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Kirby Complaints 103

12:31 pm EST

Kirby Tried to put me down in front of my girlfriend

I had a Kirby employee from b.l.f. distributing inc. vm jeffrey cabrera come to my house and promise to clean the carpets in my house if i just aloud him to do a prensentation for me. He said to me that i was not obligated to buy anythin at all it was just a free cleaning that would be done curtesy of the kirby company for me putting the word out there.. Basically word of mouth advertising...

The Kirby employee was in my home from 8:17 pm till about 12:05 am. I told him multiple times that i needed to think about it $1, 600 was a large investment for a vacume cleaner.. This employee continued trying to sell me the kirby. I eventually told him leave your card here and i will give you a call we can use these vacuums for the company i work for and i can guarantee that we would buy them because i am a regional director for this company..

The kirby employee continued to state well im here for this contest if i dont seel this kirby today i do not get any commission for it and my company makes the money not me so i will not give you any cards or try to sell you a kirby after today if you do not buy it now.. After telling him multiple times to leave a business card and i would call him he put the agreement in front of my face for me to sign and i said no! He continued to ask my girlfriend if she wanted the kirby because it was obvious i would not buy it for her..

The Kirby employee continued until she said no.. When she said no he took the agreement ripped it up and threw it out while he said " This is riduculous, If i was with you wife i would buy this kirby for here " I tried to cut him off and he continued.. " Its obvios to me that if you had you own house it would be filthy. " You obviously dont like having a clean house that why you dont want this kirby " I said to him i want your manager name and i want to talk to him.. He said " Ill be glad to give u his name hes not gonna do anything about it anyways ".. If you werent so cheap i wouldnt have to take this kirby out of this house right now" It was apparent to me that Kirby Hires hood rats like this guy to work for them.. The employee did not have a kirby id, proper uniform, or business card... This hood rat jeffrey did have a salesperson with him named emmett that was extremely nice and polite.. He did his job as a salesperson to try to make money and never got angry or blurd any immature or ghetto things out of his mouth.. Everything that was done here was against the law i did not even see a permitt to do sales.. kirbys customer care phone number is [protected].. fax# [protected]. I will be filing every complaint possible against this employee and company... This should not be aloud especially considering the fact that my carpets were never cleaned as promised and he was in my house until 12:05 at night.. This jeffrey guy also pretended to be out of bethel when i looked up the company he actually work for was B.L.F. Distributing Inc. located at 531 south clewell street, Fountain Hill, PA, 18105

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gary godara
Sep 26, 2014 7:09 am EDT

u r a rat hood u ### my self was working for kirby for 4 years and its a awsum company to wrk with u ###s

San Jose, US
Feb 07, 2011 10:40 pm EST

You sir are an idiot! You have poor grammar and punctuation. It sounds like you are the one who is the "hood rat". I don't believe that the Kirby rep was in your house for 4 hours "selling" you on the machine. I believe he did his demonstration and then failed to find your ruin. He failed to find your problems and exploit them. He used the "assumption" sales tactic by assuming that your girlfriend would side against you and guild you into buying it for her. He failed as a salesman to put you in your problem and show you a solution. You could have easily bought the vacuum and canceled the next day, by law, if you really didn't want it, just to get rid of him. I believe you are a hood rat and you attract the people who you come into contact with. Maybe your girlfriend is a hood rat too! Damn, you're getting played by all sides of the hood. Haha!

12:51 pm EST

Kirby ###

This company *** they just want people to fall in the trap!when u have training they tell u your going to make money no matter what and that your not going to go door to door but when u start they tell u that U wont get paid unless u go door to door and make a sale ### rite ! if i was you i would so not work with this unless your into sales then this would be a perfect job for you i believe that the bureau better business should hit this place up so they can do the rite thing and wont ### people or trick them into this waste of time job.. u start at 930 am till whatever time you can get out till 1 or 2 am wow this is crazy!

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4:36 pm EST
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Kirby Shoddy sales tactics & pressure

On 12-17-09, a salesperson (Damien), Manager Mike sold my elderly mother a vacuum. They knew that she was disabled because she always uses a cane when she walks. They did not allow her to try the product, they simply demonstrated it for her. She also, being the age of 69 has somewhat diminished capacity & even wrote her last 4 digits of the date of purchase as her last 4 numbers of her phone number instead of the year of purchase. She has barely used it at all, the original bag is still in it. The attachments have never been used. The salesperson used some "song & dance" crap about his mother just recently dying & that he was selling your product to put himself through college, among a lot of other stuff...Bottom line, she was horribly pressured to buy your product & can't even push it to vacuum her carpet. She just recently broke down & told my brothers & I of her horrible mistake & it has been bothering her for an entire year...She doesn't want it, can't operate it & wants a refund of some kind or a replacement that she can operate. I expect your reply to be very prompt. Until this, I had the utmost respect for your company. Please don't let me down with this or I will take other, more public measures, please don't let it come to that...Do the right thing...My email address is: [protected] Thanking you in advance, Jerri L. Jones Phone number: [protected] I would rather get a call on this matter than email...Thank you

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Erie, US
Dec 30, 2010 1:21 pm EST

I am hoping Kirby does the right thing. Unethical sales people taking advantage of older people is evil! I have seen it many times; years ago the same thing happened to my mother. She tried to use the vacuum, but never could; too heavy and hard for her to manage, have nothing to do with the vacuum but sure hits older mom's hard - - right where their pocketbook is! My mother never admitted how the salesmen pressured her until many years later. Sick family members, families to provide for, etc. . . but I know Kirby pushes sales people to do what they have to do sell. Kirby is discrete about it, but the sales people feel the pressure. I actually started working for Kirby and quick before I was even out of training. Do not agree with their methods.

8:04 pm EST
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Was told we would get paid training. Was told we would get weekly paychecks. Was told that I would never have to go door-to-door because I was a sales rep and the canvassers would be doing that job. Lies, all of it. I worked for them for 9 straight days (including the 5 days of "paid" training) the last 3 of which were 14 hour days. We were all forced to...

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10:39 am EDT
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Kirby Scammers

The scammers are in the town of Bothell, WA at 17903 bothelll everret hwy suite e 101 98012. The manager of the building calls himself Matt and says he works for a Carl Ferrin. They have the building hidin as a different company. Ferrin Enterprises. Carl Ferrin has a facebook account (!/profile.php?id=100001576711862) . If you want to go there and say something do it. I feel like a [censored] for listening to the guy there. Anyone that doesnt see through these people is just part of the 1/3 of idoits living. If you wanna go in undercover and ### there ### up go right ahead. heres Matts number [protected]. Now go ### this guys ### up.

