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Eckankar Complaints 12

7:01 am EST
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I have a doozy to tell you. This is real. I didn't make it up. I got scammed, really bad. There is an outfit called Eckankar that has lied to me for years. My friend that runs a cult exposure network emailed the following to me. I didn't believe it. I spent months emailing and calling around to verify what they wrote me about. Most of it was dated. It wa...

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7:52 am EDT
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Eckankar Spiritual instruction

I am writing about experiences had in Eckankar as it is the only option left open exposing leadership behind Eckankar continuing victimization of so many people.

Eckankar ruined me. I didn't know that was going to happen for many years. Because Eckankar was constructed day one to hide lies piled over with ongoing deception carried on into present time which I bought into. All this was aimed to overtake my intelligence, logic. What was left of my self-worth and belief in a higher power.

Why did I crash and burn? Because Hubbard had been in naval intelligence. He could be called on any time to aid clandestine projects, same as his partner in crime Twitchell, founder of Eckankar, also a former intelligence man. Twitchell was institutionalised and Hubbard medicated, then counselled, both for being insane.Twitchell’s plagiarised enhanced brainwashing on the sly then used and gone out of control. Eckankar misusing his formula, to reduce me and others down as high paying members. Yes over the years the costs for membership materials adds up big time.

Hubbard was blatant. But Eckankar always is subtle and sneaky. It has full control on the inside of its members. My mind was painted over to fulfil the needs of the organisation. Controlling my financial behaviour, and feelings, thoughts, and my soul. Eckankar members never find this out. They are totally enhanced with the organisation’s deception. So Eckankar stayed in my life through brainwashing.

Eckankar also stayed in my life as a menacing influence because it was given hidden donations from abroad. Many key Eckankar contributors are real estate developers that hold distant properties via corporations owned by them located outside the countries in which they hold the properties in.

The top country operating in cash only off the radar is Germany. Unaccounted for cash gets lost in the cracks as untraceable donations sent out to Eckankar. Eckankar sources own the largest temple of its kind in the world, outside the United States located in Germany.

Illicit tax write off Eckankar member foreigners domiciled on paper as distant parishioners in Germany coincide their inaccurate cash earnings as charitable contributions; back to Eckankar though an shadow based Siemens avionics, branch. They write off their taxes owed as a tax credit as though it is charity contributions made, from the USA.

No mater, Eckankar parishioners fixers ran for cover when they were exposed recently operating large scale real estate projects near Munich in the villages of Gauting and also Stockdorf where many Americas are housed. They then converged again in Herrsching to manage a new Eckankar training facility after doing due diligence to cover their tracks better from government observation .

Two Eckankar parishioners that did a runner, were former Hitler Yugen (Hitler Youth) during the Second World War. These elderly ladies were the top Eckankar administrators in Germany. One was seen with an Eckankar higher initiate (HI) from the States, speaking her concerns over Justice Department observations unravelling Eckankar’s threads, back to the USA carried out from one of these old woman’s houses in Germany.

The U.S. government has found it necessary to put their satellite converge on this area because of ongoing but illegal cash transactions engineered from the USA using Germany as its pet operating area. Second is Germering a suburb of Munich, used as another real estate development, Eckankar cash cow mover local. On the sly is sending undocumented funding back to Eckankar, that is not part of, Germany’s economic zone of operation. Sent back to the main Eckankar church in Chanhassen by tax write off parishioners, using an illicit loophole, to increase their billions.

Thus caught red handed on satellite imagery and audio was high Eckankar initiate Jerry Fay domiciled in Germany, amongst other locals. Fay a friend of the deceased dark real estate entrepreneur Jeffrey Epstein; told by Eckankar to become invisible. Fay’s customer base stretches from Nigeria to North Korea. Fay and other Eckankar parishioners own Sandwich franchises in Germany, used to employ undocumented illegals to send cash only illicit donations back to the main church in Chanhassen.

Fay is known to trade in real estate drugs and also small children. Clandestinely as a helping cash for higher hand to Fay, one of the Gypsy Councils in Germany uses child spotters in Germany to observe cars and license plates, known to be used by local policing authorities. Greg Walter Zimmerman a known felon and silent partner with Fay in one of his Subway Sandwich franchises, acts as a go-between with councils, in Germany, to supply children that are used to harass the police and investigators; at stores, restaurants and other facilities where these threatening persons are considered, getting too close. Intruders dealt with by extreme distractions.

Sachet, written about earlier as running the Eckankar Church in Germany has had her family involved in dubious Eckankar dabbling. With one of her nieces photographing with other Eckist’s helpers, threatening persons situated on trains and local coaches. Anywhere potential problem people congregate. This niece is married to Fay.

Sachet’s niece, a licensed German psychologist, writing up false reports on detractors her family considers are attacking Eckankar. Her Father an M.D. freely passing over his patient data, to the Eckankar Church. Although doing so is a crime he does this anyway. B.T.W, Germany, only recognises two Churches in the country for legal, and other government based purposes. Yet, Eckankar, operates, as though it is a Church there; unabated by any legal restrictions that would normally curtail their illicit behaviour in the country if they operated normally as other non-churches there did.

Eckankar has maliciously systematically with intent harmed others and myself. Dragging all down past the point of no return because the people at the top of this knew initially, and now, that their Church is and was, a complete scam constructed secretly out of Neville Goddard, Julian Johnson, L. Ron Hubbard, Paramahansa Yogananda, James Mitose and Alister Crowley the child violator. Mitose, was a trained assassin who ended up in prison.

Eckankar’s leader has said that no damage is being done to parishioners or the public in general because the essential nature of the religion made by Twitchell is still the same good thing. That of spreading truth light and spiritual sustenance, so no need to alter or disband it. Trashed me, but is recognised by the United States government as a bone fide religion, still hurting so many people. Spending years trying to fix myself, because I’d been an eckankar member.

To this, you only feel good in this church, if you get initiations as an outwardly directed mind control. Without these pats on the back bringing knee-jerk reactions one is made to believe, they are not making progress. Moreover happiness joy and all good then only comes from being that highly recognised Eckankar member. An approval, by significant dubious high initiates, like those I mentioned. Having a bountiful life then because of paying yearly membership dues mainlining progress?

