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SunTrust Banks Complaints 404

5:43 pm EDT

SunTrust Banks unfair overdraft

I went to a Suntrust ATM to withdraw some money. The ATM was not acting properly and didnt dispense the cash. I had a check that was waiting to go through, but the merchant was going to cancel the check payment if I made the scheduled payment in cash before they closed, hence, the reason for the ATM withdrawal. I also had some deposits scheduled to come in to my account within the next two or three days. Even though the money was not dispensed from the ATM it still showed up on my account as if it had been. In addition, since I couldn't pay the bill in time the check was put through my account along with other pending transactions, therefore causing an overdraft to my account. The next morning went up to the bank and was told that an investigation would be done. If it turned out in my favor then the money would be credited back to my account along with all the overdraft fees. A week later, the money was returned but the overdraft fees were still there which was still causing my account to be in the negative. Went back to the bank and was told by the same ladies, that since i had tried to take the money out in the first place knowing that the funds were not fully available then the overdraft would still be my fault, despite the fact that I never recieved the ATM withdrawal in the first place. I then had to once again explain that if the money would have been dispensed, the check that caused my account to overdraft would never have posted, therefore never starting the overdraft issue. I also stated that some money was going to be deposited, but seeing that my account was overdrawn by 500.00, there was no way I was going to put that in the bank just so they could snatch it. Once again I was told that my case would be sent to the research department and within 1-2 business days I would have a response, which sounded completely ridiculous to me since I had just finished a review about the ATM mix-up. I am still waiting for an answer but seeing how shady Suntrust is, I already know what to expect.

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Matthew Rinehart
Charlotte, US
Nov 16, 2011 5:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If they create policies that cause confusion then they should offer classes on how to understand it better and how to handle finances. I didn't say they should be required to. I said they should sponsor the classes. Insurance companies do it for their customers, Home Depot sponsors home improvement project classes all the time. Its not a far stretch to say banks could do it. it would actually be a pretty good way to market the bank. If I were in the market for a new bank I would probably use the one that offered the free "how to manage your finances and understand banking practices class.

Matthew Rinehart
Charlotte, US
Nov 16, 2011 5:16 am EST
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I agree with you entirely. My only complaint is that while their reordering all of these charges, they put deposits last after they charge you fees rather than first before they take money out. Everything hitas on the same day by 8:00AM anyway. Why not just let deposits go first and then everything else to give their customers a break? Because thats not profitable. I knew the answer. I just think there are less irritating ways to make money. If the banks want to do that then they should sponser free to the public classes that are easily accessable by all on responsible banking.

Matthew Rinehart
Charlotte, US
Nov 16, 2011 4:44 am EST
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They only say what I previously stated in my earlier comment about reordering deductions from higher to lower and the reasoning behind it. I also called their CSG and asked for a verbal explanation. I read the little book they gave me.

Matthew Rinehart
Charlotte, US
Nov 16, 2011 3:10 am EST
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Suntrust reorders the deposits, withdrawles and debits to make sure that if they can take money from you they will be able to. Most banks do it. They say its to make sure that your higher priority bills like house payments, rent, car payments, etc. will get paid first but if that were really true they would allow deposits to go through before deductions. Thats not the case with most banks, or any that I know of but its a legal excuse to be able to take take take your money and there is nothing you can really do about it except get your 1 courtesy refund each calender year.

Atlanta, US
Sep 28, 2011 11:37 pm EDT

It says on the ATM to call if there is a problem...why would you wait until the next day?

Henning, US
Sep 27, 2011 5:55 pm EDT

It sounds to me like the bank is simply following their reasonable policies and going from there. Your issue hasn't come to the point of bashing the company online yet. Keep working through the system. Call to follow-up on your issue at every opportunity. If this goes on for more than 14 days, then you may need to consult a higher authority. For now, it sounds like you'll get your issue resolved soon with a little patience.

5:55 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks merchant services

i called suntrust bank to talk about the cost of having a credit card machine for my business.
they arranged for me to see a merchant services rep she told me all about the costs etc,
i then said i was only wanting a quote from them. she said i could fill out all the paperwork and would wait to hear from me if i wanted to go ahead and have the credit card machine. i decided that the costs were just not worth it for me as i would only be doing a small amount of transactions.
four months later when i had on line banking i noticed there were payment going out of my account to merchant services totalling around $500.
i went to the bank and told them i did not want merchant services so they cancelled them. the bank manager said because four months had elapsed since the charges had been debited they could not give me my money back, he also said they would not charge me the $500 early termination fee. for somethig i didnt want!
he also said that i had received two statemments per month, one for my business and one from merchant services. i have received the business statements but have not received statements for merchant services. if i had received merchant services statements i would have seen this right from the start.

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6:46 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks nsf fees and rearranging my transactions

when i used to bank with wachovia my husband and I never went negative. now since we are with suntrust its like ever two weeks we are negative b/c they rearrange our transactions to make us negative and it doesnt matter how much you call and complain or argue they dont budge and are really rude. This is the worst bank ever to work with. We will be switching ASAP. We have lost so much money with this bank. Someone needs to sue this bank!

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Sep 18, 2011 7:02 pm EDT
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Meody and ICU2, You both have very good points.

ICU- I am not saying its impossible, but it is pretty tricky to keep up with banking practices. For me at least I find if it's something super important, they will hide it somewhere in my "online messages" and less trivial things will be on my paper statements. I actually look for those items because of the big credit interest increases that started two years ago, but a lot of people don't know that every change will not be on their statements. Most banks will use the " well you have online banking" excuse to not send something that really should be sent by paper. Also, for most banks it's VERY hard to find the practices online or to get a written itemized fee schedule from them at the banking centers. ( That's why I chose a Credit Union when I moved because most of theirs is online and available at a branch)

I personally don't like the excuse " if your poor, don't use an account" or "keep a register and you will be fine" These two items just... don't mesh with banking practices anymore. Banks are now charging for a "possible" overdraft now on on hold items that most of the time people don't even know the money is on hold.

I used my gas station experience, but I have a new one to add. We moved out of state on very short notice recently because of a family illness and changed our banks that hold our day to day checking accounts. ( I carry an investment and savings account with a different bank) We did not have time to close out the old account at the bank. I knew how much was left in the old account and paid a credit card with a draft date of a 6/15. I knew this would nearly zero out the account and we wouldn't have to worry about the bank cutting us a check once they got my letter to cancel the account.

Well, this credit card company put a hold on the account on the day I authorized the payment. ( 6/7) My husband then accidentally used the old account to pay his cell phone bill with an immediate draft on 6/9. I knew that if the credit card payment cleared on 6/15 that it would overdraft the account. I immediately called the credit card company and asked them to cancel that draft and to use the new bank account. They said sure and reversed the charges so my account showed two holds 6/7 for the bill and 6/10 showing a reverse of those charges.