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Tacoma, US
Mar 25, 2014 4:18 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well my boyfriend just started here and this place is a joke and a scam. They lie to desperate people seeking employment promise them diamond Rolex watches and lavish trips to all these places. But the ad on Craigslist never mentioned anything about selling Kirby vacuums door to door. He was also supposed to receive a bonus in cash and of course that was a lie ! I don't know how people work for them if they do they're part of the scam

Rainbow City, US
Jul 27, 2012 7:29 am EDT

i should have listened to this complaint board. they lied through their teeth for an entire week. they told me it would be tuesday-saturday 10-6 and that the first two hours would be spend doing meetings. none of that happened. i was there from 10-11. the second day i was out there they told me "this job isn't for everyone" because i was feeling discouraged. i did not sign up to be a door knocker. several of us asked during the "training" if we had to do any door knocking and we were repeatedly told no. little did we know..SURPRISE! you will be door knocking. infact, lets door knock in places that don't even ALLOW soliciting! that's really safe. i quit my full time job because i was assured that the pay was guaranteed. i come to find out days after that it has to be a certain amount of appointments. i tried to make the best of it but they didn't even get a chance to succeed. they wouldn't give me any demos because i was new and the one demo i did get the guy wasn't even interested in seeing the vacuum.

don't get me wrong, the vaccum is awesome. i have nothing against it. its the people that sell it. maybe i'm too good of a person but it made me feel really bad seeing these poor people having to say no over and over again because some pushy sales guy tricked them. they thought they were getting a free cleaning not a pressure sale.

even at the "interview" there were people coming out and saying how awesome the job was and how i'm gonna make sooooo much money. its almost like they had planned it out for them to come out and pep me up.

i'm sure some of the people there do make alot of money. its kind of suspicious though when you only have like 3 employees that have been there for more than a couple months. that should have been my first clue. oh well. you live and you learn. everything happens for a reason and better opportunities are up ahead.

the part that baffles me the most is that i had told the lady who interviewed me that i had been scammed by one of these kind of companies in the past and she assured me this wasn't the case. yeah ok. i don't think i could live with myself lieing to people who need money. prying off the fact that people are poor and need some sort of a living.

the moral of the story is this: don't trust everything you see and hear. if you like door to door sales kudos to you. if you don't, be very wary. also, read the complaints on this board ALL of them are true. i should have trusted my gut on this one, but i really wanted to give it a chance. proceed with caution.

i hope my experience can help anyone who might be thinking about falling for one of their craig's list ads.

Kissimmee, US
Jan 13, 2012 6:10 am EST

I got wrapped up in the mess that is Kirby's Honolulu office when I was 18. I needed some extra cash and answered a "customer service" ad in the paper. It was a total joke. First of all, they didn't tell us what the job was until the second day. The only reason I went back after the first was morbid curiosity and the fact that I had nothing else to do. From the get-go they assaulted us with catchphrases and insane promises of luxury mansions earned through the glorious career of door-to-door vacuum cleaner sales. After three days of "training", which amounted to nothing more than a pep rally, they asked for the personal information of five friends and family. They claimed it was so that we could hone our sales skills on friendly (and captive) audiences. However, when I didn't force people that I know and care for to spend several thousand dollars on a vacuum cleaner, they got upset with me. The head of the office, who by that time had spent a week straight regaling me with tales of his magnificent sales conquests, had the nerve to show up at my aunts house while I was there and push her to buy a vacuum. When they finally unleashed me on the real world, I'd show up at the homes of people who thought they'd won a free carpet cleaning. I don't know why on earth anyone would think someone was going around awarding people with free carpet cleanings, but an amazing number of suckers actually fell for it. I'd show up at their homes and be forced to see their looks of utter shock, misery, regret, and finally anger that I was in their home, under false pretenses, and pushing a ridiculously overpriced piece of trash in their faces and telling them to buy it. I finally got a real job and left right away. I thought I'd be courteous and let the head of the office know I was leaving, but all he could say to me was "I gave you an opportunity." The sad thing is that I think he really believed what he was saying. Companies like Kirby feed on the weak-willed. They give guys that are down on their luck promises of grandeur, and a lot of people actually buy it. I'm amazed by the commenters, no doubt current Kirby dupes, that are actually defending them. It's a cult. It really is just a cult. Finally, I find it highly amusing that someone who spells "your" as "ur" is accusing other people of being the reason that this country is "going to ###".

Bothell, US
Jan 13, 2012 5:32 am EST

I gave the 30 day commitment that was asked of everybody and spent more money for work and getting to work. I was on Matthews van and I have to say for that as young as he is that he is a pretty good boss. one of the better ones if not the best I have ever had. I will say that this job is not for the small minded and not for those that are afraid of rejection. There is alot of money to be made and you have to keep your head up. I will admit that I was told that I would not be knocking doors in the beginning...This was not the case. I ignored that little lie and gave it my best. Carl ferrin is amazing and has a lot to teach you but isnt one to piut up with a negative or questioning attitude. Nobody is. it is a HARD job and for now not the one for me.

marcus :)
kirkland, US
Nov 30, 2011 1:35 am EST

Jesus cry me a ###ING river people! You whiny Americans are the reason this country is going to ###. All you can do is be imbeciles and go online and ### and moan about this and have you seen thee economy quit [censor]in and go flip burgers for the rest of ur pathetic little lives...they give you an opportunity for advancement company, vacations and recognition and all you wanna do is whine and complain big group of pussies...I dont even work for terrible enterprise I just find you Lemmings and Lepers pathetic...wanna do the world a favor? Why don't you finish that abortion your mom Botched...thanx

Jus Sayin'
Jun 21, 2011 10:23 pm EDT

They are a tad deceptive in their ads for employment opportunities. If they can be decietful in one regard, they sure as hell can be in another. Good luck, a dollar is a dollar!

May 27, 2011 8:48 pm EDT

My boyfriend works for Ferrin, If I didn't know anything about the reputation of Kirby sellers, Being an ex-employee of a different office that sold Kirby, I would say it all sounds great! 2000 a month! No way! Big downside, we have a 4 year old, and i am 5 mo pregnant, and he is working from 1o am to 11 am or later... With a family that is hard. And they promised him a signing bonus which he was supposed to receive 4 days ago, they keep making excuses, they aren't giving him a copy of his personnel file... And Well I think that morally they are bankrupt they stayed in a womans house till 10:47 pm on a weeknight, they left cause she bought one... I have told my bf right now stick with the job... but it is not a job neither of us want him to keep, based on morals, and the fact they make alot of excuses! We will see if they pay him... Or if they will have a lawsuit on their hands! But major plus to Carl Ferrin for being so successful so young! I hope your poor morals are just a work thing, would be sad to think you are teaching your son such poor morals!

