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Lincare Holdings Complaints 427

5:47 pm EDT
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My husband has been a lincare customer for many years and a customer of Liquid Oxygen that his doctor ordered. We had to make an emergency trip to Ohio so on the 4th of August my husband called to get the small liquid oxygen tank for the car. "Kim Perrido" told him he could not get it filled in Ohio because the Medina Lincare did not do liquid oxygen...

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2:08 pm EDT

Lincare Holdings dishonesty, withholding oxygen

With the exception of a few workers (Most of whom have left the company) lincare has been a source of misery to me, , not the wonderful health care providers their website glowingly
Describes! I have been lied to, threatened with confiscation of my concentrator, & held up for cash& credit card numbers when their book keepers were at fault. (Of course i was never compensated for the cash they snatched.) they do not honor promises, either; (I was told i could have bottled oxygen if the concentrator increased my power bill too much. When i begged for bottled oxygen (After the concentrator caused a $100 a mo. Bill increase, & an unbearably hot house) - they reneged on that promise. Repeated requests & laborious explanations of why i needed bottled oxygen (Including visits to my physician to request a prescription for bottled oxygen, which she did request for me,) have helped little. Today, in mid august, they halved my bottles, & told me to "just use my concentrator. "when i protested that my two window units could barely cool my south florida house as it is, & that even using it at night was no real option when its 95 at midnight, my current lincare case worker unhelpfully suggested i" ask fpl for help!" (We all know how helpful utilities are to the disabled!) my advice to others is;don't go with lincare (Unless you enjoy the drama of having your oxygen snatched away!) or having continual arguments with a wealthy, healthy ceo about why you cant afford an extra 100 on your electric bill (I'm sure this is hard for someone on a country club budget to comprehend!) not to mention an extra 30 degree temperature increase when you have heat activated asthma, complicated by a radiation scarred heart & lungs (I am a cancer survivor suffering late effects) ) its hard enough to talk, let alone argue with lincare's heartless mammon worshipers. I now will have to halve my oxygen to make it last w / o. Baking my family (Other members of which are also asthmatic (Heat triggers their attacks, too!But lincare must make its profits! I guess bottled oxygen is less profitable. This way, the patient pays. And the environment as well (Forcing patients to produce more heat, & consume more energy isn't very green of lincare!) want to bet the portfolio of lincare execs include healthy chunks of blue chip fplstock? I am curious about another thing as well;how does introducing stress & worry & snatching oxygen from folks with lung and heart disease "improve quality of life"for lincare customers? (As lincares self - congratulatory website gushes.) ?

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Update by 20/20hindsight
Mar 11, 2016 9:00 pm EST

