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On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used TBS's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with TBS, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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8:44 pm EDT
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TBS MLB baseball advertising

Every time you advertise an Atlanta braves game on this channel, you end up blacking it out and not showing anything. That is the stupidest thing as a channel you can do! If you can’t show Atlanta, show another baseball game instead of putting an excuse on the television screen for three hours! Get with mlb and figure out a more effective and productive schedule that doesn’t lose ratings because you can’t air a baseball game!

Desired outcome: Better advertising of baseball

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Bushnell, US
Sep 12, 2023 7:15 pm EDT

TBS needs to stay out of the MLB altogether. They don't do it it well at all.

10:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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Whoever decided it was perfectly fine to let exclusive footage of a baseball game interrupt my streaming of batman is sick just because it’s some bonus footage doesn’t mean I want to watch it because of you I missed 30 minutes of batman the dark knight and do you know how crucial that is to the storyline. Literally ruined my whole day! If I wanted to watch...

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12:01 pm EDT
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Why is all y'all's commercials black husband and white wife? That's racist and I'll tell you why. Where are the black Wife and white husband? That's not interracial that's racist when you only show one side. Not all white women are with black men. I got white male friends that are married to black women. But every commercial y'all show is black husband and...

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10:39 pm EDT
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This show is so one sided and full of crap it makes me not want to watch tbs all I hear about is her one sided comedy mean while we have an incompetent president and a no show vice president that could be a subject but she is such a Dem that it makes you absolutely hate her she is garbage everyone I've talk to says the same please put on more big bang theory or anything else please

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9:49 pm EDT
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Why is it that people watching TBS are forced to hear one-sided political propaganda poorly disguised as comedy? If people wanted to watch Samantha B's incredibly one-side political diatribes, they are perfectly welcome to watch her show when it airs. But for those who don't want to be subjected to that never-ending parade of snide remarks directed at 50%...

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3:08 pm EDT
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This show is disgusting even if you ignore the clear political stuff ive watch this channel daily sometimes all day from friends to seinfield american dad and family guy bigbang theory but im sick to my stomach when a comercial for that show comes on cancel this immediately

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3:53 pm EDT
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WHY on earth is Conan on at 8:00AM, between Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld? Does TBS realize children are home from school due to Covid-19? The discussion for today, SEX and DRUGS. Sexting, masturbating, phone sex, sex, stalking and then with the next guest it was smoking crack and cocaine during the day. Extremely inappropriate time for this show. Who is in charge of this? Wake up TBS!

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11:15 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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When a "christmas special" uses a young child to insert foul language aimed at our president into scripture about the birth of jesus... Wow. I am very offended. That was totally uncalled for. Unnecessary. Remove that garbage show and send me a list of your sponsors. How very disrespectful and offensive. I'm ashamed for you. Monica palmer. [protected]

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11:28 am EDT

TBS full frontal with samantha bee

This show is completely inappropriate and vulgar. I am sick to death of having to change the channel when her vulgar commercials come on and I will NOT watch her nasty show. She is giving women on television a bad name. She denounces our President, our Christmas and every other holidays. Now this has got to STOP! Cancel her show! No one likes her in my town!

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Update by Shannon Howeth
Apr 16, 2019 11:29 am EDT

She is nasty and vulgar! Quit denouncing our President, sit down and shut up

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Tamassee, US
Aug 10, 2021 9:40 pm EDT

She should be canceled. Truth is not on her side. Progressive thought is not supported in 100 years of socialism and communism failed countries.

Prescott, US
Mar 24, 2021 10:10 pm EDT

Please remove samantha bee full frontal hates our former president talks down to people who liked him she is a horrible human being i wish she would be removed from television she is an awful i wish you would take her and her horrible show it hates america and everyone who disagrees with it.

5:25 am EDT
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Ok I do not think it's appropriate or right to be making fun of the President of the United States of America at all or even call yourself an American I find it 100% disrespectful and rude and to even allow this on air for people to watch is wrong Samantha is a [censored] idiot for doing so and should be Black listed I mean look what happened to the Dixie...

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9:43 am EDT
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As a woman, I am disgusted and deeply offended that TBS clearly advocates for the use of the C-word to describe women. The fact that a woman said the word against another woman, is even worse. We have blocked the channel from all of our home televisions and contacted our service provider that we will be cancelling our contract unless they drop TBS or TBS...

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7:06 am EDT

TBS samantha b - list vile potty mouth

Sam b list should be fired and her show cancelled! She used the most sexist word and even implied incest concerning the presidents daughter! Her apology was totally insincere and she never apologized for using the word "[censored]"! Tbs we demand you fire her and cancel that vile show! There is a double standard here - what would tbs have done if sam b list said that about the obama girls or the clinton daughter! Tbs - take note - we the silent majority who put president trump in office will boycott tbs until tbs does the right thing and fires sam b list and cancels that vile show! We will also boycott tbs sponsors! Watch for it boy's... It's coming to twitter - #boycotttbs #boycotttbssponsors - coming to twitter. If you have no viewers you have no network! Have you forgotten that we pay your bills! We demand action! Fire sam b list now! Come on everyone - let's hit 'em in the pocket and make them do the right thing. If we let it go who is next - christians, jews, people of faith, those of us with family values! Send tbs a message that we will not stand for this! They only understand $ so hit them in the pocket!

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2:55 pm EDT
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I get it's a show that supposed to push the envelope as far as views go. But I will not support a network that will allow their employee to use such off color language toward another women. As a women myself we have come a long way and still have a way to go and to be putting each other down based on different political views is sickening and just as bad a...

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