I checked our bank account and our account still showed a positive balance BUT we were charged an overdraft on 6/9. I called and I got the reason "well your account MIGHT have over drafted" Might have? We are getting charged on pending transactions now?

The bank knew the credit card company did not have clearance to clear their pending charge to my account until 6/15 but still charged us the overdraft even though the next day there was a reverse charge on hold to void out the previous charge. AGAIN - all the credit card transactions were in the "pending" section NOT cleared.

I am not saying I am not 100% fault free here. I should have spent the time to close the account but I didn't. I should have ensured my husband used the right account, but I didn't. I was too busy trying to get to a dying family member and to help out my family with the fallout of what would happen when they did pass.

However, that doesn't give the bank the right to charge me an overdraft fee when I NEVER over drafted my account. Not once did my actual account balance go in the negative. Actually, they had to cut us a check for 40 odd dollars to close the account out AFTER the overdraft fee.

However, I am in agreement with ICU2, there are the chronic over drafters that do like to blame the bank when it was their fault. If you have 80 in the account, spend 90, and think you can deposit 10 to cover the costs, you are in the wrong. Regardless of debit and deposit time frames, you still spent more than you had and the bank has an option to ding you for it. Try to do that with a check and you might end up in jail.

I find the practice of "rearranging debits" is a big excuse. It may happen, but I don't think EVERY bank is out there in EVERY instance of an overdraft rearranging debits for EVERYONES account just to hopefully get a 35 dollar fee. Can you imagine the cost of that?

Sep 16, 2011 10:15 pm EDT

In reply to the cruel and unjustifiable comments of "Judgejuryandthetruth, " "icu2, " and "gkenigmatic" - My, oh my, what pompous mules you are! These banking practices are highly objectionable as well as completely illegal. You three genuiuses are probably unaware of this, but lawsuits have been filed and WON becaause of this very complaint. It may behoove you in the future to do a little research before you pass judgement on a fellow consumer. It is not a crime to be on a tight budget; nor is it unreasonable to expect one's financial institution to treat one fairly. It is, however, highly unethical for a respectable business to use accounting techniques that are both detrimental to the welfare of its customers and clearly condemned by its governing judicial system.

Aug 28, 2011 11:16 pm EDT
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I am on the fence on this. I got hit once with an overdraft because I went to a gas station and they would only accept my debit card as a "credit" card and not a debit card. They put a "hold" of 100 dollars for 20 dollars worth of gas. It showed pending in my account and my bank still charged me an overdraft fee... needless to say, I was hot. ( note: this was posted NOWHERE at all at the pump, I have even checked other places, the max hold I've seen that was posted is 50 bucks)

This was wrong 2fold. First, they charged an overdraft on amounts that were on hold not items that had went through on my account. No, I wasn't floating money thinking, ill spend 100 in gas with only 80 in my account and try to cover it with a cash deposit, I really had no idea that an additional 80 was in hold. The hold was removed the next day and my account NEVER went in the negative. So now banks are charging overdraft fees if you MIGHT overdraft, not only when you do.

Second, even though I do keep a record of my checks and balances, the 80 would not have been put on there because I DIDN'T KNOW the gas station would put such a large hold on my card. Even if my books were perfect, with the bank charging overdrafts on HOLDs, there is no way I can ensure my book matches my account.

From here on out I put my gas on my credit card. Paying 4% interest on the card is a lot cheaper than paying 35 dollars each time they decide to put a hold on my card that is exorbitantly larger than what I really charged.

There are going to be the naysayers on here saying " keep more in your account" Well, I don't. I put all my extra money in a savings account and also investment accounts. The only thing I keep in my bank account is money to covers my bills, grocery and gas. I don't want someone getting a hold of my debit number and wiping my account out of all my money if I kept it all in the same account.

I am finding holds are becoming a much bigger thing too. I recently went to an upscale restaurant and on top of my bill, they placed a 25 dollar additional hold on it. I don't know what they would have done if my tip was less than that hold... maybe keep it? But my tip was larger so when they did their balances it finally showed my full bill plus the tip later that week.

Again, HOLDs are not foreseeable, and will not end up on a register for those who keep them. And now the banks are charging overdrafts on HOLD items... so yes, I agree... it's crap and even if you are perfect and NEVER actually overdraft, you can't ensure the bank won't take that fee just because you MIGHT.

Aug 27, 2011 2:32 am EDT

Bank of America has a class action lawsuit against it for this very thing. So before some of you folks continue to point your fingers, educate yourselves. In the case I mentioned, the bank did this very thing, held charges and reordered charges so that even if you HAD the money there when the charges were made, they held them and then put them through out of order to cause you to be overdrawn. Then they would charge 30+ dollars for each overdrawn charge. Google it, it is not legal folks.

6:10 pm EDT

SunTrust Banks dishonest

WE applied for a mortgage back in May 2010. We had gone to Wachovia but they told us that my husband could not get a loan the day we met with them because of time on his new job.. We were told to try Suntrust . We went in and spoke to Jason Bradley. My husband explained he had been out of work for 2 yrs and was recently hired and moving to Chattanooga TN> MR Bradley told my husband no problem we can help. We are a smaller bank and have more ways to get a loan approved. WE believed him. My husband explained over and over again asked him if he was sure, He said he had spoken to an FHA underwriter and she had said no problem.He sent us on our way with a prequalifiaction letter saying my husband was approved. We called every week to check in and give Mr Bradley what he needed as he asked us for information. We found a house and put an offer in on it at the end of April. Bear in mind we had been approved by suntrust back earlier in April when my husband had only been working for 2 weeks. AN FHA loan with 3.5 % down. THe offer was accepted and scheduled to close May 28th... WE had the deposit in escrow and all the inspections done. WE working with Jason and he assures us that there is no problems. My husband asks again, we do not want to pay 400 for an appraisal if we do not qualify for this loan. Again no problem. We ask if he has asked the underwriters if this will happen and he says yes.
We are now at May 27th Call Jason to check in and do not hear back until 4.30 pm and tells us our loan has been denied!
We have talked to two other banks that told us within 24 hours that we would not get a loan unless my husband has been on his job 6 months.
They led us on for 3 months we have incurred so many expenses trying to get a home we were never going to get. I complained but he had no excuses.. Why did it take 3 months for them to tell us 2 days before closing. We would have rented and not incurred the appraisal fees, inspection fees, realtors time and the sellers time. My husband has been in TN for 3 months whilst the rest of us are in NC. We have incurred hundreds of dollars taking trips to TN to look.
The bank gave us no good explanation. They also had some guy in the bank go into our account and take out the 400 for the appraisal fee without authorisation from myself or my husband.
We are so disappointed to be run around for 3 months! NOt good business but they do not care. I asked Jason to speak to his Supervisor but he would not give me that information Said they were looking into it. I called later that day after telling us he would get back to us by the end of that day, when I called he said it might be another few days before his manger can get answers. We still never heard back.