No one really knows where they ultimately stand in Eckankar deliberately set up that way from the beginning. Naive members, just don’t get it. The dog chasing its tail in end results. The top dog as head spiritual leader doesn’t get it either, that’s why he continues to perpetuate this lie. Don’t buy into this. Spiritual truths generally, reflect a consistent behaviour of so-called, high initiates and leaders, supporting their own, as well as the public, in general. Erratic skittish policies taking away your personal power reveals just blatant puppeteers working the parishioner's weaknesses to an Eckankar advantage not abating any time soon, so it seems?

Don’t join this religion. Take my advice, Stay Safe.

Desired outcome: A full refund

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Jun 26, 2023 1:43 am EDT
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I know about Greggy, Greg Walter Zimmerman. I lived close by him growing up, and was friends with his whole family. He has done some bad exploits which are legendary. I know Zimmerman was bragging at one time to me, and some of his other friends, about how he had poisoned a friends cat, which died. He did that because he had an argument with this friend, and then murdered his cat. Greggy then went on to take part in another murder, in which he was never charged, because he fled the state and country. Right now he’s involved with underage girls; both both sexes; that he uses to do favors for him. They are used as lookouts because I know he’s involved in black markets, laundering his money and involved in other crimes. Greggy is well into his 60s, but has altered his appearance, to look years less. He changed his birth year in public records with the help of his brother in law, who is a lawyer. The lawyer switched around birth digits, for Greggy, so in the public eye he is younger. I’ve been told recently and know myself, that he hangs out around now, with some pretty bad criminal gangs; and people in order to help out Jerry Fay with his business activities. Greggy’s parents used to be cops. They have taught him how to keep out of sight, because of his record. I’m worried now because he has a baby daughter, and his wife you could say is a real tramp, like he is? They are both into a religious cult that the government recognizes, as such.

I’m just agreeing in my rebuttal comment, with some of what the other person wrote about; and telling what I know, because it’s in the public interest to stay clear of Greg the real estate broker and felon, also Jerry Fay. Jerry Fay is the real estate person commented about in the other person’s report above; whom, is now involved in a company that he owns offshore; which leases out buildings for companies to do business in, in Portland, Oregon. I heard the local police were onto him because of bad home selling deals he had made in the Pacific Northwest, and especially in Portland. So Fay, Greggys friend, went into Commercial Real Estate leasing; done so I’ve been told to hide his name, by using a corporation ownership, offshore. These two Greg and Fay are real pieces of work it seems? Both, Zimmerman and Fay are dubious real estate entrepreneurs; actively still selling and leasing in Portland, and Germany, I have been told.


Bloomington, US
Jun 25, 2023 7:23 am EDT

I know about Greggy - Greg Walter Zimmerman. I lived close by him and was friends with his family. His bad exploits are legendary. He was bragging one time to me and other friends about how he had poisoned a friends cat that died, because he had, had an argument with him. He then went on to take part in a murder, in which he was never charged, because he fled the state. Right now he’s involved with underage girls, both sexes; that he uses to do favors, for him. They are spotters to alert him, with his black market businesses. He’s well into his 60s, but alters his appearance so he can get along with a younger bunch. He changed his birth year by switching around digits, so he is younger. He hangs around with some pretty bad gangs, and people, he does business with all tied in directly with Fay’s real estate scams. His parents used to be cops. They have taught him how to keep out of sight. I’m worried because he has a baby daughter now, and his wife you could say, is a real tramp like he is. They are both into a religious cult. I’m writing this to add that what’s written in this report favors accuracy. Greggy is a bad seed and he works with Fay. They both are legendary bad guys.

4:00 am EST
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Eckankar Duped myself and my family with lies and used us to propagate a fake spiritual organization

I have restrained myself but I can’t anymore. I have been duped and fooled by people who just don’t care about anyone. I joined Eckankar because I was fooled into believing a made up lie. Now I’m ruined after being played for over twenty five years of my life and also drawing my children into Eckankar as well. My ex-husband laundered millions of dollars through Eckankar projects that he sponsored through his businesses so he could wash what was taxable.

Eckankar is run by witches. There, I said it. Women I know who are cunning and shrewd that know every thing about every Eckankar member so that if they go off company policy are reprimanded and attacked with ferocity. I constantly have had to pay bribes to Eckankar so they don’t attack me and I am not seen badly. Yearly dues soul adventure dues for meetings and monthly dues requiring me to show my face and support my local center financially which if I stop will lead to being singled out and harmed.

Because the police have become involved in investigating the local Eck center, my husband and I have had to start wearing disguises. At a recent Eckankar event during the past Christmas holidays my daughter’s boy friend even wore a disguise like an 80s rocker because my daughter is so into getting him to like her. She has become obsessed with him joining Eckankar. It’s like an honesty test to see now if you can trust friends family and new people. If they don’t join then suspicion abounds regarding them.

I heard an unconfirmed rumour that the government has begun watching Eckankar members by satellite because so much dabbling is happening with moving large sums of cash abroad and back again back into the hands of Eckankar supporters who then contribute to the Eckankar company.

My ex-husband now in the United States, has used a lot of his washed proceeds to start an Eckankar temple in Europe so I’ve been told that is regularly used to then send this back again to the United States. I divorced him because I could not associate with him any longer when I found out what he was doing. That he is still doing and involving my daughter his sons and others too naive to understand his scheming through this overseas temple he helped to create to wash business assets in his own companies. What shocks me though is, it does not appear anything is being done about this by those involved. If they know than they must not have any conscience.

The membership is heavily sedated with lies and borrowed techniques gotten from other metaphysical groups covered over with Eckankar dogma to obscure where this came from. Cultish admiration for a man as leader too feeble to present something new and also highly afraid to pass the baton to someone else because concern that an otherworldly control is not exerted on the membership so the lie is furthered like a sickness indefinitely.

