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Course Hero Complaints 720

10:12 am EDT
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Course Hero CourseHero permanently disabling my tutor account

I got an email from CourseHero on March 17, 2023, at 6:35 pm Central Time saying that they saw an unusual activity on my account and decided to disable it I have 48 hours to send in 3 items for verification so they can reactivate it. I've sent in those 3 items to both the replied email which is [protected] and [protected]

Also asking why is it disabled.

Then Judy (agent from CourseHero) emailed me back on March 19, 2023, at 5:53 am Central Time saying that I have failed to send in those 3 items and she prematurely disabled my account. I found it very rude that she closed my account a lot sooner than the 48 hours timeframe that was promised and she didn't review my previous email. This is very unacceptable, especially with a generic reply email. From looking at outside forums and complaints, it seems like this is a common issue for the CourseHero team to disable an account even with the given verification documents. Please fix this

Desired outcome: I appreciate that CourseHero would reenable my account and that the CourseHero support team has some sort of live chat or phone call services.

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8:02 am EDT
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Course Hero Course hero

Hi my name is anas. I'm from Pakistan. My sister is working on course hero about 2 years. The course hero blocked her first account permanently without no reason. She face a serious economical problem. Now after one year the course hero again blocked her account permanently without no reason. I just want to say that please course hero return her account that is blocked on 19 march. Her name is samona zahid .

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2:24 pm EDT
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Course Hero False allegations to my tutor account

False Warning and Closure.

Dear CourseHero Support Team,

I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration with the recent warning and temporary closure of my account due to alleged incorrect and incomplete answers. I received an email from your internal review team, stating that some of the answers I submitted were deemed incorrect and incomplete, which resulted in a warning and a temporary suspension of my account.

I strongly disagree with the results of the review, as I am confident that my answers were accurate and complete. I have been using CourseHero for a long time and have always provided high-quality answers to questions. I have received numerous positive reviews and feedback from other users, which is a testament to the quality of my work.

Therefore, I believe that the warning and temporary closure of my account are completely unjustified and invalid. I am extremely disappointed with the lack of transparency and communication from your team regarding this matter. I have tried to reach out to your support team, but have not received a satisfactory response.

I request that you review my answers again and reconsider your decision to temporarily close my account. I also urge you to provide more clarity and transparency in your review process, to prevent such situations from occurring in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Amisha bawa

Desired outcome: Revoked warnings and violations on my account

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Update by Jitin Verma
Mar 21, 2023 9:59 am EDT

I am a tutor at course hero and have been providing quality answers for the students and believe in helping them students with all the knowledge i got. I even am rated about 90 % helpful of my last 30 reviews .

Coursehero randomly selects any of my questions that are even not rated by the students or even rated helpful by the students as incorrect and incomplete.

I am an expert on subject even the student is satisfied with the answer rating it helpful ,how could course hero internal review marks those questions as incorrect and incomplete. I demand a fair explanation over it and even reinstating my account by course hero because the violations are baseless and they are not true . I want justice to be done for my hardwork as they dont hold tutors at high standards and need to make ammends in their internal review system which they false accuse us tutors for working so hard and false frame us for quetions and put our accounts on probation.


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10:27 am EDT
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CourseHero unfairly disabled my account without any valid reason or explanation about why they did it. I have been working for almost two years with CourseHero, and this was the first time I experienced this weird incident. On March 9, I received an email telling me that my tutor account has been temporarily disabled because, according to them, they have...

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9:44 pm EST
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Course Hero Payments and Reactivation

Hi team,

My account was permanently disabled even if I didn't violate any rules. Anyway, I want to withdraw my earnings, which amount to $244.50.

Here are my details:

Email account: bonifacio.[protected]

Verification number: +[protected]

Paypal account: [protected]

I hope you can assist me. Also, I would appreciate it if you could reconsider reactivating my account.

Thank you!

Desired outcome: Payment of earnings and reactivation of my account

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3:51 am EST
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Course Hero Remove all documents in my course hero account

I have uploaded documents from my university which have been asked to remove immediately by the lecturer. I accidentally uploaded a few documents from my university into course hero and now I really need to remove them before there are actions from the top-level management of the university. I really need to remove all of the documents from my account as soon as possible. Course hero, take an action ASAP, thank you.

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1:46 am EST

Course Hero Tutor account false violation.

I am a tutor at the course hero platform . I have a great helpful rating of 93 % lately.

I got an email on 9 march 2023 that i have recieved a violation for a question for it being incorrectly answered and recieved a probation for 14 days.

It wasn't marked unhelpful by the student , they say that they randomly choose a question and internal review system works and they find that the answer was incorrect.