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5:18 pm EDT

SunTrust Banks ruined our house

I have never in my life been so mad at a so called “mortgage” company. We are renting a house and the mortgage company Sun Trust is the lender. Or so we all have been told. Me and my large family hadn’t been in this house very long, under a year, when it flooded. All the flooring was ruined, the downstairs ceiling and a closet was ruined all the carpeting in the house, ruined, all the laminate flooring, ruined, tile in the laundry room and upstairs bathroom, ruined, walls, ruined. We had to tear down walls, pull up flooring, and get it dried out so it can be treated with mold killer, which by the way required us to be out of the house.

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9:17 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks bait and switch, unresponsiveness

Bait and switch on refinance. Changed balance due on payoff and the interest rate. Mortgage officer refused to return our calls or explain where the difference came from. Trying to refinance with WF, and have been requesting a HUD form for 6 weeks now: On-line, and have now made 11 phone calls. This is costing us $250 per month over what we should be paying with a re-fi, and now WF wants to fine us $200/week! Never trust SunTrust. They treat veterans terribly.

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5:56 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks account closure

I opened an account and a week later they closed it without even giving me a reason why. When I called, they said it's per their policy which they didn't bother disclosing to me. Very annoying and unprofessional. Wasted 2 weeks of my time. I had made a money transfer of $3, 500 so it was for the lack of activity for sure.

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7:06 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks bad employee

An infosys employee Ashvini Srivastava at mysore is openly selling suntrust project confidencial files on internet. People are not aware of that. He is so fearless that he has even posted his number openly on facebook and orkut. He gives his name as Ashvini srivastava
Date of birth : Feb 5, 1985
Phone: +91-[protected]
I wonder infosys is not taking any action till now...
May be some of high authorities of Infosys are also involved

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Jan 17, 2014 1:40 am EST
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His name is manveerthakkar, . his mail id, he doing Infosys fraud, you will get call & mail from Infosys headquaters only, but they are doing entire fake.,

Jun 09, 2011 7:10 am EDT
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too bad

1:59 pm EDT

SunTrust Banks illegal hold

I opened a new account with Suntrust a few weeks ago in order to have my tax refund direct deposited into it. The actual refund was for my fiancee' /common law husband (we had been together for about 16 years. I live in Georgia). We have an 11 year old son. My fiancee' passed away last September unexpectedly. He said goodnight, went to bed and never woke up the next morning. He was only 37 and never sick at all. He had always been very healthy. Anyway, He had no will. Georgia law states that all money or property of his goes to his son. I did his taxes through Turbo Tax and filed the proper paperwork with them for the IRS concerning his death and my filing and receiving his tax refund, which all approved (both the Turbo Tax specialists and The IRS). The money was direct deposited into the account on April 1st. I was told by a bank rep that same day, on the phone, that I could use my Suntrust card that day for the entire amount, should I want to purchase anything, pay bills, etc. She told me there was no problem with my using the funds immediately. I chose to wait until Saturday to withdraw money because I needed to pay my rent which was past due. The sheriff had already served me eviction papers. It's been really hard since my fiancee' died. It was unplanned and my son and I were left with less than $10.00 to our names. I have worked and struggled and we've gotten through but never ahead. I knew this tax refund would get us out of the little debt we had and actually put us ahead so that we could stay ahead from here on out. Unfortunately, the asst. manager of the Suntrust Bank at the Publix (her last name is Skeeter or something very similar) I chose to visit decided that I couldn't have the money and put a legal hold on it. Over the next 5 days, she has had me running up to her branch 2 to 3 times each day, and waiting in front of her counter at least for more than a total of 12 hours, has sent me to our county courthouse twice and had me personally bring to her many documents to prove that my fiancee' is dead and that our son belongs to him and more. She knew we were being evicted this Thursday and that I had to have the money by Tuesday night to avoid an additional $200.00 charge on top o the $2044.00 I already owed for rent. She kept dragging her feet and literally lying and making up excuses. I ended up speaking with Suntrust's legal team many times during this period. I told them the Ga. law she was violating and discussed everything else with them about my situation too. They told her to release the money to me on Tuesday. She kept telling me she was waiting on a piece of paper from them first. They told me there was no paper and that she was making that up. They talked to her several times and told her to give me the money but she wouldn't. She told me that the money wasn't mine and that it belonged to my son. She refused to give it to him. She wanted me to prove that I was his guardian even though she had the birth certificate and the genetics test and all. The court said there was no such thing and that she was in violation of Ga. Code 29-3-1 which states that money, property, etc. with a value of $15, 000.00 or less (The tax refund was for a bit over five thousand dollars) belonging to A Deceased person must be turned over immediately to the legal heir...which is my son, Taylor, the deceased's only child. The only proof any person or establishment is allowed to ask for is proof that the heir is the child of the deceased which I provided to the asst. manager in the means of a Georgia State Genetics Test. This Georgia Code states that any person refusing to turn over the money or property is in violation of the law and can be prosecuted. I showed her the actual code printed out to her from the courthouse and she just laughed at it and told me she still wasn't going to do it. I told her that I would prosecute her and she grinned, saying, "Go the cops if you want to, you're not getting that money". Finally, after a load of paperwork being provided to her, the legal dept. in Florida telling her she legally had to release that money to me, and my visit to another Suntrust Bank for help (in which they investigated and said there was no legal reason for her to hold the money), she called me and my son into her office where she told me again that she and the main lawyer in Florida decided that the money did belong to my son but that she has decided not to give it to us because it's not my money just to go out and blow. I told her that she was causing us to get evicted from our apt. the following day and she laughed and said, "yes, i told our lawyer that and he says he knows it and that it's unfortunate but that it's TOO BAD." These were her exact words. I told her that I wanted the money sent back to the IRS then so I could just wait for a check and she told me "no" and (these are her exact words) "this money isn't going anywhere. It's gonna stay right here in my bank until I decide what to do with it". I told her she couldn't do that and she pretty much threw us out as she giggled. I'm not joking at all. She literally giggled at us. My son was devastated and I was humiliated. When i got home, I again called the lady who had been helping me on the phone and she said all that was a lie...that their lawyer never said anything like that and that the asst. manager had not even talked to the legal dept. that day as she said she had. They were truly fed up with her and I'm sure you can check this all out with them should you choose to do so. Anyway, after waiting all this time, doing everything the asst. manager asked of me and more, the manager of the same branch told me to wait for a phone call that day in which the money would probably be released. The legal dept. told me that the phone call would consist of her telling me the money had been released and I could come and withdraw it. The lady there said that they actually wanted the asst. manager to have to call and tell me that after all the trouble she had put me through. So, I waited all day long. I'm talking all day. I did call a few times and each time I was told by the branch that the asst. manager couldn't come to the phone but that she said for me to wait by my phone for her call. Finally, at about 6:30, just before that branch was to close, she called me. I was so excited when I got the call. I answered and she told me who she was and all and said, "ok, about your money, I just wanted to let you know that you're not getting a penny of it". i was totally shocked. I actually burst out crying. I told her that I was told that she was to release it. She said she knew all that but that no one was making her do anything and she wasn't giving it to me. She said "all you white people think you can get whatever you want in this world, but I'm going to show you that you can't here at Suntrust". She then hung up on me. Needless to say, I have never seen a penny of the money and when I tried to check on it today, The IRS says they haven't heard anything about it and the people at the 24 hour bank line told me that they had no idea what happened to it and that my account had been closed. I didn't close it and I can't believe that she would have the nerve to close my account on her own and for no reason.
My dad has had an account with Suntrust bank for more than 30 years. He has never had a bounced check or a negative balance and is in very good standing with them. He even offered to come up and sign anything he could to guarantee the money and the transaction himself and this asst. manager laughed at him also and said that "that's not going to help her either. I'm not giving her the money". He told her he was thinking about closing his account because of this and she smirked at him and said, "well, we have lots of other accounts, I'm sure your's closing won't even be noticed, Mr. Williams". How is that to treat a faithful and loyal 30+ year customer?...WOW!...I was never rude to this woman. I never caused trouble at the bank or even let anyone know what was going on during all the time I was going through this. All the times she had me and my son standing there waiting, I never let on to any of the other customers that I was unhappy or having any type of problem. She had no right to treat me the way she did and certainly no right to talk to me the way she chose to either.
Can you believe that on the second day of all of this that she called me on the telephone at my home. I was so excited when my son told me who it was. I thought she was going to tell me that the money had been released. I picked up the phone (all happy and such) and She actually started yelling at me (just like a parent would yell at a child who was being very bad) saying " YOU BETTER NOT CALL THE 1-800 NUMBER AGAIN FOR HELP AND YOU BETTER NOT TRY TO CONTACT THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT AGAIN EITHER". Now, does she have the right to call a customer at home and literally scream at them and then hang up on them. I want you to know that I am just so upset by all this that I don't know what to do. I can't get over it. She ruined our lives and knowingly did so by her own choice. I have emailed James Wells, the President of Suntrust Bank about this but haven't received a reply yet. She just can't get away with this.