Bubbly abandon in restricted heads too dumbed down to even know they are being manipulated for profit and cunning control. Witchcraft played out on the membership off course from the founders creation executed on the stupefied who don’t know they are studying a watered down version of the original. A badly off Christianised version inclusive of fire and and brimstone karma threatening control over a highly frightened membership.

I couldn’t see my daughter her friends or my son being lent to these people any longer to rub their sickness on her or them anymore. Eckankar’s members children are just so sick. You would have to sneak into their private meetings to witness this. I have not observed this before even in popular religious groups I had been involved in.

If you have children and a family and respect yourself don’t sacrifice them to Eckankar. Steer well clear of this group because they will hurt you.

Desired outcome: Expose these people get them to quit hurting children and families

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Is Eckankar Legit?

Eckankar earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Eckankar to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 16% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Eckankar is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Eckankar, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

We found clear and detailed contact information for Eckankar. The company provides a physical address, 3 phone numbers, and 2 emails, as well as 3 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. you are considering visiting, which is associated with Eckankar, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

Eckankar website is deemed to be popular and indicating that it receives a high volume of traffic. It is important to be cautious when using a highly trafficked website, as it may be a target for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities or steal personal information.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While Eckankar has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 16% of 12 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • Eckankar protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Eckankar. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
11:34 am EDT
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Eckankar Used as representative paying member by higher ups who caused me bodily harm getting pathologically ill later from carrying out their orders

People don’t know the nickname attached to Eckankar higher initiates and their stooges. Known the world over as the Eckankar mafia because of slippery manoeuvring behind the scenes wrecking marriages friendships livelihoods and demographics where ever they plant themselves.

I was one of the those stooges for decades until I came down with a pathological illness taking years to fix. I was so sick I had to move away from any past persons I knew in Eckankar. You can’t quit they hound you until your almost dead.

For years I besmirched what we all considered problematic members to get them out of association with other members done, legally protected by cleaver shunning. I even became our spokesperson to represent legal problems and disputes, receiving training from headquarters on how to deal with members voicing dissent. I had an open telephone line to headquarters where they would coach me on how to do the most damage to flagrant members.

We all made a network of cellphones to call one another when one of these undesirables showed up out of the blue at stores shopping malls parks what have you to give them frowns and taunt them cruelly carefully masked to avoid confrontation and possible prosecution legally. We were taught to burn a hole in the back of their head by standing in line behind them when they were checking out with grocers or other goods and services.

What really caught me off guard was when I found out that Eckankar was an offshoot of Scientology. I refused to believe this long after I was told this. But similarities started to add up but Eckankar turned out to be more insidious because getting hurt did not show up until physical and mental health issues took over. Way after what we call high initiates had accumulated harm done planted way deep in them and they could not get any help for fear of becoming marked as pests.

I read High initiate books about making money by mimicking sanctimonious behavior toward ordinary non eckists not compliant with our beliefs. I stood at attention when I thought higher ups had shown up to monitor my labours in the local area. But besmirched all others not HI’s or not following along.

Eckankar should be banned like Scientology was until they can be held responsible for the bad things they do to members. And if they can’t be held responsible then the government should should shut them down not as a religion but mind control cult. Funny that I should say this. I would have never thought I would get to the point that I thought Eckankar was so dangerous to me and others.

For all who read this Eckankar is dangerous not discovered ever.

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7:25 pm EDT

Eckankar Over decades, I've seen/learned of several "Religions"

As with most, information is not freely provided, as with politics.

Why so evasive about "spelling the beans" about such important truths ?

Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Hindus & never ending faiths.

Each professes their 1 & only to be 'true'.

Some decades of listening, learning to no avail.

God is what is in ones soul, heart and a way of life.

Again, why so vague ?

Yolu call ...

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3:47 am EDT
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Eckankar Books, discourses, seminars, on based on lies and a made up religion

I was a paying member for about 20 years and received absolutely nothing, which really empowered me.

Instead, I was made weak and subservient.

I Left Jehovah's witnesses for the very same reasons I left Eckankar. Eckankar became worse than any experiences I had with the witnesses.

Studying Dianetics helped me to grasp this. The 2 systems are similar. Thus praying and paying while getting nothing for it. Self reflection with strings attached.

You can't be free if the intent is to get a high initiation in Eckankar. It requires taking on a dysfunctional persona.

The politics in Eckankar rule its decisions, beyond giving out any spiritual knowledge.

I was constantly made to be uncomfortable because Eckankar is all about conforming to beliefs, which are not true. It is made up with a whole crew of fake masters. Imagined by Paul Twitchell to satisfy his wife who wanted him to get a job.

The high initiates in Eckankar are clueless, and just lead me on a chase to grasp my own tail. They were bubbly in public but sarcastic and vicious in private against so many people inside the group and towards others.

I realized these people were not enlightened and it cost me a lot to attend meetings, buy books and year membership dues.

The weight really piled on me when I discovered the degree of their deception, knowing the teaching was made up yet continuing on with it for monetary reasons, with me paying for it! I can't get my money back because I contributed to a church.

Jehovah's witnesses to a degree had some integrity, but these people don't. Give one of them a pink piece of paper and they will believe and do anything.

Gobbledygook best sums up Eckankar but it takes years to unravel it. By that time, you are completely stewed.

I'm going to put down a blog I discovered that is more technical in terms of the law.

I'm thinking this relates to Eckankar, but you will have to read over it to understand why, and then apply it. So here it goes down below written by a person familiar with Eckankar laying out a strategy which may be used to get your money back.

ECKANKAR should be sued and shut down under the US federal 'False Claims Act' - Henosis Sage
Feb 14, 2017, 2:57:07 PM

Someone should tell these people to get real and do the job properly
- plus make a small fortune in the process

Take this current court case against Lance Armstrong: a known liar who repeatedly made false claims and gained financial advantage from the US Government because of those lies, that FRAUD.