May 18, 2011 12:09 am EDT

First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who did your research before opening your mouth and making yourself look stupid and that anyone with a profile name of deeznutz, makes themselves sound like an idiot. Second of all, Carl Ferrin is my little brother who started working for Kirby about 8 years ago making cleaning appointments. Since that time, he has worked extemely hard to get where he is today. He has sacrificed, worked long hours, and reached every goal he has set. In fact, he is so successful that he speaks at conferences to other Kirby sales people to motivate and influence their success. If you (deeznutz) spent half the effort you spent putting an honest, extremely hard working person down, you would be successfully working and not posting inaccurate information. By the way, my 27 year old brother Carl Ferrin, is not going to let some idiot who does not even know what he is talking about, get in his way of his goals and success.

Everett, US
May 09, 2011 11:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thanks Mr Buffet for your great product, no complaints here, I am selling one of your ultimate g series vacuums on craigslist right now a vacuum that sells for close to 1000.00 retail for 300.00 It has been in the family for a long time and is still in top condition. I may end up taking it off of craiglist then again I may add the funds earned to an upgrade of Kirby's Sentria.

Everett, US
May 09, 2011 10:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You know folks I just went into the office to speak with the contact person identified on the craigslist posting. Nice enough gentleman, so going on to say after reading the entire post here on the complaint board and viewing Carl Ferrin's Facebook page, I have to respond at this point to the pros on this board. the company has been in business since April 2010. It is apparent that this man is successful and the product is exceptional. I have no idea what deeznuts' problem is but I am believing it is a personal one. I do not think that it is important to know that Kirby vacuum cleaners as the product is being, the position is for customer service, in business it is important to remember that the company you work for is your number one customer and its customer's or potential customers are an extension of their business. Some of the comments are comical I must say and fairly colorful but deeznuts.. well dude sorry about your view an education may help you better understand how business is conducted and how to communicate and relate to your world in general.
signed by: not employed by the company at this point.

11:00 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Kirby Consumer Scam Alert !!!!


In my opinion this co. is dangerous and fraudulent in many ways!

Kirby Sales Distributor attempting to rip off the unsuspecting consumer. Issues go way beyond a high priced vacuum sale.

Check out Inside Edition & ABC News for more on Kirby scams. Check out the Internet and read all about them and other distributors.

Check out the owner, Lawrence Fredric Shy, on My Space. It will appall you especially if you have been scammed by this company.

If you have let them in your home or worse yet, they have any identifying info on you, protect yourself first and foremost. If you have not realized it yet, there are safety factors involved here. Make sure you document your experience. Contact the following for further help:

Credit Bureaus, Kirby, FTC, BBB, Attorney General, news media and a lawyer. Write reviews on Yahoo, Local, Yellow Pages, [redacted], Consumer Affairs, UTube and other consumer websites. Do not let more people be potentially endangered.

Anyone scammed, please note three addresses & different phone numbers for this company. This company has operated under other names and many more addresses than listed below. Make sure any of the reviews you write are being seen from all sites that still list Shy Enterprises at these former locations.

Address 1 - (most current as of 10.10.2010)

717 W Ellsworth Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Address 2 -
854 Phoenix Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Address 3 -

3455 Wexford Ct
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

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Hate My Kirby
Baine, US
May 16, 2011 5:11 pm EDT

The Kirgy sales model is right out of the 1970's door to door marketing playbook. High pressure, insulting tactics, negative comparisons with competition, and oh... astronomical pricess for outdated, over-hyped product. I can't believe people still fall for this kind of thing when so much information is available at the touch of a button. I am in Minnesota, and the Central Minnesota representative is a classic deceitful sales stereotype.

class actions
Ann Arbor, US
Nov 17, 2010 11:43 pm EST

also see local news forum at

10:35 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Kirby A confession of predatory selling

A newspaper ad (and a phone conversation) indicated I was applying for a job in the "display department" of what I thought was some kind of electronics department, but after entering a little office (somewhere on Rio Grande Street; this was a few years ago so I don't remember all of the details very clearly but am writing this to allay my conscience), I learned the job was a sales job -- selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door!

The next morning (or was it the same day?), I went out with a team of people (nice people, but aggressive salespeople) to a few homes around town to demonstrate the Kirby vacuum cleaners.

One of the homes we entered was that of an elderly woman who, it turned out, ALREADY OWNED a Kirby vacuum cleaner (perhaps two or three years old) which apparently wasn't used very often. After demonstrating a vacuum cleaner to her, her (elderly) husband came home from work. He was not happy about the idea of buying another Kirby vacuum cleaner, but we resumed our demonstration. In the end they BOUGHT another ~$[protected] vacuum cleaner -- and these were poor people, which is what made me feel so bad. (The sales job was effective; the hapless couple willingly bought an expensive vacuum cleaner; but I knew that the fate of this vacuum cleaner would with a very high probability resemble the fate of their other Kirby: disuse and an unnecessary burden on a limited budget.) The vacuum cleaner probably cost the equivalent of what the couple would have saved in a month or two, I'm just guessing.

Our team had latitude in negotiating the price of the vacuum cleaner, and our commission was a percentage of this price. It appeared to me that the leader of the sales team was also somewhat sympathetic to the couple and didn't charge as outrageous of a price as she could have (a price which the couple had already agreed to before our leader came back to seal the deal); however, I didn't understand the terms of the purchase (the payment would be in installments). Another, younger member of the sales team wasn't so sympathetic.

In the end I felt disgusted by the experience and quit after that very first day. I later entered a PhD program in physics but quit that also, partly because the research, I thought, was societally useless. As you can see, I might suffer from an overly acute social conscience.

It's not easy finding a way to meaningfully contribute to society, but it's possible. I'm doing it with my current job.