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White Feather Eagle
May 28, 2011 4:24 pm EDT

I had a similiar experience with a different bank and feel so sorry for all you've been through, especially after such a devastating loss. I hope you have your funds by now. Please let us know. Meanwhile, if SunTrust is a national bank they are regulated by:
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
> Customer Assistance Unit
> 1301 McKinney, Suite 3450
> Houston, Texas 77010
> [protected]
I strongly suggest filing a complaint with them as well as talking with a personal injury attorney about all of this. You have some very valid causes of action it seems, and I would think that an attorney would find that the case has merit.
Meanwhile, take good care of yourself. These people are on power trips. It has nothing to do with you, it's about people who enjoy the suffering of others (also known as psychopaths). You did absolutely nothing wrong and this person absolutely has no right to treat you this way.
For a healing contemplation exercise to help with the stress, please visit:
Know that you are loved and protected.

All the best to you and your son.

6:13 pm EDT
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SunTrust Banks overdraft fees

Suntrust has repeatedly been pressuring me to "opt in" for overdraft protection. I have repeatedly DECLINED this offer. While checking my checking account online, I found that on 4/28/11 & 5/5/11, Suntrust imposed NSF fees against my account, first at $25 & then $36. I filed an online complaint but Suntrust refuses to reverse these fees. I will be closing the account next week. I also filed a Federal Reserve complaint at the following link and would encourage others to file as well. According to Federal Reserve Rules, The consumer must agree to "opt in" for overdraft protection, the bank cannot do it without the account holders consent. Suntrust has lost my Business for life!

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Update by teedoffinFlorida
May 24, 2011 7:54 pm EDT

After filing several complaints re this issue, to Suntrust, they agreed to reimburse ALL NSF fees, A total of $61.00 credited back to my account as of yesterday.

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Asheville, US
Jun 03, 2011 2:48 pm EDT
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Congress recently passed legislation to protect consumers from banks with confusing overdraft policies like the ones detailed in your post. That hasn't stopped the people who work at banks from looking for loopholes in the law.

So, as outlined in your post, banks now demand that consumers spend all of their time memorizing complex policies regarding different types of transactions or they will still incur some form overdraft charges. Naturally, the banks know that, if they make their overdraft policies sufficiently confusing, they can continue to charge "overdraft fees", "NSF fees", "NSF penalties", etc. They have changed the jargon to avoid the new law, but these are still overdraft fees. If a consumer cries foul, the bank can simply respond as you have in your post: With a torrent of confusing jargon designed to make the consumer look ignorant and at fault.
To Everone Else:


Ignore the shills, like Ellen, who work for the banks. It was announced just yesterday that Bank of America has agreed to pay $410 million to settle its portion of a federal class-action lawsuit involving excessive overdraft fees on debit cards (see: Bank of American was the first to settle among 35 U.S. banks named in the suit, including; JP Morgan, CitiGroup, and Wells Fargo.

Clearly, consumers pull far more weight here than Ellen would have us believe. Don't let bureaucrats like Ellen discourage you from fighting for your rights.

the last word
May 21, 2011 6:59 pm EDT
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did you actually "bounce" the checks?