ECKANKAR has had the advantage of Religious TAX FREE Status afforded it by the US GOVT since 1970. That status is founded entirely upon the Fraud and Lies of Twitchell, Gross and Klemp to this day.

a cpl of extracts:

"The lawsuit was filed by Armstrong's former US Postal Service teammate Floyd Landis. The federal government joined in 2013 after Armstrong publicly admitted he cheated to win the Tour de France seven times from [protected]. Armstrong was stripped of those titles and banned from competition."Armstrong has also taken huge hits financially, losing all his major sponsors and being forced to pay more than $10m in damages and settlements in a series of lawsuits. The Landis lawsuit would be the biggest by far, and the ruling from US district judge Christopher Cooper in Washington was a major setback for Armstrong with a trial most likely in the fall.

"Landis, himself a former doping cheat who was stripped of his 2006 Tour de France title, sued Armstrong under the federal False Claims Act, alleging Armstrong and his team committed fraud against the government when they cheated while riding under the Postal Service banner. According to court records, the contract paid the team, which was operated by Tailwind Sports Corp, about $32m from 2000 to 2004. Armstrong got nearly $13.5m."The law allows Landis and the government to sue to get that money back and for "treble" damages, or triple the amount, and Armstrong could be forced to pay all of it. Landis stands to receive up to 25% of any damages awarded."

The False Claims Act (31 U.S. C. §§ [protected], also called the"Lincoln Law") is an American federal law that imposes liability on persons and companies (typically federal contractors) who defraud governmental programs.

It is the federal Government's primary litigation tool in combating fraud against the Government.[1]

The law includes a qui tam provision that allows people who are not affiliated with the government, called"relators"under the law, to file actions on behalf of the government (informally called"whistleblowing" especially when the relator is employed by the organization accused in the suit). Persons filing under the Act stand to receive a portion (usually about 15-25 percent) of any recovered damages.

As of 2012, over 70 percent of all federal Government FCA actions were initiated by whistleblowers.

Claims under the law have typically involved health care, military, or other government spending programs, and dominate the list of the largest pharmaceutical settlements.

The government recovered $38.9 billion under the False Claims Act between 1987 and 2013 and of this amount, $27.2 billion or 70% was from qui tam cases brought by relators.

31 U.S. Code § 3729 - False claims

In other words Eckankar is listed as a tax-exempt religion but knowingly being informed and then continuing on with their enterprise when they know they are peddling falsehoods to the public dating back for decades and asking for paid donations for their products using their status as tax-exempt to hold back a charge on their services to themselves, that they would normally owe as tax to the IRS.

Desired outcome: Exposure of their operation and possible refunds, to those who have paid for membership

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impartial observer
Montreal, CA
May 21, 2022 3:01 am EDT
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all personal spiritual experiences had that edge on phenomenal may be deemed as real to the individual. But exploiting said, packaging a method, and then mesmerizing buyers into believing that what is totally not connected with some thing that has been canned; comes from that product, is, highly criminal. Especially if it’s all made up from fantasy, or near to it. Problem with america, that freedom can mislead and harm without careful scrutiny exercised. Imagine, if one basis their whole life on such a lie, then dies. They have wasted a lifetime.

Oakland, US
Feb 09, 2022 3:34 am EST

It is impossible to see Eckankar being fake until you see what Eck really is(bani, Shabd , light and sound , ki-onkar,…differently named all talk about the same thing). Eck teachings is not about a person being Mahanta and pass a rod of power to anther by a dream as Darwin claimed , or what Harold claimed after that. Eck being a religion is fake. The fight for power as Harold orchestrated against Darwin is not what masters do. Calling someone a master and then throwing him out with court order, and many violations of spiritual laws after that is not what masters do. It happens when a master leaves this world, his followers make a religion or fake masters after him. It exactly happened after Guru Nanak as well.

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shawn t mund
Aug 13, 2021 10:46 am EDT

Looking over the entire slew of comments made by people about Eckankar still does not change the fact that its teachings are useful and gives insight to solve hard problems. Look at the censorship in an ever growing decent down of the human race. Look at right being taken away under the noses of the supposed free. You all need Eckankar, not the religion, the teachings. When everyone has been silenced, when big brother is in your living rooms and watching your every move; you could appreciate a soul center, not touched by this enslavement. And it’s going to get worse. Masters are masters and they are real but you can only make contact with them from within your self. It’s not made up, it may be in the future an act of desperation. Think about it. Dog the religion if you must, as its had some bad ups and downs. But don’t dog the teachings that can help you ride out of enslavement.

10:53 pm EDT
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Eckankar the path of spiritual freedom

I was duped with lies for years. Eckankar is a fraudulent sham based on observations from my own personal experience with its henchmen trying to live off the backs of those who did in some way benefit initially from ideas devised in part by paul twitchell.

Don't misinterpret my intention though of presenting this text to you. Twitchell's ideas were intriguing but in my own case as I discovered later on influenced me to the edge of disaster because they were not based on sound principles governing astute behavior.

I am writing this perhaps as the only person alive who can accurately describe last wishes and days of paul twitchell. Revealing what I know from the last period of his life to outsiders would not in his time be considered ok, yet he would probably support this letter, because of how deadly and destructive eckankar has become today to those who join its ranks.

In twitchell's final days he wanted to provide a linkage to those he cared for through his writings, teachings and published materials, to guide these person's continued self discovery after his death. I was around in the early 60s before the formation of paul's scientology based teaching which he shared as a contributor with the dianetics founder as an extension of teachings above level ot8.

Despite what onlookers attempt to point out, paul was no backwoods ignoramous hick as has been inferred copiously across the www. Twitchell was reasonably educated with college study requiring ability to read and write in english understandably. He plazerized much of his esoteric writings which was common practice during his lifetime because there was no internet available, not even the most basic copy machines to plazerize texts from; thus essentially the man was winging it to build an image of himself as a spiritual adept when actually he was just a caring beginner trying to free people from traditionalists holding a majority of people down, with no promise of them ever breaking out of limiting culturally biased paradgyms.

On appearance this may appear very noble of twitchell but in his frantic attempt to break out, he has caused a lot of damage because he suggested and taught many things which are just not possible for people to achieve; so they stretch themselves dangerously thin right by the edge just shy of falling off and from my experience, many people did, and do today, from an even further distortion by eckankar to cover up the founder's shady past, subsequently a need on eckanka's part to bring this tomfoolery forward to still dupe people today into thinking their teachings are legitimate but really just based on a hodgepodge of disassociative ideas which fractures people's peace of mind and stability, in relationships and day to day interaction, with the world.