Owesley, I couldn't agree more! Running healthcare on a business model, which leads to greedy CEOS authorizing incredibly cruel tactics just doesn't work & shouldn't be legal!LinCare put me through same B.S. about my O2 prescription. I had 2 go to THREE MDS (Primary Care MD, pulmonologist, & cardiologist, who all wrote 02 RX-but LinCare demanded I take test my PC MD thought too dangerous 4 me because my radiation scarred heart starts jumping around like a meth crazed bullfrog if I take off my oxygen. Even at rest, with adequate oxygen, the poor damaged thing is jittery!My PC MD wrote a diagnosis of lung fibrosis & severe tachycardia;told i needed liquid O2 & wrote an RX.Did Lincare care?NO indeedy they did not! Did they honor my cardiologist's letter, & HIS RX for O2? Nope.Only on my 3rd MD visit was I able 2 get what Lincare claimed I had to have despite a long documented history of a permanent degenerative condition;that precious oxygen reading! Want to hear a real joke?The insurers get to say what level they will pay for!Online it says one must be 89;LinCare claimed it had to be 88.Even though damage occurs to body systems at 90-i would go further & say any reading below 100% is a bad sign.Duh!
My best friend, a former EMT, told me that there should be a crash cat available for me if forced 2 take that test, since I get so sick off of O2.I grimly gritted my teeth, prayed God to not orphan my 16 yr old, & took the LinCare insisted on at my pulmonologist's.The MD & staff were very kind;not so LinCare.Think they were hoping I couldn't comply, & when I disappointed them by doing so, they abruptly told me that they weren't accepting my Medicaid backed insurance anymore!Then they snatched my tanks & left me w/out a carrier, failing 2 set me up w/one as legally obligated to!When I protested I had no O2 carrier, they threw a concentrator at me-that a friend had 2 write a $140.00 check for.Then they made me pay $20.00 for an emergency O2 can-when they knew that this area had frequent power outages!
I became violently ill on O2 machine. Couldn't stop heart palpitations & breathlessness till I hooked self up 2 emergency tank AND O2 machine.LinCare never warned me the O2 concentrator would make me sick.Knew from previous experience it would double my electric bill, & heat up my inadequately cooled South Florida home-but I never expected to be sickened by it!
SinCare breezily told my panicked mom"Oh it makes everyone sick to go off liquid oxygen!They KNEW this would happen! What an evil company! My MD advised me 2 go 2 ER when i described my symptoms. Not helpful as I am a cancer patient w/no immune system & history of infections. Doesn't help that my best friend's dad died 12/23/15 of MRSA he got at hospital!Only way I'll go there willingly is if unconscious! Now LinCare is complaining about me using so many tanks!:( The snide critter on phone told my crying mom id "adjust" to not being on the easier to absorb Liquid O2.It has been 10 days & I am NOT adjusting.Even worse, the asthma that I had under control has resurfaced with a vengeance. I cant eat(too nauseated)can't sleep(wake up gasping for air!)Cant walk without being incredibly dizzy.My vision is blurred & I can't think.DEAR GOD how CAN this Judas company DO this to sick patients?
-Last night my poor kid snuck in to see if I was still alive! That crushes a mother's heart. COPD support director days LinCare did this 2 me cause i'm liquid oxygen.He says companies are jacking up liquid O2 prices beyond folks reach, & dropping their insurance, so they can claim "there's no demand"for LOX2 (plenty of demand-just greedy companies playing 'Keep Away'-with AIR!)Just business as usual for the executives at SinCare! Shame on them!I wonder how they sleep at night?I know I'm not!
I hope to God your mother is okay-with LinCare, shes not in good hands!
Hope you switched 2 someone nicer by now, & SinCare hasn't driven THEM out of business.
LinCare & other big healthcare companies dare driving/have driven hundreds of smaller healthcare companies out of business w/competitive bidding BS.
This is bad luck for consumers, as our options dwindle.
So, after picking their smaller competitor's bones, & growing fat off orphaned patients driven into their net, SinCare can cherry pick among patients, & get rid of those pesky LOX2 patients!
.Matters little if they die of slow suffocation.
Find myself trolling chem sites looking for a way to make LOX2! There are instructions for making small amounts-but when you're on 4 litres per hr..a sandwich bag of L.O2 isn't enough..if anyone can direct me to a site that has that info, would be eternally grateful:)
God Bless your mom!I hope shes breathing easily.Wish i'd seen your post sooner.
Having a potentially fatal illness really teaches us whats important-the people we love.Being kind.Knowing that in some way, be it large or small, the world is a better place for your journey here..
And as I get closer to the unseen world, my faith never wavers;there IS a Heaven.For I have seen it! (& no, its NOT O2 deprivation-i got this glimpse long before I needed O2 supplementation!)
Nor was I under the influence of psychoactive meds.I have no history of hallucination.But I saw what I believe to be the Borderlands of Heaven.I can only say that the Bible is right;Paradise IS a garden-but with colors of incredible intensity;everything there was so vivid, the light beautiful.And I saw my grandmother, & great grandmother there.
I very much want to go with my ladies to that dear place when its my time. I have no fears about my destination.
I DO resent that my last days are being filled with needless misery for me & my family because SinCare cares only about profits, not the patients who depend on them.
Seeing the Good place, & hearing stories of folks who were clinically dead, revived & who went somewhere-including some who went to dark places(not all are blessed to find their way into the Light!)-makes me pretty sure that certain healthcare company executives(& others of their ilk)-will be going to accommodations they won't like for eternity!
Haven't seen it, hope I never do-but Hell surely is as real as Heaven.
I don't even think God condemns us to go there;I believe we condemn ourselves.
When we do greedy, cruel, selfish or hurtful things, it lowers our soul's vibration.
That is why souls are described as "heavy "with sin.
This lower vibrational frequency pulls them into what we call the Hell realms.It is a natural process.Like oil separating from water.
Surely there's an equation that accurately describes the process of a soul's descent.
Mass of Soul, (MS), vibrating at 'X' frequency, will sink to 'Y'level of reality.
As a math dummy, not sure how to express that! MS=X>Y?
The evil sink themselves;by their own heavy deeds they pull themselves down . I'm sure that one then spends eternity contemplating how Hell's doors opened to entrap.
I do not envy the those who get wealth by killing others.Defense contractors, shady healthcare & pharmaceutical company executives, polluting industry honchos who release radioactive wastes, mercury solvents, ect..all will find that the heaviness of their deeds keeps them from ever reaching Heaven!
When I think of the descriptions given by resuscitated folk who went to not-so nice realms(some came back to devote their lives to helping others escape Hell!)-I even can muster up a tiny bit of pity for these benighted souls.
But I'm not so spiritually advanced that I don't have a thrill of Schadenfreude at thinking about LinCare executives spending eternity strangling, & being told cheerfully"you'll adjust"!
At this point I might end up in Hell myself if I keep thinking about how amusing it would be if someone decided to tie a rope around THEIR necks, tighten it, & tell them that they would"adjust"to being strangled when they protested!
Then these Judas healthcare exec's should be told they are "using too much air"when they revive after losing consciousness from lack of oxygen!
Call it an empathy exercise.