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1:11 am EDT
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Kirby Employment contract

I went for an interview after SMS my details to a number in the paper. It was advertised for R12000.00 plus comm per month. I was really excited as my fiance and I are both out of a job. I went for my first training on Wednesday last week. Carried on after most of the team left already. I was then called into Dirk van Niekerk's (office manager) office and was told that he would like to promote me to area training assistant/supervisor. I was so pleased as I am a very motivational person and thought somebody finally saw that. I got to work on Monday expecting my employment contract, not for a sales consultant, but for this senior position he has just asked me to do. I left it, carried on with training, got close to 50 leads for them and on Tuesday this week when I insisted on my employment contract, got given a normal sales contract and was told it is for Head office purposes so that they do not get into trouble for promoting somebody so fast. They insisted I sign my contract there and then and I refused. I took the contract home and found out why they insisted me to sign the contract there. There were ifs, maybes and buts as to the way you earn your R12000.00 which was impossible. I feel totally used, I was positive, motivated the other sales consultants and got them a lot of clients who are possible buyers. And I was congratulated on a sale, however I know I will not see that comm. Oh and there was some blonde girl named Lee-Ann who was supposidly Kirby's training spesialist who earns R65000.00 per month which is what she told us. She is giving Kirby a bad name talking about all the sex things which are done on the different trips to countries she has won through Kirby. I really do not think when Mr. Kirby designed his machine nearly 100 years ago, this is what he wanted.

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Jul 25, 2015 12:03 pm EDT

i worked for kirby 10 years ago, i worked like a freakin dog, they promised me a so called gaurenteed salary and feul, and jack [censored] was given to dirk van niekerk, hopefully you guys treat your staff better and pay the guys their basic promised salary and feul allowance and incentives without begging and hope you guys are more proffesional, as a fortune 500 company you guys should be on top of everything and not make false promises... does not matter how long you doing it for, you can get cut at anytime no matter who you are, keep that in mind. Ps just look after the staff and pay them the salary you advertise and commision on the sale. Happy selling big man.

Hatfield Marketing
May 08, 2013 5:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

06 August 2010, is when this "Complaint" was posted.

Hatfield Marketing would like to ad... any job will see potential in people and approach them at some time with a proposal to a potential advancement and to let the person know" We are monitoring you for_____ Position" It is up to the employee to be cautious and show Enthusiasm and Commitment show the company that He or She is Honorable and Trustworthy. At the end of the day being in business is the same as being in a relationship... A person doesn't on the first date ask a man or a woman for their hand in marriage, you get to know each other first, fall in-love & Bond... in business this is very similar. When approached by the company and you have been informed, it doesn't mean you are exempt from you current duties or you have now been "Offered" a better position...What it means is there is a chance for you to advance and the Company is watching your Character... "Show us what you can do" in maybe 2-3 months... this doesn't take "days" Just like getting married takes sometimes years!

It is with regret that we read this "Complaint" However you will see this person is very unreasonable and if he had taken the time to sit down with the Director of our company maybe a conclusion could have been made... but he or she decided not to do so... Is this now the fault of the Company? or is it merely a rebellious act with intent to slander us on the net? "I will Show You" Attitude? Maybe this is not the kind of person an employer would want in a business. Someone who has the traits of (Treachery, Slander & False Statements) who will twist the sane minds of fellow colleagues and cause destruction in a business.

A person always hears about unhappy employees... BUT what about unhappy employers? like maybe in this case?

The Kirby business offers everybody the same opportunity, it is up-to the individual what they do with it. Some work hard and become very successful business people like Mr Dirk van Niekerk and then you have some that feel the world owes them everything like in the above mentioned case... We assure you the unsuccessful people are the minority... but for those who put in the time and effort their success is set in STONE!

The Kirby business is a wonderful opportunity, and it may change your life for the good BUT Please know... you will not receive anything on a serving tray! Handwork and dedication is required!

Happy Selling ;-)

Dirk van Niekerk
May 06, 2013 6:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dirk van Niekerk the (Office Manager) Its a pity that People do not come and confront a person upfront and have a discussion about what they are unhappy about, its to easy to go and post a negative report and the net and cause many years hard work and labor to fall at your feet just like that.. I'm Now the owner of Hatfield Marketing. Our office has been in business for more that 30 years... surly if we where so BAD and Dishonest we would not survive in the market place... we recruit and train over 1000 people a year for our branches. if you look at the odds shouldn't there be more that Just this one incident over the past 30 years? What I have come to notice is that today's generation has no back-bone and they want everything on a serving tray! They do not want to earn success they want to take it from someone ells or inherit it... hard-work is for old and stupid people... "I would rather sit at home and play games and watch TV" "My Parents can pay my bills" (As they have my education) WHY MUST I WORK FOR ANYTHING!?
Unfortunately the person who posted this "Report" was a cowered and didn't even leave his name or give me a chance to help or plead my case like responsible GROWNUPS do.

I apologize for those who have a distorted opinion about the Kirby company... I assure you this is a false report and the opinion of a quitter and traitor who didn't even work for a month to see the true end result of his writing!

Marceline Marais
Nov 25, 2017 11:18 pm EST

Hi name is Marceline and I had the exact same experience working for Jane at absolute promotions.I have experienced the exact same nonsense as the person who layer this complaint for Jane pieterse.since 26/09/2017 I have still received no salary from her.You say u own your branch for 30 years yet mike claims he and his brother are the longest standing for 27 years.come on man.I know this persons complaint is the truth so you can cover up no.

El Cajon, US
Oct 23, 2010 4:47 am EDT

I've been working with Kirby for about a month and the office I signed up with has been very supportive with me. At first, I was skeptic, but as things went on, I felt like I could do really well. Also, I think you're mistaken with how much people were making a month. Not even our top sellers make 60000 a month, it's not possible.

When I signed up, I got told that if I did 60 demos in a month, I'd get 2000+. If any of those were sales, and the commission was higher than the contract agreement, I'd get the commission instead. The reason you're having trouble is probably because of the people in your office. In the Southern Cali offices, we don't have problems like that.

Also, we can't sell Kirbies any other way. The man who invented Kirbies stated in his will that he didn't want any media advertisement for the Kirbies. Corporate will not go against that wish.

I do agree that the divisions need to be more careful with who they hire and promote, but I don't think that it's fair to those trying to make an honest living with whatever job we can find to be lugged in with those jerks. If you have a problem with an office or division, go to corporate about the problem and they will do what they can.

Hamilton, CA
Aug 06, 2010 8:19 am EDT

Ya I agree...Kirby is a good product but some people have taken over and I`m sure Mr. Kirby is turning in his grave. These people are really scummy. Their prices are way out of line as well. There is plenty of reading on the internet about Kirby...I insist anyone even thinking about working for this company let alone buying one, read up!