The practice during the 1940s through 70s was legitimate respected well known writers who lacked sophistication in philosophical matters, copied full sections of others people's books authored elsewhere because getting to a library and forming their own ideas was time consuming. On top of that photo copying was reserved to those with access to very primitive machines. I know this as one of my friend's parents owned and ran an offset press. We observed crap copy machines operating there sitting broken, with repair requiring qualified technicians traveling far to fix temperamental devices.

Initially twitchell considered continuing on through an ongoing distribution camp after he died to propagate his home brewed teachings for ongoing support of those he had taught after demise, yet hubbard had a hand in twitchell's reality twitchell's writings were extensions of both authors combined. Moreover twitchell became seriously ill therefore not picking a replacement for his advanced scientology courses he constructed from various new thought sources, and offering them to the late 1960 and early 1970 paul gave a group of us eleven a request to disperse these teachings he had devised outside our early eckankar camp created initially with hubbard's hand.

Nevertheless again no suitable replacement was chosen before twitchell died to carry out his joint spiritual venture. Twitchell's thought was he did not want these writings up for grabs and an interpretation as high profit return by his overly cash conscious wife, and her manipulative female cronies, directed to make as much cash as possible off his writings. Twitchell's wife was frantic about making her millions of dollars regardless of the consequences this would have as damage onto other twitchell's wife's estimation she was footing the bill for paul's pseudo esoteric lifestyle and getting no large monetary returns from this.

Later twitchell's wife made her millions of dollars off a vitamin company twitchell co-founded, with a well known nutritionist. When twitchell died his wife and her unscrupeoulous cronies spun a web of tall mystic tales, to keep their eckankar money maker going, and choosing twitchell's wife's lover, as a master replacement, who built a formidable cash machine that made millions of dollars which he pocketed, to run a musical jazz band he formed, and being privately jetted across the united states, as the replacement's bad health and addiction crept up on him in the late 1970s, to force him into retirement, just.

Compounding this pseudo spiritual fiasco evolving as a menace to society for over 50 years in duration, is another totally outlandish phenomena which acted to spur on the continuation of this fraudulent spiritual camp to assault the public.

If you examine carefully handwriting by paul's hand scribbled onto a poster given to twitchell's wife's lover, who became the next eckankar master; knowing explicitly twitchell's personal handwriting script style, you will note that it is excessively feeble and faulty in placement onto the poster, caused by a shaky hand and excessive fatigue based on heart failure.

Later on twitchell's replacement as eckankar master, and his wife's lover, would claim this hand written script written onto the poster given to him and displayed at the eckankar headquarters in menlo park california at one time; was in fact this new eckankar replacment master's, spiritual name.

The hand written script written onto the poster was obviously scribbled mindlessly and haphazardly onto it which twitchell's wife's female pseudo spiritual accomplices used in part later on to prove that this new master brought forward a continuation to carry twitchell and hubbards cash making creation. On close examination by those familiar with twitchell's handwriting, these people were not fooled and left in a concerned hurry.

This fabrication as a fake eckankar camp continuation giving out twitchell's captured writings, re-edited, censored, with most never published, has continued to this day, through the activities of flimsy maladjusted females pushed into action by totally fake eckankar masters, never meant to carry on twitchell's creation. With absolutely nobody in the know, speaking out to reveal a flagrant violation of paul's final wishes carried out in secret by loyal supporters of his, who knew where he was coming from and tried to propagate what they initially, thought were genuine spiritual teachings.

New thought teachings these designated persons believed they would disperse in a respectful manner to benefit those in need. Again, it may appear that I have supported this fiasco, or support it today. On the contrary it was just a small matter of time before twitchells fold on the run knew that any association with twitchell would lead back to hubbard who was wanted on numerous continents for all kinds of misdeeds

There you have it in a nutshell. Each designated twitchell propagation driver promised they would never tell this inside information to any one, but eckankar has just gone way too far, with no one putting them in check as has happened in the past with scientology, which eckankar is an extension of, regardless of eckankar refusing to admit this.
Thus the public is getting severely hurt and damage is being done to innocent people maliciously; which goes beyond what is right or deserved by sincere spiritual seekers, just out there seeking truth. If you have it in your self pass this information on for consideration, to any who would benefit with these hidden revelations.

If you need support and are a current or past eckankar member seek it through twitchell's original contacts who are based in religious science and new thought; as he was a member himself in a wide array of those teachings, which he belonged to, which included asian religious teachings.

However, I am not talking about seeking support from scientology, although that is your business. There is still a connection with very genuine caring sincere people who will help you to find your way to stability beyond any deception, with those groups other than scientology, that twitchell belonged to, and studied with. Yet despite the offered support by these groups I am refering to you have to know what is best for yourself, and what does not feel right, through any association with any person or group. Go with your gut and you will never be let down. New thought is based on traditional world religions which have shown integrity in their support of all people in need regardless of class, sexual orientation or monetary condition. Seek them out, they really care.

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Douglas Rubel
Jun 11, 2022 11:51 am EDT

As one who studied under both Paul and Darwin, I find your commentary mean-spirited and not reflective of

these great teachers. Sorry you didn’t have the experiences you were looking for but maybe it’s time for you to heal the bitterness.

Chris Hoff
Nov 02, 2020 3:22 am EST

You could use somebody to help edit this for grammar and syntax. Why don't you say anything about the HU I always found it interesting that Eckankar would not copy write the HU song because the HU song belongs to everyone. According to Pike's book, Morals and Dogma, the Mason bible, the people of ancient
Briton sang HU.