Must stop thinking such black thoughts or I might find myself in THEIR neighborhood for eternity!
Nothing is worth losing our wings over!
May we always fly straight, & come Home safely at last, to separate no more:)

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Mapleton, US
Dec 04, 2014 10:55 am EST

Lincare Arizona, the outfit that controls the BullHead City Arizona area is the worst, most inept and abusive health provider in the Country. Let me tell you about Kathy...supposedly the manager. She first had the audacity to tell my Mother and myself that they had to independently prove a RX (written by a licensed physician) for 2L of O2. Shocking! She is not a Dr. She is not a Nurse, she has no professional license, but she has to "verify" O2 for a patient who is currently in the hospital on 4L? That was two days ago. Today she informs us that yes, according to "their" own research (which involved getting my Mother out of her hospital bed, making her become hypoxic and making sure that her sat levels would drop below 90) she did need O2. Gee, thank you Kathy for your brilliant certification of our Dr's assessment...Not the end of the story!

Now they would not deliver O2 to the house as she promised she would! Why you ask? Well because now they have to prove, despite the medical charts of a Cardiopulmonary Physician, that she really had COPD. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! A NON-medical vendor is now questioning licensed Dr's! Horrible!

Sep 01, 2014 12:36 pm EDT
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Correction: I worked from the one in York, PA, but no matter... their immoral practices are widespread.

Sep 01, 2014 12:35 pm EDT
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They suck. I know. I worked for them. They are immoral and need to be sued!

Sep 01, 2014 12:34 pm EDT
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I worked for them last year and had to quit due to their immoral practices. They are a well oiled lawyered-up machine. I'd love to see a "class action" suit. I loved serving my patients and the horror stories I gathered from past employees and those that were being "railroaded" made me sick. I was forced to resign after 3 major attempts to change their ways, and they had their bases covered to point back at me. I hope they get their's because health care is different then business! Management and their backstabbing underlings suck! Avoid at all cost OR be diligent of their service. The funny/sick thing is that I was also a patient of theirs and their service Tech (like I was) bent over backwards to help me. I "thought" that such committment was awesome and that was a company that I wanted to work for... but of course they railroaded him out. I witnessed an entire office staff quitting! WOW & SAD!

Sep 01, 2014 9:49 am EDT
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I worked for them and after trying to work with and change their abusive system, I had to resign. They encourage backstabbing and "creative" patient handling. It's immoral and I hurt not being able to properly service my patients. I would welcome a class action lawsuit.

12:24 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Lincare Holdings customer service

My son is a longtime lincare patient. He has received his formula, g-tubes and supplies from enteral central for years. I am utterly and completely frustrated by lincare and enteral central because their phone system does not work correctly. My phone rings, I answer, there is silence and then a beep letting me know they've disconnected. The same thing happens 10 minutes later. I call back and am placed on hold for 5 minutes then an answering service takes my number and tells me they will be calling back. Hahahaha the best part is this: they call me back, I answer, there is silence and then the disconnect beep.

What kind of half-arsed customer service is this? My son has 4 days of food left and I can't freaking get in touch with them to place his order.

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Oct 18, 2018 12:22 pm EDT
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Would not accept unauthorized email

Oct 18, 2018 12:20 pm EDT
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Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: catherine henderson
Date: October 18, 2018 at 12:42:35 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: Supply order

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: catherine henderson
Date: October 18, 2018 at 12:34:07 PM EDT
Subject: Supply order

Catherine henderson. Date of birth 9/6/1947

Address.322 Violetta Avenue. N Las Vegas. NV. 89031
Supplies needed
90 jevity 1.5, 30 ensure max high protein, 4 mic key 90 degree extensions, 3 mic key bolus extensions, 2pill crushers, 30 feed n flush bags, 1 2x2 gauze, 1 paper tape 1 mic key g tube button kit fr 20 3
If there is a problem filling this order please have someone from customer service email me so I can respond as I have been trying since July to get this strait and having to by a lot of supplies on line which is getting very expensive. Thank you for your help in this matter. Phone [protected] but since I am speech impaired email would be best contact.

Sent from my iPhone

Rob Jordan
Jul 18, 2017 11:00 am EDT
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Please call US Med Express. [protected]. We are one of the largest home medical supply companies in North Carolina and we strive to have the best customer relations department in the industry. We will certainly help you with all of your needs.--Rob Jordan, General Manger

Jun 26, 2017 1:15 pm EDT
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Enteral Central Staff keep us on hold for over 30 minutes and when they do answer the call they're rude. They abuse the fact that we really on their supplies. If there is another company out there, let us know, we will be more than happy to accommodate Enteral Central by leaving.

10:54 am EDT

Lincare Holdings refused service

I've never had a medical company actually refuse me service, but this company did. I have used them since 2001, and when I moved to the Abilene location, they could not locate my records. I use a machine to breathe, and I do have health insurance. This company simply refused to do the work necessary to update my records. I have my own copies of my medical records, and they refused to even look at them. If you are using medical supplies to stay alive, this company will not be there for you when you need them most.

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Aug 05, 2014 11:26 pm EDT

As a nationwide company, the law agrees to only keep track of accounting in cash sales if patient has no insurance. Lincare is only required to proof of sale, not gathering specific documentation for insurance sales. A cash sale is a exchange of product and goods services and revenue for the company. Sorry maybe check into a Obamacare Health Services...