Now when i opened up the question the answer to the question was completely correct a d according to the guidelines. Adding to it the student has already marked my answer as HELPFUL and even accepted the answer,the image shows the answer being helpful is mine(Professor Titanium9670) how can they falsely claim that the answer is wrong when it is marked helpful by the student. This is not the first time they did so. But i recived a probation for this . It is unfair trade practice and should be look after. Please help!

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Mar 26, 2023 10:23 pm EDT

This happened to me. They sent me a warning through email, saying I had not provided an explanation. Upon checking the question, it's been 46 days, the client has already taken our answer, and the tutor will get a warning. I sent an email to team support, but they say the system checks our account, and when it finds that theres something wrong, thats why they send a violation warning. It's just Unfairrrr.

7:02 pm EST

Course Hero Billing

My son cancelled his subscription a few months back and is still being charged for the course he has cancelled. He used our card details, and you are still taking the funds from our account. I have tried to contact you via your contact form and the only thing you could come back with that my son used an incorrect email yet every other detail we provided you was correct. I require the course to be cancelled and my money refunded.

Desired outcome: subscription to be cancelled and refunded.

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7:15 am EST
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Course Hero My payment as a tutor

Hello Team,

On 03/13/23, my tutor account [protected] was permanently disabled without cause. When I tried to withdraw my first payment it is said that may number cannot be verified,so I email the [protected] , they say that I violated the section 2 and 3 but I have not broken any of the Terms of Use rules nor is Course Hero able to specify in which way I personally have violated any of their terms other than a general "Sections 2 and 3", which I have not broken. I had over $141 waiting to be withdrawn and Course Hero is denying me access to the money I earned.

I have found many other tutors complaining online that this has also happened to them once they had earned "big money" and were about to be able to withdraw it.

I have been falsely accused of violating the Terms of Use, my account has been unfairly permanently disabled and money which I spent a lot of time earning I cannot access it.

Kindly send my payment via my paypal account [protected]

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Update by Maamae
Mar 10, 2023 5:52 pm EST

Good day! I write the tutor support, but they respond that my tutor account at has been permanently disabled since my request for may number validation has not been properly validated. I once attempted to verify my phone number, but they quickly chose to disable my account permanently. I did not withdraw even one penny. I simply want to get my hard-earned money back.

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Tarlac City, PH
Mar 14, 2023 9:14 am EDT
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Same. They're getting our hard earned money.

7:43 pm EST
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Course Hero Can't receive an OTP verification

I am writing to follow up on the issue I've been experiencing with the SMS verification code. I have been trying to withdraw my earnings from CourseHero for almost a week now, but I have not been receiving the SMS verification code needed to complete the transaction.

I have been in touch with the Tutor Support team, but unfortunately, the issue has not been resolved yet. I have checked my network, and it is stable, and the phone number that I am using is the same number that I have been using with my bank account.

I would really appreciate it if you could look into this matter urgently and provide me with a solution. I need to withdraw my earnings as soon as possible, and I cannot afford any further delay.

Desired outcome: I would really appreciate it if you could look into this matter.

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Tarlac City, PH
Mar 11, 2023 6:48 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I wish they could help us. We have the same problem. My account was locked for almost 3 weeks and I also have pending earnings around $535+. I kept sending emails on their support but until now they cannot fix my problem. That was supposed to be my salary.

2:34 am EST
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Course Hero Cannot log in

I cannot log in to my account said bad request and violate course hero. I have never violated rules and regulations of course hero. I strictly obeyed and followed the terms and conditions and maintained my rating. Necessary requirements in retrieval of my account was submitted immediately upon request. I still have pending payment in my account amounting $400+. Please and kindly look into this matter.

Thank you

Desired outcome: collect my pending payments

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Update by Majjeson Go
Mar 02, 2023 7:47 pm EST

I cannot log in to my account they said I violated course hero. My account was disable and I was instructed to provided 3 items to confirm my identity. 1 a video showing my face and my ID and a piece of paper with my full name with signature and the present date, with me saying my name and the date. I submitted all the necessary requirements to retrieve my account within 1 hour after receiving the email, but my account was still permanently disabled saying I provided insufficient materials to identify. Why is that so? I need to collect my pending payment amounting $400.


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Tarlac City, PH
Mar 11, 2023 6:46 am EST
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I wish they could help us. We have the same problem. My account was locked for almost 3 weeks and I also have pending earnings around $535+. I kept sending emails on their support but until now they cannot fix my problem.