On Leaving Eckankar
Feb 16, 2021 10:12 am EST
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Replying to comment of Chris Hoff

Chris, I have wondered that myself. But eckankar uses the hu to attract seekers, so it wouldn't copyright it while it is trying to use it to attract new followers. hu is packaged as "belonging to everyone" which is hypocritical for the organization to suggest, when so many other terms such as soul travel and even the word eckankar are trademarked. wouldn't soul travel also be for everyone? Would the "spiritual teachings" of eckankar also be for everyone? however, you have to become a member in order to enjoy the "secret teachings" which are sent to you in book format as discourses. this is NOT available to everyone. But you can be hooked in with the hu, if it is presented properly to give the seeker a "spiritual experience." So for example, a seeker can come to a light and sound service (or worship service) and experience singing hu for the first time, and feel a sense of bliss and joy, etc. any study of cults will demonstrate this is just a cult tactic (using love bombing and natural psychological processes to manipulate the seeker). singing hu is no different that singing "om" in a group - as those people would tell you the very same thing - singing "om" is blissful and uplifting for them. religions and cults are simply co-opting the natural processes of the brain to claim their methods are spiritual. Being in a group of nice people will make a person fell blissful and happy. we are social creatures and need others to survive. singing hu which may sound beautiful to the singer or listener, may interpret that as a spiritual or divine experience, just like listening to a beautiful piece of music by Beethoven or looking at a beautiful peace of art by Monet. Experiencing beauty is a normal psychological experience and it is religion that likes to say it is a spiritual experience.

Also, given that twitchell wide-spread plagiarized his initial writings in Eckankar, and the eckankar spiritual center came out several years ago saying that he was simply a compiler of spiritual truths, and did not condemn this illegal practice, why would eckankar trademark so many terms? There is a lot of contradiction and hypocrisy in the organization and writings of eckankar. using critical thinking will help clear much of this up.

10:05 am EDT
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Eckankar spiritual fraud racket, tax evasion, money laundering, illegal searching of personal belongings.

I joined an eckankar study group thinking it would be informative and fun. I was searching for a spiritual study group and thought I had found a good one but I was wrong. I joined an eckankar study group and watched as a horrible drama unfolded before my eyes. I watched annette weihreter along with the area eckankar representative look into a carry bag while one of the class participants was using a toilet. It is very odd rummaging through other peoples personal belongings while those people are in another room. I know she passes information onto another woman who calls herself annette. This woman is a known police informant. This study group was so corrupt that I went back to the regensburg study group because so much illegal money business was going on. I heard a crippled man say at a meeting at this corrupt study group that he got money to pay for his auto from a foundation when I know he got it from a visiting american business man who regularly passes his money through this study group's eckankar center. The president of eckankar in our location does not go to that study groups eckankar center because he does not want to jeopardize he and his family by being associated with them. It is appalling to see how much people get away with using this eckankar center and study group to do their dirty business. I have never witnessed a religious study group doing these things. These eckankar members do tax avoidance and other illicit things as business transactions under noses of tax police here. They make claims they are a student study group when their whole purpose is to use the eckankar center as a tax shelter and do illegal business transactions under guise of religious meetings. Now I am wondering what I got mixed up in! I am leaving these eckankar study groups. You should know these things before you join them. I have always felt like I was a science experiment with this eckankar group and my reactions to their teachings either brought praise or I would be shunned and ignored. I would recommend that one chooses a more honest group of people.

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Jun 27, 2022 11:47 pm EDT

Another completely bizarre account of someone who claims to have been part of an Eckankar study group. I don’t believe any of it, at all! Absolutely wacko claims. No one would ever go through another person’s bag, or purse, never, and supposedly this happened while the bag owner was in a bathroom, and the supposed kooks then took advantage of the situation, rummaged thru another person’s bag, Two of them, in front of witnesses! This is an insane claim! And NO, I don’t believe for one second the claim that her mother was getting prescription drugs from a Dr. Who was there unless it was a legal prescription by her own physician. And, her “mom is sleeping around town for pocket money.” Another super bizarre addition to her ramblings. OMG. I hope she gets help. Just an fyi, Eckists are encouraged to live by the highest ethical standards, Then, again, the poster writes about illegal money making! This is exactly like another complaint on this site. Outside business of any kind does not happen at any Eck events, and the complainer has a very very negative & wild imagination. I’m not saying this complainer is mentally ill, but she sounds exactly like another one here, and it’s making me wonder about the mental state of each. Lots of paranoia, money making schemes, money laundering, helping her mom illegally, people breaking the law, and on and on and on. After 40 some years of attending & leading events, I must say all of this stuff is made up & it sounds as if the writer is a paranoid schizophrenic. There are no quotas or tithing in Eckankar, and no crime underworld in Eckankar, but definitely in the writers mind.

Revealing one
Montreal, CA
Jan 02, 2023 4:56 am EST
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Replying to comment of Anais1962

no it’s all real, where your wrong is in your own sick mind by supporting fraud and worse by a already called out cult that you belong to because you are morally corrupt and twisted. It’s all legit and really happened part of a police report dummy. Get your info straight. Know the difference between facts and your own cultish delusions

Willie W
Nov 28, 2018 4:42 am EST
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I know what you mean and am adding what happened to me taking part in a class.

My Mother asked me to blatantly lie about a man in our eckankar satsang group because he works for the government. Mom wants to discredit him because he discovered Mom and Dads tax scheme that they use to not pay taxes they owe.

My Father is so frantic that he is hiding his businesses so the government wont imprison him and force payment of back taxes he owes for back years. Basically Papa has used our Eckankar study center to avoid paying taxes he owes. Now my Dad is affraid of getting caught ever since the government has been investigating our families earnings.

The police have been following my Mom to see where she sells her artwork.The tax department wants to catch her secretly selling her art and not paying back taxes owed. Mother has gotten frustrated because her cash cow has been discovered by the police. Now the IRS knows Mom's strategy in using our eckankar satsang group to network so she can sell her artwork. Making tax money owed disappear through our Eckankar tax exempt bank account.

That's why she told me to lie about the man who works for the justice department. The man was told by our center money manager that is what mom is doing with the eckankar satsang groups bank accounts by selling her artwork and using the bank accounts to make it look like the money going through are from satsang donations. Mom makes her art profits disappear through our Eck centers bank account.

Mother shared her profits with the eckankar centers business manager to make him be quiet about her using the eckankar center bank account to put her profits through as donations so it looks like the sales are for books and other eckankar items. Our study center business manager has also been taking moms profit money and sending this through the business managers wife's bosses business accounts also. His wife's employer knows nothing about this.