10:05 pm EDT
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Kirby bad company to work for

I worked for Kirby for 2 months and never got paid! They teach us to lie and clean carpets a certain way so they "appear clean." After those two months I felt more underhanded then a telemarketer! Dont buy from or work for KIRBY!

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Waco, US
Aug 04, 2011 8:07 pm EDT

At least at mcdonalds u get paid i dont like working for 3 months without money. You guys are a scam. kirby kribs my ###. You need to get a real job. You are the ###ing ###.

Apr 22, 2011 6:14 pm EDT

All of you are just not made for kirby, its the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ive been goin door to door since i was 16 and ive sold Kirbys. . . alot of Kirbys. Some Distributors do some dirty stuff, but not all. besides, if u wana be a Kirby salesman u cant take no ### when it comes to getting paid. For that person in South Africa who thought that you would get a sinior office position after you've just got there, and really don't kno nothin bout the kirby world. . . . your a ###in ### and you need to go get a job at mickey Ds.

1:25 pm EDT
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Kirby sale reps. lying

Kirby sales rep. was telling me that if i would buy a Sentria vacuum that i could claim 65% of the total price on my federal taxes. I have called my tax accountant and she cannot find anything to back up this story. If anyone knows about this sale tactic please contact me.

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1:59 pm EST
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Kirby Sales Women

I got a knock on my door. When I looked in the peep-hole I saw two ladies. One skinny one with black hair and another heavier set one with a reddish-blonde hair color. I opened the door and saw one was holding a 2 Liter of coca-cola. They said they were going around giving out free soda to all the "cool" people at my apartment complex and asked if I was cool. I thought this is so cheesy, but said yes and they gave me the coke (which was missing part of its rapper and looked like a dog chewed on part of the lid). I asked if they were neighbors of mine (kind of like a greeting thing) but they said no. They claimed they were promoting their store that was about to open around the Walmart shopping center in St. Marys, Ga. I asked what the store name was and they said "Syatt". I asked what they were selling and they said they would show me. One lady left, and I figured she was just going to bring back a catalog to show me. While waiting on the other lady, the one at the door asked if she could come inside and wait since it was kind of chilly outside. I really didn't want her to come inside, but she almost made me feel bad and my mom raised me to be polite, so I said um..I guess. The other lady returned with a small box and ended up coming into my home, and then went back to get a bigger box. they made small talk with me. Asking if I lived alone and what I did for hobbies and work. Then one called her boss and said to enter me into some contest or something. I didnt feel at ease with them in my home and wanted them to leave. I realized they were trying to sell a vacuum when one of them started unpacking a crap-load of parts all on my clean floor. I asked how long it was going to take and the lady that asked to come in to get out of the cold started she was going out the door she said "it wont take long" in a clearly aggravated voice. I lied and said I needed to leave within 15 minutes to run errands to the lady still unpacking vacuum parts on my floor and she said we wouldnt have time to go over everything..that it would take a HOUR to show me a vacuum I wasnt interrested in. She said she needed to call her boss and explain I had to go..that she was going to tell him I was going to pick up my little girl so he wouldnt pressure her to pressure me into buying the product and wasting my time. She took 20 MINUTES to pack up all the parts back into the boxes, and had the nerve to ask me for some ice water while she was clearly wasting my time. It was awkwardly silent and the women kept repeating herself..I asked how much they cost and she said she wasnt in charge of sales..that I would talk to her boss who she said is known to negotiate prices from around $2, 399.00 to $1, 000. I was thinking what kind of scam is this?!?! Not only that, she said that "he would buy back your old vacuum cleaner for a couple hundred. Eventhough you only probably paid about $70 for yours". FINALLY she got her stuff together and I rushed her out the door and reported them shortly after. They seemed so sketchy and get annoyed and rude if you dont seem interested. Lesson learned : never open the door for strangers..and if you do...if they arent your neighbors then lock the door..DO NOT let them in! they will TRY to waste your time.

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8:40 pm EST
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I was told by the salesmen that they (Kirby Vacuums) belonged to Th American Heart and Lung Asso. and that if you have Problems with things such as Asthma that it would be a taxe rite off and that the Goverment would rememburst you the cost of the vacuum, so because I struggle with asthma and they told me that I bought the Vacuum ( which I could not afford...

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12:01 pm EST
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Kirby Sales scam

A teenage girl rang my doorbell on 2/12/10 at approximately 7pm. She asked to demonstrate a cleaning product by cleaning my rug for free. I told her I was not interested and tried to shut the door. As I was shutting the door, she stated "Please just let me clean your carpet. My boss won't let me go home unless I do one more carpet tonight!" I told her I didn't have any carpet. She pointed at my area rug and said "How about that area rug?" I decided it would not do any harm to let her clean the rug because she was young and seemed harmless. I believed she was by herself. I assumed it would take no more than 15-30 minutes to clean a small rug. She then told me she had a van driver. A middle aged man introduced himself as a Kirby salesman. He said "The owner is old and looking for new people to take over the business. So we are trying to prove to him that we can take over the business." They both seemed polite and professional up to this point. He collected my information and drove off, which virtually stranded the girl in my house with no transportation. The girl proceeded to unpack a lot of equipment and launched into a 1 hour presentation on a $2500 Kirby vacuum cleaner that I was not interested in buying. I kept telling her I was not interested in the vacuum and told her to stop trying to sell it to me, but she would not stop talking about the vacuum. She proceeded to clean everything in my house except the area rug, even though I asked her to finish the rug and go home. I then realized that she had lied about her offer to clean the rug and go. At 7:20pm I clearly informed her that she must finish the presentation before 7:30pm because I had plans. However, she ignored me and continued the presentation long past 7:30 even though I went into the kitchen and stopped listening to her. She even insisted on cleaning my mattress. I refused to let her into my bedroom. She said "But this won't count unless I clean the mattress." I told her to lie to her boss. She said "But he will inspect it to make sure I did it." She said he gets very angry if she does not follow his directions. I told her he was not allowed in my bedroom either. At this point I was angry and knew I was being scammed. I wanted her to leave, but I didn't want to turn a young girl out on a cold, dark, rainy night alone without transportation. I told her to call the van driver to pick her up, but she stalled by proceeding to clean the rug very slowly, one inch at a time. At approximately 8:00pm I firmly told her the presentation is over, I am done being nice, and she must immediately call the man back. It took her a while to convince him to come pick her up. He kept pressuring her to continue the presentation, even though she kept telling him that the customer is unhappy. It took him some time to arrive. Then he continued pressuring me to buy the $2500 vacuum, even though I repeatedly stated I was not interested, could not afford it and wanted him to leave immediately. I firmly told him to pack up and get out as quickly as possible because they were still in my house at 8:15pm even though I very clearly told her to leave by 7:30pm. He implied that I was being rude and should appreciate people cleaning my house for free. He twisted my words in odd ways. For example, when I said "This has gone on long enough", he responded in a sarcastic tone, "You mean the dirt in your house has gone on long enough?" I felt he was trying to provoke me. They finally left at about 8:30pm. I felt manipulated and violated because they took advantage of my hospitality by using a young innocent looking girl as a decoy, stranded her in my home, misrepresented their intentions, wasted 1.5 hours of my time, tried to guilt and shame me into buying a product I cannot afford, and refused to leave when asked. My friends claim I should have reported home invasion to the police. I am also concerned about the working conditions of the teenage girl. She clearly felt uncomfortable and apologized. The man appeared to be directing her actions and did not apologize. In fact, he appeared to feel entitled to remain in my home as long as he wanted despite my objections.

