Consumer Complaints & Reviews in Menomonie, Wisconsin, United States

Subway — employee

The employee at the subway in the menomonie WI walmart has continually been extremely rude to any customer that comes in. Did not see a name tag but she is a brunette and wear...

H&R Block — peace of mind

I paid for peace of mind last year while doing my taxes. The tax officer made a mistake and IRS took 489$ from my returns due to this mistake. I have been going over and over to...

Kohls Online Gift Cards — intensive investigation before releasing order

I only used my Kohls' Credit Card on special occasions, paying off the charges in full before receiving their invoice. On $1$/$2$ I logged onto its Web Site to order a gift...

Revlon — cord exploded off while in use

I was straitening my hair with a Revlon flat iron when the cord exploded off where it attatches to the straitener. All of a sudden I heard a loud "POP" noise and saw a fireball...


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