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Pepsi Complaints 229

10:28 am EDT

Pepsi Diet pepsi

Had Pepsi gone back to the nasty starting formula it had a few years ago? I bought a can of Diet Pepsi and it tasted awful. All seltzer and no flavor. I put it down to just a bad batch, but it happened again a week or so later. I had been drinking bottled caffeine free diet Pepsi at home and it tasted normal, but I just bought 3 New bottles and when I used one it had that same nasty chemical taste it had when Pepsi changed it's artificial sweeteners a few years ago. I stopped drinking it then because it was a waste of money. I only went back when Pepsi went back to using aspartame again. By the way, the label on the bottle said original formula and the ingredient list still says aspartame, but in no way was this the same. Isn't mislabeling a product a violation? Or false advertising? Is it due to supply problems because of the Covid pandemic? While that is understandable, I still won't be wasting my money on this awful tasting stuff.

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11:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pepsi Driver license plate number 1416c2 pepsi truck on july 30 730 pm

The driver of license plate number 1416C2 was speeding down the highway before crossing the George Washington bridge into New Jersey crossed lanes and almost squashed me and me boyfriend into another semi truck driving in the far left lane. This was one of the most terrify experiences of my life being that i've previously been in an accident with a truck driver who was speeding and not paying attention. I was so terrified at the moment thinking that this truck was going to smash me and there was nothing i was able to do but try and jump on my boyfriend who was going to be smashed by the other vehicle in the left lane. The person driving needs to be held accountable for his action because only God is the reason thankfully im still living. my contact info [protected] Ashley for further details

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12:31 pm EST
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Pepsi Half time show - super bowl 2020

Stop adding to the decline of culture. How could you have allowed that pornography to happen during half time? Boycotting your company. Never buying anything pepsi again.

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9:13 pm EST

Pepsi truck

I was driving on a freeway in San Diego when a Pepsi truck swerved to my lane without signal or looking, almost hitting me and almost killing me. I honked but he didn't stop. There was a car on my left lane which made me choose if I want to get hit by the other car by moving to that lane or by the truck. So I chose the car cuz slamming on my break wouldn't have saved me from getting hit by the truck. Luckily the car moved out of the way for me by accelerating and allowed me to go to his lane otherwise I would have gotten hit by the truck. I took his license plate. It was Texas Token Trailer 008F 792 and it happened at around 10:10 pm on February 8, 2020. I was shaking the whole time after and because I was so fearful for my life. Please let me know what I need to do to file this complaint because this driver almost cost me my life. Thank you.

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12:03 pm EST
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Pepsi half-time show

Please consider the rights and well-being of children when creating Super Bowl half-time entertainment.

My 10-year-old son came home from his friend's house across the street on Super Bowl night and said, "Mom, the singer in the half-time show isn't wearing any clothes." Show some basic corporate responsibility and do not put sexually inappropriate material on network tv at 8:30 at night for a national audience. Parents are rightfully enraged.

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Feb 26, 2020 12:29 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

BOYCOTTING Pepsi, NFL and Super Bowl because of the pornographic half time show. PEPSI AND FOX: STOP ADDING TO THE PROBLEMS IN OUR CULTURE!

10:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pepsi Fridge by varun beverages

श्रीमान जी, मेरी दुकान लक्ष्मी कन्फैक्शनर, प्रेम कुन्ज, रूङकी, जिला-हरिद्वार मेंं पिछले 28 साल से स्थित है। आपकी कम्पनी द्वारा पेप्सी का एक फ्रिज मुझे लगभग 15 साल पहले दिया गया था जिससे मैं अपनी दुकान पर आपकी कम्पनी द्वारा कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स की सेल कर रहा था पर अब वह फ्रिज खराब हो गया है।
जिसकी शिकायत मैंंने 6/8/19 को की थी और मेकैनिक द्वारा मुझे बताया गया कि फ्रिज का कूलिंग कौइल खराब है और उसे बदलना पङेगा पर मैंने जब 16/8/19 को पता किया तो कम्पनी ने बताया कि हमारे मेकैनिक ने फ्रिज को डैमेज बताया है तब मैंने डिस्ट्रिब्यूटर से कहा तो उन्होंने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया।
श्रीमान जी, कृपया मेरी मदद करें। मैं पिछले 28 सालों से कम्पनी से जुड़ा हूँ, कृपया मेरा फ्रिज बदलवाने का कष्ट करें। आपकी अति कृपा होगी।
फ्रिज नम्बर-22050
संजय द्विवेदी,
79, प्रेम. कुंज, रूङकी, हरिद्वार
मोबाइल नम्बर-[protected]

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12:29 pm EST

Pepsi pepsi mobile draw 2018

Pepsi mobile draw 2018
My name is Md Bappi Islam. i have received a message
Congrats! you have been awarded £500, 000.00 in 2018 pepsi mobile draw in uk, to claim send name, address, phone number to [protected]

Then i sent him all information to this email address.

