm EST


Normal, US
Jan 24, 2015 6:38 pm EST

I would not ever let anyone I care about go to this facility ever again. My ex-husband (while we were still married) ended up being transferred to McFarland after being in a local hospital for suicidal tendencies. He had many issues, and the local doctors felt he needed much longer treatment than they could provide. He was in less than a week and sent home. Ended up back in the local hospital within a week and transferred back to Springfield again. This happened 3 times within less than 2 months. Each time they put him on more meds with higher doses and sent him home within a week. After the third time of being released he, almost successfully, attempted suicide. Of course was sent back to McFarland where they put him on lethal amounts of drugs. He was in the facility for 3 months this time. When he got released he was a zombie. So drugged up he was drooling on himself and completely unable to function. His local doctor was appalled and started weaning him off the meds. I'm glad to say he's finally better (with the proper treatment) but had he continued with the treatment they gave him at this "medical facility" I have no doubt that he would be dead.

Michelle Behnke
Danville, US
Feb 11, 2015 8:00 pm EST

I remember sensing something off from Greg Coughlin when I was there in February 2012. I have BPD and had tried to [censored] while I was there by breaking the window in my room and swallowing the glass. He ended up suggesting I just be discharged back to Champaign two weeks later. I was given up on after two weeks by Greg Coughling who convinced me and my Case Manger for outpatient services that it would better for me if I just left because the atmosphere of the unit combined with my BPD would make it impossible for me to make progress. I remember another woman trying to hang herself from her bed. I never sensed anything sexual from Greg, but did feel like I was "favored" by him sometimes and given treats from him because of my diagnosis, not cause I earned it.
Now, I have fallen through the cracks and no hospitals admit me. Even though I severely need long term treatment and help in an environment where the staff can keep me safe from self-harm, anytime crises calls to check to have me admitted to McFarland, I get told by crisis that the "unit director" told them absolutely not. Yet I was not considered as a danger to others while there...just a danger to myself.

Michelle Behnke
Danville, US
Feb 11, 2015 8:05 pm EST

Just saying, after I read Patricia's complaint mentioning his behavior with BPD patients makes me wonder if he now refuses to admit any other women with BPD now besides just me or if it's just coincidence.

Sean lee Heeger
Sean lee Heeger
Quincy, US
Jul 23, 2015 2:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Totally agree with this complaint

May 08, 2016 10:41 pm EDT

This will seem off your initial topic but I
Cannot pass up the opportunity to once again state my experience while a patient there although it was over forty years ago. At that time, the facility used foreign doctors who had been unable to pass their exams in this country. Such doctors were not allowed to practice anywhere, even prisons except mental health facilities. While there I was sexually molested, raped to be precise, by a doctor named Angelito Capistrano. I was not the only one. The other young women also reported such abuse. When I went to the nurse, I was told that we, the patients were in there for a reason and was dismissed as mentally incompetent. Many years later after suppressing these events, an circumstance arose whereby all of this came flooding back to me. It was post traumatic distress disorder and once again this man was able to take over my life. I actually was able to find a phone number for him. When I got the nerve to call I actually found myself talking with him. After explaining who I was until I could here the glimmer of recognition in his voice, I remarked that I remembered everything. He never asked what I was talking about. He began saying, " Oh my god, oh my god" over and over again. And " oh my god no". Twenty years have gone by since this call. He needn't have said more. I knew then. I will always know and I will never forget. Don't ever go to this place. I was in my early twenties at the time suffering from depression. As I say now, I went in sane and came out insane.

Sue Parker
Dec 20, 2016 10:54 am EST


Sue Parker
Jan 18, 2017 10:44 pm EST


Patricia Hartle
Nov 21, 2017 2:49 pm EST
Replying to comment of Sue Parker

Hello, I am the one that posted my experience with Mr Coughlin and Cindy Raddatz. Mr Coughlin is on a forensic unit. Cindy has gained another 100 lbs because she can no longer spend her time with Mr. Coughlin. She is very obese so I suspect emotional eating due to not getting the attention Mr Coughlin was giving her. Forensics is a whole new type of patients, some deemed re: declared insane according to the courts. I have reason to believe is they are not able to judge what is wrong or right, then it is highly likely they could be abused. I am just glad I am no longer there. I cannot believe they allow management position to someone who has had inappropriate behavior with subordinate staff and patients. A state facility!

A. Pierce
Jan 31, 2019 10:30 pm EST

Hi, I was a patient in Mcfarland in 2006 for depression. I dont know if the person you are talking about worked there or not then. But the unit social worker/director at the time took me in his office once and groped my breasts. Then he told me that he is the one who decides if I get discharged from the hospital or not. And, if I told, I would never leave. I dont remember his name because I was traumatized, but I think it was John... but may have been Greg. I would recognize him if saw him again.

Jeannie 1953
Mar 28, 2018 12:41 pm EDT

My daughters has many mental s
issues anorexic bipolar and others . she is 32 and in the hospital now they have mentioned to her this hospital . will she be save there and get the care and help she will need ?

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