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CB Auto Parts and Repair Stores Canadian Tire 1050 Chemong Rd, Peterborough, ON, K9H 7S2, CA
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Canadian Tire
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Canadian Tire

1050 Chemong Rd, Peterborough, ON, K9H 7S2, CA
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2 complaints
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8:16 pm EDT

Canadian Tire - Discrimination

Was denied from entering the store just because someone i know did something stupid in the parking lot even though I wasn’t even there and have no idea what happened. Before i even entered the store some came out and said you cant be here and when i asked why he replied because of the incident that happened last night and when I said I wasn’t even there he replied with i don’t care the whole friend group is not allowed in. Then when i tried to come in again he wouldn’t even talk to me and then i couldn’t get out because the automatic doors only open when you come from the outside so i was trapped in there for a good 5 minutes.

Desired outcome: Compensation

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9:10 pm EDT

Canadian Tire - horrible customer service!

There are two Canadian Tire locations in Peterborough: Chemong and Lansdowne. Today I bought a bike from the Lansdowne location. It was a little pricey, nearly $300. When I got home I noticed that the gears didn't shift properly. Little disappointing but no big deal. I brought it back to the Lansdowne location but they didn't have anymore assembled and no one was in to assemble a new one. They did however call the Chemong location who told them that I could go there and exchange the bike no problem since they had several assembled. Cool. So I loaded up the bike, drove across town, unloaded it and went to the returns desk at the Chemong location store expecting to exchange it no problem. Was I ever wrong. First off the customer service clerks whispered between themselves when they saw me walk up with the bike. To me it seemed as if they were getting ready for it. They then said that they would not exchange the bike and that they did not receive a call from the Lansdowne location. Now I know for a fact that they had received a call as I was standing at the customer service desk when the clerk from the Lansdowne location called the Chemong location. They would not help me, provide any assistance or even call the Lansdowne location to see what the confusion was about. The manager then came out and basically said I was lying and that he would not exchange or provide a refund for the bike even though I had my receipt that was dated only hours earlier. With absolutely no help being offered at the Chemong location I had to reload the bike, drive back across town, unload the bike and bring it back into the Lansdown location store. Now I am waiting for a new one to be assembled, hopefully tomorrow it'll be ready. Lansdown location provided great service and was quite helpful. The Chemong location on the other hand was horrible, I have never been treated so rudely or given so little help in my live. The manager at the Chemong location was incredibly insulting and in my opinion completely unable to run a store if he's going to treat paying customers like that. In short I will from now on only shop at the Lansdowne location and will strongly encourage everyone I know to do the same.

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Sep 13, 2007 12:00 am EDT

It was surprising at first that Canadian tire could be this bad! But after a few visits it got worse! Me and my family went to buy a fishing kit at Canadian tire at Sheppard & Leslie in Toronto. After repeated requests for assistance, someone finally showed up after 15 minutes (and he already looked like he was in a hurry to leave!) We asked him for help in choosing a fishing rod, lures, etc (whatever that we need for fishing). He asked us where we were going fishing? We told him that we don't have a place in mind, but we just need a beginner's kit or any suggestions from him on what to buy. He said we need to go and do some research in the internet and then come and buy. We insisted that we need to buy something as we were going fishing in a couple of days. He started telling stuff like, you need to know what type of fish you are fishing for and on and on. We decided we will not get anywhere with this guy and we politely told him, "thank you" and left.

Another shopper who was watching this told us to go to Lebarron instead where we will get a good service and more options. Rest was history. People at Lebarron almost gave us a lecture on fishing and selected the rod, reel, lures, etc with license and even suggested some "hot sopts" where we can catch good fish.

Second time was, when we went to buy a bike! CT at Yonge & Steeles. Same thing, nobody around, etc etc. Finally we went to talk to the Manager. He asked us what was our complaint and he was reading a book at the same time. We told him we will wait till he finishes his book. But, he said he was listening and asked us to keep talking, although he wasn't looking at us. Go figure!

Finally, I had to tell myself that this was all my fault for going there again after being burnt repeatedly.

There is no sales person on any of the aisles at Canadian tire. The customer always have to go searching for help only to get an answer such as "that is not my dept". The sales people always appear "over worked" to the point they could give a ###. No personal responsibilities or ownership. I wonder on what merit are these people hired at CT. Probably, only on very low salary!

