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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more A Heartwarming Review of Bringing Back Memories of Loved Ones

I like it. My husband gotted me dis website before he died. Wen I heard dat Lagenfeld was gonna stop making it I got upsetted until I found After I tried da first bottle I felt like my husband wuz close to me. Thank u.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Don't Get Scammed by Hidden Fees & Outsourcing to China Exposed

I seen an ad on the tube for and I was like, "what's this all about?" So, I went to check it out. Let me tell ya, it's a bunch of B.S.! They claim they can make you a website in like, no time at all. But, when you go to sign up they hit you with a bunch of hidden fees and we all know no one likes to be taken for a ride like that.

I mean, what kind of fool do they take us for? I ain't got money to be throwin' around for somethin' that might not even work out. And why bother gettin' all excited over a website when you can just as easily make one yourself for free? These guys are just trying to hustle people outta their hard-earned cash.

Besides, ain't nothin' good ever came outta China. I bet you anything that they're outsourcing these websites to China too. And what about us hardworking Americans? We need jobs too! But, these guys don't seem to care about that. Nope, they're too busy lining their pockets and furthering China's stranglehold on the world's economy.

So, my advice to you good folks out there is to steer clear of They ain't worth your time or money. Spend your money on somethin' worthwhile, like a good ole' American-made product. Let's support our country and our workers, not some shady website run by a greedy businessman.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review of InvisiCrepe Body Balm from - Glides smoothly, no sticky residue, but strong scent for some noses is a great place to check out if you're looking to buy InvisiCrepe Body Balm. It's an amazing product that glides really good on your skin and doesn't leave a sticky residue like some other creams. I tried it a couple of times and I saw noticeable improvement on my skin. Honestly, it's not perfect, there is one thing I did not like. The fact that it is a bit too perfumed. I mean, don't get me wrong, the smell is heavenly but when you use it over a large area, it might be too strong for some noses. You know what I mean? I work in aged care so I use it not only on myself but also, on some of my clients. We really need this product badly here in Australia because the sun is so strong and harsh on our skin. I love visiting, they always have everything you need and at affordable prices.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more The Best Place for All Your Razor Needs - A Must-Read Review!

I've been using for quite some time now. Gotta say, gotta say, it is the best place for all your razor needs. By jove, it is AMAZING!
The flat blade on top that can be used for shaving straight lines is the bomb diggity. How innovative, makes me wonder if it was made by aliens or something haha. They offer such a variety of razors and the website is very informative, easy to understand. It is like reading a book but without words - if that makes sense?
Not only do they offer variety, but you can delay orders too which is real handy, especially if you have plenty of blades. I set up my order for every 6 months as one blade lasts a month for me. It's such a helpful website, you'll want to give it a big hug, I swear!
What's even more impressive? The price. Oh boy, so affordable and convenient to receive. I do not have to rush to the store nor worry if I am running out of razors. Reminder e-mails are also sent every new order, so thoughtful!
If you do not require blades at that time, you have an option to reschedule the delivery date, isn't it neat? It's as if they understand you like a friend would. Overall, is a winner and has my seal of approval. WOOHOO!

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Poor Snowplowing and Sanding Service - Review

I recently hired for snowplowing and sanding of my three driveways. I was hoping for great communication and prompt service, but what I got was quite the opposite. They are really slow to clear driveways, and their communication skills are non-existent. I signed a $2k contract with them, but it seems like they don't really value their customers.

Mike, who I spoke to, told me that they could plow out our driveways in the mornings so that contractor trucks could come and go. But, come the last two snowfalls, they have been really unresponsive. They never replied to me in the morning to confirm if they were coming or not, and they never seem to know when it stops snowing. It's frustrating to have to wait for them, especially when they have up to 24 hours to clear the driveways.

The worst part is when they called me a "scam artist" because I was expecting them to show up and clear my driveways. I mean, I paid them $2k, and I have every right to expect them to deliver quality service. They are really unreliable and non-communicative, and I'm quite disappointed with the service they provided.

It's now noon on Saturday, 1/15/2022, and they still haven't shown up. It stopped snowing at our house at 6 p.m. yesterday, 1/14/2022, but they don't seem to care about their customers. In my 40 years of home ownership here in the Twin Cities, they are the slowest, worst, and most expensive snow service I have ever used.

If you're looking for reliable and prompt snow service, I suggest you look for another company. Don't waste your money on They are not worth it!