Then i received email from:

Dear winner,

We acknowledge the receipt of your mail with regard to the sms which was sent to your mobile. you have been awarded gbp500, 000.00 (five hundred thousand great british pounds sterling) in the 2017 pepsi international mobile draw held in united kingdom.

Your mobile telephone number was selected randomly through our computer ballot system from world mobile telephone directories in our bid to fight the pressing global economic crisis and to make poverty a history. i write to acquaint you with guidelines that you must follow in order to complete your claims. on our part, we have a mandate to see you through. we will work assiduously to realize this mandate as we respect your views, opinions and most importantly protect your privacy.

Note: you are advised to keep your winning fund confidential from public hearing until your prize is officially and legally claim by you. this is to avoid any double claiming which may lead to disqualification of your prize.

Please, kindly provide us with the following information for verification of your prize and to enable the organisation issue out your award certificate which empowers you to lay claim.

Full name...
Country ...
Home telephone #...
Mobile telephone #...
E-mail address...
Marital status...

The following pin# ( PEPSIUK-2011841
) has been assigned to you and you are required to quote it in every mail that you send to us:

Note: we want you to understand that your winning prize will be delivered after all verification through a secured courier company to your provided details. we will direct you on how to contact the courier company.

Once again, we congratulate you for this landmark achievement and implore you with the responsibility of ensuring you a successful claim. we shall get back to you with the fund release directives on our receipt of your personal details as requested above for you to contact the paying bank for the release of the funds.

Kind regards,

Claims Manager:
Name: Richard Evans,
TELEPHONE: +[protected]
(Prize Administrato
Then i give all information that they want. they emailed me again :

Good day,

We are in receipt of your provided details and wish to thank you for your co-operation. your mobile number actually won in the second category of 2017 pepsi mobile draw and you shall be getting a total sum of £500, 000.00 (five hundred thousand great british pounds sterling) your funds will be release to you through an approved security courier company where every winners funds have been deposited for safe keeping..

We want you to know that your funds will be delivered in a secured seal box to avoid any form of diversion or double claim during delivery. we want you to know that the pepsi company advise that you comply with the courier security company to avoid further delay in regards to your delivery.

Note: we want you to know that attached with this email is a copy of your award certificate. i will be going to the courier company to submit the hard copy. also note that you have to send a copy of either your international passport, driving licence or working/school id to the courier company when contacting them for there verification.

These process is been followed because of the issues in your country and to ensure that you as one of the pepsi mobile draw winner will have your funds reach you fast and safe.

Below is the courier company contact details for you to contact them with a copy of your id proof.


Finally, we once again advise that you contact the company with a copy of your id proof and also a confirmation of your full address/city/direct mobile and the copy of your award certificate also send it to them.

I will wait to hear from you as soon as you contact the courier company.

Kind Regards,
Claims Manager:
Name: Richard Evans:
TELEPHONE: +[protected]
(Prize Administrator)

With a certificate.

Then i contact with courier company. they enforce me that first i make payment of 750$ to company bank account. then they give me my parcel

Is this real or fake. kindly inform me about this please
My mail bappi.[protected]

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Thite Thite
Thite Thite
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Dec 24, 2018 11:40 pm EST

My name is Nargis Begum. i have received this message.
is it true and what should I do? please tell me

11:16 am EDT

Pepsi pepsi truck driver

Today my mother, my husband, and I were almost backed into and ran over in our van by one of the drivers in Jellico Tennessee this morning around 8:30, I got out and screamed until he noticed me and drove away glaring at me and didn't even apologize. We were parked and
I was exiting the van to enter the dollar store. His truck numbers were F36555 and
70351. I live near Jellico, Tn. This experience was horrifying! And the driver had nothing to say nor did he act like he was in the wrong because he kept backing up, then turned and pulled out and forward and drove away while glaring at us as if he were insulted that I was waving my arms in the air trying to tell him we were parked in a parking space behind the company truck he was driving.

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Update by Sapphire Reinox
Aug 31, 2018 11:22 am EDT

It was at the Dollar General in Jellico Tennessee.