12:38 pm EDT
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Lincare Holdings poor service and untruthful employee

Horrible experience, horrible service. Worked with them attempting to get an o2 concentrator that would be acceptable for a resident traveling across country by air. Faxed them all they requested, spoke to at least two of their reps on the phone regarding where the resident was and where she was going. I left on vacation, came back and found out that they told the fill in they didn't deal with skilled nursing. The person filling in for me had to call the 3 - 4 times before they finally returned her call. They knew the resident was in skilled nsg and was going to assisted living, so not only was it poor communication and poor service, they also lied to our staff. Will not ever use them again under any circumstance.

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Tired and Very Angry
Huntley, US
Jun 10, 2015 1:25 pm EDT
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LIncare should rename themselves NoCare; they have absolutely the worse customer service in America. I just needed a new CPAP machine--mine stopped working. I called and got wait messages of 10-20 minutes. Then they transferred me several times-finally to a disconnected number and a dial tone. I tried again. When I finally got a live person they said a tech would need to call me to confirm. They never called back. Called again. After several transfers they said I needed to call Waconda, and they gave me the number. I called Waconda and after several transfers, and then they said I should have called Waconda! They transferred me again. After a wait the person said I need to call Rockford? They took my number and said I would get a call back "right away". No call. Called again. It went directly to voice mail. I left a message. No call back. Called again and I got an answering service. Seem they were in a meeting (at 1:00 p.m.?) and they offered that I could leave a message. Why would I do that? They don't call back. I should have stopped using them when I first started two years ago. I called several times and they were unavailable and I left messages that were not returned. It took 2 months to get a new mask. I would call; they would say "We are so sorry. But it is now in the mail. You will get it in a few days." Or "We will look into it and call you right back." Never to hear from they again. Each week when it didn't arrive I would call again and get the same run around. Don't ever call them; it's a maze of lies.

New Port Richey, US
Jun 13, 2014 9:09 am EDT
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I have never had such incompetent service in my life. Lin Care is almost useless as far as customer service and quality of service goes. They never call back, never follow up and I wouldn't give you 2 cents for their service. Please stay away

10:09 pm EDT
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Lincare Holdings incompetent, profit before safety culture

I am a nurse and my 93 year old father had pneumonia. His MD ordered nebulizer with albuterol. Lincare called in afternoon on a Thursday. Didn't bring nebulizer until late Friday. Didn't have the medication and wouldn't order until they had credit card info. They already had Medicare info on Thursday. My mother said she would get med from drugstore and they insisted she wait so she wouldn't have to pay $5. I found out late Friday that it was a common drug easily available from drugstore. (Lincare shipped from Florida - Dad in NJ). I got medicine Sat am from Drugstore. Lincare's package arrived on Monday. Managers spoken with - no apology. No medical background (rep said she had "two weeks training"). Father missed 1.5 days of treatment because if their negligence an unethical behavior. Better Business Bureau rates with a F grade. Their own employees complain about unethical and dishonesty of company ( see They have been fined 10 million dollars for giving doctors kickbacks. Do Not Use this company. They are dangerous.

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Sep 15, 2014 3:41 am EDT

May peace be with you, my Lord, Mrs. Joy of loan lenders, we
put all kinds of loan business loans, business loans, student loans,
loans to house car loan, etc at a low interest rate of 3% to
contact us via email: and make the
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mrs joy

Waterloo, US
Jun 11, 2014 6:21 pm EDT
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I paid off my bill and they send me a notice to get my financial status. I have my lawyer on standby.

Donnie Moorehead
May 26, 2014 7:24 pm EDT
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I have been with Lincare for over 7 years. I was without insurance for 2 years and had to pay for everything out of my own pocket. Now I have insurance and they want me to go to my doctor and get him to send them a fax saying i need the supplies i have requested. When you are on a cpap machine it is forever not for a while. They should have just looked up my prescription and ordered my supplies and sent them to me. They are a very hard company to deal with. I think most of the people that work for them are very inexperienced. And they just dont have a clue as to what they are doing. If my isurance would cover for another company I would go with them. I like to work with professionals in the medical field not with someone who just shoots you a lot of crap just to get you to shutup. Sorry I dont shutup to easy.

11:22 pm EST
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Lincare Holdings over a year and now an invoice

I went for a sleep study and then to a local Lincare office to get a Cap machine. This was back in February 2013. I have coverage with two insurance companies so I thought I was covered. Well today March 3, 2014 I get the mail and guess what an invoice from Lincare for my visit over a year ago. Never a word, nothing from Lincare until today. Today I get an invoice from Lincare for over $500. Needless to say I was shocked. No notice that my insurances hadn't paid, or that I owed them anything, no explainations, no nothing. I thought my insurance had covered the bill.
This is a bunch of xxxx.

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11:19 am EST
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I am a former delivery person (Service Rep.) with a PA LINCARE office. Great concept, nightmare of a group. Shorted patients, questionable racism, slave drove employees, under educated management, patients visited by non-medically trained personnel, 80-100% employee turnover... I had to quit for moral reasons. Email me for info. It's criminal what goes on...