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Disappointing Experience with A/C Contractor Willie Whatley: Poor Customer Service and Lack of Follow-Up

Last year, I was recommended to hire an A/C Contractor named Willie Whatley, to have him replace and install a new unit for me. He installed a brand new Bryantt system, which I was initially quite happy with. However, I was extremely disappointed with the poor customer service and lack of follow-up by Willie and his crew, who I had several issues with post installation.

The first issue was that one of his crew accidentally cracked my ceiling while installing the unit. Willie promised that he would repair it, but he never did, even though he came for a second visit related to the second issue. The second issue was caused by a gas leak, which happened as a result of his crew's failure to properly reconnect a hose to the heating unit.

And, last month my A/C stopped working, causing me to make several calls to Willie for help. However, he never returned my calls, forcing me to hire a local HVAC company to come out and fix my A/C. When the company arrived, they discovered that Willie had not properly reconnected the A/C water drain, leaving 10 gallons of water on the flooring under the unit. Moreover, he had installed an inadequately small capacitor for the compressor.

Overall, my experience with was extremely disappointing. Even though I met their demands for payment, Willie failed to hold up his end of the agreement, which was to respond to calls for service as promised and follow through with his work. Would I hire him again or recommend him to others? Absolutely not.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Review: A Completely Empty Site with No Content or Purpose is a website that I stumbled upon while browsing the internet. It caught my attention because of its simple and straightforward name. I was curious to know what kind of website it was and what it had to offer.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that is a website with no content whatsoever. At first, I was confused and thought that maybe my internet connection was slow or there was something wrong with my device. But, after refreshing the page several times, I realized that the website was indeed empty.

I tried to search for information about the website, but there was nothing to be found. I even tried typing in different variations of the website name, but it all led me to the same empty page.

I was disappointed with my experience on I was hoping to find something interesting or useful, but instead found nothing at all. It makes me wonder why the website even exists in the first place.

Overall, I do not recommend visiting as it is a waste of time and does not offer any valuable content.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Avoid Terrible Experience, Outrageous Fees, and Unfinished Work on My Car is one terrible experience, I'll tell ya that much. I mean, just look at my poor car that's been stuck in their garage for over two whole years! I dropped it off in June 2014 and the owner guy said it was gonna be bigger than he expected, so he wanted 2000 bucks as a down payment. Like, geez man, that's already a lot of dough, but I paid it anyway. Then they sent the block to NAPA for some work and after all that, the estimate they gave me was a whopping 5800 bucks! Can you believe it?

And so, being the concerned car owner that I am, I made trips to their garage all the time to check on my poor baby. But every time I asked about it, they just said they were waiting for some part or another. I mean, how long does it take to get a dang part, right? But then life happened, and I got busy and stopped checking up on it so often. But after a whole darn year, they finally called me up and said they needed another 1000 bucks to finish the car. And I paid that too, even though they hadn't done anything more to it.

But you know what's really messed up? When I went back a few weeks ago to ask about my car again, they said they still hadn't ordered the camshafts that they were supposed to have gotten two years ago! And to add insult to injury, the price for those bad boys has ballooned up from 900 bucks to 1200 bucks. Plus, to make matters worse, they want to charge me a storage fee for the car that they haven't even fixed yet! And when I asked them how much it's gonna cost to finish my ride, they couldn't even give me a quote!

So I called up another garage to ask about finishing the job and they said it would cost about 5000 bucks. Can you imagine? Even with the estimate that gave me and the 1200 dollar camshafts, the whole thing would cost me around 7000 dollars! That's a whole lot of cash just to get my car fixed, aren't you think?

Overall, I gotta say that is one shoddy garage. Not only did they take way too long to do anything with my car, but they're also charging me ridiculous fees and costs for a job that isn't even close to being done yet. If I were you, I'd avoid this place like the plague, folks. Trust me, you don't want to go through what I've been through with my car.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Avoid Terrible Service and Unlivable Conditions!

I just gotta say, this is a total dive. I don't know what those other folks were thinking when they gave it a decent rating. I mean, I ain't no highfalutin' fancy person or nothin', but I do expect basic human decency in a place where I'm paying to stay for the night.

First of all, as soon as I walked into my room, I was hit with this nasty smell that was a mix of old pee and stinky curry. Ain't no amount of air freshener gonna fix that mess. And to top it off, I got a big ol' dog with me (a dogo, if ya gotta know) and no other place around would take him in. So I was stuck in this dump.