8:04 am EDT
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SunTrust Banks putting illegal holds on money

I opened a new account with Suntrust a few weeks ago in order to have my tax refund direct deposited into it. The actual refund was for my fiancee' /common law husband (we had been together for about 16 years. I live in Georgia). We have an 11 year old son. My fiancee' passed away last September unexpectedly. He said goodnight, went to bed and never woke up the next morning. He was only 37 and never sick at all. He had always been very healthy. Anyway, He had no will. Georgia law states that all money or property of his goes to his son. I did his taxes through Turbo Tax and filed the proper paperwork with them for the IRS concerning his death and my filing and receiving his tax refund, which all approved (both the Turbo Tax specialists and The IRS). The money was direct deposited into the account on April 1st. I was told by a bank rep that same day, on the phone, that I could use my Suntrust card that day for the entire amount, should I want to purchase anything, pay bills, etc. She told me there was no problem with my using the funds immediately. I chose to wait until Saturday to withdraw money because I needed to pay my rent which was past due. The sheriff had already served me eviction papers. It's been really hard since my fiancee' died. It was unplanned and my son and I were left with less than $10.00 to our names. I have worked and struggled and we've gotten through but never ahead. I knew this tax refund would get us out of the little debt we had and actually put us ahead so that we could stay ahead from here on out. Unfortunately, the asst. manager of the Suntrust Bank at the Publix (her last name is Skeeter or something very similar) I chose to visit decided that I couldn't have the money and put a legal hold on it. Over the next 5 days, she has had me running up to her branch 2 to 3 times each day, and waiting in front of her counter at least for more than a total of 12 hours, has sent me to our county courthouse twice and had me personally bring to her many documents to prove that my fiancee' is dead and that our son belongs to him and more. She knew we were being evicted this Thursday and that I had to have the money by Tuesday night to avoid an additional $200.00 charge on top o the $2044.00 I already owed for rent. She kept dragging her feet and literally lying and making up excuses. I ended up speaking with Suntrust's legal team many times during this period. I told them the Ga. law she was violating and discussed everything else with them about my situation too. They told her to release the money to me on Tuesday. She kept telling me she was waiting on a piece of paper from them first. They told me there was no paper and that she was making that up. They talked to her several times and told her to give me the money but she wouldn't. She told me that the money wasn't mine and that it belonged to my son. She refused to give it to him. She wanted me to prove that I was his guardian even though she had the birth certificate and the genetics test and all. The court said there was no such thing and that she was in violation of Ga. Code 29-3-1 which states that money, property, etc. with a value of $15, 000.00 or less (The tax refund was for a bit over five thousand dollars) belonging to A Deceased person must be turned over immediately to the legal heir...which is my son, Taylor, the deceased's only child. The only proof any person or establishment is allowed to ask for is proof that the heir is the child of the deceased which I provided to the asst. manager in the means of a Georgia State Genetics Test. This Georgia Code states that any person refusing to turn over the money or property is in violation of the law and can be prosecuted. I showed her the actual code printed out to her from the courthouse and she just laughed at it and told me she still wasn't going to do it. I told her that I would prosecute her and she grinned, saying, "Go the cops if you want to, you're not getting that money". Finally, after a load of paperwork being provided to her, the legal dept. in Florida telling her she legally had to release that money to me, and my visit to another Suntrust Bank for help (in which they investigated and said there was no legal reason for her to hold the money), she called me and my son into her office where she told me again that she and the main lawyer in Florida decided that the money did belong to my son but that she has decided not to give it to us because it's not my money just to go out and blow. I told her that she was causing us to get evicted from our apt. the following day and she laughed and said, "yes, i told our lawyer that and he says he knows it and that it's unfortunate but that it's TOO BAD." These were her exact words. I told her that I wanted the money sent back to the IRS then so I could just wait for a check and she told me "no" and (these are her exact words) "this money isn't going anywhere. It's gonna stay right here in my bank until I decide what to do with it". I told her she couldn't do that and she pretty much threw us out as she giggled. I'm not joking at all. She literally giggled at us. My son was devastated and I was humiliated. When i got home, I again called the lady who had been helping me on the phone and she said all that was a lie...that their lawyer never said anything like that and that the asst. manager had not even talked to the legal dept. that day as she said she had. They were truly fed up with her and I'm sure you can check this all out with them should you choose to do so. Anyway, after waiting all this time, doing everything the asst. manager asked of me and more, the manager of the same branch told me to wait for a phone call that day in which the money would probably be released. The legal dept. told me that the phone call would consist of her telling me the money had been released and I could come and withdraw it. The lady there said that they actually wanted the asst. manager to have to call and tell me that after all the trouble she had put me through. So, I waited all day long. I'm talking all day. I did call a few times and each time I was told by the branch that the asst. manager couldn't come to the phone but that she said for me to wait by my phone for her call. Finally, at about 6:30, just before that branch was to close, she called me. I was so excited when I got the call. I answered and she told me who she was and all and said, "ok, about your money, I just wanted to let you know that you're not getting a penny of it". i was totally shocked. I actually burst out crying. I told her that I was told that she was to release it. She said she knew all that but that no one was making her do anything and she wasn't giving it to me. She said "all you white people think you can get whatever you want in this world, but I'm going to show you that you can't here at Suntrust". She then hung up on me. Needless to say, I have never seen a penny of the money and when I tried to check on it today, The IRS says they haven't heard anything about it and the people at the 24 hour bank line told me that they had no idea what happened to it and that my account had been closed. I didn't close it and I can't believe that she would have the nerve to close my account on her own and for no reason.
My dad has had an account with Suntrust bank for more than 30 years. He has never had a bounced check or a negative balance and is in very good standing with them. He even offered to come up and sign anything he could to guarantee the money and the transaction himself and this asst. manager laughed at him also and said that "that's not going to help her either. I'm not giving her the money". He told her he was thinking about closing his account because of this and she smirked at him and said, "well, we have lots of other accounts, I'm sure your's closing won't even be noticed, Mr. Williams". How is that to treat a faithful and loyal 30+ year customer?...WOW!...I was never rude to this woman. I never caused trouble at the bank or even let anyone know what was going on during all the time I was going through this. All the times she had me and my son standing there waiting, I never let on to any of the other customers that I was unhappy or having any type of problem. She had no right to treat me the way she did and certainly no right to talk to me the way she chose to either.
Can you believe that on the second day of all of this that she called me on the telephone at my home. I was so excited when my son told me who it was. I thought she was going to tell me that the money had been released. I picked up the phone (all happy and such) and She actually started yelling at me (just like a parent would yell at a child who was being very bad) saying " YOU BETTER NOT CALL THE 1-800 NUMBER AGAIN FOR HELP AND YOU BETTER NOT TRY TO CONTACT THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT AGAIN EITHER". Now, does she have the right to call a customer at home and literally scream at them and then hang up on them. I want you to know that I am just so upset by all this that I don't know what to do. I can't get over it. She ruined our lives and knowingly did so by her own choice. I have emailed James Wells, the President of Suntrust Bank about this but haven't received a reply yet. She just can't get away with this.