Mom has issues with sleeping around town for pocket money although my dad does not approve. She has been trying to convince my cousin and I to sleep around also to pay off taxes owed by my parents! My Dad does not object to this either!

Our satsang group is supposed to be learning spiritual principles . What a travesty. Our Eckankar study center is entangling the public and its members so that my parents can make large sums of money to pay back taxes owed. Nobody would believe this if I told anyone but this is the god awful truth. All the while everybody thinks we are a legitimate spiritual satsang group.

Mother is so depressed she has been getting free prescription drugs from one of her friends at the Eck center who is a doctor. The doctor makes bathtube methedrine and antidepresesents and is not concerned about breaking the law. Making drugs and giving mother perscriptions without prescribing them. Mom has shared her profits with this doctor for doing this for her. Mom takes her profits and then sends the money through her doctor friends clinic as well. I am sick at heart that eckankar supports my parents behavior. Eckankar is sneaky about covering up money making schemes that members are involved in as long as eckankar receives some of the profits.

My advice is not get involved in Eckankar unless you want to associate with people actively breaking the law. The members in charge at the Eck centers are heavily involved in illegal money making schemes so they can pay off quotas required for being registered Eck centers by Eckankar headquarters and the registering authorities in their countries.

11:04 pm EST
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Eckankar not real, fake, scam religion

Eckankar is a false religion, as all religions are. It is how they get new members to believe that is disconcerting. Eckankar takes natural phenomenon and then try's to wrap it in mystery. Any odd occurrence is considered golden tongue wisdom, and in fact many members spend their days looking for these "golden: occurrences. When really they are creating confirmation bias as for weeks on end a member may not get anything that looks like a spiritual message, but then one strange item on a bumper sticker that they are consciously looking for and presto — they are connected with the divine who is actively guiding their life. Also dreams are special and confusing because of the mental filter, when we know how the brain works, and even that dreams are caused by a chemical our brains emit at night called dmt, and can be easily recreated in a lavatory. But to the eckist, they will spend much time writing down their dreams after the fact, and looking for anything that can be interrupted as divine, and throwing out all the rest that does not match up to what they are hoping or looking for. 15 minutes with a good atheist book ("the god delusion"by richard dawkins), or a book on skepticism and most if not all would lose their faith in this religion. But, as eckists put so much faith in the inner master that they conjure up through imagination it is unlikely to never happen as they may never think critically on this subject. Plus eckists have a fear of their devil called the kal, just as christians have the devil to blame and fear eckists have their own version to keep them close to the faith. This keeps them from thinking critically about their faith, and truly questioning it. While their faith is false, I can say, I have meet and been friends with many good people of the faith, and they have built a solid community where they are. They are no worse than most religious groups and in some ways I would say even better, however, these good people, need to put away their childish thoughts on dreams, magical karma, soul travel, and that they are special because they are more spiritually evolved than non-members. This belief that they are special often leads to hard hardheadedness and massive ego's and a disconnection with people outside the faith. Many in the group even believe that they are the next great spiritual master in training while a few would not even qualify as a decent people, even thought they have leveled up in the eckankar community to so called higher initiates. For those reading this that our current members, do not fear the threat of leaving. The threat that your karma will get worse, that you will be left without any magical protection, and that you will spend eons reincarnating, as I have left, and since I did, life has only gotten better and brighter. Now I rely on science to guide my way. Only things I can prove with real evidence do I believe in. And I can say a book like"the happiness advantage" by shawn achor, has done more for my life and happiness than all the books of eckankar combined. Please take a chance on true spiritual freedom, or freedom from magical thinking and start your life anew in a safer, sounder, brighter, grounded world of amazement that we already live in! For those not eckists, please understand, eckankar is no stranger than any other religion (although it is very strange). I have spent time as a christian and and an eckist, and I found eckist's to actually be as good or better members of the community at large. These people need time and space to come out of this faith, and I would not say it is a cult, although it does has some cultist tendencies, although I think any religion does that has a current leader that most in the faith believe to be a god-man or right hand man to god which eckankar does in the mahanta character (very dangerous if that person abuses power in any way, which we have seen in so many faiths across the world throughout history...)

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Brujo Millonario
Apr 13, 2021 10:28 pm EDT

Another one that writes about religions and mystical experiences without ever having practiced any religion or ever having had a true spiritual experience. You self-righteous Atheists are too afraid of what you can't understand and worse of all, you want to impose your ignorant point of view to everybody, to stay as supposed "saviors". Some day you'll learn that every religion has its true things and you'd have to be a fool if you don't take advantage of them.

Connection Coach
Sep 14, 2018 11:39 pm EDT

You wrote some interesting comments about your POV of the authenticity of ECKANKAR. I've not been an eckist since about 1993. I think your very first statement kind of says it all: "Eckankar is a false religion, as all religions are." My question is if your first premise is true, then why go to all the trouble to expand how that is true for eckankar? I personally believe in nothing (if that's possible). If all religions are false then can one religion (ie ECKANKAR) be extra false.

I simplify the interest in any religion as a commodity and a service. Believing in something alleviates the believer from having to figure out how things work and what is real and what is not real. Socially we tend to imitate each other even if its only a shadow of what the last guy was doing. If the Joneses believe in MLMs, Flat Earth and ECKANKAR - I think that's just really about identity. Who are you? I'm a sales rep for this great pyramid scheme. I'm a student of conspiracy of the round earth lie. I think of myself as a flat earther. I follow a teaching that lets me soul travel and offers a way for me to stop reincarnating in the lower worlds, I'm an ECKist.

There is a rule on the internet "People will buy anything!", that rule applies to belief as well, people will believe in ANYTHING. I think as we evolve as a species the instinct to fill in our "I don't knows" with magical thinking about invisible beings of awesome power will fade away.

Donald Harry Fraser
Sep 16, 2016 9:36 am EDT

I am happy in Eck

God Seaker
Feb 22, 2018 8:46 am EST

Ignorance is bliss. The masters of Eck are manipulating you for their own profit.