That's when I noticed the roaches. Everywhere. They were crawling in my dog's dang food, for Pete's sake! I went to talk to the owner about it, thinking maybe they could give me a refund or something. But instead, they got all up in my face and started yelling about how I brought the bugs with me. Can you even believe that? As if I'm gonna pack up a bunch of nasty roaches and bring 'em with me on purpose.

So I did what any red-blooded American would do - I called the health department and reported their sorry butts. They need to be shut down, plain and simple. And the inspector who said this place was fit for humans to live in - well, they gotta be blind or something. Maybe they need to be thrown in jail, too.

Oh, and when I tried to get my money back? These clowns charged my debit card instead of running it as credit, even though I told them a bunch of times to do it the right way. I had to call my bank to get that straightened out, which was a whole mess.

The only good thing about this place is that it's right next to a Quality Inn that's way nicer. If you're even thinkin' about stayin' at, don't be a fool like I was. Find somewhere else to crash for the night.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more The Contractor Nightmare - An $18,075.00 Warning

I gotta say, my experience with ( was absolutely terrible. I mean, it was downright nasty. This company straight up walked off the job sites with our money deposits without completing any of our projects. Jose Jimenez, the contact for the company, took $18,075.00 from us and just left without finishing any of our jobs.

I couldn't believe it when I received messages from Jose admitting that he was walking away from all of our projects because of a lack of experience from us and our other trades. I mean, seriously? This guy was hired to do a job and he's blaming us for his incompetence? Pathetic.

In one of his messages, Jose even asked if he could get a payment of $2,000 after finishing digging a trench, otherwise he'd just stop working altogether. He included all kinds of costs in his bids and said that our deposits don't mean anything to him. Excuse me, but what kind of contractor talks like that?

The Trust Fund Statute states that payments received by a contractor for construction work performed by subcontractors are considered trust funds, meaning they should hold the payments in trust for the benefit of the project and contracts. But Jose didn't follow these rules and committed deceptive and unconscionable conduct.

To make matters worse, Jose currently owes us $18,075.00 in deposits, damages, unfinished work, and we even had to hire new concrete contractors to finish his contracts. And let me tell you, we've got photographic evidence of the shoddy, cracked concrete that he poured without expansion joints or proper foundations.

I would never recommend ( to anyone, ever. Stay away from this company if you value your time, money, and sanity.

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2:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Disappointed in's Dash Mat for my 2021 Chevy Traverse: Review

I gots to say, I ordurd a dash mat fer my 2021 chevy traverse on and I ain't too happy 'bout it. It don't fit right, man. It weren't even made to fit my dash. That ain't right, ya know? I wanna reorder it 'cause I need to protect my dash from da heat, but they gonna make me pay again. That ain't cool. I'm thinkin' 'bout lookin' somewhere else next time.

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1:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Disappointing Sizing Experience with T-Shirt Purchase

to say, my experience with was not the best. I was excited to order a t-shirt from their website, but unfortunately, the sizing was not accurate. I typically wear large or x-large shirts, so I decided to play it safe and order a 2xl. However, when the shirt arrived, it was too small and I couldn't even wear it!

I must admit, the quality of the t-shirt was nice, but it's a shame that it won't be hanging in my closet anytime soon. I am hesitant to order from again because I don't want to risk getting an item that doesn't fit properly.

In my opinion, a company's sizing chart should be accurate and respect the reality of their customers' body types. It's disappointing when a product doesn't meet expectations, and I hope takes this feedback into consideration.

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Highly reliable. Use their services with confidence, yet trust but verify.

Our conclusion: ComplaintsBoard rates highly, which means their services are pretty reliable. Despite this, their 0% complaint resolution rate raises questions. We recommend users check reviews and complaints about to understand what to expect from them. has received 3 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. you are considering visiting, which is associated with, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • You should not trust a website that appears to be parked, especially if you have already paid money to the website. A parked website may be a sign that the website owner is no longer actively maintaining or developing the site, and there is a risk that the site could be a scam.
  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.


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Overview of complaint handling reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 28, 2023. The latest review A Heartwarming Review of Bringing Back Memories of Loved Ones was posted on May 30, 2023. has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 12 reviews. has resolved 0 complaints.
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