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1:54 am EDT
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SunTrust Banks notice of unclaimed winnings letter

Letter received from thomas buther, president on letterhead that says the following:
Sunlife financial trust inc
International claim department head office
C/o cibc mellon trust company capital registrars
P. O. Box 7010 34 beckenham road
Adelaide street postal station united kingdom
Ont, m5c 2w9 br3 4tu
Attn: claim #: utf 446833
Notice of unclaimed winnings
This is to find out why you have not claimed the money which you won in the super seven contaest. You are one of the second category winners of th money super seven contest held on the 3rd of january 2011. A ticket with serial no. 461209 posted in your name drew the lucky winning numbers. This entitles you to the lump sum winning of $250, 000.00 to be sent to you once the taxes on it has been paid. Enclosed is a check of $3, 885.00 which was deducted from your winnings. The sole purpose of this first check is for the payment of the applicable government taxes on your winnings. The tax amount is $2, 985.00 to be paid any western union in any convenient store. You will receive your tax information from your claim agent tom george.
Please do not attempt to use this check until you call. We urge you to keep this winning confidential until your claim has been processed and your cash remitted to you as non participants taking advantage of this program.
You are advised to contact the claim agent immediately for further clarification as indicated below within 10days.
You are to contact him at [protected] as soon as you receive this letter.
Yours truly,
Thomas buther

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May 13, 2013 6:52 pm EDT

May 13, 2013. Received the same letter. Didn't enter the contest. SCAM. SCAM. SCAM.

Lebanon, US
Feb 21, 2012 9:57 pm EST

I received a letter just like the one above without the Texas part on it. I'm so thankful that my husband and I are very leary of scams. Anytime they ask for money for any reason, you can be sure that it is part of a scam. Also I know I didn't enter a lottery at all or even a contest called the Super Seven Contest. With today's technology it is very easy for the scamers to send fake checks that look like they are real. Everybody beware of these kinds of scams and frauds.

Anytown, US
Feb 11, 2012 4:32 pm EST

I just got my "notification" letter in the mail today... wow, was I surprised to see a check for $ 3, 885.00 in the mail. [/sarcasm]

It seems as if this is a bit of a reverse scam; they will try to get you to cash the check & then send them a "tax amount" of $ 1885.00 (thereby hoping they have made the recipient think they are instantly able to keep $ 2, 000.00). Crazy that this would come via the mail; much more expensive than the attempted Email scam.

Crazy stuff.

Detroit, US
Aug 24, 2011 4:18 pm EDT
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You make a lot of good points. The taxes and fees should always be deducted from the jump.
If someone tells you that you have to pay a fee for winnings, you should know it is a scam, just
tear it up and throw it in the garbage.

2:20 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks loan modification

I and my wife have had our house forclosed on by Suntrust 2 times in a year. We had applied for the loan modification from Suntrust after they told us that we fist had to be 2 months behind. We went threw that whole stressfull waiting game to be approved. We were finally sent a letter that we were approved in january of last year, and were ecited. The excitement lasted less than a month as they had sold the house and Suntrust bought it and we had to go threw a whole bunch more exspense etc, to have it recinded. The 1st month came for payment we sent it and they document it as late, put us back in default and we are back in forclosue as they would not except any payments. We were jerked around for over 7 months the 1`st time, now Fannie Mae said they could help us, yet they are the investors of the last fiasco. They want us to go threw this whole thing again even though Suntrust told us that Fannie Mae the investors would not help. Does anyone know if we should try this whole thing again? I do not think my wife and I and 5 children can take another disappointment. Please e-mail if ya have any Ideas. [protected]

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Jun 29, 2011 1:47 am EDT


Stamford, US
Apr 21, 2011 1:36 am EDT

A comment for That_Guy: I Paray that someday your comments will come back to haunt you. I would love to send you my pair of shoes and those of many others who have been struck down to walk in. In such bad times we don'r need arrogant narcasictic people like you just a a neighborly hand to het past a rough time. After having taken care of 3 unfortunate families plus my own children for 30 years I now have no resources left - maybe you should cough up some of yours as our great president is suggesting. God Bless you and you are forgiven as you know not what you do. You have had your reward, with none to follow on judgement day

Atlanta, US
Mar 16, 2011 4:14 pm EDT
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We have no idea how or why he is in the situation, but he is...a judgement about it now seems irrelevant. Either we can offer constructive advice or not but suggesting he undo something that has already happened doesn't seem helpful or constructive.

Jacksonville, US
Mar 16, 2011 3:21 pm EDT

Asinine? The guy wouldn't be in this situation at all if he'd been a "responsible homeowner" in the first place.

Atlanta, US
Mar 16, 2011 3:18 pm EDT
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Barring the asinine comment above---you should go through the process again. They lost my original information and I had to go through the process twice...i am much more at peace now, knowing that i can be a responsible homeowner..

Jacksonville, US
Mar 16, 2011 2:57 pm EDT

You know what you should try? Paying your mortgage. It's far-fetched, I know, but well worth it.
You shouldn't have even tried for a loan modification in the first place. Those are temporary bad-aids that you have to pay back in full at the end of the modification period. And now that you've gotten a few months behind and dropped into foreclosure twice, you have no hope of ever refinancing.
So, next time, just pay your bills, or don't buy a house that costs more than you can afford.

5:11 pm EST
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On May 31st, 2010 I purchased a brand new 2010 Toyota Prius and had the vehicle financed through Suntrust Bank. In July of 2010, I had the vehicle refinanced for a lower interest rate with "Bank B". I took a check for the balance of loan in full from "Bank B". Stamped on the back of the check from "Bank B"were instructions and the forwarding address for...

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10:07 am EST
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SunTrust Banks unlawful action

I entered into a trial loan modification program with them in May 2010. I called them in September to check on the status of my account and was told I was in good standing and to continue making my payments the same as always. I was told that my file was being reviewed. Sun Trust motified me on November 15th, 2010 that they had sold my loan to Nation Star effective December 1, 2010. On Noverber 24th I received notice that I was in default and my home was to be auctioned on December 10. I contacted SunTrust and was told that I had missed four months of payments. I faxed them copies of my cashier's checks along with my fed-ex receipts. I contacted them again to be told they were no longer my mortgage company and that I would have to deal with Nation Star. Nation Star said that I owed $46, 000. in arrears and that I had not made any payments in twelve months. They claimed to have no knowledge of me being in a modification program . Sun Trust has caused me to be on a emotional rollercoaster ever since. I have been given auction dates for my home four times in the last three months.

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4:27 am EST
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks loan modification

We believe we are being fraud ed by Suntrustmortgage. What happened in May of
09 we applied for a loan modification. They put us on the trial period. Well in
Oct. 2010 they sold our loan with out completing the loan docs. Now the new
provider says we are 8 months behind. We have been told the papers were not done
now we face foreclosure. We payed ever thing Suntrust told us too.