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12:49 pm EST
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Lincare Holdings customer service rep

As a nurse, calling Lincare as a favor to the patients family I do not feel that a customer service representative should be rude and condescending in any way. This was how I was treated. The woman questioned my competence when clearly it was her lack of competence that was the issue. She demonstrated terrible communication with her peers, which is why every time I call it becomes exceedingly more frustrating. Therese, tries too hard to appear smarter than the caller. Never want to deal with her again. It shouldn't be that hard.

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Update by Dissatisfied Customer in NY
Mar 09, 2014 7:42 am EDT

Still waiting for that order we placed back in January. Lincare has incompetent employees. Anthem was far more organized!


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5:38 am EST
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Lincare Holdings billed before receiving supplies/slow delivery/botched order

I ordered supplies January 2, 2014 including a CPAP mask that I urgently needed since my current mask has a leak and is unusable. I called their number [protected] and left a message that I need a new mask, filters, and hose. I have yet to receive anything from them other than a bill for the filters. They don't have a website and their local office in Ogden was moved to Kaysville so the only way to place an order is by leaving a message since nobody is able to directly answer calls for orders. I called This past Monday (January 13, 2014) at the same number and waited for an operator to speak with and check on my order. He checked my records and determined that they sent out the filters and I should get them any day now but the hose and mask weren't ordered and a lot of times they don't get the complete order from the recording so he placed an order for the mask I urgently needed and after mentioning that I need it fast, he said they will ship it UPS and it should take 3 days to arrive. Yesterday (January 17th, 2014) I receive a bill for the filters that so far I haven't received. In the past I had few problems other than the automated calls every 2 months trying to get me to order new supplies when I don't need any supplies or the inconvenience of having to call and leave a message for them to send supplies and receiving no confirmation that they received my order. Unfortunately Ogden, Utah lacks any quality CPAP suppliers and I'm hoping my physician can refer me to another company who at least has a website I can order from and receive confirmation that my order was received. Hopefully my insurance company will cover orders for supplies from National suppliers on line since Ogden lacks any decent companies for CPAP supplies. So for over 2 weeks, I have been unable to use my CPAP machine since 1) They screwed up on my order and had to order my mask separately after I called to check on the order 11 days later, and 2) whoever they use to ship supplies is either slow or they haven't really shipped anything yet except my portion of the bill through the US Mail after my insurance pays. Since my insurance company hasn't received a claim yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't shipped my supplies at all and are waiting on my insurance company and me to pay before they ship anything. It is amazing that a company doesn't have a website to order supplies these days or at least a live person who you can leave an order with! If they are going to have customers leave a message, perhaps they should have someone call to confirm that they received the order and make sure they received the entire message of items needed and tell customers how long it will take. It would really be nice if they had a supplier deliver supplies especially when someone has a leaking mask and is unable to use their CPAP machine until they receive a new mask. I'm tempted to order a mask online and pay full price since I am sure it will be a couple weeks before I even receive my mask since they had to order it separately because they screwed up my order.

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7:06 pm EST
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Lincare Holdings poor customer service

This company has the worst customer service I have ever seen. I will call and ask for a person, they are always too busy or gone and they take a message to have them call back. They never call back. I'm not talking hours, but days before I finally call them back and tell them how many days since I called last. Then they finally get someone to talk to me. They always either have an excuse or they never say they are sorry. Just bad customer service, period.

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Sep 19, 2016 1:25 pm EDT

On hold 23 minutes for Sales. Then another 6 minutes to find my name and Account Number. After Order I asked to be transferred to Accounting as I had questions about a bill. On Hold again for 3 minutes then THEY dropped the Call! Not wasting my time with them EVER AGAIN. Everyone sells this stuff, why do they have to be so BAD!

Upset customer in jax fl
Jacksonville, US
Jan 26, 2014 8:24 am EST

Lincare's customer service is the worst I have ever experienced in my life. You have to leave messages and they don't call you back. You also give them important insurance information to find out they never wrote it in the system so I had to call them six times. My mom keeps getting a bill and it's because Lincare has not billed Blue cross Blue Shield. They are so rude. I talked to a supervisor and no difference. Please they are not the only ones that sell wheelchairs in Florida. If I ever need anything for my mom, I will spend more money for what we need but I will get the quality of service. Nobody can be worse than Lincare

1:33 pm EST
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Lincare Holdings removal of oxygen

My mothers doctor ordered oxygen for her. She is suppose to have it 24 hours a day. Lincare was providing it for her but came to the house and took everything several weeks ago. Since that time we have called numerous times to try to get her oxygen back, she has ended up in the hospital on a ventilator because of lack of oxygen. No - one at lincare will tell us why they took it or how to get it back. My aunt (A nurse) called them and caused a fuss so they brought us 1 tank out for backup, what ever that's suppose to mean.
When we tried to use it the tank was empty. We called and the guy who we spoke to was a jerk and said that they were out of oxygen until next week. What is my mom suppose to do? Hold her breath until then? She has insurance and doctors orders, how can they just take her oxygen?