8:18 am EST
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Eckankar invasion of privacy

I have bit my tongue for years and have restrained myself by bitting my tongue. I cannot in clear conscience do this another day. I do not want my friends, family and people in general to include me as one of those deranged eckankar people. I must tell you this so you know the depth of deceit and control placed on us in eckankar. I have been so afraid not to cooperate with eckankar. I have regularly invited detective and police friends to cleverly question and spy on eckankar members here at cafes and coffee houses while we sat under the guise of pleasant day out with them. Members that higher ups in the eckankar headquarters and locally are consider threatening. Threatening because of finding out schemes our members have been utilizing to use our study groups as fronts to launder their personal monies and not pay required income tax on incomes. It is downright illegal and I know it. We are registered as a study group and not religion in our local area. Now my husband and I have been forced to use our local media business or loose our eckankar initiations. We have videotaped and photographed members and sent this on to eckankar headquarters. We have forwarded photographs and video films across the world to eckankar headquarters to alert resa's and higher initiates of threatening members. Our activity is illegal here as we are using film and image distribution without written authorization to do so by those we photograph and video tape. We have been instructed by the local resa to call local and international centers to report the geographic location of eckankar members who are considered a threat legally to our centers and the eckankar headquarters. Eckankar members who will expose our tax avoidance and money laundering schemes. I just feel awful for having photographed and video taped these eckankar members. I am being run ragged by constant surveillance of questionable members and threats of being thrown out of eckankar if we do not continue to cooperate. I am in so much fear of being looked upon by my eckankar friends as being a bad person if I do not do what the eckankar headquarters and the local resa asks us to do. It is time people realize eckankar is a fake spiritual path out for control of members and non entitled tax privileges.

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Revealing one
Montreal, CA
Jan 01, 2023 9:42 am EST
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you are wearing filters over your ability to SEE, I saw the comments made by the originator and know, by insiders, ALL the writer said is FACT. Tax exempt does not mean not breaking the law under an umbrella of tax exemption status you dumb dumb. Exempt requires certain rules, which, can be violated. Eventually it will all come out. Love? Harming people is not love. Using people to perpetrate a lie, is not love. Check your ethics bro. I can see why you’ve been a member so long.

Jun 27, 2022 9:24 pm EDT

Wow, what an incredibly bizarre complaint. Tax avoidance and money laundering? For whom? Eckankar is a religious organization, there is no need for scheming. Like other religious orgs. It is tax exempt. And money laundering for what? Absolutely absurd comments. I’ve been a member of Eckankar for nearly 45 years, and have been active at times, and studied on my own other times. There is never pressure to do anything, ever. And that includes money, or membership, books, classes, or seminars. Some people Are involved, others aren’t. What a person gives or not, is entirely up to the individual. There is no set donation for the study materials or membership. Those who have little can give a dollar a month or whatever they want. When I renewed my membership a couple months ago, the staff person, taking my small donation, which is the same as last year, asked ME if I wanted to go lower because of the high cost of living right now. (5/22). Eckankar is about one thing only. And that is the individual’ relationship with with God. Never EVER would anyone spy on another person, Eck member or not! (The “complainer” states that she is filming people at events!? OMG!) Never would anyone in their “right mind” ask another member to break a spiritual law, which is to respect others & their privacy. (Holy cow!) I’m from NY, and now in Florida & i have known many many Eckists over the years. How in the world would anyone be a threat to Eckankar? People are free to come & go as they please, to be a member or not, to donate or not, to hang out with Eckists or not. We’re all different & unique but no one would ever be asked to do anything unethical, ever! Self- responsibility & love are keys to this path. We live by the laws of society, but even more importantly is an understanding of divine law, and that is to see God within each person, and treat each and every person with kindness and respect. Spying on someone, NO, absolutely NOT. It is NEVER done, unless perhaps the person is really breaking all kinds of rules & is secretly way, way “off the deep end” , as they say.

Revealing one
Montreal, CA
Jan 02, 2023 5:02 am EST
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Replying to comment of Anais1962

you are wearing filters over your ability to SEE, I saw the comments made by the originator and know, by insiders, ALL the writer said is FACT. Tax exempt does not mean not breaking the law under an umbrella of tax exemption status you dumb dumb. Exempt requires certain rules, which, can be violated. Eventually it will all come out. Love? Harming people is not love. Using people to perpetrate a lie, is not love. Check your ethics bro. I can see why you’ve been a member so long.

2:57 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I have had association with Eckankar since the middle 1960s to current times. I have witnessed all of its phases trials and tribulations as a religious spiritual group. There was some integrity in the early years despite claims and proof of use of other religious groups written materials. Now let me focus on the here and the now as this is important. Have...

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1:00 am EDT
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Eckankar what is real now

Harold klemp, the living eck master, was given his opportunity by rebazar tarzs and the real universal guides, as was darwin gross, who came before him. Originally, it was paul twitchell, who provided the nupresentation for this world, and realfreedom. Darwin gross, soon turned paul's presentation into a 'religion, ' and harold klemp, has kept what is now referred to as 'the corporation, ' a defined religious following. Rebazar tarzs, brought paul twitchell into what is very well known as, 'the rod of power.' darwin gross and harold klemp, were given the opportunity to earn their way into the same realposition, as did paul twitchell, but they never did. Actually, they went entirely the other way with their own business in mind, and that's all the corporation is today. I personally knew paul twitchell in 1970, and to this very day, right now, I stand with rebazar tarzs, paul twitchell, yauble sacabi, gopal das, fubbi quantz, and all the real universal guides. There is only one man on earth who stands in the rod of power with rebazar tarzs and the real universal guides, and for those who have the realcourage to find out, ask for rebazar tarzs in your dreamvisions, and he will show you who really has the rod of power.

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Eckankar reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 2, 2011. The latest review Told me a lie when it was made up, invested my donation for personal gain and victimized me was posted on Dec 28, 2023. The latest complaint not real, fake, scam religion was resolved on Nov 29, 2014. Eckankar has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 12 reviews. Eckankar has resolved 2 complaints.
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