Update by Sapphire Reinox
Aug 31, 2018 11:20 am EDT

Also, he wasn't parked correctly anyway. He was illegally parked and taking 6 parking spots or so while we were in a legal parking space.

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1:01 pm EDT
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Pepsi can exploded

I work in Palm Springs Ca and I bought a can of Pepsi from a mini mart to take to work. The can was in my work truck with the windows rolled down and the can exploded and the whole lid to the can blew open shooting the liquid all over the ceiling of my truck. The temperature was about 110 degrees that day but again, the windows were rolled down on the work truck.

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Aug 25, 2018 1:09 pm EDT

That's what happens when it gets hot out and the contents in the can are under pressure. Just because the windows were open, doesn't mean the car isn't hot.

4:50 pm EDT

Pepsi pepsi

I've tried to put two complaints and already keep getting an email saying not enough characters I bought a 24 pack of Pepsi my fiancé opened one of the cans the tab exploded outward the can was not full of soda and was completely flat when the top flew open it hurt his hand We have been drinking Pepsi our whole lives and nothing like this has ever happened in the can was not shaken cold or hot it was in the house next to the refrigerator

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Update by Tammy Hollis
Aug 23, 2018 4:46 pm EDT

bought a 24 pack of Pepsi all the cans were OK except one my fiancé opened it and it exploded in his hand out word no soda came out of it the can was only 3/4 of the way full and completely flat my fiancé hurt his hand and said it burned I put into complaints and every time so far I get a message saying not enough characters I'm including pictures of the can and his hand we have been drinking Pepsi our whole lives have never ever had a can explode like this before The candle is not hot or cold the case was sitting next to our refrigerator in the house

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2:58 am EDT
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Pepsi lucky draw

Prize redemption center 1 queen caroline streethammersmith london w6 9hq united kingdom ph [protected], united kingdom
Review updated: aug 4, 2018
Pepsi mobile draw 2018
My name is rehmat mustafa. I have received a message from +[protected].
Congrats! You have been awarded £500, 000.00 in 2018 pepsi mobile draw in uk, to claim send name, address, phone number to [protected]

Then I sent him all information to this email address.

Then I received email from:
Prize redemption center
1 queen caroline street, hammer-smith,
London w6 9hq, united kingdom
Ph: +[protected]

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8:19 pm EDT

Pepsi award lottery

Hello. My name is kidist and I live in Ethiopia I received a text message Your mobile number has won you 850, 000.00 Dollars in 2018 PEPSI ANNIVERSARY DRAW IN USA, to claim, send your Name, Address & Mobile# to: [protected] I talked through email the person that texted this message he said he work for your company and his name is Richard Evans and said the money is kept in the trusted bank of the company Citibank of new York and the bank send me some things I have to send them back one of them is an affidavit and told me to contact some lawyer in order to get it and asked me to pay 1454$ in Ethiopia its 27500 birr and its hard to believe if its true so I was wondering if this is true or a scam.

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3:05 am EDT
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Pepsi pepsi 1.5 liter

The new bought Pepsi 1.5 liter from Tesco, Bukit Mertajam Penang, Malaysia on 3rd June 2018 contains worms inside. Although the drinks is only going to be expired next year, but it contains white tiny worms. It is so terrible that Pepsi doesn't take care of their products and doesn't take responsibilities of people health. I hope that Pepsi is taking seriously into this case and provide feedback to me as soon as possible!

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Jun 11, 2018 12:08 am EDT

Please lodge your report directly to the bottling company Etika Beverages:
Malaysia: [protected]
They will contact you to investigate this issue.

11:03 am EDT

Pepsi meijers on norton in muskegon mich

i bought a 12 pack of pepsi open up first to can they were flat took them back to meijers they would do nothing so i go mad thew the rest away along with recipt and never went back to meijers wil never by pepsi very disappointed i would like some action done thats very unprofessial i want a refund back or anther 12 pack free or i will seek lawyers advic

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Update by lee treptow
May 12, 2018 11:05 am EDT

what action done refund or free 12 pack lawyers wil get involed

Update by lee treptow
May 12, 2018 11:04 am EDT

nothing yet

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Jun 09, 2018 8:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You're going to involve a lawyer for a 12 pack of sugar water having unsatisfactory carbonation? If you took your receipt and the soda back to the store, they would give you a refund. You likely don't need to be drinking 12 sodas anyway.