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San Antonio, US
Jul 19, 2015 5:57 pm EDT

File a complaint with the government they are all doing meth with Brenda in the Modesto, Ca location!

8:41 pm EDT
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Lincare Holdings Lisa J Ries - lincare area manager

Everything posted about Lisa J (Cadwallader) Ries (Area Manager in Minnesota) is true, Lisa is an evil person. Lisa does need to be investigated. Lisa is taking advantage of the Lincare company. She is using the company’s money to buy personal things for herself and her family. Lisa claims that she has to go on business trips for Lincare but the truth is that she uses the company’s money to go on free personal trips. She mails personal packages with the Lincare UPS shipping account number. Lisa’s son Mason needed a nebulizer machine so she stole two nebulizer machines from Lincare. Lisa is stealing money from the company. Lincare needs to hire an outside auditor to go through all the years that Lisa has been an Area Manager at Lincare and you will see that she has been stealing money and items from the company all these years. Because of Lisa Linecare is losing money, employees and clients. Really surprised that Lisa still has a job as Area Manager for Lincare. Lisa is very dishonest and grossly unethical. Lisa lies all the time and she lies to everyone. Lisa is on mental medication to try to treat her many mental illness. Lisa is an awful mother to her son Mason. She is always pawning her son on to other people. Lisa acts like she doesn’t even want to have her son around her at all. Lisa only married Bryan Ries for his money, she never even loved him. Lisa and Bryan had their son Mason then a few years after he was born Lisa divorced Bryan and took all of his money, she took the house and everything in the house. Lisa has always taken advantage of Bryan’s parents Gerry & Mary Jane Ries, rather is be for free childcare or money. When Lisa and Bryan were married Lisa was always cheating on Bryan. No man can ever seem to satisfy Lisa. When Lisa does go on business trips for Lincare she always fools around with guys. Last year one of Lisa’s brothers, Brandon Cadwallader got married and Lisa wanted to be the center of attention even though it wasn’t her wedding. Lisa and her family are nothing but a bunch of Alcoholics! Wake up people, Lisa Ries is bad news!

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Joe M
Feb 22, 2022 9:58 am EST

Worse service and Lisa is an evil person agreed

2:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Lincare Holdings oxygen concentrator machine

I called my region office here in Lawton, Ok over two weeks prior to my arrival in Utah to set up a delivery of a Oxygen Concentration machine to Hill Air Force Base UT, on the date of 15 August 2013 through 20 August 2013. I received a call from my region office a couple days prior to my departure telling me that everything was good to go with the setup in Utah. Once I arrived at the Salt Lake City Ut airport, there was a message left on my phone telling me that I had to be present on base because the base would not allow the delivery person on with a sponsor, so once I get to the base to call the office to meet the delivery person to escort them on base. Once I arrived to HAB.I called the office to let them know that I had made it and was ready to meet the delivery person at the gate to escort them on base. The lincare office told me that they would notify the delivery driver to let them know that I was there and waiting. The delivery driver called about 20 minutes later and said that it would be awhile before he could get the machine delivered because of the other deliveries ahead of me. After eating dinner at the base we had to leave the base area and travel to Westpoint Ut. The delivery man asked if I could meet him off base somewhere so he could drop the machine off with me, I informed him that at the time I was visiting my mother in law at the assisted living facility(Family Tree) in West Point UT. He said that West Point was out of his region and he would call back later to see if we make other arrangements, so we agreed to have it delivered the next moring to HAB. I called the following morning and he had someone else that was set to delivery the machine. Later that day of 16 August 2013 I received a text from Craig from lincare around 3:49 PM asking me to meet him at 1213 West Flint Meadow Drive #6 Kaysville so that he could drop off the machine with me. I replied with Iright now I'm riding around lost trying to find my way back to HAB and he would have to deliver the machine to me at the base, he replied with it would be about 1hr 45 minutes before he could deliver the machine, so I said it's ok with me. Now this was around 3:49 PM when all of this happened. About hour later I called Craig he repiled that the store was closing in 30 minutes and if I wanted a machine I had to make it dowm to the store in order to pick it up, remember this is on 16 August 2013 so I had to spend the whole trip with out me oxygen machine, and it wasn't a pleasant trip.
Phone text message below:
Karon, this is Craig from Lincare.
Can you meet us at 1213 west, flint meadow drive #6 kaysville, 84307 ut? It's
less than 5 m

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4:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Lincare Holdings most unethical company out there

What I witnessed in 2 months at Lincare: Non deliveries (every day getting calls that the driver simply did not show up), Patient charts missing, extreme understaffing, Poor response in providing needed supplies (especially CPAP and Portable Oxygen Concentrators), over extended management: manager absent when patients call, lack of training for new employees, contempt toward patients, cutting off oxygen deliveries without notice to patients with payment issues, failure to advise travel patient of prescription requirements in Florida, leading to hospitalization of patient, misleading new patients to get them to sig with Lincare, misleading new employees with false salary promises, holding back on releasing unhappy patients to other companies, even while they are hospitalized, Area Manager calling Hispanic Center Manager "Sanchez"

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San Antonio, US
Jul 19, 2015 5:56 pm EDT

Because they are all doing meth with Brenda at their Modesto, CA location. She is very proud of her drug use and letting docs feel her breasts!