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Suntrust did nothing to help. They sold the loan to Nationstsar. They tried to foreclose. I emailed the president of the USA, the FBI, Diane Feinstein, Barbra Boxer, Dab Lungren, The district da, , Fanny mae (was talking to the fraud dept. Then after about 2-3 months I got a call from nationstar saying congress is pressuring them to give me the loan. So they didbut the increased the monthly payment went up $500

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suntrust mortgage
Virginia Beach, US
Aug 31, 2013 7:23 pm EDT

Have you found a resolution?

suntrust mortgage
Virginia Beach, US
Aug 31, 2013 7:22 pm EDT

The same thing is happening to me almost exactly

Charlotte Nelon
Feb 24, 2011 6:46 pm EST
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We purchased our home in October 2007 with no problems of making the payments. We qualified for well over what we purchased. In September 2008 the company that I was working for shut down and I lost my job. In November 2008 Steve my husband was having medical problems which required surgery. Payments of over $800 dollars a month were made to Cobra insurance in order to have these procedures done. The insurance company approved all procedures and then in January 2009 they denied them claiming it was a pre-existing condition. This was also around the time that SunTrust Mortgage upped the payments from $1, 800 dollars to $2, 500 dollars, claiming in 2008 there were not enough property taxes paid.
I finally found work in February 2009, but by this time the damage was done and there was no way to catch up. Filing bankruptcy in March 2009 and through the credit counseling learned about mortgage loan mortification, and contacted SunTrust Mortgage. After filing all the necessary paperwork with SunTrust we were told that we qualified and someone would be contacting us.
Several months went by as we continued to make the $2, 500 dollar monthly payments until in July 2009. We received the paperwork on the trial mortification and a new monthly payment of $1, 322.20. After the three months Steve called SunTrust to find out what was the next step. He was told because of the large number of people who have applied for loan modification it was going to take time, but to continue to send his payments in as instructed, and they also needed us to update our information.
In November 2009 Steve received his payment back and he called SunTrust. They told him it was a mistake and to send it back that their computers were designed to drop off at the end of the year. And again we were told to update our information. In July 2010 we were called to update our information once more, but everything was still in process and to continue making our payments. In December 2010 Steve received his check back again, and again called SunTrust. Again was told to send it back for it was sent to us by mistake and was blamed on the computers. We were also told to update our information once more. By this time I had lost my job again, through no fault of my own, and we were back to only one income and a small unemployment check.
In January 2011 we received the letter stating we did not qualify for loan mortification and we were in rears of almost $20, 000 dollars. They would not accept my unemployment as income and without it our dept to income ratio was too much, and even if they would accept my unemployment we needed to pay them the 20, 000 dollars to catch up the payments. So for this reason on February 26, 2011 our account will be tuned over for foreclosure. We then received another letter stating a balance of over $2, 600 was being held for a $2, 100 dollar payment but would not bring the load current.
After calling SunTrust several times speaking to a different person every time, and never able to speak to the Chiffon, who was handling our case, we got frustrated called an attorney. The attorney advised us to write our Senator because there was nothing he could do to help us. Our Senator office stated they have no jurisdiction over the mortgage company and we should check out the Neighborhood Housing Systems. After filling out all the paperwork again turning it into the NHS we were called with an appointment on February 23, 2011, only to find out again, there is nothing anyone can or will do to help us. SunTrust has the right to not accept my unemployment as income, they have the right to lie to us and drag out the mortification for a year and half. They also have the right to no work with us and take our home. Oh and also make us pay all taxes on the property after they sell our home because it is consider as income to us. And there is nothing we can do to stop any of it.
The laws do not protect the America citizen they are made to pad the mortgage company’s pocket, because they are the ones who supply our wonderful government with all their campaign money. And because they do that the government must fall on deaf ears and blind eyes to what the mortgage company does. The game of I scratch your back, you scratch mine. Screw the America citizen, make the big mortgage company bigger, and wealthier, and to hell with the people that actually keeps this country turning.
We have complied in every way with SunTrust and have done everything they have requested. We do not want to lose our home, but do not know what way to turn. We were told we have about 6 to 8 months before SunTrust kicks us out of our home and sells it. I do not understand how our government can allow this type of actions to go on. We are just your average, hard working, blue collar, American citizen who is fighting to stay alive in today’s economy.
Nelon’s Tuttle, Oklahoma

7:55 pm EST
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SunTrust Banks rufusal to return funds

I closed my store's merchant account with SunTrust in Sept 2009. When I closed my SunTrust Banking accounts in Dec 2010, I discovered that SunTrust Merchant services had never stopped debiting my business bank account monthly service fees for Merchant Services. I spent many hours on the phone yesterday with SunTrust and its merchant service reps. No one would admit they had my money. In fact, several reps lied to me. Several gave me incorrect info either willfully or out of ignorance. Finally today someone in Merchant Services admitted they had my funds but would only release them to my new bank account number. I refused to give them my new banking info and they now are refusing to return my money via check.
Unfortunately, SunTrust has grown too large to provide good service to even the long term customers.

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Felicia Folarin
May 21, 2019 5:35 pm EDT

My SunTrust Merchant account was closed in June 2016, I received a letter that my funds would be held for 6 months after just in case there was a charge back. Today is May 21, 2019 and I still do not have my money back. First I was told the money was sent to the state of Maryland as uncollected fund, it turned out that was a lie as the state never received the money. Besides my business address and phone number never changed as no one contacted me. I get transferred from person to person and departments to departments and no one has any idea where the money went.

7:19 am EST
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SunTrust Banks unethical discretionary bank practices

Suntrust advertises their internet banking and mobile application for smartphones as a value add, customer service that is a 'courtesy' for their clients. DO NOT BE TRICKED by this practice. Suntrust is keeping two sets of books. The online banking available balance does not agree with the bank's database. Beginning in August after financial institutions' charges became regulated, Suntrust has been selectively crediting deposits to my account after holding several debits in 'pending' This results in an overdraft or close so they hit me for $36.00 for all the items they 'paid' further decreasing my balance by another $216 + THEN they show my direct deposit. I have been charged close to $3, 750. since August as a result of Suntrust's greed. Seriously, I have banked with them for 16 years and I have never had a negative balance until August. I have an ATM receipt dated 12/24/10 20:16 p.m. (7:16 p.m.) showing $ 1, 536.25 available balance. I did my Christmas shopping mindful of how much money I had available. Unbeknownst to me, they had been holding 'pending' items that were not appearing online. On Dec 27th and 28th, I had a $1, 500.00 deposit. They posted all pending items and a total of $216 in nsf on the 27th and another $216.00 on the 28th. After all of the charges I was $938 negative. They applied the $1500.00 deposit which ultimately gave me an available balance of $ 600 approximately.
The Federal Reserve cannot dictate/regulate how banks apply transactions and Suntrust certainly plays that loop hole. I just think it highly unethical to tell you customers what they are looking at 'online' is just an estimate/courtesy that the bank's records show another view.
Is there a consumer advocacy organization I could contact to request a open records audit, please?
I could change banks and do plan to however based on the complaint threads here it looks like all the banks are breaking the backs of the working class while enjoying millions in salaries and bonuses.
Is there any speck of hope and/or recourse for the little voices out here?