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6:48 pm EST
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Kirby Unethical salesmanship

A teenage girl rang my doorbell on 2/12/10 at approximately 7pm. She asked to demonstrate a cleaning product by cleaning my rug for free. I told her I was not interested and tried to shut the door. As I was shutting the door, she stated "Please just let me clean your carpet. My boss won't let me go home unless I do one more carpet tonight!" I told her I didn't have any carpet. She pointed at my area rug and said "How about that area rug?" I decided it would not do any harm to let her clean the rug because she was young and seemed harmless. I believed she was by herself. I assumed she was with a local cleaning service, of which we have many in the area. I assumed it would take no more than 15-30 minutes to clean a small rug. She then told me she had a van driver. A middle aged man introduced himself as a Kirby salesman. He said "The owner is old and looking for new people to take over the business. So we are trying to prove to him that we can take over the business." They both seemed polite and professional up to this point. He collected my information and drove off, which virtually stranded the girl in my house with no transportation. The girl proceeded to unpack a lot of equipment and launched into a 1 hour presentation on a $2500 Kirby vacuum cleaner that I was not interested in buying. I kept telling her I was not interested in the vacuum and told her to stop trying to sell it to me, but she would not stop talking about the vacuum. She proceeded to clean everything in my house except the area rug, even though I asked her to finish the rug and go home. I then realized that she had lied about her offer to clean the rug and go. At 7:20pm I clearly informed her that she must finish the presentation before 7:30pm because I had plans. However, she ignored me and continued the presentation long past 7:30 even though I went into the kitchen and stopped listening to her. She even insisted on cleaning my mattress. I refused to let her into my bedroom. She said "But this won't count unless I clean the mattress." I told her to lie to her boss. She said "But he will inspect it to make sure I did it." She said he gets very angry if she does not follow his directions. I told her he was not allowed in my bedroom either. At this point I was angry and knew I was being scammed. I wanted her to leave, but I didn't want to turn a young girl out on a cold, dark, rainy night alone without transportation. I told her to call the van driver to pick her up, but she stalled by proceeding to clean the rug very slowly, one inch at a time. At approximately 8:00pm I firmly told her the presentation is over, I am done being nice, and she must immediately call the man back. It took her a while to convince him to come pick her up. He kept pressuring her to continue the presentation, even though she kept telling him that the customer is unhappy. It took him some time to arrive. Then he continued pressuring me to buy the $2500 vacuum, even though I repeatedly stated I was not interested, could not afford it and wanted him to leave immediately. I firmly told him to pack up and get out as quickly as possible because they were still in my house at 8:15pm even though I very clearly told her to leave by 7:30pm. He implied that I was being rude and should appreciate people cleaning my house for free. He twisted my words in odd ways. For example, when I said "This has gone on long enough", he responded in a sarcastic tone, "You mean the dirt in your house has gone on long enough?" I felt he was trying to provoke me. They finally left at about 8:30pm. I felt manipulated and violated because theye took advantage of my hospitality, using a young innocent looking girl as a decoy, stranded her in my home, misrepresented their intentions, wasted 1.5 hours of my time, tried to guilt and shame me into buying a product I cannot afford, and refused to leave when asked. They were in my house for 1.5 hours, but they clearly intended to stay a lot longer if I had let them.

I have since learned from friends and family that this company is legendary for using these practices in our town. A friend in California told me she had the same experience, so this is not a local issue. I have also learned that Kirby salesman target people who own Asian cars (I have a Mazda parked in the driveway) and they target people who are home alone at night (which I was). I would have called 911 if they had not started packing up the vacuum when they did. In hindsight, I should have called 911 anyway. I felt confident in my ability to handle the situation in a reasonable manner, but I have now learned my lesson about dealing with con artists. They do not care about your feelings or time if they think you are a good target. My friends and family tell me I should have called police to report a home invasion.

I certainly will never trust another door to door salesperson, no matter how young and innocent they look, which is a shame because we have many small, ethical family businesses in my area that should not suffer because of these con artists. I am also concerned about the working conditions of the teenage girl, who clearly felt uncomfortable, intimidated by her boss and apologized profusely as she was leaving. The man, who was clearly directing her actions, did not apologize and in fact appeared to resent me for standing up to him.

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Seattle, US
Sep 22, 2011 4:13 am EDT
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I live in Seattle and answered a craigslist Customer Service posting that was vague but I took a chance. I called the number and was encouraged to come in that afternoon as they were looking to fill the position by days end and last appointment available was at 1:30. I was told to dress professional. I made my appointment and was greeted by a young girl, VERY casually dressed, in an office setting that looked very sparse and a bit run down. I was told they had just moved into the office. The person giving the interview was an attractive 20 something gothic looking lady with both her cheeks pierced. Being from Seattle, this was not too shocking for me and I was actually pleased because I thought the company was open and tolerant enough to hire her. She was very pleasant and was impressed with my work experience and conduct during the interview. She would let me know by 7pm whether I would get the job and I would start as early as the coming Wednesday. Well I was very happy to receive the call that I was hired that evening, after being unemployed the last 3 months with few callbacks from the number of interviews I had been to. I immediately went home and tried to do research on the company name she gave me of KM DISTRIBUTING. I was a bit concerned that I did not find anything other than an online yellowpages listing with the address and phone number the receptionist had first given me. I decided to give it a chance and would go in to start my training on Wednesday at 11 am.