Don't Care for This Company
Anycity, US
Dec 09, 2014 9:26 am EST

I have dealt with this company before, and as said, this company is so rude and does not treat the customers with any respect or professionalism. Don't bother filing a complaint-you will be SOL. They don't care about their reputation or goodwill. It's just money and you are a number to them. You need them more than they need you. Get over it.

9:23 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Lincare Holdings overcharge

I was told the knee walker rented for $50/month. I now know there is no lesser charge for a part of a month. was NOT told that the charge is for an entire month no matter how long I keep the equipment. I had the knee walker for 5 weeks. I was charged for 2 full months with no adjustment for returning it 3 weeks before the second month ended. Very misleading.

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Person Of Interest
Coon Rapids, US
Jun 11, 2015 2:57 pm EDT

Most rentals are month to month. You have to ASK before you rent whether they pro-rate. You used it during a second month. That is your cost. No different from any other place that rents non-medical equipment.

Schenectady, US
Aug 20, 2014 12:45 pm EDT

Am reading all these complaints against Lincare and wish I had read them (or better yet, if someone had closed them down) before my dad and i got involved with them. I have been overcharged for my CPAP machine for 2 years. Finally thought I got it straightened out but issues again, and no one from Lincare ever calls back.
Then, my dad had an order for an oxygen machine, which they delivered and started to bill Medicare. However, he decided he didn't want it and called five (5!) times for them to come and pick it up from him over 4 months, and they continuously did not pick it up and continued to bill Medicare. It's a shame that people who need $ from Medicare can't get it because these fraudulent businesses are taking such advantage. Some government entity should investigate Lincare and their billing practices.

9:25 am EDT
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Lincare Holdings getting my refund

Had pneumonia, needed oxygen upon release from hospital in march 2013 they would not supply oxygen with out 223.00 down. (Even though I have insurance). Oxygen was dc'd on april 22nd 2013. Long story short they owe mw 158.00 since april 22nd. It is now june 18th and still no check, they told me its a month process... I think its well over a month and if I had not called they would not have processed my refund. I would never recommend them to anyone, go with apri care or someone else.

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Update by hot as heck
Jun 18, 2013 9:27 am EDT

go figure using your money...must be Obama supporters


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San Antonio, US
Jul 19, 2015 5:55 pm EDT

They are probably all doing meth with their rep in Modesto, CA, she brags about it all the time!

12:26 pm EDT
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Lincare Holdings insurance billing

I, too, have had a problem with Lincare. I received my CPAP machine in November, I was told I had to make 10 monthly payments, however I declined and paid all the "payments " in full during the time of delivery of the machine. I think all is well until April rolls around and they tell me I owe them 85 dollars a month since January because it is billed to the insurance companies monthly and my deductible started over and insurance was not paying. I called the billing office many times with my concern. I was told it is "the policy holders responsibility" to know their insurance coverage. I called my insurance company in November to make sure my machine was covered and it was. My problem is not with the lack of coverage, my problem is with the way it was billed to the insurance companies and I was never informed of the way it was billed, how is that my responsibility? Now I am getting phone calls telling me my balance is getting bigger and I need to pay. I paid 50 dollars last month and 20 dollars this month, that is all I can afford. I paid my portion in full when I actually had the money which is why I did it the way I did. I know this can not be the first time this has happened to someone and I got no compassion what so ever from the billing rep. I can't be the first person and I know I won't be the last so why is it not explained better on how it is billed (not the coverage itself) at the time when they can clearly see I paid my portion up front and it was nearing the end of the year. It is easy " your insurance covers 80% and it is billed monthly until paid in full" That simple sentence would have at least alerted me to ask questions. I know there is nothing I can do about it now, but I want to make people aware how this works.

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Birmingham, US
Jul 28, 2013 8:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As an about to be former employee, I can suggest a couple of options if you have not done so already
1. Get with your MD, as he/she most likely prefers you stay on your bi-pap, and get thee to another company, and let Lincare know you are doing so, and to once and for all come get the equipment.
2. Be willing to sign an AMA (against medical advice order) and tell them to come pick it up.
Either way, get your doctor in your corner. And an ugly little secret is this: Lincare generally counts it against the service center if/when they have to come pick up equipment. And yes, that does include even when the patient has the unmitigated gall to pass away. I've seen offices NOT go pick up equipment for MONTHS after a patient passed away, so Lincare won't count it against that center. It's disgusting, really, because I've heard them say, " I didn't know he was dead". That's a crock, because somewhere along the line, if that center is doing it's job, they'll be trying to reach that person to do maintenance on equipment, or to at least check in and see how the person is doing...I know there is no need to call a patient literally every single day, but...once every so often is mandatory.