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Update by kickmeagain
Jan 07, 2011 4:32 pm EST

@psuguy58 - Please do not try to discredit this very valid complaint. It appears that since you joined the Complaint Board on 11/01/10, you have responded to posted complaints 577 times in an defensive, adversarial manner. How is it you are an expert in the operations and business processes for each of the categories on this complaint board?

Update by kickmeagain
Jan 07, 2011 1:49 pm EST

SPAM please remove

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Cordova, US
Jan 18, 2011 1:53 am EST

I have the same problem as the original poster. I made a deposit Friday in cash and then made some purchases over the weekend using my check card. My purchases were far less than the amount I had deposited on Friday, yet Sun Trust has now charged my account $61.00 in NSF fees since due to the "holding period" on my CASH deposit my funds were not yet "available".

I'm withdrawing all my funds tomorrow and closing my account just as fast as my feet can get me to a REAL bank.

6:13 pm EST

SunTrust Banks horrible experience

I found a house on St. Simons Island, GA that is in foreclosure and owned by SunTrust bank. My real estate agent took me to it and we decided to make an offer on the house. We contacted the selling agent, informed her that we were planning to bid on the house for a price significantly lower than the selling price. She informed us that we could not make any offer on the house until I became pre-qualified by a SunTrust Mortgage banker. I informed the agent that I was already pre-qualified by a local mortgage banker and could prove in writing that I was qualified for the price that I was willing to pay for the home. Since I had already endured the pre-qualification process, I did not feel like it was necessary for me to go through another approval process with a different agent. I also thought it was incredibly unethical and inappropriate for me to have to get approved by a SunTrust Mortgage Banker when SunTrust owns the property that I am interested in pursuing. It was clear to me from the beginning that it would give SunTrust an unfair advantage in the bidding process since they would know the full amount of money that I qualify for.

Regardless of my initial distaste with the entire process, I applied online with a SunTrust Mortgage banker who made it clear to me that getting pre-qualified would not affect how much I paid for the house (which I did not believe) and it was clear that this tactic was a way for him, and SunTrust, to get new homebuyers to use their services. In fact, he went through an entire sales pitch with me even though I let him know that I was planning to use a local bank and was only going through the process with him because I was being forced into it if I wanted to make an offer on the house. I had to go through the entire application process, have a full credit check, speak to the mortgage banker numerous times and spend approximately four hours of my life scanning documents before getting pre-approved. Going through this process took about a week. Once I put in my offer, it only took a few hours for SunTrust to return my offer with the original listing price. Of course, it did not surprise me that SunTrust would not lower their asking price by even $100.00 since they already knew how much money I pre-qualified for and how much I might be able to spend. This process left me at such an extreme disadvantage and is so incredibly unfair. How can the buyer possibly negotiate the selling price of a house, which is known common practice in the real estate industry, when the seller already knows how much the buyer can potentially spend? This practice by SunTrust is deplorable and needs to come to an end. My request is to make the process fair, legitimate and unbiased for the buyer. The spirit of a capitalist system is that there is a fair market so that all parties can participate righteously with the outcome being the price that the market allows. SunTrust's Machiavellian business practices must come to an end so that a fair and just real estate transaction can occur.

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Heather Leverson
Charlotte, US
Nov 04, 2012 11:35 am EST

Okay, this is complaint is target really against 3 different co conspirators: Suntrust Mortgage, Zenta, and Accenture Credit Services. Here is the interplay: I worked for an "outsource" company by the name of Zenta, that was taken over Jan 1, 2012 by Accenture Credit Services and I was dedicated to working on SunTrust Mortgage underwriting account. I mention Suntrust Mortgage because, I believe, they were to principle "driver" of how we were compensated as mortgage credit underwriters (we are the people that approve or deny your home loan request): we are NOT management people, but simply hired labor BUT Suntrust/Accenture/Zenta ILLEGALLY classified us as exempt from overtime pay while requiring a 55 hour work week.

ZENTA and Accenture Credit Services is s****! As a mortgage underwriter for SunTrust, we were ordered to meet unreasonable production goals- this created the need to work overtime- without pay! There was constantly pressure from our team leader, Janet M Green and Joe Pickett, and Brian Nicholson (Suntrust person in charge of the outsource company vendors) to stay late and come in weekends! THEY PROMISED ME AND EVERYONE WHO WORKS AT ZENTA (NOW ACCENTURE) THAT THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE A WORKLOAD SO GREAT THAT WOULD REQUIRE WORKING PAST FORTY HOURS IN A WEEK! They are such f**** liars and I am in the beginning stages of a federal class action lawsuit for the non-payment of overtime wages. AS MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS WE ARE NOT MANAGERS! THEY ALL MADE US SIGN A FORM THAT WE AGREED TO BE CALLED "EXEMPT" RATHER THAN NON EXEMPT. WE (MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS) DID NOT HAVE ANY MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY AT ALL! THEY TOLD US WHEN TO COME IN (BETTER NOT BE A MINUTE PAST 8AM) AND WE CERTAINLY DID NOT MANAGE OR OVERSEE ANYONE. BEING CLASSIFIED AS "EXEMPT" IS WRONG AND ILLEGAL.

4:03 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

SunTrust Banks terrible customer service

I called Suntrust to inquire about making a principle payment to my auto loan. I was told I could do it over the phone for a fee and simply needed my account and routing numbers. I got off the phone moved money from another financial institution and gathered all the account information as directed by the Suntrust rep.However when I called back I was now told that I could not make a principle payment over the phone with no explanation as to why I was told otherwise 30 minutes earlier. I am taking my business to another bank and am refinancing with another institution. It is frustrating to deal with a bank that does not know what they are doing and puts the inconvenience on the customer because of the banks lack of competency. I left doing banking with Suntrust years ago and now I remember why. I will never get my business again and I am beyond frustrated with the incompetence that I have had to deal with. Jon DiMaggio

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Overview of SunTrust Banks complaint handling

SunTrust Banks reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 30, 2007. The latest review Checking savings account was posted on Jan 15, 2023. The latest complaint freeze my account by suntrust was resolved on Jan 29, 2018. SunTrust Banks has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 404 reviews. SunTrust Banks has resolved 65 complaints.
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