That was not the only thing I found, I could say this is a representation of SERVICE in the whole of Canada. Try Bell, Rogers, Primus, CT, Air Canada, etc. All are thugs. They sum it up. It is not an exaggeration. More or less it is true. We in Canada can never get away with this.

Peterborough, CA
Jul 20, 2013 9:10 am EDT

The manager at chemong ( leum ) is extremely rude and very unhelpful, even to his own hard workers. This matter will not be forgotten and will go to a higher source other them leum.

New Sheriff in town
Trent, CA
Dec 01, 2011 4:38 pm EST

Thanks for posting your experience and giving us the heads up. We avoided them this year and chose Vanguard in Peterborough, Ont.

Halifax, CA
Oct 30, 2010 10:26 pm EDT

This is hilarious. I am a service writer at Canadian Tire and the amount of customers that come in the store and ask us for something in another department is very large. They see an employee and ask us the get them something. I know my job pretty well and I am going to focus on doing it. When I tell you I will page somebody to the department you need assistance in there is no need to tell me the I am F***ing stupid. I am going to help customers where I know what I am talking about. I am a university student working to pay for school. I am obviously not going to know the whole store and be able to have knowledge about every product. At least the person in the department knows where the product is and the basics about it.

Gary Crombie
Jul 01, 2023 9:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Terry44

Maybe if they had employees stationed in their designated areas you wouldn't have people asking out-of area employees for help?

Edmonton, CA
Feb 23, 2010 4:25 pm EST

Flound: We do what we can in a day, its all we can do. We only have to deal with angry customers for as long as they stand in front of us. Nobody likes an angry manager, so we do what they tell us to. Customers, yeah, we try to be nice, especially when you're yelling at us to 'do our jobs.' Best thing we can do is pass you off to somebody higher up than us and watch as you get yourself an earful from them.

Gary Crombie
Jul 01, 2023 9:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Nibbles

Sorry, but I have No pity for Canadian Tire Employees who believe they can treat customers with absolutely no respect and put their employees above their customers. Customers pay their salaries!

jackson browne
Peterborough, CA
Oct 07, 2009 10:18 am EDT

Even though I live in Peterborough's north end, I will not shop at the Chemong Road cTC anymore. I've had too many bad experiences with staff (and lack of) and lack of stock. The auto repair centre ruined my daughter's car. Now i just go to the Lansdowne store

Peterborough, CA
Jun 10, 2009 2:00 pm EDT

I completely agree! As a former employee of the Chemong Canadian Tire in Peterborough I know for a fact that 99% of the employee's at that store do everything they can to avoid helping customers. It is a culture that begins at the top with the managers.
I started off hard working and helpful, but eventually realized I was always helping a handful of customers while my 'co-workers' were in the lunch room or hiding in the back warehouse. So I just got a new job. But the people who stay there are the ones who enjoy slacking off for minimum wage.

Gary Crombie
Jul 01, 2023 9:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of truthsayer

Agreed, You can see them trying to get off the sales floor, eyes forward, no eye contact, heading for a cool spot to hang out at.

Dec 21, 2008 6:25 pm EST

Canadian Tire Rules

u are just cryin cuz u didnt give the right information

did u ever think of showing the manager the bike didnt work? [censored]

Nov 04, 2008 1:20 pm EST

Let's face it, bozos, you're in business to serve the customer. You get paid to do that. Boohoo if they ask you questions. You get paid to answer them. BooHoo if you run around the store a hundred times a day. You get paid to do that. What you don't get paid to do is piss people off and that's what most of you undereducated ###s do by spewing 'It's not my department' - so some personal responsiblity and take them to the person whose department it is.

Gary Crombie
Jul 01, 2023 9:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Flound

WELL SAID! If they paid a good wage to people who were knowledgeable in 2 or 3 departments the sales would rise far above the cost of paying qualified people. Now I'm finding I deal with a number of know-nothing, uneducated, self-centred, hurt-your-business fools. It makes Amazon look very appealing.

Sep 12, 2008 8:01 am EDT

Look people, dont give that ### about not being paid enough, you are being paid enough that is your freaking job, you are paid to deal with the public. To bad suck it up princess, I worked at a Mr. Lube for a while and while I was there I got no breaks, and had to put up with a public who had no idea what they wanted, what you have to understand is, thats why they come to you, because they dont know, so they come to you, if you diont have an answer about a question they are asking you, do not get flustered at them, because without them we would not even be getting our 9.00 an hour. They are the reason we get paid at all, I admit, the public can be stupid, but just help them out, then turn to your buddy and tell him how difficult they were.

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