It is now Wednesday evening and I have now found out it is a Kirby - Sentria Distributor that has moved here FROM SPOKANE. The business and payment model they described is close to what has been posted on these boards. I'm pretty skeptical and as soon as I got home, I scoured the internet and have found SOOOOOOO many negative experiences with this company that I intend to go in tomorrow morning to retrieve all the copies of my personal info they gathered as part of the "hiring" process. I seemed to be the only person asking questions about the company's background and what sales records if any we would have access to. She was very vague during the orientation but I did find out they were from Spokane and wondered why they were only just getting to Seattle as I thought it'd have been a bigger market and Kirby should have been here already.

Huntingburg, US
Aug 20, 2010 2:43 pm EDT
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that is terrible. For all you know, they could have been casing your house to rob it later. I don't let anyone in my house that I don't know, especially if I am alone. I don't know how I would have handled such a situation, but I think my first call would have been to Kirby to find out how to report such salesmen for their apparent rudeness.

New York, US
Feb 14, 2010 8:41 pm EST

I'm just happy to hear you didn't end up buying the darn thing... And your friends are right: you should have called the police immediately when they refused to leave. I'm sure that would have sped up their departure.

8:54 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.


DO NOT do business with Kirby. They started calling and badgering me to let them come and clean the carpet in my house. I said I wasn't interested and they continued to call for two weeks. Finally I caved and said yes so they would quit calling. They claimed they are super flexible and will come at my convenience. This is not the case. They only want to come when it is convenient to them. I have three small children and did not want them to come late at night. We finally agreed on 5 pm. They called the day of and cancelled. I rescheduled two more times. Each time I took off early from work and each time I spent the night before preparing and cleaning out the room to have the carpet cleaned. Three times they canceled at the last minute. Upon trying to reschedule the fourth time, I said I was a little sceptical and didn't know that I could trust they would come. I nicely explained that I needed to trust they would come before I tried to take off of work for the fourth time. The saleslady made some rude comments to me and hung up on me. How RUDE! I will never attempt to do business with the Kirby carpet company.

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4:38 pm EST
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Kirby Employment- hiring under false pretenses

How to not sell a Kirby Vacuum...

If you are interested in working for this company, please read below:

As the 2 people whom have worked for Intravision below described, the setup is an entire lie, they will hire under false pretenses; explain to you (after thoroughly asking "will I have appointments set up, and not be forced to immediately walk the streets"), they will tell you that there are appointments set up, you will not be walking the streets 'my friend'. So Monday my first day of work, I expect to go to three people's homes for pre-scheduled demonstrations, if there is time left over, I will use the initiative to set up appointments door to door. However, what happened is we ended up squeezing(overseating) people into a car, we get dropped off in a neighborhood, and were then instructed to walk door to door asking people if they want a free room cleaned... This will continue until 9pm, and hopefully somebody will say yes so we can intrude thier home and overstay our welcome.

-So thankfully we happened to be in my area, so I told the guy I quit, rode the bus home, and am now applying at different places(As well as polishing my knowledge of the BBB which our lovely company is a part of...) I got laid off last week, therefore wasted a week and a half. I think we all know how stressfull this is. All I can hope is that somebody reads this, and listens to the exact same warning from everybody.

***It doesn't matter how smart you are, or how many of the right questions you ask. If somebody is going to lie to you, they are getting paid to lie.***

I'll say this in closing:This job is not for everybody, and if going door to door in 30 degree cold persuading people on fixed incomes to get another loan is your idea of a real job, then have at it!

Austin Tx.

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Aug 26, 2010 3:41 pm EDT

I am a 19 year old female looking for a job and found the add on craig's list for an "advertising and marketing sales associate" so I found the location of the company (which went by a different name, under kirby). they had me fill out an application and the manager pulled me aside for an interview, saying i appeared sharp and got a "thumbs up" from the owner. even though i have no college education. they asked if I could leave my other job early the next day to watch a video demonstration. the man never said exactly what i'd be selling, but that a car would be provided and that i'd be a part of a sales team. he did talk up the pay and 3 week a year paid vacation. thankfully my mom and my boyfriend knew people who were pulled into similar situations, worked 80 hours a week and were just thrown into a neighborhood to sell vacuums. in conclusion, i'm not just another pretty face, kirby!

8:35 pm EST
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Kirby Lie about employment!

I saw an ad on craigslist for a Customer Service Representative position. It stated that you will make a salary of 2200 a month. Seeing as how I needed employment like yesterday, I of course called the number in the ad. I went in for the interview and the man didn't ask me anything about my work history or anything like a normal interview, but i kept my hopes up because my need for a job stat! He told me that they don't hire on the spot but he gave me a number for a Vanessa and told me to call at 3:30pm. I went home and waited, and when I called back and asked for Vanessa the receptionist sounded confused and asked what the nature of the call was. I told her and she said "congratulations, we would like to offer you a position with our company". I was so excited that I got the job and that I would be starting the next day.

My first day of orientation was confusing, the [censored] bag that was doing the training was talking in circles, and went over pay. Me and the 15 other applicants were all confused and just wanted some answers, but all he did was talk out of his ###. I went to the next day I learned that we would be selling Kirby Vacuum cleaners and that the paid training that was advertised was not actually paid...upfront. You would receive this training pay after 15 demonstrations and reciting 20 questions. I thought no problem, since we were all told that the appointments would already be set for us, why would we have a problem getting our demos done. Day 3 of training comes along and we have to fill out forms...I was skeptical because the forms stated that you weren't an actual employee of Dyro Productions and that you had to file your own taxes and all this [censored]. And thats the day we learned that we wouldnt be making the 2200 unless we did 60 demos in a month...which I was still under the impression that they made for you, even though on the first day the crooked mouth having trainer Justin told us that it was guaranteed monthly! They go on and on about this [censored] and illusions of being paid at least 1000 every week and how if you dont, no problem because you will get your 2200, but then they say "I have never seen the boss have to write a check for the 2200" yeah because no one makes 60 f*cking demos in a month!

Anyways, Day 4 is my first day in the "field". We start our day off in some "motivational" meeting where the owner Daniel Blalock talks about how much better he is than everyone else and how "even girls can do it"! WTF man, as a female I was offended! Then an hr and a half later, we get crammed into some ghetto a** Explorer...oh which by the way isnt the company car that you are told you are going to be riding in, with some dirty a** man and this skanky little [censored] who was getting touched up on. Me and the girl that I had been through training with were very uncomfortable with the whole situation...especially when the ex con "team leader" dropped us off in the middle of bum f*ck nowhere and told us to go knock on doors! WTF was this [censored], we were told that we would have appointments set for us! Anyways we get out and start knocking and get doors slammed in our faces left and right! We call to get picked up and the f*cker drops me off somewhere else! After a while more of knocking i call my sister and ask her to pick me up...I had to give her the address of the random a** house that I was standing in front of.