7:34 pm EDT

Pepsi diet pepsi

I would like to know why y'all are doing away with the non aspartame diet pepsi
I have really enjoyed diet pepsi without the aspartame
Why can't you do both ways
Your gonna loose customers
I like the non aspartame diet pepsi
I have been trying to buy up all that I see when in a store
I wish you would do both ways
But if not I'll find another drink that I like without the aspartame

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2:25 am EST

Pepsi do not supply pepsi products to my store.

I have not received Pepsi products to my shop for about 3 months ago.
I have been in contact with the Pepsi management in Egypt for 21 days to date. Hoping that the problem
Will be solved and all of Pepsi products it will be delivered to my store.
But I failed in my attempts with them.
So please assist me in solving this problem with Pepsi Co Egypt as soon as possible, since your products
Have not been in my store for a long time ago until the date of writing this complain.
Thank you for help.
With my best Regards,
Ahmed Kamal
Cairo - Egypt

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3:15 pm EST

Pepsi truck drivers

A truck driver from your company in Renton Washington at 13:00 on the intersection of shattuck & 7th almost ran me over. I was just walking through crosswalk. It ridicolous and the gentleman looked at me and raised his middle finger, i love Pepsi and i think you should hold your employees to a higher standard. I unserstand People make mistakes but the middle finger was exxcassive. Thanks

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Emily H
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May 07, 2019 4:43 pm EDT

I was almost hit by a pepsi truck May 7th, 2019 at 4:31 PM on East Tenth St in Indianapolis Indiana. The truck driver backed up real fast if I wasnt paying attention I would be dead or in hospital. When I told him he waved me off an said oh well. I told him I was gonna report him he said go ahead the cameras right there
Is that the type of customer service were gonna continue to get. No respect not to mention I'm a young woman he was old enough to be my dad you would think he would show more class an respect around a lady an at leastapologize its someone life. His attitude tells me hes a very dangerous person doesnt care about his job or someone life for that matter. I hope he doesnt get to continue driving without being educated on driving and respect.

10:06 pm EST
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Pepsi pepsi soda 2 liter

Date : January 5 2018,
I purchase 8 2 liter Pepsi sodas, they was flat tasting it left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought that Pepsi was the best soda in the Carolina... I would like a refund or some sodas. I was so upset because I was so thirsty and I couldn't enjoy my money worth. Taking my money and spending on a soda that I thought was good but it's really flat is poor service . Please help!

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9:55 am EDT
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Pepsi I am complaining about award

I have received message From number +[protected] that I have received Gb 500, 000.00 in 2017 pepsi int’l mobile draw in Uk to claim send your name, Address, phone number to [protected] Please tell me It this scam or real. should i give information to that email or not. Because the name used is pepsi itn’l mobile draw Uk. Kindly tell me is it fake or true

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5:37 pm EDT

Pepsi new box packaging

I recently purchased a 20 pack Squirt. Upon trying to load it into my car the handle slot ripped half down the side causing some cans to explode and fall out in the parking lot. I'm a new mother to a 2 month old baby. It was a real inconvenience to have to chase down cans of soda and clean up exploded cans from my car. All while having a screaming crying baby. It was quite a frustrating experience.

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About Pepsi

Screenshot Pepsi
PepsiCo offers a range of beverages and snacks. Its flagship product, Pepsi, is a carbonated soft drink available globally. The company also provides various drinks, including diet options, juices, and energy drinks, alongside a variety of snack foods. Services include direct sales and distribution to retailers.
How to file a complaint about Pepsi?

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to file a complaint against Pepsi on

1. Log in or Create an Account:
- If you already have an account on, log in using your credentials. If not, create a new account to proceed.

2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue you have with Pepsi in the 'Complaint Title' section. Be concise but descriptive.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Pepsi. Include key areas of concern, relevant transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the company's response.

5. Attaching Supporting Documents:
- Attach any additional supporting documents that can strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data in these documents.

6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses incurred and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking from Pepsi.

7. Review Before Submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it. Ensure all necessary details are included.

8. Submission Process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint against Pepsi on

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on Stay informed about any developments regarding your complaint.

Follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint against Pepsi on

Overview of Pepsi complaint handling

Pepsi reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 26, 2007. The latest review Health concerning ingredients. was posted on Dec 31, 2024. The latest complaint Canceling or discontinuance of pepsi next. was resolved on Dec 04, 2014. Pepsi has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 231 reviews. Pepsi has resolved 63 complaints.
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    Jan 23, 2025
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