6:21 pm EST
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Course Hero Course Hero

How long does it take to get a response to an email? I’ve sent a bunch of emails all no response. I need to have my documents deleted ASAP as they violate my privacy rights. I don’t want my personal information on your website longer than it needs to be. I sent multiple requests on your website, multiple emails and tried to communicate via your socials. Please help as I really need these documents deleted within 24 hours and I’m panicking.

Desired outcome: Remove my documents

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10:21 am EST
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Course Hero My account was blocked even after I provided adequate Identity confirmation

I was given a violation by course hero even though I was absent from the platform for a whole day. My account was frozen and I was instructed to provided 3 items for identity confirmation. 1 a video showing my face and my ID and a piece of paper with my full name and the date, with me saying the date and my name, 2 my original email number used and 3 my original contact number. I submitted all of these within 8 hours of recieving the message to confirm my identity, but my account was still permanently disabled. Why is this?

Desired outcome: I would like reinstatement of my account or at least credit for the pending payments

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6:05 pm EST
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Course Hero My account permanently disable

I STARTED JOINING LAST YEAR AND I GET MY EARN ONCE .then I came back this month and started tutoring again . In 4 days I earn $150 . The. Yesterday Feb 23 my account is disable and I try to email them and ask requirements they need after I sent it all they response my account is permanently disable .. YOUR SCAM COURSE HERO YOU DIDNT KNOW HOW HARD WE WORKING JUST TO HELP YOUR CLIENTS .


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Nairobi, KE
Feb 24, 2023 5:24 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello Johndaniel,

I am sorry to hear that you can no longer use Course Hero's (CH) services since you violated their terms of service. This type of fraud has impacted more people than just you. Several tutors all around the world have been impacted by the tutor support team's deliberate account disablement of those tutors to steal their laboriously earned money. At the start of last year, CH undoubtedly deactivated the accounts of thousands of tutors for dubious reasons and false allegations. CH has mathematically withheld a sizeable portion of the tutors' pay, or about millions of dollars. Notwithstanding how profitable CH has been, it is currently working behind the scenes to commit fraud. Everyone in our country who has been affected by CH is aware of this and does not want to be associated with this now. It is clear that CH is having financial difficulties given that the United States entered a recession in the summer of 2022, but stop robbing sincere international tutors to solve your domestic issues. It is unethical and unprofessional to suspend tutors' accounts without a good reason. The tutors should therefore receive their pay because they earned it by giving the students' queries the right answers.

Best regards,


1:16 am EST
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Course Hero Locked tutor accounts

I tried to withdraw my earning on November 5 2022, and so I entered my registered number. I entered it correctly and everything is in check. I never change my registered number for SMS verification but it said the number I entered didn't match my registered number. Now my account is locked for more than 3 months.

I have sent email to tutor support but they keep rejecting my request (they don't even reply to my last email). I have more than $700 earning available for withdrawal. I have 100% helpful rate, Rafael Oca even sent me an invitation to be featured as top tutors, so I don't get why they don't help a good performing tutors.

In my opinion, if Course Hero really wants to provide a high-integrity platform where tutors can safely share their knowledge and expertise, then Course Hero should provide a way for tutors to unlock their account without limit of verification error (just like other platforms). Tutors have waited for more than 2 weeks for their earning to be available for withdrawal, so it is only right for Course Hero not to hinder the tutors to claim their earning. The current security system benefits no one but Course Hero alone. The worst part of this whole incident is that Course Hero does not even take criticism (my social media account is blocked for criticizing their system in the last few months).

Desired outcome: Unlocked account and a fairer security system. Please don't tell me to contact tutor support because I HAVE CONTACTED them and they don't respond. If they respond, I will not be here for real.

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Aug 17, 2023 2:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had applied for coursehero tutor. But after completing the application, i am getting a mail saying "finish your tutor application". Also after many months, coursehero is not reviewing my application and not even providing status of my application.

Nairobi, KE
Feb 24, 2023 5:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello Intans,

I am sorry to hear that you can no longer use Course Hero's (CH) services since you violated their terms of service. This type of fraud has impacted more people than just you. Several tutors all around the world have been impacted by the tutor support team's deliberate account disablement of those tutors to steal their laboriously earned money. At the start of last year, CH undoubtedly deactivated the accounts of thousands of tutors for dubious reasons and false allegations. CH has mathematically withheld a sizeable portion of the tutors' pay, or about millions of dollars. Notwithstanding how profitable CH has been, it is currently working behind the scenes to commit fraud. Everyone in our country who has been affected by CH is aware of this and does not want to be associated with this now. It is clear that CH is having financial difficulties given that the United States entered a recession in the summer of 2022, but stop robbing sincere international tutors to solve your domestic issues. It is unethical and unprofessional to suspend tutors' accounts without a good reason. The tutors should therefore receive their pay because they earned it by giving the students' queries the right answers.