Those a**holes at Dyro need to be stopped, or at least be upfront about everything! I wasted time and money going back and forth to complete about 28hrs of training i never got paid for! I dont work for free, and neither do most of the people responding to their ad! If you see an ad on craigslist that advertises a customer service position and you get 2200 a month, dont waste your time with this pyramid scheme!

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Jan 29, 2010 1:19 pm EST

I agree with the complaints. I have been out of work for 6 months and at the point of being desperate for a job, any job. The local Job Center/Workforce Development agency has a listing for "appointment setters" for RTS Distributors LLC. I called today and they didn't even answer with the company name - I had to ask. I did end up with an interview - in a shady part of town. You know how something just doesn't feel right? I did some research before going and I found out LOADS of stuff. Fortunately, someone from my town had posted a complaint about them. After that, I did some more digging with the BBB here in the US. I found out that the Attorney General from Wisconsin pursued a consumer protection settlement with the 14 RTS Distributor LLC offices here and in Minnesota that required them to pay $56, 428 for unfair and deceptive business practices. One of the things was "Failing to properly identify themselves and the purpose of their contact in telephone, mail, or in-home solicitations." That's exactly what happened to me. The list goes on from there about the action that the AG took against these "distributors." I called back to cancel the interview and again they never identified themselves - I had to ask. I canceled the "interview" and they never bothered to ask my name or why I wanted to cancel - apparently they have been through this before! I am SO lucky I did a little research beforehand. I know the economy is rough, but I hope others take a little time to research the company they may be applying with - it may save you in the end. Remember you're interviewing them just as much as they're interviewing you - DO YOUR RESEARCH!

8:24 pm EST
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12:53 am EST
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Kirby Lies

Lie throughout training claiming the employee does not go door to door but participates in pre-made appointments. One must do 50 demos to get paid, but rarely has the chance to do so and wont get any money unless successful in pressuring customers to purchase. RUDE managers. PUSHY sales tactics putting one in an uncomfortable position. Lie about financing and leaving a family with a bill they cant afford.

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Bremerton, US
Sep 28, 2011 10:44 pm EDT
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Don't listen to those two, clearly they're doing Kirby PR work, and if the truth were to go uncovered, they'd lose out big. Kirby regularly needs fresh blood, little guys they can step on so the big guys can make money. I used to work 14 hours a day for them just to get cheated on every sale and paycheck. The original poster is right about their tactics - never tell someone who they're working for or what they're doing until you've wasted time on their UNPAID sales training; I've phoned the local center (Bremerton) three times now, and had to trick them into admitting they're Kirby every time by pretending to be an out-of-town associate.

If this were a good company to work for, they'd be able to proudly admit "Hey, were Kirby, and we're hiring!" The fact that they do not, and misrepresent themselves in their job postings, should be a warning sign to anyone who gets involved. They KNOW they are slime. Great product, great machine; horrible way to make a living.

Bardstown, US
Jan 02, 2011 5:42 am EST

I have worked for kirby going on 4 years now . people do not buy things they dont want.and just like the last guy saidthier isant any distributor who requires 50 demos to get paid it is only 15 look just becuse you couldnt make it as a salesman dosent mean you have to bash the job and put over in flated lies on the internet but hold on isant that the exact reason you got on this sight to complain about kirby lieing to you yet you lie when you complain stop feeling sorry for yourself and find a new job

Warner Robins, US
Oct 03, 2010 10:25 am EDT

i don't know what Kirby DT you are working for, but I've been with Kirby for a while now and I don't have a RUDE MANAGER! We do have appointments set up for us and you don't have to do 50 demos before you get paid. Get your facts straight before you start trashing people!

10:52 am EST
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I am writing this complaint for the benefit of everyone that may be thinking about buying a Kirby in the future or working for them. I recently worked for Kirby for 2 months and it was probably the worst 2 months of my life! All the members of staff that work there are rude, pretend to be something that they are not and disrespectful. I was almost 100%...

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Kirby reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 21, 2007. The latest review Salesman lied and it cant be used ore returned was posted on Dec 8, 2023. The latest complaint Complaint sarah sessions was resolved on Jun 30, 2020. Kirby has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 103 reviews. Kirby has resolved 56 complaints.
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    +1 (800) 494-8586
    +1 (800) 494-8586
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 494-8586 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 494-8586 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 494-8586 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 494-8586 phone number
    USA and Canada
    +1 (800) 437-7170
    +1 (800) 437-7170
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 437-7170 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 437-7170 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 437-7170 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +1 (800) 437-7170 phone number
    +55 113 075 3026
    +55 113 075 3026
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +55 113 075 3026 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +55 113 075 3026 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +55 113 075 3026 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +55 113 075 3026 phone number
    Confidence score
    +47 80 014 747
    +47 80 014 747
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +47 80 014 747 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +47 80 014 747 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +47 80 014 747 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +47 80 014 747 phone number
    Confidence score
    +7 495 374 7282
    +7 495 374 7282
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +7 495 374 7282 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +7 495 374 7282 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +7 495 374 7282 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +7 495 374 7282 phone number
    Confidence score
    Russia & CIS
    +27 800 203 222
    +27 800 203 222
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +27 800 203 222 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +27 800 203 222 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +27 800 203 222 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +27 800 203 222 phone number
    Confidence score
    South Korea
    +46 200 895 477
    +46 200 895 477
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +46 200 895 477 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +46 200 895 477 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +46 200 895 477 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +46 200 895 477 phone number
    Confidence score
    +44 800 328 1247
    +44 800 328 1247
    Click up if you have successfully reached Kirby by calling +44 800 328 1247 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Kirby by calling +44 800 328 1247 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +44 800 328 1247 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Kirby by calling +44 800 328 1247 phone number
    Confidence score
    United Kingdom
    More phone numbers
  3. Kirby emails
  4. Kirby address
    1920 West 114th Street, Cleveland, Ohio, 44102, United States
  5. Kirby social media
  6. Andrew
    Checked and verified by Andrew This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jun 13, 2024
Kirby Category
Kirby is ranked 6 among 24 companies in the Vacuum Cleaners category

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