Birmingham, US
Jul 28, 2013 7:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Am so sorry to hear of your a soon to be former employee, here's a possible tip: when it comes to being on the bipap, it may be that your doc does not want you off it, and may not sign off on the discharge order. So, with that said, you as the patient can do one of 2 things: go to another company and get a bipap from them, and let Lincare AND your doctor know that is what you are doing. (while letting your doctor know, tell him/her why - that you feel the service you're getting is lousy, etc. If you haven't done so already, get your MD in your corner - that way, you are letting him/her know you are trying to follow dr's orders, but on the Lincare end of things, it's not going well, etc.) OR, the second thing you can do, is to tell Lincare point blank to come get the equipment, and you will gladly sign an AMA paper ('against medical advice'/release of liability - just something that says you will not hold Lincare responsible for the ill effects of not staying on your bi-pap.). With all that said, please be aware of 1 thing I know all too well to be true: it's still going to be something of an uphill struggle to get them to come get the machine, because Lincare is ssssssssssssssooooooooooooo concerned about their 'numbers': it counts against the particular office that is servicing you, regardless of the reason why they have to pick up equipment. And yes, I'm here to tell you that even includes if/when a patient dies. It's like Corporate holds it against everybody if/when a patient has the unmitigated gall to actually pass away.

real Martha
Fort Wayne, US
Jul 01, 2013 6:32 pm EDT

I started with a bi-pap machine Oct.25, 2012 and have had nothing but nightmares with this company. They brought my machine and basically forgot about me till it was time to make money off of supplies. Here it is July 1, 2012 and again I am on the phone with the billing department. I have been lied to, received lousy customer service, they lost paperwork. They made an appointment to bring out new mask after months of me complaining and never showed up for appointment. They overdrew my checking account due to auto withdraw of too many months at one time. When you complain to Fort Wayne IN office they will promise you things and never follow through. I dealt with medical supply companies during my late husband's battle with cancer. I can state for a fact this is the lousiest company . I even asked them how they stay in business. I tried to send everything back and dump them and they told me I couldn't without signing paperwork against doctors orders-like I am being held captive. I did not choose this company. They were given to me.
Please for everyones sake run as far away from Lincare as you can. They need to be put out of business.

3:54 pm EDT
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Lincare Holdings horrible customer service

Ordered a nebulizer from Lincare I had them ck to make sure Insurance covered it was told yes except for $1.96. was called two wks later for $25.00 now one month later my account was debited for $105.32. Called to return Nebulizer and was told I could not return without an local manager approval. still no help with this situation with Lincare.I simple would like to return this nebulizer and get my money back.Horrible customer service Just horrible!

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San Antonio, US
Jul 19, 2015 5:51 pm EDT

Register a complaint with the government they are horrible!

7:17 pm EDT
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I am on Dr ordered O2 around the clock. I have a concentrator which is kept upstairs with the tubing encased in heavy plastic because my cat insists on chewing the tubing. I have finally figured out that if I use tanks downstairs with 7 ft tubes pieced together I can get by with doing housework and also can bring the tanks outside and to the basement where...

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About Lincare Holdings

Screenshot Lincare Holdings
Lincare is a provider of respiratory care services, catering to patients who require assistance with chronic lung conditions, such as COPD, asthma, emphysema, and other respiratory issues. The company offers a range of oxygen therapies, including stationary and portable oxygen concentrators, as well as liquid oxygen systems, designed to meet the varying needs of patients requiring supplemental oxygen.

In addition to oxygen therapy, Lincare supplies sleep apnea patients with CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) equipment and accessories. These devices are essential for those who need assistance in maintaining consistent breathing during sleep.

Lincare also provides nebulizers, which convert liquid medication into a mist, allowing for easier inhalation into the lungs for patients with asthma or other respiratory conditions. The company's services extend to the delivery of inhaled medications and a variety of related supplies.

For patients with more complex respiratory needs, Lincare offers ventilator support, providing both the equipment and the necessary education to patients and caregivers to ensure proper use and maintenance.

The company's reach is extensive, with hundreds of locations across the United States, ensuring that they can provide services to a broad patient base. Lincare's focus is on in-home care, aiming to improve the quality of life for patients by allowing them to receive treatment in the comfort of their own homes.

Patients and healthcare providers can also access Lincare's services for the management of infusion therapy and enteral nutrition, expanding the company's offerings beyond respiratory care.

Overall, Lincare's product and service portfolio is designed to support individuals with a range of respiratory conditions and related healthcare needs, providing them with the necessary equipment and support to manage their health effectively.

Overview of Lincare Holdings complaint handling

Lincare Holdings reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Feb 19, 2007. The latest review Simply go mini was posted on Mar 6, 2024. The latest complaint dangerously inept was resolved on Oct 29, 2014. Lincare Holdings has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 428 reviews. Lincare Holdings has resolved 39 complaints.
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    19387 U.S. 19 North, Clearwater, Tennessee, 33764, United States
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    Jun 13, 2024
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Lincare Holdings is ranked 22 among 168 companies in the Medical Services and Facilities category

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