Best regards,


2:52 am EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more
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Course Hero My account

Last February 19, 2023 I was trying to withdraw my earnings but I was accidentally entered wrong number that's why my account was locked but I report it right away. Today, I received an email saying that my account was already unlocked but after 2 minutes I received another email saying that my account was permanently disabled. I was thinking if is this a scam or what?

You permanently disabled my account without me withdrawing my hard earned money. I accurately and seriously answering students questions and I know I didn't violate any rules and regulations. Please bring back my account I need my earnings and I still want to be a part of course hero.

Desired outcome: I want to withdraw my earnings and bring my account back.

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Update by Maejess19
Feb 26, 2023 2:53 am EST

You're not replying on my email. Please re-enable my account. I need that money. This is my only source of income.

Update by Maejess19
Feb 25, 2023 6:57 am EST

I keep sending emails but no one replies on me. Please, I'm begging let me access my account and my earnings. I need that for my tuition. this is the email I used in sending emails to you.

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Update by Maejess19
Feb 24, 2023 9:43 am EST

I'm begging, please let me withdraw my earnings I really need my earnings now. I need to pay for my tuition I don't know where will I get money now.

I didn't violate any terms and conditions, I just entered a wrong number then you already locked me. I know you made a mistake by disabling my account but that's fine as long as I can withdraw my hard worked earnings. I worked hard for that earnings so I can pay my tuition. But now I really don't know what to do. It's really depressing so please help me. Address my concern as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Update by Maejess19
Feb 22, 2023 6:31 pm EST

But they are not replying on my email.

Update by Maejess19
Feb 21, 2023 6:01 am EST

Please re-enable my account. I really need that money. Let me withdraw my hard earned money. I only sleep 4 hours a day to get that amount of money.

Please address my concern as soon as possible. I'm really worried and frustrated.

Thank you.

Update by Maejess19
Feb 21, 2023 4:18 am EST

My account has been locked due to wrong number verification during withdrawal and I report it right away. Then, today I already received 2 emails saying that my account has been already unlocked then after 2 mins there's another email saying that my account has been permanently disabled but as far as I know I didn't violate any rules and regulations. You didn't give me any chance to withdraw my earnings. That should be my first withdrawal for Course Hero since I got in. I really worked hard for that money and I really need that money for my everyday living.

Let me withdraw my money. Give me chance and bring me back my account. Thank you.

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10:11 pm EST
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Course Hero sms verification

Hi good day im one of your hardworking tutors in ch I just want to know why cant I withdraw my hard earned money in ch I have been trying it multiple times and my account have been locked twice, but thankfully tutor support are able to unlock my account, and as of now ch is my source of income because I dont have a permanent job. I already emailed tutor support about this but they dont have any anwers on my problem. I really need to know why I keep getting this error in my account.

Desired outcome: I hope i can properly withdraw my earning in CH because i really need it i hope you can help me

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Update by Klye
Feb 22, 2023 8:10 pm EST

I already file a complaint but it seems that you guys are not listening to my MAIN PROBLEM! MY MAIN PROBLEM is I CANNOT WITHDRAW MY EARNINGS you guys just keep telling that contact tutor support, i already contacted tutor support about this THEY DONT HAVE A SOLUTION! And you guys keep telling me to contact them. I've been working hard every day just to answer questions in CH. I exert my time and effort answering questions, and now this is what i am experiencing? This seems unfair. And im also sure that my phone number i used in verification is 100% correct because that is the number associated with my contact information on the account!

Update by Klye
Feb 22, 2023 7:26 pm EST

See, you are not listening tutor support,they already unlocked my account; my problem is that I cannot withdraw my earnings. This just says that you are not helping us; all you do is keep forwarding us to tutor support where there is no resolution. I am working hard on this site, and all you do is keep giving us answers that cannot solve our problem. We exert time and effort answering questions, and now this is all I get from you guys? This is very frustrating.


Ch support change my phone number thankfully

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9:26 am EST
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Course Hero permanently disables my tutor account. I just emailed them a week ago looking for assistance on how to verify/ update my phone number to be able to withdraw my earnings because when I applied to them before, they didn't require me to put a contact number. But since CH has been strict now and there were lots of changes and updates that happened...

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2:30 am EST
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Course Hero Unable to withdraw my earning

The Course Hero team emailed me yesterday to confirm that my phone number was still the same. However, even though I provided the correct number, when I attempted to withdraw my earnings, it did not work. Dealing with this issue has been a real pain, and despite the fact that I've provided them with all of the documents they require, they still haven't provided me with a clear answer. I believe I am entitled to my earnings, and I hope they can resolve this issue soon.

Desired outcome: I would like to get all my earnings

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9:50 pm EST
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Course Hero Scam

I was trying to cash out and I accidentally put the wrong number then my account is locked and I received a message saying I have a violation and I could no longer answer questions but I can still cash out my earnings if it exceeds 20 dollars. So I tried to cash out again since it exceeds 20 dollars but then I could not cash out since it is locked.

And I think I have not done anything that will give me violations.

Desired outcome: To please unlock my account and let me cash out my earnings and to explain why I have a violation. Since as far as I know I did not violate anything. All I did was try to answer questions that I thought I can answer.

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Update by James Jr Gatay
Feb 20, 2023 5:02 am EST

This complaint is already resolved


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Tarlac City, PH
Feb 23, 2023 2:58 am EST
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We have the same problem. Did you receive any email from them? How they resolved this kind of concern?

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About Course Hero

Screenshot Course Hero
Course Hero is an online platform that provides students with access to a vast collection of study materials, including course notes, study guides, practice exams, and more. The platform is designed to help students improve their academic performance by providing them with the resources they need to succeed in their courses.

One of the key features of Course Hero is its extensive library of study materials. The platform has over 25 million course-specific study resources, including notes, study guides, and practice exams, that have been uploaded by students and educators from around the world. This vast collection of resources covers a wide range of subjects, from math and science to humanities and social sciences.

In addition to its study materials, Course Hero also offers a range of tools and features to help students improve their learning experience. For example, the platform has a Q&A section where students can ask and answer questions related to their courses. This feature allows students to collaborate with their peers and get help with difficult concepts.

Another key feature of Course Hero is its 24/7 tutor support. Students can connect with a tutor at any time of day or night to get help with their coursework. The platform also offers personalized study plans and progress tracking tools to help students stay on track and achieve their academic goals.

Overall, Course Hero is a valuable resource for students looking to improve their academic performance. With its vast collection of study materials, collaborative features, and personalized support, the platform provides students with the tools they need to succeed in their courses.
How to file a complaint about Course Hero?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account to proceed. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Course Hero. Make it specific and clear, such as "Unauthorized Subscription Charge by Course Hero" or "Difficulty Accessing Paid Resources on Course Hero".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with Course Hero. Mention specific issues such as problems with account access, billing disputes, content quality, customer service interactions, or any other relevant concerns. Include dates, any communication with the company, and the nature of the issue. If you attempted to resolve the problem, describe the steps you took and the responses received from Course Hero. Clearly articulate how this issue has personally affected you, whether it's financial loss, time wasted, or frustration experienced.

5. Attaching supporting documents: If you have any screenshots, receipts, emails, or other documents that can support your claim, attach them to your complaint. Be cautious not to include any sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy or security.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to quantify any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the issue with Course Hero. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, service improvement, or an apology.

7. Review before submission: Before submitting your complaint, review it thoroughly to ensure that all the information provided is accurate, clear, and complete. This will help others understand your situation and increase the chances of a satisfactory resolution.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to officially file your complaint against Course Hero on

9. Post-Submission Actions: Following the submission of your complaint, keep an eye on your account for any updates, responses, or further inquiries related to your complaint. Engage with any responses appropriately to facilitate the resolution process.

Overview of Course Hero complaint handling

Course Hero reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 20, 2012. The latest review Stupid Rating System was posted on Jul 1, 2024. The latest complaint Violation was resolved on May 24, 2024. Course Hero has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 1661 reviews. Course Hero has resolved 501 complaints.
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    1400 Seaport Blvd., Building B, 2nd Floor, Redwood City, California, 94063, United States
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  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jul 26, 2024
Course Hero Category
Course Hero is ranked 10 among 257 companies in the Online Learning Platforms category

Our Commitment

We stand for unbiased reviews

We make sure all complaints and reviews are from real people sharing genuine experiences.

We help resolving issues

We offer easy tools for businesses and reviewers to solve issues together. Learn how it works.

We advocate freedom of speech

We support and promote the right for reviewers to express their opinions and ideas freely without censorship or restrictions, as long as it's respectful and within our Terms and Conditions, of course ;)

We ensure transparent and fair ratings

Our rating system is open and honest, ensuring unbiased evaluations for all businesses on the platform. Learn more.

We care about your privacy

Personal details of reviewers are strictly confidential and hidden from everyone.

We are easy, free and open to everyone

Our website is designed to be user-friendly, accessible, and absolutely free for everyone to use.